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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 11, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 11, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lage B Classified Ads Classified Service qap, v_ - vvv,,w,w,,,B, ,e,&apos;v ROBERSON & FONZO Heating & Plumbing Everything in Plumbing and Heating Supplies Estimates Given on ANY JOB Large or Small 222 S. 2ad Phone 685 lilt I t t i _ '"' DRY SLAB WOOD $1 per cord Shiplap and Shingles . KAMILCHE VALLEY LUMBER CO. Route 1, Box 60 Shelton |  ] I I] I (Corsetlere) BERNICE STEWART (Charts) Established Clientele BY APPOINTMENT ONLY . Phone 372-R 616 N. 1st St, i i t i For Prompt Delivery STOVE OIL DIESEL OIL Phone 87 STANDARD HEATING OILS Distributed by SHELTON GAS COMPANY C. C. Cole, Mgr. 122 So. Third St, Phone 87 ........ t i i SINGER SEWING MACIIINE CO. 510 E. 4t- Ave. Olympia 6-5-tin tt I SHELTON-[ASON COUNTY JOUIAL Classified Service REAL ESTATE WANTED FOR SALE BURGESON RADIO RET'AIRING ser- vice on all makes home and auto FOR SALE: 6 acres on Mill Creek " FOR SALE: Ivory satin wedding',dress radios, Across from Junior High road, some timber, $750, terms if and veil, ncw, size 12-16,. very reas- school, 1221 Franklin. Phone l12W. desired. C, W. Rader, 1335 Mason enable. Also crocheted bedspread Pick up and delivery. Closed Sat- St. (m. 3, Box 35-A). 10-30-tin LOGS WANTED just finished. May be seen at Journal urdays, or leave work at Killmer FOR SALE:--P0ult,y-.a[--eq-iit, pecl. office. J2-11-18 . . _..El_ectrlc. ......................... .__ll-7tfn__ for egg and fryer production. Now :YH SALE: Practicafly new rustcloth Classified Service ELECTROLUA have about 550 layers. Also 2 houses, SECOND GROWTH coat with detachable fur collar, size CLEANERS. SALES, Service and one rented, Small down payment, 16-18, cost $150, will sell for $65, Can ,.vv,.-v,,.v.,..'vvvvvv,vvvvvv.,,'.- supplies. Free pickup and delivery, rest like rent. 2 miles out Bayshore PREFERRED be seen at Journal office. 12-11 EXPERT FITTING and alterations Jack Mauley, only authorized fac- Road• Harry BergeSon. 12-4-tin FbR-S)kLE--Evinrude--ottb-oa"-d-m--0tor-: done. Mrs. M. MeCann, 222 So. 4th tory representative in Mason Coun- <(fR-S-XLE'i-l"8?a'bS:e-t-l:act--landT-inifo Prevailing prices paid by rh... Inquire at H. H• Crary or St,. Phone 489-M. 6-10-tin ty. Phone Hoodsport 2-R or Shet- fronl Shelton; 25-acre tract 3 miles Sargison, 1031 E. Elinor St. --SEWING MAcIIiNE--REPAIRS - ...... ton 664. 7-18tin. from Shelton. both on nmin road, Enitai Lumber Co. 12-n-i3 EXPERT WORK. Ieasonable charges. HE Ms-TI'ICH'IN-G----i0-c- -i'---i;: Also 4()-acre ranch with 5-room honle, FOR SALE: Montag wood and coal Estimates made in your home by a tonholing. Mrs. Ellis Wells, 405 Ar- good well. outbuildings. Mrs, Rose range converted to oil with copper courteous, bouded employe. No ob- eadia Avenue. (Corner Arcadia and Phillips, P,O. Box 424, Shelton. coils• $95• Bill Cooper Radio, West. llgation. Leave calls at The oJurnal in Boundary Streets.) 2--tfn 12-4--1-8 Mill located at Minerva Park • Railroad Ave. 12-11-18 Shelton, l:'hone 100. FOR- SPENCER" FouNIATIONS arid" -FoR-SXL-E--sz[dl--2=ie-cli:ffi-hoiTe- Phone Hoodsport ll-W-3 -iOR SALE: Baby bcd $12, scooter $3, supports, phone 799-J for appoint, with bath, inlaid linoleum venetian youngster's bicycle for child up to meat or call at 1416 Summit Drive. blinds, on large lot. 3450, "terms, 10 years $12,50. Inquire 1018 Cota $9-28 1764 Hohnan. Stewart s Addition St., or phone 237-M, STEAM CLEANING Motor  $3.00 Chassis -- $6.00 Motor and Chassis $7.5O Bob Ervin Motors Buick 'Distributor 6;)3 S• 1st Phone 673 WHEEL BALANCING Stewart-Warner Balancer $1.50 per wheel Weights Extra Bob Ervin Motors Iguick Distrihutor 633 S. 