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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 11, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 11, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SIIELTON-IVASON COUNTY .]&apos;OURNAL Episcopalian 0n K JR Broadcast The Rt. Rev. Stephen Fielding Bayne, Jr., Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia, will inaugurate the I first of a series of thirteen radio broadcasts over Seattle station K JR on Sunday, December 14, from 2 to 2:30 p.m. The broadcasts are not designed alone for Episcopalians, but to be of personal help to every citizen in every community. Ill I'lll HOME LOANS * Convenient Terms * Reasonable Rates * NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title insurance Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McGonagle were overnight visitors in Seattle recently, the Peas]on being the wedding of their niece. They were accompanied by Mrs. Alice Gray, who visited her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. White. Tony Howard was a week end visitor ill Seattle attending the United Nations Festival on Friday night. Emily Babcock ..... returmd Thurs- day from a. week spent in Seat- tle as the guest of a friend, Miss Sally Wagner. Mrs. Erik Christensen, Mrs. Ralph Howard, Mrs. Gordon Sim- mons, Mrs. LeRoy Fessler, and Emily Babcoc.k attended' tle Hood Canal Woman's Club bazaar in Hoodsport Saturday. A good time was had by all, especially Mrs. Fessler, who won the afternoon door prize of a lovely steam iron. Mrs. Howard won two chicken dinners at bingo. Last year Mrs. Simmons won a child's speeder, so the five are all looking forward to the 1948 bazaar. Visitors at the J. M. Peterson home week before last were Mrs. Peterson's brother, Ted Graham, her granddaugiter, Patricia Wriglt, her sister, Mrs. Marie Craig. and Mrs. Craig's (laughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tra- vis Crowe, all of Tacoma. The next meeting of Picketing Homemakers Club will be Friday, December 12th. BICYCLES That's Our Business STANDARD and DELUXE MODELS for BOYS AND GIRLS Priced from $41.50 up WORLD  COLUMBIAS  COLSONS and ROADMASTERS Also WAGONS and TRICYCLES Use Our Xmas Lay-Away Plan • Budget Terms Available 2---,N SLEYSTER'S BIKE SHOP Third and Cota Phone 243 • WE MAKE KEYS Q • KNIVES and SCISSORS SHARPENED • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seward and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kanause and family, all of Olympia, spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gillette. We that have our lights hooked up are surely enjoying them and want to thank the people that have made it possible for us to have lights. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark of Shelton and Mrs. Mabel McGow- an of Agate were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gil- lette. Mrs. Gus Carlson returned home last Monday from her visit to Aberdeen and Roclester and spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. George Carlson of Picketing on the last lap of her trip home. The Harstine Women's Club met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. E. Gillette with eleven members and three guests pres- ent. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Beulah Hitchcock on the 18th of December when we will ha¢e our Women's Club Christmas par- ty. Mr. and Mrs. Roy %Vhaley of Shelton were Sunday callers at the John L. Hitehcock home. We understand wedding bells have been ringing since the last of July for WiIIa Ann Strecken- bach and Stanley Smith, but they were ringing so softly they weren't heard until about a week ago. Con- gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent GIaser of Tacoma were week end guests at the Hugo A. Glaser home and Joe Glaser from Bremerton was also home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Housen and family of Seabeck were Sun- day visitors at the Ed Wilson home. Henry Pearson, Sr., is spending a few days in the hospital under observation. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hitch- cock accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Irvie Wingert down Chehalis way to spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wallis. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harriman and son, Clyde, were supper guests at the home of Mrs. lVlamie Nich- olson of Agate one night last week. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Whalcy of Shelton spent last Tuesday at the home of their daughter and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. ,John L. Hitch- cock. Hood Canal Church Reverend Joseph Johnston, who preached'his final service Sunday in thc Hood Canal Community Church, was given a farewell fel- lowship meet Sunday night at the home of Harold Sund. There were 14 people in attend- ance to enjoy a delicious supper. Reverend Johnston will return to his home in Pasadena, California, until the first of the year when he will again go on tour. Members of the Home Builders Group, don't forget the Christmas meeting December :15 at the home of Mrs. Elaine Bates. 7--" HOW CHEAP IS? CHRISTMAS SPECIALS BUY YOUR FATHER, HUSBAND, BROTHER or BOY FRIEND the Practical Gift for Christmas at a Great Savings to your Pocketbook Shirts 7.95 Welding Torch 1A.95 100 Virgin Woo L Colors: Maroon, Mfg. Rego. Complete "with 5 MB-11 treen andRed Plaid Brown. A shirt any man ftn A .€2( (H) vnho can be proud of Iegular $12.50. -.r ......  .............. Al-aca Coa*s 4 Q( Smoking Stands iI00;95 It* i = q.wq.F , V ................ £t l.)eLuxe Model with large glass ! SltVERWARE-U. S. mW ! [] SILVER PLATED OFFICER SERVICE [] ! SP00"00-00-Ns ......... .... .... 2 for 35' II I KNIVES ....................... each 25€ ; WINTER CLOTHING ,I FOOT WEAR , Shoes, work $5.50 wool SWeArERS, FuR L,NED BOOTS, { ............................ WOOL PANTS, ALPACALINEO PANTS, I" Overshoes all sizes ')" RAIN JACKETS, FOUL WEATHER COATS, ' ...... ' !-- 7 .............. =='= N P noe rac¢s FIELD JACKETS, RAI ANTS -- AT THE ! " ' .......... i CHEAPEST PRICES IN TOWN. I Leather Boots ...................... $9.95 Resistant, Mildew Proof. Waterproof Spec. t#@ SERVICEMEN'S MERCANTILE VETERAN OWNED AND OPERATED 407 South 1st Phone 748 Grapeview ........................................ 12-II .... ! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eckert re- turned from a nine-weeks' vaca- tion trip to the east and south last Sunday evening and report a perfectly wonderful time. Miss Louise Natschetm, Mrs. Eckert's sister, had planned this trip ahead of time and accompanied the Eck- erts. Miss Natschelm had cov- ered most of the territory before which made it doubly interesting for all. The Eckerts still say, though, that there's no place in the whole wide world as nice as Wasldngtom They encountered quite a lot of rain, especially in California. Mr. Eckert visited different Kiwanis Clubs. Their biggest thrill was the visit to the Carlsbad Caverns, in New Mex- ico. Mrs. Eckert says it looks a little empty in that back room that has been the for so many years and which moved to the store recently. Also their big red barn, a landmark on the is- land for a long time, is down to the ground. Eckerts kept a diary and have trucks full of travel fold- ers and we lmpe to get a more de- tailed account of the trip as time goes on. We've all been follow- ing these travelers around by the cards and letters they sent home. We're really glad, though to have these very pleasant neighbors home with us again. They're real- ly very nice to have around. Guess the best part of any trip, after all is coming home. Diane Taylor treated her school- mates to cake and ice cream on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, it being her seventh birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Taylor enter- tained at a family Thanksgiving dinner. Present were Mrs. Tay- fur's family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Breeding, Jack Breeding and her aunt, Mrs. Nancy Adams, of A1- lyn, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Taylor of Elma and Diane, Joyce and Mar- garet Taylor