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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 13, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 13, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 18 StT,LTOI,TTIASON COT2NTY JOURNAT; 7- Publishel in r'Ohristmastown., , ,, . U.,.A./" Shelton, Washing(on,,, -- .... Thursday, December 13, :- y,. December 13, ;4 Real Estate : ferred Froperti by ' A A :laterfront iReatl I- :7 Railroad Ave. LL 426-8277 IN TIME! the Merriest Christr [n a brand new three b . . Loaded with w ....... I n " .L,living for the years Fo t I F t Legal Publications Legal PublicafionSj[%hd f%e on low F r Sale For Sale For Sale For Ren or Ren Wa ted ...... ...... ..... ,Tr? .... $ FEED your leathered friends this POITABLE DISHWASHER for sale. I FOR SALE--300-gallon fuel barrel, $35. ONE BEDROOM ftlrnishcd apartment  FOR RENT--trailer house, T C1}/..4.26= [ SA, W FILING, gl'lndlng all d re-to ostler- NO. 65i2 NOTICE OF BONI) SALi  ..... winter, wild bird feed from 8belton call 426-8078. Kenmore.  lo/ls tm [ Phone 426-3636, W 11/29-12/13 for rent. }teat water and garbage I .16., , 2/x3-zu ! rag. Au WOrK guaranteeu. "lea u - NOTICI£ OF (.;ROINI) JVATER 31ARY M. -KNIGltT SCHOO]b-:L BUY! RIG lIT AI'PLICATION .............. --'(,;-- a'n-a-i{(fi%-Cl'd--,vili [ .... v-: -,  .................... r- ................... 7- furnished Inquire 1119 Franklin .......................................................... ry 627 Wyandotte phone 426-2433. "[111("1 NOWASItlN(ITON311 MASON COVe_, :,lUtlilll ...... peach, .... beaut Marlnc-Hllh:rvet Hardware' llf2L9 tfn TIIEhaw: -Iafdrummage.C sam" 14'muay,'" ..... lain. DISGUSTEDradlos? UnsurpssscdWith inieriOrsony transiSttpcrformsr .A_:vt._ _5., Phonu' ^_ 426._6496 B 10./!8 .__ n' FORhouse,RENTwater-- andOne'bedr°°mgarbage furnishes.furnished ._ .---=._-.-.--------=--.----.-- r--;-=-:.-tfn • ' tf 318 S/ale of Waslnngton XVg-'i'-'[['[i['7:-'');ii'-[(;j)r'-'fihn: PUP building, Shelton, 12/13] where others fail. Rcduccd prices. 2 BE])i-'duP-'c.':x-fifl:e-rt,garage and I Phone 426-6150. N 5/25 tfnl x 2ak.,+--t)aa oDs% xyu OFFICE t)F SUl'l,;ltV}S*,at OF (;ENEltAL OlSLI(;ATION BONJ:'150' frontage on Tot $3.49, 20 exposures, processing in- ;i%:=T.._--.=:;:fli:i:=-::= , Cust()nl aligned and guaranteed, utility room, electric heat water, I-'-R'REN----'-w-'-IoI--'-xId" "'".. ".k.?2.." ......... %.:.';." WATFR RESOUItCES 1962 !a, Three bedroom cott chided. Ziegh:r's Studio and Ca,nera _ =__o/_ZuZrA_  Olynipi,, $130,0,00 fireplace and drilled ,, Shop, 11/2 tfn "()gdel.'*4 iE6,  .... 2/12" tf[i (oui,ponen{ Hi Fi. 898, Cbesi.t"s[ garbage furnl•hed- 426-_150. ...... [ heated apartment. Adults only. In-' _ a'___=ums._ ...... __ , ..... ..... '- .... L72-----:----------..-.-.r..l :ado & T. V, 426-3743. 13/6-/7 N ll/2Z unl nuire 311 No First lhone 426-3025 IADI W'r WUIS. y noU TAKE NOTICE: (IILS"-l¢i)D--a'i'(y(:'ieT-I'k-E-new-?-$g, SLAB WOOD for sam. xou haul $v,,)v I ]-'Xi:ib.':"Tk[--'sel---()lm.----s¢- ; :'-. ..... .'" "-." I  " ' P 6/28 tfn day. Has own electric scrubber. 426- That UNITED STATES DEPT. OF Notice is ln:rcby given that Msl ready for your sumrr Phone 420-8260. 8/23 tfn l)er cord We hall $12,50 coru. I "%*. '°:,::.-7:.Z::: V? ... rv-l-- -€1 Fo.'rTwo-n.coropm, paru,Y lur-I.._. 4378 V 8]16 tfn AGRICULTURE, FOREST SERVICE, Knight School Dlstriht No. 311, !etstlre now---$9950, SOIl € UL uOwll i,o,  3 tt $ ex -I''ER-k'VS •ale• -'-erv-e. Length desired. Call 426-4363, Niell] ,)r'uacq w .'/a"n i nisped, h(?ust[. All utilities, patq .x (FOUR-ROOM furnisbed apartment for %-E-€-j-Tr.--Ti-g--yher OLYMPIC NATIONAL 'OREST of sun County, Washington, I)ropO We are open SundRY•. Shelton on Olympic Hiway So, Mac 10/lltfnl=c:0:.:-....___  ----'-.----'-,'-:'t ' c$.pt.lnt. o l)CtS:onmrc at J[ rent, Call 426-6345. S 8/80 tfn "'st'. ,.,p:or 'L 2-4940 Olympia, Washington on Octobcr 5, issue under date of December 1, 'NT BEATER[ Marine Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8168,  ............ - lu xuu'rt oeu ann tuner-spring I west _ine. nono -uv ..... I " -"'* ::'- % " i • 1962, filed apl)lication for ,ermlt to its general obligation bonds i! tefully decorated EMERSON TV and stereo. ee tnem I mattress like new $20, Also ready to I R ll/zs tln [ 1€ . -. 1€..i  tloocrt Snumate, uwmp a, witluiraw public ground waters principal sum of $130,000. /29 tfn at Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cq .St, ] finish t)y chests' and chair•. Call ]-W-TON APARTS Bachelor [ .L)SI l[l(1 J'O[lIl(1 ..... 