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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 13, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 13, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4 Page 6 &apos; SHELTON--NIASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.g.A." Shelton, Washington Thursday, December 13, 1 , .... ,,),,'',-, '-,,, ,4tonrn' ...... ' City 'Got, Part SEA SCOOTS PET SHiP T0 fix Nort00 a,O. H' "  2': T° C 0 / c Om-v, r "J'? ay, December 13, " . _ ILleCf ,= officers ._ . - ,: Of Old 14A di " tsng fomg00[ TO De cate New o,oc00,o,, o, Mee Founded 1886 by Grant C. Angle , o , :(-1 Chri.,tmas Party toniglit in 'I'he regular membership IF')'""" ] .a,,,o....,.o=: Route Fro State vmnasmm ] Jle l)u1)alldiLo,illrn. . ing of the Shelton,Chamb:"--*JLiBN Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, every Thursday, -- m - will be a pot luck dinno,' wtll be tonight ;'% En-reh--as-econ-d:as-s-later-t The city of Shelton was noti- l.,edication ceremonies ,,,ill be ;larting n, q p.m Officers for the "el"s Broiler. ' J:" " --U-B'SpT'N---R-ATM--sonCounty, tnadvance; :led this week that the relocation .held ,.tt  p..n,, today f,,r the n.ew coming yea;' anct three t;'ustees Tiae meeting will start off. -------- Outside Mason County, $5.00 ")f Highway 1,1A ill t.ilv city had ,_yama.:dum) at North Mason I-hgh will" be eleeicd, a social honr at 6:30 p.m. and.t,= .., o 1, o , _ . Member of National Editorial Association een oomph:ted mad that a section Scn( 1. .. , "l?ht re xi/l be a gift exch'mge .aer at 7 p.m. , :ilym]);i ]ffrlday,. Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association .)f the old road was being turned S[)ak,r for the l)rogram win ue .......... _ ...... . . al, ,ver to the city by the state. Lt,is. Bv;,,.o, fit,tic Supe,'mtend- Cosmic ray research is being q2maJCttaeSCnnae'eg :°h,i]    U'EO . . .. ' . ' y . yc. :; pa'- ":ores Fe rival the Harstlll , C-O-DE The section of street which the [ 1{ Stsson cha, rman of th m n ...... ' '" " ", .. p ,, , . L... ' " *ll  UHIO (-nl of ! t DL]( InstructIon. (O! dl eLcd b " the Ph .,' De tt €  ' DISPLAY ADVERTISING   Tuesday noon city got is 0 n Pine Street from ..... . e L o me un::,:", Y  , v '' ,ano rm e regress o  (heel bo u d will bt presented . . " -' g.. p "" . • WANT ADS -- Wednesday 10 a.m. Front Street to First Street. ";" : ' ,  • ' Sound m Tacoma. mtuaLmn, cwl defense and ot le'actmn faces Hlghcl PICTURF- AND NEWS---Tuesday 5 p.m. Tile new Highway route, which with the Rey to the new building 11 this weekend, on SOCIETY NEWS .... Tuesday noon RURAL CORRESPONDENCE AND NOTICIFS  Monaay 10 a.m. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER --- William M. Dickie PLANT SUPERINTENDENT -- Jim Shrum OFFICE MANAGER--- Lodema Johnson OFFICE ASSISTANT --- Mary Kent NEWS EDITOR ..... Alan Ford ADVERTISING MANAGIffR--- Barbara Nelson yes completed recently, takes the dghway down Front Street to aih'oad Avenue a)d on Railroad o First where i[ connects with !zhway /01. The Fire Departnmnt reported h;tL the accunmlation of gasoline :haler the Moore Apartments On: SOCIETY EDITOR .... Marj .Waters 'i:st Street was receding, and ....................................................................................................................................................... hat effnrts to locate the source  A request for additional street ! I 'rhls on Pioneer Way wa.s re- 'ei-'ed and ",gill be looked into.. Police Chief Paul Hinton