December 13, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Page 20
II III1! mllJLIIl,: L I II I I I
Christmas Party Held At
Sk0k0mis5 Community Hall
. By Mary Valley
.... SKOKOMISH.- -The Christnms
)anque.t,: of the 'Kings Kuples
J:Qnl the Shelton Baptist Clmrch
was hold in the Skokomish Com,
munity Hall last. Friday evening.
Twenty couples were present, most
of them arriving by special bus
;from Shclton, The range Ladies
uxi!tary served a delicious turkey
dinner trader th(, supervision of
Irs. Mrs. Mary I-hinter and Mrs.
Hce Cossan with the efficient
0Y Cobl, who has had many years
experience as a cook.
Others assisting were M:rs. Edna
itunter, Mrs, Ruby Smart, Mrs.
Zola Keeper, Mrs. Ptlyllis Blaown
and Mrs. Mattie Barkley. Serving
were. Mrs. Din'is Sjoholm, and
Illene Tidwell. The tables were at-
tractively decorated by Mrs. aCorl
Hunter and Mrs. Doris Sjoholm.
key. Eugene KnauLz gave the in-
vt)cation and later Leonard Coutts
showed interesting colored slides
Of the Antarctic, where he has
been stationed the past year and
a hail Christmas carols were
sung by the group and the devo-
tions were brought by Rex,. Charles
'Wigton of the Shelton Christian
ChuletL ::
Mr. md Mrs. Ai'thur Johnson.
:Mr. and Mrs. John Cole, and Mr.
and Mrs. Cheater Valley enjoyed
a ceffee hour in the home of Mr.
and rlvls. Vern Miller after church
Su0dAy evening.
THE PAST ¢',ouph of weeks
ha,:v6 'been a busy time for the
Hunter brothers with tim harvest-
in K of tile Christmas trees. Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Hunter and Bill
Hunter have left for Seattle
v:here they will be marketing the
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coblc visited
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ctough and fam-
ily in Tacoma over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Donaldson
drove to Centralta Sunday alld had
dinner with Mrs. Donaldson't
Mster and fa.mily, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hartman. Mrs. Gladys
To::ier, accompanied the Donald-
sons on the trip.
MR. AND MRS. Gunnsr Sjo-
holm of Shelton called on Mr. and
Mrs. Eric Sjoholm Sunday after-
none. El ic Sjoholm is home after
spending a few days in the Shel-
ton Hospital.
Mr. antI Mrs. William Dunllam
made a business trip to Seattle
over the weekend.
KeN CALl(INS of Shelton was
a dinner gliest of Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Smith an Sunday.
Tiffs Friday evening the Sko-
komish Grange will have a pot-
luck dinner ,tarting at 6:30 p.m.
Later there will be a short busi-
ness meeting followed by a Christ.
ross party and exchange of gifts,
:not to exceed fifty cents in price.
This will be the last Grange meet-
ing of the year.
Mrs. Erie Sjoholm accompanied
Mrs. Rose Sjoholm on a shopping
trip to Olympia one day last week.
Three Trees Donated For Beautification Pro-
gram; Library Seeking Copies of Nat. Geo.
Sch(m] District receives a gift of The plays wore a huge success
three Alpine trees for its beaut pith about 150 pet)pie attending.
fieation program. . .{r. Endicott and the drama, class
}The daughters of Mr. and Mr,'! pant to thank ex,eryone who canl(
Rat Howry, Mrs. Mary Lee Arm. x) see the plays.
strong and Mrs; Jaequelinc White Sports
gave the trees in memory of Mrs Hood Canal had its first game
O. K: Lmscott wile passed awa3 xilh Kamilehe last Friday. The, core was 36 to 9 in l<amilche's
The I[owry and l.,inseott famil- ?avor.
its ale lalsei i )geLher tip a'
'. ':.,'. '" ',. " .... The starting lineup for Hood
Lake CllShlllan. 3anal is Art Teller, center; L)tve
On behalf of the Hood Cana Lost' anti I]111 Johnson gllH,l'ds and
School, Stlpt h)hll Pil wouhi ilk( La IV ) n , ld liln John.