9./20_ttn through a well situated within EV Said bonds will be in denomim m home in excellent c MO---Yb'-D'"-'--o-w-l-'e ,1/13 tn I 426-4652 H 11/15 tfn I units Ideal for •lnRle en or we- [ .... W*I'E---D---- f0b-O-c"-pable ties. OK SE' of Section 1, Township 24N., of $1,000 each, will bc numbered t }., Has lots of built-ins time to apply Mossite from Grsy- -OR'U-R' --. resh. or old, [ L-X-Wb-O-I)$£b-50-c:--P%'fE-oo [ men. Also attractively furai•hed one LO.ST.-.FIai b!).ttom .row bat. in vi- Rubber Welders, Mt. %riew. 1/10 tfn Range 4 W,, W.M., in Mason County, 1 to 130 inc.lusive, will bear inter . AND best of all glens of Shelton. Free u•e of spread- or. Phone 426-6661, 4/19 tfn $6,00 pickup load. U ham. -none.. a.26'- and fireplace wood $14,00 cord. Ph. I bedroom apartments. All tmtilitie• emily o zuauey's farm. in xt. tong, in the amount of 3 gallons l)cr minute, a rate of not to exceed ,6% I)e,  g! Low terms at $750 L'I'l']-''ge," iililcl:-:'t/nta'[[I.-: 8476. M. Taymr. vii3 tin 426-3010 after 6 p.m. F 7/19 tfn  furnished, except lights. Reasonable, double ender, dark green inside. Call ..... eat'hSubjectyeart° existingfor the purposerights continuouslY,of domestic, numl)first daysl)ayabh:of JuneSCmiannuallYand Decemon tD bedroom just by ¢. appreciated Cllristmas gifts. Shelton ;T'-'---'-WN-'-LS:tL .'W-'-u-' UL, I)-YOU-"(.ffi'E-a--mon-- Phone 426-2121 or 26-8177.  ..... 877-5592, Itoodsport. M 12/6-13 .... m- supply fur camp ground. Ally objec- each ycar from date of issuc,, his one NOW! Marlnc-Elllcrest Hardware. stamps for •ale at tile Journ12.$1.'2 account on food? Below retail, prices .... LOST--Gold-hnk bl'a(d!t wlth slnall ..__. m..__,.o. tions must bc accompanied by a two l)ayabh' both principal and Inte .... 11/29-12/22 4t each. 227 WeBt Cot. 13/1 un n:ce non}c ael½very, no.gimmicKs, no EDGEWOOD APARTMENTS -- Cheer- main. eel)saae., iAncrat rewal'u, u 9 urztt.u dollar ($2.00 I'eeording fee and file.d the el'flee of tllc Mason Co.unty i" DOWNTOWN I L-0i:0---LTL-E'--Kei6--4h-d '-,--'=-.:--=Vr, nlgn prices, uncon(ntlonal guaran- ful one and two bedroom furnished Phone 426-3034. P/12-13-20. rm  ...... tnnto- with the State Sul)ervisor er Water, surer in Shclton, Washington, anO tee to satisfy ou Olympia 943 3720 a -. sup]flies. John Rice, Phone 426-6108. ,is -U5mm automatic at our new Y • "-J: ..., anartment• lots of clo•ets. Near Resources within thirty (30) days h'om, nmture in order of their numbO '"excellent three bedr( Free demonstration•, disount price. Reduced from $132.50 ................... -r--._-__ lll:lt_ n S helton Airport and prison sit e. 11)4- lr .... 4-€1. KELLY'8 FURNITURE Dccember 13, 1962. Deccmber 1 of each of tile folio ready to occupy. This R 1/7 tfn to $99.50. Limited time only. Zlegler's SEE .OUR FINE s toc or. nreplace pnone 426-3772.  S 10/11 tXn U, J.alVE:;ILLIUJ ..... , . Witness my hand and official seal years: / nearly completed re1 N'900WA-2T 110 volt Ih-pl-a-nt, Camera Shop. 6/28 tfn e.qum'mm, rom nreglow to Frank- R'-RE-JlT-----et"'Lt.'2--b'e(ix-oom,, Jrnone :o-zJ.4. this 19th day of Novembcr, 1962. Year Amount l'eli.9 4 $,on the property. Will -------,-o---=-7--7i--h---i-:---6 nn stoves, grates to glass uoors. .._. , .^"-_ _^ ':'.a _, v_' TWO five-month pedigre( d p( odle M.G. WALKER, 1964 $5,000 '1 trailers, boats, camper•. $198.50. ,.wa,.atx..a a'" a...®-v +. a" n _C.arlsons Tile and Fireplac, c,. Mt. ..,l.umurn's"'.,.,ara"a"'as "m. 2a" puppics for- sale or had" . Make won- State Supcrvisor'of Water Resources 1965 $5,000 1975 t' 0nly $9,000. • -. ...... I_ tf o . . - . . Sae'r Motor Shop, 426-4602.12/7 tfn __:±'_.%t-_.-'.___2 ...... ='_= vlcw, 11/15 tfn 'ff ................. 'D" ba-t-fn dcrful Christmas gifts Pbonc 426- 12/6-13 2t 1966 $5,000 1976 $.2 SINGER AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG •ew- ,v .. - . ...-- _ ,-cry'=_ oo. • o 69o ' "' A 1')/6 13 , 1967 $5.000 1977 "1 =". ...... "- ..... = .... %"-=:--h'-"..-:* reel, Permanent fini•h and sealer, 3-BEDROOM home in nice residential c-----;, T..TATr _A'X? CALL Ft)R nlDS 1968 $5,OO{}  ,lar the new Thrift lounger with Fairbnks Morse pumjas, oaiance auc or omy ,a,,)u, yvnu .o .. mo.M ..... +h o. oo district Referenres nlcasc Also two- u .v away -wc-o u uu:' .ta,.--xa.laJ J-"vv Scaled Bids will be z'ec, eivcd at the 1969 $5,000 .................................... " ". : 198() $] Owner will sell this c, le then( at Shelton Elec%rlc co.. rcspen•iblc party to assume balance , ..... *.,,,, /9 €. bedronm country home 11 miles out puPl)ics. Will umke good (.bll. tnla o rn A 1:)1"  C A [1;7CS office of the Mason County Treasurer, 1970 $5,000 410 Railroad. '3/16 tfn lit only $5.00 per month. Macnine -'=:._ ........ - .