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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 11, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 11, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, December 11, USED CAR LOT Phone 533 -- SATURDAYS -- SUNDAYS December 11, .1947• - ..................................... it&apos;ied Se, rvice We Deliver MILL WOOD IIIIIII /' FOR SALE L ,e so clean that you Snitai Lumber Co. Minerva Park need shoes when ,000o Hoodsport 1,-w-3 Chtssified Service Classified Service .............................. !,'L()OfS ,ANI)IqD O.ll(l REFINTS]:IED: A¥ L. DREBIS Electrical Contractor I,ic(msed nnd Bnluled Electrical Servicing -- Repairing PHONE STATE CAR TEST Lights --- Brakes --- Toe In TESTED FREE T-WJ_,TON-MA P, ON CT.T,: JOT,NAii NO 5015 N(|, 502g SUMMONS FOR PUllLICATION U,M3ION l,'Oit Iq'I}LICA'I'ION IN TIle] SUPEIi()R CCIIICI' (H,' 'I'II.F] IN TIlE S1UaERIOR COUIVI" OF TIlE R T A T hl (H,' VARIIfN(IT()N t,')l¢. RT.,tTE O1,' WASIIIN(VI'ON I,'O1€ MASI)N C(.)UNTY. MAS, N (')IINTY. Nrllip Mallhpws. Plaintiff, Imntlhl [I Walker. Plainliff. VS VS. Ilann:dl Peterson. luardian (if Esiale DTSIE DIANE VALTER, Detend- Id" l.illiall IAbby. :111 Insane ih,rs, ln. ,qnI. 'l'lllll:ts; Sllt('IIIli. EIh.n YotlIIK, .lc.,nt'l)lt Till,] ,TATI ()P WARHfNC, TON m L. YHIIIIF.. llannab ].'el,.FSla, Lilliall lilt, nid I)l,q,C-llE DIANE WAIA[EI¢.: Libby, ]]alulall .ndcl'Sidl, ['l'IIr:.l [.. YI)ll HII' lel'l'bv SllIIIIIIIHlel] lit tllllll*ar wilhin s xl.v  iys :fl,'r lhe dab, of .nderst)li. Arlllllr fl.ndor;htll. AIIIHU All- d(q'slln. I?rank C, Wilh'y :111d Ilal'y N. I I(' llrF1 alblicatilln of llli; SUllllnon.'4, W b,y i .'4 ):lnd and wifp• llai.tiu Pal- 1.-wit : wiihin sixty davs afipr the IDCI'. Elnwr Willey. I,hl 1 xu'k n. :'.tlth day or Ntv(,llli)el i9.17, and de- F'ufl¢ W 1 pV Clylh' Dm'g:t]t nml liar- " fend tin" ulmve (.n[ith,d acl1(,n ill the )'V 1)e¢.gan, 'Tiw Ullknowll IleirH .f tbc,e (,nil)led eilllrl and answer iF rlhOlllaS 1)ereasetI, The (hi- ctmll)hdnt ,1" Ihe plainlifr. Oonad :. k I(IWll Ih'irs of [,lh'.n Yotlllg, 1)ecoased, { ,Vall{tq', all(|, a copy el your q'he .Ulll<llOWil Heirs .f duseph l. ] :lllSWl'l' ill)tin tilt. illldersille(l attorney YOllng i)eceast, d• The illiillOWll Ib,h.. fro' plaillliff, al his el'fire llelow slated; of ]'[ltnntlh Poterslm. l)e('t!asl'[ The :ill l ill , g, ' V q • 'aihlro so tO do, II lklh,Wn lh'irs €)i LiJliall Lll)by. lie- I I(llIlelll '*'ill lie l'endered aatns( you ('eased. TIw Uilklltwn l-loirs of Ilalllla|l " accol'dillg 1o |tl' dellHlnd of the COlll- ORDINANCE NO. 4110-63 AN ORDINANCE BEPEALLN(I (?Ei{- TAIN ORDINANCES AND SECTIONS (iF CERTAIN OI-tDINANCES. WIIEItEAS, during lhe process d" the (.odil'ic.qlion of the ordinallccs (d' lhe City (H Shellr)n i! Ih'|S IH,en II(tl'(I thai cerLain tF(linan('l•s sad o{.[i{ins iI' cl'l'tllhl ( ilftt'e I)e('(llllt, (t|l- sOb=le and in elf el', re )eah,d hy the .tallltOs ill the SttltP ill Wash nattnl and l)l'dinanl,os or Ihr City of SllOI- [111. and : WtlEREAS. it is for lilt' best interest of the City ()1 Sbollon thai such ol'din- il [l('es and s(.,(,tiollS ()[ (wdinancl,s should lie ['ti)eSll,(i IIIIW, Ibfq'prlll'e P.I IT (')RI)AINIL'I) P.Y THE MAYOR ANI)HE C()MMISSIONERS OF TIlE CITY OlC RIIEITON: Sect)Oil I. Th:ll Seclion 113 of ()r- (]illllll('(' NIl. 76. entith'tl *'All el'din- alice ill'l{/Ihll i I1 l' the E( Uil)lllent o[ Certaili i-Iuihlings Witll li'H'e Escapt s, and Imposing a Penalty li'nr tile Vi,- 'Police Court Cases InVolve Seven Here Seven eases camc up before Po- lice Judge B, t%anklil Hetmton in police (,our, Monday after]loon. loom' of the eases were on charges of speeding, one involved negligent driving, one (Iriving without an operator's license and one was on charges of drtlnken- n0lS. The speeding, elm ]'ges were brought ug'ainst Noble E. Whitc, Shelton, David E. Hanberg, Brem- erton, John E. Kocha. Jr., l'a- coma, and Jac.k J Mitchell, of Shelton The first three forfeited ,$10 bail, while Mitchell entered L "2: ..... ,e.,7 feited $25 bait. William Ridley el" Sholton cn- tered a plea of guilty ta charges of (ll)erating" q vehicle with no valid operator's license and was givel n $10 fine. Eric \\;Valfradson, ,10, n Shelton. logger, was charged with heing drunk in Shelton streets on Dec- OIllheF 7. He forfeited $,15 I)ail. USE JOURNh:L WANT ADS I First Baptist Churelt = J. O. BOVEE, Pastor ! Sunday School at 9:45 A.M, ! Classes for all ages. ! Morning Worship at 11---Sub-| Ject "Studies in the Book of ACTS" Young People Service, 6:30 P.M. | ! Ev0ning Message, 7:30 ...... "The Hidden Secret of Happiness" i A singing Church with a | Gospel message. You qre invited [ I ,i h hem. We will allow trade-in for your purchase of any et 