• " • • , r',, Brt;v_ aI_o ....... ) ......... S,
tO. thank: Mr. arid Mrs. rH°wry' , ,"ora,l I,.(s
t.lS All lSiFong" Sill] Mrs " lille The nirl mint ucn,o hv M n,
,.l)ecml Request . • anal were made by Ari Tozier
Th Hood lanai S(hoo Dlstlgt ) (
: : ' ?' .': -. ' " '( |r 1 'nts, Bill Johnson four arid
|s mflkhlg dn | appe,d fol
r ". '' " lack ,m th one ]-lood Canal'snexL
o}?tet. .i,)f Nat,|onsl (..eoglaphlC a,m,. 1 toYIlol'row with Mt'Chary,
MAgazin( fm 19il 194 1936 the , tin( 1 )1 ,
r. " :; • : t " ' ' " g' "ll le l :,ed there
1,9q7, 1938 1940, 1942 and 1,}44 . .....
'" ' '' "' "" "' ..... ] lOV,*er SIfIi €l : tas i,VO
'ephe'distl'iet SCDOOI lid "ary senns + , , ,. , ;. ;+:
• " • r "" ' .. " .. , : anles sellCClllh'tl, I))111 \\;IILll I%a,-
tilt} ' I]]ogaZlll,; tO Illt' tJoll3g( ] 11.,... " .... Sl .,,,,p "r'. ,or ...... t,.
, : I1 lll/ d fl Jl, J£ €111 I ,. lll; {1,1 llu
}la&'e Bill(' cry 1 Colige Pla( e and i ..... "Y-.
. ' .-- " '5 • ' " "S lave [vvo gSllloH %Vll I1 NIl Yle'V
tlaH tflenl l)ollna ]nlo panlptnet . ," , " ......
'" • , i 'l, IPel)l'Ual'Y
'E,pt fo" the eight years lime(, " ''
tbOve the lil)rarv has a complete t ..........................................
act from 1912 to the present, R I •
Librarian Bill }lJ '" }"" l] t' " " i '] '' 'I" h (I vOOplO In
,ttdcrlt ]ern io (njoy lnd use I, . • . ... .
i'hia ,oUtcce of information a great oashlngl0n Hlil0rv
dea.I of t.he. t.inm.' ..................
It' any¢)llc, has copies of anY l GEOIIGI'] EDtVAI{I)PI(,KETT
of the above yel rs an X ,' '." ' ." " ' '. ' '
d vish(s t( ,as bran in Rmhmond, Virginia,
<tonte It) the ',chool l)lstrictl Lihr- June 28, 1828. He served in the
arv picas( eall 877-546;I and thev Mexica n War, ieeciving the bray 7
wih be piel,.,d ,,p. ' I '4 fi,. lieutenant for gallant
,'1 t '[Ishlna selvl(( at IJontlelS.q and Chulu
lrSli( A, ,'lndv g, C n I'" ' .... "'" '. " " "
Th }]oo't Canal School Dislrictl blmco, and then tile brevet of
M]S heutenant loz dlstinffutsl]ed sozv
Would like to thank Mr. anl " ,I " ' " "' . ' '-" "'
, t i sit ol tc at Chapultepe¢ In l q5q Ins
Leslie A. ,iandvig fn" trle ,':, ] ' ,. - ,:. ::.. "
4 h) ,1 "" g' t e name became all inl I t i It t)ll( in
...... o_s that was olw:,n to .h,I ....... ";. •
1 d t|]ons 'vVashnlglon h]stoly
librnry 'I'le ,et is ntit e N I . " " .
'f L]l"e \\;Vor]d and a, ,Sollrce ot I on ,luly 27tll of that year, with-
gOOd rcferl:rtce ula, teriaJ. I Ollt "A:al'nillg to British aulhoriti('s,
- , r • • g he landed his company of men el|
Ne. Ita,Ii ShehJn, I .... . .
vu.. - 1 ' uni r Hbhl San Juan Island at that lime the
.... } Leo(" Canal J 0 . . ' : . ' - .
