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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 11, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 11, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 11 1947. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Pa e 9 ,ier&apos;s & eft AXI abet Co. 'MPIC HIGHWAY 00 hone 656 Phone 620 at Chevron Gas - First & Cots for ;URGH PAINTS CO IAULING ING SUPPLIES l-be more comfortable the,, zew heating unit. Come b EL CO. today and discu ! with them. They are ve you friendly advice t. " YOU ON OUR REGULAR )ELIVEBY LIST HAPPY COUPLE WITH FAMILY CELEBRATE 50-YEAR MARRIAGE by MRS. LYDIA WREN Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Okonek celebrated their 50th wed- ding anniversary last Sunday afternoon at their home with their family and friends. It rained outside but inside there was much friendliness and warmth as the good wishes of all were showered upon this well-loved couple. Mr. Okonek became ill ShelteR in the morning but while attending church in was sufficiently recovered to Dancing Every Saturday o at "7& %om00- FORMERLY SCHNEIDERS PRAIRIE DANCE HALL Now Completely Redecorated FARMER and .His Orchestra Playing Music to be Danced to DANCING FROM 9:30 to 2 REFRESHMENTS AND SANDWICHES Admission $1.00 (including Tax) take part in the afternoon festivities. [ It is quite unusual that all of I the couple's six children, except] one, live within walking distance I of their parents' home. The daugh-I ters are, Mrs. Mary Nelson, Mrs.] Annie Nelson and Mrs. Millyl Rauschert, the sons, A1, Francis and Ed Okonek. There are nine grandchildren and two great grand children. THE BEAUTIFUL tiered wed- ding cake was baked by Mrs. Sar- ah Tschida and Mrs Winnie Pet- erson. A very brave looking bride and groom stood on top, beside the inscription written out in gold col- ored frosting, "Golden Wedding, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Okonek, 1897- 1947." On one side of the cake the sons' names were written out in this same gold frosting and on the other side, the daughters' appeared. Winnie Peterson had charge of the punch bowl, Millie Rauschert took care of the guest book; 60 guests registered their names. Mary Nelson served the ice cream and Sarah Tschida poured the cof- fee. THE SHEET cakes were baked by Mrs. Okonek's daughters and were decorated with golden roses INSURANCE We Insure Everything Except Life GE SALE I • Business Service Phone 540 120 EAST THIRD STREET SHELTON, WASH. Everyday Vlr.s. Wright's, 1 .Ib. FRESH Noah. Co-op "AA" IEDIUM EGGS i doz. ranulated, pure U & I SUGAR (itchen Craft (50-1bs. $4,69) 'LOUR .......... 25-1bs. 'Thsty Pound" prints: " RESH BUTTER .... lb. Nu-Made!' ,always fresh. IAYONNAISE ...... opularbrands, Xmas wra IGARETTES ..... eta. Coffee racuum packed (2-lb. can 99¢) DWARDS .......... l-lb.  )e4_uxe blend, package  4OH HILL .......... l-lb. always resh' (l-lb. pkg. 43€) kIRWAY ........ 2-1bs, ! .or:n." grade beef st Cut, te0der ......... LI. sage Pigs..  ................. LB. , PICNICS .... lb. 49¢ vcrage [LDR. ROAST lb. 49¢ )d" )INCHOPS .... lb. 69¢ d 't EF, fresh .......................... lb. 39€ S, tender ........................ IU. 59 <inless ................................ lb, 4€ STEAKS .......................... Ib. 4 OLE .................................. ll. DAY AND SATURDAY, .Vl, 1947. SUBJECT 'TO rlG "OCK. WE RESERVE TH#I..P'! T ES. NO SALES TO u ! HA'PPY, Mr. an6 Mrs. Joe b. Okonek, of Grape- view, celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary at their home Sunday afternoon with an open house reception. Pictured here surrounded with members of their family, the couple are behind the huge wedding cake and two $25 turkeys made by members of the family and friends. Mr. Okonek was born in 1876, and Mrs. Mary Okonek in 