December 13, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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• , _ . . _ - ,. . ititlISiOe F! t
...................... COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in r<Chrismastown, U.S.A.", helt0n WaMlington Thursday, December 13, lg,. i i • I h'lP t
LINDA OLSEN,vows FREDDIEExGHANGEoPHARRISHERE It s A Date Dayton Community Christmas Party Forester (00roup Weather Jl uecem00er" "
. , . . , , ., . . . ............... ' < 2 ,5 ] By ill's. Ray l{ralcJn
oo,,on o,u, nee.,,,< At C0mmunlty Ball Sat..,s.L nears #/meet oo<o ..... : ........
lachel Knott Orthopedic Guild
will meet for a 12:30 p.m. meet-
ing tiffs Fl'iday ;it the lmlne ,ff
.Mrs. C, lendon Ii'er LISO TM (}o-hos-
tess will he Mrs. H. Rotter.
Journal Want Ads Pay
i ,N . I I --
Newest Addition
to Our Staff,
who joins us to assist
in handling our grow-
ing volume of...
Real Estate
Insurance Sales
Marv, a resident of this com-
munity for the past 4 years
and active in civic affairs,
will give our staff the flexi-
bility to give you improved
service in the handling of
your real estate and insur-
ance needs.
A NOVEMBER 17 WEDDING ceremony in the Shelton Methodist
church changed Miss Llnda Ann Olsen's name to Mrs, Freddie
James Pharris. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ole Olsen. He Is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pharris. Both families are of Shelton,
although the newlyweds have both been working in Seattle and
will make their home there.
Miss Linda Ann Olsen and Mr.
Freddie James Pharris, both resi-
dents of Seattle, returned to their
home town of Shclton to have
their double ring wedding cere-
mony performed by Rev. Robert
Rings at the Methodist church
November 17. She is the daugtlter
of Mr, and Mrs. Ole Olsen, hSel-
ton, His palents are Mr, and Mrs.
Lloyd Pharris. Shelton.
Pink and white chrysanthemums
decorated the church for the 4
p.m. ceremony before nearly 150
guests. Mr. Olsen escorted his
daughter down the aisle.
The bride wore an elegant gown
fashioned of crisp, regal taffeta
with sabrlna neckline and the tra-
ditional long sleeve. The bodice
was enlbroidered with a spray
of glittering crystM. The crystal
spray was repeated on the con-
trolled side urape front of tile
skirt which swept back gracefully
In a full chapel train. A aalnty
jeweled tian caught an elbow
gth veil to her hair. She ear-
iel ':.t(.t Of pini rose buds
and white carnations.
Mrs. Sharon Wilhelm was ma-
tron of honor with Mrs. Ann Klm-
bel as bridesmaid. The gowns were
of pale yellow taffeta. They wore
pale yellow rose veiled hats and
carried pink spider chrysanth-
Best man for the bridegroom
was Dale Pierce. His second at-
tendent was Robert Marcy. Ushers
were Rod Olsen, brother of the
bride, Ray Kimbel and Wayne
Carlson, cousin of the bride.
Mrs. Doris Hillman was organ-
ist with Miss Sandi Stevens as
The reception followed the cere-
mony in the Fellowship hall at the
church. The four tiered cake was
itecorated with pink and white
rosebuds and topped with a minis-
Well Drilling
l.ure bridegroom.
Serving were Miss Sharon* La-
ney, Mrs, Clifford Pharis, Mrs.
Esther Umphenour and Mrs. Ag-
nes Ca.risen, aunt of the bride.
Mrs. Cloie Pharris ,attended tll
guest book. ,,,,,.
Both young peiple are gradu-
ates of Irene S. Ree(1 higtl school.
Miss Olsen graduated from Mr.
Lee's Beauty college. Mr. Pharris
is a graduate of Peterson's Busi-
,less college and is employed as
an IBM tabulator ,)perator at Boe-
ing in Seattle, where the newly-
weds will make their home.
BPW Dinner To
WATER WELLS ? T£ST HOLES Fete Holiday Season
Bedell Drilling €o . o,,,,<,,,, dinner party will
enterlain the nlenlbcrs of the Busi-
nfss lind r I: ofessional Wonlen's
a Club at 6:30 p.m. next Wednesday
in lh(, home of Mrs. Ella Chase.
LAWRENCE BEDELL The Christmas project this year
Route 3, Box 170, Shelton is a donation l'or the ehikh'en at
Rogers seilool.
Phone 426-713 The regular business meeting
January 2 will be held in the
hon, e of Mrs. Maybel] Daniels.
