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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 13, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 13, 1962
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];!?+ :i hursday, December 13, 1 .... : ',,*,.:'+',,, *,,: ..... ..... -:-- ------ .-/a + December 13 1962 SH'ELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published. in "ChTistmastown, U.S,A.", Shelton, Washington ,, Pae f  IJl /_-;:"' "Y' ' . .. " .-- ' ' " .... ' .... r nr r ..... _ ........... ,+-..-. ,,,  I,I , zt j , .......................... |Jm .................. . ..........................................  ........... ;""'--dl V/  • • • vlwJw r_. ll2--.I.--I2...L---- P--J • ....... . HIqAFdE iilHLAN KAOA[ I IlglmllOIliglmn]nlHmTilmoflW11111HMldli I .... t L r.X-ItlKltGl|mour urtg ) __._ .....==  u.laLula vpm, uoo=t ti   ! l| Meeting Tonig00l 00'l"tdr'lhll']l00PIl00ii0000 /Mentor Receives UULf ULUU 00Play Today Hosting f J _J. I! ;: re00,,lar n,embership'0000 I IU,JFJ['00L I IHigh National Honor J nni runan Miller Of Aberdeen /J UU/IJUUIt3 Ii hlg O1' the Shelton Chamb I  5MLIEHOfllK  JUNIOR ItlGII BASKETBALL | m:/ IN . I . " " ..: • . " ,-, = | Rowland "Red" Smith former / ll Illlll ....... %V a pf pal [ _/,--, IN MASON COUNTY ll f l onl]ael'ee \\;Vlll De Lon|gllL  / ' ' ' J 'r's Broiler " , J/ Highclimbcr football and baseball CHRISTMAS PARTY SUNDAY Jefferson. ............ Z 0 26. . "2311 | | -'" l[  coach now athletic director and z " elf Hoqt,am ..... 1 0 ,,, +3 --JlJ ..... ' ...... off* ....  ' . Membe's of the Shelton G ,  ........ '  " '' """ ' " ''3 : U  " . ' " ......... n O t e a - __ i/?[u7a..?n, ),, pro. -* + !lm )m Frlda , East Here Saturda. For Lea ue Ol)ener school, hs been appointed el]an- mas Darty lis Sunday afternoon SHELTON .......... 0 0 0 0 ................. T ........................................ i-h I P . y ! Y Y g ]man oz rne mgn scnool program at tlle Ba"shore clubhouse be 'Cent, alia ...... 0 1. 3 34 FIRST STe. e. LH.AU.t,.M= o.t ,.a, ,, ...... ; ,,c.2=,soe,( / " ' ai ¢aH£S OH CLIHBER WEEKEND SLATE L " . etican ''** " " ' 3 26 Thqe ]e mcencm azter all. snouo rower ana c,ear z . S lbjects sc ledtlled for eomnnttee of the Joint Am ' • E[opkuts ..... 0 1 2,. : .................... • ' " ' ' " " " n tween 3:00 and 7.00 o clock. .......... o • - After bein- sin tout the f 'st week- the betler waters and perhaps ,ran at the meeting include;=  Football Coaches Assocmtmn a d . • Washington ........ 0 1 o3 3o -  .... ...... Fo]est Festival the Harstie r NCAA meeting in Los Angeles All club members are molted, ' , ........ end of the season a few catches increase the catch reported by ;and B]'ide m"ogress of tile   ..... .................... J Jan 7-10 The affair is trader the chairman- iius ,]iernoan dribbled in dining the second nexL week. | " ' - tleaction faces Highclinher ()LYMPIC LEAGUF " " ship of Bill and Mary Smith, as-. Miller at Shclton. weekend. * * * situation, civil defense and otll n this weekend, once on W L pf pa d t Friday at Olynlpia , t home ( Sal lu'(tay against l'entcrl on ). lems wit, h their offense Came to light m their non- !eilee season opener against ia last Saturday have gain- j0r attention from lhe Clim- workouts Lhis week.  OV 'rile moves Coach b0herty hopes will hel t) to the i)'roblcms has I)den in- Devereux / ency is pleased to cent association of reux, well-known state man. Mr, nage the Real Es- , the LaBissoniere ring. rain ? . . moderate along coast heavy after ERE. AGENCY )NE 426-4666 Shelton, Washington IFORT FOIl THAN oormal tt'"42 to 50 degrees L0v.., 30 to 40 degrees Be Comfortable with Modern Heat IT OIL GO. BAYSHORE ROAD : 426-3322 West ............................ 