'lst Phone 673 TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES -- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Shelton.Bell Alstract & Title Co., Inc. ]19 South Fourth (Bell Building) Phone 65 Charles R. Lewis, Presidcnt Blanch B. Bell, Vice-President C. Nolan Mason, Secretary-Treasurer Agents for PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO. OF SEATTLE Zember Wasla]ngton Title Association REAL ESTATE WALKER PARK : /-ac, rc. 8-room duplex furnished New 5-room home with fur- nace, hardwood floors plas- tered. Two cabins, ,§-acre, close in, $1000.00. Farms, Lots and Waterfront l-lames Shick & George PHONE 46 12-11 ] II ................................................... ,. SOME ONE WANTS THE ARCTICLE YOU NO LONGER NEED Call CLARK'S 2nd HAND-STORE 201 E. Pine -- Phone 40 WE BUY AND SELL i i it I J II KIMBEL OIL C(Y. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 465-W FOR SALE: 5-room ]wuse on Hillcreut with wool rug', 12'x20', Spark beater, gas range, waler heater, r,'fFigerator, newly decor e,d, ,'(!llOlfl.ln ) n( drapes c(wner h)t. Inquire J. 12. • J.?j!ns.p n :l(!! So ] 2t k S t = n-j7::::l?=ll FARM FOR SALE or trade for' city - , :pXqpert. Phvne 671-M. _ D12-4-tfn FOR SALE: T;y owner, modern poultry farm, completely equipped, 23 ac'res, 1D Cheated. Foo ,room house with .hath.. 2 large chicken houses end turkey houses. Irooder bouse with eapacLty of 3,000, has hot water brooding' sys[*!lll, also electric brood- era arid  int,'ubaiort]. Ehctri(ity, spring wafer, gravity water ystem, water piped L(, all buildings. Pcrnl- anent 2N00 gallon water storage tank. Good soil fruit trees, 300 ft wnierfront ioch|dinff tidelands on bay. Price $10,900. on lerms. Located 4 ,lillles 1rl)lu Sbclton on Bremerion- Sbelton hard-stlrfac(.i highway. A, F, Austin, Ri. 2, Box 84, Shelton, ll-27-tfn 12-11 Hillcrest. G12-11-18-25 m ' ' "' -FOR--SALE--Whizzer motor bike In WANTED: women to wor as oyster good condition. Charles Wright, ' cullers at Oyster Bay. Call long dis- Phone 337 or 368-R. 12-11-18 FOR SALE toe, Oyster Bay, collect, ask for -FOR SALE---Thoroughbred cocker Oscar Zandell. 10-18-tin puppies, 4 blonde, 2 black. Avail- WT-T-()--Bi-o|-d-ll0es-f6i;-Ml--ni able for Christmas. Mrs. E• Julian, eed. Myers and Hansen Mink Farm, at. 2. Box 259 (Agate Dist. close to Olympia. Phone 4676 collect, l-ltfn store). WATERFRONT For Sale by Owner PRICED FOR QUICK SALE r $7 to 17 pea', fr0n foot. 20 choice lots, clean, gravelly beach, no poi- son oak, This tract, lies IO miles east of Shelton and eight miles west of Al]yn on Shdlton-Allyn road. Follow the Signs at thi point one mile to beach, i EASY TERMS i Caretaker on grounds to show ! or write owner Gig Harbo! MODERN HOMEriC[minutes drive f@om town• Good house, five rooms and bath, with ell heater and large fuel tank, 4 acres mostly clearcd,00. View hont*;;.tERLOOKING VJkLLEY and MT, RAINIER. Three bedrooms ill main dwelling. SEPARATE APARTMENT to rcnt;illcr tflllside level. ATTRACTIVELY FINISHED. 5V ac'e.' i with excellent creek bottom garden soil, This is a fine p]d$:ith great possibilities. Home and income combined. OneocR ifrom:city limits. HI,RE'S YOUI:L WATERFRONT HOME . , . 