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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 12, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 12, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 8 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY 50URNAIJ m Publlshecl in "Chrisfmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, December  FRyERs FRESH-WHOLE Washlncjfon Grown Plump and Tender lb. Wakefield Coffee c B&K Luncheon Meat 33 ° White Star Chunk Tuna 4 Cut-up Fryers .. 33 c Manor House Frozen Tender and Juicy lB. Napkins ZEE, Your Choice of assorted colors Pkg. 0,. 10' Cheese SAFEWAY Mild Flavor Serve with Rytak " 49' Pkg. Puddings JELL-WELL, Vanilla, Lemon, Butterscotch, Chocolate 6 .°,. 3Q' Wash;ngfon Fresh Whole Roasters Grown lb. 39' Q U.S.D.A. Beef Rub Steaks Cho,o, , 89" Armours Star Sliced Bacon ,. 59' l- -,,,", ,m LI al Ira, m41 J flail1* dip ARMOUR S Sliced, Bologna, OC E.UEILI|IUli IWl;I Salaml, Liver Sa-sag lb. Skinless Wieners ARMOUR'S STAR .lb. 5c Pkg. 9 Oy CAPTAIN'S 12-0Z. FreshMedium stersc.o,c, ,, 53 c Fresh Ocean Caught Crab , 39' Safeway Link Sausage ,b.69  Bacon Ends Armour ,b. 19 ¢ Leg of Lamb oso00 O,00e AQ' ilrVn; JVly,T;;cGarden lb. V h r Fresh Lamb, Ch0ps Te.:€e?HOJCy LU;S C Oeafy LOiN CHOPS ,,. 8Q' Lamb ff0astc Sliced Shoulder USOA Choice lb. t X Lamb Stew Neat e°der 19 ¢ Tasty ib, Pork Spareribs Small meaty ribs, Delicious Baked or Barbecued lb. Sugar Cand, Cane 10 lb. bag 98 c S i dO'l 29 c aa I "°"° . oz... Biscuit Mix -'. ,,z. 29 WRIGHTS Pkg. C Marshmallow Creme Pint HIP.O.LITE Jar 25c Sno-WhiteSait 2 '''°'" 19 ¢ Pkgs. Roxbury Hard Candy ,4.O,.Pkg. 39 ¢ Ripe Olives Town HOUSE7'/z.oz. 29 ¢ Large Pitted Cam Pearl Rice TOWN .,. 35 ¢ HOUSE Pkg. Chocolates MRs. WRIGHTS 3-lb. $219 S-lb. Box $3.49 Box Azar Pecan Meats ,0.o,. 79 ¢ Pkg, iny HIGHWAY 141/z-oz. 10 ¢ Ham White or Golden Can: TOWN HOUSE 2-lb. 29 ¢ Popcorn Yellow or Whife Pkg. tor mWCgl DINNER HOUR 24-oz. Pkgs. Elbow Macaroni or Long m Spaghetti. TOWN HOUSE  $1"m 2 lb. Pkgs. Pinto Beans or il m,,o I White Beans. m =ag Walnut Meats ,,o.. o, for Holiday Baking Azar Brazil Nut Meats S&W Almond Meats ,.o,. 99 ° Pkg. 4-OZ. 39  Pkg. ,j, oz 49 € Pkg. Lyons Radiant Fruit Mix ,,.o,. ,,,. 69  S&W Glace Cherries ,/,OXJar 59 c S&W Glace Cake Mix ,.o,.,°, 45  Empress Mince Meat "",.. 59  Frosti Sugar Magic 1 -lb. Frosting Pkgs. i Coffee Rolls ,,,.W,,OH,, 35' Apple Caramel Fresh Pkg. Skylark Bread .,,o.,°. o,,o 9_q Pek Protein 5-D=, Bread. Fresh Loaf IIV M A R G A R i N E ;,°:oBposRr °I:: FRUIT DRINKS Kitchen Craft Flour.,, 00lceCream,00 o. ,n=,,,,, o.o,o,,o... 49' _Fa;4iilllll Ilililil_i% Scallops, Halibut, Haddock =:. L_s  IIJUWvlIIIIIJIILIIIA ,--,.,,,,--,, ,,.--.,.,,,., " 49 ig u I" MANOR HOUSE, Frozen, ft . Men[ rles Beef, Chicken,  ;'Jes" C 2-Gtllon Carton $2.69 Turkey or Tuna Shortening ROYAL SATIN, Smooth Instant Milk LUCERNE, Cuts milk bills Red Star Yeast Orange Juice SCOTCH TREAT 4 ,.0z. Sl Fresh Frozen Cans Can 49 € 12,Qt. "/G¢ Size /7 3,,,. 15' Bruce's Liquid Wax ,,, ,o,,,o,,.,,o ,,,,0, 99' Aluminum Cookie Sheets 16"xl I" For Holiday Cookies Mixing Bowl Set ANCHOR HOCKING Deluxe Reading Toys Tremendous Selection at Sat°way Stores Needs no refrigeration ,,c, 39' . ,.f, :o=w.,o Large I;au=t tower ow.on o oo ,,c, 88' Fresh Radishes or Green Onions HolidayNuts °°'° °°° Pecans, Filberts. Almonds. Brazils, Walnuts Sale starts 9 A.M. Thursday, De. cember 12fh Through Saturday, December 14fh. We reserve the .......... right to limit quantifies. No sales to dealers. Delectable Dates owooo ,,, Baking Time SweetYellew0nions .,u,.. Size Arizona Grapefruit w::; Purpose, Delicious Red Apples, Wa, shington's Best Extra Fancy, 40-lb. Box $3.89 3 4 .uno.o° 19 € ,. 49' ,.,. AQ Pkg, -1' ql ,..29 L° 8-ib.Bag 49 ¢ Potatoes No. 1, GEMS Premium Quality Family Pack in Poly Bags .......... I , _1=_[.