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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 12, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 12, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,.Onion Officers officers of Local 161, In- 1 Brotherhood of Pulp, nd Paper \\;Vorkers Un- elected Monday at Ray- 01ympie Re.,;earch division. Cpresident is Corky Dickin- ,%IELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published ill "Chrisbnastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington ............. .......... " ...... ' ...... !Library Deft ion [s D lyed !: ......... , ..................... .; Groun Hears i • Annuai High s ea .- Among Tour! .... . ...... i Loms Bruno i . i School Conrert mShel}!on library patrons The needs and purposes of corn-[ M00,rchants . _ , L,..,o ,o wou,00,00ime. ;nullity colleges .,as discussed by' ....u, .... i1 Jet ueL F ,as nlany books as they nov,, do : Louis Bruno, State Superinten- WARREN REFRIGERATION ed, any emltract between it and the city of Shelton would include whatever provisions the city com- mission and the intercounty lib- rary board could agree upon. It was also pointed out that Local Man Sees Himself On TV Program during the two years dm'ing which dent of Public Instruction, before e presdent Doyle Iloward, about 50 persons at. the meeting Stan Armstrong, financ-, of the \\;Vednesdav Nighlers of .the Bob Eliot, treasm'er Methodis t Church last \\;.Vednesday e Durand, secretary June An- inside guard Nita Nelson, ewmmg. ! These conmmnity eol 1 e g e s guard Earl Schmidtke. rltstees 13ob Rogerson (3- :t.e.rm) and 'Don Noreen (1- term). • office Jan. 13. endo,.'se your .'oeial see- check mtil you are ready it'. DAHCE VALLEY IIALL MUSIC BY THE TUNE TOPPERS i should reflect the economic and technical interests in the area in awhich they are located he said, 1o give tile young people the vo- cational and technical training needed for employP.,ent in the in- dustries of their area. They must also attend to the academic needs of students who will go to the , onmmnity college two years ann ;hon transfer to a four-year insti- tution. INTEREST IN THE comnmnity. colleges has been high, he said, I pointitg out that the last ession of the state leeislatm'e apnroved two new ones from applications it had from tweh, e areas. The need for this type insti- tulion is growing, he commented. The junior high school was the first United States eontribution to the educational pattmn it inher- ited from Europe, he said, ann the community college nmy be the second. USED CARS CORVAIR 4 door stick ................ $1345 PLY. Sta. Wagon ............................ $1095 '4/dr. - V-8 - power steer., trans, clean, 50,000 RAMBLER WAGON ........................ =995 6 cyl. Overdrive PLY. STA. WGN. V-8 - 3 speed .... $595 RAMBLER 6 cyl. Automatic .......... s895 DODGE  Ton pickup- 4 speed ...... s595 PLYMOUTH ........................... : ......... s14 5 MERC. HTP. Sharp .......................... $395 C"EV. To. Pick.p .................... $395 4 Speed Trans. '63 DODGE 880 -- 4 door - 2,000 miles '63 DART CONVERTIBLE White, with red upholstery, 1,500 miles PAULEY HOT ORS & Railroad .426-S183 HOLDING FRIDAY 13th SALE As : means of introduciDg its expanded display quarters to the public, the Let.) Wai'ren Retriger- ation appli:mce firm is holding a Unique Friday the 13th sale to- • porrow (lm'ing which the ,,;tore will be open from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. Special !3',4 disccount and 1a- Dent price offers will be in el- feet during the day, free coffee and cookies will be served visitors to the store, and a door prize v¢ill be awarded at 8:30 p.m. to some- one who has registered during the day. The door prize is a Hamil- ton Beach vacuum cleaner. Lein Warren Refrigeration has also jnSt added television to the assortment of appliances it ear- riea, accepting the local franchise for Sylvauia television. During the day 200 special gifts will be awarded, aecording to Lem and Sharon Warren, proprietors. The Shelion high school nmsic department's annual Christmas concert will be given Dee. 19. The concert will be heht in tire high school oylnzasiti]u arid will start at 8 p.m. The choir, lnlder the direction of Pat l]:I\\;,ens, will sing excerpts from 'Pile Christmas Contata, "It Twos in the Moon of Wintertime", i the fanlous "Tenebl•ae Factae Sunt" by Palestrina, "He Came Here For Me", and the favorite "White Christmas". Havens also has some vocal ensembles pm forming. The band, imder the direction of Gary Nicloy, will