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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 12, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 12, 1963
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PAGE 16 U L J IIouse For  Children ' - ;#, =3" *3" Size 8-12 Size 13-2 Red and Light Blue $2 99 Sizes 3-8 i  ' . ¢=f Sizes 13.2 COME IN AND SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF CHILDREN'S, WOMEN'S and MEN'S SLIPPERS _ FOR CHRISTMAS A Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. Shoe Dept. OPERATED & MANAGED BY CHRISTENSEN'S FOR SHOES BREMERTON remember last Christmas? onepair waslt00t Genuine hand turne A Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. Shoe Dept. OPERATED & MANAGED BY CHRISTENSEN'S FOR SHOES BREMERTON SIIEETON--MASON COUNTY J'0URNAL- Published in "Christmastowb U.S.A.", ShelLon, WashingLon i r .. • -. Thursda , December "12, Lda CLIMBERS LOSE OPEtIE00S; TRAVEL FOR Big Larry Powell's absence from the Highclimber lineup cost Shel- ton a non-conference baskethall victory at Fife Saturday night. The home floor Trojans squeez- ed out a 51-50 overtime triumph against a game and gutty Climb- cr squad which sorely missed the stout rebounding and steadying influence of Powell. The mnseular junior athlete, at 6-3 Sheton's tnllest and at 195 potmds the Climbers huskiest, was forced to sit ol]t the game after a slight concussion suffered the night before in the season open- er with East Bremerton. WITHOITT POVELL the Climbers failed to conlrol either backboard, seldom getting more than one shot on offense in con- trast to Fife's ability to get sev- eral shots after missing through- out the game. This was a pulse-pounder from tipoff to overtime gun. At the first quarter Shelton held an 8-7 shade, at the half File's Vince Strojan scored four foul shots in the last 40 seconds to give the Tropjans a 22-18 lead after Bob Jeffery had knotted it, at the third rest point it was 38-37 for Fife. and at the end of regzlation time it was 48-48 thanks to Jeffery's basket with 37 seconds left. In the extra 3-minute period Strojan, who wound up with 23. got a basket in the first minute and Jim Merrjti a foul shot with 41 seconds left to put it just out of reach of non Orr's basket with seven seconds to go coming off a jump bali at center court. SIX POINTS was the biggest lead Fife held at any time. at 24-18 and 26-20 starting the third quarter. Shelton never led by more than two. The score was knotted nine-times in ,the second half and the lead switched hands five times. For the second night in suc- cession, lean Bob Towle led Shel- ton scoring, sharing the honor with Bob Walker at 11 points. Right behind came sophomore Scott Swisher with 10, Orr with nine and Jeffery with seven. The same two clubs meet in a return game Dec. 21 in Shelton gym. The lineups: Fife 51 Shelton 50 Strojax 23 f Towle 11 Houston 3 f Orr 9 Omegna 6 c Aderson 2 Bisig 11 g Swisher 10 Merritt 4 g Walker 11 Subs: Fife Schatz 4, Work- man, Peterson. Shelton Jeff cry 7, Brickert, Olson. Score by Periods Shelton .... 8 I0 19 11 2--50 Fife .....  .... 7 15 16 10 3--51 SIMPSON WOMEN W L Olympic Plywood .......... 35 17 Accounting ...................... 31 21 Research .......................... 30 22 Insulating Board ......... 28 24 Lumber .............................. 24fi 27,0 Purchasing ...................... 22/ 29z/= Loggers ............................ 19 33 Engineering .................... 