December 13, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 13, 1962 |
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, r,' ,' . ..... Pa'e 17
hursduy, December 13, 19! -*,T mr,, ,Ar, rrtr .TOURNAL-- Pubhshe
, December 13, 196 -- " "
el:i) lUlJITINfil([CAN LEGION WCTU Enjoys December is Busy , :.
.L-Ill ,,|rl. LVvI!,KILIARY HAS I What s Doing Among Our Step the
So c i a E v e n t s Chnstmas Dessert M0nlh For VFW
.,LooK o o.,m, , Luncheon Meeting P0si and Auxiliary SERVICEMEN ladder....
. . .... Ig the opening ff the
wowuoys z'oae mm Mary 4 Awitq'ic:ul Legion Phone 426-4412 The Womans Chzqstian Temper- This Friday the VFW AuxilialT
Knight gym Friday night and Unit No. 31 meeting Society Editor • Marj Waters •
ance Union enjoyed a Christmas will have a Bake Sale at Trade-
ed a 51-37 victory over the € members, Mrs. June dessert hmcheon last Friday at well.
on tho strength of supe,'ior s its. Esther umphenour, Spotlight home of Mrs. David Turner. Next Friday, Dec. 21, the Post John H. Castle, airman, USN, fire demonstration at Fort
and a bahlnced eoring attacl{ Haze ' Rifle were ini- High School
.. Jerry .De Foer, )aking" .lse i fi welcomed into mere- , Preceding the hmcheon a delicious and its Auxiliary will hold their son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Castle, Tex.
non-alcoholic Fruesta egg hog anmmrl Christmas party in the Shelton was graduated :Nov. 2 Sgt. Crabtree, assigned to the
the exee!lent snooting eye ne h:mbership chairman, !
Ieen r)asmul to unleash, scoz'eay Alexander, reported was served by Mrs. PMmer Rob- Memoral building beginning with from Aviation Mechanical Funds- artillery's Headquarters Battery,
point:1 for the Owls to garner.g] had i):en reached, errs who is the county director of a 6:30 p.m. potluck dinner. Gifts mentals School at the Naval Air entered the Army in 1945.
}l)e honors. The Cowboys .ntatim chairnmn , Mrs. Natural Fruit Products. will be exchanged between post Technical Training Center, Mere- The sergeant's mother, Mrs.
l:nree provers in double figure']hmpbell h-,d completccl Vice president Marian ohnson members :and :tuxiliary members, phis, Tenn. The four-week course Evelyn C. Lend, lives on Route
The Ovls played without t.,i n (,om'ecti with gifts conducted the ousiness meeting. Anyone bringing children should covers the uses of hand and power 1, Shelton. His wife, Brunhilde,
regulars, Gene Brehmeyer and 1[ t Shop. Mrs. Cmnpbell, Mrs. Olive Quarrier gave the de- tag" a gift for each child. Further 'tools, safety procedures, basic lives in Killeen, Tex.
Walker, sidelined by illness Hnu'd Mrs. Glen Ga,'(i- cottons. Her subject was Tile Star details are found in the post pub- elect.ricity and related fields.
Friday and. Saturday at N0f Iz.s i}'oy Clinton went Still Shines. Mrs. Turner talked lication . Edward A. Magruder, son of
Mason. " an'ial;e'hospital Dec, 6 on Peace that Reigns and Mrs.. All quilt tickets should be in Army PFC John L. Morris, re- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Mag'nzder, Lawton Lumber G0
The Owls hit the road for t Roberts' topic was Christmas, a to rays and Means chail'rLlall cently completed the five-week Shelton, re-enlisted in the Navy •
in setting up for tl'm
ne×t two games, going to QuilO f gifts by the hospital- Time for Remembering. Vi Brumbaugh, as the winner will clerk-typist course conducted by 20.
this Friday and to Green } ans. Gifts thus selected The gifts w'.n'e distributed from be announced at the Kamilche the 8th Infantry Division in Bad: oe V, SiIIlpon
Academy at Chehalis next TII$ L0 the veterans' fitmilies, a beautifully decorated Noble fit' Gr'tnge dance Saturday night. Kreuznach, Germany.
day er ,ff menql)ers attended tree. Proceeds of the sale will go to The 2'3-year-old soldier, son of Try A Journal Want Ad
)nf(rmce at Lacey. In- the Cancer Fund. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight L. Morris,
CHEVIACUM[5L KNIGIIT a'eports on the c,mfer- M i Li ............................ Union, is a1957graduateoflrene HOME LOANS
Postmt 11 ........ f ...... J. D@Foer,given by Mrs. Cihlton arr age tenses o00o. s 00choo, ,, LOW COST
Nelson 10 .......... f ............ Ho)]at arv Dobson. YULETIDE PARTY attended Whitman College, Walls
Snyder 9 ............ e ................ west bepartment President's Applying for marriage licenses
Snold 2 ............ g ............ Stodde in the Mason county Auditor's of- The next meeting of the Navy Walls. I-Pls wife Rosett lives in
Mothers Club will be the Christ- Olympia.
equipping a unit at
Nason 13 ........... g ...... Trenchma :hospital for handicapped rice this past week:
Subs: Chimacum---D. Shold his is a new program Daniel B. Kelly, 17, Tacoma mas party at 7:30 p.m. next
O'Donnell 2. MMIC .-Shaw 4, t lirst of its kind in lhe and Linda A. Undezvood, 16, Ta- Thm'sday at the Memorial hall.
