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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 11, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 11, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, December 4 0/ II 0_------i,,  December 11, 1947.,t 6c PER COPY; $2.50 PER YEAI " -- Airport Operation Is Model 00NGS Santa Claus Visits LM Store &apos;: Of Public Service Planning E M Unique in the state, the Shelton Airport is one of the oo ,ew in o, o00or00to00 <,,e QO LUVI00 Ui// thinking about, best interesSs of public service and at the same time is not some study and O bring out." a debt-increasing white elephant. .,, - The original concept ARS ago last Sunda, = ChehaSs Man ,u00.c service for the local !:'re!pe°pleSgoing about their usual airport was conceived and I "Utine Sunday practices, carried through by County I 0se in the Hawaiian Is-Tells Kiwanis little idea that Decem- Commissioner Herb Dickin -j ;10uld be any different than tt sun drenched and care- son .and County Attorney ,.tenee they would norm-g!^" [nst[tut[0ns Frank Heuston, aided by J. The military establish- #€luding the largest ele- CommissionerSand Roy Cart. Lyle O'Dell f the navy and forces of iJity that were charged with Arthur S. Cory, Chehalis These two men have been in the [IBf that island outpost were Inplacently "at ease" be- Savings and Loan company closest touch with the airport since it was first taken over by '.0 Word had come from su- executive and chairman of the County Commissioners 'from a Washington, D.C., that imminent or that Hawaii the state legislative commit- the Navy a year and a half ago. After investigations revealed that attacked. Phat complac- tee on state institutions was other municipal airports in the  rudely shattered when guest speaker at the Shelton state often had become a public 't vicious attacking dive nd torpedo arrying air- Kiwanis Club's weekly lunch- entbUrden'systemtheYofW°rkedoperation.°Ut the pres- INSTEAD of an expensive "air- Ibloearing the rising sun era- eon meeting at Memorial Hall port commission" or an airport Jhe Nipponese centered an Ylthe concentration of nav- on Tuesday. manager hired especially to ad- ]l and any and all of the The meeting was presented by ministrate the field, the men chose "d air forces that, could the Chehaiis Kiwanis ub as part to transfer operating control and iin opposition. The result of their inter-club activity. Ken- responsibility to a private cam- r;:kttack is history and who neth Chase of the Chehaiis club pany. ame has never been. and introduced the speaker and other The company chosen for the op- : ' never will be, clearly de- Chehalis Kiwanians who were vis- station of the Shelton airport was but the disaster that al- itors. The program was arranged the Shelton Air Service. This AMA/ED These children, enchanted and Some- to mduie. No. 2180 ept our naval forces from by President-elect Erll Lauber. company recently concluded sign- what amazed to be so close to the one and only to the Mercan- For Your of the earth should have REPRESENTATIVE Cory .,who ing of a new agreement for an- Santa Claus, stood still long enough to have their a.m;til to noon'dcpartmentand:2:to 4fay p/m:,'vimitk't#m0row'fY°'.and aain SattJrday10 i s a lesson. In the six years has served several sessions on the 'other two-year period of operat- Sweetbearf lowed the devastation of state institutions committee, told ing the airport, following the ini- pictures taken iq the glow of Christmas cheer at, the same h0urs. ' . ' - . arbor, America proved of the varied activities that gave tial year of successful handling radiating from the ruddy-faced visitor who dropped Santa:was' swamped with Children last week as llitie§ of production and service to citizens in the fourteen of the field and equipment, in last week from the North pole, they.lined up aPdund him three :deep f0r, hourtb 'e te ashes of that Hawaiian of such institutions that are main- In order to utilize as much as .Because a great many Shelton youngsters did gae away' 800.:bags  of candy'.from, his' North arose a mighty strength tained by the state, possible of the airport build- not get to talk to Santa last wek, Hank Bacon,, Pole Kitchens during 'his  fir'Awo das' here, and ught the enemy to its These institutions, which include ings and facilities, other public general manager of the L.M. store, had a confi- he promised he' will haveat.'isaSt' thaimuch this As Advedisein  tgnomy at Tokyo. In