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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 12, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 12, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 6 SHELTON--MASON C&apos;O 30URNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.Z.A." Shel£on, Washington Thursday, December ,I i 600s Come Fast And Furious Dunbar,_ Ferrier Bag_ Lillle 0limbers Lose .......... , .......... , ......................... 5 Former ARCHER DOES IT TWICE soo00; Jewele s Take Ope ing Pai G P! ying Ba r n r u! m a s ICily Loop First H if Sh w l p ! n e M O'S INDUS'fRIA][ I L.L. ]cInelly , 639 on 185-228-  -- 0 m roven - Shelton M Lot's ............... 33 23 i226), Bob Wueneh (621 o 207- MEN'S CITY LEAGUE Canteen ............................ 30!/.; 251/z 228-186) and Jim Archer (614 On (i'hmllsthalf) 'V L 00rSTSSE3 Though twice defeated in their ! ! Five f°rmer Hi 20th Century Thriftway 30 26 204-175-235) hammered out the Beekwith Jewelry .......... 27V,_, 14/ openers, Coach Harold Wilson's i IN MASON COUNTY !keLball aces whose Pantorium Cleaners ...... 28 28 big counts, Bob and Mac as team- 40 & 8 ............................... 23 19 Little Climbers showed much ira- overlapped to some Morgan Transfer ............ 27 29 mates shot L. M. to a 4-0 victory John's Richfield .............. 23 19 provement from one to the other. Muuum,m,laammm,mumm,m,aimummmmmu,mmu,m,aimm,mmmmvmJaw performing for college se3soYL Clary Trucking .............. 26 30 over Cole's Mobil Service tGary Shaub-Ellison .................. 22. 19 In Friday night's 52-31 lashing FIRST BIG ONES SHOW ses. along with pamphlets pertain- Greg Vermillion. Lumbermen's Mere ....... 25 31 Clark 519) while Jim paced 20th Prepp's Rexall Store ...... 21/ 20] MEN'S COMMEI{CIAL at the hands of East Bremerton Still negligible in quantity, early ing Lo regulations for the various Shelton team which Cole'SHighMObilgames__JimService ...... Archer241 31/235 MorganCentury tOTransfera 3-1 succesS(Hap againStsmith FriskenWils°n CompanYoil ..................... ............ 1818/ 2324 W L nothing much went well. but at steelhead 'catches show some en- SeaSOLS next year,., are due at 1o- Seamount league title L. L. Mclnelly 228-226, Bob 528). Simpson Timber. ............. 14 18 Ziegler's Camera: Shop ...... 36 20 Fife Saturday night there were couraging quality, ca] spot'Ling goods houses next ago, is playing his Wingard's Sport Shop ...... 36 20 fewer flaws in a 61-54 setback. Beat reported catch to date is x.veek, on the Seattle Wuench 228. In the oher matches. Shelton High games---Ed Dunbar 242, B & R Oil .......................... 31 25 Shelton never led in either game L. B. White's 13-lb. 4-oz. beauty ': ........ : which opened its High series--L. L. McInelly Motors tChuck Knudson 554 A1 Ferrier 221. Ed White 220 Ritner's Highballers .......... 28 28 but at Fife the Little Climbers taken from the Chehalis last F']- GILL NET SEASON ENDS ule last weekend on a 639, Bob Wuench 621, Jim Arch- nabbed the league lead on a 4-0 High series Ed Dunbar 629, A[ Moose Lodge ...................... 27 29 fought back from long deficits, day, along with another aL an ]3(b Rickey, State Sport; Coun- California. er 614. victOrYan 492)oVerwhileCanteenpantorium(Less CleanCr°ss" ...... Ferrier 626 . Wilson Company .....  ........ 27 29 once to fie late in the first half. even 10-1bs. Keitl]. Crabiil touched ell epresentative on r_he gover- Jerry Bloomfield. a Industrial league keglers clob- ers qKen Fredson 541 earned a Beckwith Jewelry waltzed off Gott Oil .............................. 