1 0 49 38 Central ....................... 1 0 48 43 Port Angeles ............ 0 1 38 49 North .......................... 0 1 43 48 Shelton ........................ 0 0 0 0 South .......................... 0 0 0 0 East ............................. 0 0 0 0 This Friday Shelton at Olympia (nl) North at West Port Angeles at South Port Townsend at Central (nl) Lincoln (Tact at East (nl) This Saturday East at Shelton South at Mercer Island (nl) Peninsula at Central (nll jection of pepper-pot Bob Walker red-headed junior guard, into the lineup in an effort to get greater scoring power. The aggressive, cat-quick Walker has sparkled brightly in his appearances in re- lief during the jamboree and a gainst Olympia. He probably will start tomorrow night at Olympia, teaming with Bill Sloan in the backcourt, Bill Smith at center Jim Goodpaster and Larry Powell at forwards. Smith and Goodpaster ave done yoeman duty in the rebounding department but have been prac- tically helpless from a scoring standpoint. If either or both begin to pick up some points the Clim- ber offense should come to life, along with the pep Walker figures to give it. WHEN THE CLIMBERS hoar East Bremerton Saturday night it will be their baptism into Olynpic Peninsula league basketball play as official members of the confer- ence. The Climbers shaded East, 16- 15, in a ten-minute period during the Central Kitsap jamboree and have enjoyed exceptional success against the Black Knights in non- conference competition the past few years. East lost a non-league game to t.iny but potent Sequim (Coach Doimy's bailiwick prior to com- ing to Shelton this year), 53-38, last Friday. Junior varsities open pl'ay at 6:45 with the varsities following about 8:15 for both Friday and Saturday bills. CAGE. CHATTER--What a ball club the Highclimbers would have this year if two boys who once lived here were still on the scene .... 6foot,,5,.Jobn Nebel, ex-Bhtzer ace, is the keY player figured to make  The • • True Value of ELECTRI¢I 00VSP00PEI ORCEI " {iti'/t O.[t  i.l !i PAPER.I The electric meter, as accurate and pre- cise as man can make, measures ,. the amount of electricity you use each month. But even this accu- rate instrument can't measure the real val- ue of electricitythe family pleasure from TV, radio, record play- er . . • the work-sav- ing electric washer & dryer . . • the kitchen 0lean-up team of elec- tric dishwasher and aste disposal . . . the convenience of the food freezer and re- frigerator . . . the marvels of electric air conditioning and elec- tric heat. Nothing you buy does more to bring comfort, convenience and better living than y o u r electric service, a bargain you'll de- pend on every day of the year. LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY P.U,D. !10. COUNTY ..... fb JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB, secretary; TAYLOR, commissioner; CLAUDE DANIELSON, manager BOB WALKER IAkely Starter Tomorrow Mercer Island a championship threat in the Kinco league this year . . .the Islanders are given title contention ranking along with Sammamish, where another one- time Shelton schoolboy, tall and muscular Dave Oswald, is a mem- ber of the basketball team. Has there even been so many former Climber cagers performing tot the college basketball clubs at one time as