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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 12, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 12, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 12, 1963 And Gift SIIELTON EIAgON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in ’' U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington Demonstrations Give, PLANNING SUMMER WEDDING Cardiac Patient Is Held By And Forty the occasion of the dinner and gift for the Mason County 508 Eight and Forty the Memorial building. were Partners Merle Hoff and Mattie Nineteen partners were enjoy tile delicious din- "decorations were the tables and in the was cnvened ac- ritual by Chapeau Vir- at 8 p.m. Regular re- given h- chairmen. ere made for the 'enter- Le Chapeau Departmen- Perry when she makes visit in Jammry. Da- Le Secretaire-Caissiere rill also be a guest. Part- Meleum was appointed of arrangements for the adjourned for a social included exchanging The next meeting will 13 and will be p.m. dinner at the Phacls Nell Evander  all heard the old saw No Business Like Well, how about No Business Like Keep- ing You Heal- thy"? How ma- ny people realize that well over $400.000,000 was given over to re- search for the welfare and heatth of our country ? A n d. how many know that almost of that amount was for medical research? ally is no other business the one which is ded- keeping you healthy. to be a part of it, being able to to you. Always! Daily 9:30 to 7:30 J EVENTSl Shelton Bridge ,Club .Names Winners For Past Two Weeks At the regular meeting- of the Shelton Bridge Club held Monday evening m the PUD building the North-South winners were Rose and Bob Quimby, Virginia and Roy McConkey, Jay Butts and Percy Bean. East-West winners were Bruce Kreger and Don Ben- nett. Lou and Jim Hartley, Ed Tveden and Gary Foote. In last week's action North- South winners were Else Sehlos- ser and Katherine Van Arsdale. Gary Foote and Ed Tveden. Bob Quimby and Bill Lueke. East-West winners were Anne and Bill Bat- choler. Virginia MeConkey and Ann Correa. Norton and Ed Beck- or. Anybody who plays bridge is in- vited to bring a partner and join the group at 7:30 p.m. next Mon- day. The two Mondays following there will be no meetings because of the holidays, but play will re- sume Monday, Jan. 6. Rachel Knoll Guild Plans Holiday Party Mrs. Gecrge Cropper's home will be the meeting place for the 12:30 p.m. Christmas party of the Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild Dec. 20. Mrs. Grover Brewster will be co-hostess. /qiember.s are asked to bring un- wrapped gifts for patients at the Children's Orthopedic hospital and canned fruits, ,Jegetables or con- diments for the Shelton General hospital. There will be a gift ex- change by the members: SHELTON MUSIC CLUB CIIRISTMAS PARTY The Shelton Music Club will lit Hood ,Canal Garden Club Meeting The Hood Canal Gard’n Club met last Thursday at the Woman's ch|bho;|se at Potlatch. Mrs. Mat- tie Baekhmd was ch',-ti].man of the hmch committee assisted by Mrs. D. Cheatham and M s. Dwight Pierce. Following, the hmcheon Mrs. Geo. Moake and Mrs. J. E. Sehoen- berger demonstrated making fan- cy coat hangers and p&rchnlent cards. A very short business meet- ink was helot h) allow time for lhe demonstrations. The club will meet next Tues- day at 11 a.m. io make favors for the Nursing home and deco- rate the clubhouse. Men]bel's are to bring a sack lunch. Members am also asked to bring tree dee- orations that day, or leave their package at Mrs. Pierce's. The next Garden Club meeting will be held ar the clubhome Feb. 6. ...................... Santa To Visit Yacht Club Party A gaily decorated table and a lighted Christmas tree will set the scene for the Shelton Yacht Club turkey dinner and Christ- mas party to be held at 4 p.m. Sunday in th PIID auditorium. Santa will be there with treats for the children and there will be a gift exchange for the adults. An award will be presented to the family who has cruised the most hours this past gear. Mrs. Ray Hash is chairman for the dinner and Dick Saeger is in charge of the program. It's A .,Date Today, Thursday, Dee. 12 Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Golden Age Club noon potluck, Memorial Hall. Union Ladies' Civic Club Christ- mas party, noon, home of Mrs. Mary Jarchow. meet at 8 p.m. next Tuesday at Shelton-Mason