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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 13, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 13, 1962
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day December 13 1962 SHELTON--MA0N COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Page 13 #a=,L J    , I , i , ,I ,, , i .-. ii ii ii i iiii &apos; i ,, i i i, |,,-.,. , ............................... i ......  ...................... i!1 ..... / ........... i ........... . , ii ,, ii.. i,i ,,,,i,.i Thursday, December 13, .... __ ..... • ....... .+.: .................... ::=::. ......... .:+:+,._ • • + ....... ' " ....... tT • s Wdnesses Plan Conference m ........ .......... ............. . lentls._ext YI]. pro,Jdiug minister of Kationsin \\;:Vestern XWahington. is Ernest G. Beley, Union Sum er c zTn n| EaR L'b|| |F,RqP'on eongr'egation of Jc-Iscieduled to spe k several times  .| | |  g   gl I P qP" E| a|U ULU UiJl"U| li';:*'itnesses announe.ed this/.tt the forthc ruing Bbe confer-IHrPlflPlll. I /gKP_n KV I10000I!1  wrnm /imnInv el' lowed. Connie Hed'ers exl ,tllat Engene l). ])enllel'line[' . -) ........... NIVV|HVi|L7 BU Bl|,V|| HIt IIVgl, i0 :::: I|vlus amalev ][ "  . •  .  , ,.. .  , . cl,ec 111 I UVallllp ll'On, l.)ec. G-:SU. IW .::: : • : ::: : : : ry thai the significance of ml .an sllpt i'lsol of 1 (ongl¢-J ....... • i ,, By Ethe Dalby fael of Weyerhaueser Co who :: ; : :: :: .... Th( avai ability of div ne ln'O- !  :ae th:c£ig;fifilC3naCc°:n in . " . D,..e,'l,ne m a halve ,.f ties ...... :. ..... • . .............. ............. INION T , ommunitv was l Was guest speaker, was introdue- :: tection Ill( safety wdl be ex- "-, of early Britain to whom the . state ano a gl';l(luate el ltle vzlten-  _tl..c "  ..... on ,wpom tll01 ILl la ..41, L- , ] .......... ; .... 1 ..... a;,,;,, .... 1 .... i saddened oil hearing t-ff tile pas- ed by Mr. Rlcky, a mcmber Ot plamed Slln<lay at the Shell *'- ': . jwLnRvr,,Tng \\; /a::::'-':;sS'2';"'-,(;/:;s'":;s*,l "'ii;s' sing of Erncst G. Beley Friday the club. The traditional .ys;::,r First Chur(h ff Ch 'ist, Seientist. .()l'nlers lnClufl [ xJuFuz £, .: .......... - nltrninl' 't 't hosnital in O] m ia stew was served as refreshn,e it ......  ' ' '- + Y P ......... Hi'tlh +htm " the Lesson-Sermon '.ead the' l/ ter, he has also served as a pre- He lmd been in failing health for Harry Mawson i. C. Stark an6 . g g g  . ':,, 1 siding minister of congregations the past year or more. Mr. Beley Harold Lockwood furnished an(1 cnt.ztled "God the 1 reserver oz " ;' ] in Lvnnwood and Everetl. was bm'{ in Brooklyn, N.Y, m cleaned six quarts of oysters. Man" is the Golden Text from tile '::-C//,-I , ,,., ,, .... ro i ..... 1, l ...... 1883. The family moved to Liv- Eleanore Kohl, sceretary of tile Bible III Tinmthy} "Ttw I,ord ' TCI[/tS'[t active in ;he ,;,;nist;'*"fo,: ti;e*la :y?;k;::i:cM'(eWhlefeelz'ze:Pt(;nth)t s gt.nZp d f{:err thenmp a,.ye::., shall deliyer me f:'o:n every evil ..,-- ....+ /120 y+al,s. ..... Si,e has received ad- shingtm, sttte, ,and was ares,-• pt'eparing the. stew whicff was ,o,l.¢,' . and,,,i21 .* p,yse,,v,*.' ' ' nw unto ' and good cheer to the hog "--  r wuce mm]sterml tra]mng :It the dent of Olyml)ia for some 50 served by mesdames Grace Gard- ms neaveluy Kmgaom. +  Dt rinff the even'ins" blal I STA¢LE&R ,__. jom . ] J Gilead Missionary School in South ..... One of the citat:tons to•be re:}}l -" " ° ¢ 1# !, a:w o€ SEAL I '9@ I [ L.x,,o,,,. xv y " from "Scie 1( e lll(I flea|in lvilu el IN0tEDSOF USES [ ] ] ........ /4 ..... Key to l.he Scriptures" by Mary il'. 0OR$ & OUTDOORS  l)enncrline, visit ..... s the local con-. Ba 1.:. ")'l E(tdy .'stt(.s 1) ...... 151 ") Th'i, !- greg'atmu every four months tot divine Mind that made man main- c- the Inu'posc of training each one rains His own image and likeness.!' I of Jehovah's witnesses in their years, Dnring the past many made for a caroling party years Mr. and Mrs. Bcley had staged next Thursday. ' spent their summer vacations at Charley Fryberg's old Camp Ma- '4osull| wmoow$ luNnuizcovzs drona. I.ater tile Belcys purchftsed + N @ +i- See " i:J one of tile permanent eottages ot the old-time family resort from m "+' house-to-house ministry. He stated, the late Catherine Allison at Ma- ! I | "Jehovah's v,itnesses desil'e to drone privat homes. They have o I m ..... lw crl help people of all religious back- since occupied their Canal home ++ tmers0n ..... l.,lalll,! a_ll 11 grounds appreciate their Bible during mtmmer season, moving to :, I Lumber uo, D,,;lng his week's visit he tic- services were Wednesday at 3 p.m. under n T ' | ...... livers several talks based on the the direction of the Elks Lodge t, Ill[ Is "V  un 1-1111crest...=....w..+ Bible STORM DOO.s, I Of Olympia' fOllOwed by cremE- :;Is + i " teen. Surviving are his widow Ma- ;t . i I ..... bel Beley, and a son, E. G. Beley P and  €, /K,,LOW COST extend their sincere sympathy to, .,  of New York City. Local friends I ': b[ereo EHCLOSURES family requests funds be sent to : e , '/ .i:: " ' Mrs. Beley at this sad time. The W|MIW I the Cancer Society for the area- n'[I '. ,[.. ,]d' • name.ti°n of a memorial in Mr. Beley's eil [ - , w+T. ONE. o,: ,,Z ,I/T.iP/W-., at i++ ................. " ...... ' ..... The forth-coming important ev- I *' cot for both Hood Canal We-+ 1. - - _ , r..:L+.v,lT  mans Club, and the Garden club] )1 s'it I v ;U:C ';" '' ::a" ':I:=' "':' -tn JU,' t Cut • is their annual joint potluck sup- ! the " Jonnny s: i mU) TUL per at the clubhouse December' u " 20 at 6 p.m. Following the feast c • -- ',/ :FLEXIBLE, SHATTERPRQOF, MAOE BETTER, LASt LONGER will be the special program of the - ', . .... i  Yuletide season. Mrs. Marjoric BOX Akez's being in charge of ;t |lld rsck program events and which fea- (t " . , ' I+ !Ill as- wid, ture vocal selection, and gz'oul) 205 Cots: singing of carrels. s ,,". This has been a pleasurable ev- ,1 ent for the past several years for members of both clubs and their :'::::*::::::::::L:::::::: ' ' " ' families. ::ii 0 President Randall Updyke re- ports a most successful meeting   of the Hood Canal Sportsnmn's 3 club of last week at Union Com- .... ` '. munity Hall, with some 37 mere- • LAWTON LUMBER CO bets of Shelton, Hoodsport and *, • Union attending. Guests of the e evening were from the sports- mile North of JOE V. SIMPSON man's club of Shelton. Mr. Ra- FOR CHRISTMAS "+ IT'STIME TO TAC °+" ,port Phone GENUINE KESPS OUT COLD + HOLDS IN .,HEAT , ,' Saves up to 40% on fue Don't let co/d weather catch you unprepared. Have• a warm, cozy home all winter long. Get F/ex-O-Glass from your Hardwore or Lumber Dealer NOW 'EAR$ ! my younger motor- eel. have taken this before. The recep- ew "car of cars" its followers or the without precedent." adillac dealer soon Jk i. all about? . --wo know yotl'U + ,  f" x +'Look For Genuine FLEX-O-GLASS. The Name Is Printed Along The Edge. ner, Tillie Sherman, Isabel Kohl, .and Marian Richardson. The nexl meeting will be in March, aecord- inn to Updyke. MRS. LUCILLE Blake and her daughter Pat returned Wednes- day from Spokane where thcy re- mained a couple of days while Pat took the exams as a beautician. Thc young lady already has her job waiting for her at Russ' Beau- ty Salon on Wallingford Ave., Se- attle. Mrs. Charles Lewis of Shelton and Mrs. Paul Schlosser enter- rained at dinner Monday evening by Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kreien- baum in Seattle, followed lw an enjoyable evening at Seattle "sym- phony orchestra concert. The duo remaining in town overnight and returning after a shopping tour. At Alderbrook Inn at the pre- sent time are 50 executives and department heads of the Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Com- pany. The conference includes planning, and also expansion or the telephone company with re- gard to the further developement for the next year. W. W. Stralcy, manager of the Seattle office, " is in charge. A special private line was put in for the occasion by the Pacific Bell Company of Seattle to expedite the planning program. The convention will be at Alder- brook until Friday, having check= ed in Monday. BE SURE TO COME to Union Community Hall Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. to meet Santa in person. The Union Ladies Civic Club is entertaining children an¢i everyone in the community, who wishes to come. A special enter- tainment program, Christmas trec and treats, will add to the af-! fair, and which is an annual cel-: ebration of the holiday season. I Women members in charge are i Eleanor Buechel, Helen Timm, and  Edna Johnson. Tillie Sherman is recovering from the painful session of the past few weeks, and is once more able to be up and about. Int, ru- mental in her recovery was the medical ministrations of Lil Up- dyke--and who is an RN, but otherwise 'busily employed---lend- ing a hand to husband Raudall Updyke at Hood Canal Marina. Attending Micky Cole's tailor* inn class Wednesday evening at Hood Canal junior high school from Union were members Marie Turner, Eleanor Buechel. MabIe Ball, Dorothy Metzler, Shirley Co- .wan, and Mrs. Steelman..As the women are all quite good at sew- inn, they will no doubt be able to add to their "laurels after com- pleting the course. The cutting season is completed iu 'some of the Christmas tree firms, trees packed and on their way to centers for commercial purposes, and sales on tree lots• Men of Alpine, however, are still cutting for a couple wee£s. In some firms trimming season is on. +,' IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE TASTE OF "HARD LIQUOR"... + i Tll¥ TItESE PLEASANT-TASTING CORDIALS i 0LDMr. BOSTON 'I ;e i a O+ i o To many ople, the finest "hard liquors"  . " FLAVOREDTRUaPU'T  I in the world taste harsh and unpleasant. I  @ ' ' K + i BRANDIES Some simply wince and bear it. Others L Vi I ,o+o,  | drink Old Mr. Boston cordials instead. /   I • ":* CherryBlackberrY'and Ap¢lcOt,Peach I1 |z (We have no axe to grind, for wc make all | Ill/00 't| ,w,,+° Poo+ ':" I  Ill  li skeycordial +'." [  . , ,.. [ ] types of liquor.) | llln0IllN _ +Aoa m ( / *'185 I FIFTH  I 'The cordials shown here appeal to a great  U ,I.,   many people because they are, in truth,  :': 0LD Mr. BOSTON " " Y ors -+- x