4-door, new y 4-door, R & H pass. Coupe, H. et Sedanette, R & H i 5-pass. Coupe, R & H )upe, R. & H. Sedanette, R & H 5-pass. Coupe, R & H Let 4-door, R & H et 5-pass. Coupe, R & H Let 3-pass. Coupe, H et 4-dbor, R & H .th 5-pass. Coupe, R & H 5-pass. Coupe, H door, R & H door, H upe door Sedan taken on E. F. FULMER DECORATOR ERAL CONTR ACTING nting ..... Paper Hanging Alterations PHONE 4g MACHINE REPAIRING, lrts for all makes of sewing es. Phone 596J or 38W be- 10:30 a.m, and 5 p.m. B10-2tfn I --SU-r- pihs-B-fili d |fig Supplies LAVATORIES SHOWER STALLS lINKS WATER TANKS HEATERS WOOD AND COAL RANGES and other home building items at prices to save you money Morgan-Eacrett Lumber Co. 1324 Olympic Highway Phone 656 Illl TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES AND CASH REGISTERS Sold and Repaired H. D. BAKER CO., INC. ,212 E. 5th OLYMPIA Phone 8044 Office Furniture, Files and Fireproof Safes I II  I II I ]'% Expertly Prepared ESCRIPTIONS rated to the Salva- Railroad Phone 89 ! kRK R. ADAMS -i-----.'t" S" g • .... 2..,, SERkVICE ............ '! Gvey_ Building R & H $:L90 5-passenger coupe, 4-door sedan, R & H. $1175 Heuston "Y-AT-LAW ' ourthouse, Shelton Phone 312 sedan, R & H. $995 ] 4-door sedan, R & H. $845 oor sedan, R & H. $595 ,or sedan, R & H. $695 truck, Eaton rear-end and ...... $1795 LER, factory built. $775 ,nalized Accounting Service Shelton, Wash, Rt. 3, Box 54A Shelton 111W 766-R2 ELEC FRICAL SALES & SERVICE Olyn]pic Highway Routh 11-20tfn, I INSTRUCTION: Are y,m b,b sat)s- fled'.' G ,t a gover .,lit job! Men- WOlllen. Prepar(' now for llOX[ Wash- ing[(,n oxalllinat[i)llS. :(-l)Ilg e b.)k .... ))art ( ulars fr(,e. "i'ih toil: v. ih)x . Journal. l 1-2(i--12-1I I SHARPENING Lawnmowers Knives, Scissors  and Garden Tools of all kinds Bicycle :Repairs ' Keys Made - Leeks Repaired Sleyster's Fixit Shop Third and Cota PHONE 243 illll i i i Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED • - hone 576-W ...... • 620 Cedar St. Prompt Service PAPERHANGING Interior Decorating ,ditioned and Guaranteed • ' P. ELIOT. Jars on Consignment ,At ENGINEER ltie Ifisurance Bldg. USED CAR LOT 00,,ono , uth First Street J E:: or Sill Arthu __JTA -Speed awmlll l)has lonkcy Box 5 12-11-2 er fla or wil n, Mat 12-11-2 k Rt. 12-11-1 R. LEWIS lAW St. Excellent USED C '46 HudsOnsedan ;:, C, BA'"LE "v 'dl Plymouth ?-:i9 Z:', Motor overnalelasurance Building First National B3mg A  Hudson CoI'"^-- -[ Eight Sedan, l2 - . Shelton _ fl Hudson SiX  Recondition0U .':.. _ --  Plymouth ''UT B. SPRING Pick-up. 00lo. ,,, -  'L'nzln Tax zsel'vloe Hudson Seda 't k 35 goo00 Authorized HudsOn " !NSURANGI 1st & Mill ( THIS TIME 1T'S .-INGLE popper, 'dware, 11-27 Harold ?--12-11 - 3"Khff- • Ideal D. Op- 'Road. 12-4-18 never tl for 2-4-18 -Si-ii l-bur- ')-,1 : '$0- Angl. 23-tfn @J6d dvan- 427 -9-tfn with hand aster. -12-11 -b%e i: hrist- lcr('st 11-27 ANDRE STUDI 120 North PHONE ESTIMATES FURNISHED f)N NECESSARY REPAIRS BOB ERVIN MOTORS First and Mill Streets PHONE 673 1,, 1 , , • FOP PAINTERS PAPER HANGERS SICN PAINTERS Phone 212 CALL Carl J. Arney Co. OLYMPIA 5865 219 N. Capitol Way BETTER INTERIOR DECORATING Papering Well Done II CABINET WORK PLATE GLASS SETTING REPAIR WORK Homes Cut to Blue Prints Shelt0n Cabinet Shop. JACK DREW Behind the Bowling Alleys Rebuilt Engines Ford V-8 .... $118.50 exch. For.d Model A ..$95 exch. Prepare for Winter Weather Car Hot Water Heaters Sealed beam headlights Sealed beam foglights Top Dressing Top Material Machine Shop Service and Motor Overhaul Motor reboring Valves faced affd reseated 'Crankshaftg gr6und Western Supply 218 N. 1st St, Phone 126 II "'ii, dS-V[00'gSgl00 Anderson, ])pc, eased. The Ullklllwn pl,qilli whir|l lies il0en J'iled wi(h the Heirs el El'llt,sl L, Anderso)l. Der,'asml. Clerk of said Court. Tile object of The l.II7icnown lteirs of Arthllr Audor- |a,inginl£ lifts a(.|lon iS [O slq'llre IL s(In, l),,ee:med. Tho UnknoWn ih,ir ,,f dirt,re,'. Ant(m Andprson. Doceased. TIw Un- CIIABLES T. WRIGIIT, known I.]pirs of Frank C. Wilb'y. I),,- (.eased. 