150 ft, fine beach in sheltered cove, cxposed to sun from early morning to late afternoon. Good water supply, electric pump, LOW RANCH- TYPE COTTAGE. large living room. wide windows command- ing PICTURESQUE VIEW. Two bedrooms, bath incomplete• 10 acres in all considerable piling to sell, Approximately 10 miles iz'om town• Material to build two car garage, $5750. SHELTON BUSIN'FS FIRM FOR SALE Old established going cot.corn doing a, fine votu-tne Of business. Will pactically py for itself in a year. Full particulars will be given intercepted parties, pHONt 'lg0.W for lmme-madc pies and cakes etc. Order one day, pick up next C12-11-18-25 £enters, Phone 212 or 551-J. Claude ogan, BUsiness Agent, 12-1t-tin p-RES CIPTI ON"S E RV I C' - i}iii'di: cal atraet& old age assistance or dlrecl: with You on your doctor's orders..Preppfs Drdg Store, Second ann mmroad, zo-n. ill. [ [ .Chris-Craft Boats SALES, and SERVICE Place your order now for Spring dslivery The Marina Phone 3754--Columbia at B OL2/MPIA, WAStL 9.11tin 1 L MOVIE CAMERAS Four-room house at Hoodsport, 12-ii-18 fine view, $2650. WANTED TO BUY: Beef, and calves, -DR SALE: Nearly new Super Fliun fresh and coming fresh. J. Clark, double burner oil circulating heater, Two houses at Union, one on Elma, Wash., Box 232, 11-27--12-4-11 .... $100_2 ReitenMotor Co, 12-11 WXNl'El)--"2"or--3:becl};o-om - llotlse--t0" FOR SALE: Westinghouse electric hill with splendid view. One on rent. Will lease if desired. Bob Keen- range, high oven, new calrod units, main highway. Priced at $5000. an, L.M. Office.-Phone 305. ll-27-tfn overhauled 6 me, ago. $75. Inquire Other good buys. VCXNTED TO BUY: Old fashioned Rt. 1, Box 64-A. " 12-11 hanging parlor lamp, Phone 315-J FOR SALE: Western furnace, jacket Frank Nosworthy, evenings. Mrs. Floyd Wildey, at. 2. piping, Hart oil burner. See Grant Box 206 (Grant community). 12-11 Angle. tin REALTOR iqTED'-Girl" ;wishes housework for -R SALE : Black crepe sequin room, board and salary. Phone trimnled afternoon dress, like new, Union, Wash. Tel• 441 615-R-1. M12-11 size 16, price $12.50. Phone 274-J rW'ANTED: Large size baby bed in B12-4-18 '= good condition• Phone 599-M. D12-11 WILL SELL or trade: For good car EL-WXN-TED__=;u--zh--I or pickup, 24-ft. Bender metal trail- er house, dual wheels• Phone 100-4. WORTH LOOKING secretarial experience or business school training in typing and slmrt- Sequlm, Wn.. or inquh'e Fred T. INTO hand, fur well paid position open Smith, Shelton. E• Diekenson St.. at. now. Inquire Box W, c-o Journal. 3, Box 100. S12-4-18 12-11-18 FOR SALE: Slh, ertone 6-tube battery BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: gro- "SALESMAN WANTED: Large insur- radio, $15. See at Journal office. cery, service station and cabin ance company desires representative H12-4-11 in Shelton, not a get-rich quick Job FOR SALE: 24-inch sawed shakes camp near city limits on well tray- but a career, Give facts first letter, cut to order. No business Saturday eled road; modern owner's cot- include age, experience, etc. Must or Sunday. Inquire B.D.W. Cedar tage; on acre of land. Nets over have car, All replies confidential. Products, Star Route 2, Box 63. Interview will bc arranged. Write 10-30-tf $700 a month. Further information P.O. Box 642, Aberdeen, Wash. 12-11 FOR SALE: Kitchen wood stove, good and price on request, baker, In good condition. Phone * * * ' 376-M or inquire at 427 Bellevue Ave. Ell-20-tfn 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE on 90 WANTED lrOR--SAL----ETi:Itpo-i'nt o-----lec---tt'-ic s-to-e? x 100 foot lot on Mt. View, corn- in good condition, priced for quick pletely furnished: $7000, half cash, 500 or 1,000 CHRISTMAS sale. Phone 37-M or inquire at 427 *  , Bellevue Ave. Ell-20-tfn 3-BEDROOM MODERN HOME on TREES, 4 to 6 foot. Phone R--EMOibEZTfIG7 -Ask about th Seattle, Rainier 5366 col- complete "Packaged Kttchen" In- ,,,,,,v,,,,,,,vv,,,-,..,-,,,.,,,.,,,v.,,-,,-,,,..,,vv'',, tlillcrest, hardwood - floors, plas- lect. 12-11 eludes RANGE, REFRIGERATOR. REAL ESTATE tered, large kitchen, basement and SINK & CABINETS. Uses space from ,...v.....,,...v..,..