delicious ou taste natural flay 5" N CREME DE MENTHE " IAnespe¢ialavoritefor ']  60 PROOF / real berries, real fruits, real mint and seeds lvears amon connoisseurs € - g z  $_'90F,Fm / and spices. We prepare each flavor our- ] and gourmets F.: A_ / selves right from the moment the fresh I  ......... " /_A'J OLD Mr. BOSTON / . . • .... - - - / ULU Mr. UUb/UPi :'.: • *. CREMEDECACAO / zruks are pzcKea. The results speak Ior 1   ....... .. + +Poo | themselves. Let others swaUow their hard |  l/ ].aJ[ :., : ,, ;,.. \\;J / --while you sip and savor the   IlIIADY  ' | flavor of these pleasant-tasting cordials. ) i 80 PROOF BOSTON  I + ]- /  'rapes and aged I. m .." , 11 1 In | ' "-' ......  / E oakcasksto ;.:.. II X -- ( :" + I ond bouquet. _ This dlstlnctlve li1'$1  II +%%''.--" tl P"UU :,: i '3 I00t i ;`;$c:`:x:4t¢``¢:4x;4xJx`'4tc:.:¢3x.IIf*.`.MP¢;x.$¢:4¢.`..P.If ``11..If`If.¢t¢`:m.:If`If.-:#`¢¢If`;¢;If`'4IfIf`.;`;Ift`IKRIf'4K*;il.l.`IN.-x:-` PTA BANNER AWARDED -- Mrs. William Bordeaux had a membership percentage of 64.8 These verses from Psalm 121. Henderson, left, and Jack Swanson, hold the per cent for the year. Mrs. Henderson is PTA will also be read: "The Lord slml] intercity PTA Membership Banner which was membership chairman and Swanson is princi- preserve. Lhee from all evil: he awarded to Bordeaux School for 1962 recently, pal of Bordeaux School. shall pres,erve thy soul. The Lord -- -- shall presmwe th'y going out and Lake00 Ne00wNort00nasium .thy con, ing in 'from this . time forth, !,, ? ?+,.+." + Ferry receipts for the week end- Residents Have Dedication Is Planned Tonight son County Engineer's office re- |• °1 | I| By Judy Von Ostetz . ( MR. AND MRS. STEVE BOYCE ported. in --411 ALLYN Tomght m the de(h w () • + .... '.- ' "" " ent t Friday Harbor this week- VISI[OrS iH Ilomes cation ceremony for the new gym end to attend the funeral of a at North Mason Louis Bruno, ( - , B 'tl,),)e ..... ' • . + : . , . Idear and )ld friend v, ho passed y Joann rl •  r . r.aI:e Sllperinlenoen o[ SChOOlS is ] t,. • ' ......  '; V, LAKE NAHWATZEL -- WtLh expected to be the guest of honor./ ..." . ,. ............ tinsel and lights andholly boughs Everyone should plan to attend l,,.,C':e:,.',ave, s°PPe,. ,],:o,,v,?) Mr, and Mrs. Ken,eth Johnson of gra!(l time for mama's. She )vas i[??2./,';?nT+P.el  " .... ;min,* di, y 9knltan+ish V:,IIv ;isitin Oil /losEess IOU a Oy t)aYT+y, |re| rteen evt:,,,,n ,- +,e,,+,,,,,, -, v s . - ................ ' "  "' ' ' "  "' *-- evel " " wi'h Monday evenin , guests attended cud all had a ner ana sperKung tee . .mg r ' t • x Mt and Mrs Mel Hempntll ma)vtlous t me IAaymg and e The Tveits spent the week-end '  .i' " "' " +'- '. '..   .. at the home of Mr and Mrs Paul perimenting with all the different The Allyn Se.hool Room Moth- Webster Bt'emerton "' toys. Barbara VCynn was lucky ers are holding a bake sale Dec. 15 Kennv Hews'i'd an(t Bob Waters winner of a lovely billfold, given at Pope's to raise money for the hl visited Mr and Mrs Allan Hick- for door prize. Christmas treats for the children. son's son, Mike Sunday. / Mrs. Fran Peterson was a cal- Any donations will gladly be re- Sunday evening msts of Mr. and Mrs. James Bleeker wei'e Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dawn, Mrs. Betty Cooper, William Ma- nier, and Mrs. J. B. McClanahan did some Christmas shopping in Tacoma on Wednesday• Then they went to the J. B. McClanahan