'l-all(' tnt{nOWll }h'irs (if Mtlt'y N Wilh'v IJe('e:lsed, and All ()th,u. Pert, ins /Illl.llll*II llllv 11 i' i i lllill 3' Iii }lave all}' I'iglll. lille, eslalr, [il'II 1 ill(crest (r eqt .V ill 311(I IO t}1o bol'e- " iInl[[eF doscrlbrd l'l.l[I l)Fi)t'l'[ y. l)e- |'endSlll S. YoUIlg. Joseph L• Y(tlnI, Ilaonall 1'(. - torson. Lilli'nl Libby, lIqnnah Ander- son, El'nesi L. AndeFson, fl. Fthlll' An- "derson. An,on Andt,l's0n. 1(l'Illlk C. Willey and °Mary N. Willey, lnlsb'nld :tnd wife. Hatlh, P'lhnel, Ehller Willey. ]!]dith Lark)n, Frank Willey, (Ayd¢ Deegan an(l Ha.fry Dcegan. The, Uli- known tleil's (if TholllIls Sloelllll. de- ceas{d, lhe llnknowll ]leir of Ellen YilllnK, d!eeas(.d. |lie nllknown ileil.s el Joseph L. YOLIOI4 •, deceased. [in, Ull- known heirs of ]]al]aah pe[orson, de- (,.eased, the lIllknoV;ll heirs of Lillian Lil)by, deceased, the unlcnl, wn hciz', of Hanna Anderson, deceased, lhe Ull- Pl,dnl i fl"s Atlorney P.O. Address: ng'Ip Bhlg., Sholtoll. Mason (Olln|y. W;ishingtoII. , 11-20-27 •--12-4 - 11-18-25--1-1-7L (29) NOTICIi: IS HEREBY GIVEN that )nl.sualll lo and in confor|nily with 1111 (a'd(,l: of the I{onrd of Coan|y Corn- TIlE STATE (3F WASHINGTON. missimwrs of Mason Comity, Slate of TO: The said. Hannah Peters,in, Gnar- [ Wssbintton• duly made nnd enlered dihn of Estate of IAItian Libby, ap. on the 24th day of N.vember 1947, Insane Person. Tholllas Si{)cunl, Ellen ordel'illg the undersigned t(I sell. in IlIP nlallner ]u',,,idod l)Y law (,ertion 1:13. Chaptel 263. Laws of 1927 ;Is :nnendod by Cllaplvr (;8. Laws of 1937). llle undersigned will on Sat- In'day, the 20lh day of De('enlber. ]9t7• ot lhc hour )1" ten o'('lo(:k ill the Ior.not II of said day, lit )lie front d ,' of the C(ml'lhouse in )he City (,f S qtol, said County and Slale, offer f.r sale at nD[ le.s than t le Ill Ilinllnn }l.i('e slale(t boh)w it)us advertishlg nnd (TaiMnK the highest and Iwsl bl(td,q's, all the ri|;ht, ltth!, and tntercst of said Mason COUnt', excepl- |ng (hore|roln. however, all ptlblic roads. CCC roads, stre!ts or alleys now in use. or rigllts-of-way for roads known tlelrq o1 Ernest L Ander.utn. deceased, the nnknown }leh'.  of Ar- no%v owned by. ¢11' Sought Io be (lp- thur Anderson, deceased, the llnknown iiro H-i'llrd al Otis d ll* lot I)ub|ie heirs ([ Ant0n And('rsoll, de(els' . 111( l'(,ads• (CC roads or sireets, by sa (1 unk,lown hf!irs o|' .|i'l'tlnk O. W lh.v de-- Counly. and p'rovided furlher 1hat ceased, the unknown heirs of MuJ'y t I')'erds I'rolll salt.' of forest pr(,dll(tt N. Willey, deceased, and all (,tiler silalt apply on c.ontraels, and conlain- persons unknown having or clainlin.." ing ,fm'lher the exceptions an(l reser- to thqve any r ght. t tie estate, lbn, vat ons set (,tit in Ctmpter 19 of Sos- interest or equity in and to tlw herein- sion Laws of the State of Wash ngton after deseribcd real property; y,u and eaah of you arc hereby summoned to appear within 60 days after the date of lhe first puhlication of this Smn- mons, to-wit: Within 60 days after the 20th day of NovembeL 1947, and defend Lhe above entitled action ill thc above, entitled Conrl. and answer the Amended COnlplaint of thc Plaintiff, and serve :it copy of your Answel--l.q).on tlle undersigned attorney f0r the t-lalll- tiff at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judg- ment will lie rendered against you ac- cording td tim demand of the Amended Complai,lt. which has been filed with 11o Clork of the said Court. The ,)11- iect o[ this action is to quiet the lalntiffs' tttlc in and to the feilowing described llutds situated in Mason County. Waflngton, to-wit: ..... A tract nf land situatca in tie w% of, the NEV. Section 19. Twp. 20 N, Range 3 Wesl W.M, in Mason county, Waslington. more particularly de- scribed as follows: Beginning at S E. corner of Storts estate, which is North 230.30 ft,: tlmnce NO. 1961 NOTICE TO CREDI'rORS IN THE sUPERIOR couIr OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR 162 ft. to SE corner of Aitken's lot; MASON COUNTY. In tle Matter of the Estate of Addle thence N. 29 ° 12' 11" E, 103.50 ft.; I. Bishop, Deceased. thei'ce West 40 ft;; thence. S. 73  48' W. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that -alang Easterly lineoI Frank Willey's the undersigned. L'ester E, Bishop, Ti'acts 39,90 ft. (Eqilation I)etween Our has b(en appointed and has qualified Meridian i which is tile East line of as Admhlistrator of :the' Estate of said SW/t of NEA, and that of Frank Addic I. Bishop, deceased, and that Willey's plat is 2" 23' to right.) T h.ence N',. 34 ° 35' W. 158.26 'ft. (the Winey plat shows tills line to be N,36 ° 58' W; tlnco N" ",1" 41 E. 81,40. ft., to i;n post on dike Goldsborougtl Creek' thence along dike, S., 65 ° 82' E 170:35 ft.; th(nce'S 63 ° 46' E 12597 all 1)ersons having claims against the] ai(l, estale are hereby . require:d to I serve them, duly verified upon tlle Adndnistrator or pon his duly ap-I pointed agent and attorney named I below, at his office in the Govcy Bldg., Shelton, Wash ngton, the same having I been des gnatcd as tile place for the, transae.tion of the business of said estate, alld file the sanle with the Clerk of above entitled court, together with proof of such service, within six months after date of first publlcation of this notice, to wii: December 11th. 1947 or said claims will be forever barred, LESTER E. BISItOP, Administrator el' said estate. J. XV. GRAHAM, Attorney for A(hninistratOr, Suite 5 ovey George W. Sawyer (tg., Shelton. Washington. 105 Front Street 12-11.-18-25--1-1-4t NO. 1!)47 ...... L.?- ....... ---'-- NOTICE TO CI|EDITOIIS TO PRE- NENT AND FILE CLAIMS. [ IN THE sUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. 'In PrQhate I ]n the Matter of. the Estate of Georgia Anne .McDonald, also known Ins Sister Mary Carmelita, Dcceased. i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Jessie. McDonald Clinton has 'been appointed and has qualified as Exe- cutrix of the Last'Will and .Testament of Ge0rgia Anne McDonald, als0 known as Sister Mary Carmelite, Deceased and that all persons having claims against the sai0 Deceased or the said estate are hereby required to serve the same, dhly verified with the neces- sary vouchers attached upon the un- dersigned Executrix er her Attorney of lecord at the law office of Chas, R. Lewis. 119 South Fourth Street. Bell Building, Shelton, Mason County, Waslflngton, the same being desig- .nated as the place for the transaction o¢ the business o[ the said estate ad )lie such claims .together with proof of service with tile Cte,'k of the above FOR EXPERT WELL DRILLING AND Berkeley Pumps SEE NASH BROTHERS Easy Terms Phone 334 UNDERsEAL A 1-1.6 to 1-4 inch thick rubberized lmdercoating (Minnesota Mining Co.) from $35 BoB ERVIN MOTORS 633' S. 1st S, Phone 673 i I I ii (rd Of hanks g We wish- tO exprs our heartfelt ratluae Ior the' sympathy, kindness and asst.stanee, also the boaUtif.ul :[.lof al offenngs given us uuring the 4ss of our lo,ved one, Alfred MichaMson. Mrs. Alfred Mtehaelson and Karen Mrs. Ella Mlchaelson and family Mrs. John Hoffman Mrs. W, L J' We)Is Mrs, Harold Lawson. 12-11 for 194:1, in and to the folh)wing de- scribed real properties, siiuated in said County and State. to-wit: 1. SELl SWU SEI.I of Section 34, Twp.'20 North. Range 3 W,W.M, Of- fer $25.00, 2. 17.35 acrqs, more or less, lying in front of Govt. Lot 6. Section 27. Twp. 21 N.. Range 2 W.W.M. ; heing it i)ortic)n of a tract (|f second class tidelands, suitable for ttle cull)vat)on of oysters, formerly owned by the State of Washingt0n, containing 43.60 acres, conveyed by the S|atc of Wash- ingtcn to Thomas J, Miller by deed dated September 20, 1899, recorded De- cenlber 1, 191t, in. Vohmle 90.L,, Page 161, to-wit: Beginning aL lhc meander corner to fractional Sections 27 and 34, Twp. 21 N.. Rage 2 W.W.M,, whlcll corner is 5.63 chains East of corner to Secti(,ns 27. 28, 33 and 34; thence along llt(!ander line North 13 ° East 10.22 chains; North 2V;  East 5.95 ¢tlains; Norih 45' East 30.{18 chains; North 61 ° East 16.93 chains; thence leaving nlean- der lille, East 6 chains: South 33" 93' West 27.27 elmins: South 45' West 16 entitled eourt within 6 months after the date of the first publication of this notlce, to-wit; December 4, 1947. or all clahns not so served and filed shall be forever barred• JESSIE McDONALD CLINTON. Executrix of said Estate CItAS. R, LEW*IS, Attorney for satd Estate, 119 SO; Street, Bell Building. Shelton, Washington, 1-4-11-1-25-4t NO. 1893 NOTICE OF IIEARING FINA.L RE- P(ERT AN]) ]PETITION FOR DIS- TRIBUYr/ON, INI-rE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHING-TON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. .. In ]Probate • ' In .the atter of the Estate of Al- berta E. Gifford. Deceased• Notice. is hereby given that Gilbert T, Belial, d, Executor 0f. the Estate of Alberta E: Gifford. has filed in the office of Clerk of said Court his final Report and etitln for distribution, asking tim Court to settle said Re- 1)ort, distribute the property to the persons tbereto entitled and to dis- charge, said Gilbert T. Belland: -and that said Report anu petition will be heard on the 20 day of December. 1947, at 10:00 A. M, at: the Court Room of the Probate Department of said Court, at which time ad place any person interested in said Estate may appear and file objections thereto and contest the same, Dated this 15 day of November', 1947, (SEAL) HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of said Com't, By Dorlsann Morehouse, Deputy. MAXWELL. SEERING & JONES Attorneys for Estate. 