December 13, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 13, 1962 |
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Page 8 SHELTONMASON COUNTY orOURNAL Published in "Chrstmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, December 13,
u n I , . , , • ,,. . ................. n n • u • , , • , m ,u , , • .
lmmwm mmllimlammmlmmJml*lmu mm mumum m
_ -.- . -- . --- i • ' RETARDED CHILDREN'S ] . '
I,Fdm 0n 00mmunlsm AMfllklP VNIID i Egg, Rug Thefts :
) it •
Pharmacy Phads , }UT|IJII00II ][UUl00, ),,ho. Tommy Kunkle shoLa game of _
- ]v,nuu,u u.u. : =..,.. ,T..'..:..'..7 : ,.,.l..v..v .,,,, i19 to top effo,'ts of the retardea ']D -"-..all -"--."
From Neil Evander / A :pe{i,I film o, co,,,.,is , lll:lJI'l A lftlTL' ' Eggs taken from a Darigold children's bowling pro.jeer for the ' ;] lrz.i A
........ , . , .... l',viil he shown next Sunday morn- ' IV|I [lt§rli LIII/ truck ended up tossed at build- week of Dec. ]. The scores were: .fL: l"ql'lr
: ,'aLm.'v ,,,.:,:a .... s, ,::w .5..:; ru(,,s Ch,b in the I"UD building. | , end, Shelton Police reported, Bobby Kimbel 95-97 Benny Nes- "/7L-"h'|d li
:,/(/ m)ne, y. ,t sees tnat]*,i,::,s The fihn "Red Trap" ,van given MARV N VOSS JOINS Bad Km tzcn manager of the tell 48-71" TEAM 1--:Jimmy; Smith _ /(/,.' L' -|1"--
2u '7 OI LFt(¢ pr[scrlpt,lOtlS (]O,',I.UI'" , ' "--n .... -- .............. ' ' ' )
, :. ) ......... ...( ............ (. dae I, reedoms 1, ouneatmn AWI:LI'(I ROY DUNN TAFF Da.mgold plant here, said someone 40-57 Carl Bloomfield 15-56 |lrJ .} ...'N|'/
,l:n.(; jot tnelr).pa)C,:cS a,, ),ev, c for outslanding .chievenwnt in Marvin W Voss who had been pried the padlock off one of the tJobbv Niemeyer 57-6z f[[ll'.
1 )u .'it t) [] t mr]t:;lc.- .fmea Tim, }" (o" bringing ?. a )¢ t. •.¢ be .... :ter untied:- manager of the Capital Finance lr eks parked bemde' the planl and" For' the week' " of Dec' 8 the ///(':[ [..'"J j-rj
e ." .'. .- :. '. , andil of the Americ'tn av of office in Shelton for the past four took eight dozen eggs Police scores were' TEAM 1-- Bobby Nei ,Jjjj _l.--rl-4B# w
1| ,PUt.. n.] nuJ(uy,, m ii;;e, .. ' ' .... " yeats has joined the staff of A. found evidence. ,some-of the egg's meyer.., 38-51. Cal" Bloomfield 47-
| '-i-!tae!i.€-)-d lf-))- "he sin', s c (( €(( 'tmi ",)- RoY Dunn asa real e,tatcand in-were broken against buildingn. 63' TEAM" 2__.Tommy Kunkle '--:
i. | eve. ua,gcr,u, .. .r. ." •., :..L ;urance salesman. Knutzen said 10 Eallonl of e'aso- 12€) - Rohh'v hnh, 7 aa \\; _.- , [,\\; \\;llli
¢i | Wa.y Lo sa v e pl'over by J, E(]gltr loover, u]- xr^ .. € .... .. ^.,. o... . " ' ' - -, .... ., .......... --. , - -- • x,,,, ,, ..
P.. . • . , " vtary m n 4o3 Anglesloe way '
i7" :.Yl ff Lhin type oi This filra e×p,)nes Lhe subLlc 'hree children -,,, ,,,,i .... : .... ho,¢* .... hi-d" nANTAM LEAGUE %\\;"", '3V'l
I[:S: thi,,)d,,g ,,,,,re .,.,.>d c,,l,,,,,,,,i .ent ,,se to " " ;" * ': ''"tllG"Go'hb"%a]l"'ig,;.'o w . ¢ \\; _ "-_..4 \\;1
}i :;it. carried to its capture the minds and hetrts of JOHN OEVEREUX WITH wlrt f)aat :r]u f:'L-an (,hil-- uhp lay Birds 27 0 ,J( X"-
\\;:.' "*iii logmal extreme tile v0 flh of o r c(u nlry The dcf- LaB SSONIERE AGENCY wos oon ho v],od )h r, at Wfllour Insurance 16 11 ')'k ,' "--" c...]