-- i'[-DaytoK al;ot '€. inquh'e 526 g fts ,126-8355. G 12/13-20  .LKD.La.E IA%.VV . a! Shelton, Washington, until 2 p.m. 197] $5.000 1181, le , fnlly furnished, t [C-, BLACK TOP "O-iL, fill d[r, will zig-zag, overcast, •ew on but- u'lt;.rl ux 1-'1'£ -- we are open Franklin ' " B 119 tfn .......... January 7, 1962, ft, r furuishlng the Ma- 1(.)72 $5,0O0 198. ,0zh home on a small d( road, and fill gravel, washed sand tons. I lake buttonholes, all without iunaay•, Shelton Marine, Hillcre•t  . ' / . .,r. ,, O ..,-_'JJEJ son County Treasurer's Offiee with a 1973 $5,000 Bookke, eping Machine, specifications The School district has rcSerVe,¢]lt Perfect for the and gravel, drainage gravel and pea attachments. Guaranteed. ,For further lardware. L8163. 3/29 tfn SMALL modern cottage, rent free In l¥ilSeellaJ[le us 200 E. PINE for whici may be obtained tlu'ough tbc ]ght to l(dc( u ally el all of tll0' needin an inex en gravel for driveways. Norman An- information call Olympia 352-8551, GREENEST LAWN'-'-ilI-Ehe block. 'U•e exchange for maintenance work. ' "'" " •  " : . g p , derso p|ione 426-3552. John's Creek anytime. 11-ltfn Galbraith Golf Green. Graystone of Ideal for couple or bachelor. No LET'S MAKE a date to decorate. For H 2/8  Clerk of the Board of County Corn- standing bonds of this issue all l. a Rffl FOR SALE -- Wood, 16 inch and over, Shelton. 426-6661. 4/19 tfn children. Call 426-2420 after 7 p,m. expert painting and wall papering, mlssioner'Srice, at the County Auditor's Of- inverse ntnucrical order on any r:. w, .... Sand and Gravel, Bayshore, 7/25 tfm Slab $12.50 a cord; Pole Wood Aldcr L'-0-'WR3y--R--GN" SALE at J D 11/22 tfn call Bennett Painting Company, est payment date on and afteti" .' S opened and by the Board or ycars from date of isstie, L fI'.L'IM]NA--'D utd(n" Nativity and Maple, $16 cord, 426-4867, Music Box, 205 Cots St. 4/12 ffn FOR RENT Light housekeeping 426-3248 B 11/8 tfn Said Rid i)ropo,als will then he sc,,m.', figures Mary. Joseph, Christ S 9/6 tfn ffbI--S-'ALE----Ha-nd:n/ade--l't---itc]-n', rooms, everything furnished except C, ARB t,F AI'eIr:CXATION Classified ervice County Colomissioners, who rescrve The s(ihol district as authoriZC]:'' Child, lambs, Angels. choir girls and M-]Ml-SiIP-]'---haio--Goff--. Phone 426-6129, Mrs. A. O. Charlson, dishes. 426-4679, 100 West Pine. T wish to extn'css my 1)ersonal thanlts the right to reject any or all of the law, v( o th .' qualif ed elcctoI'!'.' irf loy: frmi $3.50. Shelton Marine- 426-3649. 11/29 tfn R 9]20 tfn o all who gave of thcir building ma- ' Bids submitted, (w any portions of any rcsolutions of its Board of i)ireC" -21 (crisis, time, and talents, moncy, furni- MeCULLOCH SALES and Service. WS Bid subtnitted, and to accel)t the Bid duly and regularly adopted has 1,  Ht!h,rest Hardware. 11/J.12/22 4t $I00 valus for $75. Terms. B 4/5 tfn JoLXioIJ:)-dnt--ahd'Kits-reduded CLEAN, comfortable, one and two bed- tnre, food and clothing to hell) a faro- are open Sundays. Shelton Marine or Bids deemed most advantageous to vocably pledged that it will lnsi . FOR S.L-"Uh-Kt-ee-, /ie-i: E0--7757--CiKi'y--?i//iT-i,4-7 up io 25%. Buy now SAVE. Zlegler's room furnished cottages with or ily in need and those unablc to help Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. the County, nual levics of taxes witbout lim[?" f'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. pulleys and shafts. All tpea sal 7 and save, No. 5, Reg. $1.80, $1,59. Studio tnd Camera Shop. 11/29 tfn without linen• or TV. Heat, elec- who calh'.d in concern, The building 3/29 tfn P:tymcnt for the e(lulpnmnt furnished as to rate or anu)unt Ul)On all the'.,, vage. Shelton Junk Co., lrst ann M-2, reg. $1.56, now $i.29. Zicgler'• t:i-y'fi-S-,iTi..-):i.).-g.-h tricity, water, garbage collection in- )arty was a gr(at success and the T-TAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Exterlo-r will be made from Capital Outlay pcrty in thc school district subJ.', o f . Mill,, phone 428-866. 9/8 tfn Studio and Camera Sllop. Z 11/29 tfn " o----e ..... FOR r-.  Large seletion oJ re-: display and trimmed to order, Opeu cluded in low weekly or monthly h(,use was erected on Saturday with and interior. Free estimate•. Work It(ms. as specified in the 1963 Budget, taxt on in amounts sufficient: t0'J]vIIl]R' | ;iLll - Sunday thru Thhrs,, 8-8. Friday 8- winter rates. Mill Creek Motel. Call only a few n(intn' jobs left for next guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co. and delivery to bc made by March 1, the principal of and interest oll.--'i _ - on41tioed ranges, refrigerators, "ST'(Ey'az'['-('lai;k spinet piano, new 4 :'10. Open Sat, nits after 4:30, 526 426-4420. 9/6 tfn day, May God bless at i n: of you Phone. 426-3248. 5/10 tfn 1963. bonds of this isstie as the samd: sn trouo ................ 'n - , ILBOlling .................... 