4454 Wlflte Henry Stuart Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 11-20-27--12-4-11-4t "r CARD O]ff TIIANKS We wish to etend to our many friends and neighbors and especially to the Odd Fellows Lodg our grati- tude and appreciation for the sym- pathy and assistance, also the beau- tlful floral offerings given us during the loss of our loved one., Mrs, "ftannah T. Peterson and family Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Anderson Mr, .Antone Anderson. CARD OF THANKS We wlsh to express our heartfelt gratitude for the,kindness, assistanCe anu offerings giveu us uuring the loss of our laved one. Mrs. Helen Mathews Neal O, Matllews Mrs. Chas. H, Sheedy MrS. Ted Bsrry Mrs. A, K. Scott. N.' 86" 19' W, 154 ft, from S,E, eorner of S'W,V. of N,EJ£. Sec. ]9, T. wPS 2? chains; Sounth 21/  West 5.95 chains; South 13 °. West 10,22 chains; West 6 N., R, 3 W,, W.M. (The sai • • chains to beginning, containing 43,60 corner of S.WAI of N E ' is marked acres, more or less. Offer $867,50. hy a 2" pipe, driven deep, sticks up. 3. Tract 1 of Indian Lot 16, Section 16" and ires a cap marked "N.P." aria 35, Twp. 22 North. Range 4 W.W.M., is on the West hnc of Knceland Park described as follows: ' about midway) Thence along North Beginning al, a point 110 feet North side of Park St. N. 70 ° 25' 28" W of S.W. corner of Lot 17, Section 35, 259.65 ft : thence N, 57 ° 38' W.. 69 Twp. 22 North, Range 4 W.W,M., ft.. to Initial point of this (lescripuon. thence running West 132 feet; thence Thenc6 continuing th.e sanle course N. 110 feel: thence East 132 feet: ft. to Wilcox's Wcsl line: thenc.e S. 18 ° ]0' W. 245.38 ft0 to initial point of this description excepting thcrefrom the t'ollowing described real estatc: A tract of land situatc in the Souti), west quarter (SW]6) of the NoIheast quarter (NE/) of eccion 1,% Town-. ship 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of the Souttlwest quarter (SW) of the Northeast quarter (NEll), said Section, Township and Range; . run thence iNortu, along the East line of said Southwest arter (SWI4) of Northeast quarter E) 230 feet. more or ross, to an iron "p)st set on the North line of Park Street; t.henc Westerly, follow- hlg along the North line of said Park Street, North 86 ° 19' West ]54 fect: timnce Nortlf 70  25' 2" West 259.65 fcet: tienee North 57  38' West 69 feet to the Southeast corner and the initial point of the tract of land tere- by described thence continuing along tile North lipe of said Park Street North 57 ° 38' West 162 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of a tract of land heretofore conveyed t :Don- ald Aitken and Dorothy Altken, lus- hand and wife, .by deed recorded in Volume 102 of Deeds, page 624, under Auditor's File No, 116227; Thence Nm'th 29" 12' 11" East, along the. East- erly line of said Aitken tract, 103.50 feet, mere or less, to the center of the bed of Goldsborogl Creek as the same existed on the 3rd day of March, 1917; thence following along thd cen- ter of tire bed of said Gol-dsborough Creek, as the same existed on said date. to a point thereon which is North :18 ° 10' East from the point of beginning and the initial poinl; thence South 18 ° 10' West to the point of lie- ginning, and to perpetually ba and-enioin you and eacl of you from assert')ng any right, title, claim, equity, lien or in terest therein and thereto and for a decree adjudging her to be the owner of the said lands. B, FRANKLIN ItEUSTON, Attorney for Plaintiff, Office.& Post Office Address: Court House, Shelton, Washington. 11-20-27/12-4-11-18-25/1-1-7t ' NO. 503 N SUMIIONS FOR PUBLICATIO IN TItlE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Annie N. Olson, a widow, Plaintiff, VS .Herman Witteveen dnd "Jane Doe" Witte,een,. husband and wife. andtlm unknown helps of Herman Witteveen and "Jane Doe" Wttteveen if rely an d aIo all oth?r persons or parties ,un- known claim ng any right, title estate, lien or interest in the real estate de- scribed in the complaiht herein, De- fendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said I-terman Witteveen and "Jane Dne" Wltteveen, husband and wife, and. the unknoWn heirs ofHerman Witteveen and "Jane Dec" Witteveen, ff any ahd also all other persons or Parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in "the real estate described in the complaint herein : You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publtcatiYil of this summons, to- wit: within sixty days after the 18th day of Novelnber, 1947, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the com- plaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the under- signed attorney for plaintiff, at ,his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, Judgment will lie ren- dered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which lies been filed with the Clerk of said qu.rt.. The object of bringing this acuon is to quiet title to tim follow- zng aescrlbed property: ~ ._ • The South half (S) of the oun- east quarter (SEI) of lfl)rtwest Quarter (NWI) and the ol.mws Quarter: (NW£) of ,Southaa Qqgr- ter (SE) of Northwest uarter (NW,) of Section . Thirty -. (36), , Township : TwentYone , (z / North, Range Two () est ,W.M. situated in the County of Mason, State of Waehington, CHARLES T. WRIGHT, Plaintiff'S Attorney P.O. Addrels: Angle,,BldK-, . Shelton. lason ounty. washlng¢n. 11-13-20-2712"4-1.1"18-25"7t thence Snnth 110 ft,, to place of be- ginntng, being } of all acre. Offer $10.00. 