the all except schools, are operated on service groups as well have been dential talk with the old boy and persuaded him week, and more if he needs It.' -4Andrews Photo LIFE r distances were such that an annual budget of $20 million assigned to buildings at the air- r : .... -- 8nd not carry weapons dollars, which is exclusive of the port• Among these are the Shel-  Shopping Spree Starts Find*Gifts for All on List The mysterious Miss Hush may prefer her Christmas in Spring, but Shelton, for reasons known to all, is rushing into the holiday season with wild abandon. A county-wide shopping* spree began last week with an evening of open house in Shelton stores Friday. This week finds the store clerks • faced with the problem of answer- ing such questions as "What would you suggest for my Aunt Mamie ? I like this cigarette case but she doesn't smoke." or "Do you think this will fit my wife ? She's this (with gestures) broad and this tall." IN ORDER to ease the task of the weary clerks and to acquaint the local shoppers with the ex- tensive and high quality merchan- dise in stock in Shelton stores a Journal correspondent took the af- ternoon off to "see for himself and pass the word along." He reports his own Christmas Shopping nearly completed and offers suggestions of gifts for readers to get Mother. Father, the kids and anyone else on The List. " 'M' is for the mauy things," etc., but what shall we get Moth- er this Yea r ? ,The answer to that annual question seems to lie sonic- where betwqen the "New Look" fashions available at the ladies' ready-to-wear departments at the L.M. and Penney's,' at the Polka Dot and at Crane's Apparel and the ever lovely gifts of jewelry on display at Beckwith's, Neuen- schw$ter's and Ray Vrahnos'. FOR THE ladies, the L.M. has on hand'an, elegant line of lingerie. Outstanding among the many lovely night g0WnS, robes, slips and hostess gowns are the satin quilted, lace-trimmed robas avails: able in tea rose and white. Also at the L.M. is the new .so- lutionto an 01d .an delicate prob- lem. For. the person .interested in giving a girdle or a braasiere there are attraetive gift certifi- cates enabling the receiver to be eertain of getting exactly what she desires in size and style. /Ruby Crane has a stylish line of the ','new look, Coats In plaids and plain colors featdng the longer hemline, full swing back, and pop- ular hood. Every lady would be pleased to receive one of those on Christmas Day, Jaycees Hear Bremertonian On Recreation Giving the Shelton Junior Chamber of Commerce youth activities program a shot in the arm, Hal Roberts, Brem- erton recreation expert, spoke for more than an hour to the Jaycee members at their meeting Tuesday evening at the Colonial House. The enthusiastic JCC members overflowed the Colonial House din- ing room for their dinner meet- ing, crowding around in the door- ways to hear the Bremerton man speak following u brief business meeting. Roberts, a former instructor in the Wisconsin State Recreation Training School, spent an hour din- cussing the problems and scope of the recreation program which the Junior Chamber has been outlin- ing for the town of Shelton. THE BREMERTON man. who justified his reputation for being one of the outstanding experts in his field in the state, held a fifteen minute questiot 9od following , .: .... his talk ! th loe' f $ti'  meeting answered qliestions put to him by informal groups for an- other thirty'minutes. Robert said that the Jaycees could get rolling right now with the recreation part of their ex- tensive" youth actiVities program, Without waiting for the new build. ing lo be constructed. The speaker was introduced by Dick Springgate, who heads tim promotion committee for the recre- ation program. Springgate an- nounced that his committee would meet later in the week to corn- LADIES' HOME JOURNAL, SEVENTEEN, COLLIER'S, LOOK, and others ; HOPE CHEST fe Home s ever--for her! Give her !he dream-come.true gift. member, Lane is the only in the world! EPARTMENT _,c0Uld -- * + z all e distances, D hat •s now and another Pearl With our military and nav- [ unwarned and unprepar- probably be the last that ever have to suffer. ( • r me, for many months [ . Pearl Harbor and up un- me when success'against b : "-- ted on tion and understanding, y the ese coma oc coun • e ....... public generally of the problems "aegree ot cerazn , nan " ' s w 1 .[* ..... 1 ,_,e of the, ]tttpipn, ould great y IIpW melr prme an a , t. 