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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 12, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 12, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE lg SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, u.g.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, December 12, / . ,,,, For Sale ,, , m. OLD GROWTH WOOD for sale. $16.00 Der cord. Phone 426-3747. S 12/5 tfn FOR SALE -- 50 lb. cans Lincoln No. 5 Welding Rods $6.00. John Knecland Shop. Mr. View, 426-4889. K 12/5 tfn BRAND NEW MODEL 100 Polaroid camera, sensational camera at a sen- sational $149.50. Ziegler's Camera Stlop. Z 9/5 tfn FIVE MOUNTED TIRES. slze 6.70x15. Call after 6 p m. 426-6440. A 10/17 tfn BLUEBERRY PLANTS for sale. Plant now. Eberhardt Blueberry Nursery. Steamboat Island Road left off free- way between Shelton and Olympia 352-8031. 11/7 tfn SACRIFICE -- 4-year old organ. Try it. make an offer. All offers con- sidered. Call 426-4408. L 10/24 tfn Many thousands of items to choose from. Large descounts. We pay freight. Shelton Marine Supply, Hill- crest M 8/8 tfn ]HAVE FM RADIO in your home, con- sole stereo units or component parts. Easy terms. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cots St, 7/4 tfn LOWREY ORGANS -- ew and us-'. Terms, Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cots st. 7/4 tfn G-ROCERIES in institutional sizes and by the dozen, or case lots. BJ Mart, Mt. View. 6/21 tfn LOCKER AND CANNING supplies, Locker Beef. Economy size grocery items. BJ Mart, Kneeland building, Mt. View. 6/20 tfn stamps for sale at the Journal, $3..23 each. 227 West Cota 12/1 tfn Ctt---ARCO--AL, fertilizer, dog food in the money-saving 50 pound sacks. Save at BJMart. Mt. View. 6/20 tfn -L-'-ERO SALES. service ad supplies. John Rice. Phons 426.6108. Free demonstrations. R 1// tfn IC-CE--, PICNIC SUPPLIES. large size canned goods, save money at BJ Mart, Kneeland Building. Mt. View. 6/20 tfn :0U CAN P more water and longer with Fatrbanks Morse pumps. See them at Shelton Electric Co., 419 Railroad. 3/16 tfn FOR SALE  Used steel, plates, pipe pulleys and shafts. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill. phone 426-8626. 9/8 tfn will save you money at B5 Mart, Mr. View. 6/20 tfn FOR SALE -- Large selection of re- refrigerator=, cnditioned ranges. & Vailing  washers, dryers. Eella pliance Center. EE OUR FiNE stock of fireplace equipment. From fireglow to Frank- lin stoves, grates to glass doors. Carlsons Tile and Fireplace. Mt. View. 11/15 tfn VAN-DYKE mobile homes l Quality at a practical price! DeTray's Mo- bile Homes. 1617 Fones Road, Olym- pia, Wash. Phone 352-2907. 2/21 tfn BtGGS and STRATTON replacement engines, short blocks, parts in stock Cooke's Feed and Hardware, 219 S. First. Phone 426-2412. 3/28 tfn FOR SALE Pole Wood 1.6 in. and over $16 per cord. :Phone 426-4867 S 1131 tfn tEMINGTON Chain Saws outeut, out- last 'era all. Cooke's, 219 So. First " For Sale FOR SALE -- H C. Little floor fur- nace. 1912 Summit Drive. N 12/5-12 ARC WELDER CABLE, 65 ft. and accessomes. 1Vz h.p. engine. Buffet. Small gs heater. Two tool boxes. Smoke Imuse. 12v motor generators. Inquire 204 East Pine. Jerome Ker- hart, 10/31 tfn WOOD RANGE --. One oil range, one wood heater. Electric dishwasher, clothes dryer. Phone 42-8459. S 11721 12/12 " SOIL, gravel, fill Cgrt. F. E. Ogden, 426-6156. 2/12 tfn FILM SPECIAL -- Save on Agfa, the best black and white film money can buy. In 120, 620 and 127. 39c roll, 2 for 69c. at Ziegler's Camera Shop. 10/3 tfn B-IJ-Y BIG sizes in quantity to cut food costs, Complele line at BJ Mart. Mt. View. 6/20 tfn STORY AND CLARK PIANOS. Easy terms. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cots St. 7/4 tfn FULLER BRUSHES -- W. T. Furlong. Phone 426-6267 evenings. 