re- sidence in Tacoma for lunch• Sunday dinner guests at the re- sidence of the Frank Cooper's were, Miss Bee Manier and Miss Pearl Andrews, Olympia. MR. AND MRS. Stan Luce of Sumuer were hmcheon guests at the heine of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper. Miss Betty Kelley spent Satur- day night and Sundiy visiting with Sandra Tupper. " Drop-in guests on Sunday at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelley, 'eve Ronnie Kje]hnan and Hank Chappell. The Lake Nahwatzel Vohmteer Fire Dept. last Sunday completed the work on the Fire House for the truck. Mrs. Lee Dawson visited Thurs- day at the home of Mrs. Wesley Rainey, Buckley. Thursday evening Mrs. Dawson had dinner with Mrs. Florence Leonard of Tumwater. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Lee Daw- son had thcir son, Ralph Pigg, and Mrs. Bernita Brown of Seattle as guests for the day. Dan Curtis, Dayton area, grand- son of Bob Johnson, accidently shot himself in the leg last Sunday and is resting in the Clinic Hos- pital. MR: AND MRS. Clifford Reeve ler at the Von Osten's on Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cleme, nts who have just returned from Hawaii, were glad they got off their ship, Organs at Vancouver as it was run into by the U.S.S. Kearsarge in Long Beach, Calif. after leaving Vancouver. MRS. MAR(;E BEESON and Mrs. Judy Van Osten spent Wednesday afternoon at Mrs. Ruth Nelson's, We hear Dehnar Griffey is going to be married in January. We don't know his gal's name, but she is from Tacoma, where she is employed as a telephone oper- atol'. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Perry from Tacoma, spent Saturday at the home of Me. all(] Mrs. Sam Clem- ehts. Pack 537, Den 2, spent: Saturday afternoon at tile Clamorama held iq Brcmert(m at Olympic College+ fiehl house. 'I'h(:.y were aceoln- pc}lied t)y ])en 1VIother, Mrs. (.2e]ie Amaeher and her as,dstanL, Mrs. Elaine Kawalczyk. Ml's. Marge Bceson was a. eel- let' on Mrs. Ba)'hara Storms on Friday afternoon. MRS. ELAINE KAWALZCYK aud Mrs. Sylvia Hansen called on Mrs. Susie and Judy Van Ostert last Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. "Walter McCrady are taking4 a trip into Mexico. We hope little Car'rie Griffey will be nlore cal'eful fl'onl no\\;v on. Tuesday evening she fell down the stairs and had Lo have six st.itcttes abow: her eye. did some Christmas shopping in Tacoma on Saturday. Gifl Envelopes For Extending "Best Wishes" to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rishel at the _ ; O' R onds ,eception in honor of their wed-! ,,, s .-- ding last Saturday evening were + Lake residents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Now Available Dingle, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. H'nk "Red, white and blue gift en- Chappell, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Roe Frank- velopes are available free at local lin, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Tupper, Mr. banks for customers who buy U.S. and Mrs. Dick Tupper, Don Gun- Savings Bonds as Christmas stone, Jerry Christian, and Ted gifts," County Savings Bonds Booth. . Chairman L. A. Carlson said here Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ford ha today. Mz', and Mrs. Denny Reed of "Savings Bonds are growing iu Oilympia, as week-end guests, popularity as a Christmas gift Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Ford went which keeps giving through the  Olympia on Monday to do some years," the chairman continued. m'istmas snopping. "We anticiImte that these Deeem- Mr. and Mrs. A1 Tupper had bet' purchases will increase our Mr. and Mrs. Art Pahner, Matlock, sales during" this holiday month. as dinner guests Sunday evening. "The envelopes " he'said, "are .............................. faced in bhle wil':h a (trawirlg of ,,e, ,..