County Chamber the home of Mrs. W. F. Roberts of Commerce monthly meeting, for a Christmas party and gift dinner 7 p.m., "Report to the exchange. A music program is Community" program 8 p.m., planned. Shelton Hotel. rdays -- 9:30 - 6:00 LDS CHURCH BAZAAR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY lqlarmacy The Relief Society of the Church of Latter Day Saints will spon- 426-3327 sor a bazaar this Friday and Sat- YOUR DOCTOR NOW urday from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. FLU VACCINE FOR at the .Sears Catalog office. P R OT ECTI 0 N. From---I-ark--of- moral s--trenztb empires fall. Mary Baker Eddy )ert Lall l [ JIM PAULEY, INC. ] Railroad Ph. 426-8231 I D ,ointments duesday & Thurs. a.m. to 5:30 p.m. PHON E 426-2072 E'S BARBER SHOP r Cuts - $1.50 )oo & Set. - $2.00 $7.50 up Appointments TMASTOWN SALON 4th downtown 426-8643 . Safety check • Clean-up • Minor & major repairs. STARKEY'S HEATING Sales & Service 514 Ellinor 426-4673 Insurance ,, • Disability, Hospitalization • Life • Retirement Funds Mutual & United of Omaha Duane Rodgers -, 426-6142 Landscaping, • Lawns, rockeries, trees shrubs • Top soil. tilling, leveling • Free estimates SUNSET LANDSCAPING Herbert Baze 426-4718 Masonry .. • Brick, Block, Stone • Quality Workmanship • Free Estimates • Contract or Hourly Basis BILL CARLSON Rt. 3, Box 331 426-4480 Sand, Gravel I .Topson [ I • Peat Soil | . Custom Tractor Work I | | Johns Creek Sand g Gravel I I,,426-3552 Norm Anderso n I Sewing Machine .... I . Sales, Service Rentals | • New and Used | • Free Pickup & Delivery I Singer Sewing Center | 117 5th Ave. East - Olympia | Open 'til 9 p.m. Fri. I Ph. 357-7586 Tire Service_ • New OK Tires • Recapping • Used OK TIRE STORES Mr. View Ph, 426-4832 i Building Making Home Builders 719 N. 4th 426-4545 Travel • Air - Rail - Steamship • Bus - Hotels - Tours • No Extra Charge For Our Service Anqle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave 426-8272 426-4134 TV Service I • Radio - TV I • Phonographs | . CB 2-way radio I LEROY'S TV SERVICE | Mt v,ow Ph 426;3,2|..., S made estimates guaranteed C. PENNEY CO. Ave. Ph. 426-8283 Rubinstein cos- Cosmetics EIL'S PHARMACY Bldg. Ph. 426-3327 wiring & rewiring Heating Shooting & Bonded ARSSON ELEC. Box 37, 426-6520 Pumps eetric Heating estinghouse Appliances ELECTRIC CO. Ph. 426-6283 gs FLOOR 'COVERING Ph. 426-2292 High school wrestling, Shelton vs. Federal Way, B squads 6:30 and varsities 7:30, Shelton gym. Fri(hty, Dee. 13 Ruby Rebekah Lodge 8 p m, IOOt Hall. ' " ' SEY Club potluck, 6 p.m., church basement. Relief Society of LDS church bazaar, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p,m., Sears Catalog office. Union children's Christmas par- ty, 8 p.ln., Union community hall. High school basketball, gbelton at West Bremerton, B squads 6:30. varsities 8:15. West Brem- erton gym. Santa Claus, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., Angle building. Sturdhy, Dee. 14 FOE card party, 8 p.m., airport hall. Salty Sashayers Square Dance Club, 8:30 p.m.. Memorial Hall. Relief Society of LDS church bazaar, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Sears catalog office. Drivers license examiner, 10 a, m. to 5 p.m., police station, Santa Claus, 2 to 4 p.m., Angle building. Sunday, Dec. 15 Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Shelton Yacht Club Christmas dinner and party, 4 p.m., PUD auditorium. Monday, Dec. 16 Shelton Garden Club. 1:30 p.m., home of Mrs. W.F. Roberts. County commission's meeting, 10 a.m., courthouse. Shelton Generlal Hospital Auxil- iary coffee hour, 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon, home of Mrs. R. W. Oltman. Tuesday, Dec. 17 Hood Canal Garden Club, 11 a.m.. Potlatch clubhouse. Degree of Honor Protective As- sociation Christmas party, 6:30 p.m. potluck, home of N[rs. Es- ther Morgan. Housewives League Christmas party, 12:30 p.m., Timler Bow1. Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Memorial Hall. High school basketball, Shelton at East Bremerton, B squads U:30, varsities 8:15 p;m., East Brem- orlon gm. City commission's meeting, 2 p.m., city hall. Fred B. Wivell Post 31, Ameri- can Legion. 