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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 12, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 12, 1963
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PAGE4 A Bible and a newspaper in ev- ery home, a good school in every Mason County YFW district--all studied and apprec-I iated as they merit.----are the prin- Auxiliaryls Hostess ciple support of virtue, mm'atity, and civil liberty. For District Meeting GLASSFYRE K ,/_J :Z EJ For A Perfect Christmas Gift For The Whole Family Get A GLASSFYRE DOOR and See our line of Franklin Stoves ! Carlson's Tile & Fireplace Shop. on Mt. View l The Mason County VFW Aux- iliary was hostess to the fifth dis- trict meeting last Saturday eve- ning. The district received an of- ficial visit from department pres- dent. 'Loverna Seabur. of Mt. Vm'- rl(-)n. President Jo Sparks wishes to extend her appreciation to all members making donations to the bazaar and for food contribu- tions for dtstriet luncheon. A traveling membership trophy could be won by the Mason Co. Auxiliary if all sues were in by December 31. The annual VFW Christmas party will be held Dec. 20. Food committee is Fae Robinson, Viola Laugen ann Alice Haines. A plan- ned potluck will begin at 6:30 p. m inthe Memorial building. A program and gift exchange will follow dinner. Women will ex- change gifts and the men will do same. Children's gifts should ke tagged with names. BROWNIE SCOUT TROOP 172 NEWS The third meeting of Brownie Troop 172 was held Monday at Evergreen school. Dabble Connol- ly served the treat and Patricia Dunbar was appointed to serve next • Monday. Two uniforms were given to the .troop by Sandra and Zora Me- .Callum,. fori:aer Brownies. Sandra m now rn Girl Scouts. Each Brownm recited the pledge, told of a good deed done during the week and was required to know a prayer. The nnutes from the two pre- vious meetings were clipped from the Journal and Kay Hellman read them to the troop. 'Mary Ann and Pare Tabor have been helping the Brownies on their decorative eats for Christmas. Potted plants were prepared this meeting and pot holders were fin- ished also in preparation for Christmas. New members are always wel- come. ---Cheryl Tabor. Scribe SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT HARiON & BILL APPEARING UNTIL JAN. 4 Instrumental & Vocal for your listening & dancing Nightly (except Sunday, Mondays. Xmas Eve & Xmas) 8:45 to 1:45--Saturdays 7:45 to 12 midnight SHELTON HOTEL SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in r'OhTistmastown, U.ILA.", ShelLon, Washington OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY WILL HONOR HOOD CANAL COUPLE ON GOLDEN WEDDING DAY AN OPEN HOUSE will be held this Sunday ,from 1:30 - 5 p.m. at the Holiday Beach Clubhouse, one and one-half miles north of Hood'sport. to commem- orate the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Dess J. Haines. Their many friends end rl a- tires are invited to share this happy occasion with them. The Haines' three children and their fami- lies are expected to be with them, not only to help arep, wpre born on opposite sides of Hood Canal - he t Un on, she at Hpodsport. She is the daughter of the late Oscar Ahi, pioneer and long:time resi- dent of Hoodsport. Mr. Haines is the grandson of William B. Haines, first postmaeter of Union and founder of the Haines Oyster -,o. in Seattle. T.he honored couple were married in Seattle in 1913. They have been active in the Masonic Orders, be- celebrate this momentuous occasion, but also to ing Past Matrdn and Past Patron of both Eastern spend the holidays. The