426-1 washers, dryers. Eells & Vlley AI" condition$495, Call after 4 p,m. ex- Dated a{ Sb(,lton, Washington, tbis be('on|c due. Franklin St, 12/13 FOR RENT  Two bedroom unfurn- for your thoughtfuhn'ss and generosity. ROOFING, blown rock wool lsula- 10th day of Dot,ember, 1962. p llce Centsr. 6/5 t cept weeKenus, 426-3684. Notice is furthn' given that .._ ,, ,,' -- )-G-'--SA'_.-' V 11/29=12/13 GLIDDEN Sprcd-SatJn and paints are i•hed apartmenL Hot water, heat Mrs. Clyde Robb tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn JOHN B. COLE, i)ids for thc purchase of said _=_ ]M:uslc Box, 205 Cota St., phone 426- l)'}''-]-A']]{'l'[-i'i't{hi,--iil-"exc.e.l': yeur best buy tit She.lton Electric Co. city utliltte•, range and refrlgera- Committce. Chairnlan. Mason CouDtv Treasurer will be rcccived by thc Tre, asU,fl, A .  .,_..,,.j__.e JACOBSEN SALES and service. We P.O. Box 479, Mason County, Washington aa J''¢''*''v {t2. 2/1 tfn lent condition. Tclms er cash, Phone yeur best buy. 12/13 tfn tot furnished. Holly Hill Apt•. Con- CARD OF TI-IANIS are open Sunday. Shelton Marine, Sbelton, Washing(on. ,,  ;-- , Union 898-2263. E 12/13-20 'W-h'-SIq:-I,R---ad-'d'¢im)t-i'un'-n tact Apt, No. 2 or 426-2493, or 426- We wish to express our deel)cst Hillcrest Hardware, 426-8163. 12/13-1t dirceto)'s of the scho.l district 2446. B 5118 tfn ,strict a "   2-6";;-'-S-(ffi'Vi-N''--b(--;,-i-'-bi'-cyc--l-e,--'a good condition, for salc. Phone 426- gratitude to all friends and neighbors 3/29 tfn office of' said County T'e '  THE BEST y,.,s old, $30 er trade in on 10 6170. R 12/13 ONE BEDROOM BUNGALOW, Angle- fer flowers, cards and expressions of FURNACE CLEANING, repahring, in- Real Estate Washingt,m,in (he CountYuntilCOUrthouse2:0{) o'olbdlill "SI...d  ]rrllW Sl)ed ra(-er, Phone 426-4823, ;(J1. SALE--8-1de('( walnut dining side, $45 per month. Phone 426-4475 sympathy durin the loss of our h, ved stallations, oil conversions. Shelton t 12/6 lfn rooln set, Co(,h,rator rcfrigcrator, day•, 426-6692 evenings, on(,, We especmlly thank tl)(" nmn- Furnace Co., 321 So. Third, Dial 42- Pacific Slandard Time on 'th_el .... USED FURNITURE N-EW":qPJiib--i01;ffci'7[iTd%ii),i Phone 426-3294. B 12/13 S 10/4 tfn agcme.nt and many nurses el" Allyn 6121. 5/1 tfn FOR SALE O1, TRADE for water- day of January, 1963. at whi¢ House for (he kind and loving care so HOUSE WALLS, leveling, bulk heads front: newly paintcd, remodclcd two bids will be publicly ol,ened  Rea APPLIANCES ]ri dry u', 3 drying i ' I p,raturcs, 2- TWO 1057-62 F(,rd wheels wilh ONE BEDROOM furnished house for freely given thc past five years, bedroom, large baekyard, trccs, con- Treasurer and said Board of' and yar parts guarantee, $168 at, Lenl nn)untcd 7:50x14 snow tires and rent. Phone 426-4644, S 10/25 tfn and general mason work. Call vcnient to stores and highway, t(ws. " Warrco Refrigeration, 2nd f2/ °ta'tfn al)]eChains'f(u'Alm)reeal).4 mat(:llingcall suit- FOR RENT -- Large two-bedroom, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ragan and Family. Hodgsons first! Phone 426-6844.H 6/21 tfn Phone 426-3240 cvcnings. R11-ltfn l)eEachl,aymentl'id submit(eduf aecmdShallinterestPr°idfi. '1t3" E]ec.trie rallgtL per- T'AIPANLVf7;,:u-Td,b :" yo'----ur-'"kl1-(,]le-r[ A 12/13 tin heated apartment. Closc in. Call ('ARI)()F AI'I'Iti('IATION Esta! feet, like ucw ................ $89.50 or buihiing a new in)m(,, you owe It :FOR SALE--Player I)ienlo with rolls, 426-6283. S 10/18 tfu Thc kindness aud sympathy of "X-P-E-RT--AU-T()---G-LA-Snst'a)"lat]Sn" LARGE THREE bedroom home. Fam- ily room with built-in broiler, wain of delivery and shall sl)eclfy 1 ................................... mdghbors and friends ta onu- re('ent Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. to-wall "carpeting, range, dishwasher, (a) the lowest rate or rat[,s of ial Large l'rigidaire refrig- h, yourself lo see and 1)rico the new $125. 426-6109. L 12/13 CLEAN, tuIP-be(h'(,.nl ]lousc, part fur- sorrow will always )'clnahl with us as Phone 426-8231. 4/28 tfn washer and dryer. ];)hone 426-8078. and prclnium above par at whiel . . TAPPAN buill-in ov,.ns and Hul'facc B(--)-A-i)lvI'A'ST]Jl--t;ic.--;c--b--2--'-i'il.-'gu-()d nished, $,t0. 426-2081. B 12/6 tfn a prc(:ious memory. Our sin('.erc REFRIGERATORS and freezers, re- S 7/'19 tfn ifid(h,r will iurctmse said tbood,, '' ' (b) tht, lowest rate of rates of 1', eraLor ......................... $135.00 untls. Six c(,Iors tu eboosc l'r(nn, couditioa, $20. Phone after ,1 p.nL, - ........................................ 