December 13, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 13, 1962 |
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the Highclimbers down to n 55-42
def'ea at the hands of visiting
Olympia Ilere Satur(lay night in
SheltonL' fi,'st fult-fledge(i bask.%-
ball 'l(li()tl Of the nw ]l()t]) SO;I-
The f|',ezo took place ilTlnledi-
at(fly afler lhe second ltalf tip-off
aL 'which nlol|3ellt the ClinH)er
sporled a 2C-25 lea(l over the t3ears
thanks to a .;ensal.ional loli-rallg't
t)Oll'll) tossed by red-headed, pep-
1)cry Bob Walker eiebt seennds be-
fore the end of the first hull!.
the w,mma with foul .:hot at
2:15 of tile third qtlarier, tile
Bears ran.'.C up 15 points to go
ahead 40-26. And it was (rely ",'5
secoll(ts befoY( the end of the
ctllal'l.eP tlmi Sloan fired horne the
Clilnbers Olle and only field goal
of the pcliod. The Bears out-
sem'ed Shellon in tllat disastrous
quarter 19-3 to take a enmfortable
4429 lead into the final roand. The
(2limbers missed 14 straighl: shots
Itnd lrlade bill (Hie (,f 17 ill the
The Climber.s managed to wtfit-
tie the malgirl to 48-40 at one
= ......... x::.:..W::. :. , ..... . ............... - ................... ,,,,, , , , , ' ' II ..... --f ....... -,i7,i'77",i,' ,,,i,,,,,7 r---" 'i,,, , ' ,I I, I 17 l"II III iJrli " ' Ii ,,i, ll i i , , ,,, , , , I , I .,.,__ !
-,. ,-, ..... ,,- . , i , ' ION
.1.4 S,r.,,ht O.r,.. F,,.e,,. IIIIIIIlflfi00 P MI)IqTI:N NI:W NVU WITM UIP.TflD¥ Ntli:l) MATINC00cAN LEG
-- _.. _=_ ..... .____i,,=____ I)'-'-II-----77__ [ UUL-L-IqqhIll VIIIIIUIIIil IIIIU qIIIi IIlinI IIVIVIII VIIIII IIIflII-V sI[ILIAR Y HAS
LD CLIMBERS CLOIIBIIIIIIU -" I , T A ,,y ,,e,uti, Shelly poor sl}or>tinK against tile Spar- It was a tight game all the way COIYBOYS T.ASNO OWLS!'-- "' .E[BEIS
BELI"A'iR--North Mas'on'sBull- tqls hn s'mk over t0 per' cent with the Owls imlding the leacl MATLOCK - The ChimaeU . .. -.
!i!ii!iii{!!iiiii]{ili.i!llii IIIIP iil]..i i!::!!'!iiiel!!! gi! i) .... " !ii):' " " " i:gi]i!il ii£ " ' .IS the opening.i o i tldti!i
. . . . , ........ .. 'I dogs had the,r hand *till last of their shots m then' deter nma- most el tile way through.the fn'st .€ox.vboys rode . rote. Mary . 4 ame, icaa Lcgio
,e,:::r::is '"n(':"/l[:l'l"n: *gf?}itV4:V': , i i: i 'iii{kSi(: °i:;)i; h!i(:l!g-a':!ii{; !:,11{ii: !liiid{fi?'!?ii r;l/:!! :'f }ii'
paster in lh,: ope.,fing n,oments of Climber Wrestlers Start Fast Win in the first official inter-Bulldogs neve,'reeoveredandnever 31-all in the fourthperiod when Jerry DeFoer, making nse: 1 welcomed into men:
the fourth, t3ig ,John Anderson was school game in our new gymna- managed to score more than eight tile Owls tried a full-court press the excellent shooting eye he] Menb{n'sbip ehairma
hanging on lhe cliff wilh fern': ' siren, )dints in any quarter. Tom Me- and it bael{fired, the Bulldogs sol- been bashful to unleash, seoreary Alexander, reporte
. The Bull(tags were hampered by Kay's seven poinls topped Bulldog ring it for tile winning points in point: for the Owls to garner ,lha d i)t:ell reached.