this year? . . • Corky Peterson, Jerry Bloomfield! at St. Martins, Wayne Carlson Scott Elliot at Puget. Sound, Greg Vermillion at Seattle University. All are starters except Carlson and Elliott. PREP BASI{ETBALL SCORES Olympic League West Bremerton 49, Port Angeles 38. Olympia 55, Shelton 42 (nl). Bothell 48, East Bremerton 39' (nl}. Sequim 53, South 38 (nil Smmount Leahme North Thurston 47, Bethel 46. Curtis 44, Sumner 29. Fife 70, White River 26. Peninsula 58, Laughbon 46. Lincoln 63, Sumner 51 (nl). Fife 69, Federal Way 26 (nl). Wilson 52, Curtis 33 (nl). Bethel 48, Eatonville 41 (nl). Bainbridge 38, Peninsula 37 (nl). Orting 38, White River 31 (nl). Central League St. Martins 56, Winlock 45. Montesano 58, Yelm 39. Auburn 58, Raymond 49 (nl): Rochester 39, Castle 36 (nl). Morton 56, White Pass 38 (nl). Montesano 70, Ocosta 35 (nl). Elma 64, Hoqniam 47 (nl). Centralia 52, Tumwater 44 (nl). Kelso 44, Chehalis 22 (nl) Others Chimacum 51, Mary M. Knight 37. Nor Mason 39, Mary M. Knight Wilson" 57, Olympia 56. Elms 51, Hoquiam 47. Port Townsend 41, Forks 36. Renton 68, Aberdeen 31. Bainbridge 47. Nm'th Mason 21. Centralia 48, Valley 39. Bellarmine 64, St. Martins 41. Mt. Tahoma 53, West Bremerton 50. Bainbridge 47. North Mason 21 HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE W L Hood Canal Marina ...... 37 23 Jim Pauley Inc ............... 36 24 Shelton Marine Supply ..33 27 Shelton Union Service ..31]/2 28½ Edward's Salon .............. 30 31 Evergreen Florist .......... 29 31 Angle Agency .............. 26 34 Bali's Food Center .......... 18 £ 41V.z High gameVerna Johanson 216. High series--Connie Cronquist 536. Split picks--Sybil Sampson and Vi LaFond, each the 5-7, Midge Hash 3-I). Shelton Union Service 4 (Mtdge Hash 434), Angle Agency 0 (Vi LaFond 399); Shelton Marine Supply 4 (Sylvia Fonzo 425), Ed- ward's Salon 0 4Norene Stevens 464); Hood Canal Marina 2 (Ka- tie Riles 486), Jim Pauley Inc. 2 (Connie Cronquist 536); Ever- green Florists 2 (Betty Johnson 417), Bali's Food Center 2 (Mary Stairs 415). RECREATION LEAGUE  W L Rainier Beer .................... 35 13 Shelton Recreation ........ 30 18 Lucky Lager .................. 24 24 Lemke s service .............. 23 Vz 24 ½ Olympia Beer .................. 22½ 25/ Ritnar's Pink Ladies ...... 22 26 Olsan Furniture .............. 19/ 28½ Northwest Evergreen .... 16½ 31½ High gameBobby Barnett 199. 518H.igh series--Bobby Barnett Split picksShirley Stites 6,7. Adair Neau 2-7-5 Lucky Lager 4 (Sharon Hui- singh 437); Olympia Beer 0 (Mary Alice Crossan 388}; Olson Furni- ture 3 (Edna Clary 461), Shel- ton Rec. 1 (LaVonne Castle 434); Rainier Beer 3 (Wills Mills 423) Lemke's 1 (Adair Neau 414); Ritner's 2 (Bobble Barnett 518), Northwest Evergreen 2 (Polly Ar- cher 384). WOMEN'S 12:30 LEAGUE W L Nell's Pharmacy .......... 33½ 18Vz Shelton's Union Serv. 28½ 23% Phil's Richfield ............ 27 25 Dairy Queen ................ 14 38 High game--Lois Albrecht 215. High series--Lois Albrecht 490. NeWs Pharnlacy 3 (lbYe Frisken 489), Shelton Union: Ser- vice 1 (Lois Albrecht 490); phil' Richfield 3 (Lorene Wilson 71), )airy Queen 1 (Cleo Hulet 480). The appointment was announc- ed by William Murray, president of the American Football Coaches Association and head football coach at Duke University. Smith was a guest speaker at the same convention in Los An- geles in 1956 and last January at the annual session of Chicago. He is one of two prep coaches in the nation who have received the hon- or of addressing thc top college and high school coaches at this convention. Smith completed his first sea- son at Moses Lake this fall, af- ter several years at Oak Harbor, hi team compiling a 7-2 record, best in Moses Lake's history and including the school's first vic- tory ever over over Wenatchee. His starting lineup featured eight juniors. FLOYD FULLER IN A NIFTY 'RUT FRATERNAL LEAGUE W L Fuller Construction ........ 