1hanks and gratitude for all those c)m- conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- :T--S--SR-:]E---t-)_--d6-m--I=ihI2 cs( at which tlw Two door I?.e,t'rigeraLor i,ri.e t.,, suit ,ny I,udg,t, Tcrnm 426-8287. M 12/13-20 FOl. I{ENT--On Aaglesid( 3-bedroom forting acts. . frigeration Service, 315 Cota, phone '' bidder will pfl {)(,..,NG HOME crest home, furnished or unfurn- si(l b(,nds at par. ' ': C LOCATION and freezer _ ................. $135,00 availal)l(. Lern "Warren Refrigeration. KENMORE wasllcr and dryer, I)oi' house, l/h haths, Call 426-4488 after The Family of Dale Pierce, ,t26-8082 day or night. - 1/16 tfn ished, large garage, corner lot, close G.E. IULO. washer illd 12/6 tfn ni(: and clean aad guod w-rking 5 p,)n. D 12/6 tln Ore, or nn)re r,tes of intere,t ,,0Uld see thls home. [ FOR EXPERT MASONRY, fireplaces, to school and stores. Must move. fix(d f.r 1he bonds, which ran¢+ dl'y(r $150.00 E(ii-j75';...g-"i'{l-},{=;= conditiou. 26-3470. B 12/13-1/3 ;()Ri.'EN-'----:L-2-d-?--fi..h(t Wanted chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason, Will sell at real bargains. Phone 426- rates nlusi be ill mnlttph, of on'- Ion. Two spacious .............................. i}[ [I.( . screens to go u{ 30'/, c,[f while ]-)-lS"XSS'"o-'c)u;(l--t:a'd.7i]':--'o;d house, Will pay city ntilities, $55 per , .... 426-2278. 3/1 tfn 8549 afternoons oz' evenings, (]/8) or one-tenth (1/10) ot . Full basement. Larg .17" Zenith portable ........ $79.50 th,,y hist. Grays(.one i,f Shcltom 7{h lmy. Also dul)lex for sale or trade, moutll. 325 So. 3rd. 426-8715. °nult '21" Zenith table model, and }'ark. 12/6-20 Phone 426-3169. B 12/13-27 M 12/6 tfn WANTED--Good used 5 ( 10 h)rse- ARTIFICIAL BREEDING service pro- M 12/14 tfn (,cnt (1A) evidenced by a .single r- room. Well lens power outboarc motor. Havc :1,7 In), yen, and highly c!assifi•d sires. :BE-(J-USE--OF--D],ATH--in--faIy--:.]n p )u flr a h s( mlannual inter(St Some appliances for new picture tub(: ............ $99.50 {ffiiiisYfX-s-tfiff;V,-V-O.--i:;,;;ii" BLUE Luster n)t (;)it,v rids ('a]'l)es of RENTAL EQUIPMENT Neptune for sah, o,' trade. Phone Dairy, beef and charolais, $7.00, Pi- forced to sell income properly. Also m($i',l, an(1 u(, rate nmy exceed sl ,,  f,u'tiliT,rs. Buy lwo saeks, your soil })tit leaves soft and lofty, UI-IAIN SAWS, Rotary Lawn Mowers, 426-,1433. , C 12/13 pcr Brothers Inc. John Caulfteld, four large cleared lols. 426-3477, e.nt (6';). All bonds maturing d Either F.H.A. or col 21" Mahogany consoh- ..... $09.,)0 s,c.nd sack at ha/f price, Three nags I Annbrnnm's Mercantile Conu)any. Reel Lawn Mowers, Garden Tillers, - ............................................... 426-2084, C 12/15 tfn Call evcniugs. A 10/18 tfn 21" ZeTlith Lab]e rnodel .. $59,50 f,)r¢ um¢ prwe ol' two. Graystonc of TWO ffirls' bicyele.s, in. 12/13 Floor Waxera and Polishe•, Wheel WILL ................................................... DO babysiLiing ni my home. auto date musL bear interest 1 21" Sil'v.crtone Console $59.50 Sh. It')n, 7th & I ark. 1/6-20 ...................... n2 ........ W] fi Barrows. Eleetrle Saws. Electric Fen('.ed yard. 426-4617. D il/2[} t1'rff'-- .... -3=IP:(J]vfE--BUffKE-- .... F---6-R-S-_h.SL-E--------"ii--e---ffddi:36m---hSii4, arnc rate.  '. OF ROOM ............................................................... L h' h,(ul interesl ('us{ uver the', F: DOWN PAYMENT Lollllge chilli" .qnd ()Nl ] lh,tljoiat m(onmtm washer, hke (rdning wheels, $i0, One in,, 815. Drills. Saber Saws. Sanders, Exton- BABY SITTING -- my home at lhc Gardenagl nldcrr°t°vating'sawdust,ficldpit-runl)h)wing'gravc'l.well" ' heat,bath calland 426-22.i0half' firel)laCe,weckdayselectriCafter I1 ix reques(:d .... tl)at "each' bid n(,W. $75. ]n¢luWc ]S n)us, ()l; IPf( ,126-3054 evt,nings. ]2/13-27 stun Ladders, Step Ladders, Pipe Union-Skokomish junction. Hour, Pilene 426-3678. B 10/4 tfn 5 p.m. B 4/12 tfn the bomds ]t,ss tile premium, il ,tle 'New Year out ,)ttom,l, S000 Sp tin G Wrcnchen. Sheltol Marine Supply, ....................... ,,u 1)e,,'nn Rd. P 12/6 Ifn day or weck. 46-3895. B11-ltfn ffI--N--KW-S-iXif:igKrNG--,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-d, ' q--V¢0- B E]5i069i--i)hI7 fhi;HiS6-o[-d and th, n(,t effective interest r r Own home. $425 is a /:}anvcl port aud chair $60.(|0 IrSEiJ i(,mii;r)-WiZ,}q,.--g'r,--to-i :" sa---l(- or oods 426-8163. 6/7 tfn ....... "5 '"' i'A-(l--'_-KL-LFo-7--'fi-t:-(ffia'l BABY-SITTI]G WANTED -- Loving accurate precision grinding, Now at suburban and three bedroom sub- :on:hAll; shall he sealed and, e ¢OU need for this sp; Rocker ............................... $,,,.00 426-4222. S 12/6-20 available) to groups or priwH.e care Ior your children in my home. Saeger Motor Shop. Hillcrest. Phone urban homes. For sale or lease, that ef lhe StaLe of Washingtonl rom, full basement ................ Phone 426-6391, A 1/11 tfn 426-4602. 