Big Over Olympia and Federal Way seroring efforts, the late. going, me honors. The Cowboys lltim (:hairman , Mr
three players in double figurel{pbel I h' d comple'
The O,ls played without in e,mn'ection t;dth g'ffl
regulars, Gene B{'ehmeyer andft Sliop lrs. Canapbel
Walker. sidelined by illness .lHoar d Mrs. Glen Ga,'(
Friday and. Saturday at N0PlMrs Roy Clinton wel
• ' " ian Lake' hospital Dee.
throughout the final qunrter. Both l
Slniih and ({oodpnster failed to
Olympia ,rot-ranged tile Climb-
er; with (i-2 Ed Rugel having a big
night for 27 poinls. He scored four
strai?.ht baskets on a.s man 5, shots
dnrin K thc third period victory
spYee fol' lhe BeHl'S :llld had 18
poinls in the first half,
I,ARIY POIVEI.L lopped Shel-
ton's shooting with eleven with
S|odn having ten, bllt lhe Climb-
ers had'a pitifl|l 17 out of 73 field
gc)al record and only 8 of 15 foul
shni:s. "Valker showed the best all-
al'ollnd perforlnltee for Shetton,
bitting for nine points and mak-
ing t fine percentage of his ef-
forks as wall as hljeetinff some
paprika into the Highclimber play.
He is forcing Coach Jim Doberty
to give him strong etmsideration
for a starting position.
Ily Ilenny Wagner
Highclinlber wrestlers got their
1962-()3 schedule off to a blazing
stall by' capturing (me-sided vie-
tortes over ()lympia and Federal
Way on eor)sectltive evenillgs hlst
Suc(:ess xa.s equally as good in
varsity and jnnior varsity compe-
Before the hn'gest crowd ever
to see a Climber wrestling meet,
Shelton unleashed the brute power
Coacli Larry Weir had hinted by
crashing Olympia, 31-1.6, Tlnu's-
day, for the first victory a Climber
grappling team has scored over
the Bears.
In jun!m: varsity competition
Shelton wa.: an e.ven easier victor,
38-15, as five Climbers pinned
165 Juek Maki (O) (lee. Jim
Rodgers S), 5-2.
175 • Jinl LaMent (St pinned
Dave Farringer 10), second per'l-
191---Ken Smith (O) de(:. Denny
Fuller (St, 4-2.
Heavyweight ...... Bruce Crawford
(St pinned Tim Staeger (O), sec-
ond rollnd,
Sltellon .11, lCelleral Wily 10
103.--John Cochran (St pinned
Ed Reeves (FW), 1:03 second pe-
li2.-.Ralph N011 iS) pinned Jim
Stroslmim (FW), 1:18 first period.
120 ...... Roy Gripp (St pinned
Craig Peatson (F1V), :19 third
127-. -Joe Snyder iS) dec. Mike
' ' 42 their opponents, topped by tile
tim, in the lust qllarter but never OLYIIPIA 55 , HEI, FON
regained their first half effective-Chllen 2 ............ f ............ P(,well 11 whistling fast time of 50 seconds
ness, dnrin/which they kept with- Smith 5 .............. f ........ Goodpaster for Daron Taylor to deck his man.
in close range )f the Beat's and e.n- I Rogel 27 ............. c ................... Smith
joyed leads at 6-4 and 8-6 as well [ Qtdnn 1.1 ........... g .............. Sloan 10
as their ha.if-time shade. The .u.core I Olsoli 4 .............. g ................ Carte 6
WO.S t,id foilr times. I gilbS: Olympia-.---Lamp 6, Stal-
TIlE TIVO TEAMS tanffle again [ clip, l:3av, Striven, Stranberg, Van
this Fridav dght in Olympia when l (lihler, MeCalhun, ttazelrigg Tink-
i:he Climbers hope to avoid any ter, Fleming. Sltelton.- .Anderson
repititi,m of the deep freeze whiel I 4, Walker 9, Brickert 2, Olson, Jer-
eot lhenl S0 dearly in their first Ifrey.