4. NE, North 30 acres of SWl:t NWl, SEV,. NW, V 'NE NW, 14 NW5 N'V% of Sec.tion 28, TWp. 19 No., Range 6 W,W.M. Offer $620,00. (SEAL) S. E. SMITH. Treasurer of Mason County . 11-27---12-4-11-3t NO. 1958 NOTICE 're CREDITORS TO PILE- SENT AND FlI,i,' TilEIR CLAIMN. IN THE S'UPEBIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY, In Probate In the Matter of the Estate of Har- old Shirk. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned. Estler Shirk. has been appointed and has qualified as Administratrix of the estate of the above named deceased. Harold Slflrk, and tltat all persons having claims againsi the said estate of the said deceased are hereb required to serve the same, duly verified, with the nec- essaiT vouchers attached, upon the said Administratrix or her Attorney of Record ai the law office of Cllas. R. Lewis, Bell Building, 119 So. Fourtlt Street. Shclton Washington, and file sueh claims together with proof of ser- vice with 1he Clerk of the above en- titled court within sb: months after the first publication of this notice, to-wit: November 20. 1947. or all claints not so s6rved and filed shall lie forever barred. ESTHER SHIRK, Admlnistratrix of the Estate of Harold Shirk. Deceased. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said Estate. Bell Building, 110 So, Fourti} Street Shelton, Mason County, Washington. 11-20-27--12-4-11-4t NO; 11. NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT, REPORT AND PETI- TION OF EXECUTRIX FOR SET- TLEMENT, DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE. ' , IN THE LSUPERIOR COURT 0, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. In Probate In .the Matter of the Estate of Rich- ard E. Grenberg, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that Ollw Shafer Grenberg, Executrix of the above estate, has filed herein ]ler final account, report and petl'tion for settlement and distribution of the es- tate of the deceased, wherein lhe Court is asked to approve said account and report, and make distribution of lhe estate, and discharge, the Executrix. NOTICE IS I-IEREY GIVEN:, that tn accordance with an order of said Court made and entered on the 15th day Of November; ]947, .u hearing will be had before the. ourt on, said finm account,-report and petition on at- urdaY the 20th day of December, 1947• at 10' o'clock, A,M., on" said day in tim Court Room (if said Court in the Court House at Shelton, Washington, Dated thls 15th day of Novembe.r. 1947, HARRY DEyETTE .... Clerk of the Sup.lor Courl for Mason County, Washington, ALDEN C, BAYLEY, Attorney for Executrix, Title Insurance' Building, Shelton, Washlngten, 11-20-27--12-4-11-41 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals for tile demolition and the 'reconstruction of the City Dock at Shelton Washington, includ- ing the driving' of approxinultely 85 new piles will lie received by the City Clork of Shelton, Washington un- til 2:00 P, M. December 16th, 1947, at which time they will be opened and read aloud. A certified cheek in the amount of 5% of the total bid must accompany eaeh proposal, . , Plans and specifications may  oo- tained from the City Clerk upon mak- ing a deposit of five dollars ($5,00) to insure their retm, n On or before the opening of the bids. The ri'ht is reserved to reject any or all bids, Dated this 2nd day of December, 1947. Signed ALMA K, CATTO, City Clerk. 12-4-11-21 NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby giveu Hzat the CRy of .Shelton calls for bids and will, on Tuesday, the 30th , ,d'a of December, 1947. a.-the llour o'clock P.M,. open bids for furnishing the City of Shelton with gasoline, il, kerosen,., .nd fuel oil, in no.t to exceed the fol- lowing deseribed amounts per month: 500 gsllons Ethyl asollne: 100 ;al- Ions standard gasoline; 100 gallons nto nil: 20 allons kerosene; and 1500 gallons fuel oil. The City eserves the right to. 1"},'- joel any and all bids, Dated this nmm day  of December, 1947,  ALMA K. CATTO. city Clerk. 