The Gilt That Is Sure To P/ease
To The
$4.50 a year inside Mason Comtfy
$5.00 a year outside Mason County
We Send a Gift Card with Each Gift Subscription
uck, Memorial Hall.
Rotary Club weeldy luncheon,
.men, Ming Tree Cafe.
Chamber of Commerce mouth-
ly meeting, dinner 7 p.m., me,l-
ing 8 p.m., Ritner's Broiler.
Jnnior high basketball, Shellxm
vs. Miller ef Aberdeen, 2:00 p.m.
Shelton gym.
Friday, Dec. 14
VFW 1)akc sale at the Tradewell
SEY Club Christmas potluck, 6
p.m., at the church.
Hnod Canal Garden Clnb and
Hood CaBal Woman's Chib joint
f'unily dinner and Christmas par-
Ly, 6:30 p.m., Potlatch clubhouse.
Ruby Rebekah I)dge, 8,
IOOF Hall.
Rachel Knott Guild, 12:30 p.m.
luncheon mcethlg, hon,e of Mrs.
Glendon Ferguson.
High school basketball, Shelton
vs. Olympia, 6:45 p.m. B squads,
8:15 p.m. wn'sities. Olymnia gym.
Saturday, Dec. 15
State Patrol drivers' license ex-
aminer. 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., po-
lice station.
Olympic league baskcLI)all Shel
ton vs. East Bremerton, 6:45 p.m.
B squads, 8:15 p.m. varsities Shel-
ton gym.
Sunday, Dec. 16
Shelton churches invite you to
attend the church (if your choice.
Rebekah-IOOF joint Christmas
party, 1:30 p.m., IOOF hall.
Shelton Golf Club Christmas
party, 3 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Bay-
shore clubhouse,
Monday, Dec. 17
SRA Pinochle Club, 6:30 p.m.
ootluck, 8 p.m. cards. Memorial
Faculty wives, 8 p.m., home of
Ada Pitman.
Shelton Garden Club Christnms
oarty, 1 p.m., home of Mrs. L. D.
County commmsioners weekly
meeting, 10 a.m. county court-
Tuesday, Dec. 18
Salvation Army truck in town.
Phone 426-6564 or 426-2215 for
Royal Neighbors Christmas par-
ty, 7:30 p.m., home of Mrs. Gertie
High school Christmas concert,
8 p.m., high school gym.
Kiwanis Club weekly luncheon,
noon, Memorial hall.
City commissioners weekly
meeting, 2:00 p.m. city hall.
Wednesday, Dec. 19
Laurel Court Order of Ama-
ranth, 8 p.m., Masonic Temple.
BPW Christmas dinner party,
6:30 p.m., home of Mrs. Ella
State Patrol drivers license ex-
aminer, 10 a.m to 5:30 p.m., po-
lice station.
Degree of Honor Christmas par-
ty, 6:30 p.m., home of Mrs. Gla-
dys Nelson.
.... Thursday, Dec. 20
OES'Past Matrons Club, 12:30
p.m.,.ck luncheon home of Mrs.
Navy Mothers Club Christmas
party, 7:30 p.m., Memorial Halt.
Rotary Club weekly luncheon,
noon, Ming Tree Care.
Junior high basketball, Shelton
vs. Jefferson of Olympia, 2:00 p.
m., Shelton gym.
Turkey Is Fare
At 8 and 4(1
Christmas Party
Nineteen partners were seated
at a delicious turkey dinner Mon-
day at 7 p.m: at the Memorial
hall for the annual Christmas
dinner and gift exchmige of
Salon No. 508 Eight and Forty
Mason Co. The table decorations
by Mrs. Augusta Twohy were
especially lovely. Two Christmas
trees, given by Mrs, Merle Smith
and decorated by Miss Mary Dob-
son, were placed adjacent to the
dtning room entrance.
A short business meeting was
held at which necessary reports
were given. It was voted to con-
tribute $10 to the Mason County
Tuberculosis Assoc, Plans for the
forthcoming visit of the Le-
Chapeau Departmental w e r e
Following adjournment gifts
were distributed by Santa Claus
and singing of Christmas carols
closed a very pleasant party.
laycees Sponsor
Annual Toy Drive
The annual Jaycee Toy Drive is
underway. Members of the Shel-
ton Junior Chamber of Commerce
have placed barrels at the Need-
hams Food Center, 20th Century
Thriftway and Tradewell stores.
After the holidays the barrels
will be picked up" and the toys
turned over the Shelton Jayettes
who will revamp them for next
year's Christmas giving to needy
Shelton General Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roach, 819
Turner, a girl, Dee. 9.
