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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 13, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 13, 1962
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Pae 12 i I SocialEvents Society Editor • Marj Waters * Phone 426.4412 REPUBLICAN WOMEN&apos;S CLUB ELECTS MRS. SHAGKLEFORD PRESIDENT FOR 1963 The Mason County Women's Re- publican Club elected a new slate of officers at its Decembqr meet- ing. Mrs. George C. Shackleford of Belfatr will head the group for 1963. Sire will be assisted by Mrs. Oscar Levin as I st vice pres.; Mrs. George Brewer, 2nd vice pres.; Mrs. GUy J Norris. secre- tary, and Mrs. Bob Puhn, treas- urer. In her acceptance talk the new president stressed study groups as an activity lot the new year. Sle o) There are 31 pieces of jewelry in here appointed Mrs. Harold Stirling, program eimirman; Mr.. Marie McKay, membership chairman; Mrs. Calvin Mann of Belfair, pub- licity chairman, and Mrs. L. L. McInelly, parliamentarian. Guest of honor at the meeting was Mrs. George Wagener, newly elected county clerk. The program was provided by Mrs. J. Eber Angle as she de- scribed the various countries visited on a recent cruise to the South Pacific and the ormnt. SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in ':Christmastown, U.S.A.", Sheltou, Washington i i i Pair Feted Sunday In Honor Of 50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wiss were honored guests at an open house celebrating their Golden Wedding last Sunday. The anniversary event was held at the home oJ; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Willey. Friends and relatives attending were Mr. and Mrs. George Wiss, David Wiss and sonc Mrs. George Farquher, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Libby, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beret and son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Be- ret and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown, Mr. Lantz Wiss, ]Yh's. Ralph Welton and Ginny, Mr. nd Mrs. Paul Beret. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gruver ann family, Mrs. Eugene Brown, Mrs. Angus O'Neill, Mrs. Sadie Willey, Mr. and Mrs. Lout Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Burnett. Mr. and Mrs.' Roy Longacre and family, It was voted to cancel the Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wllley and January meeting in favor of a son and the honored guests, Mr. trip to the State Legislature in and Mrs. Elmer Wiss. port, ant to Mason county. The Wor regular February meeting will be heldtorium.On tim 20th'in the PUb audi- And Auxihary Yule ....................................... ly SI SRA Pinochle Club Par ated Tonight After a short business meet- inn at 8 p.m. tonight the ]adiee Christmas Party of the. xiliary M dona Bar racks No. 1462, Veterans of World The SRA Pinochle Olub will War I will join members of the meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday at the barracks around a Christmas Memorial Hall for a potluck sup- tree where presents not to ex- per. Play will begin at 8 p.m. ceed a value of $1 each will be Gifts will be exchanged after play. exchanged. ' ' Ruth Bollinger held high score The hamper will also be at the last game with Ida Kjonaas awarded. Ruth Snyder, Bea Sley- second. For the men, Austin tar- ster and Betty Deegan are on the son had high score, Axel Peter- tile e committee. Refreshments will son, second. Traveling pinochle bc served by a committee consls- was won by Donna Anderson and tint of Nellie Radtke, Maybelle Dick Bostrom. Willson Alice Hill and Mary Hun- ter. Entertainment chairmen, Frank II and Francis Burr will provide music and all present will join in singing songs of the season. and you can see every one at once. Jewel Case by Lady Buxton This is the case that turns itself inside out to put all your