December 13, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 13, 1962 |
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hursday, December.. 13
(€ ))
tday, Dcember 13, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Pubhshed m Chmstmastown, U.8.A. , Shelton, Washm on Pa e 15
HARY H. KNIGHT SCHOOL NEWSI €i Im __ rehearsal wi)l begin at 1:15 p.m.
: : Ba sis Plan T. ,,u,.se, a. kinor=ten
children may leLvo at 2 p.m.; The
rro6;ram prm.y dild,.en ,except ,hose i.
First Swimming Class Series Finished;
the childrens' choir} ,nay leave by
"The Heart of Christmas" is the 2:15 p.m., and the juniors, jr-hi'ers
Mr. Murphy Shortells His Fingers A Bit title of the Christmas program to and sr-hi'ers may leave as their
be presented 1).5, the First Bapti'd: part in the /nogz'am is finished.
MATLOCK--The first of t series After adjournment of tile l'or- Sunday Scl]ool, Wednesday even- ...........................................
of swimmiqg classes at the Shel- real me,ting Mr. Ken Edwards ing, Dec. 19, at 7:30 p.m.
ton Natatorium was finished last Mason emmty speech therapist, Five Diver Are
Monday afternoon. Those who gave an interesting talk on mod- The cast includes many indivi- es
• duals and the beginner, primary, Granled By Court
completed the course with a satis- ern meUlods of treating speech junior, jr.-hi and sr-hi depart-
factory grade were: defects.
Fourth grade---Denise Collard, , , , manta of the Sunday School. The Five divorces were granted in
two main characters who carry Mason County Superior Court Fri-
Audrey Beerbower, Mike Cargile, Gerald Creamer, Mary M. Knight the narration throughout the pro- day. On the bench was et visiting
Warren Cargile, Larry Chappell, king of swing and his red hot com- gram are Larry Powell who plays judge, Frank W. Ryan from Kit-
Teresa Graham, Ted Haddock, Bob be of jazz and twist dispensers, the part o£ Grandpa, and Jeanne sap County.
Koom'ad, Dani Painter, Robert I hit the air waves over KXRO, Deffinbauffh, a Junior child who
Granted divorces were Mildred
Schmelzer, Janice Sprfnger, and Aberdeen, last week on the "Sun- is "Susan" in the play.
::, Faith Tanlund. shine Kids" program sponsored Pryor from Mauriee Pryor; Robert [ 3 'Cola Slreoi
Fifth gradeDebbie Brehmeyer, by the Elks Club for the purpose All children and young people Anderson from Mary Anderson;
Kelly Cargile, Melanie Dale, Ricky of raising money to aid underpri- are asked to be at the church by June Hoard from Bert Hoard;
DeFore, Larry Haddock, Kathleen vileged boys and girls to enjoy a 7 p.m. the night of the program. Mary Chappell from Earl Chappell
I Hickson, Margy Koonrad,' John merry Christmas. All parents and friends of the and Revel Missmer from Marian
Millen, Doug May, Tom Clan, Rod- church are invited. A nursery will Missmer.
Other members of the trio be provided for babies. Treats will
ney Reeve, Kathy Stodden, Teresa ]mown professionally as "The To,'- be given to all the children and
T?imble, and Larry Waiters. - THINKING ABOUT sprucing
fches," are Bill Trenckmann and young people at the close of the up your home---bulletins on Mak-
Sixth grade--David Haddock, David Creamer. This popular program, ing Draperies, Upholstering Furni-
-"'' Kenny Howard, Tony Koonrad, group is in great demand and will A rehearsal for the Christmas ture, and Refinishing Furniture
Kathy May, Sandra Perkins, Allen soon appear on the Sunshine Kids program will be held Saturday. are available at the County Ex- 9:30 pmm, io 1:30 amnlm
Stodden, Frances Trimble, and wants meeting in Elms. their departments at 1 p.m. The ment, Shelton, 426-4732.
Kathy West .....
e Than lea to tile efforts of three ' "
T $1 girls in the Home Economies
Chs who wanted to practice
pratieal house keeping, the
llb:box$1.50, English room has reveh,ed a 00HaPTSanT/lgIVeAPP[IANCE$
2 lb. box 2.95 most generous (.leaning and dust-
3 lb. box 4.25 ing. Gloria Avery, Kristine Gra-
[ Jb (1 dusted all the books on tlne
shelves, washed the wood-work
R • . This Always Favorite" assortment Will ly and systematically. Their
• and re-arranged everythhig neut-
(OURSELF Pleaseeveryono onyourlist. Peffect for family Gift$. too, next project is to clean out all .......
tile closets and other storage i
Sl) uee.
RAM #€ of"I seriously doubt that the use
.. power saws will ever become
popular as an essential item of
i!! . •
equipment in manicurists' parlors
and beauty shops," says Thomas
).ll 1 'b. Murphy, woodworking instructor,
"and I feel that the old-fashioned
scissors and jackknife should re-
tain their rightful place as im-
2A Ib, and and maintenance of fingeiTmils toenails."
earch on the subject, no one is bet-
tar qualified than Mr. Murphy to
offer such shrewd observations on
fates a matter of universal interest.
artd Mr. Murphy's adventures into
the mystic realm of the manicur-
)Y ........ .n,, $1.6,1 tats and beauticians resulted in
considerable pain and losses of
q ( tWO fingertips, nails included.
Last week while trimming a hoaIxt
for one of the boys he made a
little slip and trimmed himself in
the bargain with the resultant
shortening of tlle digits.
He was taken immediately to
Shelton by Mr. French where the
WIoTH po. r[4/ ooO injury was treated and bandaged
i Neither of the fingers is per-
at the general hospital.
