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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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rary Beginning in 1971, Timberland Regional Library patrons with overdue books or other library materials will receive only two reminders to return this material• Whenever possible, the first notice will be a telephone call, or is the notice must be mailed, it will be a post card. The second notice will be a letter signed by the director, with a bill for lost items. Standard charges for those receiving a second notice will be the following: for adult books, $8 for each book; for juvenile books, $5 per book; phonograph records, $5 for each record, and lost ue magazines, $1 for each issue (the library's actual replacement cost.) the one exception will be for books costing $20 or more, in which case the patron will be charge the actual purchase price of the book. Patrons borrowing materials for the 28-day loan period will Jehovah's Witnesses of the Shelton congregation have returned home following their circuit assembly in Aberdeen over the week end. A peak attendance of 1,673 was reached for the public address Sunday, "Who Will Conquer the World in the 1970's?'" Harry C. Good, Recent Convention representing the Watchtower Society's headquarters, delivered the address in the Miller School auditorium. Good pointed out that the current international power struggle between the so-called "super" powers involves all of us. He said. "Today, average people like us - carpenters, housewives, school children - are dying daily because of the issue of world conquest." During his talk he made the interesting statement, "It is possible to conquer the world in a physical and material sense, as did Alexander the Great and as world powers are now trying to do. Or, one can conquer the world in the sense Jesus did. ices VA Starts Program On the highest authority in the universe we can be assured that receive the first reminder two weeks past the due date, and the letter four weeks after the due date. Those persons borrowing material for the seven-day loan period will receive a first notice one week past the due date, and the letter two weeks past the due date. The library has been sending four overdue notices to the patron (three reminders and a final letter asking for the return of the book to clear library records.) It is hoped the new plan will cut part of the staff time used for sending notices, as well as the amount of postage needed for mailing. Standard book costs are fixed in order to save time library personnel have spent looking up actual individual book prices. The new policy will become effective in all Timberland libraries in Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason, Pacific and Thurston counties• Legal Publications NOTICE OF GROUND WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. I 1377 STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, OLYMPIA. TAKE NOTICE: That DR. A. B. CARSON of Walnut Creek, California on November 13, 1970, filed application for permit to withdraw public ground waters through a well situated within Government Lot 2 of Section 1, Township 20 N., Range 2 W.W.M., in Mason County, in the amount of 90 gallons per minute, subject to existing rights continuously, each year for the purpose of community domestic supply. Any objections must be accompanied by a two dollars ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology within thirty (30) days from December 17, 1970. Witness my hand and official seal this 30th day of November, 1970. GLEN H. FIEDLER Department of Ecology 12/10-17-2t Legal Publications Legal Publications NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER GENERAL EXECUTION CAUSE NO. 10611 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. GRIMM COLLECTIONS, INC., Plaintiff, vs. THOMAS H. JAMES and MARIE JAMES, husband and wife, Defendant. Under and by virtue of a general execution issued out of and under the seal of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and for said County, on the 13th day of November, 1970, upon a judgment rendered in said Court on the 17th day of July, 1970, in favor of GRIMM COLLECTIONS, INC. and against THOMAS H. JAMES and MARIE JAMES, husband and wife judgment debtors for the sum of Four Hundred Seventy-one and 50/100the ($471.50) Dollars, together