22 34 which ended at 30-27 for Fife. the Skokomish Monday for a 6-12 Verle's Sporting Goods ..17 39 and again in the final period af- specimen and Ralph Hilli,ffoss the her's Fisheries Advisor:/ Commit- that same squad as tee. said the special gill Pet fish-- year following, is playing bered 600 with reckless abandon 3-1 verdict from Clary Trucking with the first half title in the High games Gerry Hart 245, ter being down by double figures same waters for a 7°0 cteh Wed- ing season on the Cheha[is River end .season on the St. again last week. piling three more John Anderson 489). men's city bowling league Men- Stu Steehler 229, Eldon Todd 231 in both cases, aesday of last week. had been terminated after four Col!ege varsity where his enedbig serms1963.64intOrecords.the already burd- MAJOR OLEAGUE Simpsonday nightTimberafter blanking[ Darrell Dennis-tailend High series. Eldon. • Todd 613. Denny Bailey led both teams aL Out in the salt chuck Dick Gla- ni!zhts, of netting last Friday.. coach, Jerry Vermillion, Pts. ton 515) behind A1 Ferrier's re- Fife with 18 points and got 12 ser checked in a beautifu! 14-12 It had been intended ns a two- coaching. Northwest Evergreen .......... 13{) pid 626 series q192-213-223} on Eldon Todd's 613 series (231- point support from Mike Kelly, blaekmouth salm-m to go along weekexperimenLal season to see if Wayne Carlson. Timber Bowl ................... 125 the Shelton Rec lanes. 200-182) led Wingard's Sport Shop but none of the Little Climbers with a 5-4 he tool< off .HarsLine silver salmon could be taken witl- more reserve at into a share of first place in the got above Floyd Barnes' 7 against Island. His fishing partner a!so cut hurting steeHead runs -luring Puget Sound. U S E D Dan's NiLe Hawks ................ 1101/'. , DespitehisbigeounL, A1 didn't men's Commercial bowling league East. lured a small pair at 4-0 and 2-8. the first two weeks in Decem-Highclimber livery in Olson's B & B Shop .............. 105.z win individual scoring honors for last week when it produced a  ....... * LaBissoniere Agency ............ 98 the night, because Ed Dunbar shutout success over Ziegler's Ca- The lineups: be.-'. Laurie Seiners, noW Jim Pauley Inc ..................... 885, downed 629 pins on a 242-20{)-187 mera Shop (Lee Sbhuffenhauer East52 Shelton3l NEW LICENSES DUE During the four nights of net- ior year at the Coast CA R S Pharr6 f McNeil3 1964 fishing and huntb. 2 lieen-Ling, in which 19 to 24 o)m£.mr-emy at New London, High games---Ed Hurd 233. Bob string. Nevertheless. Ed's team. 573}. cial gill net fishing boats Leer cut. had a ]5.9 Wuench 231. Prepp's Rexall. dropped the odd 1V[ount 6 f Wyatt 2 JUNIOR LEAGUE part. 340 silver salmon were Lak- erage last year and High series--Jim Archer 607, game to Shaub-Ellison Tire (Stan B & R Oil (Fred Snelgrove 581) Love 4 c Barnes 7 ¥ I, en along with 22 steethead, of the mainstay of the Ed Hfir] 605." " Ahiquist 580 winning only the was also a calcimine victor, Rit- Albertson6 g Winn4 ' Joslin Insurance .................. 33 15 which 15 were returned unharmed, year. opening game when Ed White ner's Highballers i Chub NuLL 551) iV[iller 4 g Bailey 6 Bloomfield Logging .......... 31 17 Rickey said the smallnes. of the Corky PetersGn. Economy Champs Jim Archer and Ed Hurd scaled tossed in a 220-effort with Dun- the victims. The other two match- '63 Falcon Ranchero the 600 wall in Major League bar's 242. es wound up in 3-1 tziumphs for Subs: East Nelson 2, Stautz Beckwith Jewelry .............. 3{) 18 catch prompted the early termi- Carlson two years ago, bowling skirmishes Friday night In the other two curtain drop- Wilson Company (Ralph Davison 1, Berentson 7, Steinman 10. Siko- Hembr0ff Agency .............. 30 18 cation of the experiment, fine start with 101 HP engine, 6,000 miles at the Timber Bowl and Bob pers. Wilson Company (Allie Pob- 575) over the Moose (Cliff How- lowsky 2, Eathorne 2. Johnson 2. Eagles Aerie ...................... 20 28 During the fishing the commer- College this year after '62 Tempest Wuench came within five pins of insert 532 and John's Richfield ard and Gerry HrL each 557) Shelton Richards 4. Fredson 2. Merv's Tirecap .................. 