of Grapeview. Mr. and Mrs. Bert M. Ellis of Lopez Island visited at the Wren home last Thursday. Mr. Atkinson has been driving the school bus while Mrs. Johan- son has been on the sick list, Mrs. Faye Mitchell spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Louise Spooner. Bert Mitchell expects to return to this country from his welfare work in Hungary about next May. Miss Hattie Barker came out for a little while last Sunday to get a few of her things. She likes her new home in Seattle very much. The Grapeview Community club met at the schoolhouse last Fri- day evening, Most of the time was spent discussing the new con- stitution and by-laws which the club hopes to adopt shortly. They hope to have it approved at their next meeting on Jan. 9th. Archie Gilbert, Orin Buckingham and Margaret Rice are the committee working on this and we hear they've really done very well. The Grapeview Fire Depart- menus card party of' last Friday evening was well attended. Mrs. Vi Barrett was high, Wayne Palms had low score and Mrs. Anne Schwinn took the floating prize. Mrs. Frances Spooner returned from her Tacoma visit last Sun- day. Roy Wren, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, L. Wren, arrived in Seattle by plane from Fairbanks, Alaska, last Sunday. He just missed tak- ing the ill-fated plane that cracked up at the Bow Lake airport the Sunday before. Tahuya Mr. and Mrs. George Carson were out from Bremerton to spend Sunday with the Seabrings. There was a fine turnout at the Community Club meeting last Fri- day evening. Ted Blair, our new president, is really taking an ac- tive interest: Rhoda Summers, chairman of the program commit- tee for the Christmas exercises, reported a fine list for the enter- tainment which will be held joint- ly with that of tlae school on the evening of Friday, December 19, Potlatch Dr. W. C. Bowman of Vancou- ver, Wash., was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Pickering. Dr. Bowman is the district superin- tendent of the Vancouver district of the MethodiSt Church. Union is now included in that district. Kenneth Harry Rice and Bar- bara Crossman, both of Shelton, were united in marriage at the Pickering home Sunday afternoon with Rev. C. A. Picketing offic- iating. They were attended by the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Keller. For her wedding the bride wore a brown suit with one lot;ely red rose as the only decor- ation. As the groom is conval- escing from injuries received in a recent accident, they will for the present spend some time with the Kellers. Mrs. Robert Sheldon was a charming hostess at the recent meeting of the Potlatch club. De- licious cake and coffee comprised the dessert luncheon with a pleas- ant afternoon of sewing and vis- iting following. The ladies pres- ent were Mrs. Avey, Mrs. Wori, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Larson, Mrs. Reiman, Mrs. Pickering, Mrs. Oberg, Mrs. Hussman and' the hostess, The next meeting, the Christmas party, will be at the home of Mrs. Oberg. Nellie Esaw came over from Se- attle Saturday to spend the week end at home. She returned Sun- day. The attractive cottage being built for the Pazorskis near the Meade service station, is fast near- ing completion. Mr. Meade and Mr. Pozorski have done the major tort of the construction work. Mr. Reiman helped with the roof and C. A. Pickering has done a large part of the interior finishing. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sheldon and small sons were shopping in Olympia Wednesday. Other Olympia visitors during the week were Mr. and Mrs. Huss- man on Friday. Tides of the Week Computed for Oakland Bay (Hood Canal tides are one hour and 55 minute earlier) Thursday, December 11, 1947 High .............. 6:57 a.m. 14.6 ft. Low 12:05 p.m. 7.3 ft. High .............. 4:53 pan. 13.7 ft. Friday, December 12, 1947 Low ................ 12:10 a.m. -1.5 ft. High .............. 7:40 a.m. 15.0 ft. Low ................ 12:53 p.m. 7.5 ft. High 5:23 p.m. 13.7 ft. Saturday, December 13, 1947 Low ................ 12:4 a.m. -1.6 ft. High .............. 8:19 a.m. 15.3 ft. Low ................ 1:39 p.m. 7.7 ft. High .............. 5:54 p.m. 13.1 ft. Sunday, December 14, 1947 Low ................ 1:19 a.m. -1.5 ft. High .............. 8:57 a.m. 15.4 ft. Low ................ 2:25 p.m. 7.8 ft. High .............. 6:28 p.m. 12.8 ft. onday, December 15, 1947 w ................ 1:55 a.m. -1.3 ft. High .............. 9:36 a.m. 15.4 ft. Low ................ 3:11 p.m. 7.8 ft. High .............. 7:05 p.m. 12.5 ft. Tuesday, December 16, 1947 Low ................ 2:34 a.m. -0.9 ft. High .............. 10:15 a.m. 15.3 ft. Low ................ 4:03 p.m. 7.6 ft. High .............. 7:46 p.m. 12.0 ft. Wednesday, December 17, 1947 LOw ................ 3:13 a.m. -0.3 ft. High .............. 10:56 a.m. 15.2 ft. Low ................ 4:56 p.m. 7.2 ft. High .............. 8:38 p.m. 11.5 ft. Vacation Book Reading Club Awards Coming Thirty-two Shelton youngsters who completed the required num- ber of books during their summer vacation reading club activities last summer will be awarded cer- tificates for their achievements at beginning at 8 p.m. sharp, and we a ceremony in the Public Library mean SHARP, as the program is next Wednesday. long. The Community Club is in The awards which are made for charge of the Christmas tree, as tlm reading of eight books during usual, and there will be gifts for the summer vacation period will all children attending the local be presented to the children by school, and candy and nuts for Librarian Mrs. Laura K. Plumb. all. Everybody is cordially invited The parents and friends of the to join the fun. children are invited to come to V. L. Knowlton is out and the library the afternoon of De. around some after a month or cember 17 to witness the award- more indoors, ing of certificates. Postal card Dolly Parsons and Frances Anne .notices will be sent to each child Wyers are the latest to be on thc who is to receive a certificate, sick list, Lillian Johnson having Mrs. PlSmb said this week. recovered from a severe attack of TILE AWARDS are miniature asthma suffered last week. trees bearing stars for each book Mr. and Mrs. W, Nolan, Frances read and the name of the club and Helen Huson attended the member winning the certificate. silver wedding celebration of Mr. They are patterned after a large and Mrs. Dan Orcutt last Sunday emblem drawn specially for the afternoon. The Tahuya Garden Club held berg.Club by Mrs...Peggy Boiler Lind- its regular meeting last Friday at Children-in thc the home of Christine Ahl. Two who reaa eight books and will be new members were admitted, Jess- given the certificates are: Grade ie Wyers and Lillian Johnson. . two, Dee Johnson and Roberta Members of Elinor Chapter, Schwarck; Grade three, Virginia O.E.S., from this side of the canal Wyatt, Beverly Jones, Zella Marr, drove around to Union Tuesday RillaMarr, Charlotte Helser, Peg- evening for the regular .meeting flY Davidson and Gall Christofer- and Christmas party for members son. and their families. There was a In grade four, Janis Sue Brown, splendid turnout. Virginia Ann Lamon, Doris Ad- Richard Hanlin was out for the ares, Lynn wagener, Norman Bun- week end from his studies at the co, Lawrence Gasser and Mary C. U.W. Dick is making good and JOrdan completed the required we, along with his parents, Mr. five fiction books and three }on- and Mrs. Jerry Hanlin, are proud fiction asked of those above grade of his progress. He comes home four. each week end. THOSE IN grade five who com. Helen Huson was home for the pleted their reading are Sally week end also to celebrate her Boysen, raaine Andrews; Nancy eiglteenth birthday December 7. Lakeburg and Marie Marr. In Helen is attending the Griffin, grade six, Donna Marie Rodgers Mvrphy Business College in Se and Eddie ames completed their attle, reading. Moranllt O Grade seven readers who will receive certificates are Arlene An- drcws, Mura Carr, Kathcryn Jor- Wm. tI. All)'h, Pastor dan, Betty Jo cson, Marian Lee Tonight: Choir rchcarsal at 8 Ashford and onna Jean Erick. p.m. Saturday: Junior Membership son. Class meets at 9:00 a.m. 