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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 11, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 11, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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11, 19 Pa K, 2 S'ION-MAaON COTnTY JotmNM, Tluu'dV, D,r,mh,'r . KENC/IRDINALONALL'$TATE I HUERBY MOTORS 5th and Railroad Phone 16 !Lake Cushman4th, Carlsons Well Up In State Pin Meet J Three local bowling .teams I whicl, tested their mettle in tour- nament competitionlast weekend will probably lmve at least a lit- tle something to show for their efforL when the final figures are in two or three weeks hence. Most successful of the trio was the Lake Cushman Resort entry from the City Bowling League, which hung up a 2724 pin team score to hold fdurth place at£he close of the first .weekend's play tn the annual Wshingfon State bowhng tournament in Tacoma last Saturday. Skipper Allfe R65. Inserts ,554 Was. high for his club, while irt tile singles Babe Carlson with a 601 (tha/ks  to a 226 €los. ing game) and Laurie Carlson witll a 597 were hig h among the leaders in the Class B division of tim meet. The Lake Cushman team also competed in the Class B division. Two feininine' teams competing in th'e annual. Sty. handicap tour- namei,t' in Seattle last weekend falled,Q. :post te=rn Scores likely to earn any shal;e of the prtz money, but Ruth Edgely's 59Y t0- tal in the singles shouldst-and up for a chqnk of chanKe and'Teen¢ Sharpe may get a,blt with her 548 and M erna MJfflin with her 542. 'Neither of the tea. scor!s r01:led by the Old ,Miif Ol a Ma(s Corner is expected to in an f- thing. USE JOURNAL WANT ADS Maintenance Gains 2 Games as Rivals Get Whitewashings RAYONIER BOWLING W L Maintenance .............. 30 9 Office .......................... 24 15 Supervisors ................ 23 16 Grease Balls .............. 22 17 B[each Plant .............. 18 21 Electricians. ........... :... 15 24 Chemists .................... 14 25 Research Girls ......... 10 29 i ga'me-Norm W esmmd :i03 High t0tal--Nom Westlund :146 CITY BASKETBALL L00P•OPENS PLAY MONDAY; 7 Wasting no time once they de- cided to get going, city league bas- ketball teams will open theii" 194% 48 season next Monday with tiu'ee games m the new gym starting at 7 o'clock. No practice or conditioning workouts will be held, the seven teams of the circuit leaping head- long into their schedule. Opening games will pit Morgan- Eacrett Lumber against McCon- key Pharmacy in the curtain-rais- er pantorium Cleaners against RavDnier in the eight-, o'clock skir- mish, and Moose Lodge against Mamtenalce widened its llayon- the McCleary Sportsmen in the ier bpwIlng league advantg'g by finale ag nine. two full games-rUp to sixZ-o,ver THE LEAGUE'g seventh entry tl:s tWo C!0sDs;s:6nday s, sponsored by Woodfiber with hi,it by .Winning, g pair n;0m the the Sportsmen eing the only out- Bleeh P'lan; h'ile both second of-town member of the loop this lace. Office Mad third pla.c sill- year. pervi§0rs were, taking, shutout beatings respectiv#ly, from the Electricians and'the Grease Ball§. Scor, es, at. e Main nr , h. efty. €i a, [ fia a Wh] re- / ere se ne sevel oaiclm •/3irl.s:. t scorlnE. ,e, TAO m. EJIVS ,DI ,,Eames srorn g w1itew tQrS. I R Ior¢I umDn o  Maiaaaa (2) Bl. Plant :(i) Handicap , 3,54Handicap, 53;/ Westlund , 546tCarl Rains 399 Rank , 58[Wolden 327 teehler /381 ICab Rains 362 Temple ' 426 Lunsford 376 Skelsy , 492Friend , 496 9¢8 843 866 2657/'8( 7)4 97 2497 Ohemlst (8) Re. Girls (0) Handicap 6541 Handicap 993 St0y 433] G.Mays 326 Eager 4231P.Cormier 311 Lynch 3731 K.Price 304 Perkins 365[ V,Gpay ,3 Tobler 469[ W.Bishop 2 853 895'969 27!71824 828 908 25 Ele(.triclani (3) Office (0) Haniiicap 627} Handlcap 450 Frutiger 