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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,3" PHONE 15 words or less -- $! .50 • ! 0 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) insertions for the of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday For FOR SALE L, oiumbia Exercycle. New condition, $40.00. Phone 426-6775. $12/10tfn CLOSING OUT electrical supplies. Saturday 9:00 a.m. Fluorescent fixtures at cost or less. Everything greatly reduced. Also shelving and miscellaneous items. Electrical fixtures 1/2 price. Thackeray Electric, 217 Cote. T12/10 FROM WALL to wall, no soil at all, on carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast. 12/10 FREE -- ONE chicken basket to Arthur L. Tracy Jr. P.O. Box 214 at Minor's A & W Drive-In on Mt. View. 12/10 8 x 8 OVERCAB camper, sleeps six. See at old postoffice building at Potlatch. P12/10 RUMMAGE, GIFTS, Christmas cookies. Grandmother's Club, Dec. 10, opposite Barber Shop, Mt. View. S12/10 THREE 800 x 14 4 ply; Four 7:50 x 14 4 ply; and 4 Mercury rims, good shape. $100 cash for all. 426-4546. B12/10 POLAROID LAND camera and carrying case, used once. Call 426-4097. H 12/10 FREE -- ONE gallon of root beer to Charles W. Cannon, Rt. 3, Box 794 from Minor's A & W Drive-In on Mt. View. 12/10 Pool Table Omlplete $119.95 See our selection of new Pool Tables. A complete selection available. The most desirable models in stock for immediate delivery. Free delivery. Olsen Furniture 4th & Cote 426-4702 9/1Otfn For Sale OAT, HAY for sale. No rain. 35 bales for $28.00. Phone 426-6091. R12/10tfn POTTERY FROM the wheel of Mae Rutledge, first showing Saturday 12th, 1702 Walker Park Rd. R12/10 For The Finest In: * PRE--CAST SEPTIC TANKS * CRUSHED ROCK * PRE--MIX * SAND * GRAVEL I SATURDAYPOURS i ARE WELCOME LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Phone 426-2669 DAYS -- EVENINGS 9/3tfn i i FOR SALE - Artificial Christmas tree, Scotch Pine. Like new. Used only once. Cost $16.95, Sell for $8. 426-4998 Evenings, weekends. D 12/3TFN CHRISTMAS GIFT. Bareback pad and bridle, Pony size. New condition. $15 for both or trade for what have you. 426-4998 evenings, weekends. D12/3TFN FREE KODAK Film, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Zeigler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163.5/26tfn For Sale Sporting Goods Wanted Personal MOBILE HOME Furniture -We EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS gift - RELIABLE HANDYMAN and CONFIDENTIAL CARE for specialize in quality compact 3 hp mini-bike, $7500 Excellent wife over 40, for care-taking unwed pregnant teen-age girls. furniture for your mobile home. condition. 426-3503 evenings, duties. Free rent and utilities, UGN Agency. Collect calls At OIsen Furniture you're always G12/10-17 some wages. 426-3242. B12/3tfn accepted. Florence Crittenton welcome. 4th and Cote. Home, PA 2-8004: Box 8944, 426-4702.4/14tfn 2 20 INCH boy's bicycles. Seattle, We. 98178.8/28tfn 426-2030 1127 Laurel. Z12/10 TRADE IN your old furniture at ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION Olsen Furniture,4th and Cote. and Referral Center 428 Birch St. 4/16tfn SUZUKI '68A-100 just tuned, Will Buy or Consign Shelton. Phone 426-4407. , ' ', $185. Call 426-1102. A12/10-31 S2/12tfn Joo°-nJ6°uroel --V-' FOR SALE 12 ft. aluminum boat, Good Used Furniture NEED CASH? We buy or consign $90. Phone 426-1335. $12/10-17 almost anything. Tropics or Appliances Ballroom Auction, Olympia Crushed Rock SMOWMOBILE EVINRUDE 943-9949. D2/26tfn Septic Tanks Bobcat, 25 hp. $856. Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union, Wash.v Furniture Phone 898-2252. H 10/29tfn I D a..ea.; Mix ..... 625 So. 1st 426.2411 Estate Fireplace Supplies PRESEASON ._- - and SALE Work Wanted FOR SALE -- one bedroom house ildi i' on 2 view lots, Mountain View. ~---------~---~--~-~-~- Write Vern Sykes, 3833 E. Alder, Bu ng Materia s NEW 1970 LICENSED ADULT Baby-sitter Mesa. Ariz. 85206. $12/10-17 at will care for one or two SKI DO0 pre-schoolers in her own home ELEVEN ACRES, 2 bedroom, 426-4279. Mll/5 TFN fireplace, like new, $18,500. 15 men. to Olympia, terms. Maple Valley Land & Homes. Open "----------------'-~----------'-='--'----'---" weekends 426-1203, Evenings 7th & Park 426-3344 Reduced to make room for 1971 426-8460, 426-1111, Wanted 426-3623. machines. Full ling of parts, Hob 12/10 7/2tfn accessories and clothing. Cycle =~----______________~ ' ' accessories and mini bikes. 2 WHEEL camp-trailer all new MANAGER-OPERATOR needed appliances, new tires 7' x 11'.1902 from $9950 for beautiful Hood Canal Beauty Ridgeroad $600. Never used. • Salon. Saturday and Sunday off. TWO ACRES-$215OOl Gll/19-12/10 Call 898-3307 or 898-3525 for appointment for interview, near Lost Lake NEW AND USED bicycles and OLYMPIC V12/10-31 FIVE--I--..~FIIIF ....atm:~'¢:%';'~m trikes. New Columbia bikes, good selection, small down holds for SKI BOO THE DIVISION of Public near Deer Creek Christmas. Swanson Bike Shop, 3 Assistance is seeking private homes to care for the aged and Both nicley wooded, very easy blocks E of airport Grocery, 5847 MARTIN WAY infirm. For information call theterms. Spring Rd. 426-4989. OLYMPIA 491-8477 Shelton office 426-3363. 11/26-12/17 11/12tfn W11/19tfn IF YOU'D LIKE A LOT FOR CHRISTMAS, Used Cars Lost & Found Real Estate Wanted YOU'D LOVE ACREAGE! ------------------------------------- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_--_ MAPLE VALLEY EXCHANGE -- WHAT you have 1965 FORD Country sedan; 1966 FOUND - CINNAMON brown -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, LAND & HOMES Mustang. Call 426-4653 after 5 and white female puppy on Mt. Realtor-exchangor. 426-6592. p.m. L9/17tfn View. Phone 426-2859. D12/3-10 8/18tfn Open Weekends 426-1203 1 7 C U. F T. Co-Op chest ----~---------------------~ "------------------------------------~- Eves426-8460 deepfreeze. Sears 26 3-speed Girls Wroom.sizeA L L-TO-Wallrugs. Custom-madeCarpets or bicycle, Kenmore dryer 426-8005 INTERNATIONAL Instructbn Real Estnte 426-1111 -- 426-3623 draperies. We measure, expert a.m. only. Bll/26-12/17 -----------.--_-_-_ ----------------------- 12/3-24 installation. Your sattisfaction is YOUNG GRAIN fed steers, cut Beginner's Tap 10 a.m. Hood l guaranteed~ Free estimates. ~/ot~ >adv~. welcome ~t'Otser,and~lLF~xpert ¢'~t't~n~g and TRUCKS Canal School auditorium. Call :~ ~,~,,~ ~', = Mr. Realy State sa¥s~ w r a~*~v~lj..~'JSt~elton FOods. 877-5713 for information, 0.1/15 42~702__.911/18tf_n- _ 426-6523. S3/27tfn Gas and Diesel I "Need a CORD WOOD for sa,e Co,dShA0 -CAIPET Heavy-Medium and Foresters 426-]550 E]0/Ztfn S4•88 Sq. Yd Special Duty -- new Home FR~R Choose from: Seaweed Green, Scout -- Travelall CHEVROLET DUMP truck, runs I needs some repair, six chair Caribbean Blue/Green, Sunshine dinette set, both $60.00. Pickup--Campers good, $300.00. alderbrook Inn. . .or__r.s_ma$_" f Chit ? 