-.v,...vv..v,v.,-,,.vv furnace, corner lot, paved street. 4 to 6 it• Low as $4Ri00. GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNITS. Low as $99,50, cement walks, house newly p'aint- WANTED: Responsible couple to care IVItY PAY MORE ?--Stop, and see us Navy Highway cd. $7850.00. for my home few miles from town. soon. MISKELLA SUPPLY CO,, , , . for several months in exchange for Olympia Highway at Aberdeen "Y". rent. Inquire Journal office. H12-11 .Our salesman will ell if yml wish. WATERFRONT INCOME  PROPERTY downtown, ]I-EY=I-,BLEM-.4N-F{h--c-Wath-d-to Phone 9690, Olympia, at. I, Box large corner, 8-room house, corn- 10. 11-20-tfn call on farmers in Mason county. Hood Canal pletely furnished, oil furnace, fire- Wonderful opportunity. $15 to $20 in LOGGING--SUPPLIES--S&dou- a day. No experience or capital re- ble bit Sacger & Knot Klipper axes. place, nook; additional building qutred. Permanent. Write touay, brown strand wir rope, hooks, PRICED FOR QUICK with two apartments; 4-car gar- McNESS COMPANY, Dept. B, 2423 chains, etc. I4[olm Feed & Auto age; reasonably priced on terms. Magnolia St., Oakland 7, Calif. Loan. across from Safeway. Phone Excellent possibilities for Increased 12-11-18 378. 11-20-tin SALE B JANUARY 1 income. See this now.  .......... ,v,..v., GRAD E/--Ti-ATOkS-"-(--'iz6--Ii/ stock). Gas engines, water systems, * * * ° FOR RENT light plants. HOME FREEZERS from 5-room modern home land- 5-ACRE TRACT a.n d 2-room ,,v.- $29,5 up. Full line of COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION. Aluminum pre- soaped, guest house, furnished house 3 miles south of Shelton; cut buildings and aluminum sheet, or unfurnished, Owner lear- woodshed, wash room, chicken FOR RENT: Heated slceping room Tires and tubes, batteries. AND WE With outside entrance. Gentlemen DELIVER. MISKELLA SUPPLY house; some fir and alder berries; preferred. H. A. Beinsen, 612 Cote CO.. on Olympia highway at Aber- ing for East. 66 ft. drilled well; electricity; road St. 12-11 deen "Y". Try our SALES & SERV- Phone Bclfair 228Hazcl W'yckoff in front and along entire length; UR---E-I-0 leh- h6h--ff. ICE, you'll like it. 11-20-tin priced at $3300. 4 miles out Bayahore road, Must Phone 10-F-3 before Dec. 17. M12-11 * * * FO-R RENT; Locates on orth Bay McCaw & Company BRIC BUILDING centrally lo- and State Hlway 4-A .t Anyn, AUTOMATIC cated; two stories, tavern business Wash. Known as Bayside • Apts. lealtor fully equipped, stock on hand and The usual furniture, hot and cold TOASTERS running water, refrigeration, electric beer license; ready to step into and llghts, qaundry facilities, near grade ..... reasonably priced, school, and high school bus in front Our Christmas shipment of the . . , of budding. 2 and 3-room apts. from FOR SALE: 3 acres, fruit lrees, be[-- $25 to $85Per month, also cabins for beautiful Camfield D e Lu x e ties, filberts, 3-room house, woos- NEW HOME of 4'rooms, bath and rent. W, A. Beal¢ley, Mgr. 8-28-tfn hcd and root house. 1. miles from utility; oak floors: cement founla- FOR RENT: Comfortable sleeping Automatic Fox-ey toasters has F, rinnon in Dosewallips V a t 1 e y. room in QUIET home. PRIVILEGES been received. A small deposit $;000. F]227--]2-d-ll tion, walks and porches; floor fur- to right poreon. Employed young FOR SALE:"3-r0otn house, ono10t bti nace, laundry trays, automatic hot man preferred. 