450IB,Thorpe 436 L,Bare 371] Peacher 308 Jensen 416]Briggs 376 R,Bare 416 Holt 420 Stevenson 446] Gavareski 447 921 951 854 27261809 849 779 2437 Grease Balls (3) Supervisoru (0) Handicap 630 Handicap 636 H.le 881[ Lemley 539 R.Brown 476 J,Moore , 854 Edmiston 4071 Hawks +28 Zeitler 3701McCann * ',350 Wright 425 Muller 351 915 910 864 2689 907 899 852 2658 Shaw's Used .Car -Lots, Lot NO. 1, First,& Pine Lot No, 2; First &Cota WE WILL GIVE 100 GALL0¢S OF (AS;:d 12Lubr|ti(n Jobs ABSOLUTELY FREE With any bat hi;chased at either lbt between NOW and ChriStmas. ,,' 1.947 Fl00tline 00edanette with Heater and Defroster $750 down • ,/" ,/f, . , , 1947 Ford Convertlb|e With Heater down Pharmacists Gain First P!00eTie In Feminine WOMEN'S LEAGUE BOWLING :NcConkey Ptmaey .: .... 28 Ritner's cornel: ................ 24 " Pantorium Cleaners .......... 21 21 Dotson Tire Store ........... 19 23 Shelton Grocery ................ 17 25 Mac's Cornel: ........................ 16 26 Werberger Winery ............ 15 27 High game- Marie Schuffen bauer 195 High. total -- Marie Schuffen hauer 473 Matches Tuesday 7--Mac's Corner vs ,Grocery Old Mill vs ][cConkey 9--Werberger vs Ritner's Pantorium,vs Dotson Tire ALTHOUGH outscored by a wide margin in total pins, McCon- key Pharmacy, won a 2 to 1 ver; diet from Pantorium,, Cleaners which upped the pharmacists into a first, place tie When :the erSt- while leaders, 01d Mill weri upset by the agree :,argin by tel|end Werberger Winery. " . The, ,!, ,:.aqits ,didn't win r.On any gooCl I0WIifig of their own, for not a single member of the, 'Mc-, Conkey lineup hit,average, and the Werberger-Old Mill match likeWiSe was a low-scoring tussle as ,only i Lodga Kimbel hit a worthy mark for the competition, although Hel- en Pearce and Ruth JaCobsen con- tributed single good games which helped. MARIE Schuffenhauer banged I Shelton Gridiron of TEAMS ENTERED I)eLails of the h:au(,'s opera- Lion v,,ere threshed el;! lit .q luetq- ink of team mansger. and |)(ll- sors ]V[onday night and alter cun- sideral)le juggling (ff the ())(I gym schedllle arrallenlents \\;VP]'O lll,'lcie for tile circuit to use Lhe old. gym on Wednesday nights, when three- game hills starting at seven o'clock will be run off. This give:s the league the same gym time as it had lasi y,::', with tripleheaders beifig held in the new gym each Monday evening and in the old gym each Wednesday eve- ning. The league plans to play two complete roufids, or a, 12-game schedule. League officials this year will be Norm Hillyard, Ray Patrick, E}nmett 'Olivdr and Bob Hedges .with Chuck Hokonson as alternate. z- I r FAST FREIG _.[_ WITH DOOR DELP Dg¢,. Freight should be rout l_a Freight via Str. Sko N( Time Schedu Leaves Tacoma daily, ex Olympia e Arrives Shelton d CLARENCE CARl PUGET SOUND GOOD BUYS IN USED AUTOS State Prep Stars Of Last Year On U.W. Frosh Squad Seattle (Special)---Dog on re- p1atms but ;l!pz'L 0 r' hqighth: iS tiu¢Way Coach Bill Morris has si;led up his University of Wash- ington freshmn basketball squad after one week o£ practice. THERE WAS little question as the Husky babes went through light workouts last week. that re- gardless which men Morris selected as a starting line-up for the first fr0sh game in January. the Hus- kies would probably give height to their opponents. Tallest experienced pivot men to answer the first turnout call were Bob Scott, 6 foot 4 inch All- City center at Seattle's Roosevelt laigh school last year and Don Stewart, a nifty 6 foot 3 inch center from Longview. Stewart paced the Long-view team in the state high school play-off last sea- son'. FROM LAST year's state cham- pionship Pasco team are Captain Bob Glen and high -scoring Ncil Boyd who also played end on the fr()sh football team. Louie Sorlano and Ketth Jefferson, 19.t7 Brem- eton standouts, were on deck .to greet Morris as were Anaeortes' Dune Berentson and Bill Sullivan of .':Concrete, high scorer in last year's "B" tournament. Seattle players who caught Mor- ris' eye were K. Choriton and Bob ,Moen both All-City at Roosevelt; J. R. Savage. Garfield; Stewart Swift, AllrCity at West Seattle and Art Wake, Lincoln. 