1/15 tfn Phone ,t26-4147. S 7/5 tfn I)(, av('.,mH)anicd by a del)osit ( '00f, fireplaoe and fu I)inctte set $,t5.00 ("]]q-'ii'l('-a;:i;(w'-'-(a"l)[*?"4ttw-'[t'd-4-i'i', EVINRUDE SALv, an •ertlce. We parties, Contact Arnold Fox. 426 ............................................. ' Daveno & matchilg chair $,15.00 i,,int,.r. S'Imrat,, :).. lt,] ). ln(,Im's. 2110 are open Sund#ys. Shelton Marine 3588. J 11/15-12/13 BABYSITTING WANTED %Vill ears WE BUY scrap l, batteries, radia- SA-LE---.--L-a'ge-%ed-{66ii-.-ii(/in-g-r-(oSfi ", per ce, a/ 15',,;) :el th,. amounl " '[4into" ,q{ 12t;-30ng. [) 12/6-,Q Hillcrest Hardware. 426.8163. - .................. -- Llay. Yo'u will be gla Automatic wood hostel', ViX--Nb--M-.L:--pLb-N---li-t]i 3/29 tfa FUI'qISHED APARTMENT available for cliihJren lu my home. Daytlrne (or•, copper, salvage of all kinds, dining, carpet, drapes, Small down bid, either ill cash or by caslli ]3-OA.-TS--OTO't-S:--TRA-II.J-IS--9- at, Goldsborough Apts. S 4/4 tfn Reasonable. Ch)se to school Call Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill payment furnished or not, Phone e(,rtified ch,,('l umde payable l like new $95,00 transparent plastic coating, never 426-8537 c il/8 tfn. Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfn 426-4336. C 8/2 tfn Mason C()unly Treasurer l'ot 7 ill needs waxing, polishing or •cruS- nmnt at WaR's Marine Supply, On 2-BEDROOM dupl,'x tlni| Heal gal .............................................. bing. Ideal for all surfaces, in•ide beautiful Hood Canal, Phone Hoods- i)age, Pwt.!r. wah,r, uufu,'nished. $60. TREES TOPPED, trimrned, removed.  NEW---HOM-]----'-IJx(:ellent'-v.lnfown ( 1 (f t ' ,('h ,el district' whi TTLE APPOINTMEP Olsen Furniture Co. or out. See Grays(one. 5/25 tfn port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn Spcial rates fur clderty wonmn. 42(;- Larry's Tree Surgeon Service 426- Hay  Fee s location, three bedrooms, 2. baths, m(,un{ or ciwck will be returned NER MUST SELL 328 Cola St. 426-4702 S-EE-RkST6IfiFbR-PYE6N.---e l]i'LI'S-i:iV:"s;ii(;-l]i'ii];]'-,:: ''-::iil= 3575. J 12/13 tfn. 4823. 2/1 tfn panelled living room. R. H. Keenan, bidd,u, it lh,, bid is n(,t m:cept ' like the charm of an 2nd and Birch. E 6/21 tfn (he suc(.eslul bidd • shall fai o)" ;' ' .... -'- -^" mu' amazing, improved fini•h for floors ],,)it b,,r,.. 2 b.xcs anono., $25. Swed- V(Yf¢-Sl//qr-----6ii/ffi?iE-dt6i./iq:;i] HAt f,,r sah,. $25 ,e," Ion. Rai h Co.k. -6---SL---__-D[---TxS--ih--y6 h,c( t, c ,, l' ,'te th' purehas(: ef ,T you or,, yo- -- • Muth)(.k. Phone .126-8781. C 12/'1;]-1/3 hoods wilhin thirly (30) dsys errlfic home now, t.o and furniture that lasts and lasts ish Mauscr ('arbimL like ncw. 6.5 MM ln),nc, newly redccoratcd. Will rcnt Boat Building ........................................... lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or (be ace,plancc of his bid, the a eSe features  Three "- and lasts. 5/25 tfn with 30 round annno. $,|9. inquire with option to buy. Own. 42.6-8132. HAY VOR SALE, $25 per ten. Phone phone 426-815, N 7/23 tfn ,,, delmsi{ed shall bc forfeited t, [ 1( z baths, den, fu .................................................................................................................................................. 2i3 (]rove, Apt. 2. F 12/6-13 Rll-ltfn Repairs .126-$78]. H 11115-12/13 ]:;EEEi--Bi/;-:oriE(Z----_3--b--dro---- .('hool dis|rict. j 72 ' " n" ...... R-6tr--- "TL"Ef%---P-t--I: Fiberglasslng Island Lake home. 50 ft. h.ontage, • The s*chool district reserves the'. spacious hvmg a o ]Used Cars Convenient to mills and downtown good dock, new :12 x 36 sundcek, fb'c- to rvj(,ct any and all bids reeeive.a, fireplace, A-1 con store•. City sewer and water. At Seaswift Marine ALFALFA U S E D G A R S ,lace. lmrdwood floor in living-dining to yaiv, ally h:reg,.darii.ies tl)crekl'0 appraised at $11,500" ' ]!i57 FORD Country Sedan "4'-8. auto. highway bridge, S 4/4 tfn trans.. 6 passeUger, $695. J. Paulcy, B-P-IiTRU6MS-'wi'"kch-'e-n-Dr]- 2316 Olympie Hwy. No. DAIRY HAY area. Includes 50 ft. lot across road. "ins ln'ini(,d oonos and thc. o.. • -,t B.casonably prli:cd -- $1{),800.00. Call of Pr(,slon, Thorgrhnson. Hor¢sn requ(r=-. ,126-8231, 12/13 It vileges, for rent. Inquire 720 North Phol'le 426-4652 426-4608 between 7 and 10 p,m, Starin & Ellis, bond counsel of..,.,Y PAY RENT?" 1.961 Falcon 2-dr. auto traits. $1695 ; l.-(i]]=j---'lii,--2-.-d-i;Tj-;.4-thd Fourth, phone 426-3487. R 4/19 tfn Fine stemmed, soft, leafy, green, E 10/4 tfn W,,,lm,t.n, ,:i,preving (J,e b,gs!]E.o.,bM S E-Z TEF ............ sllift, good tceuomy car. 426-8167 or O-VE.IG-H-'.: OR WEEK.END guests 2700 tons, first, second and third SiAL[;ii,=i:'-:-i:=7:J?