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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 12, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 12, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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sday, December 12, 1963 SHELTON MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chrstmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 19 e al Publications Legal Publications   . Foursquare Church MT V,EW | NO. 3,00 [NOTICE TO (BEDITORS &apos;EFiE SU]ERIOR COURT OF THE • TE OF WASHINGTON lrOl< :8ON COUNTY IN PROBATE Ltae Matter of the Estate of 'S]PE R. CARLSON Deceased. :.rlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Undersigned has been appointed as qualified as the Administrator e Estate of Agnes R. Carlson, de- ¢1; that all persons having claims t said deceased are hereby re- d lo serve tim same. duly veri- m the undersigned Administrator attorney of reeord at the ad- below stated and file the same lhe Clerk of the said court, to- t with proof of such service with- : nlonths after lhe date of first alien' of this notice or the same " barred. l'-0f' first publication: November .... a? riIN" E. CORREA 1(%, for Estate |,Btilding !0ff, Washington * 11/28 12/5-12 3t !0 Ii NO. :';503 L'NOTICI ,] TO (BEI)ITORS klI'IE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ATE OF WASHINGTON FOR /0N COUNTY IN PROBATE ;IJthe Matter of the Estate of I._TER L. TAYLOR, Deceased. 1)TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Uhdersigned has been appointed iras qualified as the Executor ! le Estate of Chester L. Taylor, d; that all persons having , against said deceased are here- ,quired to serve the same, duly $l.ed, on the undersigned Executor S attorney of record at the ad- ;'below st'ated and file the same the Clerk of the said court, to- t with proof of such service a six months after tbe date of ,ublication of this notice or the ! will be barred e of first publication: November i ALLYN TAYLOR Executor E X g £'. CORR . ey for Estate luilding , , Washington 11/28 12/5-12 3t NO. 3445 E OF SALE OF REAL PROP- AT PBIVATE SALE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE OF WASHINGTON FOR COUNTY (IN PROBATE) Matter of the Estate of L. GIFFORD, Deceased. IS HEREBY GIVEN that will, on or after day of December 1963, offer and sell, the following de' property situated in Mason County, .Washipg' 12 and the West 15 feet of 11. Block 12, Plat of Hoods- County, Washington. with vacated North 10 ".of Grove Street as shown on plat, adjoining above de- :.:|bed re,fl property on the South.  aCdOrding to official plat there- t'Wa file in the office of the Aud- €.9f Mason County, Vasilington.  .|ds must be in writing, may be |red'Ul to the undersigned Executor L office in the Angle Bldg., [a, Washington, or may be filed ,as office of the Clerk of the t  entitled Court. xi ht g. Undersigned reserves the 'ig ]ect any and all bids, said p'op- ::( Will be sold fro" cash, or cash Credit and shall be subject to ratification, confirmation and ap- }1 of the above entitled Court. ted this 22nd day o1 Novembe . FRANKLIN HEUSTON Axecutor of the above Estate, ngle Bldg. Shelton, Wash. ANKLIN HEUSTON ey .., ' n ' Bldg., Shelton, Washingto 11/28 12/5-12 3t ;OTiCr: OV lli,:am't; ON i La'4ON" ASD AIdAIgDONMET ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 'uard of County Commissioners, L oa November 18, 1963, upon re- of the County Engineer, Re- . that a certain portLon of the Y:-road system, long abandoned, :IF2W Vacated. Said road being an ..ll/tUSe d portion of Secondary ]:lttighway. ; NO. 14-A, including lridge over Sherwood Creek at :utt edge of Allyn and being .:0 partly in tl,o SE,00 of 20 and partly ir the .NE}4, of Section 29, Township 221 LRange 1 west w.M,; and the Engineer did "![ " 6 'e e Board of County $USSioners accompanied by Mr. i!];'Iewsoa owner of the abutting tYi and wl!o requested that the .:.and0ned road be formerly Va- :/fi' and ,._TIIEI, that Mr. Hewson agreed • .a,O> :lliS cost of the Publicatiofi Post the"Notices, as required and that the Engineer has that the said abandoned way be Vacated as requested the Commissioners process to RCW 36.87.010; and that on November 18, Board adopted a Reso- their intention to Va- e said abandoned road and the Clerk to prepare, post a Hearing on said pro- MATERIAL ON STATE ],AND STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPART- MENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. ]ert L. Cole, Commissioner of Public Lands. Notice is hereby given that on Tues- day, the 17th day of December, 1963, commencing at lea o'clock in the fore- noon of said day, at the Port Orchard, District Headquarters, located at Port Orclard County of Kitsap, State of Washington, by the )istrict Admin- istrator of said District. the timber on the following described state land will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, to-wit: Application No. 29199 Lone Duck Pond located approximat- ely 22 miles west of Belfair. The sale is composed of all nmrked timber on EUa SW!£, S, SEL. of Section 4; N}Zz NW! NEW,t, NE NE. NW of Section 9. all in Township 22 North. Range 3 West, W.M., containing 150 acres, more or less, comprising approx- imately 280,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir. acceptable bid: $,t,620.00. Timber will be sold on a cash or in- stalhnent plan basis. Timber must be renmved prior to June 30. 1964. On or before 'December 17, 1963, at 10:00 a.m., eaeh bidder n nst make a minimum deposit of $.162.00 plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee. or a total of $467.00 tn the form of cash. money order or certified check. Said deposit shall con- stitute an open ng bid at the ap- praised price. Upon award of this sale, the respective deposits shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The purchaser nmst pay the balance between the bid deposit and tle full bid price on the day of sale. or may, if the pro'chaser so elects at the time of sale, pay an additional amount, to bring the total amount of" the deposit, exclusive of fees, to equal 25% of tl!e full bid price based on the cruise esti- mate, provided that such deposit shall ot be less than $2,000.90. This bal- ance may be paid by personal check. Purchaser must als0 furnls!L within 0 days of date of sate; a surety bond of $1,000.00 to guarantee COml)liance with all terms of the bill of sale. All hecks," money orders, etc., are to be nade payable to the Commissioner of :>ttblic Lands. Accessibility: Via public road. COmplete cantract and specifications may be: examined at Port Orchard Dis- trict Headquarters, County Auditor's ffice, and office of Conimissioner of Public Lands Olympia : To be sold at Port Orchard District Jeadquarters, On Tuesday, December :7; 1963, at i0 o'clock a:n. Any sale which has been offered, and for wlfich no bids are received Shall not be re-offered until it has been readvertised. If all sales cannot be offered within the specified time on the advextised date, tle sale shall continue on the following day between the hours of te D o'clock a.rn and f0ur o'clock p.m. aid timber on said land will be sold for not less than 1he appraised value, as appraised by the Commission- er Of Pubhc Lands in tim manner pro- vided by law, a notice of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of Mason County, and District Adnfini- strafer of said district. Terms of sale are: cash or install- meat plan basis. BERT L. OLE Commissioner of Public Lands 11/21-28 12/5-12 4t NO. 3473 NOTICE TO CREITORS IN THE SUPERrOH COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of THOMAS W. SPERRY. Deceased. Notice is bereby given that the un- dersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Administratrix of the es- tate of THOMAS W. SPERRY, De- ceased; that all psi'sons having claims agoinst said deceased are hereby re- quired to serve the same. duly veri- fied, on said Administratrix or