December 11, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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" "L ........................................ "2'2__
!lave tho,'m weeds plowed fin-
d,:r ths fall and have a good
garckn in the spring.
Let 'era rot and watch
the garden grow
iml m i i i J
Auction Sale of Xmas [School Scoops
Trees Slated Saturday
effort to raise funds to[
provide a piano for its meeting]
hall, the Cloquallum Grange will
conduct a Christmas tree auction[
sale next Saturday on the vacant
lot at Third and Franldin streets,
across from Simpson garage.
The auction will be conducted
under the experienced hand of A.
E. I::ony) Loertscher, veteran
Southwest "Washington auctioneer
who is a member of Cloquallum
(;'e. The sale will start at one
Fog Lamps $10.95 pr. I
Fiber SEAT COVERS, $14.)0 i
Btcl(-ul) Lamps
$1.29 and up
$3.3 )
i: <!
i /.
p ,
Automobile Accessories. Oil. Tires, Batteries
I-,h'.t and Cedar Phone 126
1878 • E.G. Sick, Prel,
At Your Friendly Tavern
by V. Connolly
Last Friday night after the first
basketball game of the season, the
Junior class staged a "White
Christmas" dance. The gym was
decorated with fir trees laden with
shiny rayon fibers. On small cot-
ton hills covered with imitation
snow lay skis, ice skates and seds.
During the intermission Slfirley
Bailey, accompanied by Joyce
Durkee, sang "WMte Christmas."
$ * *
"Onr ]learts Were Yomlg and
Gay," an all-school production,
will be presented at 8 p.m. Wed-
nelay, December 17. in the ju-
nior high school auditorium.
Cast of the Broadway hit in-
elndes Herb toy p, B,trbara
Bates, Bill McGee, Gloria Steen,
Jack Marshall. LaVerne Peter-
son, Martha Puhner, Chloe Dick-
lnson, Frances Alger, llarlcy
Vivcll. Lane Smith. Millie Dug-
gcr and June Wright.
Those on the produelion staff
are. Bey D i c k i n s o n, Hettie
Pierce, Lorraine Andrews, June
Wright, Joyce Durkee, Htella
Endieatt, Carl Lee, Donna Dem-
men, Gene llurst, Ernesiine
Crane, Mary Meyer, Norton Da-
vklsou and Kay lIarlhllL
Several new books have been
d(led to the higl school library.
Four of these volumes are voca-
tional books and eight others are
The shop boys under the direc-
tion of Mr. Arne J0hnsen are
noticeable progress in the
.onstruction of a basebali grand-
tand to replace the bleachers now
o,v Loop field. When completed,
the grandstand will seat 1,100
spectators. This will increase the
total seating capacity to 3,500.
$ :1{ *
(LA.A, girl have eommeneed
• thele basketball season. They
are turning out from 6:30 to
8:30 every Thursday evening.
Last week, the first night of:€he
• turtiouts, about 65 girls gth-
ered In the gym to start their
The boys have also started in-
tramural basketball games. Six-
ty-three boys signed up at the
first turnout last week. °They
played a form of Australian bas-
ketball in which all 63 played at
once. The only rule in this game
is- "you can't kick them when
they're down "
The enlire student I)ody was
hoth shocked and saddened i)y
the sadden death of Mr. loy
Sherry last Friday morning.
Mr. Sherry was the head mech-
anic for the school district, lie
also conducted both stu(lenl and
Ilult tuto ,lleeha,lies classes,
The sludent matinee of the
a,ll, l,a] halnl con(;crt wa. can-
eelled on Tuelay h, rcspeel h,
Mr, Sherry and all mechanics
olasscs have been exct,sed for
the week.
1: n; a
Ol]e afternoon last. week fin 11r-
gent call came to students and
faculty memhers for donors of
type "0" blood.
Mr. Hillyard, Mr. Patrick and
I3aw Castagno answered the call
and each gave a transfusion.
Shelton Moose
Outline Party
Shelton Lodge No. 1.684, Loyal
Orde of Moose, will hold their
annual Christmas party Tuesday
evening, December 16, at 8 p,m.
in the Eagles hall.
A program has been arranged
for all
Santa Claus will be there with
candy, nuts and oranges for the
children and the General Welfare
drill team will drill for the plems-
ure of the adults,
A varied and complete program
!s planned with every Moose mem-
ber', family and friend expected.
