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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 13, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 13, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, December 13, I iferred Properties • by • :iraterfr0nt ,Realty :t17 Railroad Ave. :[CALL 426-8277 .. ;] IN TIME. :ve the Merriest Claristmas ln a brand new three bed- home! Loaded with won- la,,. December 13, 1962 8F/LN--MABON C0 JOtNAL- Fabllhed in "Ohrmaaw, O.8.A.," Snel¢on, WasMn n Pa e l Harstine Island Grocery Kamilche Girl Marries / -living for the years to Legal Publicatio hd offered on low FHA .L.. NOTICE OF BOND SALF, i.. $11,950. 31ANY M. "KNIGIlT SCHOOl&apos; L BUY! TRICT Nt}. 311 MASON CO[ Utiful beach, beautiful WASIllNGTON (;INEItAL OliIAGATION Be1 I'150' frontage on Totten 12 es. Three bedroom cottage $130,000 fireplace and drilled well. Notice is hereby given that Mat eady for your sun]lner- Knight School Dlslriht No. 311,,.pleasure llOW- $9950. son County, Washington, In'ot)0L" issue tinder date of Deccmber 1, ,qEN'T" RATI:R its gt,neral o)hgat on bonds t Jl., ..... - - princi[mi" sum of $130.000. " .mm.ny uecorate . two Said bonds will be in denolninam llOITle ill excencnL COil- of $1.000 each, will be. nunlbcred .. bInr.,= .................... l(t nf huilt-'llA fro. 1 to 130 inclusive will bear inte '-, - ....... - it rate of not to exceed 6% pe.r:l/e A_NU DeSt OI_ alhe a numl) Imyable scnfiannually o li:lD bedroom just oy e- first days of June and Decmll[lg! Low ternls at $7500-- eacll year front date of issue..' m qOW T • " c ........... payabh botiI principal and nit -: the office of the Mason Co.unty :k¥' r,-,,,K-r, ttMI .qUl'er in Shelton, Wasbington an@l III fu'FVVl4/V¥¥11* mature in order of their nunlb:'excellent three bedroom December 1 of each of tile foll0ready to occupy This one [S at's: .... .-'nearlv completed rental l(ar klnaan% Xeli ."lJi; a "''i" ' 1964 $5.000 1974 $[on the property, w tl go 1965 $5,000 1975 .t 0nl y -¢9000 1966 $5.000 1976 .i[' .... 1967 $5 000 :1977 ltPmE¢-r ' 19 $ " "* .... 1968 $5 000 .78 SE: _. ""riftwa- 1969 $5:000 1979 .slur tne new .xn 1970 $5.000 1980 $! Owner will sell tins com- 1971 $5.000 1981, le fully furnished, three 1972 $5.000 1982  • 1973 5 000 *0nl home on a small down The"'S'cllool district has reSerVegnt. Perfect for the new • igbt to rode( nl ally or all of tll.i,' ndin nn inoxnensive standing bonds of tins msue at'" = ,,a invel'se nuluericlll oI•der on ally "ll .'7- @D,UU. :Evenings Call-- en Stroud. ............... 426-4000 Boiling ............ : ....... 426-8162 est paymeut date on and after years froln date of issue. The school district as autboriZe law, vote of tim qualified elector resolutions of its Board of Dire duly and regularly adoptc, d has vocably l)lcdged that it will nlag( nual levies ,if taxes without limit as to l'atc or alllOUllt upon all the perty ill tile school district subje taxation ill anlounts sufficient: tO the i)rincipal of and interest (1 bonds (ff (its issue as the saint i': bec'Ollle (i U2. Notice i' furthe, r given tirol bids for Ill(} purchase of said will bc received by the Mason County, Wasbington, e M directors of the scllo,,l district  ! " office of' said County Tr ill (be County Coarthouse ill _d I Washingt,,n, until 2:00 0'l'J061 Pacific Standard Time on thg:]L day of Janual•y. 1963. at whl¢ tol'S.rl"l'('asllFer and said Board oIi[ Each bhl sul)nfith,d shall l)r()i tilt! l,aylot!n( of acctld interest "' °° *'" Estate (a) the lowEsL rate or rates of inl =l " and l)r('lllilllll allove ])Ill" lit whiC 9 ..... bi(ld,:r will Imrcllas(" said tboDd '¢' RMING HOME )ICE LOCATION lould see this home. Excel- >nditlon. Two spacious bed- Full basement. Large rec- "' room. Well lanscaped )Some appliances for only 0. Either F.H.A. or contract i tT. OF ROOM DOWN PAYMENT . the 'New Year out right, r own home. $425 is all the ¢ou need for this spacious om, full basement home. 'oof, fireplace and furnace. ioday. You Will be glad you iTTLE APPOINTMENT NER MUST SELL like the charm of an older (b) Lilt! lowest rate of rates Of t,st at whicll tim bidder will pfff said bollds at pal'. Dim or more rates of interest ll fix(d for tim bonds, which l'& l'ales lllUSl be ill nlulttpb! of Olle-{ (1/++) or one-tcntll (1/10) (if oI cent C1€/) evidenced by a singl0! )l)l fOl' t!a,'ll S,!lillalllluai interest lUiJlt, allii llO l'at(! IIlay ('Xceed Si[ cvnt (6';). All bonds maturing k4alltO d 1 ! It st btar iatercst .' arlle I'att!. _ It IS ve(lll*!stdd Ilia( :'!acb l)ld': t}w h)tal intores( ('ost over tile It tlw htlllds ]t'ss the l)rt!lUillltl, .jr and tile llct effec•tive iatcrest l'fl :*och bid. All bids sJlnll be sealed and. e that of tile Slate of WasilingtoIl;, b(, aec,mlpaaied by a d,q)(isit et l)(q • CCII( (5€/j) ('l thv all|OUlll 0: bid. (qiber in cash or by (sslie certified Clleck nmde I)ayable t I*lsOII el)all[ 5" Tl'('asUrer for ill' ( l '*f t " .C t )1 district.' 