re- .... '`)rte that 15-minute parking :eters in front of the State Liquor : _. ,. ,, , ! ,,,,,, , , , , ,, , . -'ontrol Board store were being 'e'$died and would be installed ANTITHESIS OF YULETIDE SgIRIT Every December, when the go6dness of most people be- comes most apparent, the meanness of a few shows up in bold relief. These are the people who find the temptation to vandal- ize Christmas street decorations too much to resist. They .fail completely to feel and understand the .spirit in which the decorations are placed, at consider- able expense and effort by the people who are striving : to project the Christmas spirit of "Good will toward It is a type of vandalism--a spiritual meanness--which Completely defies understanding. What pleasure or profit-- either material or spiritualcan possibly be gained by those why stoop to commit this kind of meanness is beyond nor- real comprehension. The usual rash of stealing Christmas tree lights and or- naments from the exterior decorations around town has bro- ken out in the past few nights and numerous outdoor decora- tions have had to be repaired and replaced because this com- munity, like all others, is plagued by a few lowlifes of this ,hen completed. He said that after a discussion with Ole Olsen of Olsen Furniture, it was decided to put two 30- minute meters in front of the store on Cote Street. The appointment of B. Franklin Heuston as police judge pro-tern was extended for an additional four days. Gounly Gommission Approves Purchases For Probation Office The Mason County Commission approved a request from Marvin Christensen, juvenile probation of. ricer, Lo purchase venetian blinds, a rug with pad, a conference table and additional chairs and a second typewriter for his office• Christensen recently moved his office from the court house to the house across the street south from it, which the county purchased from T. E. Deer earlier ibis year. Funds will be transferred from unused salary money in the probe- Sea Explorer Ship 55 became a l reality in Mason County last weekend with the arrival of a "ship" for its membership to prac- tice their seamanship knowledge 011. ' The craft, donated by the Navy to Tumwater Boy Scout Council, was turned over to S.E.S. 55 and ferson street. Ray Nielsen, 17, is president of S.E.S. 55, which ]:ow lists 12 "crew" members under the adult direction of advisor and sldpper Wes Roach. The ship's move from l.m'.cy was mad with the h,.,lp of D(m Summexs, Do]] Stodda.rd, .fohn Kneeland, Bishop Gilbert, Bob by a representative of \\;Villinm Arilid Johnson and AssociaUon, ::n*chitects. The North Mason High School PTA will se]'x;e c(ft'esl'll'lens. hrismas Tree 1'bMs ileported Christmas tree thefts and van- dalism I.o mail boxcs were among' /he incidents reported to the Ma- :',on Couniy Sheriff's Office this week. Bill Looney of the Simpson Tim- bcr Company reported someone had cut between 200 and 300 Christmas trees irom Simpson property. The land is being leased by the I(i]'l{ Christmas Tree Com- pany, he told the Sheriff's office, but, neither firm had cut any of the trees. Vern Wyatt reported.107 Christ- mas ireas cut from his property on the Union Truck trail. Postmaster Jack Gray reporLed several mail boxes in the Arcadia area had been damaged, and a package delivered Lo one of the boxes had been taken out ad opened and the contents removed, Robert Bindara reported some- one took some shots at his house and that one hit a pickup parked by the house. BOOKED IN JAIL Four persons were booked into the Mason County Sheriff's office last week. They were Lawrence H. Jackson, driving while intoxi-; cated; Henmtta Fredeen, pa de violation; Ted W. Chapman, no driver's license and Robert G. Mitchell, driving while intoxicated and speeding• !