'Ace Selected For All-Star Roster l{(,t C'n'dinal. llihclimber fooL- bail ('.'(l.)t;,it and spearh(,ad of "t powerful Shelton line tim past two ,,rid[ 1'ol i seIlsons, \\;VOll tin hollOr • ill local fans wished heartily he %VOLll(1%vhen lie V/tlS llOlntq:l on lho All-SLate senior team for 19.17 as ;Jllnotlnced by the State Coaches Association committee Tuesday. Cardinal was one of t h r c o centers selected for the All- S£a:e team which will meet the All-City se- nior team from Seattle in the second annual All - Star high school game in Washing- t o n stadium Ke|| Cardinal next sulnlner. TWENTY-EIGIIT seniors whose play was outstanding during the l)ast football season were clmsen' to make np the All-State squad. Cardinal's selection made the sec- ond year in a row a Hiighclimber ' grid star has beew selected on the i All-State squad, Gene White hav- ink been so honored last year. Cardinal's outstanding line play during ttle  past season earned him the All-State berth despite the i fact his club had only a 50-50 won- and-lost record this year and also overcame the additional hurdle of a: small school which'placed a player o's tile squad last year. ' TIIE tllGIlCLIMBER captain climaxed a great year by inter- eepting a pass for the winning score and the only touchdown of his high school career on his 17th birthday when Shelton defeated the St. Martins Preps on Armis- tice Day. Other centers named along with Cardinal included John Adams of Longview's unbeaten Lumber- lacks, and Son Murphy of rakima, clef eared only by: ,Brernerton's crack club this year. IP 'i) Mixed Doubles P i T0urney Slated Plans have ben laid-t0 stage a mixed doubles bowling tourna- ment for high school students De- cember 31 ,on the Shelton Recrea- tion Alleys, 'Manager AI le/'ier announced thi week. Four trophies will be awarded in the competition, one each to the winning pair. and one each for the high single game and high three-game total, handicap in- cluded. 4-Game Singles Meet tIere This weekend " A pot:of, g01d of, :their on:;!plat ing beckbns Shelton pinmeri this weekend when an expected entry list exceeding the 100-mark by a good margtn opens fire in a four- g'mn h,'mdicap singles tournament on the Shelton Recreation maple drives Saturday and Sunday. Any bowler who has established a I5-game average in any Shelton leagie or the Camp Grisdale league , is elig'ible to enter the tournament Entries will be al- lowed 759 handicap up to 200 scratch. J FORD 2.do0r sedan, H, $675 down. '42 CHEVROLET 4-d0or sedan, R & H $475 dowii '1 CHEVROLET or sdaa, R & H $4.75 down '41 PLYMOUHr4dOor sedan, R &It $475 down '40 '38 FORD 2,doorsedn, R & H. $250  6@n '40 MERCURY Sedan, R & H. $250 down '37 PLYMOUTH coupe, R & H. $250 delft  '38 NASH 4door sedan, R & H $250 ,ioWa ,35 PACKARD sedan, R & H. $250 d(vn '40 FORD coupe, H. $850 down '41 CHEVROIET 4.door sedan, R & H. $49 bi,h USED TRUCKS READY , ?0 PANEL, with lieate$; $245 dbwn , $700 down "41 FORD 1 ½,-ton flatbed, $475 down chassis, $250 d0Wt iOWlI, ,'35 , $250 down CHRISTMgS ® SATURDAY DEC. 13 1 P.M. O 3rd and Pine Street ACROSS FROM SlNIPSON GARAGE Under Auspices of CLOQUALLUM GRANGE A • ,, ,:?  to Purchase a Piano for our Grange Ha I : i;. ..:;::"x Tiffs sale will make it convenient for, city folks and ol Ii:/iii!:.t too, to purchase a beautiful Chrmtmas tree at theft  ...... !'J / ln',ce .