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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 11, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 11, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursciay, December '11 Be There December 11, 1947. " :LER BRUSHES F?R CHRISTMAS Youql ,,ever miss an en0,ugh C. Hendry ment during the hectic hu¢Rt. 2, Box 558, Belfair of the holiday season of lack of clean clotht ! ycu turn your cleaning lem over to us . . . we'll/ turn your clothes new-looking , . . spotless perspi ration-free ! PANTORIUM ,, CLEANERS & TAILORS 15 S. 2nd Phone s F 1 o w e r s . . Podai,z POINSETTIAS ; f, , "i /aevs fy/ : SAINT PAULA,Ii i g//0 CYCLAMEN '!:i MIXED POTS[)$ t:INEI, CUT FLOWEIS i DW* -d liIIMll, Jl AND GRAVY AZALEAS ., t'A  .c.,,.co. c.,., ?LANT FAR !=: ...... - 2 miles off Olympic Hiway ......  YOU MAY HAVE REFUND DUE ON SOCIAL SECURITY If you workel for more titan one cn|lfloyor 'last year, mad re- ceived total pay for more than '$3,000, you may be entitled to a tax refund. Only the first $3,000 in wages eazh year out be counted toward your old-age and survivors in- surance a£count. When you have only one employer, he should not deduct your 1 per cent social security contribution after you reach the $3,000 mark. ltowever, if you have two or more employers, each of them is required to deduct your 1 per cent up to $3,000. The result is /,hat you may pay more than the maximum social security tax of $30 a year. If that's your sit=ration, go to the Collector of Internal Reve- nue, at the Olympia post office, and apply for a refund. Appli- cation must be ma4e within two years after the wages are paid; that means you may get a re- fund now for 1945 and 1946. n ii -o-orn W-------t--k-- they really get results. DAILY OLYMPIAN ' will have HOME DEI21VERY beginning December 15 Routes to cover City of Sheltor Read local news by special Shelton cor- respondent for The OLYMPIAN ORDER THE OLYMPIAN by Phoning 728 T ,'" Pioneer Homo... The Brunk home, pride of Polk county, Oregon, was built in the first year of the Civil War. The siding and other dressed items in the structure were turned out by the one planing mill within Ore- gon at that time. Much of its rough number was cut from small logs out of second-growth timber --the kind that will be the main product of the West Coast lumber industry 30 or more years from now. Those little pioneer mills could not handle the big sticks of prime old growth. Lumber as good as that in the Brunk home, or better, may be had now from Douglas firs that were yet seeds in the cone public forestry demands closer utilization of material in the woods. TIlE ONLY possible immediate solution of any consequence for the closer wood utilization prob- lem is widespread use of the low- est lumber grades. There is a market now for No. 3 common. But it was hard to move before the war, and probably will be again in a few more years. Even now the moving of the West Coast lumber that, for conk, specks and other open defects, is grouped unde the description, "Utility Grade," is difficult. There are places where this lumber will serve as well as any other grade-- places which represent mass uses. Before the war such needs were filled with lumber that was far when Harrison Brunk paid his building bill of $840 and moved his family into their brand-new house too good for such purposes. Ex- in 1861. axaples are portable hog houses, Lumbering and building were concrete forms, sheathing and sub- flooring. simple in those days. THE VAST majority of forest- THE MIXTURE of high and low era in the public service are real- grades of green Douglas fir in ly more interested in forestry than early Oregon homes would give a in politics. So let them learn a modern building code engineer or lesson of history from the Brunk FHA appraiser a fit of house her- home of Polk county, and take rots. A row of four rafters, for heart and take action therefrom. example, show four giant, No. 3 The lesson reveals the powerful knots, all in line. Yet they ve held and essential bond between for- that roof up staunchly for 84 estry in the woods and the mar- years and promise to do as well for keting of forest products. It is 84 more. ' a lesson that super-engineered con- No government experts had struction standards are unneces- swarmed in at that time--1861 sary for a Douglas fir home with to tell lumbermen they had to a life expectancy of 84 years and ldave stuff with big knots in the more. woods or burn it at the mill. It is a lesson that teaches the The Brunk house indicates that fact of high values in lumber lumber standards can be run into from second growth Douglas fir, the ground. It sets one to wonder- and so brightens the promise for ins why the chiefs and spokesmen lumber's future in the "transition of public forestry generally stand from old forests to new. It makes with the non-wood building inter- a picture of wood enduring and eats on insistence that ONLY the serving in a family home, while cream of the timber crop, pro- more wood, and wood as goodl ceased through highest cost ele- grows in its view from seed into merits of lumber manufacture and Douglas fir trees of sawtimber seasoning, should be used in home size. building--while at the same time And finally, history's lesson for foresters in the Brunk home is ] that they need to concentrate )n Cole Road '=: rt ing , . . their learning and skill just as -" Plann Your m, eb on the marketing problems of low-grade lumber as on silvi- ..... culture. Let that basic market r;itChristmas; Dioner Now problem be solved, and no one_ . A "I ' i wilI need to worry about lumber- I . ,( mengrowingtakingtrees.Care of their land and avlngs Fir Production H ,t ' Hits New Record Portland, Ore., Dec. ll.New me OFfal ORDER YOUR Turkeys, Chickens, postwar records for the production E and shipment of lumber from the . safe and profitable ' Hams, Mince Meat and Stuffings Douglas fir region of Oregon and Washington were set during No- en an accent today. 0 EARLY so we can Serve You Better! vember, H. V. Simpson, executive . vice president of the West Coast. opportunity by sav- e. Get the THRIFT  ,,tion for Your Savings, GRADED GOOD E E F RO A S T 47, ,,., Blade or Arm Cut rased by December ds from December 1st SALT CODFISH County Federal Loan Association ldg., Olympia, WaslL iiRECTORS " aS V. BRZDENSTINI!] K. L. PARTLOW FRED HOLM H.C. Lumbermen's Association, an- nounced today. Meanwhile, orders jumped above production for the first time since July, indicating continuation of a strong buying trend: Average weekly lumber produc- tion during November was 148,- 953,000 board feet, an increase of 2,571,000 b.f. over the year's for- mer record, set in October. No- vember shipments boomed to an average of 168,381,000 b.f., up from October's 144,782,000; Or- ders climbed to 153,155,000 from October's 146,201.000. , "THE CONTINUING heavy vol- " ume of orders is highly unusual for this time of year," Simpson said. "It clearly indicates that the housing program is to continue at an accelerated pace through the winter and spring." Simpson reported that the freight car shortage eased during the latter part of the month as ad- ditional cars began to roll into Southern Oregon, cutting into ac- cumulated lumber stocks. Cumulative orders for the first 48 weeks of 1947 was 6,847,412,- 000 b.f.; 48 weeks, 1946, 6,539,430,- 000 48 weeks, 1945, 5,469 299,000. Cumulation production, 48 weeks, 1947, was 6,708,635,000 b.f.; 48 RED weekS, 1946, 6,604,729,000; 48' weeks, 1945, 5,551,193.000. Ship-. FRYERS merits, 48 weeks, 1947, 6,770,880,- 000; 1946 6,509,681,000; 1945, 5,- , 667,370,000. Orders for 48 weeks of 1947 ----¢LB. break down .as follows: Rail, 4,360,217,000 b.f.; domestic cargo, 959,756,000; export 878,891,000; local 648,548,000. The industry's unfilled order file stood at 637,- 786,000 b.f. at the end of Novem- ber; gross stocks stood at 559,- 756,000 b.f. Air Drift SHELTON AIRPORT NEWS by Kurt Mann .................. The contest we've been conduct- ins this past month among the , LINK students was won by Ray Ensley and Arnold TahJa. The object was to award a B-15 SAUSAGES flying jacket to the one with the most flying hours during Novem- . bcr and a gabardine flying suit to the runner-up. • , 8 LB. Pure Pork SLICED BACON 89 = i,,,. M. Ross Hatfield is among the latest aspirants for a private and commercial license. Win. T. Phyllips is back in 'the fold again, after a temporary break in his training program. , * =it THE ROLLIE Converses an- nounce the addition of a 7/-lb. baby boy. How come the new hat, Rollie, wouldn't the old one fit any longer ? Capt. Tracy, U.S.N. of Sand Point, made his regular inspection tour of this base, and since no rcprimand, he must have been sat- isficd. aiEd ........................ LB. t.B. HEART "'; ........................... LB.LB" 39€!;i:: i[!r!': BiOco N'; ........ LB. 55 ¢ LB. 4€k Lean Streaked :OASTS .B. ;, ,GOOD D STEAK ,_sV]i" GRADEDNENTEA K, ................................... "" TBO ROAST € , , Val ' LB. :LB. FAT BACK LB. MEAT DEPARTMENT E,TABLIsHED 1895 The Navy MaP delivered another fire tmxck, to be used here at the field. We wclcome this addition, since the increased activity war- rants improved facilities of this nature. Several classes of school chil- dren have recently visited the air- port. to be initiated into whys and wherefores of aviation and judg- ing by their enthusiasm, we really believe the airplane, like the auto- mobile, is here to stay. Page 15 ..... I I I I I I ,"i ¸ • ! Candy Canes A ]Big Assortmentin prices of 5c, 10c, 35c, 75c & $1.50 LIMITED AMOUNTS Mixed Nuts pound 4' All Fresh -- no peanuts Brown & Haley's Christmas Hard Mix Candy per pound 37 ¢ Special prices to Churches. lodges. schools. Please place your order early. Box Chocolates $1.25, $1.50 and $2.95 fO'.NF'OoD , PICT SWEET Zipper Note Books , .............. :- , . ;:>:.. : ,lack or Brown.--* very nice Ch,stmas O " ft Navel  %.L..!.q XmaSsee our WraPdisply Cigarettes.., ctn. $1.63 Oranges   " Are waydown in price and ' Xmas Wrap iCgarettes., ctn. $1.63 higl, in quality. Rich in "-_ % . flavor --- Rich in Needed -/ xrllk'/,,lP" ._r I L.M. BLEND ' ' I' Vitamins. • ( _a l00ffee: ...-s 2,b. 93 I c ' case... $2.49 "  per case.. $4.89 I Y O ' " ' ' r  I __ .............. , Morning Milk ......... 4 cans 50 € Evaporatedget your recipes for Holiday Candies Apple Cider ......... per gal. 89 Marlinettes--100 7/ Pure Choc.Flavored Syrup.. per jar 27 * Borden's Pop Corn--to pop ....... 2-1bs. 33 € Fresh Roasted Peanuts ..... lb. 35 ¢ l ASPARAGUS ........................ 35¢ and 45¢ BROCCOLI ............................................ 31¢ CAULIFLOWER ............................... 31¢ MIXED VEGETABLES ...................... 28¢ PEAS and CARROTS .......................... 27¢ STRAWBERRIES .............................. 49¢ '." ,"'"TRY OUR READY TO BAKE "" fPerrwtr) PIES -- QUITE A VARIETY pt/ • 'T'# .....  AND THEY ARE DELl* ', . PEAS h" .j z c..s 3'7' DELICIOUS . CIOUSI coNN0000 2 cans 37* Ritz Crackers 1-LB. P.o. 29c IIII NIL,,.. 89c SPRAYING a "Dog's Smelly coat, bed, chair etc Spraying stops dog-odor at the source. SPRAYING Used Diapers! NIL kills diaper odor at the source, and it's harmless to any fabric water won't hurt. So you can recommcud it! SPRAYING Garbage in Container and washing out the can. SPRAYING "B. 0." Out of Clothing] Here's the only elothes- deordorant aside from extra cleaning. NIL DOES THE JOB BETTER ON THESE OTHER ODORS, TOO Kitchen Odors of fish, cabbage, cauliflower, onions, burned food. Not a "nose-paralyzer"!---actually oxidizes (destroys) the odor. Mildew OdorsNIL oxidizes, kills mildew fungus. Musty Odors .... in closet or. basement; kills odor, kills musty mold. • , , Sink and Sewer OdorsNIL oxidizes smell, kills many odor- malting ge;m s. Dead Animal Odors -- NIL kills odors at source. Odors in Upholstery, drapes, rugs. Again, you can SPRAY with NIL, without risk. Vomit, Feces, Cat Odors, Bird Odors--you can spray with NIL and kill odor at the source! Tomato Juice .......... 6 cans 59 ¢ Del Monte No. 2 Cans Cdmb Honey .... per cake 49 ¢ GIVE A BOX OF Washington Apples  We will ship them for you --just leave the address we will see to the rest-- but hurry! pkg. Assorted Preserves.. jar 47 ¢ Fisher's Blend Flour. 25-1bs. $2.37 Napkins ................ pkg. 2,1  New Liquid ttemo ........... 69 ¢ An excellent hot drink, rich in Vitamins and Mineral Sug 25 lb 2 37 ar .............. - .$ . C, & H. or Sea Island Spratt's Cat Food ....... pkg. 41 € Spratt'sA complete food for cats Dog Biscuits ............ pkg. 29 € Spratt'sAssorted Tea .............. half. pound 47€, Tenderleaf Strained Meats for Babies. can ,19 € Swift's Diced Meats for ,Babies ... can 29 Swift's Kellogg's Rice Krispies.. pkg. 1'4 € Fisher's Zoom ........... pkg. 24 ¢ Pumpkiu ........ 2 cans 3,1 .¢ Coco Cola .............. 6 for 2 € Plus deposit We take orders for Durkees Oleomargarine Established 1895