jewelry on view. The lids flip up, the trays glide out, the drawer opens wide. There's lots and lots of room. So if you want to add more jewelry go ahead! Things can't hide or tangle: they have their own com- partments. They can't scratch either: the compart- ments are lined with velvet. Choose from colors that show off your jewels." LADY ilUXTON Iotans Initiate New Members Thirty-eight members of Iota Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma enjoyed a Christmas party and hmcheon at the Colonial House Dec. 1. Mrs. Etmest Newland, president of the professional group, presided at the initiation service of four new members. The Girls' Ensemble from h'ene S. Reed high school sang several selections. Mr. Pat Havens is their director., The money tree yielded approxi- mately $82 through gifts of the members to the Scholarship fund. Mrs. C. J. Agnew shared her colored slides of her recent visit to the music festivals of Europe. Royal Neighbors Holiday Party Royal Neighbors of America will hold their Christmas party at 7:30 p.m. next Tuesday in tile ho- me of Mrs. Gertie Lombard. Gifts of of $1 value will be exchanged. A potluck luncheon will be serv- ed. Each meinber is to bring a fa- vorite Christmas baking or salad recipe. There will be. election of officers. 'i'hc crocheted Fren¢;h poodle was awarded to Mrs. luss Jacob- son. OES PAST MATRONS blEET NEXT THURSDAY The Order of the Eastern Star Past,Matrons Club will meet for a 12:30 p.m. sack lunchenn next Thm'sday at the home of Mrs. Minnie Hack. Members are to bring $1 for a Christmas project. BEOKWITH JEWELRY 129 Railroad Ave. 426-3283 FROM CHRISTMAS... ... TO CHRISTMAS The Gilt That b Sure To Please THE WHOLE YEAR THROUGH IS A SUBSCRIPTION To The day, December 13, Thursday, December 13, -- jvah's Withes SYMBOLS OF CHRISTMAS AS TOLD Ili i ml p+lg minis • ' lV()n co lgregation C SONG IS PIZZICATO CLUB SUBJECT .iS,.,: itnesses announce, At Pizzicato Club's December lowed. Oomfie Hedgers exl Shot Eugene D. l_')enr meeting held in the home of Mary thai the significance of supervisor of 17 c.( and Anne Connolly members again oes back to the ancient I] .'----- paid tribute to Edward MacDowell, of early Britain to whom th-¢l" the great American composer, was a sacred symbol.  Each year all junior clubs affili- Other performers includ ated with the National I,'ederation bie Maranville who read th! of Music Clubs j(,in oo:;e,'ving De- of the ..Mistletoe Singmi/g co,morly who sang wm tI $4+00 a year inside Mason County $5.00 a year outside Mason County We Send a Gift Card with Each Gift Subscription WHAT'S COOKING IN WHOSE KITCHEN? I Recipe Favorites of County Residents VFW Post Is Honored By Visit From Officials VFW Post No. 1694 was hon- ored at its last meeting, Dee. 7 by the 5th District. Cormnander, Larry Sti'itmatter and 5th Dist. ! Inspector, Dwight Murray, who Jolind the Post. books ;t]tct activi- ties in good order. The grottl, was also honored t.o: have the Commander of ]=aymond Post, Bill Klein, with them. Final plans were made fro" the annu-l Christma, party on Dec. 21. A potluck dinner will be serv- ed at 6:30 p.m. followed by a pro- gram and gift exchange. All mem- bers are cordially invited to at- tend. Members of the VFW and Ameri- can Legion Posts met Dec. 2 to de- col'ate the front of the lVIemorial bnitding a welcome addition to tl)e Holiday scent: Joe Huntlev's nanle \\;vas drawn or the $50 jackpot. CANAL CLUBS TO HOST FAMILIES AT JOINT PARTY The members of the Hood Canal Garden Club and the Hood Canal Federated Womans' Olub will entertain their families joint- ly next Thursday with a 6:30 p.m. Family Christmas' Poth|ck dinner at the Potlaeh clubhouse. Mrs. Francis C. Akers of Hoods- port, is the cimirmaa with the Mesdames W. H. Gilbert, Ed Hough, W. A. Leimback and Thomas Turner assisting. Mrs. Akers will present an en- tertaining program with a