18 34 High games--Joan Sowers 2"47, Phyllis Ziegler 574. High series--Phyl Ziegler 574. Lumber 3 (Jean Ream 528), EnginVeering 1 (LaVonne Cole 473); Insulating Board 3 (Phyl Ziegler 475), Loggers 1 (Cleo Hu- tel 466; Resea, rcil 3 (Ellen Red- man 432), Plywood 1 (June Lov- lg 495); Accounting 3 (Jane White 506), Purchasing 1 (Helen Ogden 467). Two trips to Bremerton come next on the Highclimber basket- ball schedule. Both will I)e non- conference contests. This Friday it will be to tac- kle the West 'Vihleats, next [ Tuesday the Climbers return the NEXT TWO game East played here last Fri- day it[ the seasen ol)ener, Shelton's next home game is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. °1 when Fife. 51-50 overtime vic- tor over the (2lilnbcrs. returns tim visit the Climbers paid to Fife last Stturday. UP IT GOESThe basketball wasn't suspended by a string, it just looks that way, as Shelton and East Bremerton players await its descent after being shot at the hoop by Highclimber Bob Towle, who is squeezed between teammate Terry Kadoun (22) and an unidentifiable East rival No. 34 is Shelton's Larry Powell and No. 51 is East's Jim Richardson. East won, 55-47, in a sizzling skirmish. STRIGKLAND'S 256 BASES 604 SERIES MERCHANTS LEAGUE W L Prepp's Rexall Store ........ 19 Bill's Shell Service .......... 31 21 Olympic Plywood .............. 29 24 Miller's .................................. 28 24 Old Mill Tavern ................ 26 26 Kimbel & Whitey's .......... 22 30 Ralph's Serve-U ................ 22 30 Stewart's Foodliner .......... 17 35 High games--Ron Strickland 256, Don Brown 223. High series--Ron trickland 604. Ron Stricldand rode a 256 mid- dle game, sandwiched between 183 and 165 efforts, to .a 604 series in the Merchants League last week at the Timber Bowl His big game based a 1016 team game fostered by Old Mill Tav- ern, which wound up as a shutout RET.J[CDED BOWLERS Ask yourself this question:-- Tom, Kunkle's 111 game topped "How much iv re'edited to my performances of retarded children 9', social security account. Do you bowlers last Saturday at Shelton know the answer? If you don't Recreation. lie added a 97 for the you can secure the information day's best series at 208. Other easily. Ask your social security scoring: Carl Bloomfield 63-105 dish'icE office for Fozm OAR- Bobby Neimyer 58-60, Terry Stidd 7004, fill it out, and mail it in. 50-74, Randy Chapman 84-71, Jim- You will receive an earnings state- my Smith 80-57, and Bobby Kim- menL in return, aL no charge, bel 62-75. m -- -- Light-footed comfort in soft, supple leather "CINDY" Comfy* Slippers A Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. Shoe Dept. winner over Stewart's FoodlineI (Don Brown 568-223 . In other action. Prepp's Rexall Store (Corky Dickinson 551 strengthened its top rung hold with a 4-0 success over Olympic Plywood Jim Baxter 468) while second place Bill's -nell Service ,Howard. Fuller 511) settled for a 3-1 victory over Miller's (Flor Minoza 514). Kimbel & Whitey's (Jerry Christy 571) took a 3-1 nod from Ralph's Serve-U (Dick Johnson 478 ). NINE STYLES FROM 0039" EARLY AMERICAN WALNUT • MAHOGANY • CHERRY • TABLE • TREE • POLE • HANGING OPERATED & MANAGED BY CHRIsTENSEN'S FOR SHOES BREMERTON Early success disintegrated in- to late failure as the Highclimb- ers blew an ll-point first quar- ter advantage for a final 55-47 defeat at the hands of East Bre- merton in the opening game of the 1963-64 basketball season Fri- (tay night in Shelton gym. It was a non-conference con- test. Everything was coming up ros- es as the Climbers rushed Loa 16-5 lead with 1:08 left ill the opening stanza, except that in the process Bob Towlo picked up three personal fouls. 