December 13, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 13, 1973 |
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The following note was found in the pocket of a
self-confessed addict who voluntarily surrendered to ~ ~'~~~~L,_ ;~ _~b J. Editor, The Jeurnal: keeping them smiling• attention and spend less~
authorities and asked to be incarcerated. We are withholding Janette Adams: It is our suggestion that if minding other people's bu~
his name because we feel he has suffered enough through Your letter in the Shelton showing of emotions and acts of The person you are visi~
Journal has prompted us to print affection sicken, disgust, insult probably the only prisoner ill
self-analysis of his problem., • • • ~ ~ our rebuttal on the issues you and offend you, then you Center that is tortured!
¢~ ~ 'i ~ brought up in your letter, shouldn t be there to watch it! If The Women VI
I have been an odd-ball all of my life. When I was a kid I Y o u r l e t t e r w a s very you have someone to visit at the at W.t
never owned an electric train. My parents never bought me an one-sided, and unjust to many Center, Rive him all your WendyL .,
electric toothbrush and I had no radio in my room. people. ' •
First ofall, your rude insults, oJe criteric "
As l grew older 1 realized that the things which turned on insinuations, accusations and
other people left meacold. Even today I own no television set crucifixion of the guards at the I IS MeegI
or radio. I have no g rbage compactor, electric razor, electric .. Washington Corrections Center
knife, electric comb, electric clock, electric lawn mower, were totally wrong and uncalled Editor, The Journal: clad, housed and healed at:l/i
electric stove, electric mixer, electric blanket, electric hot iq tbr in any way. Discrimination against strikers expense. '
pad, electric toaster, iron, sun lamp, stereo or waffle iron. ~:~ The guards at WCC do a and their families who are in need ls it treason? No, traitOO
. . ~ J fantastic job, The Guards,puts the government squarely on their needy families are fed,~
"especially Loggee," everyone's the side of employers in labor housed and healed at
water and hang them out to dry, I have no electric hot water favorite, are always considerate, disputes. By denying foodstamps expense. '~
tank or electric clothes dryer. And since ldo not sew, 1 have I polite, courteous and kind to all to strikers families, the Isitwar? No, enemyl~d
no electric sewing machine, of us, visitors and prisoners alike, government would be putting its of war who have fought,~
They are very understanding blessing on attempts to starve and maimed our own ate],
Because of my strange life style, I have no friends. But when it comes to the showing of strikers into submitting to clad, housed and healed
the pressure from neighbors and even total strangers when affection and emotional scenes whatever condition the employer expense. ,~
they learned of my idiosyncrasies was unbearable, between the men and women, unilaterally offers. This makes a Is it by any chance ta1
They undersland that under the mockery of free collective ~o(vernoment out of privatea_lL
Although I take full responsibility for my weaknesses, I difficult visiting conditions there bargaining and the right to strike, o. C mpanies and corpore~lFrs
believe it was this pressure that caused my addiction at an is bound to be a certain amount The food stamp program, as domestic and multinationall0d
early age. of this going on in the rooln, with all public assistance oncess• s, taxes, writel~/10
They are fairly lenient, but they programs, was created to meet the ~enefit~don from gove~
I was in my tenth year when ! bought my first fix. it was are never lenient beyond the line needs of families who have no cost-plus contracts, tax 1o~
a short, ioexpensive string of eight tiny bulbs which 1 strung of decency They do not hesitate other alternative. It is subsidies, loans and otillle~
on a 12-inch tree during the Christmas season. - to reprimand anyone who crosses unconscionable to treat needy grants, all at public expense.a[
My parents, unaware of the trail of nightmares which this line of decency, children in a family where a Almost all strikes are.~l~
We, the visitors and our parent is on strike differently by intolerable economiCaL.
would start with this first, small indulgence, said nothing. "" " husbands and boyfriends are very from other needy children. There industrial conditions a~lJ[I, t
They mistook for Christmas spirit the warm, sleepy feeling of much aware of the many children is no justification for penalizing insensitive and unresl~t
contentment I felt as 1 sat staring at my twinkling lights while in the room. We are also aware of an adult for expressing his legal employers. The strike IS~aaI
singing carols, the people in the room who are right to strike, but it is entirely resort against such con~
Oh, it was a glorious feeling. At this one time during the ! itolCDom no, emotionally involved with the immoral to allow children to go" jUStresortaS publiCagainstaSsistanceh ungerdlff'is-~J'tuL~"
prisoners they are visiting,hungry because of their parents' starvation. ,~r~i
year, while my lights were on, people seemed to be less Therefore, we do try to control beliefs.
