December 13, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 13, 1973 |
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Large gold chrysanthemums
with petals tipped in autumn red
filled altar baskets in St. Edward's
Catholic Church for the
November 24 wedding of Patricia
Anne Connolly and Lieutenant
Michael Freddc Bell. Candelabra
held ivory candles, and attached
to pews were moss green bows
holding dried fall-toned leaves.
• The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Connolly
of Shelton. Parents of the groom
are Dr. and Mrs. J. Frederick Bell
of Hamilton, Montana.
Concelebrants of the Nuptial
Mass were the Reverend Michael
Feeney, OSB, and the Rt
Reverend Msgr. John P. Doogan_
The double-ring ceremony was
performed at 2 p m. with
cousins-of-the-bride Timothy and
Joseph Bordeaux as altar boys.
Lector was brother-of-the-
bride James A. Connolly, and
programs were given by Elizabeth
Kennedy and Stuart Ormsbee of
The bride, escorted by her
father, was attired in full-length
candlelight ivory sata-peau
featuring a lace yoke with high
neckline encrusted in seed pearls.
Lace tapered to the wrists of
sleeves styled with bouffant tops.
From an empire waistline a
lace panel extended down the
front of the skirt, which extended
into a chapel length train.
A Juliet fingertip veil was
designed and fashioned by the
bride to match her gown. Her
gold locket was a gift from the
groom, and her lace handkerchief
had been carried by her mother at
her own wedding. Moss-green
streamers accented the cascading
bridal bouquet comprised of gold
star flowers, red roses, eucalyptus,
Club to meet
The 36 members of the Hood
Canal Garden Club will meet at
noon Wednesday for a Christmas
party in the home of Mrs. Les
Agers. Gifts to be exchanged
should not exceed one dollar in
naJ women
protest poor
TV for kids
Lt. and Mrs. Michael F. Bell
wood roses, and baby's breath.
Matron of honor Mary Davis,
sister of the bride, wore moss
green. In identical gowns of
multi-colored fall tones were
bridesmaids Eileen Goldenberger,
cousin of the bride; Martha Ann
Bell, sister of the groom; and
Leilana Lames, friend of the
bride. As flower girl, Anne Marie
Davis, niece of the bride, wore
moss green.
Dresses worn by attendants
were similar in style to the bridal
gown. Each girl carried a basket
of dried flowers and wood roses
in autumn hues.
Best man was Michael Dowlin
of Hamilton. Guests were seated
by James A. Connolly and
cousin-of-the-groom Fred Hodge,
both serving as groomsmen with
Michael Connolly, brother of the
bride. All wore black Edwardian
tuxedoes with gold pleated shirts
and matching dickies.
Michael Connolly sang
"You've Got a Friend," "Follow
Me ,'' and, with flute
accompaniment by Nancy
Marilyn Meechan and Colleen
Yuhl cut the seven-tiered Lady
Windemere cake topped with a
bride-and-groom ornament and
decorated with cascading
chrysanthemums that repeated
the November shades of the color
At the tea table were Jo
McNeil, Phyllis Larsen, Barbara
Bernatz and Peggy Dowling, with
aunt-of-the-bride Mary
Goldenberger in charge of the
guest book. Presiding at punch
bowls were Chades Davis, Robert
Baron, Ethel Haipenney and
Lucille Connolly.
A champagne buffet supper
for the bridal party, close relatives
and friends followed at 7 p.m.
Honored guests were grandparents
of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Sullivan of Olympia and Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Precht of Payette,
Idaho, and grandmother-of-the-
groom Mrs. James M. O'Neil of
Calumet, Michigan.
A resolution protesting and
condemning the use of television
as a medium for the exploitation
of children's minds and bodies by
continuous and indiscriminate
programming and advertising of
questionable products has been
signed by members of Hood Canal
Federated Woman's Club of
The women believe the minds
of children to be the nation's
greatest asset and state that
doctors find the mental and
physical wellbeing of children to
be seriously affected by constant
viewing of certain material.
A high percentage of
children's TV programs, according
to the club, are second-rate and
are interspersed by advertising of
inferior products in order to sell
child viewers.
Copies of the resolution will
be sent to the Washington State
Federation of Woman's Clubs.
and passage of a similar resolution
at their convention will be urged.
Copies will also go to state
legislators and to networks,
newspapers and TV columnists.
The Hood Canal Federated
Woman's Club will hold its
Christmas meeting next Thursday
in the Potlatch clubhouse.
A special Christmas luncheon
will be served at 11:30 a.m., and a
short business meeting will
The 1:30 p.m. program will
be presented by the Fine Arts
Department of the Woman's Club.
The Hoodsport Girl Scout Troop
will perform a candlelight
ceremony. The Hoodsport
Brownie Troop will give the flag
ceremony. Songs will be sung and
cookies served.
All women are welcome to
attend, with a special invitation
extended to mothers of Girl
Scouts and Brownies.
The bride, a graduate of
Shelton High School and of the GO i l d to m eet
University of Washington, is
Jumping Jills
set carnival
for Expo 74
Southside Jumping Jills, who
have been invited to perf,,rm at
Expo 74, have slated a
fund-raising carnival to be held
from 3 p.m. until 9 p.m Saturday
in Southside School on Arcadia
MINI MISSES in the front row are, left to riqht, Tammy Beinert,
Fredson, Miriam Gorman and Ronda Dundas. Behind them are Toni
left; Dolores Challender, center; Shari Simpson, right.