Mr. and Mrs. John Doxdorfer,
Rt. 1, Box 591, a girl, Dec. 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Friedman,
Hoodsport, a girl, Dec. 11.
Clinic Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence C. Nel-
son. Rt. 1, Box 251, a boy, Dec. 8.
A baby girl weighing 4 lbs 14
oz. was born to Mr. and Mrs. T. E.
Deer, Jr. at tle Swedish hospital
in Seattle, Dec, 5. She is the
former Ariel Dunbar. The Deer's
make their home at Bellevue.
Maternal grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Dunbar, Shelton;
pternal grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. T. E. Deer, S.r., Slllton,
By Mallei Illdd
DAYTON • Don't forget the
Dayton Conllnunily * Christlnas
Party on Saturday evening, l)ec.
15 ill 8 p.oI. lit, Dayton Hall. There
will be a 25-cent exchange gift for
adults and 15 cenl one fol' chiht-
l'en. Pot]llCI( /efreslnntHits of sand-
withes, jello, salad and cake.
All who are in the program Sa-
l.urday night, please altend dress
rehear.,al practice at 1 Saint-
(lay a fterlloon.
Ladies' Club will hoht its Christ-
mils Pa.rty Tuesday. Dec. 18 :it
Dayton Hall. 7:30 p.m. is the tune.
There ,,',,ill tie a one dolhlr exchan-
ge gift an(I pothlck (if rolls and
sldad for refreshnlent.
Thursday evening, tile honle of
Mrs. A. E. Lemke was the scene
of a wedding " shower horioring
Mrs. David Marthimaas tnee Bob-
bie Dillenburg) former Dayton re-
n/dent now residing in Bremerton.
ltostesses were Mrs. Lemke, Mrs.
Dick Leonard and Mrs. Clifford
Combs. Guests wore tile Mesdam-
es,. Jerry He,,finger. Don RuLher-
lord, Ftarry Cliffo,','! Evans. Gall
Steenscn, tim h0norce mother
Jaliles Hickson, James Dougherty,
John Anderson and Mi'n Cari'ie
Barker. endlng gifts bu{ unable
to attend were the Mesdanlos Lou
RulLherford. Robert L0nian, Jim
Neff, Alvia Chapman. Warren
\\;,Villiams and Miss Beatrice Nason
Games were play.ed with prmes go-
ing to Mrs. Dougherty, Mrs. An-
derson, Mrs. Heminger and Mrs.
MR. AND MRS, Warren Wil-
liams and daughters motored to
Everett and spent Saturday night
with Mr. and Mrs. Irving Jewel,.
Sunday they had dinner with Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Tiedeman at
Lake Stevens.
Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Scab Combs were Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Edwards and boys of Se-
Mrs. John Anderson reports that
her mother, Mrs. C. G. Chap/n,
Lilliwaup, had the misfortune of
fracturing her left wrist Friday
when she slipped and fell.
Ben Williams. Shirley and Dar-
rell of Lost Lake and John Lan-
ning, Shelton, accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Pete Roberts and sons
to the Pacific Zone Banquet held
in Brady Saturday. Darrell Willi-
ams received a first place award
for the slow horse race won at
the zone ehampionship meet.
Mr. and Mrs. Carleton egg and
boys and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carney,
Bell Riders, also attended the ban-
Liana, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Alan Ford, celebrated ber sixth
birthday Monday, Dec. 10 with a
family dinner.
Saturday overnight guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Needham we-
re Mr. and Mrs. C. N Allen and
family, Kent , .....
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Churchill,
Shelton, were Saturday dinn"
gtlests in /he home of Mr. and
Ml-s. Harry Kidd.
MR, AND MRS Dell Adams bad
asc Saturday overnight guests Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Troup and chil-
dren of Seattle. Sunday other chil-
dren dropped in: Mr. and Mrs J.
C. Tibbits and children Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Rickards and family,
Chehalis and Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Adams and children, Tacoma. Ho-
mer Adams, brother of Dell of
Arcadia alsc spent the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wingrove
and girls of Ehna were Friday cal-
lers in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Leman.
Darl Goldy and Delmar Schur
made a business trip to Seattle
The Clifford Rumpf family of
Shelton were Sunday callers in the
John Anderson home.
Mrs. Kenneth Wolden Shelton,
Degree of Honor
Chamges Party Plans
The Degree of Honer Protec-
tive Association Christmas party
will be held next Wednesday at
the home of Mrs. Gladys Nelson
rather than the location previously
planned. It will begin with a 6:30
p.m. potluck dinner.
Members wishing transportation
are to call Marie Carlson at 426-
ac('onipailied hel' luothel', Ml's, A.