meeting witil the B[ar's since 1958. OlS;mpia ........... 16 9 19 1.1.-:--55
A':ide from that period of offcn- Shciton ............ 1.;,1 1:] 3 13---42
..... .... ............ I I [i IIII I qlL III IU '1
It's the biggest value in Frost, Free Refrigerators
in years. You'll never have to defrost the sepa-
rate 110.pound freezer.., or the roomy 9,8
cubic foot refrigerator section. There's abso.
lutely no defrosting ever, Has many deluxe
features of higher priced mo,]=t=
419 Railroad
Laundromat tLC30
• 2 Washing Cyclel
• Pre-Wash Setllng
• Water Saver
• Automatic Lint Elector,
• 2 Deep Rinses
Dryer DLC30 .
• Automatic Time Confrol
e 3 Temperature Settingo
• Buitt.ln Llnl Collector
• Handy Loading Door
• Adapts to 115 or 230 V
• Water Heaters
t Vacuum Cleaners
I Ranges
t Etc.
Vacuum Cleaner
] only -- $4895
1 only -- $1 4 95
1 Only
liuxe Vac.
1 Only -- Reg. $74.95 Radio
special $5995 $2295
Ho.,00e. ....................... $11400 $16
Snmll HLand-Mixers ................................... $850
West. Percolators, submersible ........... $1 6 95
I Mixmaster Mixer ................................ ,,295.
ALSO Mixers, Hair Dryers,
Food Disposers
Ave. 426-6283
In varsity play four Climber's
scored pins and three won by de-
At Federal Way Friday the
Climber w:u'.i[y trampled on the
Eagie,, 41-10, and the junior var-
sity t)y 40-3. Two speedy pins were
scored by Shellon varsity men,
Geral Rodgers in 37 seconds, Bru-
ce Crawford in 44 seconds.
The Climbers rest now until
next Thursday night, when they
go to White River.
Shelton 31, Olympia. 16
... 103 ...... John Cochran (St pinned
Mike O'Neil (O), third period.
112 ....... t:alph Nell (St pinned
Larry Anderson (O), fh'st period.
120 ..... Rich Lyga (O,i pinned
Roy Grii)p (St, first period.
127 ....... Joe Shiner (St dec. Fred
Martin (O), 9-0.
133 ...... John Vinson (O) dec.
Dan Ha.rvey (St, 7-5.
138 ....... Tom Lowc (St dec. Jolm
Sullivan (O), 7-1.
145 .... Jim Vinson (O) and Cecil
Rodgers (St drew, 6-6.
154 ........ Mike Lambert (St dec.
Ed Bye (0), 6-2.
u ii
Shelton Lodge No. 1684
Gerry Hart,
Phone 426,3047
Russ Morken, Secretary
Phone 426-4071
2nd and 4th Tuesdays
of the Month
8 p.m. Airport
Campbell (FW), 11-0.
133 I)an Harvey (St and Gary
Borland (FW) drew, 6-6.
138 ......... Tom Lowe (St pinned
John McDonald (FW), 1:03 sec-
on(] period.
145 ....... GeraI.Rodgers (St pin,;
ned Dale Bennett (FW), 1:51 first
154 ---Jim Clark ('FW) dec.
Mike Lambert (St, 5-4.
165 .... Jim Rodgers (St dec.
Lorn Woodward (FW), 7-4:.
175--Jim LaMont (St dee. Wil-
lis Cooper (FW), 6-4.
191 ...... Paul Garrett (FW) pin-
ned Denny Fullei' (St, 1:40 third
Heavyweight .... Bruce Crawford
(St pinned Rick Zieroth (FW), :44
first period.
Shelton 38, Olympia 15
103 ...... John Milliar (St, pinned
Ben Stanley (O), second period.
112--Larry Ewing (St dec. Jim
Zabel (O), 7-4. 120 ---- John WiN
liams tO) pinned Mike Harvey
(St, second period. 127 --- Dat'on
Taylor (St pinned Panl DePahna
(O), first period. 133 .... Jim
Brandt (O)dec. Harvey Russell
(St, 4-0 138 ...... Ken Fry (O) and
Dave Johnson (St drew, 2-2 145--
Loren Gee (St pinned Bob Hanell
( O }, third period.
