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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 11, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 11, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, A Gift of Eaton&apos;s Fine Letter Pape gives so much for so little Eaton's Fine Letter Papers }I[IVP, Irtl(* 'elegauce, lash- ion. quality, eaulv  Ealon's 1"tilt Leltcr Papers (:till he l'hoscll 10 SIli[ [[IC personality. Ealon's Fine Leuer Pqwrs /Ire ;llways We]COlI1C. E, lon's I,'ine Let/rr Papers ll' II]tvtlys col*reEL Make your g'(ft selections JfOllt ollr FP'"'IIIIED ];'lltOl colh'ction " ason County Stationers 18 N. 2nd St. Phone 602 0000a,rqqa00 IIIII ' APPLE CIDER 100 Ptire :[ON ...... :39 Dinner P PEARS Lucky Don SIZE , .............. 33 ¢ Crisco 1 -LB. CAN ...... December 11, 1947. (00hrislia.Br01he00 IO,li'[O AR1) I01,|t-[O  tile LA SALt r I/,tr'yARO$. 1KAPA, CALII,OR'NI,A 'They're The Hit of the Season Sparkling, Effervescing XMAS TREE BUBBLE LIGHTS S4,17a LIGHTS TO A SET ['Each light with a strong Clamp for a solid means Of fastenlng to the tree. @ FILLED WITH WATER These New Christmas tree bubble merrily prettily as they shine on your Xmas LIGHT eat Bulbs ........ :t8 ¢ Kdlmer 207 Cota Street Electric Phone 664 Texaco, Hedrick's Tied in Prep L0op00 PIIE! ) BI)VLING LEAGUE W L Texaco Service .......... 6 3 Hedrick's POUl•ltaiF .• 6 3 lhfion Oil .................... 3 6 .Miller's Men's Shop .. 3 6 Hi:4h game -Ctm('l Berets 167 lhgh 1,otal--.-Don Lurid d24 Rolling the league's high total for the third consecutive week, Doll Imnd paced Texaco Service St.,.tion to a 2 h) 1 victory over Heclriek's Fountain Lunch and in- to a first place tit with the losers in high school league bowling play Monday afternoon. Union Oil pulled Miller's Men's Shop into the circuit basement with them on a 2 to 1 victory over the haberdashery quintet as Sal- ly Ferguson and Mary Meyer both topped their averages by substan- tim figures. Once again the girls' teams split evenly with the boys "when union Oil won and Hedrick's lost. Chuck Berets' 10u was top PIn- gle game and won the lone point seered by Miller's. The'odd game in the Texaco-Hedrick match went to Texaco by four pins as Lund hit 156. Terry Skelsey's 117 wag the important score in the 10he 'Hedrick victory. Tile lineups: Uninn O11 .(2) Miller'S Men's ('1) Handicap 8101 Handicap' 576 L.Kerhat - 2851C.Berets " 395 M.Moyer 2981B.Wentz 336 M.Frcdson 2631B.Strobe 259 S.Ferguson 2981J.Weirauch 285 657 630 665 19521558 659 634 1851 Texaco (2) ltedrlck's (1) t-Iaudieap .t 20 Handicap 681 F.$tevens 411 D.Demmon 307 B.Brown 376 'T.Skelsey 305 B.Stewart 319 Ann Hulbert 296 D,Lund 424 Dummy 300 630 869 651 1950 645 597 647 1889 Olympia Manager :Of Security Office Here This Morning Cort Skinner, manager of the Olympia office of the Social Se- curity Administration. has re- ported to The Journal that he will be at the' :Mason County Memorial Building from 10:30 to 12:30 on Thursday, December 18. He invited anyorm leaving any inquiries about the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance program to call on him at that time. In ad- dition, he will be prepared to re- ceive applications for benefits un- der that program, and to accept applications for Social Security acmmt numbers, either for new numbers or to replace numbers .which may have been lost. ¢ct Ch.'ist.',',.s Man's'Gi00: ...... [ go together to make a won- [ derful Christmus gift for the _ (' me. on your list. See our [Iri, :finest quality shirts in all Ii: styles, °u'r superbly'designed , ties in prints, solids, shipes €o please the most discrimi- i: noting tastes . . . Practical , Christmas gifts every gen-  tleman wants. ,mas rush" oflong distance c[ .mely heavy this year. MonSiill'iaA..= ..