36 20 Rotary Club .................. 32V.z 23½ Kiwanis Club .................. 32½ 23/. Lions Club ...................... 30 26 Shelton Hardware .......... 26 29½ Eagles Aerie .................. 23 33 Moose Antlers .................. 22 34 Bull Moose ...................... 21½ 34 High game--Floyd Fuller 219. High sertes--Fl0Yd Fuller 602. ,1€ * * Floyd Fuller is stuck in a nice rut. The 602 series he rolled in the Fraternal league onday night (180-203-219) was the sec- ond 602 in succession for him. This one led his Fuller Constrnc- tion team to a 4-0 victory over the Kiwanis Club (Rudy Oltman 480) and into first place in the league. With a 3V.z game edge the builders need but one point! next Monday to cinch first half honors. In other play Monday--Rotary Club 4 (Min Okano 537), Lions Club 0; Bull Moose 3 (Bill Wils, m 561), Eagles 1 (Lionel Leman SVOMEN'S CITY LA(JUE Sunbeam Bread .......... +.34'/z 17½ Shelton Hotel ................. 34 18 McConkey Drug Center 28 23V Morgan Transfer ........ 27fi 24½ Lumbermen's Mere ...... 27 25 Hoodsport Lumber ........ 20 ] 31. Polka Dot ...................... 20 32 rvIillo's Diner ................ 16 36 Iigh game -- Evelyn Eliot 221 High series Evelyn Eliot 520 Hoodst)ort Lumber 4 (Louise Jackson 441), L. M. 0 (Evelyn Eliot 520); Drug Center 4 (Bobble Barnett 512), Polka Dot 0 (Lois Albrecht 495); Sunbeam Bread 3 (Mildred Daniels 496), MiIlo's Din- er 1 (Csrole Howard 424); Shel- ton Hotel 3 (Verna Johansop 422), Morgan Transfer 1 (Vi McGee' 477). MIXED FOURSOMES• W "L Timber Ducks .............. 33/ 22/ Knock Outs ................ 32 24 Board Busters ............ 31/ 24½ What's Next ................ 30 26 Rusty Ducks ................ 28 28 Strippe.xs ...................... 24½ 31V2 Odd Balz ........................ 23 33 Pin Busters .................. 21. 34/ High games---Pauline O'Dell 182, Clyde Landsaw 205. High seriesAlice Crossen 473, Clyde Landsaw 526. First half play ended in the nixed foursome bowling league Sunday with the Timber Ducks (Clyde Landsaw 526) pennant win- ners after a 3-1 triumph over the Board Busters (Verna Johanson 434). Second half play starts this Sunday. In other matches Sunday: Strip- pers 4 (Henry Cook 480), Pin Busters 0 Ellen Rebman 391); Rusty Ducks 3, What's Next 1; (neck Outs 3 (Ken O'Dell 501); Odd Balz 1 IRon Freeman 517). MAJOR LEAGUE W .L Timber Bowl ................ 26 13 Northwest Evergreen 22½ 16, Dan's Kite Hawks ........ 22 17 Olson's B & B Shop .... 18½  20½ Jim Pauley Inc ............ 16 23 LaBissoniere Agency .... 12 27 High games -- Carl Downing and Cliff Howard each 212 High series L.L. McInelly 580 and Ruth Angle. Tickets for the club's annual New Year's Eve party, one of the outstanding social events of the year, started moving with a rnsl when put on sale last week and one third of them were taken in the first five days, reports chair- men Les and Nancy Shelver. Tagged the "Pepperiint Twist" the year-end social function is op- e to club members and their guests, either in or out of town on a first-come-first-served basi:. Dancing will be from 10 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. to music by the Glasgo combo. Assisting the Shelvers with ar- rangements are Roy and Sally Kimbel, Buck and Ruth Price, Gene and Helen Hanson, Herl? and Ruth Rotter, Jim and Alice Mor- rissey, and Bert Hoard. 