Ill manently injured and Mr. Murphy
illmilll ,i[ |b. b0X$ t was back at work the following
day displaying some artistic cre-
r,l ar lb. box 4.: ,? ations of lospital ' balndaging.
iiaturechocolates - The fhml session of the Civil
1 The freest mm s at cent rs...a lft ou'll be roud to g|V DefeRse ('curse Was held ill the
Those entitled to attendance
oo, IHair Outting Sets s79s -'''-" w°-'Cook,Eliza0000,thDorothyBexmett,LandisRaLphand Peg-N"
roll cots. i By Re]m Perkins
On Thursday, Dec. 6, MMK ju-
nior high played two games with'
| Trans. Pocket Radio s 1:]95 _,r ,,.
$1 : was won by our boys 13-3; the
• 3( second also by a score of 6-1. Be-
ill TINS !U WINSOR REG $1995 i v tween the games, the 5th and 6th
played a game with Belfair in
Everyone in the Junior igh is
;REIHD 30 having a special projeet for christ-
mas. One o£ the most interesting
is a representation of Christmas
F R in other lands which is being done
SHABLE HEAD REG $2800 iv Cargile and Janice Gwinnett of
the 7th grade and Rene Perkins
,.6 . JAR and ,lane Chappell representing
89 Whitman Samplers the 8th grade.
To carry out the theme will be
a plum pudding( from England)
with little iortunes inside, a tree
• '*" FOR with real candles (from Germany),
Dutch shoes full of candy and a
l-lb. -- 2-lb.--- 3-lb. pinata.' from South America. In
Sweden .they use many candles
donkeys to kick you ff You aren't
good. "Sounds like fun!?
'The home economics girls are
now doing some architectural
REULA R drawing of tlmir "dream homes."
A number of the drawings are
unique and original both in the
il6 Rolls Gift Wrap 89 floor plans and,= .¢ exterior designs
which reflect the new freedom of
€ family life in the plans of Um
best nlodern homes,
Mrs. llihl Clift, 3{!,-'tnd 4th
grade teacher, re|,urn(d to her
classes last Friday after a four
: 00ruen Wrist Watches$00Q95 '"'''-" from a
broken ankle. Suhstitintinlg was
Mrs. Ed Fat!mrl of Shelton.
' The final P.T.O. meeting of 1962
' last Thursday evening. The bust-
,.... ness session was primarily conccr-
. ned wiU1 appointing committees
C C Ch,'istn____ 2,s party (____._____),.l Decembei.__ 20.
VETS ' Work Relief Project
: Workers Are Soaroe
! n[, , A Y H O U S ThcMason County office of the
4i29 Department of Public Assistance
S U R has had few workers to refer to
work relief projeet in the county
S ' ' 5:30 in the past few weeks, Irvin Mc-
E son County office said this week.
OUNTRY hnyo.e c.pal,le of wo.l<ing las
E CIDER .McConkey Drug Center ,,,, ,,,
the Christmas tree harvest, he
t ! Said.After Chritnlas,' lit,. said, there
N ' 49 .• willprojeets.Probably be more workers to
be rcfer,'cd for the work relief
'reen Square 426-3456
I l'rojects have been authorized
at Twanoh, Belfair and Cushman
State Parks and the City of
,: .,, Shelton and the Shelton School
., District.
I n
Members and Accompanied Guests Only
RESERVATIONS -- Phone 426-3949
Come in and i Eleetnie"'m Brig ht=nd ;°: ::::a Y,,:*c he n r
see these handy ! CAN OPENERS l TABLE & GHAIR . =,
5°usehold helpers I $1095 I SETS
A fine selection of
SUNBEAM "! ' --
t Beautiful Selcc ,ion I
• Deep Fryers
• Food Mixers ' I GLASS I
• Steam Irons
e Fry Pans i I TUMBLERS 1
• Toasters • ,
° Waffle Bakers "- ib
° Osterizers Ii
a;lde¢trihc';, haap%dliYacme:i' POLE LAMPS
- .- - -, from $14 95
I Set of 4 TV i
I SNACK TRAYS ! TS________ i 4*
from $995
Coffee, Endc?CCasiona,,
$20995 from $10 95 ,
oo__--.,.,.ws I
from $298 Brookpark i
Our stock of electric I $2995 I
,,,,, ov,;500P_%
Mtntle---for every room, in
oanj.slzes, shapes, colors- REGORD PLAYER'S
,49, s $2195 up
Fibreglss insulated 61FTWARE
SANITARY JUGS from $1195
from $795 G.E. and Sunbeam #
RCA Victor
from $16 9o $3995 -- $4495 Ul,
_ _ - _ - - -_ •
Complete line of Presto
UORLNING WARE ,t .. Pop=orn Poppers
from $ 00 "' , r.
' 2 $59 a
$2995 "%=r'--- SPAGE HEATERS
- --- --, from $12 9
Every woman wants an * ' _ ,
,,.. . Electric .
• .... ...... Ilamilton Beach
." $14.95--$15.95 [,,, I" LI'|R|U
- • )i) BLANKETS
Transistor :i ;':! : ' . ooube
RADIOS k!N ,ssorto* o,o,s
from $2395 fro,n $1795
a.d VALLEY .To;;;
of other items for you I
to choose from, not to
overlook our stock of APPLIANCE CENTER iieii!l!iidi ii !1!i
large appliances such
as TV (we have eolor, .
too), Stereo, ranges,
washers, dryers, etc. 2nd and Cot Street I, hone 426-4663
_ _J_l I 1