/i-- , i i// John R. Devereux / LaBissoniere Agency is pleased to announce the recent association of John R. Devereux, well-known Shelton Real Estate man. Mri : Devereux will manage t_he Real Es- tate division of the LaBissoniere Agency. ... d (Friday ;it Olyr • i: t home (Saturday al i:emeri on 1. lems with their o came to light in thei rnce season opener a ia last saturday have 0r attention from the workouts this week OF TIlE moves )hertg hopes will h "i he p'oblems has b& ring., rain t . • mod along coast heavy LaBISSONIERE AGENOy TELEPHONE 426-4666 119 South 4th Shelton, Washington ilk. lion department's 1962 budget, will be completely restored dur- Btngley, and members of S.E.S. In The Cold, Cold Winter type person at 11 a.m. !ec. ]7 on a car for ready for cruises when good wca- C1;urch" oi the'L;ite,' l),(y s;iiats wffti''42 to so degree Bums of this kind of make a ashamed of the The commission will open bids ingthe weeks ahead so it will be 55 The activity sr)onsored bv the l.ratures oormal -- human -'race, until he realizes they form such a small proper- the assessors office.'  ther comes again is optn to all Mason C,ultv boys GOMFORT FOR '  * 30 to 40 degree Oscar Levin was reappointed Lo The Craft was brot,gM fron, La-from 14 throu,h 17 ve.,rs " "k COMPLETE AND ABSOLUTE  l::,: tion of the whole, a mx-yca] tram on the county.clvd eey last Saturday and stored at ........ [11, " YEARLY FUEL 0ST LESS THAN i ull Be Comfort  FS service:::.:,.,,::,.,:.board, the home of,Bob Nielsen, 180,l Jef- R • ,. , $10.00 ............ • ,...:,.-,.,.., ....................... .,. ..................... :::.:: ........ :. ...... :.<.:... ........... .... . . A MONTH , ,,  i.i,,!  with g Modern He PORTLAND. ( S})eciH] ) Pro- i:'::i' ][!ii!!:ii:l'[:|[{'"![''1.'J"i' fclldUCLi°1902 mlilion"t DoughSboarci f''feetsaWmillsbehind NA ,,I !1! 0T UI] coml:)any o' the industry which does not givesuitable atten- " / I tion to t:esearch soon falls to the rear of the parade, fgi I;iiIYl|lfl I ,,,; ,he f..,t ,;,even .,,,n,l,s o," 1',,2 T DIL 7h.e industries have a double obligation in |Jli • '" ''g(''*(]. ''r*'[" .,}a.['(,, ,,,I,.,.** ' ''('** toward ]li,V]tjj I ":''' }I)O'(''' 'I ''' ] [ ( ' i '  '''' ''' ''' ]'I' -- n i II } I i ...... I i -- - " I [ "  I I I?AYSHORE .CAD rematmng eompett, t,eve ,n a 'wf(tfld that has found many likP iJ](,. i )otis strtcd climbing. ing a great natural "rc'ource j oi  the national benefit. ilit tl:*!J, io,: t'e:t ,,:,,,c th,o.,,gh th,., n,st Stone 600 men who bear the burden of this obligation ..... .;: :::.. t ,, . .. • . . will meet in Seattle Wednesday through Friday for the 5ard nm[, t, i 19.,.. ,.,.pc,.,> (.f Clc,',:.,,,d ,:(,,'!t, Western Forestry Confcrence of' the Western t orestry and i.i;;; ii;*i ()utf)nt("(mst Lm,berm,!'n':.'-f,ql (,t'f I::S miifionn':°H"Ixm'f,.vt Conservation Association. "These are the meF', an industry observer said, "who ][  "on (9(0 t,t s fo cl, vo. month,,.' ;I]"==ez _:-.-: ,. .. .;:i: i i00 million fee! le.. Lhap. for the ba, ttle the beetles, flog the fires, plant the seedliugs and  ,:mmperiodbstyear. ' i = arcvitaltoth.eccunomicwell-beingofcomn!uniti,,s i!¢,They are-",, preserving ' !:::ili!!!iiVi'::':!; !{i:?:::':i;i::!!! ................ weekly ..