154---I.andy Kingsbury (St pin-
ned Ron Terry (O), first period.
165- Rodney Michaelis IS) pinned
Jim Walker (O), first period, 175
• Bill Batstone (St dee. Greg
Johnson (O), 8-5 191 .... Brian
Sniner (St won by forfeit. Heavy-
weight ...... Fred SaegertO) pin-
ned Ted Barnes (St, first period.
, . r
The School of Occupational
Therapy at the University of Pu-
get Sound in Taconaa was begun
through sponsorship of the Wash-
ington Tuberculosis Association.
Morgan, Eacrelt's
Amazing mw
€anges from Storm
Door to Screen
• SAYE SPA-Ail Inserts my on door ag ymn'
• SAVE WORK--Sliding Panels tilt
I I i
Litlle Glimbers Hurl This game was North Mason's North Mason also won the pre-
introduction as a melber of Lhe liminary game, 39-20.
U--=I. L-'..
Class A division of qhe Olympic The lineups:
oil marasmans.,v Pen00nsnla leag,,e. 3. :,3
In Opener Lose 53 31 The line,,ps: St ew, nson 6 ,f DeFoer 5 Mason
' • Bainhri(Ige 47 North Masan L)I Miller 6 f Hollatz 8 The Owls hit the road for t in seLting up for t
Clements 10 f Stevenson 6 Shellgren 9 c West 4 next two gaines, going to QuilCt if gifls by the hospita
lly l)enny Wagner Cabunac 3 f Miller' 4 Crosswhite 7 g Stodden 9 this Friday and to Green t ans. Gifts thus selecte
Shooting a meager 19%, the . the veterans' familie
Shelton jmior wtrsity lost its Diltz 15 c MeKay 7 McKay 4 g Trenckmann 7 Academy at Chehalis next TI| Ir of members attend(
first start of the new basketball Dow 3 g Crosswhite. 2 Subs: NM. Caskey 5, Shelly 2. day.
-- • " ,nference at Lacey. h
season, 52-31, to Olympia in Shel- Dillow 2 g' Shelly 2 MMK. ---- Valley, Palmer. CHIMACUM 51 KNIGII !reports on the omfe
ton gym Saturday. Subs: Bainbridge -- Pickens 6, e(me l)y Quarter. Postma 11 ........ f ...... J. DeFoer given by Mrs. Cii:tt{
The two teams .clash again to- Almoguelo 4, C'malow 2, Buten- North M.tson 7 7 12 13---39 Nelson 10 .......... f ............ Hollat! .Marv Dobson.
morrow at Olympia. veld 2, Pratt, Meyer. NM. --- Cas- Knight 8 5 10 10--33 Snyder 9 ............ c ................ Wet epartmcnt Prcsident
Olympia opened up a seven key, Bixemnann Shellgren. , • • Snold 2 ............ g ............ Stodde equipping a unit :
point margin in the first quarter Score by Qaarters This Friday the Bulldogs travel Nason 13 .......... g ...... Trenchme tgspital for handicapp(
at 13.6, but thc Little Climbers Bainbridge 16 8 1.t 9--47 to Forks, the year's longest trip, Subs: Chimacmn--D. Shold 'his is a new progra
rallied in the second period to nar- North Mason 2 6 5 8 21 then return home to host Chima- O'Donnell 2. MMK--.-Shaw 4, !iist of its kind in t.!
row the gap to 25-20 a{ half. Reserve game Balnbridge 43, cure Saturday. mer 2, Valley, Dale, Creamer, e auxiliary will cnrltr
The visiting Cubs took off Nm'th Mason 19. North Mason junior high host- DeFoer. the project.
after the second half tip-off and * * * ed Central Kitsap Friday after- Chimacum 8 16 16 1I lanual Christmas pat"
held a 14-6 advantage in the third Senior forw.ard Don Shellgren noon, losing both the 7th-8th gra- Knight ........ 4 10 11 12 Xchange will be obser
-- llesday Adjournment
quarter for a 39"26 advantage' and led the way as the Bulld°gs chris- de and 9th grade games" This L U A N S es
• tg"was'followed by ser
it got worse for the home forces tened their new gym with Satur- week Marcus Whitman of Port I I
in the last period as the Cubs day night's victory over the Owls Orchard visits the North Mason ' hments by Post met
scored another 14 against Shel- from Matlock. gym.
ton's five. * " " " 00ay. P rty Fo
Sophomore Tery LaBissoniere
led .Litth: Climber scoring with NORTH MASON SCHOOL NEWS p t iTRimmerly
nine tallies, followed by Toby U O
Villines with six.
