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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 11, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 11, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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AS0N COUNTr JOUnNAL ....... Pag0 17 HApp .W5 &apos; , ......................................... ., _ . _ .,, V.F.W. Auxiliary R.C. Spanish Club Royal Neighbors ..... ' .... X L, • • r ..*. Christmas Dinner Today WASN :00iil boclal i=vents Well Drilling ... have our fu'ne up your Yes, it's a iot easier keep clothes clean, "#hen washer is humming ]y. Undue noise tells you time for an expert adjustment and Avoid serious trouble. us today. We service makes of washers. NASH 123 S. 2nd St. Phone PLANTS HRISTMAS S E t Legion Auxiliary Shelton Music Club WHI Hold Meeting Phms Christmas Meet The American Legion Au×iliary The Christmas meeting of the will meet Tuesday evening, De- Shelton Music Study Cluh will be cember 16, at 8 p.m. in the Mere- held Wednesday evening, Deeem- orial Building. her 1Y. at the home of Mrs. Nena Roberts. BuHonholing During this meeting new mem- Mrs. Charles Lentz and Mrs. bers will be initiated. :Hal Olstead will act as c¢)-host- is only one of the Each member is asked to bring esses while Mrs. John 'L. Dotson many Sewing Sere- a 50-cent exchange gift for the will have charge of the program. Christmas party following the ices available at ),our business meeting. I]OODSPORT JIJNIOR Packages of can,cu foods for WOMEN'S CLUB NEWS CENTER . . . the Christmas baskets to be dis- Mrs. Marie Kaare was elected incIuc|e: tributed in the community are also president of the Hoodsport Junior to be hrought. Women's Club at the December Picoting 2 meeting held in the home of Mrs. Betty Goodpaster. Clmsen and Button Covering INNER CIRCLE TO IIOLD for vice-president was Mrs. Then CHRISTMAS PARTY TODAY ma Winters; secretary, Mrs. Mnde Belts • Pinking The Inner Circle social club will Blancim Calaimn; and treasurer, hold a Christmas party this af- Mrs. Gloria Van Laanen. CHIE (0. ternoon at the home of Viola Fer- Guest during the evening was • 4th Ave., Olympia ris. Mrs. Don Brown who instructed The members will enjoy.a din- the ladies in the art of textile SERVICE ner. play games for whicil they painting and decorating glass- will recewe prizes, and exchange ware. Also a guest was :Mrs. gifts with each other. Grout, friend of Mrs. Blanch Cal- ahan. Next meeting night is set for December 17 at the home of Mrs. Gordon Dickinson. Hoodsport • wvv v r v v..,* v v p.,. qP- vqrw,qr ,*F,qr vv w, Joe Huntley, retired customs officer, must have learned a lot of cowboy tricks on custom duty Jn Montana. because he threw a per- fect half hitch on a 16%-poUnd hooknose salmon last Thursiay, and landed another salmon on the same live herring bait. When the fish was drawn into the boat, Dess Haines, fishing partner, was surprised to see the nylon line in two half hitches around its head in back of the gillS. He said this demonstration taught him some new slants on fishing technique. The bait was left untouched. The Huntley chain of bad luck seemed to be broken as Mrs. Huntley caught a HE SEASON FOR 12-pound silver while out Satur- C-- A €:: day. Up to Thursday they had , MELIAS $ " ...... caught only one small fish all .?';i "I summer. ........ :. - Our sympathy goes to Mrs. RONS -- DAPItNA %: . ......... Laura Aseleson who was called Available at to Edmonds Saturday by the death of her father, James Main, who died of a heart attack. R FEED CO Sympathy also goes. to V. Wheeler whose father, Eli Wheel- • er. age 84, passed away at Renton , and was buried Wednesday. He Phone 28 ..........  ..... ," had been ill some time with a ' heart condiiton. Mrs. Eli Whit- u  hey was brought to Hoodsport to reside with her son. -' i Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wilson, Sr.. t are spending a few days in Aber- .......... : == !deen visiting Mrs. Robert Cavers. Ladi{ $ - "i!!!!!!ii!iiiii : /fA The Arc,ie Calalans are enter- • ,-: taining Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gau- )nn I ,7 i " ' die of Great Falls, Montana. Ar- , mP chic i, their nephew. [ :" ' ....  Mr. and Mrs. Buford Rose and l''t: "":'::"::"  /"  [family were guests of Oscar. Ahl iE2 EsT''2y--'?L- Y ON, atl'ons and business ,.. :....: ::::.:y::,:..::. " r..;:::: and Dess Haines on Sunday. " ' ::!:i::i::::ii!i!!i!i:ii::}::i!iii!}i!::!!::;i! ) "::" ,. .." kitchen with beautiful new and  modern improvements The color "::::iiii[i The Dickinson, Gifford and Ab- scheme is white and blue. vilege of having served you " bey homes are being made more mmend to You % accessible by the addition of new cement sidewalks. and the New Owner Mrs. Ed Deschamps and Louis than any other gift at Christmas time is a spent Thursday and Friday visit- ll-T TrPIWI) ing Mrs. Webb Ingram in Tacoma. X U'rlt --" a watch to tick away pleasantly the o, Friday they traveled to Yaki- ma for the baptism of a new baby Ir sty let and beautmlan who e of someone near and born to Edgar Rief, Mrs. Des- " ,  in the years to cam ' champ's brother. This was a new new advanced hair styling , _ .  ........ experience for Louis who had nev-  sear co you. rum uur er ridden on a train before. Upon their return home to Hoodsport,  outstanding • hell day Louis ahd his mother found a sur- NORMA" . . "'. selection you will find prise awaiting them. PHM. 2/c  . the watch you want to Albert Deschmps had returned ,ccepted from 8 a.m, to 6 p.m ,"x" ive the watch that from the Hawaiian Islands after ,  six years of naval service in the • ' o: will be so happily re- South Pacific, with his discharge "l ""   .....   " papers. @ Beauty Sh0, [[/£////.yy[/Y"- '!i "..) eetved. , who]:n case you are still w0ndertngwon the Beaden J beautiful be-jeweled watch the Firemen's turkey bingo party, . ",/.7//.k..dVi z$, . . . 17 jewel. MarieWe haVeKaare.jUst found out it. was Mrs t Phone 388 ," . ,  2/! F $36 and $42 Mr. and Mrs. Herb Dickinson, ED BY NELLIE WESTON " .":ii r/, Perfect and beautifu I Flora Lockwood and Desb Haines 7'. ,-'| , timepiece. ' attended the silver Wedding annl- Dan Oreutt who held open house Dell  from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at their home between Belfair and' Tah'uya. There were 35 guests pbesent'to partake of the delightful refresh- ments. The table, decorated With silver bell and tall white tapers, was centered with a huge decor- 00ked whiskeys! ! , ated wedding ca00e. spent Wednesday and Thursday fishing the Queets, Quinault and Hoh rivers but" retuYned With a ddi p°°r catch" o, ':::e .=": '-- - i Josie Lassoie, a 1940 graduate of thhlsrockcr=Jd b q).hi   Central Washington College, has to the same "i" "-- "' -------1"]  (, been appointed to the C.W.E. fac- s oftast#you ', . :. ,' "1,?.  