'th i-nawi: hi:eul-nln 'criticism from a publ e l unfortuna,te Ynen' an'0, vomeW'.to .,always.. been abte o a-,t ,,l.,lles .... ,, " ,a the navl services, The..[ ""n .arrangement, is now being was fully eradicaeo m l IkL',.' sought through Which some cses ns and m the ultimate !9 • • J Could be assisted by help from the ,!&Ut what might have hap-t new University  0f Washington the "American people as [.medical school, ' IBlt of the incident that l The fourteeu institutions coy- this count;y into the Sec-J'ered by Mr. Corys committee in- War, had the Japs fol- clude the three state hospitals, d W IJough with their initial ad- two custodial schools, .training :l." Still brings shuddeys to schools and the Soap Lake hos- " Ilk,to were famihar with the] pitai. military situation ' on I 7 of 1941. While civih Three Dogs Ill; learned something of circumstances follow- Harbor, in the days af- was past, still the of our position and with which Japanese followed that attack ecupation of the Pacific not been generally un- vast investment in buildings, grounds and other equipment. The speaker declared that it'was the purpose of those men con- cerned with administering the af- fairs of the institutions to give the best posgible service at the lowest possible cost to the tax- payer. lie URGED a better considera- Eat Dead Fish Careless residents of the area near Arcadin have caused tim poisoning of three dogs which are pets of two families living on the Holman road, it was rev, ealed this week. One family pet, who is* "only a " • mongrel, but very dean to the flae and smoke started, children,'.' according to Mrs. H. E. about the ruins o.f Parker, was taken to a.veterinary fleet in Hawaii, the)for treatment after he nearly dnland was. corn- died from'nibbling on a raw fish- zepulse any at-I head left out in the open. from any invad.[ The dog apparently sickened by was no battle, line:to .fish scraps, either from the pois- enemy with the big- oned spines along the back of the )f our navy at the bet, I fish, or fom the spoiled fish meat. army fighter aircraft] TVo family pets of Mrs. B: cific Coast that would Grayson were also made violently "deles,.  were carefully l ill apparently from the, same seal mri e for the Philip-  cause, Mrs. Parker reported, and had 'no coastal defense, she asked that anyone cmanmg other than what fish in the area either burn the in the form of token fish cleanings or bury them whe're $4s from unorganized md] dogs cannot dig. "" _.. Volunteers wire would] .... !-7"------ "" ' rificed hemselves at tllc pARENT.S:OI  .11¢. ": "'L-" 'e s of it'al coast locations Mr. anti rs. 'loman Fu,, - - rdle jpanese had svc: came the' pa'ents of a baby girl their larl Harbor oer- December. 10 at the Shelton: Gen- Bootees o,, .o.o ..l,.0, , eral Hospital. - " A!,;:': SAY. MERRY,!CHRISTllIAS . TO THE WHOLE FAmLY S . 5 0 1:  r ' :HOTPOINT Electric Range ' I . ic" M°delsfr°m 1 $5.95 *1890075 i kTl00/ : | $S'91 it II ' i :il ,, Brothers So. 2nd St. (} Phone 334 ton public schools, the National Guard, and the Washington State Patrol. The Shelton Rifle and Pistol club also has quarters and a shoot- ing range at the Airport. The State Forestry department too, is planning to move equip- (Continued On Page Five) Christmas Mail Fore.her States: : Should be in Now All Christmas cards for out-of- state delivery, and all Christmas packages, should be in the mail today in order to ensure their ar- rival before Christmas. "The heavy flood of gift pack- ages and Christmas cards in post offices all over the United States makes early mailing essential," Postmaster Warren Lincoln ex- plained. Christmas cards for lo- cal delivery should be mailed be- fore December 15, he said. "ENVELOPES and packages may be marked 'Do Not Open Un- til Christmas' if desired," the post- master advised. "Such notes are permitted both on parcel post and on regular mail, including Christ- mas cards sent third-class with a 1 /-cent stamp." He warned that envelopes of third-class mail may not be sealed, either by licking' the flap or by closing with Christmas seals, al- though Christmas seals may be affixed to the back of the envel- ope. Do not include written mes- Legion Sponsors UMT Drive With Petition ,Signing Fred B. Wivell Post 31 of tim American Iegion has announced its plans f.6r an all-out drive to back the Universal Military Train- ing Campaign of top national vet- erans groups. Because the Gallup Poll has in, dldatd that a large major.t, of