Ernest Foster Haines Star and Order of Amaranth as well as Past family will come from Oakland, California, the Guardians of Job's D.aughters. He is also Past Mas- Robert J. Haines and the A. H. Anthony families ter of Onion City Lodge No• 27 F&AM. They were will come from Sacramento, California. included at one time owners of Haines Music Box n Shelton. will be four grandchildren and two-great-grand- Mr. and Mrs. Haines look forward to greeting their children. Mr. and Mrs. Haines, pioneers of the many friends Sunday. No gifts please. Junior Drill Team Elects New Officers Election of officers was held for the Mason County Junior Drill VYeam December 4 at a meeting held at the Cakes' ranch. Officers are: President, Gary Cakes; vice/ pesident. Ginna Correa; secretarj{ treasurer. Shayne Larson. A swimming party is planned for this Friday night from 9-11 p.m. The Bell Riders. Silver Sars and guests of the Drill Team are invited. Admission will be 25 cents for children under 12 years; 50 cents for those over 12. SHELTON GARDEN CLUB YULJE PARTY MONDAY The Shlelton Garden Club Christmas party will 'be held at 1:30 p.m. next Monday at the hmne of Mrs. W. F. Roberts. Miss Dora Fredson and Mrs. George Drake will act as hostesses for the tea. Members are to bring holiday decorations for exhibition, There will be a gift exchange. It is not so much a matter of civic morality as of a critical re- examination of all morality, per- sonal, private, and public. ¢" 1963 Box Score: ..... FORD'S TOTAL PERFORMANCE TOUGHNESS DOMINATES THE: COMPETITION WORLD! Ford has chosen the most rugged testing program cars have ever faced . . . full-scale open competi- tion on the rally and racing circuits of the world.'This is the dramatic way to show that Fords have changed . .. and the sure way to be certain they keep on changing. Changed? Just look at the record: SPORTS CAR ROAD RACING: Ford V-8 power is the new king Here the Cobra with its spe- cial Fairlane engine emerged as the overwhelming leader in one short year. Cobra won the coveted Manufacturer's Trophy in SCCA Class A Pro- duction competition by so wide a margin R0 other cars-- U.S. or forei,n--were even in sight. And in the two major tests this fall, the Laguna Seca and Riverside races, the new King Cobras dusted off the top "unlimited" cars from all over the world. RALLY COMPETITION: Manufacturer's Championship Products el For Motor Company and its world-wide affiliates won the 1963 Manu- facturer's World Rally Cham- pionship. Ford's rally year began when two specially equipped Falcon V-8's startled the automotive world in the brotal 2500-mile Monte Carlo Rallye. Other special Falcon V-g's triumphed in Holland's famed Tulip Rally, and ran away with the Manufacturer's Team Prize in the 4000-mile ' Trans-Canada Rally. INDIANAPOLIS: Ford ends an era Advanced Ford engineering smashed precedent in the classic Indianapolis "500." The first time out, a light alloy version of the Fairtane V-8 design in a Lotus chassis finished second. And the next time. in the Milwaukee "200" it ended the reign of the tra- ditional "lndy" racing car by leading every foot of the way from, start to finish. PERFORMANCE & ECONOMY: New laurels for Ford The Mobil Economy Run underscored Falcon's years- long reputation for tbrift--a Falcon scored first in Class B (medium-engined compacts). And the Pure 0il Performance Trials brought laurels to the big Fords, which walked off with overall wins in Classes I and II for total performance (economy, acceleration and braking). STOCK CAR RACING: 2-to-1 margin for Ford Ford is king of HASCAR com- petition and Ford M,or Com- pany has the NASCAR