=.m. • ., ,.,. ! tr .... • , e]V: : I 11 n i/ IWnylllliil • putting m sPectal tables for . z[ kee h r fo , 123 RAILROAD PH 494 p t e flood0f CalNin the" P= ili '' ON E help complete as many o£ thel0 <li' , r 7 : :: : k.':$ :gi! ! ' ;1 :; ' '" • :,...  '  =y calls are importan .'" tot|iiil. rough as many as we can. '" N''.: , delays on Christmas Eve andf,=# lil[ i .wen though our circuits to unf ,0Pi " ms their prewar number. So 2$$,:i! )re or after December 24 a° a xvice much faster. 8 h i r t s by = IVI&N HATTA N and ESSLEY mportant part in our mutual task: furnish the best possible servi he greatest number of people shortest possible time. up SILKS and RAY*ONS by MAHaVtAN, S03"ANV B0fied Wool Ties s! -.=1.50 s2.00 A RARE OCCURRENCE IN HORSE RACING tN WI4L'14 ALL  ONE AIE WITHDRAWN "n-IA'T HORSE TO WALK THE 01STANCE, HAPPENED TWICE IN 046. 5TYME AT SAP, AT(X[,& AUG.31 {SAP.A'rO3A CUP) r_AMARA IN "E ) kIN(3 .STAKES / AT  IO.ANCHONT, OCTOBER 6. ENDED UP WITH A IOO YARD DRIVE AND A FRACTMID. LEG, 'CLIMBERS BARELY WIN; RA00ED EXHIBITION WITH SiLVERDALE As ragged as a tenyear-01d sweat shirt, Highclimber,.,OOlinen made a tight zone [clef.ease offSet their impotent offensive actions for a 22 to 20 deci'stoia over thh Silverdale Cougars bn the Shelton floor Friday nght in the opohing practice game of'the new basket, ball season. Out-ranging" their 'visiting rivals by  consiiterable inai'gin, the Highclimbers messed tip scoring oppbrtuntties by the d0ze;as with wild shooting and'"wilddr pfisStng, and were fo;]tunate to wh from a mediocre club they should have thrashed by 15 points or more. ONLY IA2LE Glen Anderson's long range firing, which found the mark four times, kept Coach Chet Dombroski's club from going down to defeat. Anderson garfiered nine points and played the, best all- [round game of any Highclimber player. . The Highcltmbers. seemed .to be controlling play about as they de- sired While running up an 8 to 1 lead by ,the end of the first quar- ter us Anderson find Ken Carl- son bagged four field goals, Ken Cardinal three foul shots and Wayne Clary another gratis toss. DOMBROSKI sent in a complete new team to open lhe 'sdc0hd per- Sod and the vlSit0rs began to nor- rhore and'(arlson added two free tosseSto'give Shelton'a 15-12 lead gatng .into he final period. This was .,tretehet to 1914 early in the .last canto as Anderson and Car- dinal found the rim and to 21-15 with four minutes to go when Bob Tobey .finally got his first goal of the season. 'FROM THERE on, however, the Cougars clawed.beCk'fiercely and took advantage of Htghcllmber miscues to narrow the 'gap to a point where the count 'could'eas- ily have been tied with a last= ditch shot, but Shelton's greater height kepf the smaller ,visltbrs from recovering many of their re'- bounds. Cardinal scored the final Shclton point on a foul conversion at 22-17 and mfssed two additional foul shots in the last minute of play. While the Highcllmers won their opener, they'll have to show immense improvement in their shooting and passing before, thes"ll be much of a threat on the maple court this sea,on and there was little outside of •.what looked like a strong zone defense over which to cheer in Friday's opening ex- hibition, The Highclimbers were at Bel- tarmine last ;nigltt and travel Woodfiber Falls To Third Place In Simpson Loop SIbIPSON BOWLING "W L Engineers .................... 23 13 Lumbermen's Mere... 22 14 Woodfibor . ................. 21 .15 Reed Mill 1 .................. 20 16 Office .......................... 16 20 Olympic Plywood ...... 15 21 1Reed :Mill 2 ................ 14 22 Accounting ................ 