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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A-28 Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Dec. 10, 2020 Thursday, Dec. 10, 2020 BELFAIR Serving the communities of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, 'So’uth Share and Victor Brandy Eaton and son, Ashton, of Shelton visit with Santa at Allyn Community Association’s Santa Photos Saturday at Allyn Waterfront Park, Hera/d photo by Isabel/a Breda ' “Author turns Belfair into . By Isabella Breda isabeI/a@masoncounty. com There’s a road Called Elfendahl Pass, and you’re driving on that road it looks like it’s from a fairy tale,” author Akilah J efl'ery said. “Especially when the light hits the trees, in a certain way it has a mystical feel.” J effery’s first children’s novel “Wilda Silva, Secret Keeper,” published this fall, was inspired by the-mys- tique of Tahuya. “It’s about this 11-year-old girl — she’s a flutist and she also plays a piccolo so she’s a talented mu- sician, and she is the daughter of a single parent,” Jeffery said. “They move to Belfair to the woods JESFIELD Construction, Inc. Serving the North Mason area since Specializing in seawoll Reconstruction and home repairs 275-6684 Frank Merrill Beltair WA Lic #JESFII'228DO . “‘4;- [because] they kindof got priced out of the San Fran- cisco Bay Area, which is something that I can totally relate to and as this girl was drawn to the woods she gets entangled in a battle between fairy king- doms.” The book has already received widespread sup- port from community members in the Belfair com- munity network Facebook page. Some have already purchased the book and begun reading. “My boyfriend asked me [about the book] last . night. I said ‘Oh, it’s a book for really middle school kids and he was like looking at me’ and he goes, are you enjoying it? I said ‘I really am,’ ” Belfair Safe- way employee Darcie Kiser Kanouse said. “[Jefi'ery] does a really good job describing and explaining the V YOUR lOUil 8. TRUSTED ‘I'IRE EXPERTS FOR 25+ YEARS! ' Shocks I - Exhaust: {/15 :',::.':.’:....,., TIRE ,8: REPAIR °Flepalns ' 202 South First Street 0 Shelton '- 360-426-9762 MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00 A.M.-5:00 EM. Eat” Local Win Local a fairy tale characters and the locations and the fairy world that she’s talking about and so it’s fun. I can actually imagine what [she’s] talking about and the illustra- tions are beautiful.” Kiser Kanouse said the illuStrations bring the book to life. “The illustrations are beautiful — and I like how she incorporates the main characters going ‘I need to draw this before I forget it’ and then there’s this gorgeous drawing,” she said. - The book isn’t all fantasy, however, Jeffery said. Themes of multiculturalism, struggles with addic- tion and general hardship are embedded throughout see AUTHOR, page A-30 Top Quality r Western Red Cedar Lumber ol All Types We deliver 1-800-572-3327 finial)?» nailllllllilm AWSNNMWWNWI 11.01.20 To help our local restaurants during these uncertain times, North Mason Chamber of Commerce wants to encourage the community to Eat Local! Spend a minimum of $1 5 at 4 different North Mason participating restaurants, and enter for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate! Send a picture of 4 receipts (<$15) from 4 different participating restaurants to vanessa@northmasonchambencom For Rules Visit: Arnrnh—hh—uI—urn I‘th ulnar-‘- H465 AHfiflt-FYDA L. . s4: WE