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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A-34 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Dec. 10, 2020 Classifieds ADD YELLOW highlight to your ad. Get noticed for only $20 more. Call the Shelton-Mason County Journal 360-426-4412 ADVERTISING REACH 20,090+ local road- ers per week. 20 words or less Is only $12 for the 1st week. When you buy ‘ weeks, the 4th week Is free. Remember, the more you tell, the more you sell, and each word beyond the first 20 Is )ust 20 cents exv tra.The deadline ls Monday 5pm (if there's a holiday on Monday — then the ad dead- line is Frlday at 5pm). Email classlfleda©masoncounty com or call the Journal 6am—5pm Monday-Friday at 3613-4264412. (J tfn) C_rystals, Gifts. Nature Center Lots of Gifts from $5, $IO. $50, $100 Largest rock 8. mineral selection in Washington pen I0:30AM-6:OOPM ,, Tuesday~$aturday IIIOOAM-SIOOPM Sunday SIO SE Old Arcadia Road Shelton, WA 98584 lllll'lU.t‘Ollt’Cl‘ySlt‘llS.(‘Om 360-426—8l ll AUTOMOTIVE PARTS SERVICES GILLIS AUTO Center Ford, Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge. Warranty forever! 360-426-5585, 800-365- 4096, FAX 360-426-5935. PO Box 10, 180 W. Hulbert Rd. (G tfn) CARS / TRUCKS / VANS FOR SALE 2013 DODGE RAM 1500 (4x4) Laramie model, loaded. Truck bed cover can be removed for large hauls. Like-new condition, 48,000 mileage. Sunroof. Great Christmas present ROCK, INC. Northwest Rock, Inc. has an immediate opening for a LOADERIEXCAVATOR OPERATOR in Shelton, WA Requirements: *5 Years minimum experience. *Must be able to work, day shift and occasional overtime without supervision. *Must be able to lift 75 lbs. regularly and 100 lbs. occasionally. *Northwest Rock is a Drug Free Work Place, must pass pre-employment drug testing and background ‘ check, prior to hiring. Pay depends on qualifications. We offer EXCELLENT health insurance and retirement programs. E-mail resumes to info@nwrock.:om 20 ft. Honda (Bolton) 2006 Awesome Christmas 7" present for your loved one! Seats 6. In excellent shape with 135 and 9.9 hp electric start and tilt (approx. 180 hrs.) Lowrance GPS/fish finder, VHF radio, compass, Scotty electric downriggers, radar arch, rocket launchers, deck and flood lights, wireless search and spot lights, vinyl floor (just hose it out), 2 ft. offset transom, single axle galvanized drive on trailer with oil bearings and surge brakes. Boat bottom painted to prevent barnacle cling. New electric pot puller (used twice). ‘17,000. For more information or to make an appointment to see boat please call 360-481-3710. Prepare for unexpected power outages with a Generac home standby generator SCHEDULE YOUR FREE IN-HOME ASSESSMENT TODAY! 888-674-7053 F R E E 7-‘(ear Extended Warranty' A $695 Value! Offer valid August 24, 2020 < December 3T, 2020 Special Financing Available 5‘4U~ Reach 2 Million Readers Festivals, Fairs, car shows, resorts and golf courses love the results they get! Inquire til llllx llt'l\‘x]‘ll)‘t’l’(ll Hill 30!) iii 3933 o ad "" for loved one! $25,000. For more information or to make an appointment to see vehicle, please call 360-481—3710 (C 11/26- 12/10) CARS $995 and up, Sun Auto Sales. Large selection of low priced cars, trucks, vans, SUVs. Cash priced to sell. From Shelton, take State Route 3 E. towards Belfair. Located at 5961 E. State Route 3, Shelton. Call 360-426-2907. (8 tfn) GILLIS AUTO Center, your one—stop shop! Chrysler, Ford, Dodge, Jeep. 360- 426-5585. Hwy 101, 2nd Shelton exit.|lisau- (G tfn) COMPUTERS COMPUTER SERVICE at your door and more. Dave's Computer Service 360- 898-3800. No travel fees, free estimate (D tfn) EVENTS ATTENTION ALL Tea Lovers: We are launch— . ing a new ‘Tea Lovers Get—Together’, held every Wednesday and Thursday from 12 noon-1:00pm. at 206 80. 2nd Street, She!