600 PAIR, PENNANT BRAD IN OlTY PLAY MEN'S CITY LEAGUE (final 1st half) W L Wilson Company ........ 27% 14/ 40 & 8 ............................ 26/z 15/' Beckwith Jewelry ........ 24 18 Shaub-Ellison ................ 23 19 Rishel Logging ............ 21 21 Frisken Oil ... ................ 18 24 Simpson Timber ............ 17 25 Lumbermen's Mere ...... 11 31 High games =-. Aub Blockberger 224, Glenn Roessel 222 High series .-- Joe Anderson 610, Allie Robinson 600. TWO 600 seliesia-near-miss, and a last -ditch rally to win the pen- nant marked final matches in the men's city howling league first half schedule Monday night at Shelton Rec. Wilson Company pushed past 40 & 8 to win the title when Allie Robinson's on-the-nose 600 (206- sisted by. Clarence and Esther An- Friday Afiernoon Tops in \\;veight was a 9 l;2-ponnd- derson, Bill and Kay Gott, Dick Jefferson at Hoqtfiam. Hopkins at Washington. Last Week Jefferson 26, Hopkins 23. Hoquiam 35, Washington 33. Miller 34, Centralia 33. Coach Walt Clayton sends his Shelton Blazers into tieir opening junior high basketball competition of the new aeason this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock in the Shelton gym with his fingers crossed and ap- prehension in his heart. The Blazers will host Abcrdeens Miller Kittens, who managed a hair-breath 34-33 victory over Centralia last week. Clayton was so apprehensive over the calibre of his ninth grad- ers that be was considering mak- ing his eighth graders his varsity squad, until a scrimmage last Fri- day proved that the ninth graders could put it out if they wanted to. As a re:mtlt of that scrimmage Clayton expects to give starting . assignments today to Bill Arcier and Reid Preppernau at forwards Scott Sishm at center, Elton el- son and Rich Loving at guards. Archer has an ankle sprain which might cause Clayton to switch off if Bill doesn't seem quite ready. Behind the starting five Clay- ton has Dave Winn, Brady Whit- ener, Mark Schmidt, Mike and Bob Johnson for his ready reserves. The Blazers will be imsts again next Thursday afternoon, when they entertain the Jefferson Jagu- ars from Olympia. GLIMBER MATMEN WIN 3rd IN ROW By Denny "Wakmer Shelton's matmen continued to terrorize opponents Tuesday night, winning their third straight run. away engagement by a lop-sided 40-6 score over the Thunderbirds 1.84-210) led a cleansweep win at Tumwater. over Shaub-Ellison (Stan Ahlquist Only two of Coach Larry Weir's er talen hy Paul Br,)\\;vn in the Chehalis Monday, along with a second at 7  lbs. Norm Ferry also doubled up with 5% and 7: lb. catche.: from the Hamma Saturday. where Ed Hill- berg' had 5Uz-pounder anti Gary Isaacs a 6!i-poun(ier. Harvey Greenwood tnflled a ]0,-lb. silver sahnon from the Chehalis Monday. Prospects for improved fishing conditions brightened with a lack GHRISTY ,CRACKS 610 MIXED TOTAL MR, & MRS. LEAGUE Vagabonds ..................... 38 ,. 17! Skid Row-Lers ............ 34 22 I, I)a. No ..................... 29,. 26fi Nile Owls ....................... 27 29 Bowl Evils .................... 26 30 Gntter Snipes ............ 251, 30U, Four Squares ............... 22 34 Down Beats ................ 