her attorney of record at the address he- low stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together wit, proof of such service within six months after the date of first publi- cati0n'of his notice, or the same wilt be barred. Date of £irst publication December 12, 1963. :_ "' MRS. MARJORIE SPERRY Administratrix of Estate JOHN C. RAGAN Attorney for Estate Title Insurance Building ]22 Railroad Avenue Shelton, Washington 12/1219-26 3t NOTICE OF V'ATER RIGIIT APPLICATION NO. 18230 STATE OF WASHINGTON, OFFICE OF SIFPERVISOR OF WATER RE- SOURCES, Department of Conserva- tion, Olympia. TAKE NOTICE : That ROY E. STAFFORD AND OTHERS of Seattle. Washington on November 4. 1963, filed application for permit to, divert: the public waters of Unnamed stream and spring's tribu tary of Hood Canal, in th amount of. 0.06 second-foot, subject to exist- ing rights, continuously each ' year for the purpose of Group domestic supply .¢he approximate point of aiversmn m located within SW i, of Section 20 Townsh ..... '" '' ' q  ., lange 3 W.W.L, in Mason County. • Any objections must be accompan- ied by a two ollar $2.00) recording ee and filed with the State Super- ;isor of WAter Resources within thirty 00rstine Grange Will Observe During Next Year Titl,] IIUGO Gtasers celebrated their d6th \\;Vcdding anniversary Dec. 1. They received many cards from relatives and friends. Hugo and Celia .moved to the Island in August. 1919 and have been con- tinuous residents since then. Gordon and Gret Simmons re- :port speing a irare sight last week. There \\;yas a biff white swan right out in their front yard. Gret took four color pictures of the swan before it decided to go on its way. A1 and Monica Pridham were surprised when the Sid Bauns- gard, Die Nels Baunsgard, the Gordon Simmons. and the Ray- mend McCullochs dropped in on them to help them celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. They enjoyed the evening with a pot- luck dinner. Sunday dinner guests of the Gordon Simmons were Johnny and 7ng Johnson of San Pedro, Calif. Donette Glaser was very pleas- ed to see her cousin. Frank Mc Nahon and his family of Aberdeen who visited the Island Sunday. The Charles Stewarts of Gar- den City and the Willard Blacks of Montana were the Sunday guests of Gordon and Gret Sim- mons. Social Club members, don't for- get the potluck dinner this Sat- urday. 5Oth Anniversary By Cindy V'zite HARSTINE --- The coming new year of 1964 will be the Golden Anniversary for the Harstine Grange. The charter for the Grange was signed August 15; 1914. Lee Carlson is the only char- ter member still attending Grange today. Different Granges through- out Washington will be honoring the Harstine Grange at different events during the year. Happy Anniversary to all the Grangers and especially to Lee Carlson. Friday, Dec. 13, will be the in- stallation of all the new incom- ing officers. There will be a pot- luck dinner before the meeting at 6:15 p.m. at the Hall. This meeting will also be the Christ- mas party. An exchange of gifts between the adults of 50 cents and between the children of 30 cents will be after the potluck dinner. Gene Seward celebrated his 60Lh birthday Tuesday by cooking him- self and a few friends a turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Thora said that he didn't have any help from her because he wanted to do .it all himself. Those helping Gene celebrate his birth- day were Larr.) and Florence Jer- rells, Jake and Gert Ziegler, Jim, El, and Dan McAuliffe, and Dot Smith. They all enjoyed Gene's dinner and so did Gene. Forest Service Passes Halt Billion Acre Mark in Reforestatioe Progra$ A half-million-acre milestoz)e I This does not include a backlog has been passed in a program be- of around 400,000 acres needing gun more than half a century ago I reforestation to heal old forest to start new timber croI)s on fire scars, some dating back 50 to I00 ,e z logged or burned National Forest / ', a's. Forest Service of lands in the Pacific Northwest. ] ficials hope to complete that job From a meager beginning in]within 10 years: 1909, the artificial reforestation I THE FIRST RECORDED forest p/'ogram conducted bv the U.S. t planting in the Region was in Forest Service in its l?acific/1909 in the Mr. Hebo district of Northwest Region of Oregon and[the Siuslaw National Forest, in Washington now covers from 50.