December 13, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 13, 1973 |
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from page one.) basis, served on a project review services and are chosen to
the consumer, and urges committee after which she was represent the urban, rural, racial,
consumer should have a elected to the regional council of ethnic and economic elements of
the type of such services Thurston, Mason and Lewi= the area.
! and the types of counties• She is now The remainder of the council
organized to protecthis secretary-treasurer of the includes representatives of various
lent. executive board of CHP. Speaking he a I t h professions and
is recognized by engagements and meetings within institutions. Complementing the
iensive Health Planning the organization are demanding, councils are Health Services
:h rising costs of health She explains that th~ three Committee and Health Resources
there is an ever greater counties have joined together to Committee, as wellas ad hoc CHP
nic necessity to provide the f o r m t h e R e g i o n Vcommittees staffed by council
I)ssible care for the least Comprehensive Health Planning members and by interested
liture. Council, also known as the South citizens from the ranks of both
[P concentrates upon health Puget Sound CHP council. Two' providers and consumers.
goals and priorities and councils, one for Thurston and An executive director, a
the resources and measures Mason counties and one for Lewis health planner and a secretary
priate to the achievement of county, jointly direct health form the staff of the program,
goals• The program will planning activities within the presently funded by a federal
recommendations for region, whose boundaries were grant, a state grant and local
by the public and by established by the Governor in monies contributed primarily by
te sectors to enhance 1969. local government.
beness of existing health Serving on the Mason CountyBarbara Foote emphasizes
~es and activities, and to council with Mrs. Foote arewith,pride:
~P new services needed for county commissioner John This is the only group for
ture Barieckman, Clive Troy, Dr.which Health Educ,a, tion Welfare
le individual and the local George M. Radich and Laurelfunding wasnotcut!
LUnity are given, through Nelson, administrator of Mason The Comprehensive Health
the o portunity to make General Hospital Planning council endeavors to
health care decisions at a Councils, which operate under identify health problems facing
level and under local "federal guidelines and local the region and to pinpoint
~1. by-laws, are comprised of no less existing gaps in the health
bara Foote, who gives her than 51% consumers who have no delivery system. Long and short
Unstintingly on a volunteer direct ties to delivery of health range solutions are then proposed•
In a situation involving a short
range solution, the council acts as
qp . • • ~ a catalyst by bringing together
lelt#ll Incll 'nnra I elements necessary to solve the
II lifElll• E•il~llf IIIllllkVe • •
.. lllllk V,., I problem, providing assistance
~ when possible to eventually
I withdraw from the
| implementation process.
E N I Costly over-building and
c=AI=EI~t"I it J:~ I uncoordinated planning is
*""~--INSURANCI::~ ~' , discouraged by_ 1971~ Nlegislati°n
entitled Certificate el eed. The
. ~~~ I Regional Comprehensive Health
~ISURE SMOOTH I F~aneTItngat;OT~llapp;eq~ieoSt~d f;°r
~inste offerliabilityCOmn,.damageete proteCtor the~t~°n ~ ............. " ......... r e modelin~health facilitnroiectsY constmctlOncostin~ Orin
'Owners of pleasure boats. O e"-- --,~"'~ln'-(~ f~nn t,~ deterlSni,,~
r~rnium covers all. Callusf xcess u. o~vv,v,., ...... ,,
flails. Rocky Hembrott I whether or not they are needed.
A rec°mmendati°n is th;7 s~;dS
........ to the State Department f o'ia
..... ..... ~---~l~uf I and Health Services, which makes
Iig~II, V I the final decision
II ""v2"-m I'1' I The CHP council and staff is
nem~rolrlr i called upon to assist agencies
I I seeking federal and state grants.
~+ %. Agency I They are asked to review and to
~i ~ comment upon project
app I
ications for financial
....... I assistance.
;;ili 506 Franklin I A meeting ground for health
' Phone 426-3357 I providers and consumers is
ot f~rl~d/~Ig tile CHP council
Inventory Cleclrance
,INT • Hardware • HAND TOOLS
ors • LUMBER. • Insulation •
NDOWS • Paneling • PLUMBING •
rWOOD • Floor Coverings •
Composition and Roll Roofing
• 6¢
E yt b 2x4s LF
¢onom um er
reen Fir 8=10-12-14 ft ..........................
Rolls ¢ongoleum 32s
ne 9 yd One 10 yd .............. . ................... Yd.
SkDetrock 4x8x-1/2" 19s
Tape -- Joint Compound -- Corner Beads at savings ........... • U-Haul
Sale starts Monday, Dec. 17th thru Dec. 29th
II On sa le items:
II SI )ck duce
w I * No dehverm
V No returns.
V No credit.
1 mile out Cole Road
& Buildin Supplies " . "
nnl "
Concerns and suggestions may be Special project planning
brought forth. Problems may be programs will continue; but high
discussed and perhaps solved, priority is the completion of a
New ideas may be exchanged, and Comprehensive Health Plan
new concepts viewed, tailored to the needs of Thurston.