the-,Ameriean - .lople favor th Universal Military Training Pro- gram, the American Legion,'back - ed by an imposing list of national organizations, is circulatin peti- tions in an effort to get 10 million signatures before the matter comes up for action in congress shortly after the first of the year. THE FIRST petition was taken out by Vern Eaton Monday when he gathered 70 names of local vot- ers who support the universal training program. Eaton reported that of the peo- ple he contacted, ouly four re- fused to sigr/ the petition. Other Legion members in Shelton have been out with their pencils and petitions this week in an effort to contribute to the 10 million signa- tures sought by the Legion all over the country. The local drive has been turned over to Dick Springgate who an- nounced that plans are being com- pleted for a campaign designed to reach every citizen of the com- munity. THE PROGRAM will include JAYCEES SEEKING FOODSTUFFS FOR 19 GIFT BASKETS Nineteen families in Shelton have been "adopted" by the Junior Chamber of Commerce for special Christmas gift ,-bas- kets which will be distributed during Christmaa week. To fill the initial 19 baskets, and more if possible, Jaycee member's some 60 atronq will qo '.' door to., dgor- this., w=ok end seeking contributions fm Sheltonites wishing to aid in the worth while movement, Chair- man Harold Wiseman of the campaign, said yesterday. The Jaycees have started the program by contributing $25 in cash for initial purchases for the baskets, and they are now seek- ing contributions of all types of non-perishable foods and canned goods which may be inelude in 'the gifts. Wiseman, his assistants Jack Catto and Roger Stoy, and some 90 percent of the Junior Cham- ber will be around to see you either Saturday or Sunday, and they are asking that you have something ready to be picked up. Shelton Garage Purchased By S. B. Anderson The transfer of ownership of the Shelton Garage from AI Shafer to S. B. Anderson was revealed Men- sages iu third-class mail. The Shelton post office will re- main open Saturday afternoons until Christmas.' ,. ActiVe C-i00 S-00s Magician Show Twelve members' o'f the Shelton speakers at the various club meet- ings and public gatherings and a circulation of petitions by mere- day with the announcement of An- derson's resignation from the J. Stage Rates Up, ,,ever before, plete plans for the drive. ROY rEACHER, chairman of rt...m .,1 outing flannel has Style and beau- the committe= o,, ,n=--hoh, -- .Vvv It Vii  , , ty as  Well as durability and nounced t=t th ...... oa '  1 L " Om 1' ' r ' H warmth as exemplified in the win- -" ..... Y '= .......... :"" • , more than doubled in size as a re, .... r  txlc iztemoelnip IrlVc wnlcn New bus ticket urices, which There the shopper can find every- aa oo t ' - " - " 1 on thing in night-time wear from the ...... ' ..... ' ..... went into effect December . He oln , the Bremerton-Olvmnia run have universally loved pajamas to .the _ p ted out that the .group c'ame-d:-li-ttle adver'se'critiCism ex- new and popular shortie nighties, has grown t.o over 100 men m less ....... ,. ,  than a year's time cept from passengers:WhO normally[. The .day afar •Christmas is  .. : ..... .used commuter tickets from Brem- .ouna to nna ne streets oi nel- .hine growm ann ne acuviw o erton to Ehelt0n, accordinto ,Bill ton overrun with our own brand t n w service club are a tri- Whb ............ ilnllllrv__ fn _her S..el_onh't d.-i ..... t of "men of distinction" from the bute to_ the effective leadership, of vildon of L'bus comi)any. I (Continued On Page Eight) ene urgoyne. Company to break 'eVe, on the uan t  HIr.t tnr Ir$$e _  ...... ] ------ -- ,.,',,w,m. II m*mmm'w alva ' • iV#ql trips to tremerton zrom nmton. . Because of the increased costs of operating, inchiding gas, oil, tires, and drivers' salaries, the company has been forced to raise the ticket prices for Bremerton commuters from $3.75 to $9140 for five • round trips. Prices on commuter tickets from Shelton to Olympia als0 have raised, but not so greatly: The new price for five round tripbe- I tween Olympia and Shelton is $4.90. The one way and single read-] trip prices between. Shelton lind the capital have not chaned' much. The roundtrip tickets h;e ! raised five cents, the ingle tickets' are the same price of 75 cents To Bremerton, the single trpl price is now $1.25, an increase of • We must protect them from in- 25 cents, and the round trip price . _: ...... ]oc o.a ,,n ¢n €1 aK 4- €00 ' see[s, alsease ana asjnage Dy zlre some "of  tl"\\;i"Y': .... " y .... '{ from each area We must produce z t e cKes raes ave ' be t " ' the s, trees for a continuous been decreased. Prices from Hoods- "mtnnlv of timber This rocess is port and Ltlliwaup to Shelton or,  as reforestation € Olympia have dropped 10 cents for  ''THE FORESTIY calendar is the Hoodsport runs and 15 and 10 for the Lilliwaup trips. An overall increase of 10 per cent was attempted by the com- Being Planted by Tree Farm Active club attended the regular The entire campaign will wind I-Ioquiam J. C. Penney store. He l 1 a Tramm sections of the lines dinner meeting of the Bremerton up in Uz iversa Mt it ry " " g came there from Lincoln, Nebras- club last Wednesday evening at Week which is being, proclaimed ka, in 1926 ' ------ theTheMiSsiOnlocal cafedelegation,in the whichNavy citY,was nationally for January 6 t O Janu- He 00ee,, active in Shelton Driver 19 Falls making an inter-club visitation, cry 12, !948. __ Civic affairs, serving terms as  ,,,  ,,r , a wa greeted by 35 members of the --'-__-'- " ' president of the Chamber of Corn- Asleen lmur,00 Bremerton'club for the gala eve- Auto Llc"s00s merce, the Kiwanis and the Ac- V' J ning. • ' ,aa  tivc club. ' . Charles L. Wilson, 19, son of The Sheltoff Active club will l|n- |,,]ffir. " Andrsn said that he was sorry Clarence L, Wilson of Allya, was sponsor the appearance here of th e kl:;lllll OIUYYIY  to sever ?'relations with the Pen - in serious condition in a 'Seattle • " • hospital this week following an man described in Hollywood as the ' ney comlany, and emplmmzed that i world's greatest magician Who will Rush Wlll Come his association with them has al- . . . ". _ • , accident on h ghway 14 A about mystify his audience to raise funds Contrary to a rumor which has ,ways been on excellent terms dur- l.Zrmmoie? zrom A]lyn carny un- for the benefft of. the high school gained rather wide headway, Ma- ing.the 21 and a half years he Vtlso7 ga a,,i,,i.  .... ^,,+ band. " son county automobile and truck worKect with the company. " a-'-- ---'-' ':-':"";'' ?' ..... ':" The magician, Mitchell ,Cain, "   " n ............ o .m. wnen ne zest asleep at ne will appear here January 28 in he owners Do no nave o possess a . However, ne ecmeu o ouy ne ,,,oo e fo o m o,,,, ,,, inspection test certificate to get garage in order that he might o"f't'e_i'_"l...a.:'_._=. .... :.:'"" Junior high school auditorium, ' " " " -- ta " ' .... e anentl-" n g w y anu crasnea ano their 19.t8 venicm licenses, rs,' S y m neiton p rm y. a tree smahin , h oao, and will feature his sensational 'tor '  ' ........ ' Susie Pauley, county audz , --- -z'iH and a fender  box escape trick and the danger- pointed out last week. 00000000rtment s.ffered a s;vor hea00 inu 0us Guillotine act ,with his lovely ,, =., u., € assistant. , Mason county vehicles do not _ is which caused the shattering of __ -------------------- have to be certified by the state (In ]'lllll 00Jarms several of the bones on one side SheltonChamber patro, safety inspection statton ull l',utii z-ll of his face. He was taken to the to secure 1948 licenses,'! Mrs. Four fire alarms and a false Shelton General hospital and later ti Pauley said. " alarm were answered by the Shel removed to Seattle for a special, Annual Mee ng , SHE' ATTRIBOTES the slow, to,, fire department last week. , lzed operation there., S t:LFOr" Tonight n0ss of applicants for 1948 licenses The first fire was caused by a . , i to the fact that this false rumor short circuit in a radio Decem-] , ' • --, ;' The annua]["itihgbf the Shel- has. galnec considelable accept: her 4 at the home of Pearl Salt-I [| "Tf0UM4T i ton Chamber" o Commerce is ance among'Mason county car ann wick at 433 South 12th St., and[ liI'F_[[=_TFTO'VO0 scheduled, fPrS' p:m. tnjght, with truck owners, here was uo damage except to the l I'''  .... the election of a -board" of trustees "We have issued only about 600 radio, i .il.y HAV_ r]  .for- the coming, yearthe main or- of the 3,700 car licenses we will An overheated oil stove at the[  U I= J :der 'of business. • ..... ultimately give out and only about Buck Armstrong residence on Cap-I. [_ ! , • '- The. meeting wilt be called o 200 of the 1 100 truck licenses itai Hill caused no damage Dcc-I  I_ 5H0l 0A order aL theShelton .hotel coffee which will finally bc applied for, ember 5. I . /,/UNTILC :Shol ?llowig a'geGtogether