December 11, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Second Stage of Duck
Dtlek tmnter's are giving Uoir
Walter L, Marble
Representing the .
Life and Personal Accident
ttnd Health Insurancee
1903 Stevens Phone 709-J
Season Opens Tuesday
shotguns a second oiling of the
season in prcpartion for the sec-
ond l.l-day stage of' tim 1947 split-
season in this state which opens
next Tuesday,
The second stage eontinues until
the end of this month. Tile first
stage, also a 14-day period of
shooting, made cluck shooting h,-
gal from Get. 2l ttwough Nov, 3.
Within A Week ot Placing
Your Order we can have m,
your hands beautiflfl, plate-:i
less-engraved genuine Art-
point wedding Invitations
a n d marriage announce,
meats, Special attention
given to silver .nd golden
wedding anr, lversary invita-
Phone 10Q
........................ S00LTO00400,A.SOi00., €ot00TY
A MON"00 YOUR .... MERI ..............., C .......... H, A N ............. TS .......... Book- ............ :: ................................
r,'a,'-fet00he, as it.may seem, a. fro,. the mind of Mrs. Gers,di,e ,[ ,.
event which occurred 3500 miles Stewart,.the L.M.'s interior decor-
materially l:kst Friday's evening exterior, too, it would seem frmn '
Cin:istmas open house in Sheiton'. :his example.
s00orcs. I (by shir,oy Thorpe)
While tie open house was con- When the man-in-tile-family
sider.ed reasomtbly successful by makes his living by cooking, who vvvwv,,,,vvvwvvvwvvvv,vww
most of tim merchants contacted
by this eolunm scrivener, the
crowds which responded were
somewhat below expectations and
most of the merchants felt that
tim big heavyweight championsliip
I ight iu Madison Square .Garden
ad a diree.t bearing on the turn-
Broadcast over a national net-
work at' 7 &Clock, many Shelton-
ions Who otherwise would have
rome downtown for the open hou
kept. their ears glued 'to the radio
as the fight, expected to.end in a
quick knockout for Champion Joe
Louis. lasted 'th.rough the full, 15
rounds an Challenger Joe Wol-
cott came wlthin, a whisker of
'staging,the biggest upset ifl mod-
'ern ring history. •
• So it, was after 8 o'clock before.
the fight was' over, and' too lte
for listeners to take in the open
' hofle.
does the meal-getting at ilome ?
Well, in the case of the Hildcr-
man family it's the lady of the
house. Even though Hienie Hilder-
man feeds a goodly percentage of
the downtown working population
each clay at iris Chatterbox Care,
the meals at home are prepared
by Dorothy Hilderman ':because I
love to cook," she explains.
:1: :it :!:
Those.' iland-made dolls which
Mrs. E. N. Twohy has been adver-
tising in these columns the past
three weeks ,will be on display this
coming Saturday in the Olsen
Furniture Company at Fourth and
Cots for those interested in Christ-
mas gifts for youngsters.
M% Twohy has been taking
orders for made-to-order dolls as
well as others she makes without
special, order at her home at 230
South Second street, but believes
this display in a more convenient
i Two other, factors wlfich con- location for the shopping public
tributed, undoubtedly, to the less- will be of much assistance to
'ened turnout were unfavorable Christmas gift shoppers.
weather and the' earliness' of the * * *, ] of Shelton. Captain Dyley,
'closing hplr, eight o elock being Pu!e!%se of UIe Vanity.Deluxe[ who is stationed at Fort Ord,
too soon after dtners for: a large eauy uon at. 21 ottn ec- I Califothala, will join his faro-
majority of fariflltes in this corn- Dad,,Norma Buior from.] ily here in Shelton for Chvlt-
ma and':., let
muir: v M nv of those Who did Nellie Weston wascompleted le fur Yeko-
.......... t. a , . .... , . leave
respond for the open house ,sH¢ti cently ....... hama,,,aapma, in January.
they were unable to get around to L Mrs. Waston. had operated the Several Shlton, women among
all 'the Stores By' eiglt: o'clock. ,beauty salon since 1941. first in them, Mvs. George Cropper, Mrs.