21,, 34/ High games--Joe Engen 213, June Petty 169. High series. +Cleo Hulot 474, Jerry Christy 610. Jerry Christy served up a 610 series on games of 203, 196 and 211 in the Mr. & Mrs. League 577); Shelton Hardware 3 (Frank 598) while Joe Anderson banged Willard 524), Moose Antlers 1 610 (190-208-212 as Beckwith (Gerry Hart 530). Jewelry knocked 40 & 8 (Fred Snelgrove 517) off the top zng WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL with a 2-1 victory. W L In other matches Rishel Log- Timber Bowl ................ 36 24 ging 3 (Real Demeree 543}, Fris- Darigold .......................... 33 27 ken Oil 0 (Jess Daniels 503) Gott's Oilerettes .......... 32 28 L.M. 3 (Aud Blockberger 535- Allyn Shell Service ...... 30 30 224), Simpson Timber 0 (Bob Richfield Oil ................ 30 30 Coots 465). Eells & Valley ................ 29 31. - ........... Bill's Shell Service ...... 25 35 SIMPSON MEN'S LEAGUE Ming Tree Cafe ............ 25 35 . / W,, L High games .... Andy Rodgers Raih'oad ............ : ............. 32 211, Jo Clazy 209, Adair Neau 201 Engineers ........................ 30 22 High series -- Jo Clary 507 Insulating Board .......... 26 26 Split picks--Kay Gott, Jean Mill 2 ............................ 26 26 Ream 5-10, Margaret Tobler 5-6-7 Mill 1 .............................. 25½ 26½ Phyl Collins 5-8-10, Julie Coleman Loaders ............................ 24 28 5-7. Shops .............................. 22/ 29½ Allyn Shell 4 (Ann Cole, Joyce Loggers .......................... 22 30 LDariold 0 (Adair High games ..... Harold Hubert Dion 446), Neau 495); Gotts ? Oilerettes 3 20, Glen Robertson 222 (Phyl Collins 492), Richfield 1 High series ..... Stan Ahlquist 597 (Lodga Kimbel 445); Ming Tree ---- Cafe 2 (Iva Cook 430), Timber Insulating' Board 4 (Les Spil- Bowl 2 (Jo Clary 507); Bill's Shell seth 568), Loggers 0 (Mike John- 2 (Betty Wolden 487), Eells & son 483); Engineers 3 (Glen Ro- Vlley 2 (A.ndy Rodgers 500). bertson 568-222). Shops 1 (Jen Miklethun 510); Loaders 3 (Hat'- old Hubert 533-230), Mill 2 1 (Eldon Todd 510); Raih'oad (Stan Ahlquist 597) Mill 1 i (Ted Blair 484). FRIDAY MIXED FOURS W L Hep Katz .......................... 23 13 Twisters ............................ 18 18 Suburbanites .................. 16 20 You Name It ................... 15 21 High games--Betty Thompson 185, Don Knudsen 207. High series--Betty Thompson 475, Loy Hicks 514. Twisters 4 (Loy. Hicks 514), You Name it 0 (Betty Thompson 475); Hep Katz 3 (Charlie Savage 504), Suburbanites 1 tChuck Knudsen 47). BANTAM LEAGUE vV L Timber Bow1 ................ 24 9 Cook Plant Farm ........ 22 11 Shelton Journal ............ 18 15 Lions Club .................... 15 18 Eagles Aerie ................ 14 19 Boon's Plumbing ........ 14 19 Morgan, Eacrett Lbr.....13 20 Wilson Company ........ 11 22 High games Tamt Craig 160, Bruce Pearson 152 High series- Sonja Ahlquist 237, Bruce Hoard 282 MERCHANTS LEAGUE W L Old Mill Tavern ............ 31 17 Ralph's Serve-U .......... 30 17½ Thurston S & L .. 24 24 Prepp's Rexall Store .. 23 25 Bill's Shell Service .... 23 25 Timber Appliance ...... 22½ 25½ Kimbel Motors ............ 22 26 Olympic Plywood ........ 19 29 High game ..... Floyd Jackson 217. High series--Floyd Jackson 561. Ralph's Serve-U 4 (Floyd Jack- son 561), Thurston S & L 0 (Ron Strickland 513); Kimbel Motors 4 Wilfred White 528), Prepp's Rex- all 0 (Bud Donaldson 541); Bill's Shell 4 (Bill Johnson 547), Tim- ber Appliance 0 (Hap Smith 518); Old Mill 2 (Lynn White 526), Plywood 2 (A1 Wagner 520}. RAYONIER RESERARCH W L Water Boys .................. 38' 21½ Maintenance .................. 