1878. They were married November 29, 1897, and came to Grapevlew and Washington In 1922 where they have lived ever since. The fiftieth wedding mass which was celebrated at St. Ed- wa.rd's church for the couple Saturday was the first such mass ever held here," Father Mark Wiec;imann said. The members of the family who appear above are, left'to right, Edward, Mrs. Pauline Okonek, AI. Frances, (husband of Pauline) the twin daugh- ters, Donna and Loretta, of Francis and Pauline, Joseph and Mary Okonek, the honored couple, Mrs. Otto Nelson behind them, Ted Rauschert and Mrs. Rauschert, Mrs. AI Okonek, Beatrice Okonek, and -Richard and Tyrone, sons of Edward and Beatrice Okonek. Other members of the family who left early to catch a ferry were Mrs. Roy Fredrickson, of Seat- tle, and Mrs. Johnny Reed, Tacoma, and their chil- dren Tammie Fredrickson and Sandra Reed. photo by Burgoyne by. Mrs. Betty Taylor. Sarah Tschida built an interest- ing looking pair of turkeys. She started with two pine cones and went. on from tlere. The tails were made up of folded dollar bills, twenty-five on each bird, flared out in a semi-circle, and Sarah received many compli- ments upon her artistry. The fifty dollars, thus partly concealed, commemorated the 50 years of marriage and was pre- sented to Mr. and Mrs. Okonek by friends and neighbors. New Regulation On Oyster-ting Seattle. (Special)Milo ]V[oore, State Director of Fisheries, today announced the promulgation of Order No. 202, regulating the tak- ing of oysters from the tidelands of the state. The new regulation makes it un- lawful to take oysters for com- mercial purposes from any of the state owned tidelands and places a limit of 36 oysters or 4 pints of oyster meat for personal use on oyster gatherers. The regulation reenacts the sta- ture protecting private posted oys- ter land and prohibits the taking of oysters for any purpose from the state oyster reserves without the consent of the state. In commenting on the new reg- ulation, MoOre pointed out the fact that previous to the enactment of this order no provision was made in the law for the non-commercial gathering of oysters, Cloquallum Cloquallum Grange had elec- tion of officers at the last meet- ing of November. The officers elected were M. George Hiloboki, O. Tony Annensen, L. Marguer- ite LeGault, S. William Walks, A.S. Herb Lovgrenn, L.A.S. Ethel Johnson, Chin9. Mrs. Florence J o h n s o n, Gatekeeper Clarence Springer; Ceres, Rose Makoviney; Flora, Marly Lovgrenn; Pomona, Margaret Makovlney; 3-yr. ex. comm. man, George Johnson who was also chosen for agricultural chairman; Secretary, Fren ArmoR- sen; treasurer, Andy Walks. Of- ficers will be installed at ShelteR Valley Sunday, Dec. 14. Hope to see all of them present at the nteeting. The Christmas party held at the Priscilla Club last Wednesday was much enjoyed. Lovely hand- made gifts were exchanged and a 'lovely dinner was served by the hostesses of the day, Mrs. Sadie Eveleth and Mrs. Davis. They had roast duck md all the trim- mings, so it was truly a Christ- mas dinner. The card tables with the ads, tops lave arrived at last] so now we will soon be ready to] resume our Keens party and other I card games during the winter] months. ] Albert Legault, Jr., is visiting[ with his folks this week end. He ] served overseas in Germany in the I U.S. Air Corps for over a year. I Mrs, George Hilboki:shoppedJ. }n Elma Saturday, I Mrs. Hazel Bethworth As living in present. Mr. Beth- worth is operating a fishing boat. Axel Annensen has returned to his home after a short trip east of the mountains. , I:T the Journal Classifieds they really get results. MOVING AWAY? 6 Good luck to youand make the Job easier for yourself by letting us take care of the transportation of your el- feet,s--anywhere in Waehlng- ton! SHELTON TRANSFER 221 S. 