'wll }ltOUll{ Ol' ch(!i'k will be r¢lUl'ile.d' bidder it" lit,. bid is n(t tactpt# Ihc Stl(('t'shll bidder shall fail of loci hi C Oml*h',te th,. purchase, o If yOU dO, you must see ,oods within thirty (30) days. "rifle home now,. Look. aft ne avcep.tan,'e of his Md the aP !¢Se features  lnree bec- k, i,l,,st d slmll be loll(It, d t '  '• :' ,'. : " ' "" : ' 1Y2 baths, den, ful base- .' ol(,,.Irtct. a .... n- and dinin  "I'll(! .',chool district reservcs tile' spacious UVl  }o re.i?ct any a.nd all bids received2, fireplace, A-1 condition. tO ,',%IV e ,all3" n:rcg?laritics•tllcrel; aonra sed at $11,500---$500 "lilt! l)rllllC(1 Donos and [ ( 0',. rr ..---J of Presh)n, TllorKrinlson, Hol0][tsn requlrcg. Starin & Ellis. bond counsel of SJ¥ PAY RENT?" Wasi,int,m. ,l,pr(vfng IJu. ':g"!]EOROOMS, E Z TERMS ill,, issimnee 01 thes, l(nds WI|; fu"oish d tbe successful bidder #]Coo,my faro y home ,s va- CXl onse of tile s/ihoi/l district...llt0 'you can move right In. .. l!!e Ctltom{t.[.¥ siguatur(! j.denu::Iiv na room, eho ce down- tlOll all(1 nonlliig/tllOn cei•til caters". .= • __ be nlchlded Jn tbe ('losing docalltt10catlon, basement gara3, DATED at Shelton, WashjngtomlXtra room. Price reduced 3rd day ,,1" Dcc.emb a" 1062. . ',0n Look todav, move in JOIIN B. COLE ' ,L". .... Mason County Treasurer 'rlstmas." 12/6.13-'J0. ,M i Ly HOME A-IJ'oR-B/D,--' ,i/ INTEREST LOAN Bids will be received ill the off!:.modest dow.n payment, you the County Connuissioncr$, Slllliume the 41/2 percent can Vashiugtou, Dnti 2:00 I).nl. )eC :'a .. , > t ar e Hill€rest home Foul 17, 1962, 170," furnishing gas;line, el  g _ '.* molive diesel, ]leating fuels, and '.Jedrooms extra storage, pt'tl?leum l)l[oducts as ltlay be req.!ent kitchen and large liv- y the county and C ty of Sllclt0fin with fireplace. Also a inchlding su('h school flisti'ict.q'/l_'.___= lne to school and" to avail thenlseh'cs of the beriePt' eme-t ...... t ll coniact dtllln t] fi,, Ilte 1,); ' ', ', "' g m calenda, g. Just $9,950. SI)(cifica(ions. instruction, tv GE LIVING ROOM d('rs, and bid fornls may be ob **LUDED PATIO ill (be office of tim Courtly Ellgill S a home for the prticular Bids must be subn hted on'the buyer. You will find an ex- t)rov ded. Additional infoi;mitibr have no bearing on bid award IcJous living room with a COUllly I't!servc the right to tll IUl fireplace, two bedrooms wo,'ds as may be dee ned to be ] (iS .of built-ins, step.saving best. interest of tile county, or 1  • e .lec.t any or all bids. ' .1, dinette, double garag . DATED at Shelto I. WashingtOl.l"fenced yard F.H.A. ap- ath .f!ay of Novenlbcr, 1962. .:tl at ,14 500 Jh):u.d Of County CO] i'rnidslti', w , • (!l Mason Coun(y Washingt0W COST rb, C. NOLAN ;IASON ,' ?JgD VALUE Clerk of the lo'u'd 1")/6"13ff..,.- ......... ,..- ....... "'"'__ ....... '/., :tll qUICKly see znc vau NO 332 .... '..J Well.kept 2 bedroom home. '.(Ll'lCl'; OF lll,'l¢lNtl l:'lEfi6ne has comfortable liv- rr.'l'OllT ANI)II':TI'ION in area and built-in ap- I)ITJIIBUI'ION ' '• . ' *4 • IN TifE SUPERIOR COURT OI.S in the convenient kitchen. ,_TATE OF WASfINGTON. lWill annreciate the separate MASON COUNTY IL" r-r- .. " .fbom, as Well as the extra In the Ma|hTH' of t]le Nil Est ato 0f' !] F,. Z]NTHEO. Deceased.. idlara'ge-workshop. Priced at Jack 11. Mays Exee 1to" tf sa=; tate. has filed with .'Hd C0111Y/'ithtm terms open. [!nal l'epg,.t and petition Ior dill,)lCE IIO11, IISalllg the Court h, etllC:t- LOCATION report, distribute (iw l,r[)perty to' =FRONT HOME )ersons thereto e ltithd and t0t;iltlream of owning a large cha,'b'e said Execut,u •. S id repOb)' hA. ^. p('tth,,n will bc ll,,a/'d on 'tll.e':'l:'.""-- .... secluded water- • , ' CrY /hen day ,,f .lanu,'u'v. 1.}63. at 10 A.' 1't ' . yO0 should see tl,e (?,,u,t,',,olu of said Court, me. Three large bedrooms, C,,Uinlon,lY (ourtllollse I,( ShEl(oa, :liDa¢i0u s living-dining room I)a(ed (his 301h day uf NoveTirep Idce. The kitchen .is one I!62. ' " " fifiest with lots o caoinets [lARRY DEYETTF, , n appllanoes. Choice Ch"rk of lh,. SIll,m h,r u, I,,,- II(IIH,]R'P I.. SNYDI!;R, i---, j=-. 2V2 miles from A(h,rn,,y at Law, , '',ee it this week. 2:,:.. Nt,. 5tll. ...... ()ICE COUNTRY HOME Shelt,m, W.shingh,lL 12/6.13:0'JhGE CREEK '  Ill NO I I" i-" ...................... ;.----7 .,;': ke privacy, then this is '' C ,3 )1,' ,NIIl':|tll:l N ,,, , ) AIANI)ONI:I)V),,iI'I(,'li,,, I. Located southwest of NC:PICh' iS tIEREI;y (:'jJ)0h;,.r -- ten acres With large ,,, ,)rmu, Jay th, 17th 0f Dc;nm$t, YOU wil enjoy living in L ,"S W','k¢'l' St" t "J ltr'suy comtortame  oeoruu., .Va:hiyg!on[. I ",','ill's I1 'lhi/ foll0 Separate dining. Handy qes(:r]l),m v,'nicle h)-wit: With built-in range. Priced 1957 Plymoutll M( to ' N(, '.2vl. i ..... l,i,',mse No. AMT 119, Wasl}!.'/'B:,a¢ o,ou. and, al the lmur f 10:'10 o,n,. : ,,,, a, I,.,...s Sb-l, S,'t',,,e llau ..-.s _.e Va:hh,,'hm• I will se i I1,( "ftlR flP_]L. IEO/glr. ct,y'rib,d v,!hi,'los, to-wit '''f.. n:t7 Ch,.',',,e col,,,,. M,,(%{U- ................ 6.qflf159. l,icense No AIN 8;TI.'JI 'l" .O-oO= "t mm ,9,,:t I),:,,i,,, Tud0 : M it(, .N,I:: ' a2t So"th =''* +"'* :,} ),ll=' LicellC o. AS9bi,, o,,..