00eapage00 o/'DicAe 7 a00gDa/sy
./'exw¢ /eg /,
SItELTON-1V[ASON COUNTY 'JOURNAL Thursday, December December 11, 1
Sh ppi Sp yOU rnay obtail] personalized cock-in having t,vo exceUent flol'ist
o ng Fee ta. npkins, book matches and shopcs in orrost's an erguso<s
(Continued From Page One) coaster sets at an unusually reas- Florist Strop.
looks of the good looking men's enable price. There too is a fine A Christmas flower or green
clothing on sale at Millm"s Men's stock of stationery ar,'angen,ent to be delivered on Morgan & Eacrett A X 1
Sheep, the L.M., J. C. Penney Corn- The sterile atmosplere of a drug Christm's Eve is a compliment
pany and Dwight Morris Men's store may drive mauy Christmas any holiday imstess would great-
,Shop. shoppers away, but ti, e wise per-ly appreciate. Lumber
[ Vern Miller proudly displays an son knows after viewing the gift After all this the average shop-
eXchlsive buck hide antle boot counters at MeConkey's, the Fir per will be happy to drop in to the III
with crepe soles and (what is the and Prcpp's that he can complete Chatterbox Cafe or tile Hotel Shel-
world coming to?)a sport shirt all his shopping in one of those to Coffee Shop for an uplifting 1324 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY 6.0
that: is prtly madc of mini( fur. three places where may be found cup of coffee before calling on
gifts of all kinds for all age Eddy's Business Service office • •
FRANKI.;, it seems to be an groups, where Dick Eddy will be more Stand at Chevron Gaa
out-and-out challenge to the la- This season for the first time in than hapl)y to dole out one of his tatlon - First & Cola
(ties "new look" styles. The shirt several years. Mc, Conkey's has attractive holly-decorated gift- Phone 656 - ,,,
in light blue and beige is surely a opened its gift bazaar in the back wrapped loans.
"look" that many men would be of the store. This last call will undoubtedly - " II
pleased to wear. THE COMPLETE assortment of be handled by the breadwinner of
Plaid wool shirts, an all-time gift packages of cosmetics, soaps tie family, for
favorite for men .of all ages, are and colognes, Roy McConkey as-
features of Dwight' merch- Reed Elected To Dancing l!
andise this week. Also at that sures us, are practically the only
same store you nlay purchase 'items on sale this year that ab- PITTSBURGH PAINTS
ma]cshands°meon you,pajamaSChristmasf°r any list.and all solutelyprice, haw not bee,, raised it, Forestry Board
Food for thoug;l, though not \\;Villiam G. Reed. chairman of • •
can't do better than the wool ar- Christmas candies tangerines and son Logging Corot)any, was elected
gyle socks in all colors and sizes ()the," holiday tidbits now obtain- to the board of trustees of the HAULING
at the men's department at the able at the grocery department Washington Forestry Conference
Lumbermen's Mercantile. ' at the L.M. and at Safeway. M & at an annual mectOR; in Seattle
VtFilI,E YOU'RE in that depart- S. Needham's. Sanitary attd City last week. t BUILDING SUPPLIES
ment take a good look at the fan-
cy cotton print shorts. There Ma,'kets. The meat departments Gee. L. Drake. manager of the FOBMERLY SC:
must be someone on your list who of these stores also urge that Grisdale Division of Simpson. is a
• housewives select their turkey hold-over trustee on the co,ffer-
would appreciate a pair of those.
J. C, Penney has a stock of early in order to lustre getting" cnce board. DAN
the desired size.
sport coats and casual jackets to Now Com[
satisfy the taste of the most dis- Be sure to stop in at the bake,'-
criminating man and as an added ies. Tendercrust and Shafer's on
attraction the shopper may feast your trip downtown for delicious FARM1
his eyes on the many contrasting fruit cakes and Christmas' cookies,
spm't shirts, No Christmas is complete without I .............................. Playing Mt
When Santa Claus delivers his them. DIO YOU " / FUNNY
pae.kages to Sheltonians this year, DON'T OVERLOOK the grand Let us help you be more comfortable
as evcry year. the most appre- buys in sporting equipment at KNOW I ] /TH/NQS
elated presents in his knapsack Catto's Hardware and Shelton WAS BeRYl [HAPPEN DANCING
N EW / - N winter with a'new heating unit. Come
. YO' X rCHICA0 DICKISON FUEL CO. today and disc
your o00lmwi00 re
ways glad to give you friendly advice
free estimation. , , '
will be toys. And for you, Christ- Hardware and Shelton Recreation,
man shopper, this year. as never both sportsmen's headquarters, discs
before, the stores are presenting No man s completely happy with- :.- "
and better line out the finest in fishing and hunt- tl Admission $
of toys. ing equipment,
EVERYTHING from pa,Der dolls For the gardener of the family
to fire engines may be found in (and what family is complete
the toy departments at tlc L.M. without a member with that tal-
and Penney's. ent) Shelton Hardware and Hill-
Then there's many toys and gift crest Hardware have the latest in
items of all descriptions at Roon- tools to make easier the task of
ey's and Markham's V a r i e L y keeping the garden in order. ":i'.
stores. While you're up on Hillcrest
There,s no need to go to tile don't miss the unusual gift items INf
big city this yea," in order to make Bernice Schrieber has on sale . . .
that youngster of yurs the hap- including handwoven place mats
piest in the world, for Santa Claus' and napkins, table runners and
local work shop has been rein- small throw rugs.