perform the "Overture to the Marriage of Fig arc"; and highlights from two broadway shows, "My Fair Lady" and "West Side Story". The band EA.CR.:TT LUMBER NOW Effective Dec. 15, the name Morgan will be dropped from the title of Morgan, Eacrett Lumber Company, making the firm's offi- ci-d title Eacrett Lumber Comp- any. The name change reflects the sole proprietorship of Mr. and Mt,s. :F. A. Eacrett, who purchased the partnership interests of Carl Mor- gan more than a year ago. Baptist Ghmeh Slates tlhddmas Programs "Carols of Christmas" is the title of the program to be pre- sented this year by the First Baptist Sunday School. Each de- partment will be represented in the program in either the singing choirs, the speaking choir or m the special musical numbers. Mrs. Cliff Courts is the director assist- ed by Mrs. George Valley• There will be an added attrac- tion this year on the program. Slides showing different scenes from the Christmas Story will be flashed on the screen to illustrate the Scripture readings and the songs as they are being given. The characters in these scenes will be young people from the First Baptist Church. The Christmas program will be presented Dec. 18 at 7 p.m. Ev- eryone is invited to attend and to bring their family and friends. Treats will be given to the child- ren. IS CANDIDATE Donna Hulbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C. Hubert, Shel- ton ,is one of the senior candidates for homecoming queen and court at Seattle Pacific College. Stud- ents will vote on the queen ann court Jan. 7. Homecoming activi- ties will be Jan. 22-26• l in the local library, in addition tO i having a file (;f recordings and 16 nnn fihu available, it was pointed out by Miss l)orothy Cutler, reg- ional l;bravy consultant with the ELate Library. In answer to a question as to just what additional mervice Shel- ton could expect, Miss Cutler said that the libraries in the five coun- ties proposed for the demonstra- tion have between them now somewhere betweeu 80.000 and the demonstration ran, the city Imagine the jolt Joe Parsons Jr. eould contimw to pay the same received Saturday evening when ammmt it is now fro' library he suddenly came face-to-face service State and federal funds l with himself in his own living which would be used during the] r°°m" demonstration would be used I The former Marine was wateh- largely to provide service to the ling the Pearl Harbor Day tele- rural Lewis county area which vision program "Victory at Sea", now has no library service. J¢ith his family in their Angleside An article in The JourrJH last home, when one, of the scenes Tlmrsday in whicl library board showed Joe and a buddy of his members who apprm'ed Shelton's carrying a wounded Marine off the battlefield during the battle 100,000 volumes, compared to participation stated the reasons about 15.000 volumns in the city ,for their actions brought several library now. I questions from the attdience. It would be planned to pur- I It was pointed out that if the chase between 4,000 aud 5,000 vol- I formation of the intercounty rural umes a year under a five-county library was defeMed by tim vet- regional library set-up, she saict, ors in 1966, each library partici- In addition, she said, there are pating would get back the books some films and recordings in the and equipment it had when it en- libraries now in existence, and, tered the demonstration and in ad- iwill also play another original that it would be the intention to dition would get its proportionate piece written by Egil Smedvig add to them also. share of an5' purchases during the of Seattle called "Border Line". Asked just what the Ame:'ican two years. To round out the band's part of Library Association standards, Shelton would not be the cen- the concert, they will play a which would be the goal of the ter of the new inter-county library march entitled "Salute to Shelton five-county demonstration were it was stated, although it prob- High", and "A Concert Digest" she said [hat it was a minimum ably would be a sub-center for with nan'at{on by Sue Ogden. of 100,000 currently usable vol- service to Mason County. Other Tickets for the concert may be lumes of books, 15,000 recordings sub-eenters would be in such obtained from any senior high and a film service, towns as Raymond, Montesano, music student, or at the door the The books wmdd all be cats- Olympia, Centralia and Chehalis. night of the concert. Prices are: logued according to title, subject During the demonstration, the 7/5 cents for adults and 50 cents and author, she said, and