^ l,q5'I Ply, lot Ill Station --r|' ,,..v,= M,h,r N.. 25596905. LiccI#  )| LA(T08.t 'W:;OTTI]R Sheriff',( ,'EVENINGS CALL II MW,s.'%i C,,lUlty, ashi); NI¢.E HIMLIE--428-6501 II try A Jonal Want :=:=: .... ,! No. 3361 NOTICE OF IIEARING F[NAL I{I,:l'Olur AND PETITION F()I l)l'r !11 i}u'r I()N IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In tim Matter of the Estate of JAMES H. RUTLEDGE. Deceased. Loda V. Rutledge. Executrix ,,I said Estate, lms filed with said Court her final report snd petition for distribu- ti,m. aM(inK the Com't to settle said rep,wt, distribute the propm'ty to the t)erotls thereto entitled alld dJscllarge said Executrix. Said report and peti- tion will be heard on the llth day of January. 1963 at 10 a.m. in tile Court- roolu of ,mid Cotlrt. ill tile County Courthouse at Slelton, Wasllingt,)n. Datod tiffs 10tll day (,1' De,,onlber, 1962. HARRY DEYETTE. Clerk of the Superior Court By TECKLA VERMILLION, Dcputy Clerk. ROBERT L. SNYDER, Altol'ncy at Law. 125V:. . 5th Sllelon. V,lshingtoh. 12/13-20-27-1/3 41 NO. 3408 NOTICE TO CItEDITORS IN TTII,] SUPERIOR COURT OF THE" STATE OF WASHINGTON FOI MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the estate of Myrtle NO. 3407 NOTI(!E 1'O (!REDIT()IL IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE). Ill llle Matte," of tile combined estate of GEORGE RALSTIN and SNOW ADA RALSTIN aka. ADA BALSTIN, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Administrator of tbe Estate of George l=alstin and Snow Ada Ralstin. aka. Ada Ralstin, 0e- ceased; tllat all Ilel'sons having elainll Iigailtst said deceased are b(!reby ro- quired to serve the same, duly verified, Oil the uiIfi(!rsigned -*yl'on E. IIcClana- han m' l,is altorney of record at the address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of tbe ssid Court, to- gcthor with I)ro,,f of soch SeI'Vic(] wi(h- in six n,,mths after the date of first l)ublication of this noti('e or tile sallle will be barred. /s/ BYRON E. McCLANAIqAN, Aihl,inish'ator and Attorney Pro b BYON E. McCLANAtIAN, Attorney for Estate Office and Post Office Address: Mason County Courthouse Shelton," Wasllington. 12/13-20-27 3t NO. :13q;2 NOTICE OF llEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR B, Thonms, Deceased. DISTltlBUTION Notice is hereby given tllat the un- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE d'erSigned has been appointed and has STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR qua'lified as the Adnlinistrator of the MASON COUNTY. Estate of Myrtle B. Thomas, deceased; In the Matter of the Estate of C. F. that all persons having claims against ZENTNER. Deceased. said deceased are hereby requh'ed ViolEt Zentner, Executrix of said Es- to serve the same, duly verified, on the tate. has filed with said Court her undersigned Adnlinistrator or his at- final l'el)ert and petition for distribu- torney of record at the address be- tion, asking the Com't to settle said low stated and file the santo with the l'eport, distribute the property to the Ch, rk of th said court, together with lersons tiaereto entitled and to dis- proof of such service within six months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of fh'st publication: Deccnlber 6: 1962. FRANK H. THOMAS GLENN E. COILREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building Shelton, Washington 12/6-1-20-27" 4 t BIG HOUSE  BIG LOT Happy living for the big fa- mily with plenty of room for all. This large 3 bedroom An- gles(de' home features dining room, den, fireplace, full base- ment, nice yard, 1½ bath, and you should see the nice work in this home. The price is $13,- 500 or you can rent at $85.00 a month. - A. ROY DUNN ..... ANOTHER BIG ONE A perfect situation for a fa- mily man. A five bedroom, 1{!: bath deluxe home on a large, beautifully landscaped lot situ- ated on your own private drive. There is a large living room, dining room and full basement. Put your family into the fine home you want them to have. Call today. A. ROY DUNN -- REAL RANCH STYLE Not many as solidly built as this one, and just like new. You'll like the large corner fireplace, tiled bath, spacious kitchen, outdoor patio and fire- place. It even has a guest housb. We know you'll like it at $14,950. -- A. ROY DUNN .... LOT SIZE 124 x 103 View of the bay, large gar- den area, nice yard, two bed- rooms, large closets, diniug room, sun porch, well kept throughout. $9,950 will buy this good one. .... A. ROY DUNN -- DON'T WAIT TO BUILD The owner's loss is your gain when you buy this very nice 2 bedroom Mr. View home. It features outdoor patio, good garage, double sink in the kit- chen, shower over tub, all wea- therstriped and insulated. You ;an buy furnished or unfurn- ished and the price is only $14,- 000 --- Ask to see this one sOOn. -- A. ROY DUNN -- THE BEST IN WATERFRONT 'O'OD CANAL -- Stunning 3 bedroom home with guest quar- ters, 3 baths, lovely grounds, completely furnished. One of the finest in this area. $49,500. WALKER PARK -- Four bed - room, zone control heating, fireplace, large utility, wood