-/ Oregon's Coast Range. Three 00O to 60,000 acres annually. / ears later, planting begau in the State of Washington on the Sno- qualmie National Forest. Since that time, timber crops have been regenerated on 300.000 acres of National Forest land in Oregon, and around 200.000 acres on Ha- tional Forests in Veashington. The Civilfan Conservation Corps pro- gram of the 1930's gave a strong boost to the reforestation effort when fire-scarred slopes were re- greened with millions of seedlings planted by young CCC workers. "We've crone a long way, but we've got a long way to go," said Lnnd as he tamped earth around the tiny noble fit' he had just planted on Larch Mountain. east of Portland. in the Mr. Hood :Na- tional Forest. The tree will be fighting for its life, Lmd pointed oul. It could become the victim of hungry ro- dents or an.imals Intensive re- search is underway to find meth- ods of reducing tbe annual $15 million loss caused by animal da- mage on Northwest timber lands. There are also the threats of de- struction by fire. insects, disease. windstorms, and competing veg- etation. Leaving the planting to a For- est Service crew-headed by fore- man Frank Baker, of Cascade Locks. Ore.. Lund and his group preceded to a nearby plantation of vigorous Douglas-fir. The trees had rec(mtly undmgone their first commercial thinning designed to release the stand for increased growth. The trees had been planted some 30 years ago, about the time a young Forest Service offi- cer named Walter Lund was serv- ing on the Olympic National For- Recently, in a newly logged area of the Mr. Hood National Forest, overlooking the Columbia River, young noble fir seedlings were planted on the 500,000th acre to be reforested since the regenm-a- tion program began 54 years ago. In an informal ceremony, the first tree was planted on the his- toric half-millionth acre by Wal- ter H. Lund, Porltland, assistant regional forester for timber man- agement, and a 36-year veteran of the FOrest Service. HIS USE of the planting hoe was symbolic for hand planting still accourits for some 70 to 80 percent of the acres to be arti- ficially reforested in the North- west Region each year. The re- mainder is accomplished through directl seeding, largely with heli- copters. .- "We've made great progress in advancing aerial seeding techni- ques, but the 'man with the hoe' is still the key figure in our re- forestation efforts," Lurid pointed out. Of the 62,918 acres reforestea in the Pacific Northwest Region in 1962, 49,177 acres were planted, some by machines, but mostly by crews using hand tools. "There's just no other way to do it on the tougher sites where the young trees must fight for smwival from the beginning," Lund said. Each year, timber is harvested from about 250,000 acres of Ha- tional Forest land in Oregon and Washington. On 20 to 30 percent of the logged areas, nature must be given a hand in starting a new timber crop. Where artificial re- forestation is necessary, it is the (30) davs from December 19, 1963. objective of National Forest man- est in IVashington. Witness my hand and official seal "We knew then that keeping thls 2nd day of December, 1963. agers to establish a new forest M. G. WALKER Crop within one to three years the land in production was out" State Supervisor of Water • 'Resources. after loin , most important job," said Lund. i'clh'eur'th°us a'"'S'l]:°n'HfISeta'rTnHgEwffFLRE"hG!d::N NO 3411 12/12-19 2t ss p :oI!,,s just as hue now, even mole i " Monda ' Legal ublications gton, at '11:00 A.M .... Y- NOTICE OF'HEARING OF 'er 16 I963 and all interestea N L " U m ' e'r n e heard for PET CC0]U  aND NOTICE OF BUDGET IIEABING Ta le 'a y .app a a d b " 'O ]R DISTRIBUTION NOTICE is herelo, i" " {nst sa,d proposal. IN THE SU ..... g'nTT ....... .... } g xen tirol the How -,. Pray l. t' . November ST P,,,,r .... -- *. -- oara oz omnussmners of Public -- ths 18th day of , ATE OF WA HIN .... " " • • • ,, Ar ......... S GTON IN Uhhty Dmtmct No 1, Potlatch, Wash- I nkAA| if-&'o. 