friendlyh°stile' less critical of my differentness. They offeredgreetings and waved at the window behind which l life fo li :m sing our actions and emotions as much Workers and citizens are taxed But the right to strike '~l~?I:z~.~vc
sat looking out at my illuminated tree. I as possible. If you have ever been to pay the costs of all public right to public assistanc~k~l~
"in love'" with anyone, you can assistance programs, including been legislated public poiR,l~n
certainly understand tshaI under food stamps. When they and their many years - at least s~?-"
My real trouble started when I discovered, on the third the circumstance his is " ti~tun
families are in need, for whatever 1930's; Guarantees tlaat 1
Christmas following my first fix, that ! could not turn on sometimes difficult to do. ut we reason, they have the same rights should be forced to work ~,/o
with my small string of lights. 1 turned to harder stuff - do try. as all other citizens to obtain his judgment and tha!Jg~
bigger bulbs, more colors - andbythe age of fifteen was into It is quite obvious that your government aid. ,, should be allowed to s~,t~,
bubbling lights, flashing lights and imported sculptured interpretation of "almost all the 'Workers do not "choose to engraved not only ftt~?w:
lights: the real hard core material, way" is quite different from ours. strike. They engage in strikes only legislative objectives and
No one seemed to pay much attention to my addiction. In the many months we have as a last resort. Frequently, decisions but in the'][_"
been visiting there, we have never management may deliberately foundation of our deln/~l~n"
|n fact, that was what made it so pleasurable; they seemed to seen any of our men go back to force a strike in an effort to society. .All~[~e
treat me better when I was on the stuff. But ! knew 1 was their cells with a tortured look on weaken the union. Under these The sole criterion is nee~l[~,~
• . : 11,11
hooked, their face. Most of them are circumstances, workers ought not everything else ,s second. l' u'
! was living as normal a life as is possible for an addict smiling, probably the first time to be forced, by family in context of human need~!~[~'~..
' rla
when the world suddenly collapsed around my head. The they have had reason to smile all deprivation, to accept whatever irrelevant. '~n~
week! So don't waste your time terms management may offer.The intent of the- .~T~
President announced there was an energy crisis and scheduled worrying about us torturing ourAnybody that would deny assistance and food stampS~!
a television appearance to explain it to the citizens, men! We are quite capable of public assistance to dependent safeguard family life in the
r-'l-feitsecure. Certa~nqy*he"woui'd-not-'o~tlaw"~-h~'s~'fftffs~ ~.:,.,._~,,. ,,,,: , "~ ;:,,- children of needy strikers is a~; economicadversit~ ~,,
nuntln J IS real sp( rational' as any self-serving, It doesn~='rt~ttef~t
lights. They used prove few kilowatt hours fore short period OUCR , • .... g employer who.wants control on their fathers and ~nothe~"
each year. ! was sure he would tell people to turn off their
the labor dispute - or
~iSiii~!!iiig°!!i!!!~!!!!~hOnutldrgn)~Ea~stt;gweh:rOeut,yanOd wages but not on prices and their employer did. fi~J
electric water heaters, which use 14,000 kilowatt hours a an hour building a good blind, profits.
year, or their electric clothes dryers, which use 993. 'After another hour you findWhat is this overriding, It doesn't matter if if'~[:"'
! was wrong. With the Christmas season approaching, the ducks aren't flying there, so overwhelming, transcending fault of their union Or jl~
~which meant ! was badly in need of a fix, I listened horrified you wade out in the middle of the reason? business-oriented governal~llll~
swamp, accumulate 17 pounds of Why should all forms of the high cost of living 0rr[
as he announced a ban on Christmas lighting, swamp water, muck, cattails and public assistance be denied to economic planning. J
' " e
Not a word about electric combs. No mention of sun mud in your nice waterproof certain needy men, women and ItdoesntmatterfftheY~~ .