426-2132. H12/3tfn ,, Go, I 426-2646 NEW and USED Phone Union 898-2155. 12/10tfn ,~..= FOR SALE O~ell FIl~Jt~ BUY OF the century! 1955 American Coins & Bottles 4th = Cote 426-4702 JACK KIMBEL Mercury, for sale. Newly rebuilt I engine, runs good. $100.00 (FANCY BOTTLES) 11/19tfn Shelton, Wash. 426-2059. $12/10 Beams, Brooks Phone 426-8124 Japan, Italy & France BOLENS COMPaCt tractor 12 1961 FORD Galaxie; 1963 MINI WOWll H.P.. nearly new. with tiller, Representing International Travelall' with I~none426-1111 12/3tfn mower, hay rake,, dozer and Eazy-lift hitch. Cartop camper PRICEII MOVE NOWll , , trailer. Sacrifice at $1.750. Call COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from 426-1433. W 1]/26-12/17 INTERNATIONAL $50.weekends.426-3767D12/10 evenings ;500termSdown.tOo whyat $4,950not withquit atlf theY°Urseamspresentwe homehave theiS bulginganswer color negatives only, 19c. 5x7 HARVESTER CO. paying rent and move into this to your housing problem. Let us enlargement, 89c. Ziegler's NEED ROOM will sell cabinet TV 1955 GMC Vz ton pickup, radio, Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. good condition $25. 426-2291. V-8, 4-speed. Phone 426-1225. one bedroom dandy. We think take your present home in on 4/17tfn 232 So. 8th. T12/10 Portland, Oregon S12/13 you'll like it. trade on this newer really big family home that will give you SIMPLICITY MOWERS and ONE USED Thomas Chord Organ 12/8 tfn FOR SALE 1970 El Camino 350. S-P-A-C-E the elbow room you need so badly. There's quality tillers. See now at Mike's $195.00. Johnny's Music Box 205 One owner. Phone 426-8811. McCuIIoch Sales and Service. Cota426-4302. 11/12tfn B12/3-17 SUBURBAN constructon, lots of bedroom 22i5 Olympia Hwy. North. area, a real nice neighborhood 3/28tfn GIVE NEW World Encyclopedia, 1950 FORD 1/2 Ton P U. Good LOCATION and much more at a price of just never out of wrappers for t r a n s p o r t a t i o n a n d This has to be the buy of the $26,000. Call us for details. ALDER, FIR for stove or Christmas. Large reduction. "brush-beater". good engine. 3 year!! 3,000 sq. ft. of finished fireplace, $18.00 cord. Project 426-4038. A12/3-10 good tires and one "rag". living, area!! Talk about a place NEAT! Mary M. Knight Senior Class. $200.00. Call 426-2678 after TOt ,he growinQ family, this is it. VACANTI 426-6767 school, 426-6970 after ATTENTION HORSEMEN! Why 6:00 p.m. W11/19tfn You'll never fred more for the school. Mll/19-12/10 pay more? X-Cel fortified horse money so why not call now for feed. 50 lb..$2.35. Poplar Acres, an inspection. See if you don't Neat as a pine best describes this BARBIE DOLL clothes, Arcade Road 426-4841. agree it's a buy for $25,000. pleasant 2 bedroom Hillcrest reasonably priced, quality H12/3-24 home that has almost materials. Many styles. Contact 64 Chev. everything. It's close to shopping after 3 p.m. 426-8658. P11/26tfn CUT YOUR own Christmas Tree. 64 Valiant too and you'll appreciate the Any size, $1.50. Phone 426-6152. 