8 p.m., Memorial hall. Shelton Music Club Christmas party, 8 p.m., home of Mrs. W. F. Roberts. High school wrestling, Shelton vs. Auburn, 7 p.m. [varsities on- ly), Shelton gym. Junior high basketball Shel- ton vs. Contralto, 2 p.m., Shelton gym. Wednesday, Dec. 18 Hillcrest Homemakers Club pot- luck, 12 noon, home of Mrs. Clar- ence Saeger. Mason COunty Women's Repub- lican Club, 1 p.m., Memorial Hall. Driver's license exmniner, 10 a. m. to 5 p.m., police station. BPW Christmas party and gift exchange, 8 p.ra., home of Mrs Ella Chase. Thursday, Dec. 19 Hood Canal Woman's Club, 11 a.m., Potlatch clubhouse. Welcome Chapter Past Matrons OES, 12:30 p.m. luncheon, home of Mrs. L. D. Hack. Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p.m., Memorial Hall. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, at Ming Tree Cafe. Annual Christmas concert by Shelton high school band, 8 p.m., Shelton gym. DEGREE OF HONOR CHRISTMAS PARTY The Degree of Honor Protective Association will have its annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Esther Morgan, Hillcrest next Tuesday evening beginning with a 6:30 p.m. potluck supper followed-by a $1 gift exchange. Subject For Nursing Conference In Tacoma The Washington State Heart Association sponsored a Nursing Conference for Registered Nurses last Wednesday and Thursday at Jackson Hall. Tacoma General Hospital School of Nursing. Sub- ject of the meeting was "An Ex- ploration of the Triangle Rela- tionship of the Facts. Fears and Feelings of the Cardiac Patient. His Doctor and His Nurse". Washington State Nurses As- sociation. District 22 was repre- sented Thursday by President. Betty C. Townsend, vice president, Thelma Adams and Treasurer. Ev- elyn Fagergren. An interesting speech was giv- en by Anne Rohweder on the "Basic Mental Health Concepts which can be Applied to the Car- diac Patient". Another interesting highlight of the conference was a film on Myocardial Infraction followed by an open discussion di- rected by Dr. Theodore J. H. Smith. A no-host luncheon at the New Yorker was followed by a panel discussion by doctor-nurse-patient. Fastest home loan service anywhere. Sometimes as fad as 24 hours. Find oul for yourself! Fifth & Franklin Olympia In Shelton: Kurt Mann, Loan Counselor 121 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-6592 MR. AND MRS. JOHN A. HICKAM announce the engagement of their daughter, Terri Jean, to Mr. Danny Ray Hankins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Hankins. All are of Shelton. Miss Hickam is a senior at Shelton High school and is employed at the Blue Ox Theatre, Her fiance, a Shelton High school graduate, is an employee at the Simpson Insulating Board Plant. A July wedding is pl;nned by the Couple. Parties Slated By Local Square Dancers Ben Forbes of P.ort Orchard will to attend. Spectators are also wel- be the caller for the Salty Sash-l come. ] ayer Square Dance Club this Sat- I At 8 p.m next Tuesday the Shelton beginners' class, under the urday night. Dancing will begin at 8:30 p.m at the Memorial Hall followed by a potluck supper. Hosts for the evening are Mr. and Mrs. A1 Edson and Mr. and Mrs. Cal Poe. All square dancers are invited direction of Bernie and Hilda Berndson. will host a square dance party at Bordeaux school. Class members of callers in the Olym- pia area will be their guests. A cold potluck supper will follow the dance. You'll agree... Holiday Hospitality begins with Egg.Bog Fragrant with spices and the traditional flavor of fine rum, (non-alcoholic, of course!), the first sip will convince you, Darigold Makes It Better. .t your door or favorite store I r,'" VEAL CUBES 6/69' Haley's 2 oz, Frozen f0RNED BEEF i 7 CORfl FLAKES 12-0Z. FRUIT LOOPS ,-o,. ":°'ot:C2:::' ,/07 LARGE BOLOGNA ,, 39' i.,noT s ..... :i;2 .............. : ............... 9'1 ""h°""°S o 29 I : ....... ........ SEASONI:Ni A( N , i' Bean Pot - 1-Lb. Pkg. AMERIOAN HTAGE MARGARINE 6:1 TASTEW $ Now ON SALE 99* EACH o% 1.LB C R IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS ALL 16VOLUMES ,15 3, NOW AVA,LABLE U &l SUGAR 98 € MAYONNAISE 39 c OPEN SUNDAYS Shur-Fresh R COTTAGE CHEESE 16-o,. up ........................ 19' . "ttGEL SU, PI:NEAPFLE F "'n ... ,,, "E" ":z'"'a:a"' -- Aso*d Btt* Coke ......... .................. I... "/--" " '/' ' ,-o, CilEAM PIES RED TOldATOES 2,%tF$i'ns ............................ 4/$1 3i$! g TOMATO CATSUP "oU.o[ s :,ts ................ 4/$1 Franco-American GANHED SPAGHETTI 15 3.-o.. T,ns ........ 8/ 1 , ,  ' Verifine ENRICHED FLOUR ,O-Lb. ag ......... : .................. 79 STR, BABY FOODS ;2: o2':; • 10' , ,