9/19 tfn eLLS AMBASSADOR trumpet, good condition, $100. Phone 426-3604. S 12/5-12 HAY FOR S  $25 per ton. Phone 426-8781. C 12/5 tfn" NOW OPEN -- Shelton's largest downtown Christmas tree lot. Live trees. Cut trees, transplants. Park St, Nursery, 432 Park St. P 12/12-19 FOR SALE -- 721 te Power saw. Two 33qnch bars included, good chain. Phone 426-3605. S 12/12-26 LIKE NEW -Formals 12-13-14. shoes 7%A, other clothes. Phone Union 898-2411. S 12/12 tfn SINGER ELECTRIC sewing maehi-ne7 Portable. slant needle, work table, buttonholer, zig-sag, like new. 426- 3435 after 3 p.m. Mc 12/12 Sporting Goods "' BOAT AND TRAILER, $125 for sale at Bardin's. 526 Franklin. 12/5 tfn GO KART with M. C. engine, $75: Best offer or trade for chain saw. Call 426-6893 or 426-3269. K 12/5-12 SHOOT MORE FOR LESS -- Ask about our prices on pistol ammuni- tion. Prepp's Reloading Service, Ph. 426-4114 evenings. 11/21 12/12 EVINRUDE and Homente outboarOs. Sabre Craft boats. Sales and service. Hood Canal Marina, Union, Wash. Phone 898-2252 3/21 tfn BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- po_rt_TR 7-244: ............ 1/19tf_ GIFTS FOR HUNTERS Our gift certificates make a perfect Christmas gift. We have a large selection of arms, ammunition and accessories available. PrepP's Reloading Service. phone 426-4114 evenings. 11/21 12/12 For Rent FOR RENT --- Unfurnished two bed- For Rent MODERN CABIN with kitchenettes. weekly rates, everything furnfshed. Sunrise Motel. Hoodsport. Wash. Phone Hoodspor 877-5301. 12/12 tfn F-0-R--i:]-NT- l w o - b e d r o o m home on Hillcrest. Fenced yard. large patio, separate large garage. Call 426-8546. F 12/12-26 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment for rent. Heat. water and garbage furnished. Inquire 1119 Franklin St. Apt. 5. phone 426-6496. B 12/12 tfn on Hillcrest. Phone 426-6988. A 12/12-19 FOR RENT -- Two room cabin, fur- PARTLY FqJRNISHED two bedroom apartment. Call 426-2092. F 12/5 tfn FOR RENT Unfurnished two bed- room home on Hillcrest. 426-2092. F 12/5 tfn GATEWAY APARTMENTS -- Furn- ished bachelor apartment downtown. All utilities furnished. (Adults) $45. Inquire 119 E, Cedar or phone 426- 4895 or 426-4481. G 12/5 tfn T--IREE ROOM unfurnished, except for electric stove and refrigerator. Close to downtown. 722 Pine. P 12/5 tfn CLEAN one bedroom furnished house for rent• Phone 426-4644, S 8/15 tfn Wanted BABY SITTER to baby sit in my home. Call after 5 p,m. 426-3288. C 12/12-26 WANTED -- Good Brush land. Will pay up to $2.00 per acre per year, lease to run five year's or seven cents per bunch. Cash in advance. Phone 426-6092. B 12/12-26 SALESLADY WANTED at the Shel- ton Dairy Queen. Age 21-45, Ex- perience preferred but not neces- sary. Must he willing to work eve- nlngs and weekends. Inquire at Dairy Queen. 12/5-12 2t WILL DO IRONING in my home, $1.00 per hour. Phone 426-3262. P 1]/7 tfn IRONING DONE -- 90c an hour. one davy service if desired. Call 426-4593. L9/19 tfn TREES TOPPED, trimmed, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 4823. 2/13 tfn HANDY MAN -- Odd Jobs! If you think it can't be fixed call Henry Landis. 426-3098. 2/12 tfn .W--T-- 1000 recappable tires. OK Rubber Welders. Mt. Vlew. 1/10 tfn business, Free estimates. Reasou- able. Call 426-3195. B 12/5 tfn Used Cars 1950 STUDIE Landcruiser pickup, brush picker's delight. $75. Phone 426-8475. S 12/12-19 FOR SALE -- 1959 Olds 98 Holiday sedan. One-owner car in excellent condition. Call Mel Harper. 426-4223, room house }.:i- mile from city. Available December 10. Call 426-6331. D 12/5 tin wagon, standard shift. Reasoimble. FOR RENT -- Large two bedroom Phone 426-3218. B 12/5 tfn house $50. Unfurnished. Call 426- 1957 CHEV. PICKUP -- Looks and 6592 or 426-4297. Me 12/5-19 runs almost llRe new. Aluminum =)I---JNT----C-ac. -t-W=- 6ed 7 canopy, four new tires. $995. Phone 426-4563. Z I2/5 tfn room Hillcrest home. Range, ref- 1-90-O1D FA--L-COq--cle-iuxe--2-d-o-o-r rigerator, electric heat. Large util- ity porch 'ith attached garage. Call 426-4870 after 4 p.m. E 12/5 tfn IIOVSOI PLANTS -- Coleus, waxed Begonia,% Christma.u cactus, other varieties. Inquire 227 South 8th St. FOR RENT Three room house at ............................................ K ll(28..tf_n 315 5th. Inquire Apartment 3. Moore LARGE CORONADO refrigerator, very good condition. $60. Phone 426-2174. L 11/28 tfn I'()l%-S,i[i] Alto saxophone, like new. Original price $350. will sacri- fice for $250. Phone 426-3655. C 11/I4 tfn USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES Recliner worn but good, a real value ........................... $20.00. Twin size hollywood bed, mattress, box spring, headboard ........ $25.00 Naugahide Lounge Chair & Ottoman .................................. $35.00 2 pc. curved sectional, brown ...................................... $29.50 2 pc. sectional, red ............... $25.00 4 pc, Bedroom Suite, walnut $69.50 Cast Iron wood-coal heater $39.50 5 pc. Dinette White & bronze ..................................... $49.50 2 pc. Daveno & Chair beige like new .................................. $99.50 King Size Reclining Chair Was $159.50 .................... $79.50 Oakland wood heater ........ $95.00 Large Walnut 7 drawer desk .......................................... $35.00 Mahogany Drop-leaf table $30.00 5 pc. Wood dinette ................ $20.00 New Swivel Platform Rockers .................................. $59.50 Colonial Style extra-long hidebed Sofa, Brown Cover was $349.50 ................................................ $195.00 2-refrigerators, good. Each $49.50 Magnavox Hi Fi Record Player Console, solid mahogany .... $79.50 New Home Sewing Machince Console Walnut Absolutely perfect ................ $99.50 OLSEN FURNITURE 328 Cota St. Ph. 426-4702 _ , j Apts• 208 North First. B 11/28 tfn DELUXE HOOD CANAL beach .apart- ment. con]pletely furnished, two bed- rooms, utility, all electric. Only $60 per month, winter rates or $70 month year around. Near Twanoh State Park Holiday Beach Apartments. Phone Tacoma SK 2-0806. L 11/21 12/19 ON--E--B-EFi:) tfOUSE unfurnished: walking distance of mills. 426-4606. W 10/24 tfn TWO 2-BEDROOM duplexes, com- pletely furnished, $55. Lights, water and garbage paid. 426-8698. M 12/12 LAWTON APTS,. furnished and un- fm'nished one bedrooms apts. Ample storage. All utilities included except lights. Reasonable. 7th and Pine Sts., Phone 426-2121. 5/16 tfn F-(JR--R-T -- Three-room furnished apartmei. Inquire 218 North 6th. 426-3018. B 10/10 tfn BF-,EPIN('O-6MS, with kitchen pri- vileges, for rent. Inquire 720 North Fourth, phone 426-3497. R 4/19 fin L-KWT-('N--XPXR TME NYS- Bachelor units, suitable for one or two. Com- p].etely furnished. All utilities in- cluded. Reasonable. 7th and Pine. Phone 426-2121. 5/16 tfn KEEPING rooms, sleeping rooms and 2-room apartments. Lin- ens, dishes, utilities supplied. 426- 2081. B 2/28 tfn F()R-"=RT -- Reett Apt. 2 bedro-o unfui?nished, garage,yard. Call La- Bissniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- 4336. ' D 3]23 tfn FOR RENT -- TW'O bedroom unfurn- ished apartment. Hot water heat, city utilities, ringe and refrigera- tor furnished. Holly Hill Apts. Con- tact Apt. No. 2 or 426-2493. B 5/18 tfn FOR R-E-N-----Fhed cabin in Shelton, Close in. Water furnished. Hoodsport 877-5591. S 9/12 tfn CLEAN.--c-0nffortablo, one and two bedroom furnished cottages with or without linens or TV. Heat, elec- tricity, water, garbage collection in- cluded in low weekly winter rates, Mill Creek Motel. Call 426-4420. 9/5 tfn FOR RENT -- Home outside of t-o-w'-. Contact Penn Marsh Realty, Allyn, 426-2329 or CR 5-2301. F 10/17 tfn roofi house, $50 per month. Phone 4'-4349. D 12/5 tfn EDGEWOOD APTS. -- At Shel Airport. Niee two bedroom furn- ished apn.rtment Modern, automatic , gas ]]eat. Reasonable rent. Phone 426-8584. S 12/12 tfn Furnished Apt. Spacious one bedroom unit avail- able at once. Downtown location - Contact Vince Himlie at MANP REAL ESTATE - 426-6592. 