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. y, December 12, 1963 SHELTONMASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.:', Shelton, Washington PACE 15
f.. p .1 . ,
""!' American Legion Chrl$|ma$ Program lira ' , I 4
h wae Commun00t Club PJ00eo Lake Hahwatzel Oa ton Pinoch eClub Meets l
-H NEWS00o .
--)t. of Wash. Y
ton Assembly of God church will] it w IML u A s = = us I I mmu All N= un Ar ill= m =s Shelton Valley Cloers
• lJlfl 1 VVIVIJIIJ consist of a Christmas skit en . , ' • " '
• • " ,'- Pou Bre ,er, vce president, pre-
!i tet,W;:sltL,Cjmtanlert Westen, Commander Pi:'tlg hbanthChllnt}llis' . By Fnmce, Catto from California t;t spend. Chris- i ,. ' ,, ,,, " ,,y Mabel Khld seven, minces, She joins a broLher, :n D:a:(elC:?iCno4-tj.A,,!o:t. - ,,,
Mel Dobson, Adjutant .:aoozs Dee. 15 .aL 7 p.m. LILLIWAUP Friday the 13th mas there and wxth them m Ya- V DAYTON -- Four tables of Adrmn The proud parents are led the flao" sol e an K i "
"h . . , • . . - ' . ' . 4 . ,, ,, It d eth Tzb-
il I -Y cJasses will, present, the Cm'ist- LilliwaupC" onmunit., C1 ,'l lb who AT,, T||FIR lIOSIF.r "Wind 'n By Joaun Tu-mr$ ning in the .'Shelton home. of Mr. klamosa. .... WOLD. A bCd,,-. ^ lv--P FL=dulvd ........ fu Dc.
II I Next 00eet,,, ,n;;,eS:,'> m rec,tat,on, panic- ,,'e pl,nning a thrcode,00'i00er ,,f T,de. Mr. and Mrs. 00,es Johnson L'--E :" L,ls and M,'s. J,m Booth. H,gh pr,ze Jam,° H,ekson 00pe,;t Sat,,rda, Safeway ,,.as discussed ,he
Jl ] Tuesday, Dec. 17 m ., nd song Dec. 22 at 10:30 evening and inviting everyone to will entertain their Alderbrook . AZ = Al E .- , ;.s winners were Dorothy Moore and overnight with Laura Fisher of hri s ,=,-€,, -" i,. "ao ,
]l | ..... a.m. enjoy 'it At 6 p.m there'will be xnn emp,6yees with a Christmas oI our nex½noors around.line l,;%Ke Archie Lemke low; "Rachel VaN Bayshore. " ?m?tl.asn ;:n.wl ', '' ,'.
I: --/n-- 1 /n ........ " • • - az'tv Slnda evenin Dec 15 are maKnlg preparauons zor • veil • ' • .................. v ...........
a potluck droner wth the. negh- P . ,. Y -. , g - .... ". s , -" ' " - and .... coo .... le) and John Anderson tza ng Sunday droner guests. . of Mr and Shelton Rollez- Rink."
1[ |M,rnorial Hall---8 ,om.rnorlal Hail---8 _.m. .N..,It.| W=. II. borhood cooks vying wlth each They ale expoetlna about o0 for Chllstma. , , nl,,king, cakes... =. plnochle. , Tavla Klllough and Ar- Mrs. Bruce IV[cQullkm were Mrs. , ..... .+ ..... ,; ........ . ,,^ , ....
1elwaumnl| Ill l,,mnnl ae,a a buffet su @1 KIOS ana all l(lnus at aolloay ;oou A 1000 tlum hand s . , oa.
II: " _ other resulting in a collection of , PP '. cine Lemke " P Delores Nichols and children inclu- _ ".'",_""F ...... ",'. '." . . '
II interesting hot dishes tasty san The Johnsons. who have been ies. was held by Dorothy Moore and ding Dick who is home on leave z a tne name o [ne leaae, vrs.