311 No, 4th, Phone will hold for you until Dec- Park St. $1700 cash. $1850 terms:, water tank; roomy closets; excel- 643. 12-4 Mrs. Nellie Starts Matthews, 3 milB lent condition; priced at $6800. ii-R-=KEN---Kbqi- a. ember 22nd. otlt on Dayton Ioad, ll-20-tfa , . , ments for wtnter months. No drink. WESTERN STORES era, no pets; also 2 close-In partly " 200 FT. WATERFRONT, 5 acres, furnished apts. for couples. Inquire Across from Bus Depot on Pickerlng; some Umber; tide .... lfl--East. Alder' H12-4 lands included, road along one side; FOR RENT: Floor waxers, 50-'-d7. FOR SALE t Lawton Lumber Co., 420 So. Fh'st " St., Phone 56. 10-16-tin FOR SALE: Ladies green all wool suit only $1750. • • " ] size 44, worn twice, $25. One Cool- 5-room modern home, plastered, FOR RENT crater, good condition, $25. Phone with hardwood floors, floor fur- ] 2-BEDROOM HOME O 1 ym pic[ 5-room modern plastered home 59-J. Bll-27--12-11 nace, 3 bedrooms, utility room. ] view Addition, modern, sun porch, [ with 3 bedrooms, equipped with FOR SAIE--Gii=ai-Eltrtc--r6frigh-;= Nice yard and well located on Hill- laundry, trays, automatic electric i new automatic gas range, hot ator, gas range and gas hot water crest. $6400.00. , tank, Estate heatrola, electric water heater and oil circulator, heater. Phone 606-W. Mll-27--12-11 range, garage: garden. $5650.00. Has excellent yard and good out- Y0R-SXLE--22=Ii.-'-. .h-ffhH--oib--ffffdmotor, just broken tn 25 hours, also buildings. No water rent to pay. 14-ft, Birchcraft Runabout,, Call 6-z'6om modern home with three NINE-ROOM HOUSE on 5-acre Located cl0se-in. Will rent to re- 40-J. Cll.27--12-11 bedrooms, new gas range and au- tract near city limits; double liable party for $50,00 per month, iOR-'SAISE{-2-wheel-ir'aller:- weli made, $0, also drag saw, $50. In- tomatlc water lmater, nice yard plumbing; include 3-room apart- HERBERT G. ANGLE , quire James Bore, Shake Cabin and flowers. Large garage with ment renting for $32.50; all newly Camp, Union, 12-4-18 concrete floor. Has new building repainted and redecorated; two ...-.v.r. FOR SALE: Used 4-burner gas range on property suitable for store or acres cleared, Mill Cr@ek crosses FOR SALE in excellent condition, has large oven work shop, which can be pur- property; 9 fruit trees, berries, ........ and broiler, pan storage, finished in " " " " white porcelain, also Rudd gas wa- chased separately for removal, grapes; spring-fed well, electric tel" hcater, 30-gal. capacity, used only Property in good condition and pump; oil circulator, trash burner, short time. Can be converted to lt-, quilled gas for country. Phono available for $7750. Locatted close, automatic electric tank. A wonder- CHRISTMAS CARDS 16--4. c2-4-n in 'to city. I ful combination of acreage; home FOR SALE: 7-piece bedroom suite * * " , and income, priced right. Sacred Phonograph $120 1 glass paned mahogany, door .3-room honle with elec. hot [ $10"1 sofa and matching cnatr $75. 'Water heater and laundry. I For Realty Buys Consult a Realto! RECORDS Ph6ne 171. G12-11-tfn tray. Located close-in. ,VINRUDE OUTB-0-RD motors sal'ff $3600.00 Many beautiful Christmas and service, a few-new motors ill stock also a few good used motors. * * * M.C. ZINTHEO NOVELTIES, GIFTS and Hillc'est Hardware, Phone 499. 12-4 80-acres with about 30 under Phone 157 -- Title Ins. Building Sunday School awards FOR SALE:"-GentI{"-h-o{se-wihlla¥= cultivation. 7-room modern ness, good condition, Very reason- home, good barn for 15 cows. Shelton RELIGIOUS SUPPLY able. Mrs. Bessie Martin, Rt. 1, Box 141 Olympia (Perry Creek). 