1VITH OTHER FOULN commit- ted by teammates, this soon put East in the favorable position of shooting one-and-one on foul shots early. The Knights notched nine free throws in the second quarter as they battled from far down to finally knot the count at 23-23, go ahead at 25-23. and left the floor at the ttalf in a 25-all dead- lock. Along with the foul shot sit- uation, the Climbers contributed greatly t East's comeback by making numerous bad passes and committing nnnecessary fouls. Towle sat out part of the sec- ond period after drawing his fourth personal, then was banish- ed fro' good with his fifth after less than a mtnue of the fourth quarter. Up to that point Towle had contributed 14 points to the Climber offsense and East was leading by only 38-34. He had done a highly effective rebound- ing job at the same time. TIlE CLIMBERS battled val- iantly and closed to within two at 45-43 on Bob Walker's basket with 2:35 to play and again at 47-45 on another Walker goal at 1:59. Then a pair of free throws. and,a bad pass which was turned into a basket gave East a 51-45 margin and that was it. Towle, despite his limited play- ing time and his heavy foul hand- icap, wan high scorer for the Climbers, second only in the game to East's center Dan Johnston, who had 17. East won the game at the foul line. where the Knights outscored Shelton 25-13, many of them on the one-on-one. From the floor Shelton held a 17-15 field goal ad- vantage, but the Climbers com- mitted 27 personal fouls to East's 21. Shelton had a 17-for-36 field goal shooting record against East's 15-for-54. Next meeting for these two ri- vals will be nex Tuesday in Bre- merton, also a non-conference con- test. Friday's lineups: Est 55 Shelton 47 Kennedy 3 f Towle 14 Richardson 10 f Orr 9 Johnston 17 c Powell 9 Tracy 6 g Kadoun 5 Gibson 6 g Swisher 4 Subs: East -- ¥inderl 5, Stra- chart 7, Huguenin 1, Berteaux, Fisher, Mayer, Slate. Shelton Richards 2, Walker 4, Jeff cry, Olson. Anderson Brickert. Score by Quarters helgon .......... 16 9 9 13--47 East ................ 7 18 13 17 54 HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE W L Shelton Marine Supply 33},5 261.../, Ronnie's ............................ 33 27 Hood Canal Marina ........ 33 27 Bali's Food Center ........ 32 275 Mell Chevrolet .............. 28 31x Jim Pauley Inc ............... 27 33 Shelton Union Service ..27 33 B & W Mai'ina ................ Z52 34 High game-Ginny Dundas 188 High series---Vera Bishop 480 Split picks---Ginger Olsoe 4-7- 10. Gladys Nelson 6-7-10, Edith Walter 5-6-10, Edith Levitt 4-7- 9. Vera Bishop 5-7. I Mell Chev. 4 (Hazel Hansmeier 407). J'im Pauley Int. 0 (Verna Johanson 439, ; Shelton Marine 3 (Myrt "Weeks 453). Hood Canal Marina 1 {Lil Updyke 475): Bali's Food 3 (Vera Bishop 480) Ron- nie's 1 (Ginny Dundas 479,; B & "W Marina 2 (Edith Walter 464), Shelton Union Service 2 (Stella Howard 460). Use Journal Want Ads NEW ' o FRI.__SAT al sot ; :! WALT DISNEY f, ::f O. LAUGHI THE BELLY [o /]¢rist ,% " to .... le OHARUE CH A PL'II i'i NEW LOW PRICE This genuine SKILSAW Power Saw saves hours on workshop or home repair jobs. Cuts wood, plaster board, wall paneling, composition material. No other saw gives you all these features at this low price! • Cuts 2" lumber at 90 °, 1" stock at 45 ° bevel. • Powerful motor delivers full torque to blade. • Lightweight - only 6l Ibs.- makes sawing a "breeze." • Accurate, easy-to-use depth and bevel controls, SHELTON HARI00WARE : 103 Railroad Avenue Phone 426 "81 ALL STYLES ALL TYPES COVERS nW STYL00S FROM *169%T FROM '89 °° SIX STYLES '1 9 FROM 1 COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES And a New Shipment of Beautiful Pictures A Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. THREE STYL] FROM '365°00 0°. (Or by the piece) FROM $3[