- ton.. Text (360) 464-7995 with ??? or just show up! (W 12/10) FOR SALE CHIPPEFI FOR sale (Bear Cat brand) model- #803305; well cared for, manuals included. $1,000 Dick (360) 296—5127. You’ll like it! Christmas? (P 12/3- 12/17) MOBILE HOME For Sale By Owner $1 5,000.00;1 977 Mobile Home in 55+ Senior Mobile Park. 2BR 2Bath. Covered Parking and Stor- age shed included. Also in- cludes Washer and Dryer. Being sold as is. Space rent is separate and is $575 per month and poten- tial buyers must meet Park requirements and submit their application with a $54 screening fee to the park. Please call 360-561—9163 if interested and leave a message, call will be re— turned as soon as possible. (H 12/3-12/31) COME SHOP with us at the Lady of the Lake, 1085 E. Pickering Rd, Shelton ev— ery Saturday ‘til Christmas from 10A— 4PM where EV- ERYTHING is on sale from 30-70% off from apparel to crystal chandeliers! And every Sunday from 12N- 4PM, shop with us at the Sunset Hill Lighthouse, 722 E. Sunset Hill Rd (Harstine Island cross the bridge, turn left) for fabulous nauti- cal decor, lighting and mar- itime antiques. Check out for a peek! (N 12/3—12—31) GIFT STORE SHOPPING COME SHOP with us at the Lady of the Lake, 1085 E. Pickering Rd, Shelton ev- ery Saturday til Christmas from 10A- 4PM where EV- ERYTHING is on sale from 30-70% off from apparel to crystal chandeliers! And every Sunday from 12N- 4PM, shop with us at the Sunset Hill Lighthouse, 722 E. Sunset Hill Rd (Harstine Island — cross the bridge, turn left) for fabulous nauti- cal decor, lighting and mar- itime antiques. Check out for a peek! (N 12/3-12—31) HEATING & A/C ARCH MECHANICAL af— fordable. Refrigeration, cooling, heating, food service equipment repair. Heating, air conditioning, refrigeration. 360-229— 2139. Licensed, bonded, insured. EPA, PTCS, Fry- master certified, NW Duct- less “Master Installer," Washington Contractor Li- cense ARCHMMI902MN, (A tfn) HELP WANTED NORTHWEST ROCK, Inc. has an immediate opening for a Loader/Excavator Op— erator in Shelton, WA. Re- quirements: 5 Years mini— mum experience required. Must be able to work, day shift and occasional over- time without supervision. Must be able to lift 75|bs regularly and 100le cc- casionally. Northwest Rock is a Drug Free Workplace, must pass pre-employment drug testing and back- ground check, prior to hir- lng. Pay depends on quali- fications. We offer excellent health insurance and re- tirement programs. E-mail resumes to info@nwrock. com. (N 12/10) PROBATION OFFICER position available with Ma- son County District Court. $4,591-$5,311/month. Please visit our website at for employment application or MasonCounty HR, 423 N 5th St. Open until filled. (M 12/10-12/17) SKOKOMISH INDIAN Tribe is seeking to hire Indian Child Welfare Caseworker/ Supervisor. The incumbent is responsible for providing r. Leaf ‘ CALL US TODAY FOR S. A race ESTIMATE 1524:. YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE Filter NO MORE GUTTER CLEANING, cum: on YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEED! 1-888-360-1582 r——.—.——.———-—— ¢ — _ — ——-1 10 SENIOR & MILITARY DISCOUNTS Promo Number: 285 Munmm: Barn 11pm, in Sat: 8am-5pm, 51m; 2911mm EST “'09., ms at mutt not; can 1035795 pm. "0: those rm quits,- mm per ht)ch so admit"! ewmau um 'tv I year nomasuw mzmn 7m mm sous tum: v. w litmufiiu Mum) new LKNW 213214 lilan m1 m on lung» manna cmwzimnzm ptmnuwmm Lxmm ummqu tmw myyauzz w (menu Now we: ua-un moat»: warm" (7w? mumm- mt cum Regwxal rmzn Registration. mine ultimatum vcws meantime lit/31864 mnumw uvnmssw wwam rm”: bulloik tle tanwl amen % % OFF 50H: TO THE FIRST 50 CALLERS!“ nation! 36692991! .__ _._l oversight to the Indian Child Welfare Program and direct supervision to the ICW Workers, enhancing the quality of life of Tribal chil- dren and families through the delivery of excellent child welfare services. This position focuses on the Tribe’s deeply held value of protecting children and keeping families together whenever possible. This po- sition will investigate child welfare referrals, making a determination whether court intervention is neces— sary and providing referrals to all appropriate services. This position operates un— der the Indian Child Wel- fare Act, Skokomish Youth Code and the policies of the Skokomish Tribe. Open until filled. $30.65—$32.20 hourly 1 FTE for the full job description and required application visit our web- site at or