'r)f era. ot county wOmmshiniSSionerSton ,a.-ouO'':'°ui _ "rl-lE COUNTy. . O theiPgt°nyear' have1964 andPreparedthat aahnal' budgethearmg• .f°r OIGIilII, . lgJ. [ li}-SoC°UlltArN g " EIES Maer of te Estate of 'of the peeposed budget will be held Jesus instructions on how to , ux Deceases f to |*ler'.f +. u...a N.t.. -" .... -- . in tlte of'ice of tile Distrmt at 8 00 pray v, ill be brou ht out in thin - -. ................ -hereby given that Mabel m Monday Decem " g | 12/5-12 2t R. eley" executrix-of the estate ] P' " =a ' ber 23, 1963". Sunday's Bible Lesson at all |Te'.HT _Ern(est.''.__Beley: deceased has file H.RLD HUNTER Secretary Christian Science church services iC u" w'l'l lJ wlm.tne Cler of the U ' " • • ' • ' - ' • , " N]&I'PLICATION .......... NO 18014 of s• aid (2oun'- an2 ...... S perlor Court Public Utility Dtrict No 1 The subaect zs 'God the Pzesmv" • - 3 ,'' oFFICE ace y d State her final oI ±uason County ,, Ov-WASHINGTON, ount and e i .... er of Man. E- . . P t tmn for dzstrzbutmn 1 o 5-12 2  UPERVISOR OF WATER R of stud estate, an ./ t olden T - " - " • g • e - , d that Friday the G ext The Lord s m h (ySap?:paztment of Cons rva 10 dDaypaOrfmeaUrY,1 l:f64,ai(ts10er00 " NOTIC251CE OF IIEARING unto all them that call ripen higm  io': "' "" • • -" S HEREBY GIVEN tlrat 11 tlmt " itt. " .. AMENDED Court at Shelton in said Count-- ]-cr .................... to a call upon him m truth i.i[ttg h ' , ,  u uin tO IUW 36 82 lV ute t:oun- LOl OTICE" as been duly fixe b" our S erior t • . • • --the -d reserveth all t .: t " " Harbor d y up Y Commissioners have re areal and P hem ILL BUSCH of Gg , Court for th • . " • p p ....  • ,, ton on July 15 1963, filed ap- final accounteaSelement °f+the, said placed.on file the proposed Prchnn- that lov. him (Psalms 145:18, lO a for hermit to 'divert the pub- I is asked  '^T-,Y"L"', ''?- !. "%.' [ arw )upplemental Budget to the 20). 'ters ofUnnamed spring tribu-I trilute h2,.e..t 'e st!cn account, ms" I ounty Road Fund for the year 193. ,lnfoc] ,.,1;.o € .... *, ' Pf, Hood Canal in the amount ltitled *,'Per.Ya;° .eperson? en- i earing tllereon will be held at 2:00 :'7. ..... y ....... o  ....... e J*: second-foot ' subject to ex-lecutri.2 "=' ........ sc,arse sam ex- P.M December 16 1963 at the Of- Chmstmn Smence textbook will Pights. continuously each year Dat" " " .  ] I'!ce of the County' Cmm'nissioners at onen with these li • "nn, x,o d thzs es .- i ]urDose Of Conlmunity do-[,6q ..... 5th day of Decca be [ .tne Courtlouse in She tol n,'Wastling-Z ,d 'Afo. +; ,' ..... [:==:" .'.: supplj, that the aPpro'ximte " " LAU r r.oo , ] , for the purpose of adopting said = .......... ," ,,, , ,,e" - o i hi ] -"" " [ uppiemental Bud et rare pray :e ana tnen re ave .- • f 'iliversion is located w t n cirk of "s'aid u'perir'Court " " g ' om " • " "' • " ' g ""|_W'A of Section 38, Township I By Teekla :Vermillion Deput- [ Bom'd of Count," Con m,ss,o.ners that prayer which covers all hu- ,. ][. kange 3 W.W.1VL, in Ivlason [ O'LEARY MEv- _ n,T.ARv "" I ot Mason wounty, wasnington, inn needs" t,; ...... a ,,^,,. /}':Objections mast be accompanied[ f2tnYSf° xetXerce Bld i er C' oIOLeANia ASON w(h Key tottle"Scr;,resy  doilar.($2,( ,) recrenzgifee ] Olympia, ashington s. [ IE;O;U;ION Mary Baker Eddy, p. 16). W.t.u wire tne tate  p '', . / 12/12-19-26 3tl Wttoo ; .... e monex hn hoon ........ .,Li,iter IResourceS within tnlrtYl i ............ r, .? .......... .jlhs from Dec. 12 1963, Witness/  / received by the Road Fund than was IN COLLEGE VItO'S VItO "i:2-a(1 and official 'seal this 18th/ ...... • .a 2. ..... L ] estimates at the time of aaopting the ^;_ ., .... November i963 [ IN ,O'IC.C.ETjO_CREDITO__ 119.62. Budget, and . ,,, tue, son o v,r. ann /' G. WLkER [ Squllu,lo,2" THE I WHEREAS, more money has been vtrs. l-loward V. Yule, Shelton is 'ritate Sunervisor of Water / "r',.'. ....x..,,zu lrOR] received by the Equipnmnt Rental & one of 26 Seattle Pnnific nloo !.. lesources / ] Revolving Fund the was estinmted senim s who" -- .... 5" "'; ;v |:: ............ : 12/5-12 2t | MjetNtg ofth2uair2:anship of [ atetthe time of adopting the 1962 Bud- , ,Vho) s Who were nmea to | N---- ER , petent [ g. ; and ' • in American Colleges " .... NO 3459 | OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that[ WHEREAS. an m}}ergency has oc- and Universities Today', all an- , ,, 7,.,,,,,, .v | the undersigned has been appointed | cmed necesitat ng the expenditure of T AND PETITION FOR |and-puahhed as°f.the abovel additional sums of monies by both Tale!. p b cahon featmn note- |..'" DISTRIBUTION ] ensues uardiansnip; tna au persons ] funds for materials for repairing EST wortny seniors rom SChOOls ac- u: SUPERIOR',- . COURT OF THE/ navingtent claims, against sam incompe- / roads• of the County', loss" .' the nation. Yule. . is a politi- :: OF WASHINGTON FOR| same are .hereby required t.o s erre the ] NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- cal science ma%r He edits the 9::-D_N COUNTY / ., amy verified, on sam Uardian/ SOLVED that the folloWin Prelhn- ' 'a • , ,,!]e Matter of the Estate of/ or her attorney of record at the ad- | inary Supplemental Budgets be adopt- Falcon and has been active in stu- 00][= R ..... LmROP Dece-sed | dress below stated and file the same ed denL ovmn . l ......... i , • - .... g " merit and pohhcal af- t Exe  of w th the Clerk of the stud Cou, t to =.! A. Moultro.p, cutr'x |-ether -i*" " of ouch s ' "/ ......... fairs He is a member of Cen- l:ate. has filed with said Codi't/ g.... wm proo .... . _ervice.] *OAD 't)lJ: . . ' . . .' 1 report and netition for dis-| wltnln six months alter tne date of, Excess cash balance ur]ons, men servme honorary nil(1 • 't askin  theCourt to settle / first publication of this notice or the January 1 1963 $3000000 lens to attend law school next  ;e)ort" distribute the property|sa--me--w-- ill be barred._ ...... Estimated c)nstructi'(')'l[[[[[ 30'000"00 p .... He '   ..... m,,¢^ ^, fl roe said Executrix Said re-| November 28, 1963, EQUIPMENT RENTAL & Irene S. Reed lngh school. ta.i petition wiil be" "heard on| EULAH L.EONHARDT. . REVOLVING FUND ............. :d][t"-I' d-., .... utf ---.---'dT ....... , lU64 ...... . n. .xuaraian or- sam t-ual'mansnip Excess.  rexenue, from Y . ON ItONOR ROLL '): :he Courtroom ol; said' Ceurt,| ATH.UR & HANL : sale of materials .................... $1,,,000.00  . L . ' 3 u arazansnp Estmmted materml costs 15 0 00 .llall runl(emmer son of r !; 11 unty Courthouse at Shelton[ ........ ue :" '" . s... 00 " ' o ' al wasnington Aven • ' ' "'" ' ' . " ' ) @ , n. . | 11/2£ 12/5 .......... o - - - and Mrs, Morrm Grunkemeler " .'* THIS 9th day of December .... *a 3t ADOPTED tins n(1 qay f f e('ember • , " ' '1 " 196.'t  , who attended SI. MarLin s Hzgh M, WAGENER [ NOTICE . . Board of County Comfissioners School n Olynlpm attained a 3.28 of the ....... Sunerior Court | All persons having e tauns against of Mason wount Waslnngton . grade Point av'erage for the mld- ka Vermilli0n, | the este , KCrnyen r IA.I,I. ea INESErtt  quarter ending N}{v 22' This pla- SNYDER | ..Lake" Drive Bremerton,. Washington JOHN BARIEKMAN ced hml on the honor roll giving ," 1 with r0fdof such serv,ce. ' .... ' ATToFoLTAN MASON him an extra day off from school " ] Sg__ .... DULL : NO . *he Born  Brian, a day student, is in his Ju- U'IIAI.IYllJI% - UlcrK Oi t 'tl .  ' , " ]2/12-19-,6 3t ] 12/5-12-19 3t 12/5-12 2t mor year at St. Martin's. i Architeet Hired For New Multipurl)ose Room; Lighting In Elementary Schools Discussed At a regular school board meet- mands of modern compehtive life ing held Monday night at the have made necessary the teach- Hood Canal Junior Higl! the bo:,rd ing of many things requiring ma- of directors of Hood Canal School terials and equipntent not found District No 404 retained the arch- in the schools of prc \\;V.IV.II itectural and engineering firm of days. William Arlid Johnson & Assoc- The leisurly pace of 50 years ales of Everett to design and ag. does not exist in the school build the district's new Multi-Pur- any more 1hen it does in daily pose Building. Other architects life elsewhme, This means that considered were E. A. Kennedy buildings and equipment must be with Clifford B. Dobson & Assoc- designed to enable both teachers lares of Seattle and .,Architect and pupils to use their time most Roger R. Richert of Bellewle. efficiently. All Board members and Lhe Buildings must conform to rain- Superintendent have given notice imum standards of size. safety, that anyone would accept an in- and types of construction if vitation to visit any club or or- school districts are to receive ganization on the Canal to ex- state help in a building program. plain He need and use of the pro- In addition it is desirable for posed Multi-Purpose building. The schools to compare in comfort present plans that are the aecu- convenience, and attractiveness to mulation of three years of study the homes trom which-most of us can be seen in the Hood Cafial come. Junior High school The vote or the school district's COMBINE THESE features voters will be March 10. to de- with the fact that school facilities termine whether or not the school are built to be used indefinitely board can raise the additional and it becomes apparent that funds neeessary to build the new costs must be greater than for building, the type of education provided at ANOTItER TOPIC discussed one time. was the adequacy or inadequacy .The additional emphasis re- of the lighting in the Hoodsport quires that teachers and adminis- or Lower Skokomish school's. This trators be trained to a higher de- subject was brought up in the gree also. At one time many tea- last school board meeting and the chers had little more than a high Thnrston-Mason County Health school education. Now the mini- Departmenl in conjunction with mum is four years of college and the State Department of Educa- a continuing program of train- tion are presently in the process inn as long as they teach. This of rendering a report on their is at their own expense and in- findings. According to Chairman convenience. A person whose job Bob Smith. who was a member requires four to six years of spe- of the original board of the cializcd training along with emt- Hoodsport school, lighting met the linuous work to refresh himself minimum 3tate requirements as to stay abreast of new develop- did Lower Skokomish according ments in our society deserves to director Charles Dillon. more than unskilled or semi-skill- Supt. John Pill learned from ed labor. It is a fact of our so- Skip Mess of the Mason County ciety that very few people, in- Health Department that approx- eluding parents and children, res- imately three years ago the foot pect the person who will work for candle was raised from 25 to 35 less than he is worth elsewhere. foot candles as a minimum. Many a teacher has experienced The Middle Skokomish hnprove- the feeling of respect from his ment Club has completed its pro- pupils when. he comes to the jeer on clearing and leveling over school in a new ear. four acres of ground at the Hood A .proper educational system Canal &mior High to be used as cannot he based on an antiquated a future football and .track field, course of study, inefficient and I¥1[[Y AIIE SCIIOOLN more cx- ineonvmient buildings, or elderly pensive? The demands of our too- teachers and teaching wives who dern society have been felt in the'can be hired for Iss pay. schools as well asfor everyone It has been said many times else. that the dollar spent