I,'LOWERS SPEAK for them-
forced with the recent opening of
two new stores, the Goodrich seres, but an attractive contain-
Street and the er helps along with the holiday Wx lr
restern Supply store on First message and SlelLon fortunate
Both places lave an interesti[g
eollection of mechaical and con-' 000000¢ARLOAD! ORANG SALE ],..,
structive toys
IN SLEYSTER'S Bicy'cle Shop
next to the Goodrich store are tiny .,,}i! ii}: ' ,:: NWNOV#/8 #OW L00y
tricycles and bicycles to make any '/"!, I.I,:;.;:NWNOV
goodness of Santa. :
isn't at this time of the yea]', an '
excellent gift for all nembet's of . . !i!:i:, "
the family is a photograpic study
of your child by Gcne Burgoyne.
He specializes in children's pic- F/ ' 120 EAST THI
tures and a portrait of your tiny
will be prized for many years to : - :.... . ,----%w- ......
Coole. .
PHOTOGRAPilY fans will be ,,
p,oasedwith ti, e e×eel,en, e.,,i,.- tit A-7--'';----i --- I ryd y Valu
meat on sale at Andrew's Photo -- - Eve a
Studio. everything from hard-to- i ,:
get film to intricate cameras. /] q-Wl, F I:llllr IllllUlll Mrs. Wrights, l,-Ib. , :,: ..........
well received and this year the \\; h{ VUlIgl a Illlllql FRESH ,:...i.:
Sllelton stores have a better stock ' ' I : h. "Co-op , " :"' "
than they have been ahle to offer
in the past. DAY!'
The new electric blankets are
whUe the Shelton E,ectri. has a --'It _n i1/ U & I SUGAR
complete ]tne of Bendix appliances |AaJaA I| PER 25-1bs.
includingKiLLMERtheElectrichOme is fea- LUW6[ [1111 __..7.). '/9 i*.en Cr"" .0 ,.. ,,.,, ;,/mw...!
turing for the Christmas shopper ["UIUNI) / FLOUR 2 $ llilill
a new model deep freeze unit II U ...... ... 5-1bs.
which means fresi] fruits and veg- In fears '' L' ' ; ' P '' " ''Y:" 0 "d:' ''' "t' P' " " ] " W a a
etables eve,, during the darkest I Case $2.28 Case $4.25 ,FRESH J.J,i.
part of the winter . . . the house
wife's dream,
The cooR of the family will be ..................... '--''--7--,--__--------'--; "NLU'Made';aways fr'sh '
eternally gratehfl for an electric t MAYONNAISE.. pt.
range purchased from the fine Winesap APPLES I GR,AP EFI UIT ,' "
line handled by Nash Brothers.. .| Florida, thin skinned Marsh " I' /Popular,brands, Xmas wra
A pre-Christmas del very date for Fancy, extra fancy, wrapped and '-
one of these stoves would benefit packed. Good sizes Seedless ) CIGARETTES ..... ctn.
jib >S i " " i!: M g
all members of the family in re- '
gard to tl, at nmch anticipated tur- lb 10 € Box $3 98 ........... ' ; Coffee ;.
key dinner. " " ..... 1 " "I ' m 1 ' a nusoi
Gas ranges for those who pre- ---- ............. ° )'" VacUum paoked (2-1b. can 99¢) 'i Hair filled plu..
fer its speed are on display in the .................. " ' ',
windows of the Shclton Gas Corn- Approximately 29¢ each Firm, well shaped ED,WABDS .......... l-lb.
pany. Oregon Parslfips ...... lb. 11¢ 1; piec l
ALONG THE line of electrical Large Calavos ............. lb. 43¢ Del-uxe blend, paokage _ 4 4- e
appliances comes Lhe radio and California, crisp Cut Up and ,baRe in skin NOB HILL .......... l-lb. "l' Maroon and g
radio - phonograph combinations.
aec;rds have beoome so popular All Green Celery ........ lb. 8¢ Marblehead Squash.. lb. 2!/¢
in the past few years that no horne Well trimmed Yakima nettedgems (100-lb. sack $5.45)No. 1"Potatoes.. lb. 5 Aways ros, (,-,. pk,..lbS.,,,> 3-piece M
is complete without a record play- Brussels Sprouts. cup 25¢ ][7. S. ½¢ AIRWAY ........ ]
er. Taylor Radio and Electric . . .... Floral tapestr:
Shop can supply the finest in ra- ...... " .. "J J__." /!