lamps. No ban on the electric blender in the corner saloon session convenes. "Duck Hunting is Real Sport" or day baking, mending your socks, boots. You climb on a hummock children? for a strike or didn't. _] I
where I watched the broadcast. Just a few simple words Interest in the measure has "'That's What Happened." collecting your stuff, you go to of mud and try to hide between Is it murder? No, murderers DarrellS~
been accelerated by the belief "First you spend 100 bucks bed early to get some sleep and two,cattails and a piece of brush, and their needy families are fed, ] (
making me a criminal if ! turned on my "ornamental that gasoline rationing may propel for a dog. You take care of him crawl out of bed six times during 'The wind comes up and
residential lighting." many service stations into the for three years, train him, sit up the night to see whether the alarm blows four inches of cold rain [ 1
Lord knows I tried to get the monkey off my back. l'mauto repair business, nights with him, dig his bones out has gone off or not. through your coat, your glasses H ~ll rv SC(}
as patriotic as the next American. But ! couldn't make it. At Paging All Jugglers, of the hotbed, chase him out ofYou get up in the dead of cloud up, your teeth chatter, you --J I el
one time ! tapered off to the point where I lit only the string One of the jobs facing the tomato vines, pay yournight, wake up the whole house, think of your nice warm home
neighbors for the chickens he eats use three pans, two forks, several and the little woman, and you
of eight tiny bulbs which started me on the stuff, but I was legislators in their next session is "toy, The Journal: Independence, Me., and I
~oon lighting a full dose of bubblers in a closet in the devising some sort of change in a and then after three years, the knives, put a stack of dishes wonder what fool invented The following article recently in Miller,s latest book, "l' [
basement, law passed earlier this year which carneighb°rand yourUns pick°Ver uphimyourWithownthe carefullYthe car within theasink,coupleStUmbleof otherint° hunting.ducks comeWhilefromY°Ubehindmeditate'and are16 appeared in the Seattle PI and I Speaking. t~
was intended to increase theducks. ~ guys half-asleep, three dogs, guns, two miles away by the time you thought the citizens of Mason The former Preside~t'~L
1 tried to switch to something legal, but found that state's public education support County would be interested in died last year, was asked* ['/'
operating an electric water heater around the clock with the by $40 per student. ,'So much for the dog. coats, shells and $500 worth of get your gun up.
reading it. thought Nixon could be !~31:i !
"Then you should have a little assorted equipment, and steal 'All good things come to an
water running in the laundry trays did nothing for me. The way it worked out, some equipment, such ,as a good gun away from town to beat the other~ The late President Harry S. easily in any presidential ela'j[, [
districts received more than a $40 That s another 150 smackers. Hip guys out there. You find 47 other end and pretty soon you actually Truman is quoted in a new book 'Because Nixon is a shiftY~
shoot a poor, thin little teal. He as once referring to Richard M. goddamn liar, and peop!~
So, there is nothing left for me to do but surrender to the increase, while others received boots will cost you about 20 hunlers standing around arguing drops a quarter of a mile away. Nixon as "a shifty-eyed, goddam ~t," Truman replied. '1][ ,
• • ,, "
authorities, less. There are two schools of bucks. The boots should be three about daylight. And while you look for him, four hay whom he detested. Truman's figure out how he came s~ [
thought on how to change thefeet high and waterproof, so whe~ ''The rain trickles down your other fat mallards fly over where acerbic comments about the to getting elected Presia~[
There is only one thing that turns me on, and I am law.
• ¢ ~
you wade through three feet of neck, your right foot goes to you were--not where you are. President and other notable1960. They say young g¢.~.~ [
besideC°nvinceda garbagethat nOcompactorOne will singingWaVe greetingSChristmasat carols•an idiot sitting the OneformulagrOUPso wantsall districtst° changewill water, the mud, the cattails, and sleep, your long underwear itches "Soon along comes Joe with figures, including Dwight D. deserved a lot of credit fete'l,
receive the same amount. Another otherof themSWamp slush won t leak out and then some fool down the line enough to make out your limit, so Eisenhower and Gen. Douglashim, but I just can't see i~tl
wants to leave the formula intact, " shoots his gun--400 ducks get up you drive 40 miles home. The MacArthur, were made in a series see how the son, of a bitch|'
''Then you start collecting in the dark and fly away. That's little woman cleans the ducks, of interviews with writer Merle carried one state.' , .JL
but boost the appropriation so shells, a shell box, a vacuum when thehunt begins, removes the heads, tails, feathers Miller a dozen years ago at S.N. '"rex' Sch°I"
that all receive at least a $40 bottle to keep your coffee cold You and the other 47 and several pounds of horrible , ' • C
increase. The latter solution, in, some game carriers, aduckcali hunters start in different smelling insides and winds up
We hadn't realized until last week that study of the though simpler, carries a $2.5 _(preferably one that won t workl directions to find a duck to shoot, with what would be about 20 ll~~~~~~m~l~~~ll~~~~l~~~~|~l~l~~~~~lll|~~~~m~m~~~~m~l~~~~illll~~l~m~~~~m~l~~~~~~~~m~~~~~~~ll~~~~ i,
occult is included in the curriculum at the United States million price tag. because it's less likely to scare th~ Finally you find a swamp, grab cents worth of meat. • • ~ ~'~I~ ]
Military Academy at West Point. Going, Going, Gone? ducksaway) and a hunting cap to yourgun, shells, carrier, duckcall, "She spends the next day Mock /vlcG nn s l
Time is running out for a bill trickle the water down the neck. cigarettes and matches, pick roasting the ducks. You sit down
which would expand eligibility 'You have to have pre-seasofi yourself a nice dry spot and spend to a big feed, and fill up on wild R
for the Viet Nam war bonus. ~l~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll~~~l~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~ll~li~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~lll~~ml~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~ rice ($1.75 a pound), baked
The present law restricts the potatoes, carrots, peas, some of
Impressions left by innumerable B movies are of a
Spartan routine featuring the physical sciences, messing
around in sandboxes, endless marching, constant torturing
of plebes and robot-like rooting at the Army-Navy football
game, relieved only by an occasional antiseptic pass at Olivia
deHaviland at the kissing rock. the kissing tree, the kissing
bench, or some such sentimental object.