* " * * " i-the L. M,women's wear i depart- Frank Willard, .Mrs. W. G. Batehe-
.That. o¢Ial replica of Santa ment, later moving i[ to its pres- fllar, Mrs.. Willam,,MeKenzio and
Claus who winks his electric eye I ent site. , .... , -Mrs,' A.. Almaden, .attended the
at all who gaze.his' way above tim [ Mrs. Butler .returns: .to Shelton
front door o£ the Lumbermen's after a five-year:absence during
Mercantile furniture department whioh she operated her.own beauty
has given many a .chuckle to those parlor in. Astoria, Ore, and -fresh
who view .him and has also given
studdnts in some of the elementary
grades a cimnce to exercise their
drawing talents. -
Some of the teachers in the
grade school have made it an as-
signment "to sketch the winking
He's a'lso getting some .of the
girls in the L. M, credit office and
the Simpson Logging Company of,
flees on the second floor of the
Lumbermen's bui.ding into bad
habits, or so they claim:
One claimed', she has been watch,
ing old St. Nick wink so much
that it's made her start winking
a( all the men she passes on the
"Makes it kind of embarrassing/'
she complained.
The winking Santa sprouted
For the Lady in Your Life
In Pretty New Shades with LONG FLARING COAT
Just the thing to touch Her Hear;
In bright holiday shades
Ladies Famous PlaSSie
HOODED RAINCOS .............. $3.95
In a large range of colors
s Apparel
When I take care of your car, I turn • qUintLUPlets!
from complefing a new
hair styling.a£ a,
wood. Mrs. Butler operated a •beau-
ty, pallor here in. 1,94l ..and 1'942
before moving to Astoria.
Orthopedic G00ild
Elects Offieers
At Meet Sur/day
The formation and naming of
officers of the first Orthopedic
Guild in Shelton was completed
last Sunday afternoon, "at a bu-
ness meeting and tea held at the
home of Pauline Payne Harris.
This guild, which will be known
as the "Mayme Bell Taylor Guild"
was named in honor of the late
Mrs. Arthur Taylor, who was a
pioneer of this town and early day
school teacher and postmistress.
Mrs. Taylor also pioneered the
T.B. movementjn Shelton and,was
a very eithUsistie:w0rkex, for the
, betterment: of L heal:h and the wel-
fare of the community.
' Officers elected for the first
• term were Mrs, Don Rucker, preSi-
dent; Miss Virginia Malloy, seC-
retary; and, Mrs. George W7-
ener, treasurer.
Members of the guild present at
the meeting were Mrs. Vern Mil-
ler, Mrs. Joe Finn, Mrs. Harry
Deegan, Mrs. Elmer Smith, Mrs.
Alice Gass, :Miss Carol Oallist,
the newly elected offieers M]s.
Rucker, Miss'Malloy and Mrs.
Wagener and the hostess;
The next meeting of, the group,
will be held late in January.
There are a number of- othe
guilds in Shelton Which are in the
process of being formed.
Simple Servke
Unites C6Uple
In simple fomnalit at the
home of :Mr. ant Mrs. Don Sae-
ger, •Miss Molly Maard O f Olym-
pia and Charles Horst of Shelton
were marriid.
The double ,ring, ceremony, .was
performedl by.levrend ,Wayne
Wright Noveraber 20 as tle coU-
The bride, givett in, Lmarriage,by
her brother, • Ernest MayaaXd
wore a blUe th[ee-quarter lenh
,sleeved afternoon .dress accrtted
by a gardenia and rosebud c6r-
Her only attendant, i,Margaret
Vancil, was gowned .In. a-grey
dress with a corsage of white and
pink carnations.