,Isses ma
Mini Misses are Bluebirds, and Dundas.
cone in a pallern of
cost. Maranville, "Since You Asked," employed by Bellevue School Mrs. James Salstrom and Mrs. Road. Bluebirds are to be found on theChristmas patches for banners When completely dry,
and "All I Know." Dee MortonDistrict• The groom was James Sullivan will be luncheon A dinner of ham or turkey first level of Campfire Girls. . . have been individually designed in desired color. Glue
presented Baroque organ music graduated from Hamilton High hostesses for the Christmas will be served from 5 p.m. until The group .or .Mr" v~ew by each girl, and cookies will be spray to top of cone.
Meeting scheduled before the ceremony and played School and from Gonzaga meeting of Sarah Eckert 7:30 p.m. On the premises will be scconu-gra ers, and tlalra-graoers baked for two needy families. A .
" wa~. or,anlz three r a o,
Cinal Court 79 Order of "Trump©L. Voluntary as University. He serves with the, Oi~pedic Guild to be held a~ ~:~mes acaice~vak~t~,vetie.~,aad~ ~!~':! g ":~"1th .~.~r~*'agi~ '9~rempr°~ecListhec°nstructi°n
Ama~hth will meet at ~°'p.~ ~" Vrocessio, nal, with Mozart~ U.S.' Army and is s~lioned tt~--~., ',:~ ne t Th r " :¢ " " "~ '~ " "~ .... ~ ,,an~ the girl~'~r:~~ m ~f-12h~f~sff~om cardboard , Xm s Trei,,
a.m. x u sday m-~ t~[l~¢~ift boo~,;sOo~sored toy ,.,the~.. , ~¢,. ', ~,, ~,, ,
r,, ~ tile nome olmelr leacler, tJlorla
Monday for a Christrmas party and "Allelulia' as recessional. Fort Lewis Grapeview Road home of tdl:S.~' Southside PTO. • ' tubeS. ................ for Sale ~
Materials required include a
Jack Connolly, Pat Meechan
and Gerry Goldenberger hosted
the reception held in St. Edward's
Church Hall immediately after the
The couple will honeymoon
in Hawaii dpring the Christmas
holidays and will reside in
Odell Presley.
Each member should bring a
gift-wrapped toy to be exchanged
and later given to charity.
gift exchange to be held in the
Skokomish Grange hall rather
than in Union City Masonic
Temple where the group has met
MR. AND MRS. RUSSELL CLARY, SR. were married on
December 22, 1923 in Fort Scott, Kansas. They have lived in
Shelton since 1940.
Russell Clary, Sr. will be observed on December 16 from A
Complete Residential Complex
1:30 p.m. until 4 p.m. at an open house to be held in the
Memorial Hall. Hosts and hostesses will be their children, Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Clary, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd George, and
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Clary. All are of Shelton.
t ,
To H & H SHOES in Olympia, driver, for
FAMOUS NAME BRAND Women's and Men's
Shoes at Discount Prices, and step on it!
.H H 411= W. 4th Ave., Olympia
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 13. 1973
Relaxed Retirement Living
24 hour staff
balanced meals
studio apartments
state approved
...this and much more
All included in the low monthly rent.
For brbchure & information contact:
1st and Railroad Streets
Shelton, Washington 98584
(206) 426-8277
The Jumping Jills, one of a
hundred groups of young people
selected from throughout the
United States, will appear at Expo
74 on June 9. The girls must pay
expenses lbr the trip, and must
raise funds through their own
Christmas dinner
set by veterans
Veterans of World War 1 and
Auxiliary No. 1462 will meet for
a planned potluck dinner and
Christmas party at noon Saturday
in the Memorial Hall. Dollar gifts
will be exchanged.
Visitors at last Thursday's
meeting were district president
Nellie Pollard and state chaplain
Mrs. Lonn, both of Port Angeles,
and Mrs. Troy Michelson of Port
Potluck planned
Laurel Court No. 26, Order of
Amaranth, will meet in the
Masonic Temple on Wednesday
for a Christmas party and gift
exchange to be preceded by a 6
p.m. potluck dinner.
cardboard cone from knitting
machine yarn; a circle of
cardboard; an empty thread
spool; sunflower seeds; a bead
spray; glue; spray paint.
Cut a cardboard round to fit
bottom of cone, and glue in place.
Glue spool to center bottom of
cardboard circle. Glue seeds to
10-6 Weekda
12-4 Sundays
December 15-22
7th & Railroad
(Across from
Proceeds benefit
Co. Kid ney
107 Railroad
across from Capital Restaurant
The different kind of
shop -- unique
decorations and
Cosmetics t--.~-,..~.--~-~_~. _ ~"+.+ ,.~ ..,
for YOU
TREATING SKIN ' ¢*nddabre +."
Q. How Should I treat my Please come ~(/~1 ~y Wr "
skin blemishes and how can l . . eaths
prevent them 'from recurring?
A. Cleansing and In ana - Centerpieces
stimulating are the best
treatments for skin blemishes, orowse
You can use a medicated skin •
cleanser which also
stimulates ., . or you can
follow up your regular skin
cleanser with a medicated
masque treatment,
To prevent,blemishes from
recurring, keep your skin
immaculately clean and protect
it during the day with a
medicated makeup. This
makeup will keep soil from
going too deeply into your
O. When and how are
"blushers" or "brush-ons"
A. "Blushers" or
"brush-ons" are used to impart
a natural "glow" to the face.
They should be applied to the
cheeks, starting at the end of
the eye and stroking in an
upward direction over the
Neil's Pharmacy
Emergency Ph. 426-2 165
Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:.30
Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00
Dress Shop
10 'till 8 - M0n.-Fri.
Sat. 'till 5:30 Sun. 12-4
Infants to 6X
Special Christmas line
Lingerie Shoes Girl's Dress~
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Calendars; Novelties .. Anna
60~ up 25~ up .; Dolls