12/12 Home Slaughtering Unit Cooling, cutting Lemke's Service 426-6779 Glenn L. Probst Olympia 352-2255 11/21 tfn JL Prompt - Guaranteed Service WHEATLEY & KEARY 317 S. 1st 426-4553 WE HAVE ... • Mercury Outboards • MerCruiser Stern Drives • Glass Par Boats • Pacific Marina Boats SANDE'S BOATS & MOTORS Belfair, Wash. 8/1 tn I I , i I HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE 426-4867 H 4/4 tfn Classified Service CHRIST6"AS SHOP is now open with many arrangements and items for decorations. No trees or greens this year. 526 Franklin. B 12/5-19 GUARANTEED BRICK masonry of all kinds -- brick, block, stone. Bill Carlson. Phone 426-4480. Free esti- mates. 12/5 tfn PIPE Shop Service--ao-lt-yourself or expert help available, day of night, weekends, holidays. Roy Getty, 1014 Franklin. Phone 426-4850. G 5/2 tfn BABY SITTING done daily or hourly in my home. Any age. Please phone 426-6575. H 8/22 tfn JEROME BURKE GARDEN rotovating, field plowing, pit-run gravel. Phone 426-3678. B 10/4 tfn EXPERT -I.iTO GLASS Installat-lo- Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-8231. 4/28 tfn ROOFING, blown rocl wool insula- tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn FOR EXPERT MASONRY. fi--l, chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason. 426-2278. 371 tfn FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, In- stallations oil conversions. Shelton Sheet Meta Co., 321 So. Third, Dial 426.6121. HAVE GUN 'W'ILL SPYi Exter4or and interior. Free estimates. Work aranteed. Bennett Painting Co. one 426-248. 5/10 tfn HOUSE TRAILER towing anywhe-e in state. Phone 357-5358 or 352-4940. Robert Shumate Olympia. S 8/8 tfn CHAIN SAW SHA_W'IING, speedy, accurate precision grindlng. ow at Saeger Motor Shop. Htllcrest. Phone 423-4602. 1/15 tfn WE BD-Y scrap iron, batteries, radia- tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. Shelton Junk Co.. First and Mill Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfn LET'S MAKE a date to decorate. For expert painting and wall papering, call Bennett Painting Company, 426-8248 B 11/8 tfn EXPERT HORSESHOEING and trim- ruing. Satisfaction guaranteed, Bill Clenches. phone Olympia 943-4673. I0/31 tfn SAND AND GRAVEL. top soil, peat soil. custom tractor work, Johns Creek Sand & Gravel Co.. phone 426- 3552• 9/12 tfn REFRIG-IORS and freezers, re- conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- frigeration Service, 315 Cots, phone 426-8082 day or night. 1/18 tfn Real Estate SECLUDED LARGE 4 bedroom• older Angleside home with view, Full base- men, two baths, fireplace, $16.000. 512 South 8th. Phone 426-$120. G 9/19 tfn OLDER 3 BEDROOM house on Angle- side for sale. No Friday night or Sa- turday calls. 426-8563. A3/7 tfn ANGLESIDE 3 bedroom home on cor- ner lot. Family room. dining room, fireplace and radiant laeat. Phone lnstlre any purchase to be gift wrapped and under your tree for Christmas, First pasunent in Jalmary. SINGER SEWING CENTER 117 E. 5th Olynipia 357-7586 "Open Friday Nights 'Til 9" 11/21-12/]9 H 12/5 tfn 426-8078. S 1I/7 tfn FOR SALE -- 1958 Plymouth Statin MODERN THREE BEDROOM home. Draperies. hardwood Iloors. full base- radio, heater, low mileage. Call 426- 4344 after 6 M 12/5-12 1959 PLYMOUTH 4-door custom wa- gon. Good condition, Radio. heater, V-8. automatic transmission, $I000. Call 426-2406. D 12/5-12 1957 VOLKSWAGEN 2-door sedan. R & H. Good condition, $650. Call Union 898-2386. I" 12/5-I2 FOR SALE -- 1950 3/4-ton pickup, 6 cylinder $150. 426-6685. K 12/5-12 1960 DODGE 1-ton flatbed, 38,000 miles, good condition• Extra tires. R. J. Flakus. Phone 426-4541. F 1]/14 tfn FOR SALE  1963 Ford Fall] 426-2194, 1713 Laurel, W 10/3 tfn 1955 COUNTRY SEDAN. overdrive. V-3, motor mechanically good. 426-3750. G 11/7 tfn Pets, Livestock FOR THOSE WHO LIKE the beauty of a large Collie, but don't have the room. we have two Toy Collies, one male, one female (10-months old) registered, good with children. Also two mixed-breed puppies. Pi]. 