{, c,,,ge fol Oct.ohez v,¢. "y.:i" '  - - ":-- -- - - - '"  :i ; ' i ' "" ,catt(yred thTolsgho,tt oM?' ow'n arid ,n¢ighbori'g 8ae8. ,;::, r. ...... production 1)] 2]0(.)00 b f 952 Hess farm building below Eelts Hill in Skokomish Valley. m'ders 151.461,000 b.f.; i)mcnts charged with and enlarging RURAL BEAUTY -- Artist David Barclay sketched the Harry per eent (,r tlhi; Lg'.7-61',;v'erage; through miracles of modern researchthe industrial role ..................................... I 148,060,000 b.f. /¢filNId unr tuav ] Eleven months of the 1962 cu- of the tree. (Seattle Times) .b,,v,, ncnc we/ , 1 /mulative re'eduction 7A25,335,000 r PHONE 426-6477:' . i' :). -- UWlC-il[ VII UU|I4,  ]1 ',IB ik [ ,163,000 b.f.; eleven m()nths of t960, ' ' • ': USUAL Fred B. Wivell Aanerican Le- '  i' '7:'%';',00 b,'; elevcn ,no.ths THCgERAY aeG E L E Everyone loves the excitement of Christmas and the gion post stood out like a beacon | l|,lbi[ .lr Iof ]9,,9, 8.o27,378,000 b.f. ..  217 COTA STREET .) . " 1 i*",,.4:';' 4th Districi" conference at Lacey. I =liTJIl.lLgJI]  {]9(12 break down as follow: l"dl - :' ' '  '¢= .... " fun of doing things togethersinging carols, wrapping on a stormy night it. the recent I   ] Orders for eleven months or ':" _ Fred B. Wivell post was tl:e   /and truck 5,662, 82],000 b.f,; do- gift,s, reading Christmas classics, and "creating colorful dec- only one in the district Lo have i 1 mcstic cargo 1262 735 000 b.f. ex- q L orations that fairly sing "Merry Christmas"! That's how a su,:i)assed its quota by Armistice I  ]port 326,9,¢)9,000 b.f.; local 334,- " ' ' \\; " '-'/")' '1 Tt family s store of happy holiday traditions begins. , Day, noL only surpassing it but 410,000 b.f. regally going over the top with 242 .......... ' ' " - Ilk .... 1t I a , With our youngsters, speeificaliyj one of the main paid up members. The pesos 1963 r t, -r  • I . /Jl J cise h, ighlights of (;hristmas falT in the myth of good old quota Was 191 members: ' #H i'Mr , ......... |  '2---__...411/ mea: It was also. the only post, in the. |-- ,-- 1 ....... u a" WW | | * * • " !  of .e rollicking, .ioZly St. Nick, better' known to them as district to exceed last years menz- ";:'' I each Sa'nta Cla.lS. be, rship, wbich had been 240, ae- YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER ! B, cording to Post Adjutant Mel 1 Everyone knows he's the friendly, white-bearded man Dobson. i: rate in the red suit that seems to be everywhere during the 12 Next meettng of the post will " i mea be next Tuesday evemng, when e. __ -."" ue days of Christmason street corners, in department stores, the anmml Christllas party will U 0 fami i TV, er 2 Christmas pageants and parties--and in between these en- gagements he somehow manages to flit back to his work- shop at the North. Pole to carry oa with the multitude of Christmas orders that he must fill before December 25th. Yes, hc's truly an amazing fellow, alright, and good natured about it, too. This year, however, we understand that he's even going one step further. He wants to make a lersonal phone call to as many Mason• County youngsters as possible. In order to do this, however, he has asked the Shelton Jaycees to help in taking care of a few minor details involved. Now the Jay- cecs are asking the help of parents in filling out the coupon found at the bottom of this column. COUPON COUPON -- COUPON -- COUPON " The best time for child to receive be held in Memorial Hall. A limit of $1 value has been set on gifts, which it is suggested be toys which can be used in the 40 & 8- Journal Christmas project. Gent Martin is providinff the refresh- merits. Too Late To Glassify 1949 STtII)EBAKER, lt ton t,'uck. Pho|m 426-2201, M 12/13 t fn (l)upe, V8 e,lg., bllck(t egts. Ford-O- ]Ylalie, All vinyl tt'im, €;arp(.Is, radio. w/u/wall tires. W(tS|lerS. 2-Slwvd wlp,:rs, tinted windshild, padded d,tsh, back-tip Its, sti('kn'. Pvic(" was $8,014.1,5, Prit,,,d now f,n' qui('l¢ sah', wJfh only 3,200 mih, (:)1] it. $2,50tL [ h,nw .126-823]. Jim 1: auh,y's. 12 /.I 3 V,).