Achievement Award to Prove it. In the [63 season, special Ford entries won every single race of 500 miles or longer. scored nerty twice as many points as any other make. 500-mile races are the utti. mate test of inherent dura- bility and dependability. I n two other major stock car racing associations IMCA and MARC. Ford drivers have wrapped up the 1963 championships. ¢" 1964 Result: TOTAL PERFORMANCE INSPIRES THE TOUGHEST, SMARTEST CARS FORD EVER BUILT! torious racing car--road-holding, braking, durability, precision control, resistance to vibration--also make a car safer, stronger, and smoother for highway use. Bug prove it to yourself• Take the wheel of any new Ford, Five minutes on the road will show you the kind of total performance no one else can match. TRY TOTAL PERFORMANCE FOR A CHANGE! FORD falcon • Falrlone * Fwd .-rlutbbll So cial Even ts Society Editor Marl Waters • Phone 426-4412 Fords have changed--and that's the real reason behind Ford's racing successes. We're now making fle longest lasting, best han- dling cars in our history. The things we've learned from the specially equipped cars we enter in open competition have helped make them that way. The ifllerent qualities that make the vic- JiM PAULEY, INC., 501 Railroad Ave. Ford presents "Arrest and TriaI"--ABC-TV Network--Check your local listings for time and channel . Holiday Music Is Feature Of Iota 00eeting Thirty-four memkrs of Iota Chapter. Delta Kappa Gamma ga- thered for their Christmas meet- ing at the Colonial house last Saturday. Mrs. Ernest Newland. president, gave a report on the regional workshop that was held in Tacoma in November. Group singing" was directed by Mrs. Robert Keenan. Pat Havens. choral director of Shelton high school, presented five accomplish- ed vocalists who featm'ed Christ- mas musrc in their selections. Helen Hostetter. president of Alpha Sigma State. gave an in- spirational address to this profes- sional grottp of teachers. Over $100 was contributed by the Iota members to their schol- arship fund. Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses at the Mason County Auditor's office this past week were: Richard Hopkins, 24. SheIton, and Margaret Slosh, 23, Shelton. Richard I. Bialkostd, 24. Mon- tesano, and Kathy Kimball, 19, Shelton. Earl S, Hines. Jr.. 19. Port Or- chard, and Elaine M. Roorda..18, Port Orchard. ,William R. Morton. 73. Altyn, and Rillie Beardsley, 73. Allyn. William S. Briggs, 22, Palo Alto, Calif.. and Helen J. Myer, 22. Shelton. Edward L. York. 22. helton. and Betty Jo Paulsen. 21. Shelton. Herbert F. O. Shane. 21, Ran- dall, and Marlene E. Harris, 18, Onalska. Richard A. Funk. 22. Hoquiam, and Barbara L. Waterhouse. 21, Aberdeen. JOB'S DAUGHTERS TO INSTALL NEW OFFICERS THIS SA:TURDAY Christmas Pudding Highlights WCTU December Meeting The Woman's Christian Ten]p- eranee Union met last Friday at the home of Mrs. Nena l:toberts for the regular meeting and Christmas party with 27 present. A warm Christmas punch was served by the director of Natural Fruit Beverages, Nh's. Dorothy Roberts. Hey. Eugene Knautz gave the devotions and Virgil Hansen told of his work in V:enezuela as a missionary. Mrs. Mary Tin'her led the pledges to the American Christian and Temperance flags. Mrs. Rose Pittenger gve the story of the origin of the hynm "O Little Town of Bethlehem" by Phillips Brooks in 1865. ,Mrs. Sure Pauley read the story of the gifts of the Magi, "The Three Chests". Mrs. Gladys Rowe read the "Letter to Santa Claus" which was written by a little boy and "Going Home for Christmas". by Luceille Carey was read by Mrs. Agnes Kangas. Christmas pudding was then serv- ed