with attorney's fees, interest, costs and increased costs, and to me directed and delivered, I did on the 23rd day of November, 1970, levy upon all the right, title and interest of said judgment debtors in and to the CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the County Commissioners, Shelton, Washington, until 11:00 A.M. December 14, 1970 for furnishing tires, tubes, recapping and service for the calendar year 1971 to Mason County Road Department and other Mason County Taxing Districts who desire to make use of any of these services. Specifications and bid forms may be obtained at the office of L II the County Engineer Courthouse, The County reserves the to reject any or all bids or accept the bid deemed advantageous to the County. DATED this 16th day November, 1970. BOARD OF couN COMMISSIONERS OF COUNTY, WASH INGTON By Ruth E. Boysen 12 e FOURSQUARE CHURCH 91 0 E. Dearborn Lewis B. Wysong, Pastor 11 a.m. -- Morning Worship ........... Jeanne Saeger speaking 9:45 a.m. -- Sunday School ....... 6:00 p.m. -- Youth Meeting 7:00 p.m. -- Evening Worship ......... Pastor Wysong speaking Wednesday evening Bible Study & Prayer Meeting -- 7:00 p.m. both types will take placer' • ,_-.-~.~---------------------v- following described property to For Drug Treatment The assembly opened Friday NOTICE OF SALE OF satisfy said judgment, to-wit: ,. / • ~e t VALUABLE MATERIAL The Northeast quarter of the evening with Good explaining taros 0T inanKs ON STATE LAND Northeast quarter and the that the Bible is not a dead book ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON, Southeast quarter of the NORTHSlDE BAPTIST CHURCH The Veterans Administration Department of Defense in in this modern day. but is very ....... DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL Northeastquarter, Section 17, ~aro ur /nanKs Phone 426-2488 today launched a drug treatment coordinating treatment programs much alive. He then conducted a ..... k m man " RESOURCES • i wish to man y Y ' " " " r f Township 23 North, Range 3 ...... e cess of the Bert L Cole Commlsslone o West, W.M., (except for an 123 W. C. St. at Olympic Hwy. Rev. PaulButterfield program that will eventually for servicemen before they are ministry school, giving counsel to menus ror m suc ..... ". ' benefit dance. To the merchants vuoHc uanas. .... undivided 1/10th interest of Irene BibleStudy .......................i ............ 9:45a'l include 30 centers and an annual mscnargea, va sale mat o_etween a number of student speakers, who donated gifts for prizes - a .. Notice is. hereDyglven,tnat or~ James now known as Irene JamesWorship ...............................11 a.m. & 7:30 p,l expenditure of $10 million. 75 and 80 percent of those Those participating were Davidspe" tTvha_ek~.arde The VA announcement said treated at the centers are ~°2m°gYr, 1~¢0, ~mnrne~Yg at Smith in the Northeast quarter of Midweek Service ........................... Tues.,7:301 that five drug treatment centers expected .to of Cilium of Forks, Jim Webster and cl3aelt" 19/10 ten o'clock in the forenoon of the Northeast quarter); and, Govt. i will be o-one~ in Januar" of acmiction, vA said thai m lv/u A. Lance of Port Townsend, Art ~ .... said day, at the Shelton District Lot 2, Section 16, Township 23 00 Lambson Jr. from Port Angeles, CARD OF APPRECIATION Headquarters, located at Shelton, North, Range 3 West, W.M.; and 1971, withP a target goal ;) 30 V A doctors treatedell, L. Fennell from Sequim, and The kindness and sympathy C.ou.nty .of Mason, St~a~etri°~ Oysterall thatReservePOrtiOnNo.Of vacated2, PlattState133, FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH centers by 1973. Centers planned narcot~s, auo]ctsseeKmg n p ._- Arcadia and Lake Boulevard for the cumin- - ear are an aoamonal vuu lnvoweo wlm Luana Thierry of Poulsbo. of neighbors and friends in our wa, sn .ngton, py. [ne.._,_..u~s ,,,_ situated in front of Lot 2, Section ...... ~ Y.. - lesser drugs VA estimated that Paul Strom of Shelton stated, wrecentth usS°rr°Was a willpreciousalWaySmemoryremain timber~ammlstramron the folIowingOT salu uistH~.t,describedt.~ 16, Township 23 North, Range 3 ED CHAMBERLAIN, Minister wasmngton, u. L.; houston, Texas Battle Creek Mich " the number seeking treatment "Even tbe continual rain didn't Our sincere thanks one gratitude .... state, land will .be.sold a.tdPUbl~oC West, W.M., Mason County, as Bible School ....... 