---,iT-75;,;i-;,:Ftfi;i;7 5Tr.: -]-i;ii Lhlt!oln 4..d,)ur st'd;lll. $',')5. .TJHI Pauloy, Phot,,, 42(;-82:t]. .12/13 It : Box 365 SANTA CALLING ': Si" mlton, Wash. : SANTA . . please call . . , | call from Santa is: (claeck below) -A'-)'l-'!-fiEf-lSl;iii-;,;-[i;i  sh:lp(, I{ubbv g¢)()(l Now t),11:al jo|). Monday, Dec. 17 - 7-9 p.m .........  r),an Dowell, ,t26-6't13 D 12/1:{-20 T 'iTff -- ]qrr'=z Pi]Vfff 7fi;:i i - -7[i7;:i  5,; iT. Wednesday, Dec. 19 - 7-9 p.m. [ I)l)wnt,)wn lot,ilion. $t5 |)*n' n]mHh. (Jail Vim',, tli|nlh at Mann [{eal P.'s- laLO. 42t{-65!)2. H t2/13 Friday, Dec. 21 - 7-9 p.m ........ [ i;OTNEqfiiifS-7;,,(j?,}:7;--i4i-,i.:.;...:--i(, [IJWII, "eVlt | Ol * tLll(| ]l(!,qt; I'tLl'lliF;]lt'fJ. \\; l'hom' .126-.4.181 m" 126-.1£95. : Name : ................ : .................................................. Age ......... Sex ........ | : Address ................................................................ Phone ............................ • Toy you plan to give child p ............................................................................ • (It  r()l' Lhan one child in family include ;tbove informa- tion for each child) t Z,/i'3 |In 5TITq:];:-;ii)i;:i-,ii;fiT 6;F-i:;,iii "-i;hi:fiY [1H'llisho,.l. ]61.0 Adnll)tt. N J2/J3 II11 p"[{Ii]E lllOf|(Fll |FHHCF 8|,ItC, L (/()llt)Je a. 'llF('t:lkl'l'tl. i.O '4qlt'k I'ICQI|),|'('(J [( ] Ih)x 32. I-lo, (l.l s •L )J' IHIO,IP 877-5301;. vV 12/1:{-20 Tfi"-sXf:g 7i;;;;;. '--gi:fiTiiiVfS;::,.f, : with a('c( -.,:o ri','s. 26-inch whet:l. .tr)(J volldili(n|, t]lOllP ,12tJ-,153. Z 13/t2 IN :j R-"S'?II;ELT;8( i; ; i'ig-i,i " ):';;a s t ni  h( ,)): 25c. live. 426-8](N). 1:):,/13.L0 i ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND 25¢ FOR EACH CHILD TO COVER id-'iii-f61-)[:Si-lt'ffaElii',i;"i,;:tafifd i COST OF CALL AND HANDtNG. , ,)1' built-iu; also trasll burner. 426- 4==.=.uo....,,.. ........ ...- .... --- ---. --,- ---=-------=---= .... 08J"  .t,/l; -27 Your local newspcrper strives to represent every tacet ot the community. It promotes business by advertising pro- ducts end services; it supports churches, schools, end civic dubs by publishing information concerning their c- fivities; it recognizes individual members o! the community interesting events occur in their lives; end it spreads local news, end national news in local terms. B help- ing different factions o! the community to learn :tbout each SOLID, UNITING FORCEI other, your local newspaper promotes ding and ! cooperation for the good of the entire area. t;.:', V • , t' ,{, -. _  ., ...'( :. ',}..$.: . :vlc sr.,,r)o HELP YOUR TOWN ,.GROW! SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL Wash/ngton Newspaper Pub00shers Ass00 00.on, In.. |G COMMUNICATIONS BUItDINO, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINOTON • $|&TILi lie WASHiHSIOi drye . clea, jl '"° asl 0on food frig mar conc trio does COrn and yot a I: pen( the LIVE BE MASON COUNTY f[) JACK COLE, pr : T&YLOR, ¢ommissi ! nnin00 m mminini