The lineups: f#l#l immerly celebrated h
OLYMPIA 57 SI{ELTON 3, New Gymnasium Dedication Program
Wrthday with a party S
Bailey 3 ............ f ........ Anderson 3 Scheduled Tonight; First Game Played r fricnds gathered
Kringbring ...... f.. LaBissioniere 9 Saturday morning th
Lyman .............. c .......... Bamzes 3 By Dennis Shelly sale. All monies are being put Loans on furniture the skating rink for
Barber 20 .... g .......... Clary 3 B E L F AIR -.- This Thursday into the uniform and scholarship hours of skating. Th
Kern 1 .............. g .......... Richards 2 night, December 13, the dedication fund for the music department.
Subs: Olympia.--. Halverson 16, Da- cerenannies will be held for North Juniors have recently completed automobiles, equip" ,raes herandhOUsethefOropeningrefres
vis 6, Leach 4, McGrath 1, Back- Mason's brand-new gynmasium their orders for class rings which
man, Padgett, Saibel. Shelton ..... and band room. The time is set were placed through the L.G. 1Tlent, livestock, or sts wcre Snzi, Tmni a
Villines 6, Kadoun 5, Bailey, Wy- for 8 p.m. in the new building. Mr, Balfour Company. The same com-
att, Brickert, Carte, Wilson, Fred- Louis Bruno, State Superintendent pany will do the printing of this other security an n,bby andSUSanshariandsway]Lm
son, Kelly. of Schools will be special guest year's annual.
S(.ore by Quarters and entertaimnent will be given by Last year the student council take up to 48 months ' Denna Harris, A
" . Wendy Nye, Lon L(
Olympia 13 12 14 14---..,53 the high school band and choir, gave the school hoard $600 for use Dennis Hopkins.
All the curtains are now up on in construction of several tennis to repay. Credit Life ......................
Shelton 6 14 6 5--.31 the stage and they improve the courts. But the discussion at the =Ik To Honor
YENTER SGORES ,,,oks of the interior of the build- school board meetings have been Insurance is avail"
ing 100 per cent. The curtains on directed toward more serious prob-
:lat Palro
Lhe sides, back and above are a lems in the district. Therefore tile I
ANOTHER KAYO gray-brown color and the closing matter of tennis courts hasn't yet' able. Phone, stop i rons,
curtains in the front are a medium been discussed and superintendent Court Order of Am
Dennis Yenter, one-time High- blue. There were also five new Robert Johnson asked the student or write: havc its regular sta
climber boxer, continued his new- spot or flood lights installed that council if they might submit an t 8 p.m. next Wedn
ly-chosen professional mitt career can be controlled by a manual alternate use for the money. The 1 le :Masonic Temple. P
in sensational style by scoring a dimmer. First use of the new alternative hasn't yet been decided SERVIOE FINANuI00 :lens and past royal I
second knockout over Hank WaN stage equipment will be Jmmary but there were several sugges- be honored.
ker of Aberdeen at Tacoma last 25 when the seniors put on their tions: Bleachers for the football O0 eeting will be prece,
Friday night, annual play (The first annual sen- and baseball fields; a backstop for • hristmas party and l;
Yenter, 156 pounds, was award- ior play was staged last year), the baseball diamond; and a pub- 124 Railroad Ave. er for the family. M(
ed a technical K.O. over Walker The music department of North lic-address system for both tile rerninded to bring a !