from operation would be headquartered for students, these catalogues, library patrons in the State Library in Olympia in any one of the participating because the staff there would be libraries could request a specific assisting in the project. .,,ya°'--n Named uoo00 to If the rural intereounty lib- them as soon as it was not in use rary were formed at the end of or their name came up on the Silva Atto ey re It was also pointed out 'by Miss l Cutler that the proposed regional library ould be set up so as not Jack Silva, charged with sec-lt o be above the amount of money I end degree assault, appeared in which would be available from / Mason County Superior Court for the area which it was to serve. [ identification Friday. John Ragan, There is about $375,000 a year Shelton attmmey, was appointed now being spent on library ser- to represent .him by Judge Charles vice in the five-county area. Wright after Silva stated he had If Shelton was to contract fro" no funds to hire an attorney, complete library service with the The charge against Sjlva.ems lpropose d inter-county library dist- from an attempt last uetoDer tO lrict ' it was stated, the cost tp force two teenage Shelton girls Shelton taxpayers would be about into his truck with a loaded rifle• The girl ran from him and en- tered a home from which officers were called. They later identified Silva. I-Ie is being held in Mason Coun- ty jail in lieu of $10,000 bail. PREP BASKETBALL SCORES E. Bremerton 55. Shelton 47 lVife 51, Shelton 50 (ot) Sequim 40, S. Kitsap 34 Central 53, Port Townsend 47 Bainbridge 32, N. Kitsap 30 Montesano 55. S. Bend 28 Raymond 63, Washougal 54 St. Martins 77. Ridgefield 56 N. Thurston 70, Bethel 55 Fife 74, White Rivet' 42 Peninsula 55, Laughb0n 54 Sumner 58. Curtis 41 Elmi  60, Hoquiam 37 Knight 57, North Mason 39 Pt. Angeles 55. Bainbridge 44 Mercer Island 63, S. Kitsap 49 the same as it is now• The state sets a limit of two mills for lib- rary service, and, that is just about what the tax transfer for the operation of the city library amounts to now. Using figures from tile library budget for 1964, thg cost in tax money would actually be slightly less to the city than operating the library entirely on its own under a contract such as the city of Olympia has with the South Puget Sound Regional Library. This con- ti'aet calls for the city to levy the same amount as is levied in the rural areas of the two counties, 'plus paying the upkeep on the building. Cost of upkeep and main maintenance of the Shelton library runs about $3.000 a year. It was also brought out that there--was no set standard for a library, service contract, and, if the intereounty library was form- WINGARD (Continued from page 1) , S among nearly 600 adult Scouter devoting their services in the three county Tumwater Council. As they accepted their Silver Bea- ver Awards both were accompan- ied by their Eagle Scout sons (Joe Wingard). Wingard has served in various capacities in Scouting for the past 31 years• He began as an assist- ant Scoutmaster in Shelton and has held many offices in the Ma- son District and in the Ttmwater Council over the years. He is past chairman of the Ms' son District and is a member at large of the district committee. i of Iwo Jima. The program was a condensa- tion and highlights of the extend- ed series "Victory at Sea" which had proved extremely popular with television audiences for sev- eral months earlier this year. Joe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 5. I,. Parsons, also were watching the program at their Untoa home mad were surprised to see their son suddenly become a part of kle drama on the screen. Local 3-38 Plans Christmas Parly For Children Dee, 22 The Children's Christmas party annually, given by IWA Local 3- 38, is scheduled for Dec. 22, this year commencing at 2 p.m. The party .will be held in the IWA Building at Second arid Grove Streets in Shelton. There tl: demonstration, one of the will be a pmgtm of entertain- SCHOOL MENU Menus for Shelton Elementary Schools and helton Senior H. S. Week of Dec. 16 - 20 Monday -- Sloppy Joe on a but- tered bun, macaroni salad, car- rot sticks, peanut butter cookie, fruit and milk. Tuesday -- Cream of tomato soup, grilled ham and cheese sandwich on homemade bread, cabbage and carrot salad, ap- ple crisp and milk. Wednesday -- Chili Con Came, corubread, vegetable wedges, rice pudding and milk. Thursday  Creamed turkey on mashed potatoes, mixed veg- etables, hot rolls, fruit gelatin with whipped cream and milk. Friday -- Tuna and noodle ess- serole, jam