panelling, 100 feet frontage, dock and much, much nlore-- $29,5O0. OAK/.,AND BAY -- Four bed- roms, lzrge living room, fire- place, dining room, 2 baths, den, family room, carpets, and 5.acres. It's a dandy -- $22,- 000. HAMMERSLEY INLET -- Beam ceflingl tWO fireplaces, barbecue in fanily room, 200 ft. frontage, full basefnent, built-in range and oven  ev- erything deluxe -- $$5,000. PICKERING PASSAG tE -- Rustic one bedroom home, dish- washer, huilGin rarige and ov- en, excellent fireplace, nice dock on 165 ft. frontage, large lot with fine garden, first class --$21,000. SPENCER LAKE  Three bedroom, family room with fireplace, large living room with fireplace, dock, 100 ft. frontage -- a nice buy at $13,500. A. ROY DUNN WE STILL HAVE BUYERS Waiting for close-to-town properties with several acres and small home& Also, nice 3 bedroom homes in the Angle- side area. If you have such a property and want a quick sale call today, A, ROY DUNN REALTOR Eves Call: Mary Voss ................ 426-8074 Walt Marble ............ 426-3022 A. Roy Dunn... ....... 426-4601 PHONE 426-600 Railroad charge said Executrix. Said report and and petition will be heard on the llth day of January, 1963. at 10 A,,vL in the Courtroom of said Court, in the County Courthouse at Shelton, Wash- ington. Dated tills 11th day of DEcember, 1962. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Superior Court. By TECKL& VERMILLION, Deputy Clerk. ROBERT L. SNYDER, Attorney at Law 125 No,'th 5th 12/13-20-27-1/3 4t Ch.I,L FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be /.eceived at the office of the Mason County Commis- sioners until 1:30 p.m., December 17, 1962. for furnishing tires, tubes and re.capIfing SevvicE for tbe calendar year 1963 to Mason County and any Mason County School Districts who desire to nlake use of aIly of these services. Specifications and bid fornls may be obtained at tiw office ol the County Engineer at tim Courthouse, Shelton, Wasilington. The County reserves the right to a- ward the bids fin" the following ser- vice; separately : • Recapping 2. Service 3. New Tires and Tubes The County reserves the right to re- ject any oi" all bids or to accept the bid deemed luost advantageous to tile Coanty, DATED at Shelton. Washington this 5th day of November, 1962. Board Of County Commissioners Of Mason County, Washington. By C. NOLAN MASON Clerk of the Board 12/6-13-2 t Use Journal W anl Ads LaBiSSONIERE REAL ESTATE "k STAR VALUES * * $450 DOWN BUYS A GOOD 2 BEDROOM HOME in Olympic View. Large homey living room, panelled dining. Spotless kitchen, utility, attached garage. The full price is $7,000. Approx. $58 monthly includes taxes and insur- ance. * $300 CAN MOVE YOU INTO an older 2 bedroom home on Angles(de. All on one level. Build an equity here towards your fu- ture home. Cement floored util- ity, garage. The price is only $4,300. Pay $45 monthly. See it soon. * SECLUDED FAMILY HOME i LOG-SIZE FIREPLACE. 2 large I bedrooms, spacious panelled living room, floor furnace, cheerful din- mg room. You'll enjoy the sunny kitchen. Immaculate throughout. Large attic storage. Separate ga- rage, shop. Fine garden, spring bulbs, sh/bs, 2 big lots. JUst what you've waited for and only $600 down. Sensibly priced at $6,600. $50 per month. * DOWNTOWN  EASY WALK TO SHOPS. 2 nice bedrooms. Large living room includes ca12aet and efficient oil heater. Neat kitchen and a trim looking bath. A sound investment at $7,700, $1,000 down and $50 per month. * PRICE REDUCED $2,000 TO SETTLE ESTATE. Fine 4-bed- room home, 225' corner fenced frontage on Angles(de. Excellent ,iew property. Hardwood floors throughout, circulating fireplace, lieltIful hot water furnace. At- tractive living and dining rooms. #zppealing breakfast area is well heated. Hug e turf play area. Full bearing apple trees, peach and piUm. This substantial family home can be purchased for only $11,500. Terms arranged. * KiNG-SIZED LIVING ROOM N LOVELY PASTEL BLUE Plush wall to wall matching car- pet. Handsome space fireplace, outside fuel feed. Floor furnace, 2 bedrooms with hardwood floor& (extra room). Garage, shop and sealed guest room over. Paved patio and show-place flower garden. Price reduced for immedi- ate possession at $9,000. Terms can be arranged. * 100' FRONTAGE ON ISLAND LAKE. 3 Bedroom, modern con- temporary, board and batten ex- terior. Enchanting view, open de- sign living-dining rooms. Glass- door fireplace. Colorful kitchen. 2-car facilities. Party-sized float and approach ramps. Landscaping and shrubs in. Built for care-free family living. Well worth the $20,- 500 price, terms arranged. CALL 426-4666 LaBISSONIERE AGENOY Real Estate- Insurance 119 So, 4th  Shelton, WashL SVLViA CARE 46-3i32 ( NO'rl('l,: Oli" IIEARINt; ON EMERGENCY AI'I'ROI'ItlATION ¢HEJ<EAS. on Eat,!l'gt!ncy exists dtlc to unforsoen exI)ellditllres arising it). the 1962 Current Exponse tudgets of lhc following designat(!d depal'tments; aud WHEREAS. in tbe judgment of the Board of County CommissionErs it is If Of th*' best illlet.est of IV[astHl Couiity ]that pl'o','}sion be nlad, |'or such ex- penditures as foll,)ws: CURRENT EXPENSE FEND STATE EXAMINER $ 277.99 PRIMARY ELECTION $ 211.31 GENERAL" ELECTION $1.25O.OO AUDITOR (M&O) $ 500.00 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY (M&O) $ 200.00 (Autopsy) NOW, THEREFORE. in tbe judg- ment of the Board an elnergency exists in the total amount og $2.439.30 which lnust be approl)riated to nle(!t the ex- isting emergency; and IT IS HEREBY OB.DERED that a HEaring lie held at 11:00 A.M., on Mon- day. December 2,1. 