E. Lemke for a day of shopping in
"]'acorl!a Ttlosday of last v.:oek,
Mr. and h'II'. (:liff{}rd Colnbs ]
viM1od I)ii 1 1]dily with Mr. and I
Ml's. Se'il) Ceinhs.' I
Sht Hickson slaved overnight]
wilh I(athy Rock. ' , [
J/[l':< ai'il Di.;'7"le .}l'. was a Snn-
(lay callet' in lhe heine of Mr. and
Mrs. Jalnes Hickson.
Mr. and Mrs Clyde Ruddell and
childreli pent Ill(} wceken(t in Sea-
l lie with the Toni Ponath and
Jehu Poll.ilh falni[ics.
1,'lying down fronl Rodnlan Bay,
Ahlska, Wednesday were Mr. and
Mrs, Willis 'Pihl)ils alld girls wile
,lr0 visititlg Mr. and Mrs, Alleu
Tibbiis. Donna an(l Alldrey spent
Simday night and Monday with
the Alh;n 'Pibbi!; also Clint and
Le,;ter Tibbits of Chehalis were
Mouday guests,
Mrs. L. A. Todd observed her
birlrhd:ly ,)n Dec. sixth and had its
r, lteSI.; .%'1'. and Mrs. Eldoi Todd
arid son. N[vs. Ehner trope and
daughter aim Mr. Bill SLroiJe.
MR, ANI) MKS. Hans Lund eal-
Io.d on Mr. and Mrs. Enlil M aLson
Shelton on Saturday evening and
helped Marvin Matson celebrate
his sixteenth birthday.
Thursday, Mrs. Howard Wilson,
Mrs Les Bishop Mrs. Jerry Bloo-
mfieh and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield
niotored to Tacoma for a day of
Saturda?, dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Merlin 'Rickards were
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Coleman and
children. Shelton. Mrs. Sumner of
PorLland. Ore. Miss Joyee Arnold
and Dar)ene Holtorf. Shelton.
Saturday Mrs. Bill Johnson and
children visited al the Pete Bloom-
Sunday callers in the L A. Todd
home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Todd and sons of Port Orchard.
The Hans Lund family were
guests of the Kelly Lunds on Sun-
day when Larry celebrated his
13th birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield
motm'ed to Portland on business
on Fridav.
Darl Goldy was a Monday vi-
sitor in tile Dehner Schur home.
Weekeud guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Doyle Howard was his mother,
Mrs. Thelma HowaPd. Issaquah.
Fire Disirict 4
Be©Is Offioers
Mason County Fire District No.
4 re-elected its officers for tile
coming yea,' at a meeting Tuesday
They are Russ Riekerts, pre-
s/dent: Henry Unger, vice-presi-
dent; Bill Marcey, secretary and
%Valt Seabold treasurer.
The district is having a series
of fire fighting schools supervised
by the State Fire Protection As-
Two sessions have been held
with one more this month, two
each month in January and Fe-
bruary and one in March schedul-
The next session is Dec. 20 in
the Skookum Community Hall
with Paul Parkhurst discussing
fire fighting tactics.
ASGS Gommitlee For
Gounly Is Eiected
The farmers of Mason county
elected the following Agricultural
Stabilization and Conservation
Service committee for 1963, ac-
cording to oe McAlfrey ASCS of-
fice manager; Donald'W. Ragan,
chairman; Ralph J. Brewer, vice-
chairman; James Hunter. regular
member, Jordan Clapper first al-
ternate and John MacRae, second
The election was conducted by
mail and considerable interest was
shown in the selection of the
This committee is charged with
the administration of various pro
grams of the Department of Agri-
culture, most important of which
is the &rgicuftural Conservation
Program, the Wool Program and
the Feed Grain Program.
Use Journal W anl Ads
Damage Ta[[a
Tim Pacific Northwest has the
saw mill capacity, the know-
how and the lnalpower to sal-
vngo the timber f,'om the Oct. 12
storm, but, finding a market for
the hunbcr appeares to present
the major t)rol)lem, a meeting ot
the American Society of Forest-
ers was told here Friday night.
Benton Howard, with the divi-
sion of timber management, U.S.
Forest Service, Portland, made the
statelnent at the meeting of Lhe
Southwest Section of tlle Puget
Sound Chapter of the American
Society or Foresters in tile Col(to-
tal House.
HE WAS ONE of three speak-
ors who discussed the damage
from the Oct. 12 storm.
Howard is a menlber of the gov-
eriunm, t agency committee which
set up a survey to esLimate Lira-
her damage after Lbe storm.