Thurston. Mason and Lewis Mason and Lewis counties.
counties are linked by many ties Barbara Foote, reared and
including those that are schooled in Olympia, for the past |1
geographical and economic• four years has resided at Colony
Surf north of Lilliwaup. Hers is a 1
Regional Comprehensive Health long history of volunteer work for 11
program, many decisions cancer and for mentalhealth. She
........... involvetnent I Old Mr. Boston Old Mr. Boston Old Mr. Boston
Important to the health care ot present .... I 5 Star Canadian Blended Scotch Whisky Light Rum
teah per ecta i izen are now made with CitY. Odin mscmaung anu[ Whisky, A, Blend 80 Proof I1 80 Proof •
with concern for the total area. rewarding. I 6 Yrs. Old 80 Proof r~
CHP has promoted the Open meetings are held on the [ ..... lill - 1,1
development of an ongoing dental third Wednesday of each month, I $5.70 $5.85 $5.:]5
nro~ram to orovide free dental usually in the cafeteria of St. I .. F!fth • .. F!fth. ,. / .. Fifth.... I~
care to more'than 300 children Peter Hospital, Olympia, or as I 1/~2s~a3Ya$"l;~.8~ I 4^);°PiAnta~;.~; ~ 4/~);°Pi~ta;;.$;
who would have been untreated announced. All citizens are [ I. 1/2Gai.$14.10 L.~] D.l.~ll~m I'~
. . , I . I- I'~d0S~l Fifth $5.35 I ~'~
otherwise. Services were donated welcome, anu VOlunteers are ~ . . -.
by local dentists with the always needed• I l:
Olympia Vocational Technical "Active participation," says I lli ~
Institute offering a clinic and Barbara Foote, "is the most [ =
needed funds supplied by the important contribution a person [
Thurston-Mason Health District. can make to the Comprehensive | Old Mr,)i Boston Mr. Boston Mr. Boston
. . . . _~ r, tm t,..o ts^oh~, Plannin- Council ' l Vodka Pina Colada L ght Wh skey
primary project ot u u .a~ , =ca, t. ~ • - B0 Proof
• / • 25 Proof I 4Yrs Old i
been and will continue to be ~ -- ~ "
assistance to Thurston-Mason _ / i D Nk'WLoBOwPI~I~
ltealth district in acquiring and I ~ ~ / "-~.00 • ~ ~I
preparing for a Mobile Medical [j(-'J ~ ~,~ ~1'--~ ] $ g+ $4.10 J1. $5.00
.... ich was I I_--_ "~L..~8/I-I~ I Fifth ~-- Fifth I Fifth1
Clinic, the purchase o~ wn .......... Also 'wailable ~
made possible by a grant obtained I / Pin't $3.'15 I ~ ~'
with the aid of CHP. The Health I / 1/2 Gal. $11.a5E II
District and CHP are now I " ! --
o rga niz ing co mm unity councils in I :I / N
each of the rural areas to be I ~,lJ~ / "~ ~ I
visited by the clinic. , ~ ~ ~)tN
est~bliskee;i:heCHU:Y'HeC2P I~iN~l~_~/ m! , ton. e
Program which provides nurses to i I • Ill I llllflln In IIII
, ....... Ul I IIIUII III UI-IU.
visit patients in their homes• ClIP I Here' a ,,eW "~Wi~'L I "" I .... " "
has served as a public forum for [ I Mr Boston Distiller, Boston, Mass.
• " h r eqm r gnys -a W
t,e ~,s~u,sloo o~te i ~3~;~:~;, I
establishment of the Olympia e
• I ~;~-~ ~.t~,k. I
Medical Center of Group Health I ...... I
ambulance ordinance setting ;llt~ ....... ~--"~,~ ,~ ',~-~'.~ ...... ~ .............. '"-~ -
minimum standards for services in .~/~l~."r~t4~g~l~'~t~'~l~~*'~ " ~::~;~"~f ~ I~~~~,~'~ ~J~~,
Mason and Thurston counties was ~ I ~ " .._ I ,~, ...... ~=7 .
Wriut~y a2rddiPTnm°te~yingHpa, t~t/I L.~ . | ~_~j bnrts~ma, Gifts for the Home 2 ,
Emergency Medical Technician
Courses have been developed in 1 • I I I 1 A
Lewis and Thurston counties, and • I • Ill '! • •
will continue until all key ~ ~li I IIW II I I ~ Id~ ~
emergency health personnel are ~ -" -i.- --~ ~, ~m
trained. Approximately 125 11~ ~lli...A__ I~___eJl___ I~ei ~ ~A
vixen rrlocl III ~:;g
persons have completed the ~ Y
highly advanced course in the last II]~ Free cookb .....
two years Free box of candy with each w tn each It,
A Problem Oriented Medical $25 order placed in store Friday evening, appliance ordered by 12/15/73.
Records Course for nurses was ~ ~ . ~, _~
financed by a grant obtained by ~ ~ ~ 1 ~T O • " t~,,.t~
CHP. The course provides a means v oltor L ¥ • ....... w
to better diagnose patient ~ ~~-~I S;VE$9O. