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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 11, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 11, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Collectors Dolls Dolls Made to Order LARGE or SMALL O 230 SOUTH 2nd STREET Fnest, Luxuriously Soft Virgin Wool 15.90 uper fine fleece wools interwoven for deep nap, luxuriously soft, warm and light on your body the ideal o.f all blankets! One of the finest in America ! Wonderful gift I 72" x 90" double bed size... 41/ lb. weight5 pastels and white.., rayon satin binding. pecial 5year guarantee against moth damage! Can Do 4-H Club Box is Successful The Oakland Bay Can-Do 4-H club wishes to thank everyone for their lelp in making the club's Cln'istmas Box a success, They would especially like to thank Lumbermen's Mercantile and Mr. Beekwith for their help and cooperation, The wimler nf the first drawing was Mrs. Roy Simpson: second, Mrs. Sadie Willey; third, Jack Kirkendoll of Olalla, Wash, Tile club would like to take this means to wish a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you. Union Mason's Elect Officers The officers of the Ilnion City Lodge No. 27 of the F. & A.M., were elected DePcmber 4. The following o f f i c c s were filled: Fredrick O. Johnson, W.M.; J. W. Goodpaster, S.W.; Emmet C. Williams. j.r.; Harold I. Mille, treas.: H. J. Hussman, secretary; Robert Mofatt,S.D.; Calvin Vil- son, J.D.; J. Floyd Smith, S.S.; Dess Haines, J,S•;• Edward .Nor- ling, marshall; Wright Carlson, clmplain James Tuttle, tyler. These will be in'talled at q. spec- ial meeting December 20 "at the Masonic Temple, Union, Wash., to which all Masons and their wives and frienkls are invited. -- i u i i i PENNEV'N'. GIVE ME BLANKETS Says Every Woman. Who Knows What Prac. tical, Luxurio.s Chrtstmas Gifts These Penney Beauties Are! 9.90 Beautiful, thzckly napp d, double bed s|z6--72 " X 90" in Christmas white and 6 solid colors! 4 lb. weight virginwool ,,.,_: guaranteed against moth damage!j LOV GIFT rayon TABI.ECL-OTHS SETI P'R'ES E N T S) Box el 20 Designs Savings in Extra Large CHRISTMAS CARDS TERRY TOWELS 49" ¢ nter sooner in brilliant Colors ! of 10 dif- with eta- Christmas Rlhbons ...10e ing. sit Cloth , l 7e SI:I:ELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Husbands To Be Honored at Party The Hille)'e,,t Homemakers club met last Thnrsday at the home of Mrs. Leonard Buck for a hulch- eon meeting. C h r i s t m a s deeorat{ons of wreaths and door ellarms were made lay tile groul) to be used in their homes. Plans were started for the Christmas party to be given in the Odd Fellows hall in honor of the husbands. Preparation for the party has hecn divided into several commit- tees witil each member on a com- mittee. The party for the husbands has been set for December 14. Bob Okano Honored The following" University of Washington freshman was hon- ored at a receptiongiven by Uni- verzity President and Mrs. Ray- mend B. Allen at their home on Deeember 3. The honored students were those who had earned 3.5 or higher grade points and had been valedic- torians or salutatorians in hig!l school. Robert Takeshi Okano, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Okano, 115 Frank- lin, was entertained from Shelton. GOODWILL TRUCK I-][]Elll The Goodwill truck will be tn Shelton Thursday, December 18, it was amlounced this week. Anyone wishing to have it stop is asked to call Mrs. Charles Lentz at 815-W. Catholic Ladies Circle To Hold Monthly Meet The Hillcrest Catl¢(lic Ladies Circle will meet a.t the home of Mrs. Joseph Hill on Arcadia St., at 1 p.m. Thursday, December 18. There will be an exchange of Christnaas gifts at tMs time. The November meeting of the club was held at the' home of Mrs. Stuart McGee. JACK MOFFETT DANCING LESSONS Clfildren and Adult TAP, TOE, BALLET, BALLROOM, ACROBATIC and All "Styfe Every Wednesday to 6 p,m, ' Shelton Eagles Hall Phone Union 885 CANAL WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEET TIIURSDAY Thursday, December 18, is the date of the annual Christmas party of the Hood Canal Woman's Club, to be .held in the club room of tile school. The business session will be at 11 p.m., as'UsUal, to be followed hy hmcheon and an afternoon pro- gram with a Christmas tree and drawings for exchange of small gifL'. RAINBOW MOTIIES TO MEET The Rainbow Mothers Club will meet tonight at 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Paul Hurst, 705 Ce- clar. " ' All are urged to attend. ALTAR SOCIETY TO MEET The Saint Mary's Altar Society of the Saint Edwards Cathodic Church will meet this evening at tbe home of Mrs. Henry Jest, 688 Dearborn. The Society is selling religious Christmas cards and anyone in- terested in purchasing some should contact Mrs. O. K. Stephens by calling 528-J. She!ton Woman's Club PlansMeet The Shelton Woman's Club will meet at 12:45 next Tuesday, De- cember 1.6, in the home of Mrs, O. R. Levin, 724 Cots St., for a dessert hmcheon. Mrs. W. A. Witsiers will act as co-hostess for the meet. Mrs. Robert Price will have charge of the program assisted by Mrs. W. M. Elliott. The program Will include, among other things the singing of Christ- mas carols and playing of games corresponding with the season at hand. Gifts will also be exchanged dur- ing this nteettng. PAST MATRONS OF O.E.S. PLAN ] P.M. LUNCItEON The past matrons of the O.E,S. will meet. at the home of Mrs. L, D. Hack tomorrow, December 12, for % 1 p.m. luncheon. "rhe assisting hostesses ,.will 1" Mrs. Minnie Logan and Mrs. 'Ida Brown. This being the Christmas season there will be the usual exchange of gifts, All members are invited Lo attend and make it a happy oc- casion. p'ARAM 0,00U N T THEATRE Shclton, Wash. THURS. - SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11 - 13 SUNDAY- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14 - 16 DECEMBER 18 - 19 - 20 NORTHWEST MOUNTED POLICE" W.S.C. Plans Booster Dance For December 23 Washington State College, Pull- man. (Special)---All high school students, W.S.C. students, alumni' and boosters have been extended invitations to attend tim anuual W.S.C Booster dance to bc held Tuesday night, Dee. 2a, at the Spanish Castle, mid-way between Seattle and Tacoma. As in years past tile annual yuletide dance will feature a Christmas theme. Music will be by Gordon GreeWs orthestra which has as vocalists popular Chuck Woody and piano player, Carroll Deignan, an experienced entertain- er from San Francisco. A special atractlon this year will be Chet Bennett, Seattle, well- known W.S.C. entertainer, who will lend his humor to the occas- ion during" the intermission. Forrest Beard, Everett, this year's Booster dance sponsor, has again selected the Spahtsh Castle as the scene of festivities because of its ceptral location mid popular- ity through the years.-W.S.C. Booster dances are held through- out the state annually to gather together boosters and friends of the college. Hoodsport Commercial Club Plans Singing The .Hoodsport Commercial club announces that there will be an evening program of group carol singing to be held on Christmas Eve tinder the village Christmas tree• A practice session will be lmld at 7 p.m. next Friday, Decem- ber,19, in the school building. All singers, and those who "jUst like to l!sten" are urged to attend. The commercial club also re- ported that 51 people enjoyed the annual potluck dinner on Decem- ber 8 at the school house in Hoods- port. An electrically lighted Christ- mas tree which was loaded with gifts t'or the children of the Elms Children's home was a feature of the dinner party, GRANGE NEWS TWANOH GRANGE The Twanoh Grange passed a resolution last Wednesday evening demanding that the full amount of money asked by the BonneVille Power administration be restored to the budget in the interests of farmers and the Nortl]west in gen- eral, Tile grange leaders pointed out that the last congress, in attempt- ing to cut the budget, made no distinction between national ex- penses attd national investment, with the result that the North- wet is faced with an imminent ,power shortage and resulting e- 'strlctton on new industries.  ,. In a state-wide campaign, the grange is endeavoring to offset the cut in the appropriation which came as a direct result of the na- tional power lobby in Waslfington. Skokomish Grange met on No- vember 28 and elected the follow- ing officers fbr the ensuing year: Master, Louis Hutton; overseer, $1ric Sjohohn; lecturer, Martin Smith; steward, Wilton Minor; as- sistant steward, Odell Ritchi; chaplain, Mary Hunter; treasurer, Marie Sallee; secretary, Frieda Smith; gate keeper, Fred Sauers; Ceres, Doris Sjohohn; PomOna, Alice Crossman; Flora, Zelma Bailey; lady assistant steward, Dm'othy H.utton; executive com- mittee, Chet Rosenerg; home ec- onomic chairman, Ruby Smart. Oliver Johnson, who is ill, was elected chaplain emeritus. Our next meeting is December 12, 8 p,m, During the evening pictures will be shown by the Game Department. At their regular meeting last Thursday evening, the Shelton Grange. members decided to have a Christmas tree at our next reg- ular meeting on ThUrsday, Dee. 18, at 8 p.m, All Grangers and their friends are hereby invited. Come and bring your presents and let Santa Claus deliver them for you, There will be candy for all, and the kiddies, come and help us sing Christmas songs and carols, and have a general all around good time. The Coekfamilles will be there with their orchestra to help, and if you want to dance, we'll do that too. All bring pot- luck. All Granges 0f iaon county are requested to meet at the Shel- ton Grange hall on Sunday, Dec. 14th, 11 a,m. for installation. Reg- ul'ar Pomona meeting, but only business is installation. Regular Pomona dinner at 12 noon. Arrangements are being made for the degree work to be demon- strated at Shelton Grange Hall next year at stated "intervals, dates and degrees to be sent to each Grange to post in their halls, as it will be less work for the drill teams, the Shelton hall being more centrally located. Tlais is a special invitation for all members of Shelton Grange to make a special effort to attend all the meetings Possible next year. There are "things" coming up that are of vital importance to each of you and let's support the new officers. C. L. Collins. The Pomona Grange will hold a dinner at the Shelton Grange Hall December 14. During this meeting joint instal- lations of all sub Granges will be held. • The members of the Agate Grange wishes to thank everyone who helped.make their carnival a • SucceSS. The turkey was given to Lillia Portman of atlock. Skokomish Grange will meet to- morrow, December 12, at Which the State of Wasllington Depart- ment of Games wtll snow movies for .the lecture lmur. Linda Young's 1st Birthday Observed Little Linda Young was honored on her first birthday November 14 with a party given by her mother, Mrs. Les Young, at tile home of her grandparents'on Ar- cadia Point. The room was decorated with yellow and pink streamers and yellow balloons, Ice cream and cake were served and each of her little guests received a small gift. The guests included Tommy I-trrison and mother, Mrs. Tom Harrison. Billy LeDrew and moth- er, Mrs. Mel Morgan and daugh- ter, Melody Morgan, all from Shel- ton. Other guests were Timmy Ceffr man and Mrs. AI Coffman, Rickey Lindberg and mother, Mrs. Art Lindberg, Sally Hojem and moth- er, Mrs. Glen Hojem, and Mrs. Art Doran from Olympia, Mrs, Young was assisted by Linda's grandmothers. Mrs. Har- ry Young and Mrs, William Le- Drew. W. S. C. Notes Bol)l)ee Judd Eddy Vitl ThanksgiviIg over and our. belts back to normal again, most of the students here are knuckling down for a two week fling at studies before the Christ- mas holidays and finals, , If you folks aren't receiving your usual amdun[ Of mail from over this way, don't be alarmed. It's just that the tests are flying fast and furiously. Once again Old Man Winter has reached out his white hands and closed in on us. He left behind two-inches of snow and this time At looks as if it were hot' to stay. Last Saturday night was the Varsity Ball put on by the Grey W, letterman's club which anual- ly liresents an award at the ball to the outstanding W.S.C. foot- ball player of the year. Ball-ffo- ingSheltonites included NOR:MA SIMONSON, DOUGLAS LARNON and MARJORIE ANN VALLEY. Later the same evening we ran into RAY REUBEL and his date enjoying a coke at the T.U.B. Braving the snow Sunday, we slid down to Stadium Cafeteria to see who we could find. Stadium is the new cafeteria opened this fall which feeds daily more than 1700 students who live in West, East, South and North House dor- mitories of the "Compass Quad" area. On the serving ends were BOB EHRHART. GENE WHITE and MARY ELIASON who are working at the cafeteria. The re- ceiving end was well represented by Sheltonites DON HOWARD, WILLIE and MERRIDEE WIV- ELL, FLORENCE FENTIMAN, KEITH HERZOG mid GUY BECKWITH. JEAN FISK, Chi Omega's can- didate in the "Sweetheart of Sig- ma Chi" contest, is now one of the five finalists. Sigma Chi's decision as to their official sweet- heart choice among the five final- ists will be announced December 12 at their Sweetheart dance. GERALD HENDRYX was pledged last week to Scabbard and Blade military honorary. Also this week there is word from two of Shelton's newlyweds. We ran into DOT RUCKER, now MRS. SAM KIMBEL, downtown shopping for her new home. Some Shelton folks saw DOROTHY CORMIER, now MRS. BILL KRI- NER, in Moscow. She looked won- derful and is very happy in her new home. Another W.S.C.'er joined the Shelton folds recently with the announcement of the engagement and forthcoming marriage of MARILYN ROBERTS of Tekoa to DAVE DALBY. Marilyn, who is a Pi Phi attended Washington State College last year. Wedding plans include December 27 as the date and the First Methodist church of Tekoa as the place. Saves Sugar I Try sprinkling sugar on cookie dough with a shaker rather than by hand. The process is easier, the sug- ar is spread more evelly, and sugar is saved, ,, Thursday, December 11, Garden Club's H 'Pound' Party Slated Monday WASH The Shelton Garden Club w'll HARMON hold its Christmas "Pound" phr- ty Monday, December 15, ill the home of Mrs. L. D. Hack. Members are requested to bring their pound of food wrapped in white tissue paper to assure uni- formity and are still urged to call Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale, 552-J, in- forming her of the article they 't will bring. ! A date has been set for the .-- making of the small wreaths for the trays of Shelton General Hos- ..N pital patients, g This date is Thursday, Decem- ber 18. and Friday, December 19, '* at the home of Mrs. Robert Millet" on Hillcrest. Jar rings, tin foil, small cones. berries mad greens are still needed and members are asked to save these materials for the wreaths, Navy Mothers Cl.ub Entertains Husbands With Dinner Last Week The members and husbands of the Navy Mothers Club enjoyed a turkey dinner Tlmrsday, Decem- ber" 4. Following the dinner tile ladies held their regular busine§s meet- ins while the met= played a game of bingo. The next meeting, December 18, MASH will be a Christmas party where gifts will be'exohanged, 128 S. 2nd St, Phone [ Another activity the club will join in is the serving of the Ki- wmtis Club dinner Tuesday, De-],,. cember 16. Anyone willing to help serve is to report to the Memorial I ..... Building at 10 a,m. Tuesday. December 11, 194 Buttonholing is only onc of the many Sewing Serv- ices available at your CENTER . . . include : • Picoting ... have our ex and Button Covering #u'ne up your wash Made Belts * Pinking ot Yes, it's a lot easier [WIN6 Mh(HINE CO. clothes clean  ea, keep , when y washer is hunlming pleasa[:4th Ave., Olympia ly. Undue noise tells'you [,,0MPT SERVICE time for an expert check-U adjustment and tubrleatl.' -- " - -- -- : " =-- --- Avoid serious trouble. Ph0 us today. We service makes of washe. GIVE PLANTS e FOR CHRISTMAS NOW IS THE SEASON FOR • AZALEAS -- CAMELIAS • RHODODENDRONS -- DAPHNA Now Available at WAGENER FEED CO. 219 S. First Phone 28 !00i!ii Attention, Ladi, - H.aving Sold nay Beauty Shop. I NI]hL|E WESTON wish to tttank my friends, patrons and business associates for the privilege of having served you and to Recommend to You My Successor and the New Owner NORMA BUTLER well known Shelto0 bait stylist and beautician who has just completed a new advanced hair styling school In HollyWood. .., +::::i:i? : :: :!:i::'::: ::!: .. i:':: :" ' :i::  V.iii:!!i!!:?ii! ! '::: '.:7, x'':/ , ier than any other !th -- a watch to lutes in the years to CALL NORMA for your appointment, Accepted from 8 a.m, tc 6 p.m Vanity Deluxe Beauty 218 South Second St. Phone 388 FORMERLY OPERATED BY NELLIE WESTON CapmreH Z.. In Roc00g Chair, the mellowness of sea.rocked Whea p. Nichols raced hls sleek clipper around Cape Horn ia the Norwest fur tYad¢ !00 years ago: .e stowed several egs oz wmskey below - decks. The rolling motion of thelhip produced a finer flavor! " His'?aillng days "over, this shrewd old alt lashed a keg ofwh/skey beneath his rocker: --and rockeii it to the same "mature smoothness of taste you wiU find in my Rock/ns Chs|r 1 Whiskey  ..... i But today, sentlemen, modern science is the "rocker". The co.trollcda$1tctlo in my special blending process makes Rock- lug Chsir marvelously rich it: taste. Try ill Your own taste will tell you it's the whiskey£or ygu! watch in a hand- gold case. lit, des gned watch. 17 ovement. • $36 e $42 GIFTS -- JE