at 1:52 in the second after open- Mason profited close to $100 from gymnasium and the football-base- Shelton, Washington Children and canned f
ing up a sever'e cut over' Walker's the all-school concert held in No- ball field. There was still a large Phone 426-4447 0r the Zenith Home
left eye. This was Yenter's second vember. They expect to profit well group of students who would like
round.Vict°ry'pr° starthisandfirsthis secOndcomingknockoutin one over $100. ,','on, their present candy to wait for the tennis ..c°urts' .... i 7'I=4{: =H NE----W S
He fought one of the prelimi- ' --.r
nary bouts to the Sid Carter- Bob l ) _-.-.-_- - ..... " -I - I.'.*.. IN¥ALLE CLOVE]
McKinney mairt vent in the Ta- ,e]ton Valley Clovers
coma Sports Arena. pt for the first time
.............. tober 18 at the hom
,.0b and Ricky Ruddell.
TINES OF THE WEEK ],cers for the year v
mmmm00&0000, ,o,,owS.,ow.
m -Du/e.GIo aberg'er; vice pres.,
Computed for Hood Canal Fireproof n; sec., Patsy Mil
Oakland Bay tides axe 1 hr. and , ICICLES s., Joe Brown; re
0 mln. ,=ter cl plus s.o it. / FREE!
• meeting was held ]
' ' hmne of Mrs. Evers.
Friday, Dee. 14 BUY blOW[ WIN A DOUBLE named the commit
LOW ................ 0.24 a.m. -2.4 ft. OPEN NIGHTS USE OUR HOLIDAYi would be on
Itig'h ................ 7:47 a.m. 13.1 ft. 2 Exp•n=e PMd
Lo ................... :25p.m. 7.2ft. Monday thru Friday E-Z TIE PAY PLAU r,,..,, Tap= 1.5 t:he group me
High ................ '6:00 p.m. 10.4 ft. WITH A
Saturday, De(,. 15 tIntil Christmas "CHRISTMAS BOUS" of BarbaraDaVid andBrown P
OF to tion on rPoper
Low .................... l:07a.m. -1.6 ft NO PAYMENT ,5;= won
High ................ 8:33 a.m. 13.0 ft. UNTIL FEBRUARY
Low ................ 2:22p.m. 7.1 ft. ,, meeting was hel
High ................ 6:50p.m. 9.7ft. - of Judy Partlow
? " ' Rch tlc
Sundy, ]Do(,. 16 .' "---. Fioor.To.Ceillng - ' . party was planned
Low .................. 1:51a.m. -0.6ft. :2. \\; at Pool Nuotare ar
High ................ 9:18a.m. 12.7ft ...... ' ...... '" R00MORGANIZER P01I.ETTIA :ee was selected to ,
Low ................ 3:24 p.m. 6.5 ft. rther details. The
High ................ 7:51p.m. 8.9't. ___. / \\; and SPACE SAVER wiu be held Decembe
Monday, Dee. 17 f ' : " A _ t (m:, R . ,, !Orne of Rocky Howal
High ................. I0:02 a.m. 12.5 ft. .gu/ar|y $I0 75 I "'-INE--
,.o. .................. 4:,,,,. 00,, ,8.,,
High ................ 9:04 p.m. 8.2 ft. \\;"
Low ................ 3:28 a.m. 2.8 ft. .,. .
Higl ................ 10:44 a.m. 12..2 ft. Light
Low .................. 5:29 p.rn'. 5.2 ft. I -* !;:Vlce
High ................ 10:35 p.m. 7.9 ft. REE LIGHT SET . . .: .... ° H=, ,Ix I*,g, b,laht
Wednesday, Dee. ]9 == seamless II•l/11JOll r•d polnt$11ttlas w t !0ograph s
.22 am 40. I ,,o,..,.., ,.o.. ,..,.
.................. , y
:i 2-way radio
Independontly. For In- "--,-'--J 11 ring on •ach pole. Whlt• r-d bow. Set In =tu,dy
High ................ 11:25a.m. 12.0ft. door lighting. UL ap- . . hokd momo/ shelve=, gllttored wh t• pot
Low . ............... Tl/ursday,.6:23Dee.P'm'20 4.2 ft. provod, "'g ,
Low .................. 5:22 a,m. 5.1 ft. " ., . __. :.
High ................ 12:04 y.m. 11,7 ft.