I f{
only Garland makes it. J
Creamy knit, f
dreamy colors,
and jewel neck
!o (a00d 00ou) /
j Of course it goes "/
R of our Garland
L $13.95\\;
409 Railroad Avenue
ads and tempting desserts, giving
the diners many opportunities for
"weighty" decisions!
Then at 7 p.m. President Leim-
back will preside at a short bus-
iness session, after which pin-
ochle play will begin for the sec-
ond party in the club series. Hos-
tesses for this event who will
smwe refreshments at the close
of the evening are Mrs. Dess
Haines and Mrs. Roland Willson.
A big evening at thc Lilliwaup
Community Hall.
TUESDAY WILl, be a Christ-
mas workshop day for members
of the Hood Canal Garden Club.
Bringing sandwiches for their
lunch at noon, they will"Eriie to
the clubhouse at Potlatch at 10:30
a.m. and work together on two
projects, They will decorate the
clubhouse in a Yuletide festive
mood ready for the Dec. 19. meet-
ing of the Hood Canal -Federated
Woman's Club, and also for the
dinner party for husbands Dec.
28, to be hosted jointly by the
X¥oma/'s Club and the Garden
Patients at Shelton Manor Nur-
sing Home will benefit from the
second workshop project, which
will be the making of Christmas
favors to decorate their trays.
Lilliwaup area members of the
Garden Club were active in thc
Christmas gifL-making demon-
strations at Lhe last meeting Dec.
5, Mrs. Jack Leimback displayed
a great variety of doll garments
in sizes to fit the popular most
yearned for dolls. She also showed
a black and white knitted hat,
with dressy trim. Mrs. George
Moake and Mrs. J. E. Schoenber-
get demonstrated the making of
yarn-covered garment hangers
and'also the making of parchment-
like greeting cards out of simple
materials which encourage indiv-
idual artistry. Mrs. Josephine Pe-
terson's handsome cone wreath
was awarded dm'ing the meeting
to Mrs. A1 Jensen of the Valley
MR. AND MI{,. VSI. James
of Roseburg, Ore., accompanied
by Mr. James' mother, Mrs. Mary
James of Bremerton, were week-
end visitors. They visited Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas James at Eagle
Creek and Mrs. Mary James spent
the night there with her son and
daughter-in-law, while Bill and El-
sie had dinner and were overnight
guests of the John Robinsons in
their cabin on "Little Lilliwaup
John Rohinson and Bill Jmnes
were boyhood friends on Hood
Canal and boLh are graduates of
the lTniversity of Washington,
where John majored in geology
and Bill in forestry Bill is now
a logging engineer. He and his
wife returned Sunday to Rose-
burg, taking Bill's mother with
them for the Christmas holidays.
They stopped in Shelton Sunday
to see Bill's sister, Mrs. Gunnar
Recent g[ests aL the Ayock
Beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Hansen were Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Richter of Puyallup. Holiday
guests included Mrs. Hansen's
brother, Larry Witham, and Mrs.
Witham, also their son Charles
with his wife and three children.
Mrs. Frank Robinson had as
}Sunday dinuer guests her son
John, with his wife, grandson, Jim,
and his friend, Bob Lund. of Ta-
coma. The John Robinsons were
up for the weekend, getting their
creek cabin readied for the holi-
days, as they are expecting friends
a busy husband-and-wife team in
the development of an ambitious
program for the Alderbrook Inn
resort property, plan to "get away
from it all" in a two week vaca-
tion in Hawaii.They will be ac-
companied by their three daugh-
ters. Nancy, Vrginia and Susan
when they leave Tuesday, Dec. 17.
Nancy is a senior at thc U of W:
Virginia is a Shelton high school
student and Susan attends the
local junior high school
Mr. and [rs. Henry Brinkworth.
parents of Mr. Johnson. plan to
remain here for the hoIidays and
will entertain her son. Howard and
his wife. Howard was recently
transferred from California. where
he was witff the Palamar branch
of United Control. and is now at
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Evans spent
last weekend in Vancouver. B. C.
where they attended the wedding
of the daughter of old friends.