13 23 I-Iigh game--WaTen Woods 234 High t0tal---Jess Daniels 581 RESUMING •PLAY after a week's layoff for Thanksgiving, Simpson .bowling leagte teams settledall matchesby 2 tO 1 mar- gin's Thursday evening, the, only remflttng change in the standings dropping' Woodftber from. a Scond place tie into Jtmcc0mpanled third. The lading Engineers held 'their oneame 'margin While Liimber- mens lercantille took over sole possession Of the rdnner-up spot wj£h re§pectlve victdrtesover tall. ld ACcounting and seventh lilaCe Reed Mill 2. Jess Danlels league topping 561 total was big noise for tlie "Ehgineers. Jim Forrest, Emil Kruse and Hugh Gruver c01- laborated to Snitch 'the 'finale for Accounting. BAB STEWART. recovered from a horrible start'in time to L;M. 'back in stride in tWO games in aqow scoring which Toad Sergeant put into Mill 2's bag as an opener.. The Qffice continued its upward march, by edging Wobdfiber as Bob MUnich and Percy 'Fnk Scored strongly in the first tW0t games: ' war/.ea wb&ts, 234, best single game o'f fhe 'night, saved, the .last one for Woddfier. 0Ism-: pie plyWooa WOn fr0tp :Redd !ill 1 on Hdmer Whites 225 'and Eirl Lumsden's 171 after Ray Scott's, 197 oieleP h'ad pat 'the lOsers 'off 'tb:k vtiaitng"staft. The llneups: Offlee (') Woodflber '11) Hriiidlcap 381 .Handicap 270 Funk' 5111.W.Woods 558 Mhnich 512 Kalinoski 335 Batie 389 B.BroWn 45,7 Fitehett 347t C.Walton ,472 f .M.F.SmLth 40[ .Fredsdn 509 '898 863 889 S630 I852 '841 908 2601'[ L,I. '(") ' an mI iill  ('1)9! Handicap 30al'H d' 'p 33 I Stewart. ,503 I,Sergeant, ' 495 I Asfibahgh 3371:Drummond '45A I MhCRslli 417.01BTXi r, 285 J a.*Stew'at ' a,'4'l :Roberts 462 G:GuStifsdn '520 :M:Fi'edSon 522 . 806 841 927 25r/4 885 797 875 2557 OlymliC (2) Mill 1 (1) Handicap 519[ Handicap 324 again this Poulsbo and E:Lumsden il6IDunhar i86 row the gap, flnlly knotting the next Tu.esday to Stlverdale before ROderiberg 3301Templd 428 couht at 8-all With the opening ;returning home for their next LLumsden 387/I Scott 517 lineup back in the game just 'be- Shelton appearance December 19 Nutt 821 Bishop 449 fore the half erided The High- against Poulsbo. White 51"/ P.Fredson 501 climbers failed to score .in that TheiSt)cups: 811 945 895 2651 960 881'864 2705 Second canto. - - i Shelton () Sllverdle (20) EnR'ineer (2) Accounting" (f) Anderson got Shetton back into Tobey 2 ) . f L. :Berg 4 Haadicap t32 Handtdp 630 the lead'with a field toss as the ].Carlson 4 f Birg 3 W EarJ 475tjim F0rrest ,3'88 hecond half opened but the Cou-, Cardt/aal 6 c Johllson 6 A.Carison "478]K:ilse 27 gars took their first lead at 12-11 t Anderson 9 g Dulls Dummy :4861Redman 381 shortly D, tei'on Berg's goal. Car; ctary ! g Lee'4 Snell'rove 4,4 abrielson 338 dinal missed a half. dozer, sct,T Subs: Shclton---Bazc, Harmon, iJ Ddiels I 5613ri]vel; ' r ' " 46 •0 during this stage of.the going and I B0ice, :McPhers0n, Rice, Skagen'849 882 8'4'4 257'5' 837 853 93,2624 other Highclimbers likewise failed I SilvertuleKoskey, K,'Berg. 1 . . • . . SIDELINE SLANT S by BILL 'DICKIE Awarding trophies anal mdafs for exeIlence in variousphases O f team play are fine gestures for the persorehl pride the'winners re- ceiv in gttitig them as well as for their Value hl stimutatinli c0mpetition among memlers ol the ream to iiutdut their best 31 311 times, the Sidle- 'Glen . iR] i€- the Active Ub 'or ng Hermes. Lits ie. has to i m to convert easy chances, but An- derson finally sagged the net once TOTEM CURIOS ON B•EUTIFU L HOOD ANAL I,/-Mile South and West of Urflon e INDIAN BASKETS i NAVA$O :RiSGS t INDIAN fflgW'll- R¥ Ii :earn are an one of the HANDTOOLED of the quad at / LEAHER his fullback position. Newman ..... apd Ride were key cpgs in ,h . '0 ' ' r !947 Htgheliniber'gridtron me,h, R-izEW0vT anim and the fat that te, Mr ee 'n0tqaccorded tiny of £he h, m, 'oihPy awards Is an 'even lurCh'dr itrlbute t0 the abilities of the Hour: 1'1 a:rh. 