12-4-18 Located about 7 miles from - - 1 LU _ ' Shelton. Will consider trade CENTER HEMSTITCHING, 10c per ya-d-". S': ' ' " -- sots and knives sharpened. Inqutre of city property. $10,500. 203 E. 5th St. Olympia 427 Bellevue Ave., Shelton, Phone .,, ,,.vvv.,.,,,,.v,,..,,,.,,.,,,.,,....,,,....v,.v.,.v,,,. Donald Bldg. 376-M. E12-4-tfn Also farms and waterfront LOST AND FOUND 'OR SAL-EKI properties.  Gravenateins $1.25 box. rortnern Spies, Wincsaps.. 1,50 box. orchard run. bring containers. #. acony. at. 2, Box 271. 12-4-18 FoR Mona,.ch elcct,•le r.n00e, Herbert G. Angle may reclaim by Inquiring at the goes wormng conditiOn. Inquire Mt, Jourual office and identifying, and Vicw. next to church. A12-11 O-'i'L--CI]-CUL-/(TING heaters, ilnmed= paying for this ad. H12-4-1t (jI=t-SAL.E:N.qW 1000-gal-wat(r stor- late delivery. $99.75 at Hlllcr.est LOST.'Wl-r--haired terrier, reward, age tan (]It') f0r considerably less Hardware, phone 499. 11-27 i,, W.J. Stuart, at. 3, Box 231 (Cole moneyman regular price. New sin- -{t--SLE.Bfffde-tw-e8_[ Road,) 12-11 glo tuo cenlent laundry tub $7.50, Wagner FcedCo,. 219 So. First• LOST: Si/a[l-r6s-e"•g61d-lady-rsElgln "' used .Economy Chief cream separ- 11-20--12-18 wria'watch, Dec, 4. Valued as gift. ator (regular moael not table) $30 Reward. Mrs. Naomi Chase. 311 1st Call 760-R-3. ' 19.-11,18 JI'IREirSlVJRN'tTffR'E--m'ae'---t- 2 J wa-a-2a St. " 12-11 iOR SAt.E: Largeize Estate oil cir- * order. Phone 46 - • ................ 5bST--L-'-sw-'hTffa-6__duen pre- culatorneater and 2 .55-gal. oil bar- Y()R--S.LEi-2-roll-ii.;waY drcss racks, 4.ft, long, sturdy wood construction, eislon. Reward. Phone 87£-R or see rels. Fnone 5-J or Inquire 311 1st $_,3.50 each.  Iqu_tr.e 141_6 Sunlmit rlve (Hlllcrest), Inon e 799-J. 12-4 Jack Stewart at L.M, Sportsgoods St. _ ........ 12-11 Dept. S12-11 OR--SALE :. Fliiihg--[/'-'6b-d- con: ....... ditlon. O-*L. oy 6-ft. beam. V-bet- bR-SJLEi-Whitei{iihLel. wpod range, vvvvvvvwv'vvm toll], cap, over new Wisconsin motor, like new, complete with not water Miscellaneous revqrse ransmission, $200 cash, tank and coils. Phone 216-R-I. ulya.e csgn, Lilliwaup Phone R12-4-11 ".,,'vvvv--'..,,v',,,.,..,,.,,.vvvvv'.v'.,,". Hooaspor z-J-11, ' 12-11 FOR SALE: new llO-volt AC,.' 75¢ watt llght plants, w.ith klt _o rfo pair parts $250. western tUpplY uo.o 216 Nrth First St. Phone 126. H. L Olstead Agency By KEYSTONE and BELL & HOWELL 8 mm Sizes $74.50 to W Also :Have 16 mm Outfits AND R EW S. ONE152 116 North Second --- Near Postoffice -- Phone 30 ARE YOUR EYES of any value to -pooKS. FOR C.I'tRISTMAS--T- purc you? Check hp on the New Exclus- bred blaCK CCer puppies, born Hal- ire Bonded Vlston Annutt to,lay, lowo'ep,..l:nale ".nd female, $15 each. 3-6tin. .. Insures your vision. Herbert G, Wtl/ lola until Christmas Phone Angle. 10-30-tfn 191 M " " c heater; Victrola -.::_- - B12-11 FOR SALE.--{-Round extelleT WILL TAKlg-CXib"of--ch[ldl'Te,'il"]n"-m-Y 0"R'ALE: New T]_'fQ-'ffe-e-"wlT{ trilmont electri ........ = , home by the day. Mrs. Ed Bergeson, $50. Irs. Jonn Reiman, Potlatch. Phone 628-W. 3_'-%Kfi 1411 Railroad, Tel. 272-R. 11-6/12-25 Wash-- __ _ 2-1/-18 "--TY::-'iJ,-'y-ele, new tires i'bU CAN "nbiho-tiF-SJgi R- sAbLE : Nearly-e-"b_xl"u--g'- *"aId a'IT--the'rLmmings'--. See Dour for a single premium which will pad. lard,e: pressure tank and used Cole 323 Cookson St., Faerie oz,-J, allow for best medical attention in bricks Fnone 768-R.1 o . ' 9-11-tfn the United States, Investigate today. " .............. "* ........ Herbert G. Angle. 10-30-tfn HND-MADE ..G.IFTSi-Cl{li-'-hii'd -,;v.l=" i'--S°aL-burntig it st noeltms an'o ranges. Lumbcrmen'S rc #;, • . - , " . , 1 ns, pothulders,. Hardware Dept. _ u-.y tt,, ARE YOU SATISFIED;Y'GET-A GOV J doll clottms, toys, pillows, handker- ERNMENT JOB.  