20 28 cial boats carried six fisheries de- St. Martins last year. making the climb along with (Neal Demree 537) were 2-1 and Verle's Sporting Goods (Stu Wilson 1. Dawson 1. Kelly 1. el- Starkey's Heating .............. 16 32 partment, six to nine game depart- Put them together 4-dr. sta. wagon them. It was Jim's second ascent winners -espectively over 4{) & 8 Steehler 573) over Gott Oil (Gene son. Landis. Johnson, Preppernau, The Hut .............................. 10 38 ment. and two sportsmen obser- and they'd make Archer. 59 Ford Custom in three nights, following a 614 ,Jess Phillips 536) and Frisken Geist 527). High Games Sonja Ahlquist vers. lineup for some 3004-door rolled in the Industrial league Oil (Jess Phillips 536) and Frisk- Score by Quarters 163. ClauIe Cook 203. Wednesday. en Oil Jess Daniels 540). WOMEN'S CIT LEAGUE ShelLon .......... 10 7 7 7 31 High seriesPeg Bloomflel¢! '60 Rambler American Ed's 605' and BoWs 595 produc- W L East ................ 12 131314--52412, Claude Cook 524. 2dr. station wagon edl5pointsforLaBissoniere Ag- SIMPSON MEN Shelton Hotel .................. 3517 WELL D00]LUH00 '56 Ford Custom ency and sprung the insurance- W L Morgan Transfer ............ 34, 18 Fife61 Shelton54 BANT LEAGUE. men from the circuit cellar, to Mill 2 .................................. 37 15 Lurnbermen's iV[ere ........ 29 23 Collins 12 f McNeil 2 W L 2 dr. 6 cyh which Jim Pauley Inc. (Carl Railroad .............................. 33 3.8 Polka Dot ...................... 28 24 Olson 12 f Kelly 12 Jay-Birds .......................... 25 11 water guaranteed '55 Ford Customline Downing 535) descended with the Mill 1 .................................. 30 22 Sunbeam Bread .............. 27 25 McKay 7 c Ba'nes 5 C°°ks Plant Farm ........ 23 13 • - ' PUHPS 2 dr• 6 cyh night's low of three points. Loaders .............................. 27 25 MeConkey Drug Cent ..... 26 25A Johnson 15 g Winn VFW Auxiliary .............. 22fi 13fi Jim's 607 (200-193-214) paced Loggers .............................. 26 26 Millo's Diner .................. 15 37 Olmstead6 g Bailey l8 Shel[on Journal .............. 22 14 league leading Nothwest Ever- Engineers ............................ 20 32 Hoodsport Lumber .......... 13]' 38,/ Subs: Fife -- Bartz 2. Hankel Wilso Mill ...................... 16 20 green to a 10-point total, a mark Shops .................................. 18 34 High game--Vi McGee 203 7. Gustafson. ShelLon Riehards Lions Club ........................ 12 24 Sates and 24 hour service Other Good Used Cars matched by second place Timber Insulating Board .............. 17 35 High series---Vi McGee 531 3. Fredson 2. Wilson 2, Archer 6, WilIotv Insurance .......... 12 24 Bowl (L. L, Mclnelly 580)Dan's High games--Glen RoberLson Split picks Alice Kopperman Johnson 2, Dawson. Timber, B0wl .................. 11 24"" Ru]sel[ U Dl|! [ri|¢ n 956 Ford NiLe Hawks 5 (Dale ¥osL 532) 235, Bud Knutzen 225. 3-9-10. Fern Latimer 5-7, High games Susie BloomiTed Country Sedan 4 dr, V-8 - and Olson's Barber & Beauty Shop High series Glen Robertson Dode Johnson 5-10, Virginia Score by Quarters 123. David Graffe 173. m .i 9 pass. 4 (Lloyd Clark 547) completed 560. Wallin 5-7, Cleo Hulet 6-7, heton .......... ]0 17 10 17 54 High series Susie Bloomfield Bill Russell Phone 9 l|]rmOlllh the night's competition. Vi Hicks 8-10, Bey Lyman 5-7. Fife .................. 21 9 12 19 61239, David Graffe 286. WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL uur , 2 dr. V-8 Auto. MIXED FOURSOME W L '53 Ford 2 dr. H.T. Twisters .......................... 37 18V Richfield Oil .................... 39 21 V-8 O.O. Odd Balz ......................... 3] Y2 24 Kelly Furniture .............. 37'/. 22 Board Busters .................. 30 26 Gott's OilereLes ............ 