'dtth *8 p.tfi.' thre Who won'tfiose lionors. :'la(ly "Ecpt'' "MorRjays ....... What's :fh.e reds[ iiridrtant thing i n Wipning 'football ? without a moment's hesitation it's B L O C K ][ N .G TACKLING, and CHARGING. So thoroughly convinced of this fact is the 'htgh school principal that he pers0n'ally has for quite a number of years put UI a medal for the player votoi:l by his team- mates as ;he best blocker and tackler on thi squad,  Hermes started this award when he was boacling at Elms a dozen years ago 'arid foirid it sb pdpiJlr and successful that he has!ontiil- ued it at every school h'e !hip moved to arid 'eVen after stepig out of the active coaching aiilVa himself. plo.flahlP .r0p [fgq .tt tm tlmuglt pretty Jlighly bf the S h e'l'tp n Hhellmbes, Vela thdigh/the 'Ltns mef&l 0tit b pretty thrdill 19 t9 9. P,t" lng to the Sfieltin eleven-:lltt fail. Bollarmhie 'i)Iayiru  p'l  €9 il thre e .High. ltmbers d 'f]lmlr '1947 all-bpi}ifft mj3tad, lytrlk 'C(!c Crow g flt stli|g ttlb "bh, [ anR Mil Nbvihahtd :Kith (ii-. dinal second team gtmrd l ceq{er 'Vbt _, SPOB 8PblKS \\; Unbekn0Wt to himself or his coach, Tlke tlillflhn !playdd "the last two foball games of the ju- nior high sdhool schddule with a bro,ken :¢art|lege tn ht 'left kn'ee. The railgy Blaer tackle, Whon Highclltr CO)ich Nomn Fl[l(.}alxl plans to cdiaee fntb ;ah €fld 'tmxt .year has had hts left leg in a 'cast from :hiP. to.:-aitRle since' tlte football season and has about on crtltches, to discard both'in an. started the new [head fishing eaon :lit a six.pounder 'ftoifi WaS his one bet. For Your HEAER -CiRCULAtOR - OIL 'STOVE. FURNACE '1BE TH S'IIAR ;FtELL'VVI • PIONE 196 Have. a fUU oil ,tank and be able to keep your thrinotat set for 'constant comfort. a We Hve a SuLY of sTORAGE TANKS from 50 to 1,000 gallons for new oil blamer intallations Frisken Off Co. M.admn C0Uilty Drtrlbutor for Associated ')1 Pi;odut'= :nine. The Olyir/iJia Teimitr, 6fi of, the two Olympia teanas entered in }the Evergreen ba§ketbll leagtle, 'boasts several Bheltdriians ai:¢ioig its persdffiel Bill MeCann score ten points for the teamsters as !they dropped a one-point decision to a Centralia entry in their open- ing game last week. DiCk "DOdge, the local veterinarian Bob ]Phtl- 'lips and Stma Bordei are addition- al Sheltontaps in the Teamster lineup. ., Long BOb Ui'her, tim¢!eeper, for the wo Rdetl llatllS, still h61dS the Tri-County league .high hulle record which he set in 1940 as he led Quinault o the Tri-Conty league track 'cha.ii!pil'Ji'i] !ly.: :runaway score, Iajtl  L  hot onty won tli6 mh hural tn .time which hash t been lett;rcd ince, he also copped the low hur- dles and ttb 019 vult ts well as running a la 6n 'th viotorious ,uinault relay tea. i Plan Now To Attend the B00,enefit Dance for The JUNIOR EAGLES New Years Eve In EAGLES HALL Sponsored by Shelton Aerie No. 2079 DOOR PRIZES just in'ihe ten years from 1930 to '40 average'h0/sepower of cars increased 99 per ceni! That means a lot tougher iob for motor oil. Adad that's why EPM Compounded Motor Oil has extra ingredients to solve all the p rob- lems of today's high.pdwercd engines problems that a straight mineral oil just can't 'handle. C0mpoiands in llPM'Motor Oil end carbon'tt0ttble; protect hot =pots that other oils leave bare, exposed to wear; prevent c0r- rosion, sludg% loathing, C. C. COLE :OI;E$:ALE DIS.TRIBUTOg 122 South Third St., Shelton PHONE 87 1FM=AM *.. .,m EASY TERMS @ New, improved chanlr ]=lays *up to 12 rlL .... ltl" matically changes recSrdl in'21/l seconls. • NbWlibll€Ut'i /I for easy record loading. • 7-tuba, r static-free FM-&M Superhet radio. • Cont!nuou!ly variable tone control Powerful Alnico dyhbmic spealter, e Beautiful indirectly Ilghted,Lueite dill. OWa|. t veneer cabinet;.mahogany or blonde at,tilight|'hlghir,pri¢ll. SEE IT! HEAR IT, TODAY! IMMI)IATE DikiVERY