1962, at the off(re of the Board in (he Court]l(,se at Shelton, Washington. at which time and I,hlCe any IIix])ayel' ,flay al)l)Cal' and be lleard for or against tile grant- illg of the above en,ergEn(:y al)ln'opria- tions. Dated this 10th day of Decenlbor, 1962. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- STONERS OF MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON. HARRY ELMLUND, Cbairnlan. JOHN BARIEKMAN MARTIN AUSETH ATTEST : C. NOLAN MASON. Clerk Df tlle Board. 12/13-1t NOTICE OF IIEAItING FranchiNe Application No. 532 Amended In tbe Matter of the Appiieati.n of P.U.D. No. 3. Mason County. a nlu- nicillal corl)oration, fro" a francilise to construct, epevate and nlaintain 1)- power pole line Ul)On a ltortl,,u of Prinlary State Highway No. 9, in Mason County, Washington. WHEREAS, tim Pul)lic Utility Dis- tric.t No. 3, Mason County, a nluniciIlal corl)oration, has filed with the Wash- ington State Highway Comnlission. under tbe ])rovisions Df Chapter 21. 1st extraordinary session, Laws of 1961. lnd Chapter 13, Laws Df 1961. an ap- dication for a franchise to construct, operate and maintain a tlower pole lind upon a l)ortion of Prinmry State Highway No. 9 in Mason County, Washington. fDr a period oil twenty- five (25) years, at the following lo- cations : Beginning at a point on tile East- erly side of Prin,ary Stale Higb- way No. 9 (Olynlpic ttiglway) as now located and ,If I'ccord in thc office of the Director of Highways, at Olynlpia, Washington, said l)(,int behlK on the aouth corporate linlits of the City of Sllclton, Wasllington. al a])t)roxinlate Highway Engi- neer's Station 486-}-00, thence in a generally sout]lerly dh'Ection on the easterly side nf said highway to al)proximatc Highway Engi- neer's Station 411+30 in the SW !, of the NW .6 of Section 32, Township 20 North. Range 3 West. W.M., tliencc crossing Primary State Highway No. 9 connecting with tbe existing pole line ill the weste,'ly side, of said highway. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a hearing will be held on said applieatk, n by the Wasilington State Highway Commission at its office in the bigiways-Li('.enses Building, Olym- aia. Wasllington. on the 21st day of J'anuary. 1963, at 1:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as bearing nlay be had. Dated at Olynlpla, Washhlgton, this 30th day of October, 1962. W. A. BUGGE; Director of Highways. 12/13-20-27 3t EXGEPTIONAL VALUES LOCATION IDEAL This lovely home is truly a fam- ily home• Large living room with fireplace, separate dining room, idtchen with eating space, two large bedrooms downstairs with complete bath, two large bed- rooms upstairs with complete bath, full basement with room for recreation room, surrounded by trees and secluded• On Angles(de for $19,500. READY TO MOVE IN FOR $14,000 This home has four bedrooms all on one floor, two complete baths, recreation room with fire- place, ]wing room, separate dining room, kitchen with lots of cup- boards, large workshop, fenced-in vard. Located downtown, come in md check this one. ENCHANTING DOLL HOUSE WITH ELEGANT DECOR This home is brand new with gleaming hardwood floors, hand.. rome fireplace, dream kitchen with table-top stove, natur-tl beauty in the cupboards, formica top counters, three bedrooms with bath and a half, ceramic tile, love- ly liffht fixtures in every room, idewalks and lawn are in. Car- port with lots of storage space. All this for $14,650. EVERY ONE DREAMS OF A HOME LIKE THIS! You drive up a circular drive- way which is surrounded by a peaceful, private, wooded yard, and an excellent view. Five acres surround this spacious home, Lo- cated in town. Massive living room, formal dining room, kitchen has marble-top counters with cer- amic tile floor, panelled den for the important man of the house. Generously planned bedrooms, two complete baths. Master bath has easy-to-care-for tiled floors, and i colored fixtures, shower. All bed- rooms on one floor, balcony looks down on living room. Gracius en- try hall to a circular stairway. Full basement. This home has many features that would take forever to describe, so call for an appointment. PLANNED FOR IMPORTANT PEOPLE Three bedrooms, fun-filled fam- ily room off kitchen so mother can watch what is going on. For- mal living room with plush car- pet, push button kitchen is filled with magical wonders that in- clude all Hotpoint appliances, ta- ble-top stove, refrigerator, dish- washer, garbage disposal. Two baths all tiled, patio built for summer evening entertainraent, carport with many features and man-size workshop. Come and in- spect this home, for only $23,500. l ANGLE AGENGY Real Estate -- Insurance HERB Phone 426-8272 DICK SUK 0ANILS I0NAL (Bea,) DANIEL$ 426,3434 Store Closes Its Doors By l)ouette Glaser HARSTINE.