From Seattle they were accom-
panied by two other couples in
the trip. The Evans commented
on some unusual features of the
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Amel
Tveit enjoyed dinner at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ward of
Mrs. Chester Rupe, and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Lovgren. all of Seattle
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Hansen and Mrs.
Edith Profitt last Sunday. Visit-
ing later that afternoon was Mrs.
Marie McKay of Shelton.
Miss Katy Hickson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hickson was
weekend guest of Miss Jo Hick-
son of Dayton.
Last Friday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Hank Chappell visited with
Mr. and Mrs. "William Hall of Ka-
milche Point.
VISITING Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Cooper over the weekend was.
Frank Cooper, Jr. and Flight
Commander Gcorge Murphy, both
of Payne Field in Everett.
Last Tuesday evening Dick Tup-
per attended the meeting of the
Shelton Nimrod Club at P.U.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Margcson.
of the Resort. Mr. and Mrs. Art
ceremony and reception, which re- Palmer, Matlock, and Mr. and Mrs.
fleeted English and old-world cus- I A1 Tapper attended the baskett-
toms and which they found de- i ball game .at Mary M. Knight
lightful. School last Tuesday evening m
Christmas Dance Is Scheduled For Saturday
Night; Skating Party Slated For Tonight
By Margie Green
The GAA will hold a Christmas
dance Dee. 14 in the gym. The
dress is suggested to be sheaths
and heels for the girls and sport
clothes for the boys. The dance
'will be from 8 to 11 p.m. with
admission prices of 75 cents for
couples and 50 cents for singles.
Members of the Music Depart-
ment have been selling "Mason"
candies for $1 a box. The assort-
ments include walnut fudge, choc-
olate mints, and jelly treats.
Any class or club wishing to
sponsor one of the dances after
the home basketball games is ad-
vised to get the dale put on the
calendar. Two classes lmve al-
ready signed up.
There will be skating party
tonight from 6:30 to 8:30. The
price is 25 cents for admission and
25 cents for skates.
Detention usually scheduled for
seventh period in room No. 2 has
been discontinued until Jan. 2. It
has been replaced with re|scan-
.duct reporLs. Three of these con-
st|Lutes a free passage home un-
til the parent or guardian has a
satisfactory conference with Mr
Larson. One nfiscondnct slip will
constitute a personal visit with
Mr. Larson or Mr. Hawkins. A
serious firsL may also mean a
parent conference.
The Nomahi News staff has
been selling apples each day at
12:15 p.m.
Many senior girls participated
last Tuesday in the Betty Crock-
er Scholarship Test during third
period. It was an opportunity for
these girls to try for a $,5,000
scholarship. Mrs. Dagnie cOnduct-
ed the test in the Home Economics
DEC. 3 STUDENTS attended
the Football Awards Assembly
at 2 p.m. followed by a pep as-
sembly aL 2:20 p.m. to arouse
rooters for the basketball jambor-
ee that evening.
Class wish to extend their sin-
cere thanks to the following peo-
ple and/or groups for their gen-
erous assistance with the Senior
Play: Herman Nelson. Leonard
Rose, Robert Shelly, Mrs. Gay
Terrell. Donn Nelson and Stage
Band, Jerry Beringer, Bill Haw-
kins, and Mrs. Kathryn Curry.
"The Mouse That Roared" was
produced by special arrangement
with the Dramatic Publishing Co.
Stage crew for the play includ-
ed Jim Cotant, manager; Tom
Main. Dave Blakefield, Ran Bick-
le. Ben Jensen, Mike Hannigan,
with Kathy Curry in charge of
set desig2l. The costumes were
provided by Kathy Curry, Vicki
Amacher. Lora Davis, Elaine
Crosswhite. Barbara Kowalczyk,
Sallie Travis. and Margie Green.
In charge of make-up were Mrs.
Gay Terrell. Clye Fain. Rick Ray-
gor. Gus Van Slyke, Shirley By-
crly, and Bill Workman. Publicity,
tickets, postcrs, and programs
were provided by Dennis Shelly,
Paul Furchert. and Kathy Curry.