37 23 Knock Outs ...................... 27 29 Bill's Shell ¢-ervce ........ 31/.j 28V- Strippers .......................... 26 30 Eetls &_ Valley .................. 24 36 '61 Ford / Ton Pin Busters .................... 25 30,fi Darigold .......................... 21 39 What's Next .................... 20 36 Mind Tree Care .............. 21 39 Style side short box 6 cyl. High games Ira Cook 178, High game---Ju]ie Coleman 2{)4 '55 Ford Crew bus Dean Smith 200. High series--Ollie Nelson 508 30 passenger High series---Jean Hartwel1444, good for a big camper Clyde Landsaw 536, ]{ECI{E00TION" ' BACK--WITH THALES! '45 4 x 4 1 Ton aN6E LEAGUE Ritner's Pink Ladies. ..... 34 14 Steel Flat Beo Shelton Valley ............... 38V2 21/. Olsen Furniture .............. 32 16 z,.mtlock ............................ 33 27 Shelton Recreation ...... 28/fi 19V, z '41 Ford  TOll Pomona ........................... 31 29 Rainier Beer .................. 27/,., 20V Pickup Skokomish ...................... 30 30 Northwest Evergreen .... 21 27 ! hgae ................................ 28 31 Boysen Construction ...... 19/ 28, Here's a present with a future.This year, give your I1| |M PARLEY |NO il[|l°u!lum ...................... . . Lmke' Service ............. :9 S, .... out-of-town friends and relatives a Long Distance , . 'otle ... ..................... 26 34 Lucky Lager Beer ..10  38 = /at2otts .............................. 25, 34'/ High game --Mary Wicken 193. Gift Certificate (see below) so they can call you for i 5th & Railroad Bu Rose|| High games Ina Kimbe] 219. High series--Bobble Barnett :::: .............. ! Ph 426 8231 Bob Wolden |] Frank ,o, 99 9. free.You name the amount (minimum $2), pay us ii ....... High series--Ina Kembel 543, Split picks--Ver Bishop 5-10, .......... • o , . •   Dutch Stanley 552 Alice Hildebrandt 5-7. : .............. ......... direct or have it charged to your telephone bill, and ,,,,,: the same amount will then be credited to their bill. - _---- A handsome Long Distance Gift Certificate (see below again) in your name will be sent to you to put !iii::i!ii!!ii::::iiiiii:iiiii! ..... in with your Christmas card or wrap as a special :::::iiii'ii!;::!ii:i!:iii:!::::ii: :: ===================== :3::' ::f, (  littlegift, lt'seasy--andit'soneofthemostthought-:::iSiiiiii:i:i!ii!ii:!;::::::: ..:.:::: . ' ful gifts you can give. Fill out the coupon and mail it ,,,o0,, .0.,, ""°"' °°"""""' in now to your PNB telephone business office. (Offer available to Bell System customers, only.) Helping Hand From 40 et 8 \\;, High on the list of the nicest people among the many nice people our community possesses surely stand the men of the 40 & 8. t These men, who became 40 & 8ers be- cause they served their country in time of war, are serving their fellowmen again through their community service projects. Main among these is the Christmas bas- ket ! project in which they are now engaged and which annually brings some Christmas joy into 65 to 90 homes which would other- wise find Christmas a drab and cheerless day. The 40 & 8 also has established a schol- o..o..oo.o......o..,,.....o.o.........,, • arship to help girls receive .nurses training who otherwise might not get to do so. Yes, our 40 & 8ers stand high, :  • : PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL : : Please send me a Long Distance Gift Certificate of ; RELY ON -" $ denonqination ($2.00 minimum)--made : : out to: : : NAME PHONE NO, : : ADDRESS : • CITY STATE ZIP CODE : [] Here's my check. • o  Charge to my telephone number• (Here's my .: • address and number:) o SIMPSON TIMBER OOMPAHY -" : • NAME PHONE NO, Shelton - MCCleary - Otympia " o Founded in Shelton Pin 1890 : ADDRESS ]3oug'las Fir ad V'est)ern Ileml0ct{ Lumber, Acoustical, Iztsulating azd : CITY STATE ZIP CODE t-Iardboard products, lPlywood and " [] Phone me, I need mere coupons. oo,',,. :