Christ- mas theme. Mrs. Lister L. Ager will read the history of the Christ- mas carols. Mr. Richard Endicott, eember as Ihe birthday-month of this composer. A resume of MacDowell's life and his works was presented in which it was pointed cut that last 'ear, on the centennial of his birth, Edwar(l +.L£,C]/o . Ch ,'Zt S elected to the Hall (n ....... join- ing Stepnell l, oSCcx'. **v- t,,,,.y OLlltI" American compt;sdr to appear there. Janet Estvold. a:; ;UeSL per- former of the evemng, played Mac- Do\\;veil's To a Wile ROse as a Pi- ano solo. The theme of the second portiou of the prog)am was Symhol of Chrisunas as told in song. Gaff Zic!41er opened the program by Ceiling why bells and ships are used as symbols of Christmas, pointing out that legends concern- ing slips had their origin among seafaring peoples. The club then sang I Heard the Bells on Christ- mas Day and I Saw Three Ships Cane S'uling In. Linda Cruickshank related that the custom of using holly and ivy at Christmas is many centm'ies old. The holly leaves h'avc come to represent the crown of thorns worn by Christ +is red berries re- presenting drops cff bIo()cl." Dane Antonsen told of the legend of the Christmas tree. Folh)wing these narratives, club members sang several selections to the accom- paniment of Vickie Valley's ac- cordion. " , • Linda ])ittman described how the first creche was built by St. Francis of Assist in the llth ceil- Lind Barrom who related burning of the' ancien.t y1 was supposed to .bring go and good cheer to the'h0tl During the evening iJlal made for a caroling part, staged next ' thursday .... See + j$TADTAL CLEAR X , SEW or SEat I 2 DSOF USES l u, DOORS t OUTDOORS Emerson:: M+rgan, Eacrel :, [umber Co. TV+ + OoHo+ and ' , +tereo <++tom+ at Johnny' Music JOYCE HALVORSEN likes her recipe for Danish Puff because it is a dessert that can be made up ahead and placed in the freezer until she i8 ready for it. It makes a Wonderful Christmas cookie. There isn't much time left for cookie sheet. Bake 55 minutes at baking Christmas goodies but 350 degrees. Cool, Frost and Joyce Halvorsen's Danish Puff recipe is one you should try, es- pecially if you like something a "little" different. Joyce says this flaky pastry is really quite easy to make and freezes very well. Joyce is vice president and pub- licity .chairman for the Shel-Toa Orthopedic guild. Recently she worked very hard on the Christ- mas Hint show that was spon- sored by the guild. Last year she was treasurer for the group. All profits from this organization are donated to the Mary Bridge Chin dren's hospital in Tacoma. Last year Joyce was treasurer for their PTA. She has had a Girl Scout Brownie troop for two years. Sewing and knitting are her hob- btes. Joyce and her husband, John, have two children left at home, Doug, 13. and Kathy, 9. I)ANISlt PI 7FF Blend with blender: t cup sifted fh)ur + tsp. salt '.', clip butter Add 3 tbFp cold water and mix wiLh fork. I)ivide dough in half. Using fingers, press dougi out m two 3"x12" strips on ungreased eoolde sheet. Part II In saucepan combine .5 cup but- ter and 1 ct|p water. Bring to hard boil. Remove from stove, and acld 1 tsp. alnmnd extract. Add 1 cup flour all at once and beat un'il smooth witl egg beater or mixer. .Add 3 eggs, one at a time and beat: until smooth. DivMc mixture in two and spread over strips ill Ruby Rebekah Lodge Meeting Tomorrow Ruby Rcbekah Lodge will hold its regular meeting at 8 p.m. this Friday in tim IOOF hall. There will be initiation. Refreshment committee eonsisus of Josephine Moss, Ennic.e Sharp, Helen Savage 0nd Cecilia Cornell. The joint Odd Fellow-Rebekal Christmas party will be held this Stmday beginning at 1:30 p.nL with a potluck dinner at the hall. There will be an exchange of gifts. 