Mrs. Horst chose a white and
green print dress for her , son's
wedding accented by a corsage of
white and taupe mums,,
A reception followed..:the ser-
vice it S. A. Eeckh0ut 0f
Olympia pouring andi Mrs. ,Donakl
Saeger,.eutting the two-tier wed-
ding Cal., ,,,. . , ,,, :.
Foll0Wiig , a Shot' lionemoon
the couple will live in Shelton.
4 Geneia i
Of Two
Fou g n t So a family;at
dinner is unique these .dFs} Jut
last Thanksgiving round,four gn-
erations not once, but .twice,'
seated around the dinner fble at
the Eldon hotel. : r : : ' '
One of the great-gradmothtt,
Mrs. Nellie Matthews of .the Mt-
lock route in Shelton: Wad:.. with
her daughter, Mis. Ed glVona,
her granddaughter, MII, Stanley
Smith, and great-granddaughter
Marjorie .Ellen Smith, :
To make the gathering com-
plete, Marjorie Ellen's other great-
grandmother was there. She is
Mrs. Christian, of Olympia, who
was with her daughter, Mrs: Mat-
tie Backland, and grandson Stan-
ley Smith.
The only ,grandfather in the
gathering, Ed Krona, felt a bit
left out of things--he was out-
numbered by the women.
llave yon evr stopped to
look at the picture above thts
idle chatter?
I 'Oli(ier how ninny of 1114
can boasl that our yard and
back fences look that spacious.
It's a shame that so many love-
ly homes are marrel by slutmc-
fully shabby yards.
Kenneth SleD. son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. 5. SleD, and Bob Nault
son of Mr. and :Mrs. Wilford Nault
arrived home from Naval Train-
ing, center .in' San Diego aud are
:spendfig their leave with their
:Mrs. Lloyd Raymond of Seattle
is visiting at the home of her
.sister and brother-in-law. Dr. and
Mrs.,A. N. Paxrett.
Arriving in Slmlton last week
from.Crmel Valley, California,
for an exlendel visit with lmr
paxenta was Mrs. R. D. Dayley
and daughter, Judy Anne•,
Mrs. Dayley is tiW daughter
of Mr. and. Mrs. J. L. Parson
Federated Garden Clubs holiday
display at the Olympic Hotel in
Seattle over the weekend.
New Organization
Begins Here For
Working, Women
The Business and Professional
Women's club organized in Shel-
ton Monday evening at the Colon-
ial House.
This federation of working
women is the 'largest organized
group in the United States, Dis-
trict of Columbia, Alaska and
: The purpose of the club is to
improve conditions of all profes-
sions and businesses, present more
opportunities, and prepare mem-
bers for leadership.
Miss Marion Argo, state presi-
dent, of Ten:no and Mrs. Ben Wi-
,kander of Elms, district repre-
sentative, were here to assist in
the organization of the club.
School Music
Department's ...
Concert Praised
The Irene S. Reed High School ,
Music I)t'partn('llt gave an enjoy-
able col]cert Thllrsday evening.
Thursday, December:Lay, December 11, 1 .
On the whole the music was
good, well l)layed ;rod well re-
The t w o student directors,
though nerwms, did n splendid job
leading two marches.
The Girls Glee Club, a new of
ganization this year, did a nice
job after they composed themselves
in the last numbers.
The choW, under the direction
of Lynn Shemvood as all the other
groups, did a magnificent .job.
"Listen to the Lambs," at difficult
selection was mmg superbly with
a lovely solo by Shirley Bailey.
The "Battle Hymn of the Re-
public." the only accompanied
piece, was well sung and the solo
in this was done by Ken Cardinal.
The band played brilliantly, all
groups doing: a splendid job and
muck credit is due the director
for his work with the high school
Surprise Slumber
Party Held Itere
Misses Enestine Crane, Alice
Salisbury and Mildred Dugger
were co-hostesses for a surprise
slumber party honoring the birth-
days of Misses Stella .Endicott
and Nedra Downer, ,:
Folowing a movie the girls went o:.