- The Harstine Is- land Grocery store closed its doors after the ch:)se of business Nov. 30. eGeorge and Maxine Wait leased the store from Mrs. Marie Crauch a little over a year ago. The store was originally opened by Oscar Jacobson in 1939 and was operated by him until his death. It was reopened by Ernie Crouch t/ntil il/ health forced him to lock the dora's. George and Maxine opened the store and ran Income, Spending Here Increased (Special to the Journal) NEW YORK. (Special.l--Al- though the average Mason County family requires more money to pay for the necessities of life than it did a year ago and still more than it needed in the 1957- 59 period, it is better off today• That two-year period is the new reference point that is being used by the Government in determin- ing changes in the Consumer Price Index. The latest report shows that it now takes $1 to buy what could have been bought for 94 cents at that time. THE FIGURES, BASED on :average September prices, were compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The monthly rise was the big- gest in four years. It was due chiefly, states the bureau, to in- icreases in food costs, especially meat, and to higher prices for apparel. Despite the creeping rise in liv- tng cost% consumer buying power in Mason County is comparatively high• The average local family has more money left, after taking care of its food, clothing, housing and tax needs, than it had in 1958. FRONI GOVERNMENT reports and from local economic data, it ppear that it takes only 32 per- cent of the net income of the average Mason County family, after payment of taxes, to cover it nl(Istlv as a public service to Islanders. We are very sm'ry tim store is closed but all Islanders wish te say "thanl{s" for tile hmg hours and mucil traveling the Waites did to "accomnmdatc their friends." %VOMENS CLUB will }]ave its anmml Christmas party at 12:30 p.m. tills afternom at the Tierney: home. Luncheon will be served I)y the hostesses, Mrs. Tierney aud Mrs. George T. Waite, Jr. All ladies whether members of the Womens Club or not are invited. [ Members will bring their Mystery Sister, exchage gifts and each lady will bring a gift for an ex- change among those present. Harstine Island Grange will hold its menthly meeting this Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the hall. l.)essertl hlnchcon will follow the meeting. Members are asked to bring an ex- change gift of 50-cent vahle. Mrs. Larry Jerrells, with much pride, mailed Joanies white satin and chantilly lace wedding dress off to California today. The white l satin pill box hat with seed pearls and finger tip veil folded neatly in the box are now on their way to Glendale and a very happy daugh- ter. Dec. 1, Hugo and Celia Glaser celebrated their 451h wedding an- niversary. They were married on l that dtte in 1917 in Tacoma and l moved to Harstine in Auglst, 1919, and have been continuous residents ever since. Belated good wishes from all yonr Island frieuds. I MEL CAItNES, former Islander, I is sttccessftllly recuperating from a j heart attack suffered this smnmer. : Mel is still unahle to return to work. He will undergo further tests the first of the year at the Seattle Heart Center to determine the amolmt of hearL damage and the amouht of stress on his heart. The R. L. McCullochs were the Wednesday evening dinner guests of the John L. Hitchcocks at their Island View home at BaIlow. Islanders traveling the Center road were beginning to think they had either bad tires or a flat the first part of the month. Chuck hoes and tree linibs gave the drivers a had thne but this week the county commissioner sen(: the road grader over and he did a its food, clothing and shelter bills. !beautiful job of fixing the roads. In many parts of the country a, Thanks a million. fa," geater proportion of family H?,RSTINE ISLAND Social earnings has tb be used for' these Club will meet tomorrow (Friday) necessities, lat the hall at 7:30. This is the The breakdown locally shows 17 percent of net income going for food purchases, 2 percent for ap- parel and an ost/mated 13 percent for housing, including utilities and fuel. That leaves 68 percent of their after-tax income available to them for discretionary spending. It is 11sed to pay for' insurance, ear operation, education, tr.vel, en- tertainment, medical care and the many other itcn/s of daily life. Thanks to rising incomes, which were more than enough to offset the increase in livinK costs, the average Mason Counly household had $4,019 for such optional spending from the past year's in- come. This compares with $3,410 per household that was available lo- cally in 1958. Mrs. Hansen Urges Ftweign Ships Be Lumber Carriers Congresswoman Julia Butler Hansen Nov. 27 appeared at a hearing held by the Maritime Com- mission to urge