+.,>..o the American eagle holding a red, x,.,.. .,u.¢.r., white and blue streamer. Local Two Shelton students, James banks make no charge for sup- Manke, 1909 Patterson and Dave plying them to people who ask for Whitener, Rt. 1, received bache- the envelope to enclose a gift lor of arts degrees in education bond." from Western Washington State ......................................... College, BelHngham, at the end of a . =m. . i. the fall quarter, d0urnal want AUS ray x." ......... .' ':'!$;,,',, +' ','$ i:i:!:'j:,:;,<:'*'N;;:,N;ii:.':" ""'"";': % + The next best thing to t00ere- LONG 00DISTANC,00I Share fxiendly talk-sett plans 4 -- and give just as much pleasure as you gel CALL TONIGHT! , PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL ceived and of great help. You can ]cave donations with either Mrs. Shirley Vasbinder or Mrs. Bar- bars Wym. We understand a new family has moved into ihe Von Btlskirk! home. Sm'ty we don't know their names but all of Allyn welcome you. David Kawalezyk is having a hottse guest this weekend. He is Jlnl E(llnan fronl Tacoma, who used to live in Ally.n. MI{. AND MRS. Sam Clcments and Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hemp- ,Jill were callers the other day aL Mr. and Mrs, Earl Terrell's home. Don't forget Birthday Club meets Friday night, Dee. 14 at 7:45 xm. at Mrs. Vera Izett's. Don't forget your gift for the Christmas exchange. Mrs. Elaine Kawalczyk was hostess Thursday after'noon at a hmcheon for Mrs, Susie Voo Os- lcn, Mrs. Lois Terre]l, Mrs. Judy V()n ()sten and Kal'ell. GatLe]ich Stack and Nellie Bee- ]m wet'e married by R.'v. Mtlton Gire in the parsonage Saturday, Dec. 1. MI'. ::trld Ml's. Tonill Mercer HOMELITE C CONVERTIBLE DRIVE CHAIN SAW ENDS FARM WOODCUTTING PROBLEMS Converts from direct to gear drive in 9 minutes • Ideal for cord wood, fence posts, iand cleating, prun- Ing, etc. • Cuts flush with the ground ONLY $1499s for direct drive with 14" bar and chall HAVE A FREE DEMONSTRATION TODA YI Saeger Meier Shop On Hillcrest We Service What We Sell INVEST IN HASOH COUHTY THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION backs this motto with ac- tion. Money deposited , with us does not leave the state, but with tile excel)- teen of required small federal investments, is in- vested 100 percent with your neighbors to in- ercase s a l e s through Home Purchase, Con- struction and Improve- ments with BIG Dividend Returns. Save with THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOANASSOCIATION, and build a better, community.. Where your SAVINGS at current annual rates ..,. 4,/,% dividends I .... a| compounded four times annually! Shellon Branch + Thurston County Federat Savings & Loan Association + Accounts Insured to $10,000.00 by the F.S.L3.C. 9 A.M. -- 4 P.M. Monday thru Thursday 10 to 3, 4 to 5-30 Friday= Home Offlo Branch Office 5th & Capitol Way • 313 Railroad Ave. "' Olympia, Wash. Sheiton, Waah, SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES • Private, Confidential, Economical