426-6940. F 12/5 tfn WEANER :PIGS FOR SALE---$1"2-50 each, Phone 426-3747, S 12/5 tfn sI-X --pppI ES]:] vdTt-n ls i i- for Christmas presents. All white thoroughbred Samoyed. $5.00 down will hoIff until Clristmas. Phone 426-4342. O 12/12-19 Boxer. Beautiful. healthy, ]tusky. Fawn witll black mask. Phone 426- 671. D 12/12 Lost and Fomld LOST - Boxer, full-grown, light brown with white chest. Rcward. Phone 426-8016. R 12/5.19 F-OUND--- Black and tan hound.-1Via(= lock area in elk season. 426-3780. B 12/12 Historic Olympic Inn Brinnon, Wash. Open all year. Closed Mondays only. Outstanding Dinners served by Fireside at reasonable prices. New Management. Reservations Advisable. Phone 796-2351. Plan ahead for Holiday Dinners. 11/7-12/].9 BOOTH CONS'IUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 3/27 tfn I , ,-- }I'. % i-'l " /11//\\;ol°tPrl o it/o\\;?1 o,--,° "a :. o "I'm sill cold  are you sure you got enough of that anti. Leze in t2 Wan A2" ment, two baths, two fireplaces. 423 Euclid, Evenings 426-2165. N 11/21 tfn .240- FT, ISLAND LAKE FRONTAGE with 100' x 30' lagoon for private boat moorage. Plus lots across coun- ty road with 76 ft. driven well and large solidly constructed two story barn. Phone 426-8589. L 10/17 tfn Art's Bulldozing! Excavating -- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph. 877-5454 Hoodsport, Wash, 5/17 tfn I ] NEED A FENCE? Beautiful, long-lasting, western red cedar fences of distinction by Versapanelo Installed or do-if yourself with nothing down, usual- ly $10 per month. Fast guaranteed servlce or de- Real Estate Legal Publications 4-BEDROOM, fireplace, carpeting and NO. 3507 draperies, double garage, room over NOTICE TO CREDITOR ' garage, wash room and fruit trees. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Large corner lot. 426-6510. STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR B 4/11 tfn MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) In the Matter of thc Estate of UNFINISHED SPLIT-LEVEL 2-bed- MARTHA E. WYLIE, Deceased. room house with basement, one mile NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that from downtown Shelton for sale. the undersigned, Frank F. Wylie, has $3800 or win consider offer. To see been appointed and has qualified as call 426-4360. D 10/31 tfn Administrator of the estate of Martha E. Wylie, deceased; that all persons FOR SALE -- Modern home with fire- having claims against the said de- place, five acres of ground, fruit ceased or the said estate are hereby trees and berries. Creek runs required to serve the same, duly bert- through. Blacktop road /¢ mile off fled with the necessary vouchers at- highway 101. Call 426-3730. livery, FREE estimates. Glen Watson Ph. 426-3170 V 7/26 tfn N 10/10 tfn ANGLESIDE CORNER lot, 90 x 120 1 for sale, Phone 426-8563. No Satur- day or Friday night calls, please. A 7/4 tfn 90 x 100 FT. CORNER LOT. Close Mt. View school Phone 426-3857 af- ter 430. B 11/14 tfn Real Estate Real Estate THERE'S BARGAIN HUNTING??? Then you better inspect this com- pact 2 bedroom home on a large Angleside view lot. Located high on a hill, it is priced right at just $5,200 complete with range, refrig- erator and washer-dryer. This one needs just a little work but has excellent profit potential. You can assume existing contract with just $1,000 down. Singer Slanl-needle Late model zig-zag at- tachment, button holes etc. repossessed $40 cash or will finance. Call GR 4-4615 or write Credit 1V[gr. P.O. Box 3043 Ta- coma 98499. 