for eduea- School building and equipment ti(m brings the highest return of have been subject to inflationary all and no better comparison ex- cost increases as have our own ists than the compared earnings homes and their furnishings. In l of high school and college grad- addition to this factor the de- uates. FISHERHEH'S CLUB i 4ile;6;Ni ID i  Cot, SU 9:15 9:30 10:00 a.m. "AN ETERNAL P'ROMtSE" liORTHSIDE BAPTIST SMALL ENOUGH TO NEED YOU; BIG ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU. 13th and East E. St. E. A. Ormsbee. pastor 910 East Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m C. Y.'s & Cadets ........ 6:00 p.m. Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.) .... 7:00 pm. Lewis B. Wysong, pastor 1/31 tfn Alliance Church Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.nx Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ........................ 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 pan. Robert S, Wick, Pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHURGH Rev, E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cota Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY, DEC. 15, 1963 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship "READY TO BEL'EVE" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groulos 7:00 p.m. "MISPLACED GIFTS" Morning Worship Broadcast over KHAS 1280 - 11:00 a.m, Wed. 7:00 p.m.--Bible Study and Prayer for the family SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street Mason Younghmd, pastor Sunday Scho01-classes For All ......................................... 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship .................................................................. 11:00 A.M Christ's Ambassadors .......................................................... 6:00 P.M. Christmas Play (by youth) .............................................. 7:00 P.M. "Miracles By The Manger" RRST GHUR00li 0F GHIlIST, SGIENTIST I 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. [ Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Chtlrch 11 a.m. ] Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. ] Reading room located in church. Reading roont hours 2 to [ 4 p.m. Men. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. ] T Wel©me To FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th and Franklin Carl J. Carlsen, Pastor Worship Service - 8:15 and 11 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Classes- 9:30 .m. Classes for All Ages Affiliated with Tle American Lutheran Churct "A Growing Church in a Growing Community" ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth & Cedar. Shelton. Veashington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 a.m.---THoly Communion. 9:30 a.m. -Church School & Adult Bible Class 11:00 a.m.--Divine Worship. The Church is always open for meditation and prayer h a d • St eet REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. ¥orship Ser\\;ices 9:45 a.m. Church School for all ages - 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowsihp FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D. Wigton Bible School ....... 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m., Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m. Wednesday --- Bible Study azd Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service • ' t MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH [ MISSOURI SYNOD Olympic Hwy. So. & Cascade, The Rev. Gerald Herman, Pastor Sunday School .................................................................... 9:45 a.m. Adult Bible Class ................................................................ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship " 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 san. YOU'VE GOT = Ti:II To :''] ! i WHAT'S NEW? WHAT DO YOU HAVE FOR SALE? WHY SHOULD POTENTIAL BUYERS DO BUSINESS WITH Y"U? ihuhees:ti:r: y{ilrmweii!:y:{ulrnpw!}:Ou.n:{wter'b!nyli { wmS{a!;°tOag!;yt°aeu! IN THE