" we could all sae ml;( purt)oscs of e()minunism to John Devereux Shelton real al)ou¢a .................. " " V.F.W. Auxflmry ........ 15b. llV - , ,-"l
; money on elee- ,mdermine Christianity and free- estate salesman has left his re- " ,Vef'o",€ c,,,,.s .... ........ Lumbermen's Mere .... 7 18 -t / 7,,.7
r iri(ity hy rLcver d st tn " - .......... "'"" '""° ......... - K 11' , , t 'w i-' I
........... , , .. o 'e ,': , cent position in McCle.ry to work ments from sidewalk Christmas e ) Ft.rniture .......... , 7/:, 19 ½
|m'ni)g ca i.he ligh(n, or avoid Men will want to bring then" again in Shelton. t.rcen were alno reported to police 'Grant Lumber- ............. 6 21 Art Point
car e;(nse by not cimnging the fri,n(ls to the l,'ishermen's Club He is now in the real estate- this week. High games--.Jeanie Campbell
oil or ignoring lubricaHon t,er- to ,ee this outstanding film. insurance office of the LaBisson- 99, Clyde Landsaw 119. Wedding Invita/;<,,.
iods. When the average prescrip- - .............................
t ion :mounts to less than $3 it The Jr.-Hi and Sr.-Hi youth will iere Agency. MEN'S COMMERCIAL High series --- Jennie Campbell
certainly heroines a very small haw., an opportunity Io see the W L 195, Clyde Landsaw 224. THE U.LTIMATEINQiL', '
(:(,st. Lo feel better--.and maybe film. "Red T,'ap" at. the First Bap- KEEP nil Wingard Sport Shop .... 36 20
even save your life. Why take a List Church, Sunday evening, Dec. Bnvm B & R Oil ........................ 33 23 ' JUNIOR I,EAGUE Invitations that (:::
chance? 16 at 6 I).m. litner's Broiler . ........... 32 24 W L without words tha, :.
.............................................. BETWEEN oose Lodge ................ 32 24 Angle Age,cy . ............. 27 13 ' "
Neirs Pharmacy O,T LATEST AND best ideas ? Wilson Company ........ 29', 26V.,o Bloomfield Logging .... 23 17 8. person of good t,,:,c :,,,
Verle's Sporting Goods 22 34 Beekwith Jewelry ...... 19, 20V: that your "once ill a l{:'
4th & Railroad 426-3327 for cuts and unes of beef in fkmily Ziegler's Camera Shop 21 35 Tie Hut 19V 20z/
(Paid Adv.) mealn-.eall or write County Ex- " .......................
Gott Oil .......................... 18, 37 Joslin Insurance .......... 17V2 22L'> time" even will be cohen
ten:don Office, Post Office Base- High games ...... Dan Wilson 226, Hembroff Agency . ..... 13fi 26 111 every derail.
...... ment, Siaelton 426-4732. Cec Bingham 225 High game--Bill Kneeland 200.
, , High series - Dan Wilson 585 High series--Reid Preppernau
' 463. I00 for $14.95 and up
V?ilson Company 3 (Dan Wil- Rloomfield Logging 3 (ten
, _ t, ' ' " "-n 585-226), Moose 1 (Gerry Hart' Robinson 448), Joslin Insurance
. ' ); "W;ngard's 3 Bill Sm)dt t (Bill Kneeland 454); Hembroff
5'3) Ziegler's 1 (Dean PelTy Agency 3 (Al Glover 448), The Thi00 JOURNAL
! c 5(4); B & R 3 (Fred Snelgrove Hut 1 (Curt Snyder 380); Angle
z...'! ; p/[][-[) 37). Gott Oil 1 (Bill Fox 489,', Agency 3 (Reid Preppernau 463,,
'.it'(,:"s 3 (Vorn llemsberg 549), Beekwith Jewelry 1 (Rocky Rob- -- --.;
: P O Open Saturdays Cbe following poem was writ ...... - ......... W'etcber 495) inson 398),
"": = . en by Mrs. Alice S. Palmer, 1005 ............. "
All Day Next 2 Weeks Birch, in 00onor of city's
!i ,all Christmas. tree:
Shelton post office will be open he tallest live Christmas tree t",/
all day the next two Saturdays, tands in the square,
P°stmasterJ'H'Grayann°unceatt'sshimmeringllghts PENNEY'S THEATRE
yesterday, as a coI1vellieJlee [0 ]-ill be seen everywhere.