Sound effects were controlled
by Bill Broughton and Jerry By-
crly, Special consideration is due
Peter Merrill. famflty director, for
his sincere interest and had work
before, during, and after the pro-
Mr. Merrill was presented with
a new shirt at the conclusion of
the play and Susan "Wilson with
a bouquet of red cammtions.
Several senior picture packages
arrived aL the high school lasL
mceting for the GAA Christmas
dance was held last Wednesday.
Icmbers are Judy Petty, Dee
Griffith, Kathy Shearer, Arlene
Dahl, and Clye Fain.
Because of her amazing and ar-
tistic talent, Kathy Curry will
receive a free Siskan this spring.
Her design was very clever and
original (as reported by the of-
fice). The studcnts will be unable
to see the cover until the annuals
are issued.
There was et student council
meeting fifth period last Wednes-
Shop Penney s every nnghi lull 8.30 p.m.
L! ,,'-':::.":5: --^p. utunuu I ullv,,, ... v,vu
... , I-- --. -.. "<*':f:" " " " , *:"'"P;"" :
,i " Lined -" Solid Colors and " SWEATERS
' Percales, BrEad cloth, $ Gift Boxed Embroidered $ .
= 1 l
;|€1Col,c, and Plaid 1;4 3-6X $10 Denim and flannel3 yds. Dacron,) Polyester/ Bulky Shetland and
0,.., .,o.,o, 00o,,oo w.,,o oo,. 00788
f Sizes 10-18 7-14 Co,ors .
ilk and Dark Chocolates,
Dit & Nut Asst., C ocolate Car-
'el Nut Clusters, -
L e Nut Butter "e'" i Box
]Pilnch, Peanut Brittle, dlb
qlCd Hard Candy
,,,o o,,,tod s988
- Solid Colors
Polycstcr Batiste and
and $399
Pima Mist
Just Right for the 66 ¢
Stocking .'ach
6 Transistor Complete With
Battery. Pocket Size, $11.
An Amazing
Ass°rted Sp°rt 2 $5
Shirts and
Dress Shirts for
Color - Splash
Blouses With
Slinky Nubbed
Assorted Styles $3
All Leather A
Beautiful Gift
plus tax
0000sorted Styles a.d
Fabrics. Solid Colors
and Prints
Ass°rted Sp°rt 3 $5
Shirts and
Dress Sbirts for
Towncraft Watch Special
Swiss Movement ,L2SS
Mens & Womens
One Year
Guarantee plus tax
Outside Quilted Nylon Solid Col-
ors - Some Reversible Sizes'2-18
$5" $788 '9
Assorted Fabrics
and Styles
Novelty Designs With Dramatuc
Colors. Blues, Greens, Browns,
Golds, Orange and More
'4 '8 '11
24 x 45 3 x 5 4 x 6
partner, Dick Worthy. Donna An-
derson and Ed Valley as high dn-
nets for the year provided de-
licious refreshments of ham, bak-
ed beans, potato salad, rolls, cran-
berry sauce, Teen punch and cof-
Thc next meeting of the Travel-
ing pinochle club will be held in
the A. E. Lemke home Jan. 4 with
Mrs. Bel Dunoyier as hostess.
The Community Club Christmas
party will be on Saturday, Dec.
14 at Dayton Hall at 7:30 p.m.
There will be an exchange of gifts
with a 30 cent limit. Adults bring
for adults and children for child-
ren. A program will be presented
and potluck refreshments of |ella
salad and cake will be served.
The Ldies' Club will hold its
nnual party Tuesday evening,
Dec. 17 at 7:30 p.m. There will
be an exchange of gifts and Cheer
Sisters will be revealed with new
names drawn for the coming year.
son were happy to receive word
from her son and daughter-in-law
on Monday of the birth of a girl
on Dec. 2, Lynnette Chantell
weighed in at seven pounds and
which the school played against
Greenhill Boys School of Chehalis,
Alan Tupper and Floyd (Butch)
Margeson Jr., of the Resort, play,
ed on the "B" team.