9:45a.m. Family Service ...... 7:30 ., , ' ........ '_ .... ;" more than doubled in the past 12 dampen our spirits. It was one of shown on the official plat on file Worship ......................................1 for all those comforting to me mgnest umue , in the office of the Commissioner Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer--7:3Op.m. 5epuweaa, Laii[.; anu r, ew zor~ the best circuit assemblies we William Tricker and wit: of Public Lands at Olympia, Child Care Service Available at 1 City. months, have ever had." Charles & Gladys Cline MASON COUNTY Washington, subject however, to 12/10 APPLICATION NO. 33508 Lower Bingham Creek Sanitation and Thinning located approximately 21 miles by road west of Shelton. The sale is composed of all timber marked right of way tar State Road as shown on Plat No. 342 on file in said office of the Commissioner of Public Lands; and, all tidelands of second class formerly owned by the State of Washington, situated in front of, adjacent to First Church of Christ, Scientist 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church 11:00 a.m. Toastmasters Meet To(lay In making the announcement, VA said it had reason to believe that drug addiction among veterans will reach its peak in 1973 and decline thereafter. Legal PubrKations Legal Publications . o T I , ' /~Ju LH Ul ~ ~ I--" , :1 VA Is working with the a , CHRIST t • " " Shelton Toastmasters met t -~--------------------" -~---------~-----~-----'~ with blue paint only, bounded by - ""' **; ...... ~-ov+ "at 2 Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7"30 p m 6:45 a.m. today in the Timbers NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE OF HEARING sale area. boundary .tagsf ~d ~;cationU~l~61UTo~vn'sh; 23 North' Reading ,oom located in church- Readin9rOOmhOurs FINAL ACCOUNT property lines on par~s o . . ' - THERE IS a Law that man Restaurant with Art Slusher as ON PETITION followinn" NVz NEV4 SW1/4, WVz Range 3 West, with 23.26 lineal 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mon. & Frl. should love his neighbor as toastmaster. FOR AWARD NO. 4125 ~ =i ~ " n 26 chains more or less ~~ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT SE/4 SEA SE/4 of Sectto , ..'. • • " ...... himself. In a few hundred years it Speakers were Ken Frank, IN THENO'4132SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF .Towns.h.ip 20 North, Ranger s6. oneU.~T~n?~ntsi°~2reantun~'vl~°e ~--,,--, should be as natural to mankind Merv Settle and Larry Swift. O F T H E S T A T E O F WASHINGTON FOR MASON west, W.M., containing ~ZbrfCle, above described property, as breathing or the upright gait; Table topics were handled by WASHINGTON IN AND FOR COUNTY INPROBATE. more or. less,_,^cor~p_is g situated'in Mason County, State r"._L ..... *,,, Im"l,,~,~ ~ ILl IN THE MPTTER OF THE approximatiey I o/u,uuu uu ,t .............. r-. .................... but if he docs not learn it he must Norm Eveleth with Jack Sather as THE COUNTY OF MASON- ESTATE OF CHRISTIAN C. O Dougas . • .... NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE ..................... r-..,. F ~q~-~, '~I perish, general evaluator and Pete Jonda IN THE MATTER OF THE f I fir ' " " u~ vva~ningtun. /1~)1 Iff/I I I~1 I ,~; ~ll~,Jl~/ LUND Deceased n4inimum accepraDle DId: ic~ I--II=I:/I~RV t~IWFN Thaf nn P" U U /~UUl/ur~luwl --- o~u ot ~.,v~= / k~l~ 1 ' ESTATE OF KENNETH P. , • ........................ " " " Alfred Adler as "ah" counter. OLSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS GIVEN that the $58,905.00. . Friday the 8th day of Januarv . ~"~-~ "1 --. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Final Account and Pet t on for Timber will be sold on a c.asn 197i'. at 10 o¢clock in tl~gFrom 9:15 a.m. to lO:30a.m.everySunoay ,_.~ ,~," .P~. nil Distflbuhon has been filed with or installment plan basis Timber f 'on of said da I wdl sell ' "~ \" ~ " '' that a petition for an award in " " " • ........ "rior to arena " Y, " SUNDAY DECEMBER 13 1970 "~j~ ~ I~ the Clerk of the above L ......... the above described property, or ................. -r~r~=,ELD ,~'~._~ ~? • ~ ~1 lieu of homestead has been filed ourr ann mus~ De removeu p ...... with the Clerk of this Court, and the persona represenzauve seeks beptemDer ~u, ,u/a. so much thereof as may be tSIDle b[uay: r'~UL DU~r~,~ , .~.~ ~.