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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 12, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 12, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 12, 1963 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY $0URNAE  Published in "Chrisfmastown, U.g.A.', Shelton, Washington PAGE 3 S A N T A S A Y S Discover New Gifts Ideas at Olsen Furniture Company •   Early American: Hard Rock Maple Boston Rockers s32s5 Hobnail [lass boudoir Lamps $4°5 9 x 12 oval braided Rugs i 5 FlY'shade colonial Table Lamps s29% Telephone Radio z69s5 Maple scalloped edge pictures s89s Marble top Cigarette Table s1985 Danish Modern: Naugahide Swivel Rockers s54s5 Tapered leg solid walnut Occasional Tables s29% Danish Love Seat s119 '5 Three Cushion Sofa all Foam Rubber Reversible Cushion s17985 Danish man Recliners s95°°. Large selection Pictures s9sb. Zendh Odor T.V. Zenith Stereo. Bernina SeWiflg Hachines.  . ': "  OPEN EVERY sen Furniture Co. ,,,,,,,,o,.,0 RATED NO. 1 OVER ALL OTHER /UTOMATIC SEWING HACHINES is how impartial authorities rated BERNINA after exhaus- comparative testing: ":Xeellent straight stitch cry quiet and smooth running, with excellent speed control E adjustment and retention judged excellent ×cellent satin stitch, easily set and reliable No change of tension found necessary Overcasting judged excellent on all fabrics, with no adjust- necessary led to be one of the easiest machines to operate "THE JEWEL OF SWITZERLAND" Since 1886 .... TRY I T NOW. [ OLSEN FURNITURE GO 328 )TA ST. PHONE 426-4702 i i oo Late To Glassily BEAGLE PUPS for Christmas. Six weeks old. 2214 King Street. Phone 426-3582. H 12/12-19 THREE BEDROOM suburban home on Slllldl barn. chicken honse, work- shop, woodshed, carport. Will sell or trade for town property. Phone 426-615,1. C 1/52-26 up, $125. Call 426-3002. .... W 12/12 F()r(SALE -- Work horse and cows. Phone Rochester 273-5621 evenings. C 12/12-19 :19{1 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4 door lgrd top. Excellent condition. Power steering, new tires. Inquire 629 Cota iM 12/12 tfn LASTMi-N--U-TE SHOPPERS -- Niv. selection, maiD" $I.00 items. Gift Bar Shelton General Hospital. 12/12-19 COUNTY ROAD PROJEC'r NO. 427 hi the matter of C.R.P. No. 427 to bC consl rlleted ell ason Collnly Road No. 250 known locally as tile Sunnyside road. and more specificab. ly located in NI, i SE{ Sec. 8, Twp. 21 N. R 4 W.W.M. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED IY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS that it is their intentioa to Relocate 0.3 mile. Principal quantities arc: Clearing and grubbing ................ 2 A. Road excavation and Emh. 3000 C.Y. Pipe culvert 100 L.F, Gravel surface 400 C.Y. and that said work is to be perl'orlue(l by day labor in accordance witll tile Washington State Standard Specifica- tions fox' Road and Bridge Construe- lion as ad)pted by ]Y[asolz County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above described Counly Road Pro- lect 1'4 necessary and propel', and tile estimat.d costs o said project are herewith set out ia detail as follows: Engineering ............................ $ 200.00 Road Construction .............. 2.900.00 'I'OTAL ...................................... $3,100.00 Tile County Road Project herein de- scribed is HEREBY DECLARED to ..... "'''"'''"''' ................................................. be a public necessity, and the Coun- ,=  rlPh ty Road Engineer is HEREBY OR- 1 1' tom .,,e i = County - City Records =.; DERED AND AUTHORIZED to re- port and proceed thereon as by law provided. ADOPTED this 9th day of Decem- ber. 1963. Board of Count)" Commissioners of Mason County. Washington MARTIN AUSETH, Chairman HARRY ELMLUND JOHN BARIEKMAN At test : C. NC)LAN MASON Clerk of the Board L2/12 it NO. 3511 NOTICE TO CRED1TOIS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON POke. MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE hi the Matter of the Estate of :Myrtle L. Strine. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigm.'d has been appointed and has qualified as the Administrator of the Estate of Myrtle L. Strine. de- ceased: that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby re- quired lo serve tim same. duly veri- fied. on the undersigned Administra- tor or his attorney of record at tile address beh)w stated and file the same with tile Clerk of tile said eom't. [ogelher with proof of such service within six months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will bc barred. Date of first publication: Dtecmbcx 12. 