There will be an exchange of gifts Jack D. Wells, quartermaster NEW CONSTRUCTION--BEMODELING
mer 2, Valley, Dale., Creamer, he auxiliary will c(mlrib- coma. Russel G. Wells, Orapeview PI[JICI[AS]
• Arthur B. Holdal, 56, Tacoma, and gifts for secret pals. third class, USN, son of Mr.
DeFoer. ,1 the project. Navy Mothers will serve the 12 was advanced to the above rate
Chimacum 8 16 16 1I- lineal Christmas party and Dorothy E. Blaker, 45, Port-
Knight ........ 4 10 11 12- :Xehange will be observ- land, Oregon. noon Kiwanis hmchen next Nov. 16, while seling aboard the 6% On Reducing Balances -- No Commission
--" hesclay. Adjournment of Steve Lovely, 18, Port Orchard Tuesday. destroyer USS B raine. Advance-
" • and Susan Kerlie, 17, Port Of .... ment is the result of passing a Charges
• - -- I -- _ II lg was followed by serv- : ::::: ::i!: :::,i hrd kGATE GRANGE PA.RT Navy-wide competitive examina,- - - • -=
mere- ........... .... " Tills FRII)AY NIGHT tion after meeting professional J .... ,,,,,a e.....o =/... no.Mptmn
I L 0 A H S ,v..,o ARMY TRUCK Agate GrangenilmlbheaVeaan['lis; and military requirements. ..J'O UUUO', ..11|.o. z-..a• .,wvv.-
i: i ;i ii;i : i i i!:::, iil :ii be in town next Tue/day. For children this Friday beginning at IN Army SFC Martin M. (ral}- SHELTON
I lay Party For : ::;:::;;, ; :; ,;:;: ; The Salvation Army tz'uck will tmas party fo' :.' ,' "' -- _ . TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING
pickups call 426-6564 oz' 426-2215, 6:30 p.m. with a potluck supper, tree, lcently pttrticipated with
I up O : KimmerlYd 7 : !i!iiii!i :::::i i!i i::i!il oz. leave articles on the porch at There will be a gift exchange and other members of the lst Armored
:::il i:: ::: : i:iii!! 325 No 5th street treats f)r the youngsters. Division's 6th Artillery in a live-
h ::iiiiiL :i :i : L: :!:ii:;::iil !i:. : ::: ................. _- __j__ ---
i .. },Saturday morning then !:ii!ii!ii!!i:!i I a €1' WHOLE BODIED
Loans on furnlCure,:|Jhe skating rink for a
,Itnhours of skating. They PORK '
• • 00:i!i!iii! i ] LOIN l A =oe
automobiles, equip _ .a *h .enin or .....
:ests \\;ere Suzi, Tami and €
• i n, Susan and Lame
other securzty aIl(tby and Shaft Swayne, J C
/ ,o ,/..,. . Ib rn= n
.__ ,L ..... ,:I 'Denna Harris Alto .......................... i
I takeupLosmontntw,dy Nye Lo,( Lov- ' " Fresh Washington Grown II,
i. l:)ennis Hopkins. iii::!!! a|r
ET TEMPLE has her eyes on the sky She plans to be an ' J e.r,:a.m z u
]| to repay. Credit Life]?-- .................... A " ntin course in 001" :'""'--' | I
line stewardess tt,ter she completes an acc°u g " il BOLOGNA BEEF HEARTS 39
! Insurance is avail;! '|" TO Honor 'iiii ttTii!in ih'ihwii'ii iigttiii tirke:c!°: / (
I able. Phone, stop iJMatr0ns, Patrons v2en°r Ib
| .. eou,'t Order of Amar- st,. . l ¢.,.o " " " " Hygrades ,. A')c "
• -|t 8 p.m. next Wednes- [
| =a=•=== ....... Ihe Masonic Temple. Past be an airline stewardess and in-Ivocational report she made in the
lends to Lake a course in account- ninth grade. _ .... ].--7"--al' gkl[i"" By the piece iL . !