dies and record players, radio -p.ece
equipment and repairs. Sa Flowered tapelYJ,,,,
For the person who already Dried Fruit le ...... ,.
owns a record player there ts no 4-pi M
better gift than that of records Santa Clara, 30/40 size Ex. Choice Calimyrna, Cello il, ece
and shopping for records iS always PRUNES.. 2-lb. pkg. 39¢ WHITE FIGS 27¢ n Ali0e blue
a pleasure at Beckwith's Music : ..... t. ':
..... ..... 3 M
hop. It's also an excuse to stt Sunsweet. large, fancy Ensign, Ex. Choice Muir; "" i " "
down and listen to some good ms- PRUNES.. 2-lb. ctn. 39¢ PEACltES 1-1b:pkg i,. :':, -pc. ou
sic while resting your weary bones " " ' ..... '}€olin." grade beef Stripe freize--
during the shopping expedition. "Market Day" Seedless Ensign, Ex, ChoiGe Blenh¢'lm .... .
FOR A'TOWN its size Shelton ' .... L
has a more than adequate supply RAISINS. 2-lb. pkg. B9¢ APBICOTS 1-11), pkg. 49¢ - Per.. Roast
of excellent furniture stores. On
display in the window of the L.M. Sun Maid Seedless, fancy "Persian" Pitted Hallowi Blade Shoulder Cut tender .......... LI}.'
is one of the most attractive din- RAISINS 15-oz. pkg. 17¢ DATES .... l-lb. pkg. 43¢" Link , -
ing room sets your correspondent jus.._
has see)]. "Market Day" Seedless' ,,Dromedary" Unpitted
.Of an American provinc|al de- RAISINS. 4-lb. pkg. 55¢ DATES-. 10-oz. pkg.,24¢ c,steres Little Pi0s ...................... LB.
sign, the beautiful table is compli-
mented by a large sideboard, so SMOKED PICNICS .... lb. ,9¢ Modernln Rose jacqul-
uscffll in the dining room for dis-
playing silver and china pieces. P U S S 'N B 0 0 T 8 W H I T E K I N G 4 to 8-lb. average
Olsen's Furniture S t o ro is LAMB SHLDR. ROAST 1b.49¢ Modern *
stocked witl, an abundance of all FoodCat l-|bcall I/IJl134/'llm ¢ Toiletsoap Reg.BQr r -=L.9/1€ Graded "good" In Blue jaoqu,
kinds of furniture including some
excellent modern electrical kitch- LAMB LOINCHOPS .... lb. 69¢
en equipment. Also for sale there
are handsome table lamps at- Graded "g'ood" ID, €
tached to modern tables in blonde A .........................
wood that would be at, asset to B A B Y F 0 0 D S S W N S , A P . GROOO ,EEl, fresh ,.. ,,
any room, • PORK STEAKS, tender .......................... Ib, 4
listFORthcTHATo]ympicY°ungFurnituremiSs OnstorcYOllr Libby's 88 "'" "°"" 11€ . WIENERS, Skinless ............................... It):'" ,,,'" Box Spri,
has tlae perfect gift in the ever strained (3llS DZ. Mild Bar ........ • BLACK COD STEAKS .........................
I)opular eodar ehest. T]ese beau- • FILLET OF SOLE .................................. 180-coil, well
tif..l chests .viii proser o. ,ong O ,, v.nn"m";
periods of time all the cherished PRICES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY .I
linens or woolens that conlprise LI F E B 0 U Y IVORY FLAKES BER 12 and 13, 1947. SUBJECT °TO
a "hope chest" CHANGES AND STOCK. WE RESERVE Fine wood oal
The practical s]mt)per can e°m" 12-oz. € TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. NO SALES TO
plete his nfission in one full swoop Toilet Soap Bar I¢cg. 10 ¢ Always Gentle .......
at Munro's Shoe Store where the Pkg
whole family can be outfitted in .....
stylish and pr|ctical footwear. , -------" G U A]
Shoes arc also awilable at tle
L,, .on,tc<s and Mlller's GLOSS SIL]Ta]Kq ALL SEC
brand pen and pencil sets are ob-
tainablecompanyatandthenoSheltOnone canPrintingdeny Pure, Reg. JLU4" i.s-, l-lb..'L..'/J" g STRUCTU]
that stationery is all always, suit- mild Bar ...... [. ford Pkg.
able gift for that,person Who hm
AT MASON County Stationers ...-