) the Crane home where the tra- *."
ditional birthday song was sung' T..
and cake and cocoa served by the,*..
hostesses• °:"
Orthopedic Auxiliary !i i::
Meets, Elects Officers I:
At Monday Meeting
The Paul Bunyan Orthopedic
Auxiliary met last Monday at tle oo.
home of Mrs. Dinty Moore where ,,
election of officers was held with .t
the following offices being filled: :.
Mrs. Torger Lee was elected !
president, Mrs I Bart Robbins, sec- ,.
retary and Mrs Dinty Moore, :.
treasurer. ',.
It was decided that the regular ,.:°
eetings will be held on the first
Monday of each montk with the i:,
next scheduled for January 5 at !.
the home of Mrs. John Roberts. :.
Members present were Mrs- :*
dames Robert Fletcher, Otto Gold-
scluaid, Arthur Walton, Peggie !.
Mack:e, John Roberts and the :o
officers and hostess.
Saint David's Guild
Plans Christmas Service
The Saint• David's Episcopal
Guild met Monday at the home of
Mrs. Ed. McGill.
An election of officers' was held
with Mrs. John Roberts elected
president, Mrs. Ed McGill, vice
president, Mrs. Pearl Dutcher,
secretary, and Mrs. Florence Gro-
shong, treasurer•
At 9 a.m. December 21, in the
home of Mrs. George Grisdale,
309 North 2nd St., Holy Corn-
taunton will be received. At 11
a.m. a children's service will be
held with a Christmas tree and
party following.
Rainbow initiation will be held
December 16 at 7:30 p.m. at
'which time Margaret Qltman,
Jackie Ialbert and MaryEllen
Pigg will: receive degrees.
The Rainbow is giving a formal
Christmas ,Snow Dance for the
Rainbow .irls, DeMolay Boys and
their f, riends Saturday evening,
TP, llnis fl
Provides Equal Ta
A heartwarmin
Christmas/ You
and the joyous
For your tray
sleeping car sez
changes. Passe
transfer from c
Wise travele
ortably. At ho]
Daily Un
the Eas
Lv. Olyn
Lv. Portl
Develop the love of music in your
children with records "made especially
for them. Records that set favorite
nursery ryhmes to music. Your childre
listen and learn. Perfect for Christmas
a gift that's as entertaining as it is
educational. We have a wide selectiO
of records and albums by Victor, Colu m°
bia, Capitol, Decca and M.G.M.
We will be happy to have you listen to your favortt:
• . , o
pteces during our Chrmtmas period or any other €11
', Be00kwith's Music store
Not if you preset
lady with year
freedom . . .
'only do-everything : torpedo the f
her such luxury.
the Bendix is m
as much as $90
automatic washers.
Dealer makes it
• . , with small inst"
many months.
more, it costs f
' old-fashioned Wash
alone, pay you bac
and it uses gallon
on each load of c
her a Bendix, and
Washer which has ]
of trouble-f
wash, triple-
Wash, automatically
she's not in the h
ee the New Be
and the Bendix
Govey Building
: ............... ' ...... 2'::: .... - t .... - :., ** _ , . , -
hal£ a care of
or wears
;. tells
OES, Masonic Lodge
Plain Joint Xmas Party
" The, O.E'.s and the Masonic
Lo¢ige and families will hold a
joint Christmas party Saturday,
Decemoer 13, at th
e Masonic Tem-
• The.m!n',couVse will be served
by. the officers,of the groups with
the salad, Sisal, dessert potluck.
, The, dinner will be served aL
6:30 With a program following.
W,SN.A, Meet For
Aia! Cirstmas Party
• .Tlle,Washinton State Nurses
Aoiati0n net .last Monday at
the" hge, of MS. B. B. Forman
wth MtwMarie Able and Mrs,
Irene,lemchrd as co-hostesses.