.!! mailers with Christmas packages
iii; and rards headed for outside Ma- J'hc Sl:rit of Christmas Ship'n Shor,
::.'.:. son County t)€)inLs, is beamed by it's light
/!ii He asked that nmilers do their 9'rom earliest evening
::,:, m.,dling as early in the day as pos- Throughout ail the night. *O |II'""'v'"s'"" TICKETS ,,, much f
<' slble to reduce the congestion lib,
!!i which is occurrin K during Lhe at- So proudly iL stands, p]
tern(,on.'; regularly now. this glowing live tree, acket, a til
One thing tha.t eoneerned the . beautiful symbol ' with every purchase Thur.),ter is th .... elativ(,ly light Of our industry. 650 Dacror
volume of m':i] so far this Christ- Fri. and Sat. We will give.
mas season. He fears it augurs an Oh beautiful tall tree theatre tickets for the Sat- White, 30 to
Umlslally heavy vohlll]e just be- With the , in yolzr crown, Chrll;trflllstlme. ,. lln.yUme COUN
fore C]rristma,;, You're the shiniest 'Ll'e/tsllre ON PIENNIE FOR A FUkl. MIASo urday Matinee at the,Blue
"Please mail early-.-in the day In Christmas Tree Town. IJl OF' V.U" wohy of ),our ©on- Ox Theatre. This ticket
an(1 in the season " he pl(:*,(h,d. Alice S. Palmer. fldence In us.
-. : ,:,::.-: -"7----:= ........................... > ..................... 1 plus 15c will admit one I u point at mi(
. " :'.' . :, '::> ...... :::':;':i'!;: ";i.;:::::! ' ::' :'! , child or adult to the show. ;ht co,e frc
r " ' ' '" I ' :"" ":'" :"'" r : :::' [ " I :;:L.:,, i;:,::, ::,:.; ,: q-. % Ticket good only Saturday, -look 1.00% acet
" M S, /ge f0r .d/i • Dec.mb,r 14. or gray.
, •' : i .i : ' "
: " ::, i, SPECl SH nin
" : :000R ". :::.: fiJ'00 00 T$ Holiday assortment of long =,nd ,'hort ,l| 'printundwral
: ': :: :':'' ' r'J 'a/lk Shirts. Button-down and regular collars, 1
"i":: . ::" : ' ::i ::' i : : 'i : ';i': .. .... , -- -- _ ,overs, button-fronts, embroideries, plaids. :,!
%! MOO ]'J ham checks, solids, 1 or 2-pocket models. CoWI
i/ "T'IVV l/l - rayon, cotton and rayon.
i :":: --- PRE=
: :::" ";::i t.u,,u,.ou, ,,e)ou-,-s wo. I,¢,.A .ar u,,, nm,,
terrs ta[0red in Am- -= --- -= =--[l| W. Z) ,'" .
styling'. 36-44 ;il: ! 7 .j ];q
n Rubin * in's • • "--"'--"
Heaven Sent Perfume Spray PilesLi000000ket OHARGE IT!
.00PE¢IAi) e.
" "' := '66s Solid Color Blend Blankets $6{)'
225 metered sprays...$2.25 lus tax . .......... ,-. : n .......... ' .... 4 ....... d n ...... "qq lr"n .......... ' " :::::'"d n ':': >'I:''I" " :Pq: ': : : 4" :': '":n:l :" ''d; 14n: "n ' In In IP%' :i: n
. , ,, .', ,:',..: .: ....... ' ......... :',: : :,,,':.'.,,',,.::.,:.':,:., <.:,.: :: .: t NOll0ay " ' ' " " 90O/'o Rayon, 10 Orlon Acrylic-72×90
. 7 .*,"!. '".:: ' ' .. "":: . "". : ':'.>: .:':. :... ::'.::..!'.i.;:.'>:": :°,!':;'.'!:':.:' :"."i.:.': Hip length t.n ,po<p- , , 50
^ h.ven,y ,t Idea to trim a tree or stuff a ,tocking! : 'I'U ;,! ;.,i ,,::: > ::J ii;iff,i::'f::iJ"'i; ", ;f'i;:;ii):'Ui':!!!:i!t -mvv-Lt) washable, water rpe,- _ ..... - _ . --
TI "'" "' " : : "" ;P' 0 h 8'>] d 4 " " " ' ' l':Id .... L /y' ::'::'" < .... :'" .... " :,,' ......... ,.: ......... :| /. vol Lent ) Acrylic pile lined, ,uaas ano' ,-nos -- uroKen stzes r:
m whimsical angel holds purse size Heaven Sent :: : 6,t:';),..;. : :.i:!,i.-)::,): :;i .i ii,!i',}:i .:i::::=:::4 ::::=: ::1.'=rJ<=\