• I.',NM|I;I/ lilN/INU::.trons and past royal pat- . shin ton State The Temple family lives on Is- J ' li ,w, "'41
II 00, eeting will be preceded di'{e-er wishYGMs who have a/ Jaret lists water _siing a.s ,e" / ' .. / __ libel I[ '. Extra Fncy 79
. |hristn,as party and pot- hoe .cppltgniaLn3 d o d:enthusmst,c I l . .
| 124 Ra,lroad Ave [aer for the family. Mem- Speaed2ehz:d eflidg hna: tis bwetot, eL al?i::tei2°y ' n:ee:'Zo]:! i" L, C., € arrL¢o .o0 oo,,o,- ,ox
• ......... " ,remindedtob,'inga.ift thh:eaeSachmhone2:ua;le/ PORK(HOPS :)Y eO
i,a: out0000im00/
| .he,ton, wasnJng,on |Children and canned food Jb ilAINE :;i::r::ad: ...................... EACH 2/29
I Phone426-4447 2;ii the Zenith Home for b°Uatltoh' '
Vl.lbl I A A.v|ll=rU / . a background rot r future / ---------- Camorna ,arge I€1d€
I - : .................. '-- U. Vu| zMin' / Bookkeeping this year, as well a .kNl% I- e h t; Y Y J p I[I.]jLILUI-q Size Fuertes; ............... EACH 11/11
: 14'H HEWS 111,111 IJl Pl•llu:auJ l accounting course, Janet is :alchlg] W''-" -r s" =ountr St le -- -- lllirIHnl, ln$ TM n / #ti--
.0 ll ItllUW[ll i Civics, Senior English 2na year . J'/l l J [[[J[ ] UI $ llllll. . . "
[ FON VALLEY CLOVERS enlor Choir "
The Vicki Lee Orthopedic A.ux- FrChnndeS:. hi, h sch'ool years ']\\;\'1\ %NJPAN,nIK% nb ar,,m,7 nMIAM@, Ver,fnne Brand @0 €
helton Vailey Clovers 4-H Janet has p " ............. II .....
L .... for the first time this i]iary held its December meenng , s -,,*;%,d in Pan Club 1i /|lt-- F/If'lllmltl$1 ---- lllllll.l Oreaon Boilers ............................ 7-LB. BAG /---
]fl(,- )her 18 aL the home of at the home of Mrs. Gary More "'ifle Clut)." Sle"ll'as been I I |]| .-£| , . V|UV v
IUIJIJkiP.) ,,d Rieky Ruddell. The it l,;:dGn]enco(sJn)aLeeclo.:ha2d 1.a:,elntative of Rifle Club. She I I ,11 I'lJ . . . .
ers for Lie yea,' were ,: ' has also been an office worker I/,If Fresh, Shced Loadedw,th Proten A_ hAT¢ ZD:;s Sweet IoLB BAG Aq¢
ob/_Gi 0 , follows: President, Da- il;!:!it;;;; *:ft;ct;;i PORK LIVER '
F:- , aberger; vice pres., Ka- Nuts and
...p,o., sec., Patsy Milten-d';Di: secB°ailiynden°tst'd ib Store has a complete select'on of Fancy Holiday
ICICLES Joe Brown; repot- The January 14 meeting will be
meeting was held Nov. held at the home of Mrs. Alex born in Seattle, March 29, 1945 but
home of Mrs. Evers. The Smith. Mrs. Ed Lindsey will be moved to Shelton as R small baby.
amed the c°nuittees e°-h°stess' A White Elephant sale She has °ne sister Susan IV[all°ry' TIME SAVERS!
who is a junior this year. Janet
would be on this is planned, is 5'2" with eyes of blue and light
2 EXpen=e PMd The Vicki Lee Auxiliary is sell- brown hair.
Two.Week Tr/ps 1.5 t:he group met at ing holly wrea.ths and door swags ""
of David qnd Patsy for Christmas decorations. Anyone M M b
'e. Barbara Brown ga- interested can call Mrs. Bill Jack- oose em ers
ration on rPoper Sew- stadt at 426-4508.
moon ,,, ,,ea .,o o c,o Attend Meeting ,,Quick and Easy Meals" to Help You
of Judy Partlow. A CHRISTMAS .,.v In Port Angeles sve Time During the Chrmtmas Shopping Season!
party was planned for The Shelton Garden Club will PRICES EFFECTIVE
at Pool Nuotare and a hold its annual Christmas party Port Angeles Moose Lodge re-
was selected to corn- and gift exchange aL 1 p.m. next cently hosted a.meeting of Dis- DECEMBER 13-14-15 ! shaker
details. The next Monday at the home of rs. L. trier No. 1, Washington State RIGHT TO LIMIT
:Will be held December 20 D. Hack. Mrs. Harold lvmnson Moose Association, at its Moose ou,
of Rocky Howard. will be co-hostess. Home District Vice-President, SPJC AND SPAN Cl.anser "
SiN[SS DJRkTORY JackBrittain0fO]ympia, wasin € HANDLOTION "":'" ......... 2Sj
i charge of the meeting which
I stressed membership campaigns. JERGEN S 6 oZ I
weze present from
Representatives " .
m Olympm ana
0000er00oe, :: ......... ]9 ,.