12/5-12 H0 ANOTHER GOOD BUY[! Why not call today to see this excellent 3 bedroom Mt. View home. This spotless home has been repainted inside and out and is in excellent condition. There is even wall-to-wall carpeting in the liv- ing room. New tile in the bed- rooms and new drapes. Also a carport and fenced yard for only $8,500. This is vacant and the heat is on so let's go and take a look. EQUITY HOW ABOUT THIS-- You can view the mountains from this well-kept 3 bedroo home. Lots of exciting features ,includ- ing a cheery fireplace, convenient kitchen, partial basement and nice yard. Priced at $12,500 with easy F.H.A. terms. IH RIGHT DOWNTOWN LARGE LOT-- A kingsize lot with a large older home with 3 blocks to all down- town conveniences. Lots of future possibilities with this type of lo- cation.. There are 3 bedrooms, ex- tra large living room, homey kitchen, large utility room an garage. Just $7,000 with $1,000 down. RENT MT. VIEW .. Here is an excellent value in a sound 3 bedroom home. Conven- iently located on an extra large lot just a short distance to botl ' shopping and schools. It is in A-1 condition with an extra large kitchen, cozy living room, large utility boom .and garage. Just $6,- 750 and we Know you will like it. REGEIPTS.,. MANN REAL ESTATE CALL 426-8592 ANYTIME 121 Railroad Ave. S H ELTON EVENINGS GALL VINCE HI MLIE---426-6501 KURTM ANN.--426.3228 USED FREEZERS 10 Cubic Foot IIOTPOINT CHEST FREEZ ............ $100.00 15 Cubic Foot AMANA UPRIGHT FREEZE ............ $125.00 21 Cubic Foot (5-year Warranty on Unit) UNICO UPRIGHT FREEZER ................ $195.00 Wc also have a wide selection of good Used REFRIGERATORS @ RANGES WASHERS and DRYERS at reasonable prices, all sold with written warranties LEH WARREH RErFRIGERATIOH 2nd and Cota Streets Phone 426-2445 tached upon the undersigned Admin- istrator or his attorney of record at the law office of B. Franklin Heus- ton, Angle Building, Shelton, Wash- ington, and file such claims together with proof of service witi the Clerk of the above entitled Court within six (6) months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: the 12th day of December 1963, or all claims not so presented and filed will be forever barred. FRANK F. WYLIE, Administra- tor of the Estate of Martha E. Wylie, deceased• 222 Soutl 7th St., Shelton, Wash- ington. B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, Attorney for said Estate, Angle Bldg., Shelton, Wash. 12/12-19-26 1/2 4t Real Estate ANGLESIDE 3 bedrooms, 1/. baths, fireplace, hardwood floors, nice kitchen and utility, electric heat, 2 car gar- age, workshop and storage. Extra good location and very neat. $15,- 500 - immediate possession. A. ROY DUNN-- FAMILY HOME[ Built to last forever. I don't be- lieve you'll be able to find more for your money than this, It's extra spacious with 3 bedrooms, 1 baths, 2 fireplaces, steam heat, full basement, wall-to-wall carpet, Loads of closet space, breakfast: area in kitchen plus a dining room. This home is only a few years old and in perfect condition. Out- standing value at $16,500. $600 down ou FttA terms. See this to- day. A. ROY DUNN-- SOUTH HILL Split entry. 3 bedrooms, 2, baths, dining room, lovely kitchen with built in chrome appliances, family room, patio, 2 car garage, wall-to-wall carpet, evcrything is deluxe in the ultra modern style• FHA terms at $19,750. Make it yours for Christmas. Legal Publications NOTICE OF HEARING ON EMERG FNCY APPROPRIATION wHEREAS, an emergency exists due to unforscen cxpendtures arising in the 1963 Current Expense Budgets of the following designated depart- ments; and WHEREAS, in the judgment of the :Board of County Commissioners it is for the best interest of Mason County that provision be made for such ex- )enditures as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND eneral Administration-- Janitor Salary .......................... $ $6.72 Maint. & Operation .................. 600.00 Miscellaneous County Insurauee ...................... 510.96 Employment Security .......... 600.00 ssessor---- Maint, & Operation .................. 208.67 Capital Outlay .......................... 157.28 TOTAL .................................. [......