dl., ulty as an instructor in the ex. .cki,Chslr " J.: ,v "ql '  tension division, President R. E. ,/ L,  . ;. . lr//zd k \\; ._D.4lllp MeConnel said. Lassoie completes • " Mr. and Mrs. William Powers entertained at Thanksgiving, lrs, Anna Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Lilliwaup.Mann and Guy Kneeland, all of A party was given in honor of  {:l " *l\\;, <. Laura Lou Lassoie's birthday at ''"' "<  \\;-' !-'_!',Wel watch in  hand- k''' her home on November.22. There were nineteen present to enjoy a rtg,ldcase. Elil white birthday cake decorated with pink rose buds, play games 711"z'71..,.W.. 1''' Hi [  . $45 , and open'presents.! , Soo/g3""zv'U"¢' r '*:;"' IiP"  theThewashingtonMaS°n countYEducationbranChsocle.Of ty will meet December 15 at the o vV'.UI,v" ;I" ovement. ' ..l. '.%P" Hoodsport school. • ' " l  MarCia Cox Came home Wednes- t • 'IVhisk,es. of O. , $36 day from working in N[aupin, Ore., t ......... "  • " to visit her mother, Mrs. Dens [$1.97 ..$8,t8 :>me watch, 17 jew- Cox. Maynard Cox is attending \\;| ,, e,v . ,/5 QOA  Ps pereot, time. V , " junior high school at Weiser, \\;1 ... PluslOlWzLiquotT ' ' • tIe" , Idaho. He sings in the choir of Blen P ' *   .......... tile Baptist Church and is living r\\;I ded Whiskey, 86' : . L $42 wacz nA. with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Webb. zT< a aleutrs i  -, New cars were delivered the RKE %Roe. DleTILLeRIE$ ] " 4,OU whoPaSt receivedWee}¢ tOaHenrYFord andMCClanahanMat Van - osm,, ,sS. ........ E BECKWITH Laancn who has  Pontiac, Mrs. Phyllis Pearce was taken to the Shelton Hospital Thursday due to complications from a recent illness. GIFTS -- JEWELRY --- MUSIC Mrs. Start Pierce of the Gateway AVENUE PHONE 143 Inn was also taken to the hos- pital Thurtay evening for reed- ...... ica trea'tment. Meeting Held The V.F.W. Auxiliary held their regular meeting at the Memorial Hall Friday, December 5. Mrs. Agnetha Whiting was initiated in- to the order. The members voted to purchase three Christmas boxes for tl]e "Yanks Who Gave." The R. C. Spanish Club me at the home of Marjorie Johnson on Thursday, December 4, for the regular meeting. Members present were Nellie Nelson, Milre Grimes, Helen Lem- ley, Ao'nes Alexander, Helen Wat- kins, Norene Peterson and the hostess. The next club meeting will be Plans were made for' the annual at the home of Helen Lemley for Christmas party to be given with a Christmas dinner party this eve- the post December 19. ] ning. -Guests of honor for the oc- All members of the Post and, casion will be Misses Ruth Cress- Auxiliary and families are in- tey and Alice Gee. cited. Each person is asked to  The mystery sisters will be re- bring a gift with a price limit of vealed at this meet and new names 50 cents. °  drawn. Officers Elected During the last meeting of the Royal Neighbors of America elec- tion of officers was held with the following officers being elected. Taldng office as oracle was Geraldine Archer; chancelor, Mary Jadin; recorder, Mary Sli- vers; receivex, Stella Booth and past oracle, Catherine Johnson. The night of December 17 at tim home of Mrs. lalT Jadin the Royal Neighbors will hold their Christmas party where they will exchange gifts. Mrs. Jadin resides at South 7th Street. Water Wells--Test Holes O0R WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Bedeil Drilling Co, LAURENCE BEDELL {formerty Davidson Drilling Co.) Route 3, Box 101, Shelton