• cenLer oI a boundmy disputc be
L,tbrarv pur(.hased and had m. I: .... ...; ". -
• , - w(,en ue United States and Geat
t,alled azn adthLtonal wall ot book I ., . ....... "
nwng," -" " ,I B,atam .... He occupid the. island.
BH! ' Bryant, in charge o? the ] jnder the orders of General W. S.
, • , ,. rtarney, and immed atcly set
hbrary has I)e(u workin,, ",lih Ou! I _ ., . .... , ..
t "in t "'aian Ba]baa Wal irmut esamienmg a mi]itsry pot
]a't t ]': lid ....... , .... , ' " , ' , :
• • .... ) - - ,,unner the laxs of the United
ton and the S[aLC J..eparLmcnL Oz I. .
cam try close to %ar
dist, riClr for accreditation With the I : : ": " ' : ....
• (' as( o t " f " "" } " t IWltll Great Britain
pllr.h ' f nx' I))o14 .nl "×-I r, • .-".
' tFed lihrm tt sm it as t 'Ool tnJmdng on both sides of
pr . ' "3' P" g'" " ' " e ' ' ' " '" -
reeesary to insi.all 27 lincal fist. i :, " '. ' , '
, , th dispute and qt mk dplomaLm
, Chrlstma. Plamling Iolscusslon a.v.o]ded blood.shed, and
, [( mp01aly jnmt occu atlon of the
"[1':! I'Ioodport St'ho, fl and Lower I i , . "" " .'' P ' •
llaIld Vaa estsbhi]led The COIl
kol¢onI,i,dl SehooJ st Iidellls a re [ :.','. , .... .....
hllSy getting ready for Christmam/}.*.l. ct wa resolved ill 1871 by ar-
'rhv, aa'c planning for talent, shows |tin.ration. Pickett eontlrlued to
"° "" Om arl * " -- " ', -. /serve tht arnly In the West Ilnil
a, na rp I .i(.S. Nanl's nave/186." _', 7. ': .. . ""
1 At tIlaL TJIlle ]le WaS a
"en (]raxvn for gft. (,x(qlanffing. I ", " " " ' " P"
''- hwio," a, &L,,,, ', ,.,, Ipomted a Colonel in the Confed-
, , eral t 'Lrnly and lOllgLt fol the
buy orking on their Cllrmlmas |= " ' • " "
w.m, 1' tu t,, ., .^,.a , ,../uonfcderaey unlil the sIlrl'ender
i};i;,y': ,;'a,','; %h;;',;u;" ,'; Io the ^,.,, of ort.hcr,'Vi,.-nl.
l'ItlSda.y, Dec, 20, from 8-10 30/.H e settled in Richmond whcre he
p.m,'This is to be a, semi-formal j(ued in 1875.
prty .,nd it will take the plaee J " ...............
of'ra.t.e room Imrties, [' NI/AVS ON "TOI)AY'S SOAPS
lra.nm Cla,ss Play I.nd DcLergents is available a,t
The Drama Class held its two [the County Exte.nsion Office, Post
pla.v Augie Evans Private Eye [Office Basement S]mlton 4-a
and Coslers La,'t St, flee. 6th. 1732.