2nd Phone 66 NON---DRINKERS Can save up to 30% In the cost of automobile insurance by our new TEMPERANCE POLICY If you don't drink, why pay for " the accidents of t3m fellow wire does drink ? For more information, telephone or write MAYFLOWER Inter-Insurance Exchang, Mr. Richard C. Springgate, District Manager Box 495  ShelteR, Washington Business Phone 767-R-1 --- Shelton Airport Home Phone 767-R-3 NEW COLORS WITH Will Brighten Your Home for Christmas and Make Your Heart Sing ISN'T THIS THE KIND OF PAINT YOU WANT? Colors that match every time. (That extra quart you may need to finish the job always matches.) Colors available in every type of finishflat, semi.gloss or enamel. t Individual color clips that you can take home for com- parison with your drapery colors, etc. . , .*.*;*; :*.. z. % Now Available... MASONITE TEMPERED HARDBORD In All Sizes from lx4 feet to 4x12 feet BLACK TEMPERED HARDBORD The First Since 1942 Lawton Lumber OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL NOON 420 South First St. Phone 56 Owned and Operated by Everett Dillon and Joe Simpson WE "A,R00E ?00C'OMBATING HIGH P'RI'CES These Super Values for Xmas Specially Priced for the Holidays! 8-p©. DINING SET ;o,u:;= IO7.79 Our Chrlltma? & OI 8 P'eces PRICE ...................... WITH BUFFET $227.99 A Distinctive Ensemble in RICH BLOND or WALNUT FINISH Here is the answer to your wish for a complete dining room set at a price that is ever so easy on your budget. A handsome 8.piece ensemble designed to fit in with either modern or traditional furnishings. Set consists of 34x 48 extension table with three 12" fillers opening to a full 7 feet in length, upholstered arm chair. 5 side chairs, smart mirror.backed china cabinet, 34"x 67" high, designed with 2 insert shelves and large storage com- partment. BEDRO000I SUITES Regular Price XMAS PRICE 6-piece Twin Bed Set ..,.. $318.50 *239.00 B. P. Johns. Walnut, large roomy, sponge rubber bench, 7 drawer vanity, large mirror 5-piece Twin ,Bed Set ..... $199.00 In Walnut. Drop center vanity, beautiful large round mirror 6-piece Twin Bed Set ..... $219.50 Waterfall Walput, drop center vanity, round mirror 6-piece Twin Bed Set ..... $318.50 In beautiful blond matched Myrtlewood 8155.00 s189.50 $269.50 GLASS OCCASIONAL TABLES Appleman Art Glass Tables' Period and Modern by the makers of Cathedral glass thtroughout America 3 Modern Nested ............ Round Cocktail Table ........ Tea Wagon ................. 3-tier Duncan-Phyfe ......... Lamp Tables, Chinese, modern Large Lamp Table. ......... End Tables ................. $49.95 $35.00 $34.95 *26.50 $44.95 $34.00 $44.95 $34.00 $19.95 $14.95 $31.95 $21.50 $29.95 821.50 DESKS I Kneehole Desk with Chair.. 2 Kneehole Desks with Chairs $69.95 $49.95 $69.95 $49.95 SECTIONALS Magnuson Modern Era Hair filled plus finest Marshall spring units. 20-year guaranteed frame, Regular Price XMAS PRICE 4.piece ModernLawson... $410.00 $300.00 Maroon and gray figured automobile Mohairwears like iron 3-piece Magnuson Sectional $235.00 8179.50 Floral tapestry 4.piece Magnuson Sectional $420.00 $320.00 Flowered tapestrypictured in adjoining Illustrationsee it featured In our window 4-piece Monte Sectional .... $290.00 $225.00 In Alice blue Mohair 3-pc. Monte Mulberry Self.. $275.00 $199.50 Stripe freizefinest quality SEE US FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING I I Ill I DAVENOS $234.50 $185.00 Modern Era Daveno, Chair In Rose jacquard Velour Modern Era Daveno, Chair In Blue jacquard Velour " MISCELLANEOUS $59.50 $38.80 Box Spring and Mattress Sets.. 180-coil, well paddedcome in and see them 2 Olympic Small Radios ...... Fine wood cabinets, each s179.50 s149.50 849.50 $29.95 GUARANTEE!! ALL SECTIONAL PIECES and DAVENOS CARRY A 5-YEAR STRUCTURAL GUARANTEE. OLYMPIC FURNITURE CO. 321 Railroad Phone 94