61 Peuge hardwood floors, the double FOR SALE -- Large selection of F12/3-17 60 Peuge garage, the full basement, the reconditioned ranges, You'll recognize the 18 carat forced air oil furnace, andmuch, refrigerators, washers, dryers. ONE USED 2 manual chord organ ~ value after you've inspected this much more. FHA appraised at Eells & Valley Appliance Center. $250.00. Johnny's Music Box 205 c o I as sa I A ngleside home $14,900 and terms of course are 6/Stfn Cote, 426-4302. J11/12tfn ~ featuring spacious living room, the very best. Call us on this. 66 Valiant Conv. f o r ma I d i n in g r o o m, generously-planned bedrooms 2 15 ACRES 65 Impala 2-Dr. baths, full daylight basement Better Building Buys Check 66 Dodge with rec room, and much more. CREEK-- 65 T-Bird Nothing like it for $22,500. the =7| 64 Grand Prix The house burned down! Owner 64 Falcon Sprint SHELTON w., sell out for $13,500 cash. Property includes a spring water Are Always Available 62 Impala VIEW='- system, a good septic system, an old orchard and garden area, At Conveniently located on some out buildings and good Angleside this attractive 3 county road frontage. Very nice bedroom home is in excellent COMPANY property with another 10 acres condition. Sparkling hardwoodavailable if desired. 7 miles from NYE 69 Custom 4-Dr. floors, area rugs and drapes, plus down town. Turn left off Hwy. |01, 2 miles south 68 LTD an efficient oil furnace plus low 67 Volvo interest financing help to make of Sltelton, drive ! mill on Cole Road. 67 Rambler this one of the better buys for NEW DEAL! 66 Chev 4-Dr. the prudent shopper. $14,950. 66 Plymouth 4-Dr. The builder will complete this " Don't Miss seeing 65 BeI-Air 2-Dr. $26,800, 3 bedroom, 2 bath 65 Ford Custom 500 ~-Dr. F~lllLy home to be instead, a 4 It's Worth the Trip To See the '71 DART. 62 eel-Air 4-Dr. --~ bedroom, 3 bath home if you would prefer a $29,500 package. Is going t~~l~ ~owner of However, if it pleases you the HOLIDAY GIFTS GALORE! Trucks thiS CO~l[~k~ bedroom way it is, it's ready to move right home ~kq~=~blF.~#fr Street. It's into. If you have a down close td~ ~lF.jlrlew school, has payment or a good equity, we'll GLASSwARE CANDLES 67 Jeep 4 x 4 .s~.s. and sidewalks, help you get your financing ir~ a ARRANGEMENTS HOLDERS 65 Ford ~ Ton fenced back yard and in .~hurry (like before Christmas, 65 G.M.C. V=I on ~xcellent c ,dition. $19,750. maybe!). POTTED PLANTS CANI LE RINGS 65 Ford Van DISH GARDENS MANY MORE ITEMS 52 Ford Dump Dick Knauf -- "Skip" Ness Dick Boiling -- Wilma Downing We Need so Int. 1 Ton Dave Thacher -- Carl JohnsOn VInce Hlmlie COMPLETE LINE OF NURSERY STOCK AT THE Used Cars 6 miles from Belfair on the North Shore Road ~ Bill Johnson - Bus Einarsson P.O. Box 394 -- 1717 Olympic Highway North -- Bob Wafters. Bob Walden SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 CR 5-2558 Front & Railroad Mt. View at Kneeland Center Phone 426-8183 426-8231 Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 10, 1970 Real Estate Real Estate SECLUDED BUT close in acreage for sale. 426-4870 evenings. X INCOME PROPERTY for sale on Hillcrest. Group of 3 houses, 2 rented, 1 on corner lot. All for $24,000 -- Terms $4000 down -- owner will carry contract. W. D. Austin, 1712 Walker Park Road, Phone 426-6517. 11/26tfn WHY RENT? $100 per month buys this three bedroom older home on 2'/2 acres, $10,500, terms. Will consider cattle or tractor as part of purchase price. Maple Valley Land and Homes. 426-1203. Evenings 426-8460, 426-1111,426-3623.12/13 THREE BEDROOM home, Shelton, $9,800, carry contract, $2000 down, $85 per month. 