• Regular 59¢
Shelton. St 09 ALKA SELTZER :.:
:: , q'he Women's .Chapter of Port a
2''1 !illVICe "------- Floor Covemngs ' An-geieT: entertained the visitors OO( 49€ if"
by presenting an almost profes-
H== six large bright !',i10 - TV
i , iAnoleum bs;: ................
: .., ii i Fol!Pmetci 2 sional minstrel shoW. The group
holly I.=v,= =nd I=rge g ! has agreed to present the same •
,It. : .Is 2-way radio J
red bow, Set In stucdy show in Shelton, January 26 when
"" I ::ltOy,$ TV SERVICE l | REX FLOOR COVERING " ]L.]j * r 11
,ll,eredwhlte ,or the local Moose Lodge will ell- -," I"S 55¢ I
Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 roll its next class of new mem-
bers Shelton Moose
The following . ,lh
members and their wzves at-
i irvic e Radiator ][l]|r " tended: Gerry Hart, Joe Cronquist, SPEOML$
I George Dock and Earl Owen,
_. out SPillg 39
: Soldering
ew eoree Santa To Make 39a TUNA:
• HOt.el
HIA, TiNG, .HEET METAL Personal Phone €
623 S. 1st. Ph. 426-3483 Serve-U is an
Calls To Children 'r°"°" "
,, . ,iTtUlrZ"
Re ,, [lOllSt i The Slmlton Jaycees have made Ass°elated
9 arrangements for Santa Claus to
$12.95 make personal telephone calls to Grocers • l$1gE SI K Star-Kst
• hood • Plant the youngsters in Mason county
for all ocoaldo next Monday, Wednesday and Fri- Member! • 31OpPED Chuck
• Flowers day between the hours of 7-9 p.m. 6"O.
EVERGREEN FLORIST8 • This will not only give the child
4th & Birch 8 to 8 426-8479 the thrill of tlking to Santa in
pers°n' it is a g°°d °pp°rtunity EGGS 53'
' for parents to discover something LOCAL RANCH AA
special their youngsters might li-
Auto Glass- ke for Cllristmas. Extra Large ................................. DOZ,
.Expert There w*ll be R charge of 25 APPLESAUCE 6/1 HOTCAKE SYR
I nstaIlatlon cents for each child to cover cost Tastewel, 16-OZo $ Up .,°°,,° 25¢
of call and handling. Parents , 1 .
JIM PAULEY, INC. should mail the money with the serve with pork 22-oz. bottle
child's name, address, sex, phone
5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 number and the best time for the PANCAKE MIX Krusteaz 591€
child to receive the call to Box GRAPEFRUIT Tastewell 16°z. 6/$1 -
9 Transi=tor 365, Santa Calling, Shelton, Wash. broken seotions 31/a lb. bag ............
PORTABLE Bike Shop The name of a toy you plan to A
give your child should also be in-
I RADIO cluded. If there is more than ono MEAT -- CHICKEN
| • Sale and Repair 1
Completo wl one,,* I . Lockamlth -a Key, Made child in the family include infor- Bake ooo00 ,n L CAMPBELL'S SOUP 6/'
ruction for each. Heated Trucks ' i
)m. batteries and carrylng r:1 i . Hobbles Old Fashioned Way 16-oz.
ght case. (ME39) []
• z,, CORNED BEEF 49*
,n- BATTERY ...... 39¢ N Roy Clinton 223 Cot St. Shelton Music Club
;,.,. eco.o¥ .,., To Attend Concert DUTI)H ORUNGH 6READ ,so. ............. H '
- The Shelton iVusic Club will 12oOZ. tins ................
• - o. ........... z., __ Draperies hold its Christmas party and meet- 4/'1 S )
ing next Tuesday evening. The FRESH BUTTER 6EMS .o ........
S. Second st. Uallty Work 1 . custom made group will meet at the high school . TASTEwELL
.,U ofreeestimates gymandattendthSeniorhigh ' CUT GREEN BEANS 7/
'f All Kind, • wor guaranteed school Winter Concert. FESTIVE YULA KAKA ,.o.. 45 ¢ o,,
After the program the members ................
' , ,._ JOURNAL J. C, PENNEY CO: will have their exchange of gifts
Phone 42(p44 305 RR 'Ave. Ph, 426,828 aad refreshments at the home of
_ Mrs. W. F. Robert.