or bread and butter sandwich, buttered Dean. cin- namon rolls, plums and milk. Supplement your child's diet first problems to be decided by[ment and Santa Claus will be with Plenamins from the new board of the group would l present to give each child a sack be to sele- . a headquarters forlof candy and fruit. ,-rep;s 11181€111 D,.,,,.II the opera'tion. [ All the children of members of The intercounty library would  Local 3-38 are invited. be directed by a board appointed] = - - by the couuty commissioners Of the five counties involved and .. some appointees could come from cities which were contracting for service from the rural library, it was pointed out. 12,3 RR. Phone 426-4642 .ALL HUMAN BEINGS ARE BORN FREE AND EQUAL IN The retention of a library board DIGNITY AND RIGHTS. THEY ARE ENDOWED WITH by cities contracting for service REASON AND CONSCIENCE AND SHOULD ACT TOWARDS would be encouraged as such a .ONE ANOTHER IN A SPIRIT OF BROTHERHOOD." board would represent the inter- est of the city to the regional lib- rary board. This is Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Personnel changes, other than Rights adopted by the United Nations on Dec. 10, 1948. those occuring throu.h normal circumstances would not be p]ari THE BAHA'I WORLD FAITH HAS SUPPORTED THIS ned during the period of the dem- PREMISE FOR OVER A CENTURY -- WE ARE INVITING onstration. Joining Miss Cutlet" in answer- YOU TO OUR OBSERVANCE OF HUMAN RIGHTS DAY at ing questions was Mrs. Jane Dow- 8 p.m. at 409 Oak Street on Saturday, "December 14. The del Smith, chairnmn of the South speaker will be Mrs. Hazel Mori, Seattle. Puget Sound Regional Library board and a member of the At- torney General's staff. Presiding at the meeting was Come and Bring Your Friends Mrs. Robert Sparks. Mrs. Robert Kramer, president of PTA District 17, explained that the purpose of the PTAs spon- BAHA'iS OF SHELTOH soring the meeting is that they be- lieved a library system as good as possible is vital to proper ed- ucation of children and that it was also indespensible in adult education. :% , , This $39.95 Hanfilt0n Beach DOOR PRIZE } be Awarded Some M 8:30 P.. \\; \\; L E.M WARREN :IEFRIGERATI N REMODEUNG SALE O COME AND SEE OUR EXPANDED DISPLAY QUARTERS OPE.N 9 !o 9 THIS FRIDAY ihe 131h * t i i } 1 13% DISCOUNT EFFECTIVE ALL DAY ON ANY OF OUR MANY SMALL APPLIANt Friday 13th Only THIS SPEED "QUEEN. ELECTRIC DRYER is ON SALE AT A SPECIAL, FACTORY-SPONSORED LOW PR I C E )ES Regular $199.95 Value '14813 MATCItING WASHER $199.13 Regular Value $319.95 • 2-year all parts guarantee, plus 5-year transmission warranty. POPCORN POPPERS 13' WITH PURCHASE OF ANY MAJOR APPLIANCE Something for the whole family to enjoy during the holidays or all year long. ANOTHER LUCKY FRIDAY 13th SPECIAL 14 Cubic Foot GIBSON UPRIGHT FREEZER =199 x3 regular value $269.95 We have recently DOUBLED OUR DISPLAY ROOM FLOOR SPACE We'd like to have you see it during our Friday The 13th Celebration Introducing Our New Line of SYLVAHIA TELEVISION With This Friday the 13th Special 19-Inch ,13913 Portable Stand Enjoy the most advanced picture in Portable 13 today. Only Sylvania offers Power Stream ChassiS with the Power Throttle Circuit (patent pending) that 8ives you sharper, brighter pictures . . . even in fringe areas. Added features include 19" Bonded Shield Tube with 174 sq, tnches viewing area, out front sound, frame.grid Super Distance Tuner and UHF convertibility. Sleek and slim cabinet styling in charcoal or brown. Optional--CURTAIN TIMER CLOCK . . , goes off when you dote off. Automatically turns set On or OFF at a pre.set tt'me. Not just a timer, but a beautiful el.ctric clock as well. MODEL NO. 3812R1 YOU'LL BE AMAZED--Gibson Frost Clear Deluxe Refrigera- tor-Freezer gives you the magic of frostless refrigeration at a price even lower than most Ordinary cycle defrost refriger- ators. Every day will seem li ke a holiday when you can forget defrosting forever with your Frost Clear Deluxe. The Gibson frost Clear Deluxe has 12.43 cu. ft. capacity and the freezer holds 98.4 pounds of frozen food. Less than 5 feet tall and only 29/8 inches wide. MAK£SALL OTHERS OBSOLETE --Gibson's Frost Clear system is the simplest and most de- pendable for frostless refriger- ation. One coil. One fan. One control Fewer parts mean no service problems, higher effi- ciency, lower operating costs. TAKE 3 MINUTES --That's all it takes for the amazing Gibs¢n Frost Clear demonstration. • Come in today, see th magic of Frost Clear for yourself,• during our Special Frost Clear Holiday promotion.