'Sunday: Sunday School and Bi- ble Class at 9:45 a.m. Services at II a.m. Text: Psalm 119, 105. Theme: The Guiding Light. Wal- ther League Christmas party in the parish hall atx7:30 p.m. Mar- rtcd Couple's Club Christmas par- ty at the home of Mr. and rs, Emil Rauscher, 1725 Highway. , Eighth-graders on the list ili- Clunde De Ronda Clark, Harriett Wilson, Mary rysen and Almarie Staley. Students from the Lincoln and Bordeaux schools will be given their certificates at 1 p.m., while those from the ,Junior F/igh school will receive their certificates at 2, Mrs. Plumb said, Patrkk Alien Dies in Shelton Patrick V. Allen, co-owner of Camp Watzel resort on Lake Nah- watzel since Jtme, passed away at the Shelton General Hospital on Sunday after a short illness. He came from Tacoma to run the resort with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rick, and had lived there for the past five months. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mae A. Allen, a daughter, Mrs. Patrtcia Mauldtng, a son, Arnold, both of Milton, Wash., and two grandchildren. He was born in Sweden Febru- ary 9, 1888. His remains were taken to the Buckley-King funeral home in Tacoma where final serv- ices will be arranged. Mr. Allen was a member of the Eagles and the Degree of Honor. THE IIONORARLF_ mention group, which includes those chil- dren who completed more than four books during the summer but did not complete all the required reading, lists 13 additional readers. They are: Second grade, Richard Jackson; third grade, Peggy Dav- idson, Carol Ann Kelly and Jim- mie Edwards; fourth grade, Lois Meyer and Karen She!grove; fifth grade, Betty Jo Lovin, Barbara Ruch, Ariel Dunbar, Nlla Kay Ja- cobs and Esther Jacobs; seventh grade, Larry Martin, and eighth grade, Jean Hadsell. Thursday, December 11 Nice Christmas Present AT HALF PRICE A Small Radio and Phone , Combination Sef $27 50 for ................ We are going out of the radio business and have on! four of these sets left. Place your order now to delivery of one for XMAS. S. L. PEARSON & SON 120 E. PINE PHONE 676 December 11, 1947. $aturday, Dec. 12-13 Ralmrt Mit- Rol)ert Ryan --in-- ,FIRE" Paul Kelly, Levene Most Daring Drama! Monday, Tuesday, 1,1-15-16 Durbin In WIND" O'Connor, John Dall Winninger Parade Tunes by Green and Leo Robin ! Thursday, 17-18 FEATURE Woman Who Ever Loved ! Lockwood, Ian Anne Crawford Feature: Mack Brown MAN FROM BUTTE" Fuzzy Knight, Gw:}me at the L.M. 'F|l, esfone SHOPPING HouRs 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. iirl We Use iNU00N00 D PARTS Service r Carl SAVES you MONEY Firestone Air Chief AUTO RADIO, $52.50 m't be beat at this low In'ke for power, selectivity and sensitivity. Blx tubes lneludtn rectifier. Advance super- heterodyno circuit, custom-fit dash controls. A GIFT OF COMFORT CASCO ELECTRIC HEATING PADS 30 POSITIVE HEATS TABLE STOVE Reg. 2.98 ,t-- Last Longer Hne Ford that's wllat we use Service your car. They : 'and are made of better .'..:..:.*:-.:..:..:*.:* They last longer and • costs down. l! GI , Ford Parts are avail- for your car . . • our R41. --.,jLParts is ample to keep AOT@ ; and trucks rolling in :litory (" h II0011, !l,ure of the best, br=g \\; -'/x,\\; unn0fli1 to us for genuine Ford $2.35 - [JERBY Gives clear vision to T O R S rear. Pour-inch, mirror, Gray em ailroad Phone 16 :..1..:..:..:..1.:., :: / i 2.29 Codm!um.P/oted Finish m.b ,,-,Is .nit ,dea, Truek - .,.nn = ,o, o,=oo, • cottage m. Permanently Mirr • attached 5-foot cord. e .:..:.,;-;-...,-:, .:<-:.,..-:.:.:..:.  ::! , ' . greatly outwsa tl, $4ve on Quality Guards ordinary black enam ",  , ...:,'.:.,'.,,:-:..:- Ill FI|R GRAR| =.98 , TheSensatm.a': , ,,. -lUll[ GRILLE GIIARB ,.,, 00rtrest01te b:ilEW ! =.-pla ,, ric],, .t- Supreme ,#f?:i!|:--'" --"'" " PLUG X / 7 | Enables U ":":":'":":":"'"""':":":":":" ' 'READY-MI00! Hllllf , /00   W ' o 'i' bl quantities up tO  ThePembrok'AuTO ROBE  " t i""'e'°a'as'' i. ,.  f__ .-.. s,:.: :|,) BETTER{ • _PO_F f., :l' Y keeping the n l14d,ldlmtWV, ' . Money.B.ek Guara.tee L, M.