5963. ALLEN M. STRINg Administrator GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building Shelton. Washington 52/12-19.26 3t NOTICE ()F IIEARING A .)ubli( hearing will be held ill tllo UOUllnlSSl(qlcr's Roon] at the City Hall at 2:00 p.m., December 17. J.963, on the proposed 6 year street pro- gram of the City of Sllelton. ]]l ac- eordanee with Chapter 195. Laws of '1961 of the State of Washington. ALMA K. CATT0, Clerk-Treasurer 12/12 It COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits were approves by the Mason County Commission Monday to Floyd Borst, fiberglass patio, $100; Orlando Peterson. wood cabin, $4.700 and George L. Jarvis, wood residence, $5,000. FERRY RECEIPTS Receipts from the Harstine Is- land Ferry for the week ending Dec. 7 were $203.50 the Mason County Engineer's office reportea. CITY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approvevd by the city of Shelton during the past wee|¢ included LeRoy A. Sylves- ter, add £o residence. $200; Shell Oil Co.. sign, $850: Rolla Halbert., remodel residence. $1,500. POLICE COURT Appearing on the docket in Shelton Police Court before Judge Rolls Halbert Monday night ,*,ere. Warren Lincoln. failure t) yield right of way, $14.50 fine and $2.50 costs: Anion Kihl, drunkeness. $10 forfeit: Merle York. warrant from Pierce County; Gertrude B. Cas- trom drunk mid disorderly, $25 forfdit; Francis X, Beatty, drunk- hess. $25 fine and $2.50 costs: Leonard D. Williams. drunkeness. $10 forfeit; Gregory Blcvins. no operators license. $50 forfeit: Mill Hinderman. disturbing the''[/dace, $25 forfeit. SHERIFF'S OFFICE ARRESTS Booked at the Mason County Sheriff's office during the past week were James H Leaphard, over center line. expired operator's Roy McDaniel reported someone threw a rock through his window. Mrs. F: Fisher reported Christ- mas Tree lights stolen. A car driven by Frank Mako struck a parked car belonging to J. M. Axelson on Grove Street Mrs. Arne Anderson zeported tbe aerial broken off her car. Robert Smith reported a tire and wheel, bumper jack and lug wrench stolen from his vehicle. Mrs. C. A. Hammond reported someone drove a car on the vacant lot next to their home. Jim Sells reported the aerial snapped off his car. Lorell Seljestad reported gas siphoned from a car and truck re- cently. Crs driven by Warren C, Wright, Grapeview. and Charles Snell. Shelton. were involved in an accident on First Street near Kelly Furniture. Wright was tra- veling north on First when his car was hit from the rear by one driv- en by Snell. "William Hartman reported the aerial broken oft" his car while it was parked at the high school. SHERIFF'S OFFICE A cabin on Lost Lake was re- ported broken into. Gerald Hemminger reported wheels, tires and an electric saw stolen. Windows were reported broken out of the Hood Canal Junior High School. The Eagle Hall at the airport was broken into. cO$ T license; Glynn Norris Jr.. failure I)IVORCIS to pay fine, drunk in public, lear- Three default divorce decrees inn the scene of an accident, were signed and granted in Mason FIRE CALLS County Superior court Friday. The Shelton Fire Department The), were Yvonre Culpepper answered four fire calls during the from William Culpepper; Betty past week. McFadden from Michael McFad-  [ i  ii,: Material stored too close to a den and Willialn McGowan from chimney ignited at the William Stella McGowan. Brown home, 2217 Laurel, Dec. 6 causing $150 damage. There was an overheated chim- Jff Brings In [ hey at the Harold Schnitzer home, Fogerty and Wahmt Streets, 11o $30,000 Verdict damage. , At the Carl Burbank home, 19- A Mason County Superior Com't ! ]/ I 1[ OP -"$, 7€"l 1! " ( 6. "' ] 04chmm,Laurel, a walll built too e olse tea ju ry last we e k awa r ded $'30,000 /Aovn  3.7) l I De 7 zy rest lied in $25 damage suitin damageSagainst tOLeviPetercgtys.Snaza in his A call to what was believed to The suit stemmed from injuries ITiny To's I ]  ] ]Aut tlcRept i be a chimney fire was answered Snaza received in an automobile at the Hazel Bridges residence in 1962. JGO CART ling1= I J • I-"  [ IPOLICE CAR I Dec., 9. Members of the jury were Ran- Mr. Van De Riet reported Ware,' Reynold Mason, F. H. Ret- Christmas Trec lights stolen from tig, Margaret Newell, Merl Lamb, decorations in his yard. George Ahlquist, Gladys Wyatt, Larry Ziegler and Skip Buyer Arlene Zamzow, John Laramie reported $90 worth of phonograph and Molly Connolly. . equipment stolen from Ziegler's The jury's verdict came Thurs- car. day, the fourth day of the case.  i*° ,o,o,o. I__.-o j  ' TA¢ ! " I I T,=, S,=T C o Un/ted Stotes AIR FORCE JET Cork q" $7¢ tl t; Popula/ Bczrble WALLET tt !| Barbie Pretty Up DRESSER SET Young "Cowboy" GUN RACK tl L | qRAYONCAH, t$ i  Will your Christmas be "wow," fol- 7€ #€  lowed by "woe"? No need for it! Take the easy way to py; borrow from us on easy monthly terms. • Serving All Residents of Mason County • RAY PROUTY 123 So. Second St. 0 South 4th Street, Shelton Phone 426-2202 i NEW BOLEX : WHILE THEY LAST ! formerly sold for 249.50 WE'RE SELLING THIS TOP I QUALITY NEW BOLEX ZOOM i REFLEX ELECTRIC EYE P2 CAMERA AT THIS LOW PRICE. AGFA 35MM fully automatic ONLY $5995 1 '® PRIGE REDgGED TO 139 ON THIS NEW POLAROID COLOR PACK Camera -- The Most Advanced Camera in the World. Reserve yours Now while limited supply lasts. LET US HELP YOU GET BETTER PICTURES Buy your photographic equipment from specialists, where you are assured of getting the instructions and service you are entitled to. PItOTOGRAPIIY IS OUR BUSINESS NOT A SIDELINE Easy Terms On Approved Credit ZIEGLER'S CAHERA SHOP 124 N. 2rid Street Phone 426-6t63