$2,163.63 NOW THEREFORE, in the judg- ment of the Board an emergency ex- ists in the total amount el $2,163.63, whici must be appropriated to meet the existing emergency; and IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a Hearing be held at 2:00 P.M., on Mon- day, December 23, 1963, at the office of the Board in the Courthouse at Shelton, Washington, at which time and place any taxpayer may appear and be heard for or against the grant- ing of the above emergency approp- riations. DATED this 9th day of December, 1963. Beard of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington. MARTIN AUSETH, Chairman HARRY ELMLUND JOHN BARIEKMAN ATTEST: C. Nolan Mason, Clerk of the Board. 12/12 It NOTICE OF GROUND WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 6955 STATE OF WASHINGTON, OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- SOURCES, Olympia. TAKE NOTICE : That RAYONIER, INC. of Hoquiam, Whs]]ington on December 5, 1963. filed application for perndt to withdraw public ground waters through a well si%uated within Shelton Acreage, Gov- ermnent Lot 3 of Section 20, Township 20 N., Range 3 W. W.M., in Mason County, in the amount of 3,000 gal- lons per minute, subject to existing rights coutinuously, each year Ior the purpose of industrial use. Any objections must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filcd with the State Sul)ervisor of Water Resources within thirty (36! days from Dec. 19, 1963. Witness my hand and offichd seal this 9th day of December, 1963. lY[. G. WALKER State Supervisor of Water Resources. 12/12-19 2t Real Estate =, EXGEPTiONAL VALUES --A. ROY DUNN WANT A FARM? 2" ANOTHER LOVELY HOME HERE IT IS! Excels in every way that counts Located only 3 miles Out frond with discriminating home buyers. City Center. 4 bedz:ooms--2 down Spacious living room with hard- and 2 up: Living room. Small sun wood floors and fireplace. Kitch- room. Kitchen with breakfast en has loads of cupboards and nook. Covered breeze way between dining area, 3 bedrooms, family house and garage. 2 acres. Fruit room, hobby room, extra large trees, berries, excellent garden utility. 2 car attached garage, spot. Just recently painted on out- workshop, tool house, very nice side. $9,000. fenced yard and many more fea- tures that lend to today's comtor- F. H. A, APPRAISED-- table home life. The price is $19,- WORTH EVERY DOLLAR 750 with terms to please any pur- This home is located in a very chaser, desirable neighborhood. Three bed- rooms. Lovely hardwood floors. A. IOY DUNN Two complete baths. Full base- ment. Recreation room with fire- MASON LAKE place. Also fireplace in living Attention investors, only $8,500 room. Draperies included in this buys all this. 75 fcct very goes bargain. $15,975. beach, 5 bedroom home, guest HILLCREST LOCATION FOR cottage, garage, sorage house, ex- THIS PRUDENT BUY cellent water system, 12 x 20 foot This family size home is ideal dock. Some furnishings. This al- with it's 3 bedrooms, living room, most a give away price to settle estate. Better see this now! separate dining room. Half base- A. ROY DUNN HOOD CANAL An extremelylovely waterfront property with maificicntview o£ ment, wood furnace. Fenced yard. Utility room. F. H. A. appraised. Only $500 needed to get into this excellent home. Priced for $10,675. EASY TO GET IN THIS LITTLE GEM the Olympics. It's a miniature es- Large living room. Modenl kit- late of unique beauty and value, ehen. Utility room. 2 good size The spotless home has a 24' x 24' bedrooms. Nice roomy backyard, living room with stone fireplace, Needs very little fixing so has a formal dining room, 1 baths :been reduced to $5,250 and small full basement, and extra sleeping dow payment to reliable party. quarters for guests. Thc beauti-Better check this one right away. ful patio is served by a complete separate. There is a fine boat- THIS HOME IS A STEAL separate kitchen. There is a fine FOR $6,800 boathouse, launching ramp and All electric heat. Perfect for dock. The groundsare like a park your first home. 2 bedrooms. Lib- and bordered by hedges, An ideal mg room. Kitchen. Garage. All executive's home. Prlced conserva- in perfect conditibm Owner will ment to inspect, call today, hold