38 22 Acetate Aces ................ 34 26 Silva Foxes .................... 33½ 26½ Timber Bowl 3 (L.L. McInelly Wood Birds .................... 29 31 580), Jim Pauly Inc. 0 (Jess 'Da- Rayonettes ...................... 23 37 niels 544); DaX'a Kite Hawks 3 Pin Curlers .................... 22 38 (Ohub Nutt 57a), Laianiere Four Fowlers ................. 22 38 A&qcy 0 (Gall DovCrhlig, 52;$); High games Ndrthwcat 6greefl 2" (Ray Mary Morkcz't210 argBac°n 201. "Walker 55), Ols01'a Barber & HighseIes,--Marg Bacon 508, Beauty Shop ½ (Bob Olson 547). Jim Latimer 541 a mighty matmen lost to Thunder- bird rivals Tuesday, both by slim margins. Ralph Nell, John Coch- ran, Joe Snyder and Bzme Craw- ford contimmd their respective un- beaten strings by pinning Turn- water opponents in lopsided tri- umphs. Next for thc Cli,nbers is a trip to Buckley to meet White River ,text Thtu'sday night. SIMPSON WOMEN'S LEAGUE W L • Accounting .................. 37 15 Research ........................ 28 24. Insulating Board ........ 26½ 25½ Loggers ........................ 25½ 26' Engineering .................. 241,,.', 27 , . ].. , 1 ) Lumbel ........................ 24. 7., 27 ., Olympic Plywood ........ 221fi 29'/.,, Purchasing. ................... 19 . 32V High games--L)) Dale 217, Helen Rice 200. High serics-- Lil Dale 527. Loggers 4 (Norene Stevens 445), Lumber 0 (Lit Dale 527-217}; Ac- counting 4 IHelen Rice 507-200), Engineering 0 (Gen Graffe 447); Insulating Board 3 (Joyce Dion 506), Researcit 1 (Katie Niles 4661 ; Plywood 2 .fi ( Ann Cole 461 I, Purchasing 1] (Phyl Collins 495 ,. Sunday night and Joe Engen had a near-miss at 591 with a 201 177, 2].3 string. Joe's team had better luck than Jerry's, however, the lcague-lead- ing Vagabonds winning a 3-1 ver- dict over thc Bowl Evils (George Lewis 452), while Jerry's Down Beats could only earn a 2-2 stale- mate with the Nile Owls (Cleo Hulet 474). In othcr action, the Four Squares (Vern Beeson 5518) and I. Da. No. (Eldon Todd 518) were 33-]. victors over the Skid Row- Lets (Del Stormo 453), and the Gutter Snipes (Bill Staudt 499). 1963 IA(ENSES HEllE Fishing and hunting licenses, steelhead permit cards and fishing pamphlets for 1963 are now awil- able to Mason County sportsmen through porting goods dealers. Steelhead fishermen mnst have 19(}3 permit cards after Dec. 31, after which time the Game De- partment asks theft 1962 cards be mailed to the department. Infor- mation from these cards is used to ewtluate production and catch .of the state's steeihead streams. Persons wishing to hunt after Dec. 31 must also have a 1963 license. For hunters participating in big game damage control huhts which occur after the first of tim /ear, however, a 1962 big game tag may be used along with a 1963 hunting license. ' The '63 fishing pamphlet gives seasons, limit and regtdations in effect until Dec. 31, 1963. it is printed in blue to differential from the 1962 pamphlet which is in green. BOWLERS Give a XMAS 61FT GERTIFIGATE For Bowling Balls, Bags, Shoes, Shirts, etc., from Jack Stewart's Pro Shop Westside Lanes, Olymp!a PHONE 943-3882 LOGGING COMPANY, Inc. LOGGING- HEAVY GONSTRUGTION ' " AND PiLE DRIVING FOR DOCKS - FLOATS - BULKHEADS - BRIDGES BUILDING FOUNDATIONS E EXOAVATING -- PITRUN GRAY L Undergrot?d Utilite EQUIPMEN RENT S By Hour or Contract . DUMP TRUCKS-- LOADERS--SHOVELS--TRENCH HOES MACHINERY LOWBED  BOOM TRUCKS BULLDOZERS - ROAD GRADER - COMPRESSOR - PUMP8 DIAL--426-6203 426-3433 707 South First + .-- i __ ii ii i i i i L,. Nltlt