Prepare NOW for (.hicf. upon evcning.. Opposite --O'R-'--''Sccond h.and fur,Itro 2948 examinations. Booklet - Partic- Iines, Mt. View. A12-11-18 and used articles o1' all.Kin as a!.nu ulars FREE. Write today• Frankltn i'(R SALET'I p'-ac{ic-''- Trading Post 338 E. Ilne taysno'e Institute, Dept, 1078-R, Rochester 4, -- " ' Y Briggs Road) ' -o-trn & Straiten air-cooled motor. IL ..................................... KyL--6-g---7l, .. T- i n N.Y, 11-.7--i2.n F,.anl, ltn, -a,oek Rt,, Shelto.. make fine Crts¢,uas _fts _/o%t. sportsman, tIlllcrest H a r u w . ,;4 Phone 499. ' ......... '[ VH 6iq M ----/ - ia&;-'ii k aelivery. M11-14tfn, CHILDREN CARED FOR in my home day ?rniEht, or lnyour honle days. -1 i .  12-11-18 Iuqmre 613 Cota St., Mrs. J, N, One tew Zealand white doe. Gaines. 11-2712-11 . WILL- CXiiE-f0-ci]icl'i..ui-in-i'ny--ili{ib." $i 'el°tall'union J''Station,Scbbfield' Allyn.12.11./eIn- by hour. day or evening, Reasonable Highway (Mountain View). S12-4-18 -ar like new wltit sides bows and for auto parts andaCCeSsorles, r]rat tc for only, $150 S L' p, r " and Mill Streets shone 595, 7-4tin • . . ,a son  ............ "'VV'V"'''"V'""V'r'wVVVV"""' S, 120 E. Plne, Phone 676 1'.. WANTED r ]'L3.-Tll,h--.--at- " NEW TIRES now available in unllm- Red quantifies at Mell Chevrolet. ¢)t COSt. . 1. FQal's011 & SOS,']20 Car sizes 4"40x21 5:50x19, 5:50x17, ,r'vv,,.vvv'vv'vv,.v-...,'vwvv,,.vv E ll._PPoqe.676, '- - 12:11 6:00x16, 6:5"{)x16 ' 7:00x16,. 6:50x15, f ILE: Fa.mllycow, eonl{'rr",,i. 7:00X15, all truck tire SlZ0S, and WANTED: dead stock, prompt free, $1 Little pigs, req..pullets, laying tubes of all sizes. Also used tires in • courteous service, Phone us collect.  fresh eggs. Fllillll) Hardie Rt all opular sizes. Mell ChevroIet, Elms 21-J-18, Grays Harbor Rendm'- ',oX 183, Arcadia Road. 12-10.1't Fn,s p and Grove, Phone 777 or 778. ing, Inc, z-27tfn ..... "SALE" Small oil heate'-'o ffLY--RODS-snd-tasting-l.°ds'-W.ltli FOR ' in , " r will "VANTED: Salesman to take "Vaoh"un 'trade for sew. !]]achtne Also c Ill . ', I _- ' " " " 11-27 Cleaner agency. This is an exc.ep- drenS sets el aqle and. chah, s for mas]'eels Hillcrcstals°" Givetla]dwarc,hhn one rOrphonetmt'mt-499 tional opportunity,Jot a rive wfl'e, sa.:,'^ Phone z2-J, or Inquire 225 Sewing machines wul oe Jn line wnen South 11th. 12 11 available. This could be handled on -1FORS/kLE: Estate electric rgYKl d weight about 1200, not thoroughly ciallya part responsible.time basis, WriteMust orbe phoneflnan" Friidau'e. wa L a pt, 3, 650 Dear- hained Inquire at The pastime for aPpointmenL House of Palmer, born. . ................... . ............. _F12-11-25 ' " R12-4-18 882 Washlnton Avenue, Brenm,'ton, FOR sALE" I siuqio ?ouch, i-'la1. FOR SALE: I) -ran-e'd' Wsshlton, Phone 2576. 7-10-tin q] so,re, z n'onJng oard a*,l washer. Shclton Electric, Phone YiDT-'&i/-f-5?--cqJff l"l,.lze walntt bed with ]natti:css frcezcr, electric clothes drier, used Frlday, Iaquh'e JoUl'nal of£1ce, i;/1 a, ud l)rlllg s' J: llOllC ,/82-M. I:11-/1 15'4-W, 12-4-18 Thursday, December 11, MARK'S USED CAR LOT 119 Cota St. Phone 533 OPEN EVENINGS -- SATURDAYS -- SUNDAYS PEDESTRIA Our cars are so clean that you don't even need shoes when you drive them. We will allow a liberal trade-in for your shoes on the purchase of any car. All will tion '47 Chevrolet 4-door, new '47 Mercury 4-door, R & H '46 Ford 5-pass. Coupe, H. '42 Chevrolet Sedanette, R & H '41 Packard 5-pass. Coupe, R & H '41 Ford coupe, R. & H. '41 Cadillac Sedanette, R & H '41 Pontiac 