contact Winona Plant Personnel Manager at 360- 426-4232 x2009 (S 12/10) SKOKOMISH INDIAN Tribe is seeking to hire a Child, Youth and Family Mental Health Counselor. This po- sition is under the direct su— pervision of the Behavioral Health Manager. The Child, Youth, and Family Mental Health Counselor will com- plete assessments and intakes, make appropriate referrals, provide mental health treatment services and case management on an outpatient basis for indi- viduals (primarily age 3—14). and families, as well as provide education to fam— ily members and the com- munity at large, collaborate with outside collaterals as needed, act as a consul- tant for other providers at the health clinic, monitor compliance with any court order/s, requirements, probations, etc. Master's Degree required in coun— seling or related discipline. Active Washington State license as a mental health counselor (or licensed in- dependent clinical- social worker, or licensed mar- riage and family therapist). *Assoclate licenses may be considered DOE. $25—$30 hourly D00 1 FTE for a full job description visit our website at www.skokom— or contact Winona Plant Personnel Manager at 360-426—4232 x2009. (S _12/10) CARETAKERS NEEDED on beautiful Mason Lake in Grapeview, WA (Mason County) for 2021. We are a small 228 Iot‘ associa- tion with a private park & 59 Boat Slips for members, family and guests. We are seeking a retired couple to be our caretaker(s) begin- ning April 1 through Oct 31st, 2021 and provide your own RV. A small well behaved pet is allowed. This is a salaried position, 5 days a week (must work weekends and holidays). The RV site is provided with electricity, water, garbage, internet, and laundry facili- ties. If you can work without supervision, be flexible, pri- oritize daily. duties, and are reasonably handy, com- fortable using small tools/ equipment, lift up to 30 pounds, YOU are who we are searching for. Respon- sibilities include: opening closing the park, cut— ting watering the grass, plants, etc, the grounds, docks, beach, kids play area, cleaning the bathrooms, checking peo- ple boats in (making sure they are members), report- ing any disputes or prob- lems to Board members, collecting launch, moorage and kayak fees (most are seasonal). A background drug check will be re-, quired. To learn more and to apply, please contact Velinda (360) 870-7999 or (011/19-12/17) SEASONED PAINTER, minimum 3 years experi- ence, pay depending on experience. Call 360-229- 1874 (M tfn) LANDSCAPING UNITED LANDSCAPING, LLC Rock walls, tree trim- ming, decks and fences, ' 'general clean—up, lawn maintenance, hauling: bark'and gravel. Licenced, bonded, insured. Lic. #UNITELL827DG united- Iandscaping2013@gmail. com Free estimates 360- 490-7089 (U tfn) MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISE STATEWIDE with a $325 classified list- ing or $1,575 for adisplay ad. Call this newspaper at 360—426-4412 or WNPA at 360-344-2938 for details, (W tfn) . DO YOU owe over $10,000 to the IRS in back taxes? Our firm works tor‘educe the tax bill or zero if out completely._ Fast ' Let us helpl. call 888-994—1405. (Hours: Mon-Fri 7am-5pm PST). (W tfn) DONATE YOUR car to charity. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Callfor details, 855- 635-4229. (w tfn) ELIMINATE GUTTER cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris- blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFil- ter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Se- nior~ & Military Discounts. Call 1—888-360—1582. (W tfn) GENERAC , STANDBY Generators. The Weather is increasingly unpredictable. Be prepared for power out"- ages. Free 7-year extended warranty ($695 value!). Schedule your Free in- home assessment today. Call 1-888-674-7053. Spe- cial financing for qualified customers. (W tfn) STILL PAYING too much for your Medication? Save up to 90% on RX refill! Order today and receive free shipping on 1st order, prescription required. Call 1 -844-369-9317. (W tfn) maintaining . :walmm‘oamzumm 5:30 mI—so-rtonommr- .—~ ,_ F'U?S(‘i—l 'fl N-‘c‘ZWSDNSO-C‘OQ'JTI A a-t 1! :‘OCD-‘fC/JQ an: 1N5 '<_OJ C'O'D. 5_