Mr. and Mrs, A1 Tupper and
Mr. and Mrs. Art Pahner, Mat-
lock. attended the funeral of Don
MacLennan, at White Center in
Seattle. Later they spent the af-
ternoon with Mr. MacLennan's
daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernie Palmer of Seattle.
Saturday Lhe Tappers had as
dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Ernie
Palmer and children, Linda and
Mike, of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs.
Art Pahner, Matlock.
Dinner guests aL the Tappers
last Sunday evening was Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Adsero and children,
formerly of Seattle, now living at
the Lake.
The Sam Diggles of Lake Nah-
watzel were Friday evening guests
in the Alvia Chapman home.
Mrs. Walter Chappell and chin
dren visited Saturday evening in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Cart of Shelton. Attraction for
the evening was baby, Shanno
Kathleen who was born Dec, 5.
She weighed seven pounds and
nine ounces. Sister, Casey and bro-
ther, Butch are real pleased with
baby sister.
Sunday visitors in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts were
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roberts and
Jim of Island Lake and Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Roberts and son.
. Kath¥..LLCkSn-,of.Lake Nah-
watzel was weekend guest of the
James Hicksons.
Sheila Hickson stayed Monday
overnight with Aleca Ruddell and
they attended the Junior High
Bad swim party at the pool.
field and girls attended the bas-
ketball game held at North Thurs-
ton high school on Friday night
between Western Montana and St.
Martins' College to watch son
Jerry play. On Saturday evening,
they motored to Bellingham ac-
companied by Mrs. Les Bishop o
see the game there. They visited
with daughter, Darlene who is a
student at Western Washington.
My. and Mrs. Ted Ferris of
Olympia were callers in the Alvin
Halbert home.
The Joe Browns had as Satur-
day evening guests :Mr. and :Irs.
WGeorge Witcraft and children,
and his mother, Mrs. Witeraft
of Shelton. Barbara and Beverly
Brown returned home with the
Witcrafts and spent the night
with their girls while Steve
WitcrafL stayed overnight with
the Brown boys.
The Ernest Todds of Manches-
ter called on his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. Todd on Saturday,
:Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lund and
Darlene visited on Sunday in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil :Mat-
on, Shelton.
Demonstrations will be given by
3De Browm. Chuck Brown, Frank
Brown, Bob RudeI1, Rockie How-
ard. Randy Howard. Aleca RudelL
Ron Brewer. Patsy Miltenberger
and Gary Miltenberger.
Treats will be furnished by
Keith Tibbets.
W- -- ----
In some of the past "'WHEEL-
ING" columns, we've talked
about the dream cars of the
future. Maybe you've got the
idea Lhat all auto designers do
is dream up fantastic cars of
the future. Most engineers'
work consists of less dramatic
enterprises than designing radi-
cally new cars. Their work in-
volves such things as what to
do with the hump on the floor
of conventional cars. They worR
on more efficient oil filters so
that some day motorists will
never have to bother with oil
changes. Experimentation is he-
ing carried forward that prom-
ises, if all goes well, to do
away with spark plugs and all
the troubles that originate in
the ignition system. Such is the
engineers' day-to-day search to
give ts more comfortable and
carefree motoring . . .
PRICE . . . For all your TIRE
or USED tires available at
MERV'S TIRECAP . . , 1st &
COTA . . . 426-8104.
Copr. 1960 SLd. Features of Wn.
Hair Dryer
25 Outdoor Type
Xmas Lites s29s
$2 - Christmas Assortment
.Gif| Wrap 9'8 ¢
$1 Christmas Assortment
Gif! Wrap 59 .=
1 lb. box $1.60
2 Ib, box 3,15
3 lb. box 4.50 100 -- $5.00 Value
5 lb. box 7.50
Ohristmas Cards
Here's a variety to please all tastes
for'"creamS'family gifts.fruits' nuts, crisp and chewy cenfers... Ideal '119
-1, n Christmas : reg. :3.98
I "
ndoor Lites
of #3 50
" Icicles
I lb. box $2.15 l,,
The finesf miniature chocolates • •.
with unusual Centers... an elegant gift.
Label Maker