5-pass. Coupe, R & H '41 Chevrolet 4-door, R & H '41 Chevrolet 5-pass. Coupe, R & H '40 Chevrolet 3-pass. Coupe, H '40 Chevrolet 4-dbor, R & H '40 Plymouth 5-pass. Coupe, R & H '40 Pontiac 5-pass. Coupe, H '39 Ford 4-door, R & H '38 Ford 2-door, H '36 Ford Coupe '28 Ford 2-door Sedan shoes taken on trade-in be donated to the Salve- Army. MARK R, ADAMS December 11, 1 t'ied Service We Deliver WOOD FOR SALE Lumber Co. Park Hoodsport 11-W-3 F. FULMER DECORATOR CONTRACTIN( --- Paper Hangin Alterations PHONE 48 MACHINE REPAIRII for all makes of soy Phone 596J or 38W a.m. and 5 pan. B10- LAVATORIES WATE] WOOD ANI and other ] at prices Morgan-Eac 1324 Olympic Highv AND CA Sold s H. D. BA 212 E, 5th C Office Furniture, Expe'tly Prepare( CRIPTiONS !,•Contracts with the County Medical Assr 'Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store Phone 8 Special THIS WEEK ONLY 1946 CHEVROLET 5-passcnger coupe, R & H 1940 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan, R & H. $1175 1940 FORD 4-door sedan, R & H. $995 1938 OLDSMOBILE 4-door sedan, R & H. $845 1936 PONTIAC 4-door sedan, R & H. $595 1938 HUDSON 4-door sedan, R & H. $695 1942 FORD 1L,.'_,-ton truck, Eaton rear-end and Brownie ........ $1795 1947 ttOUSE TRAILER, factory built. $775 Ro00E ACC, OUNTING ,- SER,VICE G o, vey "Building -PHONE 720 Washington 'ranklin Heustc rourthouse, Shelton :' Phone 312 McCampbeli Inalized Accounting Service Shelton, Wash, lRt. 3, Box 54A hone: Shelton 111W All Cars Reconditioned and Guaranteed We Sell Cars on Consignment HARRY'S USED CAR LOT 322 South First Street USED CARS FOR SALE: By owner. 1935 Ford coupe, good condition, heatcr and 2 fog tights. See car at Arthur Griggs, R.R. Ave. 12-11 FOR SALE: 1946 Ford truck 2-Speed; • 1936 Ghev. wood dump: ' sawmill. Leroy motor 5-h,p single phase electric• eut-of saw" smal donkey, Glenn Clifford Star Rt, 2 Box 51 (_Dayton). ' ' 12-11-25 dress, b/ae}¢ design Size II, "never Worn Originally $1"2 Will sell for -$8, Inquh.e JouruaL " O12-4-18 I F O t.'-- SALE :--M el{el t¥i-j cllalr 9X o ..^L' 1. rug with pad also 4-bur- *,v" gas.rauge, tpal'tmcnt slz0. Ill- I qmre 611 Arcadia St. M12-4-18 Bldg.lnquire Icrbort G. .^. ootn with coils; also ffalva]l- zu not water tank. Inqmre 427 tarvard St. after 6 p m. Sl0-9-tln "F' 1- SALE '"- Vallrbu "drag "saw with ive drag saw bades and five hand aes. Inquire Shelton "Transfer. ,..o. Pll-27--12-11 CONVIRSEIr-a- sportsmens rubber boots will make wonderful Christ- mas presents. $9.95 a pair. Hlllerest I4ardwarc, Phone 499, 11-27 Excellent USED , Hudson .qrp Six Sedan '41 Plymouth Motor P. ELIO'I ;AL ENGINEE Insurance Bldg. 645 R. LEW LAW St, FOR SALE: I938 Reo Cab-over flat '41 Hudson bed truck in good eondltion or will Eight trade for good car R Frankiin Mat lock Rt., Shelton." ' ' 12-11-2 '40 cellent cofidltlon. 600-16 rubber, new , Plymouth B. SPRIN l!lot,or. R. Franklin. Matlock Rt.. nehon. 12-11-18  Pick-up, Tax ,elVi= v'v'vv''..,v v.•-., .w v,,. v.w v v v  , Hudson S ]R SALE 35 good, *" ..... ling 8yltems ......... _.. St. Phone REVEREWARE tea kettles all-copper, OLYMPIC Mt ,... chrome-Dialed llllcrest' Hardware, o i:-- o;;d -1Vie/i[ag Authorized HudsOn d.!,,,. !NBURANClfi furnace, good'condltiou, $40. Harold Mgade. 511 Ellnor. 11-27--12-1i 1st & Mill;mmt* i, FOR i:"jTs;"¢;w_-''-tb-3---ai5 ". THIS q'TIT;. IT;S HU ;l lens per hay' 'good ri¢,h milk. 1deal ....... . family cow $175 cash' E. D. Op- ------------ '",:ANGLE pelt, at. 3,' Box 157: Arcadia Road. 12-4-18  .: at Angie Bullam, C. BAYLE IRNEY AT LAW Building National B: Shelton ANDRE ST 120 North Seoo' PHONE of Shelton ( Highway Shelton, W