followed by the exchange of gifts from the lighted Christmas Lree. New members welcomed were Mesdames Marie Carder. Lila Knautz, Laura Gruver, Dorcas Smith. Carrie Durand and Rose Pittinger. Mrs. Dorothy Roberts xvas co-hostess. EAGLES NEWS Meeting Date Charlged Eagles Auxiliary No. 2079 wilt meet next Tuesday instead of on Dec. 24. There will be a 6:30 p.m. potluck supper fro' all Eagle mem- bers and their families. Card Party Slated A card party will be held at the airport hail beginning at 8 p.m. this Saturday. Card Party Winners Card party winners for Nov- ember 23 were: Men's high, Les- tar Crossan. 2nd high, Glenn Gee; women's high, Alice Crossan; 2nd high, Ida Downey. Traveling pin- ochle went to Vi Laugen and Paul Dittman. CHERYL BOAR will be instlled as Honored Queen of Bethel No. 37 International Order of JOb's Daughters at a public installa- tion ceremony at 8 p;m. this Saturday in the Masonic Temple. S d¢ = * An open installation of officers ard; guard, sec.. Mrs• Colby; for Bethel No.-87 t:trnational guard, treasurer, Mrs• Robert Tur- Order of obs Dughtes will be her; director of music, Mrs, Mat- held at $ p.m. this Saturday at tie Backhmd. asonm Tern le the M " . . Cieryl Bond will be installedas the HonOred Queen. Other ,officers beirg, installed include: elior princess, Marcia Dorcy; junio Princess, Terri Tur- ner" ie 'aa-n P0wll. mnrhal Cindy :Ioa(l;- 91igpl&in, Sapdjg Koch; treasurer, Sa;ndy Smith; re; corder, Diane Turner; musician., Barbara Woff. Librarian, Alecia Ruddell; inner guard, Ki lchaels; ,ou.ter guard, Wendv AtndersOn;ol. first. , messenger', Wilton B,! uc; seeop.d messenged, Yvonne Va!gaanenl third messen- get, Diare Olsen;/fourth messen- ger, sheryl Cowan; fiftl'mesSen- dian, J Y ll, senior custo- dian, sue Woods. Courtesy officers include: Eeep- er of lights, Lovey Ballaxd; fla.g bearer, Nancy Swanson; page in the nortt, Beeki Holland; page in the south, Donna Reed; sun- shine chairman, Donna Anderson; publici' chairman, Lovey Bal- lard. Members of the choir are: Nita Potter, SuAnn Anderson. Sherri 1 .Lmda R ins Mitchel, ' " . g" , Judy Rains. Diane Bina, Valerte Bina, Kathy Archer Gall Downm , . " g, LeAnne Armstrong, t,Yta Andrews, Linda Johnson, Janet Steinberg, Jeanne on and Gznn Peters F" Y Welton. zg o ricers Install • " " rill be: Hon- ored queen, •Janet Estvold; gmide, Alina Armstrong; , .......... - -,,a/Xlt l, xvlarl- lyn Arnold; chaplain, Sandy Car- ney; flag bearer, Susan Wilbur; Sr. custodian, Robbie Johnson; Jr. an, Valerte L custodi • . _; tham; recor- der Pat ma; reader, Liz Somers The Guarax{ :CO '" • .. . ncil eonists of: Guaman, $. Jack Poweli; asmstant gua.m, . • , rge How- ood frien  both to our safety andto our use" fulness. Matthew Henry Thursday, December !2, Republican 00ha00ge Nee!ing The Mason County pvbliean Club will meet ne nesday for a polilcl¢ I p.m. "it the M,morial l]a Sirs. O:;ca t' Lcvin as assisted hv Mrs. Roy Sr Mrs. ,l. I-J. G/'ay. i.Irs. Shaekleford. president, interested v:()nl('n In Ms.)or business of he be the eleeti(m of officerS. • •rill be no speefal Mrs. I-turoht C. Stirling, chairman, will continue of jeweh'y. Special attemion is the elmnze rn tie hour meeting. • Weighs only 12 IbS. bar and chain • Slicesthrough in 10 seconds, fells to 3 feet in diameter COME IN AND FREE SAE6EB MOTOR SHOP on Hillcrest SHOES CORDUROY LEATHER SHORT FUR LONG FUR SHEEP LINED FOR THE HOLIDAYS MEN'S -- BOY'S -- WOMEN -- CHILDREN s299 TO 'S00O BOOTS WOMEN'S FUR LINED plus tax '! i 125 Railroad Ave. RONNIE'S HOUSE OF BEAUTY RONNIE & EDWARD Specializing In PERMANENT WAVllIG Expert Hair Cutting 1713 Laurel Street Phone 426-21900