Apparently, however, the budding shavetails receive some
information on spooks, devils and other things that go bump
in the night. How else explain an Army general's testimony
last week in federal court?
Alexander Haig, a career Army man plucked out of the
brass mass by Richard Nixon to become his right:hand man
in charge of obscuring what his left hand is doing, testified in
Judge John J. Sirica's court that he and White House lawyers
had discussed the possibility that "some sinister force" had
been responsible for the 18-minute gap in one of the
subpoenaed Watergate tapes.
This latest in an endless inventory of White House
obfuscations has convinced us that if a pregnant, unwed
woman surfaces as the next bombshell in the Watergate
horror story, official spokesman will inform a battered
public that it was an immaculate conception.
Page 4. Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday. December
$250 bonus to non-career
veterans who actually served in
the war zone. Two bills which
have been in the House State
Government Committee most of
this year would remove these
restrictions and extend eligibility
to all Washington residents who
served anywhere in the armed
services during the war.
One of the measures, SB
2017, has passed the Senate with
just 13 dissenting votes on three
occasions this year, first on
January 31; again on March 9,
and again last September 8,
resting in the IJouse State
Government Committee the
remainder of the time.
When the Legislature
reconvenes, the bill will go back
to the Senate, where presumably
i*t will be passed a fourth time. If
13, 1973
"A hundred and 97 years ago there were four and a half
million people in American and we had Jefferson,
Washington, Franklin, Samuel Adams, Tom Paine and people
like that.
"Today we have 208 million people and the top two guys
are Dick Nixon and Gerald Ford.
"Well, so much for Darwin."
Mort Sahl
Published at 227 West Cota Street, Shelton, Mason County,
Washington 98584, weekly.
Second-class postage paid at Shelton, Washington •
Member of National Editorial Association
Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $6.00 per year in Mason County,
in advance -- Outside Mason County $7.50
EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ...................... Henry G. Gay
Aunt Sarah's cucumber pickles,
cranberry jelly, pie and ~:
coffee--oh, yes, and the 20 cents ~l~l~lu~~l~l~ll~l~l~l~|~l~``-`~ i
following story has floated across the river from Ohio; '~.1['
, Boy what a thrillt ~ The " " #
• reason behind the walkout of an Akron union recently ItCt~k~
'Then you sit down in the " • " p y , t Virginian, "~"~0~
determined It seems this one em 1o ee a Wes W#
good old comfortable chair while hanging upside-down from the ceiling. When he was ordered te~
the little woman wrestles with the
dishes. Ah, what a hunt! It's the down by company officials, he refused to do so, claiming that I¢~/~
good old back-to-nature life. The light bulb. He continued to refuse to come down, so company
simple life for simple-- well,
anyhow, it was fun."
This is how the article ended:
"So now that you have waded
through it all, I would like to
offer one piece of advice. ,
"Clip this out and hide it
from your wife, or you may not
be there to open the duck seasola
this weekend--with those other 47
I hope that you enjoyed it.
R. P. Bredeson
finally had to remove him bodily. As they were hustling hiW
the gate, 50 other employees, all from West Virginia, got
out. When asked why they were walking off the job,
replied: "Heck, fire, you don't think we're going to work
in the dark, do you? .....
(James Dent in Charleston (
Armando Mei writes that he saw a highway jam. It was
motorists looking up at helicopters reporting traffic' conditionS" ~
(Bob Sylvester in New yot~'|' ~ ,
Sid Allen figures that rationing is almost here. The other
station installed a peephole.
(Bob Sylvester in New