482-3171 Etma. V12/3-24 100 FRONT feet, Ham Inlet. Low bank. 600 Two beautiful building access road serving DOra. : 426-8923. Wl 1/19-12/10 SiX BEDROOM house. wiring, roof, chil Downtown, 4 •lots, garden. $8,500 426-2582. tfn SECLUDED 2 bedroom 2 acres, $3500 down. 426-4546. B12/10 ESTATE SETTLEMENT. view acres, unfinished bedroom home, ful fireplace, little old school Kamilche area. $15,500 Maple Valley Land and 426- 1203. Evenings 426-1111,426-3623.12 CUSTOM SPLIT level by owner. Magnificent view at Wonderview, Union. See or call Hoodsport 877-5319. Oll/5tfn 10 BEAUTIFUL ACRES WITH A HOUSE ON THE HILL: 3 DR, LR w/Fireplace, D.R., kitchen w/built-in appliances, full basement, furnace, barn, and completely fenced. $34,500 Terms available. BRAND NEW: 3 BR w/fireplace, garage, carpeting with or without appliances. Call for location. $17,650. LOT OF HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY: Needs a little•work inside. 3 DR's, new kitchen, large garage building, small barn, playhouse for the children and lots of privacy. Only $15,000 w/1 acre. HOME TO BE PROUD OF: 2 DR's, electric heat, all appliances, separate garage w/breezeway to house & patio. All set in a lovely landscaped fenced yard with an extra garden spot. Good location near school & grocery store. MAKE AN OFFER AFTER YOU SEE THIS LAND: Good Investment, 1 ,Mobile Home hookup in and 3 more cleared on this secluded 7 acres about 4 miles east of town. ROOMY INSIDE AND OUT: Large fenced yard around this large 3 bedroom house, panelled with knotty pine, fireplace, dishwasher, garage. Close to schools. $8,000 or make an offer. 4 BEDROOMS - MTN. VIEW AREA: Needs a little work but for the money it's a lot of house. Garage and extra large lot thrown in for only $6,500. HILLCREST: corner lot for building that new home or locating a mobile home. A good buy at $1500. We have a 3 bedroom RENTAL AVAILABLE - Unfurnished. Call 426-1641 Bey Thomason 426-8615 WATERFRONT, 100 And nearly 700 ft. of Hammersly, nicely only 5 miles from town. Excellent terms. Call today. MASON LAKE We have listed a beautS bedroom home (plus cottage) on some of the no-bank waterfront on Lake. Full price $26,000. WHY NOT TRADE - The equity of your home quality duplex. Both units bedrooms, fully carpete( refrigerators, carports i separate utility room wit and dryer. Both units renting for $125 per $9,500 - EAST 0 down, $250 for and only $85 per m make you the owner bedroom Hillcrest know more? Call today. PRICE REDUCLtD- Dn this older 3 bedroom 5 acres on Arcadia living room plus big dinir country style kitchen air furnace. Full $16,400 with $1,000 payments of $125 per Call now! 235 - 4 BEDROOMS Come in and see if you you have 4 children, than $7,500 annually, able to own this all 4 bedroom home a~ payments will be only month, including ta: insurance. $16,750.00 A terrific 4 bedroon completely renewed electric furnace, ffot room plus a huge activity room. $350 monthly payments of RENTALS - YE$1 AGENCY REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. MANN REAL 121 R.R. Ave. 426-6592 Evening, Call . BOBBLE GOODWII~ 426-3503 e Say's: "LET US GIFT WRAP A NEW HOME FOR CHRISTMAS" 3 Bedroom, Bath + 1/2, attached Garage, Carpet throughout, Fireplace, $17,650.00 F.H.A. or 235 Interest Subsidy financing available. OR Trade your equity in your present home or trailer as Full Down payment. Easy Terms.Payments Like Rent. 426-6592