'Phe party is for all members and their families. Parents are reques- ted to bring glfts for their own chihh'en. SEY Club Poii, ck 7 And Christmas Parly The St, Edward's Youth Club will h01d its Christmas party and gift exclange this Friday at 6 p.m. in the church basement. A short business meeting will follow the potluck dinner. Mem- bers are asleed to bring a gift--- wrapped gift not to exceed 50 cents in value. Girls should bring something appropriate for girls; boys bring boy's gift The meeting will adjourn in time to attend the Mission in the chtu'ch. JANICE TIFFANY WED IN' SEATTLE Miss Janice Lee Tiffany, dough- Let of Mrs. James M, Margeson, Vancouver. and Mr. Janms L. Tif- faTly, Shelton, became the bride of Mr. Timothy J D'Acquisto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor D'Acquisto, Seattle. at the Holy Family Ca- tholic ebu)'ch in Seattle November 3. Miss .lody Ann I)ayley, Shelton. was of honor l'or the bride. BcsL man I'm Lhc hridcR)'oon was Stoddard 'Valton ShelLou. Attending the wedding rites were Mr. and Mrs, James L. Tiffany and Mark, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Margeson, Mrs. Hazel Tiffany, Mrs. Ignacia Aboitze. Mrs Joseph Territo and Mr. and Mrs. Victor D'Aequisto and daughter, Des. The couple is now living in Bre- merton where the bridegroom i attcndlng Olymvic eolloge, accompanied by his wife aL the piano, will present the Hood Canal Junior high school singing the Clwistmas carols. All members of both clubs are urged to bring thei families to this once a year family dinner and take advantage of the opportun- ity to meet each other's ramilies. Faculty Wives To tury Lo help in the interpretation of the story of the birth of Jesus. The. scrag, Away in a Manger fol- sprinlde with chopped nuts. FROSTING / cup butter or margarine / tsp. vanilla IV, Tbsp. warm water Enough powdered sugar to make of spreading consistency. IIve Gift Exchange Faculty Wives ill hold their Christnms meeting at 8 p.m. Mon- day. The anmml gift exchange will take place at Lhe home of Mrs. Ads O1tman, 619 Cascade. Mrs. Jeanne Nicloy and Mrs. Barbara Brown will be co-hostes- ses. 7 DAYS WEEKLY, 1 mile North of H0odsp0 UNIQUE GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS DRIFTWOOD -- SHELLS -- CERAMICS -- RUSTICI,SlG We ship them Anywhere for You • Star Route 1, Box 34, Hoodsport Phone 877-54  i YOUNGEST CADILLAC IN SIXTY-ONE YEARS! Take a good look at a new 1963 Cadillac and you'll see what we're talking about. For this one ha a freshness. . a brightness. : a spirit.., a flair that you've never seen before in a Cadillac car. It's the look of yuth--and it's written in every clean, crisp lina . • • and mirrored in every lithc, nimble move the ear makes, x And so it is not surprising that this beautiful ne\\;v Cadillac is adding a host of youthful admlrer o Am anl of it enthaiat Nor is  remarkable that so many younger motor, ists can be seen this year at its wheel In fact, motorists of all ages have taken this Cadillac to their hearts as never before. The recep- tion that has been accorded this new "car of ears"- whether measured by the praise of its followers or the number of its owners--is simply without precedent. Why not visit your authorized Cadillac dealer soon --and see for yourself what the talk is all about? Youn g in fact or young al heart--wo kaow yoffll want to make it yours! III'ISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTI-IOR1ZED CADILLAC DEALER MELL CHEVROLET 1st AND GROVE STREET GOMPANY r + 426-4426 J! LAWTOI00 JC IT'S TI KEEPS i HOLDS Saves up to Don't let cold weather cat( Hove a worm, COZy home Flex-O-Glass from your Har( ,:%..'%7B cur ; "-%, ,s 'Look For Genuin 11 ".: )I :¢ II :.: I1 :.: X :') X :¢ X :': aX .... :, Yflll TR ...:.. ,  OLD Mr. BOS1 : TRUE.FRUIT FLAVOR BRANDI] ' "" 70 PROOF Bl|ckberry, Aprh Cherry and Pe= " ,'.I P, 11 11 ,.., ,..,, .,. i' OLD Mr. os'roN 60 PROOF .: This distinctive liqueur is espec good In tall drin )970 "$1,'.X.'.I¢,'+Ni,I¢,'.XdX