12-11-18-2t latb)n el the ProvisiOllS Till, reef." De and )lie same is hereby repealed. That Ordinance No. 6. entitled "An Ordillanc( To Provide For the Protec- tioll ()r Property From Fire." be and the same is hereiLv repealed. Tile| Ordi,lanee No..19, entitled "AU Ordinan('e ],€)1' the Pllrpose of Fixhlg and Regulating a License To lle Im- lms{'d UIOII IJawkers lind Peddlers and ]teneranl Veildol'S lind TO Pro- vide a Penalty For lPailure TO Pro- elll'e Said License. ' be and ill(, same is Ilel'ebY r(qwaled. That (rdinance No. 7'1, entitled "An Ordinance Amending Section 5 i-if Or- dinance No. :19. Being all Ordinance 1,hit)tied 'An Ordonanee For Fixing and Regalating a License TO Be Im- posed Upon Hawkers, Peddlers and Itinerant Vendors. and To Provide a Penalty i'll' Failure to Procure, Said Lit'ease'." be and the sanle is herel)y repealed. That Ordi'umee No. 7. entitled "An Ordinance Rogulating the Use t)l' Streets." be an(l the same Is Ilereby I'epeab'd. That Ordinance No. 88. entitled "An Ordinance Regulating the Operation of Autanloblb's and OIher Motor Ve- hicles. Within the Limits Of tile Town of Shelton, and Providing For the Enforcement nf SUCil Rcgtllations, and PI'eScl'ibing PellMtles For tile Vlohl- t ion Thereof,' be and the same here- l)y is rep,,aled, That Ordinan(•e No. 424-27. entitled "An Ordhlam'e Prohibiting Parking lly Motor Veificlcs and AI{ Other Ve- hi( 's ahd Ali O(hcr Objects. Except ltll)lie Cnrriel'S, On Port ('ins el Cer- tain Stroets in the City of Sllelton, Wasllnuton and Pixy)cling Penalties f(r"the'Viol'ation of the Terms (if This Ordinance," bc and the sanle hereby is repealed. That Ordinance No. 34. entitled "An Ordinam:a Relating To tlte Riding of Bicycles On tile Sidewalks (if the Town of Slielton." be and the same hereby is repealed, That Ordinance N0. 3. entitled "An Ordinance To License and Regulate Saloons, Theatrical and Otter Amuse- ments, Traveling Shows, Circuses and Other Exhibitions and Shows, Hawk- ers. Peddlers, Book Agent, and Patent Medicine Vendors." be and ,tie sanle ilereby is repealed. That Ordinance Nn, 22. entitled "An Ordinance Relating To tile Discharge of Firecrarkers and Other Exphls- ivcs" be and the same hereby is re- i)caled ; ' " ': That Ordinance No. 7. entitled "An Ordiaance Amending Ordinance No. 22. Being an Ordinance Entit.led tan Ordinance Relating To the Dise/mrge of Fir( ( "ackers and Other Explosives'," beand the same hereby Is repealed; That Ordinance No. 39, entitled "An Ol,dinance Prohibiting the Riding and D'v ng Faster Titan a Walk Upon An:,' Bridge or Bridges Within the Corporate Iinlits ' of the Town of SI elton andProvlding Punishment for its Violation." be and the smc here- hy is repealed; That Ordinance No. 82. entitled "An Ordinance prohibitin the Unlawful Sa'l' or D sensing of Intoxicating Li- quors Within the Town of Shclton, Declaring Any Plaee Where Intoxi- cating Llqu)rs Arc Kept for Unlawful Sale or Distribution, or Where Intox- eating Liquors Are Unlawfully Sold or :Disposed of to be a Connnon Nui- san(t" and Prescribing Penalties for the Vlolalhm Thereof,' be nnd tile same hereby is repealed; That Ordinaace No, 102. entitled "An ()rdinance Prescribing the Time When All Saloons and Other Places Where InLoxicathlg Liquors Arc Sold. Other Tla .Drugstores. Shall Be Closed," br litld the same hell, by ts repealed: That Ordinance No. 194, entitled "Au Ordinance Relating To tile Manufac- u 'e Keeping, Sale, Use and Disposi- tion of Intoxicating Liquors Withia the City of Shelton and Providing Penal- ties for the Violation of the Provis- ions Hereof, Repealing Ordinances No. 116 and 122. Relating to Intoxicating I,lquors. and All Ottler Ordinances or Parts Tllereof in Conflict tterewiih." be and the same hereby is rct)ealed; That Ordinance No. 246 ent tled "An Ordinance Relating Lo the Licensing and Regulating, Manu fact t|l'e. Dls- trlbut ng, Keeping. Sale, Use and 1)isposition of Ah!omdic Rpverages Within the Cit of Shelton ,fir Rex, e- nue and Regulatioa, Requiring Li- censes TIterefor, Establishing. License Fees and Procedure for Se(..uring LI- censes. Providing for Bonds Comli- tioned for Law Observance, Providing f(ir Cancellati)n of Licenses and P.r riding Penalties for tile Violalon the Provisions Hereof." be and the same hereby is repealed; That Ordinance No. 249. entitled. "An Ordinunce Relating To the I,icensing Remflating, Manufacture, Keeping, Sale, Barler, and Exchange and Other D sposition of Intoxicating Liquors Within the City of Shelton. and pro- viding Penalties For the Violalim of the Provisions l*Iereof," he attd th0 same hereby is repealed' Th'at.Ordlance No. 50: entitled "An Ordinance Relating To the Licensing and Regulating, Manufacturing, Dls- tribttting, Keeping. Sale, Use and Disposition of Alcoholic Beverages Within the City ef Shelton for Reve- nue and Regulation, Recruiting Li- censes Therefor, Establishing License Fees and Procedure for Scurlng Ii- cerises, Providing For ,Bnd Condto tioned for Law Observance, Providing fro' Cancellation of Licenses and pro- riding Penalties for the Violation :ef the Provisions Hereof," be and the same hereby .is repealed; APPROVED: F, A.TRAVIS. Mayor, ATTEST ' ' . ' .' ALMA IC CATTO Clerk. ' 12-11-1t CALL FOR BIDS FOR GASOI,IN: " Notice Is hereby given, that bids ill be received and olened, by' tle Board of County Commissioners ,of Mason County., Wasbingt0 on Wed- nesdaY, January 7th, I948, *at. 11:00 A, M. at the office of the Bord ill the Court House in Shelton for furs- for th, y L i " ' ' ' ' 1948, " )er 19,77ted tbi s first ,day of Decem., SIONERg'OF MASON coUNTY, SUSI'E ,PAUL , ," ' , Clerk otEthe Board. 