din- she explained, . An auto fii'e at 1622 Stevenson] Wj.Li_ nor at 7 pm: Members who have 'All of which means applicants lcft approximatcly $25 damage on "_:  been reported by the nominating will bc standing' in line -for long December 6. The fire was caused ]"  CohunitLec: '.for considcration as pcriods when thc deadliuc nears,' oy overheated brakes. " Jm )J memb.ers of.the board of trustees she warned. A fire reported by a stranger '"- arc Vern Miller, S. W. Price, Herb- A $3.00 fine is added to the li- in town who said he saw something ('! ert Angle, Erlcst Grant and WI1- ceame fee after January 10. burning at 8th and Alder near the  =  liam Dickie. . ......... " - ' high school turned out to be a _ @I- WIIAt0S--A--RE-I;AT--- DAUGHTER IS BORN false alarm, Chief T' E. Deer said. m.J[ x Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wiles, Star Mr. and Mrs. Lester Spilseth, Shortly after on the same day, .../{ Rt. 2, Box 42-B became the par- Rt. 2, Box 36-A, are parents of December 7, a chimney fire was ::,. ! a baby girl born to them Decem- put out by the fire department at . ,e 'r////#Vr/t enLs Of. a baby :girl born to them I at the Shelton Gencral Hospital ber 9 at the Shclton Gcnezal Hos- the Ed ElhoLt house at 608 Frank- ,,,,,,i'[rl W/' "" December 6. pital, lin Street. There was no damage. bers of the Legion• .C. Penney company and his post >made up of only two seasons, in- Letters and telegrams o Con- as manager of the Shelton store. tead of the accepted four sea- gressman Russell Mack and Sena- Anc}erson, who has been In the soi, First we have the "fire stson" extending from April to tors Cain and Mgnuson support- Shelton store as manager since pany, with large adjustments onl Oeler, theR the "reforestation 1937, previously headed the Men- some schedules and little change or te.e planting season" from No- ing the legislation will also be so- tesano store from 1934 to 1937, being made on others in an effort veler thru lfarch. The latter, licited, and before that worked in the to equalize the revenues from all ,, " or t¢e planting Season is now in full, wlng by private and public By OSCAR R, LEVIN, Managing ForeSter SOUTH OLYMPIC TREE FARM COMPANY "How is your forest growing?" Many people would think this a sti-ange and somewhat ridiculous question. But stop and think! Is it not just as sensible a question as, "How is your potato/crop growing?" With our. forests we have,* in the South Olympic area, 'Kidies In Dairyland' reached the point where we Contest Winners Named must regard them as crops. Winners, of the "Kiddies In Dairyland' scrapbook c o n t e s t We must select good seed to sponsored by the Mason County reproduce thrifty trees. Creamery . were announced by Manager Emil Lauber last week after thc judging committee had concluded its evaluation of the en- tries. Karen Mlchaelson, 7-year-old daughter of Mrs. Juanita Michael- son of 212 Wyandotte Avenue, got in on two prizes, making up the best entry in the colored division and the second best entry in the uncolored division. Roberts Schwarck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Schwarck of 214 Wyandotte Avenue, Karen's next-door playmate, won first place in the uncolored division. agencieS. ,H)N I8 BORN This 'a]l marks the. fifth plaint - .A baby. son was, born to Mr. and i, =, e,, the South Olmic Mrs. Rollin Converse, P O.. Box ;e  "Fa',*,,hih h i-creo°"se a 224, December 4, at the 'Shelton "' (C0ntc4"0'I,a'T'.e" " General Hospital. , , Shott"" , Shel}on., ,,., Firs 1 AREFUL,,thPLfty Christmas g -re ers have found J n0thing Ii tbe gained bX travellng off to metropolitan centers InthApelief money can be saved through lower prices or tl groater variety is available in gift  selections. : | dANY examples af <.ientical articies being 0fered at l £VJ. lower prices Ln,. lton stores than in te larger ,,ll metropolitan cenpP,<,have been found by those Who havetrled aboppinwly from their home town atores. . TOR have these aame "Peener pasturo" shoppers found £1 any more variety from wllich to choose than their own i home-town stores, operatti Iy their friends and neigh, t bors who atand ready to iere them twelve months of the year and to stand behfnd'>tllalr merchandise, i ALL that out-of-town shopping,getk Shelton residents is t 21,an extra gas bill, time killed,pJlng by large crowds, and in the long run greater €oif,0V'pqrohases made. This Message Sporisor! and paid by THE SHELTON /.!  CHAMBER OF COMMFCE., i " ' r ¢ i