that West Coast lumber interests be allowed to use foreign ships when exporting lum- ber from West Coast ports to Puerto Rico. Congresswoman Hansen pointed out at the hearing that during the first nine months of this year British Columbia mills had shipped to Puerto Rico 56 million board feet while West Coast lumber mills in the United States have shipped not one board foot. She pointed out also that this came about as a result of the law which required West Coast ship- pet's to use United States ships when shipping lumber to Puerto Rico. She urged that the Maritime Commission give West Coast lum- bermen permission to use foreign ships when shipping lumber to Puerto Rico. Congresswoman Han- sen pointed out also that in the years 1950 to 1961 inclusive the Douglas fir region of Western Oregon and Washington produced an average of 9.1 billion board feet of lumber• She pointed out that this region produced 8 billion board feet in 1960 and in 1961 produced 7.8 billion board feet. She reminded the Ma/ritlme Commission that hunber produc- tion in British Columbia in 1960 set an all time lfigh of 5.5 billion board feet. Total shipment of Ca- nadian lumber to the United States in 1961 amounted to 4 mil- lion board feet. Thirty-five per- cent of it was moved by water• Congresswoman Hansen in clos- ing said, "Action to allow West Coast shippers to use foreign shlps for lumber shipments certainly will not solve the lumber prob- lem of the West Coast producers, but it will help." regular monthly meeting of the club. e have two Marines from Har- stine. In last week's colunm we said there was only one and we wish to apologize to Mr. and Mrs. McAuliffe and their Marine son, Mike. Michael's address is Machael McAulliffe, Bks 570, Sect. I, M. A. D. N. A.T.T.U., N. A. S., Jacksonville 1:3, Fla LET'S ALL DROP our service- men a card and let them kn(lw we at home are thinking of them during the Yuletide season Dr. ylnond raid has re,re'ned from u chiropractic conwmtion in Salem. Ore. Dr. Waid enjoyed the very informative leCtul'es as well as renewing friendships with his many friends nnd acquaintances. He is now at home at Inspiration Park on Harstine east side Hilma and Irvie Wingert spent several days in Portland and wtaile there visited the Weihmanns. (The people that bought the Beam place.} They also stopped in Che- halls and visited the Cecil Wal]ises. Terry tally this week 481. Federal Aid Here $562,000 This Year NEW YORK. (Special,)--How much is Mason County getting out of the billions distributed by the Government each year in grants- in-aid? What part of the nearly $7 bil- lion 'that went to communities across the country in fiscal year 1961 was allotted to the local area. How much did it cost local tax- payers per dollar received? MASON COUNTY, Oll the basis of Treasury Departnlent reports and a study made by the Tax Foundation, fared well• An estimated $562,000 in grants tinder the various aid programs were allotted locally in lhe year. On the other side of the ledger approximately $544,000 of the total amount collected in taxes lo- cally went to Washington as the county's contribntion to the aid program. The distribution of grants was not made on a dollar for dollar basis• Some localities got back more than their money's wortI and others got less. The payments to Washington from the State of Washington as a whole totaled $109,500,000. What flowed back to the state and lo- cal govel:nmt nts amounted to $113.200.000• Effcctively, the cost throughout the state for each dollar of aid averaged 97 cents. MORE THAN 60 categories are covered by the grants-in-aid pro- grams, it is pointed out. They in- clude hospital construction, health and welfare, urban renewal, educa- tion, highway building, sewage .disposal systems and the like. Some of the other project for which this money is available are of a special nature. They could benefit certain localities only. Among them are funds for col- lege housing construction, aerial mapping of harbors and industrial areas, comnercial fishery facilities and small reclamation projects. The Tax Foundation notes that about $4 out of every $5 the Fed- eral government handed out to the states in aid during the year went back to the ssme states from which it had come in taxes. The renlaining 20 percent was sent to other areas. In 14 of the states, the money value of the grants waa less than the amount they had contributed. The other 36 states either broke even or got back more than their _ payments. Nebraska Youth At Elma By FranPe.,4 SillllnltllS KAMIILCHE. The Catholic Chm'ch in EInla was the scene of the wed(ling of Miss Sylvia Coker and Frank Nigro of Omaha, Neb,, on Thul'sliiy, ]Dec. 6th. Miss Coker is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Col(er of Kamilche. PresenL a.t the wedding were the imnledi- ale n)enlbers of the family and Miss EtLa Mac Hartnmn. The couple will make their honle in Brenl(::rton wherc the gl'oonl is stall(reed in the Navy. Miss Carol Marshall of Seattle visited her parlmts, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Marshall, over