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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 2020
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Page A-26 Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, Dec. 10,2020 Movies: Like home continued from page A-26 And will one of the two already be dating, or perhaps even engaged to, a well-meaning yet dour killjoy who keeps telling them, “Honey, I know you have big dreams, but you need to be more practical”? Because if there’s anything that Hallmark believes in more than Christmas, it’s the sa- cred power of dreams, especially if it means that our former Type—A boss lady gets to cele- brate the holidays year— round through her job, by baking gingerbread men or designing stylish tree ornaments or what- ever her secret home- maker dream was. Regardless of which faith each of us com- memorates over the win- ter holidays (and even‘if ‘ we aren’t observant of any religion at all), what all those seasonal cel- ebrations share in com- mon is the reward of rit- ual, and modern media is no small part of that. Watching the misad- ventures of cherished characters such as Charlie Brown and the Km men. “lt is incumbent upon them who are in authority'to exercise moderation in all N v. A 7.: "passeth beyondthe Wiiit’eas'eto eXert a beneficial iri'fl‘uéncé.COnsider for instance such things as liberty, civilization and the like. However much men of understanding may favorably regard them, they will, if carried to excess, exercise a pernicious influence upon WW Lake Limerick Golf Club & Café 360.426.6290 - 360.545.2896 Thursday 9am—3pm Friday-Sunday 7:30am-3pm (breakfast & lunch) Curbside Pick Up Thank you for your support, .. & Happy HelidaysW--., 81 1 E. St. Andrews Drive, Shelton, WA 98584 LakeLimerickGolficom NA‘iB‘IS . ., "V , a a 1 . ‘L Grinch have become as much time-honored holi— day traditions as string- ing decorative lights and hanging stockings by hearths with care. The Hallmark Christ- mas TV movies have come in for some criti- cisms for not being inclu- sive enough, which is not unreasonable, since not nearly so many of those meet-cute couples need to be as white as the driven snow, and there’s a lot of different kinds of love that are worth cel- ebrating, but even those criticisms speak to the underlying strength of the genre’s appeal. After all, what the Hallmark Christmas TV movies strive to of- fer is the sort of home you’d want to have for the holidays (even if you do recognize that same snow—covered gazebo from multiple movies), where they’re just wait— ing to serve you a pip- ing hot cup of cocoa, and your friends and family have saved you a seat at the kids’ Christmas pag- eant. And surely, we all deserve such a home for the holidays. s. sMWwMI — ‘(Balut ulllzih 30%0FF Store-Wide Until 12/31/20 Em». - rim m' b yshcann ‘ 2831 WA Hwy 3 ' Shelton 36‘) 4')“ 06/5 4. helto 360 476 .nu..«~.w~...m...m.ww...««m.m».u.WMWW A Hallmark Channel Original Merrie ’maNgt Ready 2‘ r HRISTMA .LiaCG wt «If; r; trimmer. T he .. mi of iv After starring in seven Hallmark Christmas TV movies (and counting), actress Alicia Witt knows how to say, “All I want for‘Christmas is you,” with her eyes alone. Courtesy promotional graphic YOUR [MM TRUSTED TIRE EXPERTS FOR 25+ YEARSl - Shocks - Exhaust. Mtgnzs... TIRE 8: REPAIR Repairs 202 South First Street 0 Shelton 350-426-9762 ca: 1065 SE WA Hwy 3 - Shelton 1390 Owned Operated intoxiuting effects and may be habit farming. Marijuana ‘ can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence at this drug. There may be health risks associated -~ with consumption of this .7, product. For use only by adults twenty one and older. Keep out of the reach of children. Hflmfl Hnmn OHSTBH FflHl'll SQHPOUD STORE llllll GUSTEH SflLOUn live Oysters Clams Grllled‘ Oysters Specialty Sealaod House Smoked Salmon Local Arilsan Food Located 12 miles north of Hoodsporl Retail store open daily 930 5:30 Call for Saloon hours: 8887877-5844 homahamooysters cont ‘l «4, ... Open Mom-Sat. 2pm-8pm Full' Menu Available For Take-out, Including Growlers of Beer & Cider. Wine by the bottle! 221 W. Railroad Ave 0. 360—868-2500 - railroadtapstation®gmaiLcom Don't Forget... We Are Here For You! - Call or Order‘On/ine! ‘ 0 Pizza ‘ Salads I Sandwiches : 0 More!