Lm' ' ' " *59
, I)()I)(,E 4-dooi seda,n .................... 5
1954 INTERNATIONAL 91-1h)n, 't-sl,d s395
.t3o3 srUI)EBAliER Vl-ton ................. s345
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY .TOU'R :At- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washinlton
Shalk Half ib49 c
.59 c
Butt Portion Ib
Whole ib55 €
Choice Grade ,bl49 c
blade cut
Thursday, December 13, 19
SPARE'RIBS 49€ I , Golden R,pc Fru,t
""'" 'h: Fresh from young Porkers Ib ' " €
BANANAS .................................................... LB. 2/2S
o -....-.... .- I lili"" IiIB CaJifornia Fancy d ""
c DKUUUULI Green Sh:ots ........................ LG. BCH. £
uttF ltW BONELESS--U.S. CHOICE Ib IJ I ...,, 0
LJ ,., ,,,-,, ,,.,,,,, ,.,,. I TAHGERINES ,..°, California ...... LB. 2/29 tRISTMA$ COUPLE
.':'---/ " ILItI'U ISALUll .O.M, ,... PKG, 3 ' I i Iii--'r ..... ----_ 'aUrS:'ag SoTnseawbe°rvee'
You do a world of good by ............ , -- I nnTIC °°" lln: 'amed marriage certifi
c,diIlg $I Food Crusade ift I MMIK@ Sweet Zahidi 1V.LB BAG I t eventfu day. The
• • g • ................................. Shelton and have. sp
WIENERS HOMEI. SKINLESS--,2-oz. pkg. 39 c I I-AFIGE SELECT NUTS -- Your choice o' fancY g radenuts /tye:able':eo;.t.:82:
or your 'local CARE office. | ItAIITPIRI IIIIT Wn?t, Almonds, IIl¢ ,¢8,anstm-Slmpson. Ma
< • IIIIIIIIIB IIiIt Braz S Pecans & i i ' f e 1)ri(le' }
• [Swanson to Miss Lydi
......... I '.,,, Rex'. L. J, Cov[gt
A (= i . == = ting Will D. Morris
I i I I ']st peoo]e." After th,
PILLSBURY I [ I ' i I / / I 1 i / I I I i I I I m I"y, aboui forty relti
C [ ' ,!ds st, down to s
..o,o0 1 r I I III I'h nnrrr iiir alr gto,,,,,,oe, ,..,.,,.,
19-OZ. aW--J i I I 1 I I I I I I l I I lll I I I occasion, and the all
----" IIII I IIII, r, I II II III A I I ., spm in e,Unyabr
..... - --.---------- - - - - --/, l,r,sytl,e yo,,.g,r,
Ii-lilrlIW I'il/illl al - - - - iI rt. h "',',' '''''''. Thel
rUUrriil :: reMdent, s O/' this '
flix or more years, ml
Folger'e Reg - Y well-wishers. Th,
• e their h0m for the l
or Drip Grind. A[C G & H, PIGK UP PLENTY FOR HOLIDAY BAKING "" I'lb. pkg. I . i / '!Ftl, e farm of A. Swan
(2-Lb., 98c) Lb, I..I.l , I I ] 1 1 :'ma,,,, Cove, where (
IIm dlr IIIIIIIIII II Iq IIr . Teste,(I in the potato
: r.,,
PUWD[I{[D O I It I "It :00ow
OR BROWN 3UqaAK.---.- L t,00ii
Bumble B, " v li I'-- I
GIIUNK TUNA " i:im ,son
6V:-oz. Tins ..:... "I ' :f_ ;]l=,nest Flavor' C ' I
I ?i
BLUE RIBBON, Faney 16-oz. Tin ,, I .. A :0010 mee[
BATHR'MTISSUE II t € I ilil ::g. _ o..o.
' I I I I I I I I I I I - I ' I VV mrket coffditi,
rMs which indicate
.%,. i;£,: .€ I'I It I I I m ' It • • III I • i I ;l--in She:t(
" " ...... di=l[( I,,,I,- 4rIv I= • • • • • • ,o.v,m.o,,o,,,
le/ I I / etm here Monday
.V i--iic
I,'.t Mason, arays Har'
nfies on the
FA,CIAL. TI: S E... • :
Shurfresh, 3-lb. Tin i Skippy, 15-oz. Tins --
---- '-"--""" hnperial, l-Lb. Pkgs. 1 .{lII
S I 00,rA "MARGARINE, a/'l
JELLY DONUTS c 0me 0t RED CARPET Service :
q who has been a
f the district's staff
'" :145 R,.s., 31 I
Shur-Fresh, Pkg, of 4's
the ,last six years
194(i I)OI)(,E !/-tOll ..: ........................... $ C ;"dent. His duties ;
' "=ndent are being a
-- at --ll|ihl?vaaSistant superin'
Simr-Fresi, 15-oz, Loaf i , cong here fr(
DUTCH CRUNCH l. l " I .o ,.,..., d,
' i was graduated
3 "°°d
lst& RR. hone 426.818 a.d his son Roger
, .............. ,.5. grader in Shelton
(see I