tile week- end. The Kamilche Grange will have its Christmas party I'riday, with a pothlck dinner .and later an ex- change of fifty-ceni gifts. Santa Clans will be there fro" the child z'en. The range will also have a dance Saturday night. Mrs. Etilel /biLenor and Mrs. Roy West and cllildren nlotored to Bellingham Saturday,, Sun- day, they attended tile Convoca- tion for Graduates at Western Washington State College . at. wilich David Whitener received his Bachelor iif Arts in Education degree. Last Friday evening the women of the Hillmest Home Makers club served Cin'istnms dinner at the Grange hall to their husbands a.nd children. There were about 50 pre- sent. MR. AND MRS. Dan Wood set'v- ed Christmas dinner at their home last Saturday especially for Janice Mainwaring, their granddaughter, who will be unable to be with them at Christmas. Miss Main- waring is employed at Reed Col- lege in Portland. Jackie Jolliff was also a guest. Mrs. John Krise and Mrs. No- a_ setta Thomas attended a funeral service Tuesday for Leo Sanchez, Nisqually. Monday of last week, Rev. Earl Bradley and a number of Kamil- che folk attended the funeral ser- vice of Charles E. Smith, Olympia, who was a member of the local churctl. Mr'. Smith had been active in mission work in the Ompia ---------- area for a. number of years• Mr. and Mrs. William Koenig of Olympia are happy to announce the arrival of a baby boy Dec. 7. Mrs, Koenig is the former Martha Ann Whitener. Rev. George C',nTy, Irish evan- gelist of Canada and the United States, is ministering every night this week at tim Kamilche church at 7:30 p.m. SUNDAY EVENIN(I, Dee. 16, Rev. Dewey Burkett, recently re- turned from missionary work in New Zealand, will be speaking at the Kamilche church. Service at 7:30 Last week end Phil and Dorothy Simrnlms visited with the Dave (leorge and R(fland Sinlmons fami- lies and did some Christmas sllopping. 1MMNuted (ram, BOSTON LOS ANGELES LONDON CHICAGO Interesting Accurate Con, plete Internotionol News Cove,ags The Christton Science Monitor One Norwoy St., Boston ] 5, MosS. Send your newspoper foe thS flfn4 ehecked. Encloled find mF check II' money order. [] 1 yeor $22. r'l 6 months $I I 1 3 monthl $$. State Pll-I(t I I I I II MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHURCH Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m, Prayer Hqur (Wed.) 7:30 p.m, Eugene Breid, Pastor FISHERHEN'S CLUB 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship "LOOKING FORWARD" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cota Rev. Alfred andoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16 -- Broadcast over / 1 KMAS 1280 - 11:00 a.m. "THE PRICE OF PLEASURE" . jj SHELTON 130 East Pine Street i , i ASSEMBLY OF GOD MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor Sunday School, classes for all ............................................ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ............................................................ 11.:00 a.m. Christ's Ambassadors ........................................................ 6:00 p.m. Revival Service ................................................................... 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Bible Study and Prayer . ........................... 7:00 p.m. i i J , MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD Olympic Highway So. & Cascade Gerald Herman -- Pastor Sunday School ......................................................................... 9;45 a.m. Adult Bible Class ................................................................ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. t ......... u i t i i i i ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 a.m. --- Holy Conlmunion. 9:30 a.m.--- Church School and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m. --- Divine Worship. The Church is always open for meditation and prayer FIRST OHURGN OF OHRIST, SGIENTiST 802 Aider 8t., 8helton, Wash, Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church 11 a.m. Wednelay evening testimony meetingn 8 p.m. Reading room located in elaurch. Reading room hours ] to 4 p.m. Men. & Frl. Wed. evening 8:45 to 7:46. • ' CHURCH FIRST CHRISTIAN Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D. Wigton Bible School ........ 9:45 a,m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m. Worship ........... 11:00 a.m. Family Selwlce 6:80 p.rn; Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p,m. Child Care Service vailable at 11:00 Service THE METHODIST GHUROH North 4th and Pine 6treets ROBERT R. RINGS, Minister 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Morning Worship. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship • ' i i |1 , i i i i, FAITH LUTHERAN CltURCII 7th nd Franklin Street 8:15 Early Morning Worship'Service 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Cla 11:00 Morning Worship Service CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor Kffiliated: Lutheran Free Churctl --- latibnal Lutheran Cll ',' iii Ill