-Hjiie_6fi (he issu.nee el: tbes( bonds ILE .... : _ 426-8055. W :[2/13 )'ou haven't room for? Send them . - - ' cutLings. Also tops, bottoms and Cranb('rry Creek road Large work furoished lhe successful bidder famqy nome 1895 shop. 5 nfiles fron, Slmlton. School exl),'ns,: of the sclmo district. [So you oan move rig 1960 Ford Ranchwagon $ ig:iggI(:iD]!],i--d()i',-fiif{-ili-g05ii to Lawton ApL-Motel. Apartmdnt CHEM CLEAN feeder hay, delivered anywhere -- bus and mail at door. Phone .126- Tl,e cutomnry siguaturc idcn! f:Jiving room, choice ................... - condition, body fair. Best offer over month.n°w availablePhone 426-212/.bY daY,or week423.8177.or Does moro than just clean, it will lead lots only. Call collect evenings 8376. Mc 1]/29 tfn tion and nonlitigation certificate i'Ioeation, basement g $/50. 518 Elinor. W 10/11 tfn 7/16 tfn remove stubborn spots, restore the SU 1-2180, George, Wash. If no 3=REDR-(5(']lV!-ll(')tlse--fo'{-/dl-i;,-1L//bwnor be iuchlded ill tbe closing doeU(1 Skok(,nfish Valley. Easy teAns. Call DATID at Shelton, Washjngtotl Xtra room. Price rf 1545 A---P"-R-T]''E"for rent. one bloekr--K oriffhlal lustre to your fabrics, answer call eL 9-2003, l%,arysvilie, 426-4121. N 11/29-12/13 3'd day ,f Deceiib-r 1962 . ,500. Look today, m, 1.960 Ford Falcon 4-dr, deluxe ... $ station wagon. Good condition. Call downtown. Laundry and. utilities Rugs and upholstery are dry and Wash. JOHN B, COLE ....... 426-L 204. M 10/25 tfn furnished, except light•. Phone 426- ready to use within two hours aft- iX(:FJIT](JIAi-];;-7;K-co(li-t?=;?-2-: Mason County Trcasurcr , ristmas." trim and automatic transmission 195"8--RA-'B-LE-lr-'--A-l{ib--'salo'r-'Stt](;n 2461 or 426-3283. B 8-9 tfn _---'----" i bcdr(,om llolue, 6 Ini]es froul town. 5 wagon, ncw motor, good white wall FOR--REiqT--'6F-iff6T'. L-ff60ii6--1ied- er cleaning. Available at Lumber- ' bloc.ks fr(inl lh'W Pioneer Consoli- 12/6,13-'.]0,, I/lILY' HOME 169500 ,00TEREST LOA00 1959 Ford Fairlalle $ tires, low gas bills. 1713 No. Madi- room house, dose to sohoot, fenced meu's Mercantile. Real Estate da, ed s,l,,,,,1 4 .,,,',.. wooded bo,d- CALL FO. BI.S ' ' ............................ son. 426-665. L 11/29  Yard, Phone 426-2259. S 4/26 tfn , , , .: _ ered by c]'e(,k, Cvmcnt fh)ered ga- Bids will be rcceivcd in the off i  modest down paymer ........ " ]'ag, Aulomatic jet water systc)n, the County Couuuissioncrs, SI I I"lume the 41/2 percen' 1953 FORD V8 & ton pmkup. Radlo, -R"7¢  One bedroom, up- TRADE good house in Skokomish val- llouse alone worth the price, $4.600, Washiugton, nntit 2:00 p.m., eC 195, [} Ford tedan V-8 4-dr. ................... $1395 ,,ca., overd,'lve. $495. Plmne 877- chen•tairsandapartment'bath./npleCeramtecloset•.ttlephoneklt" ley, close to highway 101. Ior Christ- 5,1'18. M 12/6-]3 Terms, T)'oy W. Hamilton Realty, ]  l[arge Hillorest home. nlas lies 1 7, 196., for furnishing gasoline, ;Iv ' - extra si 19;'J'tLYMOIITH .atto'g']n_go)d 426-64,24 after 5 p.m, J 7119 tfn TTOT'. A'I%T'I'I.T: -'---' "' or timbe" land.R 11/8/I lmn¢,tfn Russ F, vans, agenl, 426-8775. z/6 tfn motive dicscl, ]mating fuels, and ',earooms, Automatic transmiasion coudJti(nh $0. See at 1212 E. E1Hnor pctl?lemn ln'oducts as may be rel!ent kitohen and lar( or call 6-2187 after 5 p.nL S lZ/6-13 - - • • O--SAL-EJl:ee-be(lrn-, uy the county and City of Sheltt  with fireplaoe. 1 1957 Chevrolet 4-dr., r & h, ...................... $895 r-eiiy=T-2.--7--,.{, __ - ___m 1._.'_____. mastered, hardwood flora'•, fireplace, including su(,h schoel listrh:t 'gll:" _ ....... to scho cl,an, plwood canlper on t, ac 95 RENT A TELEVISION aIlU 4Jll'Ve'/ large utility, attached garage, fenceu I to avail tbemseh'es of the benleme-. ,u*¢ S "9 t e) Automatic transmission, ca. h, 13"Grove Sl.. Apt, 2. F 12/6-.0 ',:,m t m -" Phone 426-6364 anent .patlO,stores.Close2128tOjefferson.Mt. View426.4652,Scllool I FOR SALE lhis contract duriilg the alenllg. Just $9,950. 1963. ' I 1955"-i3[lC-/£--C°'m;(lTt'lble--?'[.c-h-ffnafl,  ili-L d'%-- "jL" " - .......... H 9/13 tfn I Sp(cll'ications instruction, tWl E LIVING ROOM '''d' 'ri'''' ''' d' 'ai'" go"d' "'W a: otagbSE xO:]U426REo2,11.--47 M'oving Anywhere BE- AT,UTI'--WX'-'ff-'6-'£: Superb view, top quality home inflh.e ,,ffic, of the C,un[y Engil:J, a home for the par' . Phone_.426.3132.. Rll-ltfn ... :. ' '  ' ; ' 'rj-. -- ..... "." ' Extra ineentive to buy before Dec. 31, f  ............ saw oygowner. Will imlp financc, on Angleside designed for spac- zius must b submitted o)Vtlih ...... v .... i  nd ask us about our $40 - $20 - $10 divi- _.- _ '. , _ .  , . ,, , , $4200 ,zti[4'87 G 11/22-.12/13 I dining room, kitchen with break- II war(lsc°uUlYas)"'sc'rvCSmay bcthedcemedrjgitt tot°be)ll-UlJ0JtS fireplace,of bullt-ins,tW°step-bed fast area, 2 bedrooms, den de- ] best tmnst of the county or ?lh- ", .... ,- • [ I.bct any or all bids .' ' "]1% amette, aOUr'm t ' Art's Bttlldozin! - 1 signed to double as third bed- I DATED aL Shelton' Wa,hingtol*lt"fenced yard. F.H./ dend offer. US][ [ Excavating-- cement 'rtvel NEED A FENCE? I room, 2V2 baths, utility room, 15th day of Nove)ubc. 1962 ..... /tl =-"'4 500 Fill Dirt ... I I l:h)a,'d Of County C0e)'r,isll[. =t P" ' "" Beaub*ul, Ion o FURNITURE & APPLIANCES I ' Ar + T_-_t., g.lasting, western I double garage, enclosed storage I or Mason Coun(y Washingt0 COST [aul--'ey, Inc .... ro, cedar fences of distinction by i room--a possible fail-out shelter,' r1b' c.. NOLAN__.__NO ilL'SON "" "JD3352 ,'A:5.ell-ke,t 2 bedroomVALUE I Cl(rk of the Board 1.9 6-1:,, ........ . Jim LUM:BERMEN'S zv[,c,xn., I TR 7-5454 Hoodsport, Wash ..... sa .......... '2 fireplaces--one in living and I ., • " " /17 tfn v. v=-,, mstalleo or oo-it- i I ___ " ' " "/.," .[,Wih quioK y uc¢ .- 1 Home lnn00shtngs -- Znd ]Floor [  yourself with nothing down, usual- I one in bcdroom. Many builtins II Ri,.'! OI{T'O'I('F ()I,'ANI)IIEAI{INGpI.TITIoIFI,tS0{ne:I. i,. has oomfortab_ ...... i ly10tPetamronth. [ and carefully planned storage I DISTRIBtfTION '" :,ng .area ana ou!,- Deslership  5th & Ra' ]:((-rp[ g anteed service or de-[ areas. Shown by appointment. Ii INsTATIcTHI] SUPERIORoF WASHINGTON.:COURT Ol*"].sWillinappreciatethe oonvenientthe seK Used Cars -- 4th , Cota st. 426-8231 -0E & V  *. ..... -__ livery. FREE estimates. [ Phone 426-6141 Saturday thru FR-O IIs alloy Appliance__ _ ___d..00Oenler CONSTRUCTION3/27CO.00n -' v tfll i' Tuesdays. 11/29 i Etato "iftahge;rWlsk:hD: p'°''Jt'' ! Ocm , as well as Pr! the ..... 0ASH PAID - ouss OWD, RS.O Glen Watson I ,l,l{e, I,as fi,,'a wil,) said c%i,: - • and FOUDATZONS Ph. 426-3170 I I [!ual rc[9,'t and ltitien for dt..J:9:lCE LOCATION Your Washer.Dryer Hea..u._ers Phone 426.6441 , l l,mi. ,lsKmg the ou,'t to set{I%,,'l-.'. ....... '='"ME I report, distril)ute ill(, property I!;.! 'nrnu=' ,or Ip.e)'sous tlnn'eto entitled and ,%!Lyeam of owning a US -" i 60od, 0loan, 0d Furniluro Telev|si0n and ada0 ,I FOR SALE [ },e(ililul ,Viii be beaFd oa' ',,l.,lfl'."-'"--." "" -h-" [ day ,,l" Jau u'y, 1963 at 10 A.''_l tY ]nen you a o. t ll,e C, nn'troonl of said Court, .rfle. Three large bed Two bedroom, oil furnace, partly ,l,,.l(,(;ll' Cou,'tiaouse ,1{ Shclton. "lCi0u a living-dining and Applianoes • • • ,urn,she00, garage, shop, 14-aores • abovc highway, landscaped, year :ah(d this 301! day .f No'ci_eP hioe. The kltohen I!62. ' ' ' finest with lots of c ALL KELLY'S FURNITURE 426-2411 around creek, 148 ft. waterf,'ont, I1ARRY DEYETTE. appllanoes rv00c-'-e ii" oysters, clams. Ch,,.k .r (1),. supc, f,,. vr,{le ,,,= 2'/-miles A((.H),,y at Law. , "4['.ee it this week. ;N : , 51," NU'- 5{b" COUNTRY H( FOR DF, P s,,,l,,n. ,,s,,in,,,,. :;_ ^.. APPLIANCE SERVICE o T , II 'edb FOR LEASE 13/6.13:,0".:'u=   - Orville ' Dutch Stanloy, fu Y. q Y experience I/ ............................. J'q like privaoy, then now handhng our service work on D I A and special training, is .. II Three bedroom, unfurnished, 17 .OTICE O1,' ,lll':ltlFF', ,AI:P Ylh, /,.,.o+.l -a-thW tclevisi0n and radio repair and maintenance.. Having at- II acres, shop, vicw, oyscrs, 268 NOTICIAHANI)ONt:D VEIlICI 1'4L"'i':"']S IlI,]REBY GI:]NI On "'ten .... acres" '---i -wtn tcnded RCA color-television school ne is qualified in this I1 ft. water[ront. .m M,,ncJay th(, 17(h o(' Dec(;nll).c, YOU will enjoy li l,,,'s W,'e,.k,.,.. St. Rt :1. r'Y com,or,,-.*-- G spe0ial field also. |[ $65 1YlOl]th ;,1 {tie nou,-(,f 10 a.u of said a--,, ......... %Vu,hi]lgton :1 will sc tl( foll0. ' Separate dining. s = [ELLS and VALLEY i/il , i.' ,vt, d,'s(','ibcd ,','hich, te-wt: 96-,ll. with bu range. II()Ol) (,ANAL ,957 Ph'nn)uth Motor No ',01°,. t, a- ..... i)t,"  ,r. O OOU .*a" PLIANCEcEHTER II REALESTA]L ,u,,,.,,,beb,u,,.of,o:3o.l.'il  ALL MODELS i,,.,.(is,; ,, AMT i19 Was ,'l,:., ® , HOODSPORT day at i)(,rans Shell St' vice ,ililll Illl=ll ItlP I OALL YOUR , ways ihe besl by orge! Phone TR 7-5211 or ('h'y'rib,;d v,'hichs to-wit ''',/; " • Eells & Valley .............. FRIGIDAIRE DEALE , TR 7-.700 E.o,,,gs .I.,c ,is. N, " I:)19 D,,de Tudor. lIoto=.;f]:',321 South First Str( 301,!)61 )2. License NO. fl, sRg;•) ' • ¢U/''#%M umbermen ereanhle 0o• table model and transistor radios, stereo and, li , L00l,OS, .,. EWN,0000S 2,d a.d COT, STREET p,ON00 II , Mason County, Was]l[U[fl|?].... ,/ " nU|ML|Ea-426 '- |  3rd and Railroad ,hone 426-8211 2nd & Cota St. PhOne ,,.., JI The JOURNAL 1 o.- M...--.20-,= s/2 t. I lry A Journal Waz  !