contract with small down payment and small monthly pay- --A. ROY DUNN ments. DON'T BE A RENT SLAVE FOR RENT Your rent money will buy this 2 bedroOm unfurnished home. modest 2 lcdroom home on one $60 per month. acre just out of town. There is a full basement, natural wood kitch- ANGLE AGENCY cn, large living room and good well. Bring your paint brush, a Real EstateInsurance few dollars for closing costs and your rent moneY. Move this week. HERB -- Phone 426-8272 -- DICK A, ROY DUNN-- A VERY GOOD ONE $8,500 is the full price. It's in a good neighborhood and reccntly reconditioned hroughout. There is a nicc fireplace, 2 cozy large double garage with work- shop, breakfast nook in kitchen. The grounds are well manicured and everything is in very good shape. We can give very excellent terms here with low down and contract tcnns. A, ROY DUNN REALTOR Eves Call: Mary Voss .................. 426-8074 A. Roy Dunn .............. 426-4601 PHONE 426-6363 126 Railroad Legal Public NOTICE OF (IROUND _W, '1 RIGHT APPLICATION v., , STATE OF WASHINGTON,-ffJ, OF SUPERVISOR OF WA'I' j tli SOURCES• Olympia t01i, TAKE NOTICE : That SheIton Valley Gran.%0"] of Shelton, Washington on l,' - 26, I93 filed application fr|i to withdraw public gro.Ufl._N( through a well situated withI:I E Li SWi of Section 26, T0AT, N., Range 4- w.M., iu :;! ty, in the amount of 10 g,{t{ existing r [ minute, subject to the P, tinuously, each year for . of domestic supply. Any objections must be a7"('.h led by a two dollar (¢2.()0).teia fce and filed wih Stt visor of Water Resou "c ,S 1 (30) days from December l-i_a hand and o.;t I witness my Dec.ember, lli  ' this 2nd day of M. G. WALKER at;b; State Supervisor of .. I li, Resources. i, r NOTICE OF ItEABII w Notice is hereby given ttt]., at the 0fft"-*"ll3' ing will be held County ommissioners o ,' Decemher 23, 1963, at 11 o qt=°t.b3 The purpose of the Hearing 1 sider the Six-Year Road,^ne, for Mason County. All inte f' ons are invited to attend a u be heard for or against thel(e'" Road Program or any part [ 2,i By Order of the Mason CoUU|! missioners. ft. C. Bridger Mason County Engineer Real HOOD North Shore Spacious three bedroom, railway and boat house, no-bank beach, like neW, South nor. Two bedroom, full basem@t' andscaped, panoramic vi €  al and Olympics, $1 , r Hoodspo "t.-  In ":"',' beach homes, fir/P - beautiful view, both for 'i terms. -|" rooms, creek, laneWapte"ti! garage, $15,000. spacc, ideal location, $1 i Triton Head: ,; For rent on the oeacn.:;,: ll oartly rnished $75,2* : '" : bedroom unfurnished tJ, [ REAL HOODSPORT Phone 877-5211 877-5575 3 BEDRÙÙMS, DoWN.0 hofne Well built plaster walls. Insulated f i 'omfortable ;i  cost heat. Ckitchen, -';I; room, nice . l rOom-size wool rugs, P. g#!" garage, fenced 'i er. 2 car S w lawn. Paved sidewalR r   tral shopping. All fd $6,750. FHA $500 doW' ::;][ all costs. '" il I,$': ! 3 BEDROOMS, 3 DSL' About an acre on City wdj.= garden spot. A soundll with full basement. :¢1 wall torages glee- ,, range; efficient floor s#  Laundry. Immediate P to ! with $600. down. Price at $7,500. i ARCADIA RD. CLO$J) 0 Large tract 5 big, 0e; basement. Nice" older llei handyman man can dO te. ue quickly. Spotless i!' Priced to wind-up estaw and terms arranged. WE HAVE A BUYS, Y 0 U R PROPERT'! W I T H US FOR ,,,lP ACTION! OUR BUSI GOOD. CALL 426 -4606'I • ,e ? i LaBissom'ae| i SUE DANIELS 119 SO. 4th -- Sh .... A:' DONALD (Bean) DANIELS ,..Evcs: John DevercUX | - ..... 426-3434 THI00 [-ADY 00E-L-000 This home is designed for the lady of the house venient and time saving kitchen adjoins a family the stone fireplace blends with the well planned The hallway leads to two roomy bedrooms and bath. The fivc acres surrounding this home includes a double gp a barn built specially for the family that love horses _,,, h, t stalls and ample room for more, also a large tack rye' . I plumbing. A large corral adjoins this barn. 11 HERB ROTTER & ASSO¢IAt,00I