Low .................. 7:10 p.m. a.3 ft. i , lftvie e
w L ÷:11 ,:,I. 1 %1,. --* ----,.
Patron's .......................... 39 21 - .... , .
Sot, thside ...................... 34 26 -
Matlock ........................ 33 27 I ;;, " WE LDSR
Shelton Valley 32 28 m Zipp ......... " Tropic.Aire Portable Ph. 426-48
Agate ............................ 26½ 33
Skokomish .................... 26 34 SBe *l-, ,0 SAW #95 ' ag9
Pomona ........................ 26 34 •€ -- v., r,, we,t So,, 12 t, zo Cp HAIR DRYER
.................... Hard coated lens, prlim IIln orl
CloquaIlum 23 361fi. , bhloculo ..... Blade I, n *,,=*,- PARTY PERK s)z95 "y Pttm]
- . .... rs with ,h!ngo. tel poMr on 'o pa m grip 9.S #1€ dwing ©0m(0rtand=peodl Heating
High games--Iva Cook 198, Jim 79o;n,lV:a::, I'o:. band[°, WI,h ouxHlary S #g Pxt,a ]ar,o hood [or
Rossmaier :1.91. n,€'-- P ,. °, , hondlo. Complot, with Make rich, !_u/I-b.odlod Vinyl ,lln9 ,trp for Applian¢
High seriesIna Kia'bel 475, .kid=nap, Ilnea p,g- 7 b,des. Roller and coffee In Idrg quontl, portability while wear- Ir0ad Ph, 426-6|
Max Mikkelsen 516, 7 x $0 POWER,. ....... J;20 97 o[llte.bearlngS,prov•a. ,UL ap- tlO=lcontroi.Flnger tip, pourlng ca=o.lngl Handy carrylng ELECTRIC C
CloqualIum 4 (Jiin Suer 419), , ..... ,,, ' ,
Patrons 3 (LeRoy Simpson 489),
Matlock 1 (Jifia Rossmier 486); I Rubinstein eo
Agate 3 (Max ikkelsert 516),
Shelton Valley 1 (Ina Ktmbel 475); |Ji[[J III
Southside 2 (Iva CoOk 469), Po- ii!/llII cosmetl,
mona 2 tBo00 00lorek 441) ...... liiiii/i00I
;lI/lil.a--'='' IUS PHARMACY
Canteen .......................... 34 22 8 Translstor 9 Translztor
Pantorium Cleaners .... 30½ 21/, PORTABLE PORTABLE__ PORTABLE PORT/ "--"
Clary Trucking ..: ......... 30 26 #$ 0 €19
20th Century Thriftway29 27 RADIO If RADIO RADI 9 RADIO
Lumbermen's Mere ..... 8 28 2. , .. . Complete wDh hones
Cole's Mobil Service .... 24/, 31 . _ , Iemxe raalO is corn- battorlea and €orrylng
Morgan Transfer ........ 24 32 Comes complete wtth Complote wlthearpnon=, plete with 4 penlight coso.(ME39) 8¢ Mattresse
batterles and loather batteries, loather carry- TFRR. T vtn LY)$ FURNITUR]
Shelton Motors ............ 24 32 battery, earphone. ................ F_9___T ..
antenna and Case Uses Ph. 426-I
carrying cos°. Uses y mg coso an° earpnonos. TRhNi¢;TflP ii
High games Bob Wuencll 245, 9 volt battery. " 9 volt battery WITH 4 "C" FLASH- 8;:'76-- ,n, ]
Joe Holt 221
High series -- Bob Vnench 598 BATTERIES ...... $17.99 BATTERIES ...... .$25.99 MODEL ........... 29¢
Canteen 4, Clary Trucking 0 ' ' " --
(Ken O'Dell 532); Pantorium 4
(Joe Holt u34), 20 Century 0 (Bob RAY PROUTY 123 S. Second St. uallty Work
Olson 543); L.M. 4 (Bob Wueneh P 3111 j *f All Kind,
598), Cole's Mobil 0 (I-Iavey De-
weyert 532); sheiton Motors 3 hone 46- )2I'HE JOURNAL
Shadbolt Morgan | --Yi" • =... ,- : = .--a<._.*.]g\