This ,was regular meeting
combirrl ih a Christmas party.
FolloWi.n .th'e meeting gifts were
ex c h an:,g:ed and refreshments
served by,the hostesses.
The, next meeting will be held
in January.
.r'i Jacks-----on On
Deeoratmn Committee
pacific University, F o r e s t
Grove, Ore S e
• . , o( p cial)Marjory
JackSOn,. Iresnman at Pacific Uni-
versity,, has been appointed to the
decora.mns committee of the an-
nual formal dance to be presented
by the Associated Women Stu-
dentS of. Pacific,M: it was ammunced
today Dy ss Edna Tarr, Dean
of Women.
The dance is to be held in the
sunken ballroom Of the Masonic
Temple in k'ortIand on Friday, De-
cember 12..
MiSS Jackson, daughter of (.
H. Jackson, HoodsPort , is major-
ing in dramaat acificUnivcrsity.
She is a.grauuae of the Irene S.
Reed llgn scnogl in Shelton,
where she partidipated in the
G.A.A,, school plays, band, choir,
and many other activities. ]
I become an E.IrRbr, Because in
Shellubrieation I;folto afactory-appro red
chart of your carjttt like a blueprint and
specification heet. dI%e been trained to
know--and use14, slecial lubricants and
15 different kinds, of luipmat
; ; ; and a Detettive. Many of the "serv-
what to watch out for. That's also my job
• o, to warn you before troubles happen
: : and a Co|or, I empty ash trays
•.. wash windows •,, vacuum.o sweep the
inside, wipe off the outside of your car. I
check tires, lights, battery" and radiator. Do
a dozen etra servicesbut at no extra cost
;;; finally, an Auditor. With Shellubri-
cation, ,you get a "picture-chart" rece/pt-
showing exactly what's been done for your
ca--point by point. So you can be sure
everying has been cared for!
Mr. Fay Baker, native of this
community, returned to Shelton re-
cently after two month cnfie-
merit in the Providence Hospital
in Seattle•
Mr. Baker will continue his
treatment at th Shelton neral
Hospital but will reside at .home.
0000arge Audience
Hears Symphony
"A large audience, including many
Shelton music lovers heard tlle
fst appearance of the Pacific
!Symphony Orchestra in Olympia
last Thursday,
,The orchestra tk)rmed only this
fall in a re-orgahization brought
about by the Olympia Fine Arts
Gtfild, gave splendid' perform-
once of interesting and generally
, difficult tousle. •
. The symphony was highlighted
'.by, the masterf(d•presentation of
:Mozart and the great. Brahms C.
Minor Symphony presented by the
sensitive and well-trained musi-
Mr. Eugene Lindon, the director,
is, well known for his brilliant
reading of Mozart.
,With SUCh excellent music so
close to Shelton it affords an op-
p0rtunity for finer arts to be ac-
cepted and enjoyed by all in this
b Twelve members have already
een accepted and the charter
membership is still open to any
woman who works for a living•
Officers were elected with :Mes-
dames Corn Kelly as president,
Estelle Henderson. vice president,
Alice Gass. secretary and Andrew
Kruiswyk, treasurer.
The meetings will regularly be
held on the first and third Wed-
nesday of the month with the
meeting place to be announced
• ....... , ..., .... , • ..... ,, .... , • • ,,,,,:.€,-.
31e. • oO, ,%'°.°°`*•;*%*°;'°;•%°°;%*%*%*°;°°;%**$*°;*°;°`*°;°;*%°%*%*•;*%*°;**;**;*%*%*%?%°°;°°;*%*°;° •
Burgeson R
Home SerVice
Guaranteed Repairs
Als0a Few Keeonditioned and Guar:
USED RADIOS " $15.ff0- $25.00
• . . "and
Certificate in