12-11-18..t Nb. Ii 'o NOTICE e20 eREDITOR T pRESEN 1', AND 'FILE GI, AIMI4" IN THE,,SUPERIOR.COURT OF THI- STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ' '",.  In Prabate ' . In the Hatter of tile Estate (if Ber- tha L, Fik, Deeeaed. ', • NOTICE IS HEREBY .GIVEN that Travis M. Flsk has been appointed and has qualified as Executor of the Last WIll and' Testanlent of Bertha L, .Flsk, Deceased, and that all persons having claims against the said Deceased or tle said estate are hereby req'ulred to serve the same, duly verified with the necessary vouchexa attached upon tim undersigned Executor or' iris A ttozney of Record at the law office el unas. R. Lewis. 119 South Fourth Street, Bell Building, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. the same being desig- nated as tlc place for the transaction of the business of the said estate and file such clalms'4ogcther with proof of sclwJce with the Clerk of the above entitled court within 6 nmnths afte the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: Decentber 4, 1947, or all clainls not so served and filed shall be forever barred. TRAVIS M, FISK Executor of said Estate CHAS. R. LEWIS Attorney for said Estate 119 So. Fourth Street, Bell Building Shelton, Washington, 12-4-11-18-25-41 Journal Want Ads Payi a plea of gtfilty and was given n $10 fine. The negligent driving chtrg'e was brought ap'ainst Vanee Mul- lenlx, of Doty, Wash. 'rod he ror- NO. 1956 NOTICF, TO CBEIIi'rlIRS TO ]PRE- SENT AND FILl': TIIEII CLAIMS. IN 'rl|E SI]t-,EI,IOR COUIT OI." THI.J STATE OF WASHINGTON FOIl. MASON COIINTY. hi Prohate In the Matter of the Esiate of Lewis H. Itensel. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhat 1he undei'signed, Pauline ltensel, has been appointed and hag qualified as Adl)inist)'atr of the estate ' of the above named deceased, Lewis I't. [Ien- sel. and that all lersons having ('hllmS against flle said estate of the said deceased are Iler(,b requh'ed lo ,qel:Vt' the same, duly verified, with the nec- eSSO I'y VOu('hers at ta(.hed, upoll tllt said Adlllinislratrix or bel' Attorlley of Record :It the ltP, V office of Chas. R Lewis [1(,ll Ihlildin. ]19 SO. Fourth Street. Sheltoll. Wasbillg(on. and file such cblinls tog0ther wilh llroof of service with the Clerk of the above (,ntitled com.( within sfx nmnths after the first llublieation of this notice, to-wit: N.votnher 20. 1!),17. or nil claims not sa SOl"Vod nnd filed 411ali be fo1'i.wor barred PAULINE HENSEL. Adnlinistratrtx of. the lst'l( of I,ewis H I.lensel. Deceased. CtlAS, R. LEWIS, Attorney for said Estate, Bell Rnildin, 119 So, Fourth Sh'eet Shelton, Mason County. Wasidngton, - 11-20-27--12-4-11-,1t Foursquare Church 910 E. Dearborn St. Sunday School.--9:45 Worship Service .11:00 Cmtsader Service -6:,15 Evangelistic Service-- 7 :-I 5 REV. RUSSELL DORNBAUGH Pastor To give light  " to them that sit in darkness and in the sha. dew of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. ..... Luke I: 79 i --;; ......... --2 .... i --"" VIE'W'A' LLI CH;;E " }, " Rev. Thee. W. Chapman, Pastor t , | Sunday, Dec. 1,t at 11 a.m. Mor nillg Worship Service, | | 7:30 p.m. Inspirational Service ' Studi%s in the Book | I ,,,, . of Revelation," ' t . A. HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL i WORSHIP WITH US IN OUR NEW EDIFICE AT 130 EAST PINE STREET ASSEMBLY of GOD TABERNACLE Rev, Sam McGIII, Pastor THE TRUTH FOR THE YOUTH Mt. Olive Lutheran Church The Church of the Lutheran Hour HiLLCREST - HIGHWAY AT CASCADE Telephone 395-M and 230 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. -- Morning Worship 11 a.m. First Metc000dtSt Church "A Friendly ChUl r in a Friendly Community" Fom;th and Pine Sunday Schodl at g:45 a,m. Morning Wbrship 11;00,. Sermon Topc "G virlg Caesar The Things Th'at Belong o God WAYNE WRIGHT, Minister Parsonage 320 N. 4th Telepllone 276 First Church of Christ, ,00c,enu00t_. HEr.TON 'ranoh of The Mother Church, The Flrst Church of Christ, Scientist. ' Boston, Mas=l. , , Subj,ect Next S0nday: , , "God the Preserver of Man" . . .... 83NI:)AY., SCHDDI AT0. 9:45. : , . $IDAY, MORNING ERMIGE _,T 11, L ('CL0.CK WDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK: Reading Room maintained by this church at 302 Aider Street, open daily, ecept Sunday,' f0m2 to 4 o}cloek. and Venesdays fron 6:45, to 7:45 0'clocR. All arc cordially lfivited to attend the services and visit :.. the Regdlng Room. • , CHURCH' rAT 3'2 ALDER STREET = WE 5H0ULD BE ABLE TO PREVENT 5UC44 J 0URN L 5.-o C u