-at a pace they see fit to pay. . . E. A. (Bony) LOERTSCHER, Auetidnt , '   I I * "::.. .:; :.. :.,. FOR YOUR CAR Baker) " ouSlll iRl It'g more th it's a helpin .W baked cakes, at all times" MK[S HIT "' Sha 16.10 00OTA CIGARETTE LIGHTERS 2,20 " KLEENEX;" DISPENSER 2.50 O/ WHITE StD'E-WALL: TIRE RIMS METAL 6,9S = ,, SEAT CO%rE R S 9.00 and up 4 Special A for that v a le" in p • MELL CHEVROLET{ PARTS WHOLESALE -- RE T/t Store Hours 8 a.m,. to 6 P.' First and Grove Phone 777 or I I The more . , you dr;re ;t, the more you I,ke d I out bo,th individual,,top scores for the :night as she led Dotson's T!re ......................... & Appliance Store to an 0dd-game SPORTS AFIELD Every mile• gives added proof of, triumph over Shelton Cash'Gro- ,,,,,,,, . , ,j cery, her 19o and 47 0 ng be ,_. ,. ' . , ! r The laws o many states e scores ofthe.eVening. DonmDu-L " " " " BIG=eAR QUALLITY AT LOWEST CO, ,,a,o 4o ., ..... n +e finale %r :luire ;nat little fish b& thrown =,.,.o ,,,o,o=.=s,, .. " " " but t" " ' : . the 10ses, ' ..... . bac; , ne ,aws of nature pro- ' 4.'h 'L As more and more Chevrolet ow.ers ore d,scoveri"! Thil'd ,qace:W;+-or's r,e ' k',,t  vide that we ..shOuld keep them if , ...... ,ff,i ",o  2;  ge Wan .bt"er ones to row ,,,. o.,= .r.,,.,. , ^ . h=,.a" Verne l./Dav, well known con- ,_  years of service mean nothing to a Chevrolet! ]'hls ca! "'' ...... " ..... '" v ...........  ...... f°iii't '=I .... " .......   -- has extra.strength in every,pad--bbilt'i, ruggedne: Terry Edmistdn' average,raisin' servt, =, : maintains zna \\;the score although Mac'a Csrner scor-, prese-nee o:large numbers of lit-  and rellabilitY--ihe exceile,e that end ures.]fwill serf ed more total pins" tha 'the vlC - t!e'¢3 lnnioits the growth of . you for scor ;s ' f,-hsa :% f e o tou na o miles, and meo:'::l-ng cry0# . ' '  " ' , unequaled in its field, • One look win tell you t hot You can t beat a Chevrolet for ,  ' ', Chevrolet our.styles el! other all-round performance wlfh "  • cars In ttl field. It brmgs economy. And Chevrolet'l -.. --,p// ou smarter dedgn smarter world's.chain ion Valve-in ,em,'.J., ' cY:lor,_smarter upholstery Head Thrift.Vol,ter Engine,  •" .: ':':: a.d appolntmentsl It .a,Te un!que |, it, prl¢., '- I _- ---- ""': offers a luxuHou= uoay y wrings the last ounce of ener- - ._=--- - . /t Fisher at lowest prices, gy out of every gollon of fuel. '/J' I a.d/o.,d-steadlne.s. Ill  ., guard your tmnsportat!on by bringing ' Sargeant 321 Schuff nh r 473 If a bas;% for example, gets all too, because only no' ,r, J =,,l kT] present car to us for skilled ;ervio i .y , . , 32 poUll . " Chevrolet, of a c ,- -"- - _ ..... ' in ItS field, brinos ,r.' regular intervals, Iending d liver f) M.Durand 44.61Sutherlan d 3901 he can eat/.: the average one will I 'o ,the firm, easy, . car. See us for dependable, ear-s, ,ing 7.56 769 808 2333]833 80.9 751 23931 groW tO z zz pounds in 12 months. I balanced movement .. Mac's Corner (1) , Ritners (2) IA few o the best feeders will l oftheUnitlzedKnee" r/JP.dlllB'IkKlll handicap 3271 handicap 420 reach two pounas!n the same per--, Adlo, Rlde. 2i2'' C H E V R O L FrJsken 380[Duncan 365 led. /megms wnl, in the same s n lcn th of time, grow to f i-l'.Smith 412 Edmi to 345 g ive or LOWEST-PRICED !INE IN ITS ! MELL CHEVORLET. CO' First and Grove Streets  Shel¢om,  Tiffany 323 I-/unter 345 six olmces. Diclde 304 Will0ur 3391 "' TheSe figures will vary with • Edgley 460 Keir 321 di'fferent kis .and Combiuations 730 641 835 2206 744 700 691 2135 of fish bu. ne oasic law still ob- .... rains; the zewer fish there are in PREP BASKETBALL SCORES relation to pond capacity the Shelton 22, Siiverdale 20 larger ney wiu De. lm 41, S0tlth .Bond 32 .. Tlrow 'era back if you wish! Vley 39, M0nteano 25 ] But don t mark it up as your good Elma 40, South Bend 39 deed for the day. WELRY ............ USPENDERS ..... LTS, by Hickol