fill I I I I J[ II. I . III , J I . . l] I], I|  I l II Come to MoConkey-Fir Drug Stores--the Merry Christmas 8tares for gifts that look excitingly extravagant yet are priced as light as tissue-and,tinsel rlbbonl We've a grand selection of per- 'ect presentsglfts that will be opened first . . . praised the loud- est. We have them for as little as 108 and as much as $30.00... and no matter how little or how much you spend, you're sure of giving the most Christmas Joy for the money. Xmas Tree Lights $1.69 up Snow and Icicles .......... 10¢ Sue-balls ........ 98¢ to $1.98 Tom and Jerry Batter.. 69¢ Star Dust for Flames .... 98¢ Sparklet Bulbs .............. 79¢ ¼-lb. Choc, Almond Blocs ...................... 47¢ $.O0 l-lb. Choc; Cherries ...... 98¢ DRESSER SETS $1.98 to $30.00 Taylor and Airguide Btro .meters tO COMPACTS., 4g¢ to $7,50 MEN'S SHAVING SETS $1.00 to $10.00 .' s •  o ,(i!::iii" a .: [ :}::1: .% [ ii)i::i:]  47:' '  ':':" ": '' , [ i 1 ': " '  :':i::' says: The lady wouldladLe o COMPACT for CHRISTMAS! Thin, delicate golden wfers..; to fit in the palm of her hond.;; to reflect her beauty perfectly. • Duo-Vanlty , . . Loose Powder with • full-size Lipstick ...... 5.00 Other Rlchard Hudnut compacts . . . ,000,oj,00y We Deliver WRIST WATCHES $6.95 to $22.00 G.E. FOOT WARMERS $7.g5 HAVING BRUSHES $1.00 to $15.00 SANTA CANDLES .... 49¢ ZlPPO LIGHTERS.. $2,00 OLD SPICE SHAVE LOTION  $'1.00 Christmas duet for her Two luxurlou bath accenorlee, wedded in one opulent fraauc0... Lenthric's "Miracle.If The refreshing, subtly scented Bouquet (in Decanter), and the caressingly soft Bath Powder. Beautifully encased. $4.35. Also in "Tweed,;: "Shanghai,", and "Confetti,'; $4.35. In "Dark Brilliance,'=' $9,50, Allpds ,u ta, Van Dyke :: White Rol " Tan Owl ,.  i. "::": '- , 188(}  -r seatC :. P ea " pencils ...=,==, r Des Sets ' '- ' ...¢,;,' t/,e a,#s r * .. ., to $t5.00 w/llBsp----  CONFETTI bY LENTHERIC [ ' ' OJt 'O $3.00 to $18.00 - AvE MARIA by Matchabeih ., .  ,-€ $1.25 to $11.5o  ' ',e'!t Command Performance by /i'   22 Kirsten, Kaywoodie, Rubenstein  $2.50 to $Iq  j Ii ' "¢@jj, '.4 Yellow-Bole Pipes WHITE LACE by ¢eHerlot / ,. ,j". qlea 4,,,... _ ' $3.50 ' / 'J! f -d | "'t0j  Pips ROks, $1.00 to $10,00 Stradivari by Matchabelli [ rJr/l  ,,  B=th R^^m eo-I-o a o 5 t00.oo "" " ............... y i11= I I  I Revlon Manioure $2 75 to $1000  : ' ' I I    Set, ........ ,1.oo to ,15.oo SHANGHAI by Lentherio "  , q | . . $3.75 to $12.50 ' " k,L]  .% I   | Men's Leather Trave, TWEED by LENTHERI [" ' __  m - . "'hi | Sets ........ ,4.00 to $20,00 $3,00 to $18 00 '   PLATi"E b" DA"A '   *I_  ! Manicure Implement $2,0o to $17.s0 1 .hBll\\; , -- ' ............. LeGUI by DUVELLE , •1\\;  L  $3,25 to $8.50 1 .... -_ =,   . " MIRACt.E by LINTHERIC 2 "  Br /P MAIS 0UI by BOURGOIS % 1 P" _,, .JI G,E. iEletrio Alarm Clacks ............ $S,eSup $1 O0 to $12 50 { r % ' '  " o'$1.5o ........ _ ' .... ".. t; - '--- - *! G lk'- ,.v 'ltld Cngso Playing Oards ........................ 85# uarK urlulance ay Lentner]c Jl r- __. -!- 'I ..... $5.00 to $30.00 **, g ..   Eaton and Montag 8tatonery, $1.00 to $5.00 TABU by DANA ': .*** [. ............ ,o ,,0oo w.,,m.o, 20 CARATS$2.75 to $18.50bY DANA '|'| dl/ ' .,. _, , Aplet, Boxed Cant;es  75¢ to $7,50 " ,,, .... 1, /B Crown Jewel by Matehabelll  =111 ....... . ,.- ,//' $4.00 to $25.00  . " ..... HcI:ONKE .FIR 111 su:ed*ays PHONE 0] DRUG STORES p.o,e 2