He said preliulinary esLimates
were 1.5 billion boar(l feet m
Western Washingum and 2.5 bil-
lion board feet in Oregon.
The final survey, scheduled for
eonlpletion Ja:n. 1. may show a
larger figure, Howard said. be-
cause tim preliminary figures e:-
timated only concentrated blow-
dewn-.areas of 10 acres or larger
on which at least 10 percent ot
tile timber was down.
HOWARD SAID that efforts
should be made to get all timber
salvage operations completed as
soon as possible to avoid the
chance of a build up of the Doug-
las Fir bark beetle.
He said there is a strong pos-
sibility, indicated from past exper-
ience with the insect, that a build-
up could occur, reaching the
standing timber in 1964.
A10'Donall, from the State De-
partment of Natural Resources
said his organization had checked
the losses of small land holders
and had found tile damage to be
He said making fire control
more difficult would be one result
of the damage to small land hold-
ings unless they are cleaned up.
One problem which faces the
small land holder is getting a
logger who would be interested
in the small amounts of downed
timber on most of these, O'Don-
nell said.
MORRIS BOLES, of the De-
Dec. 7 .............. 54
Dec. 8 .............. 53 :15 "
Dec. 9 .............. 50 43 "
]Dec. 10 ............ .t5 41
Dec. 11 ............ 4,1 35
i)artment of Natural ResoUr
timber sales, said the state
offering for bids about a tllf
billion board feet of storm-do
timher on State land.
The gToup also saw the Pa¢
Northwest Bell Telet)hone C!
pany ftlm "October 12, 1962"
picting the storm damage.
Presiding" at l he meeting
Pros Ostrowski president of u
Southwest section.
Program chairman was
Tanner of Siinl)son Timher C
There were 56 present at :
meeting. A
bec. 3 for a Foglilai' li
Vern Bedcll gave the
and president, Mar.iori
he flag sahlte. The I'nm
Won by Betty Wolf'
. For the entertainn
evening Bell 'Pelepimr
d the fihns, "Decova
t," and "Telstar." 'l"he
PTO gift sale will t
15 at Sears Store h
II Square. The Soul.hsidt
itmTs pl.ograll/ will t
t( Dec. 19 at 7:[{0 p.n
regular PTO meeting
4, 1963, and tile ex
I will meet Jan. 2:.
Wishes ye all Joyou
i0rne of Marie Rains 4
Bird Cages
Wild Bird Foe
Shelton Matin
WEEK OF DEC. 17-21 / On Hillcrest
Monday Spaghetti with l_______
buttered French bread, litur
king peas, applesauce milg, :|
Tuesday -- Barbecued beef ! A limely
a hamburger bun, macar...'i'
salad carrot sticks, fruit, ml
W'ednesday -- Chili con C ..!
peanut butter sandwich, vi
etable wedges, cherry or pea:
cobler, milk.
Thursday -- Turkey gravy
fluffy whipped potatoes,
berry sauce, baked
tatoes with
Christmas cake, milk.
Friday -- Cream of
soup, grilled cheese
peanut butter stuffed
Christmas cookies, ice
bars, milk.
Supplement your
with Plenamins from
- Prepp's Rexall
133 RR, Phone
Used Cars & Trucks,00
1960 STUDEBAKER LARK "V8" 4-door
dan Heater, Automatic:. ,
1959 RENAULT 4-door Sedan Heater. '!
1959 PLYMOUTH SAVOY V-8 2-door Sedan'
Radio, heater, automatic.
1958 INTERNATIONAL A-112 /2-ton pickU
81/z ft. box, 4-speed, overloads, heater, !:
ply tires, 6 cylinder.
1957 MERCURY VOYAGER 9-ass. wago'
Radio, heater, automatic, power steering,
power brakes, power rear window.
1957 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN station wago'
Radio, heater, automatic.
1955 NASH RAMBLER station wagon. RadiO,
heater, over-drive.
1954 LINCOLN CAPRI 4-door sedan. Fall
power, real clean.
:Let our heating (
to solve your he
comfort in yore
S.ieglr pays for
See the
Home H
Only Siegler br
707 SOUTH FIRST ST. 42s'34s';'|l.l; II
Complete with flash attachments, film, globes and batteries. All you need to take pictures
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Price Reductions UP TO 30% on
Get your's now and be ready for the new COLOR FILM
we will have soon.
PERUTZ High Speed
20 exposures, processing included
No. 5 flashglobes--Reg. $1.80--$1.59
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OUR PRICE ..........
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OUR pRiCE .......................... M-2B flashglobesReg. $1.80 -- $1.59
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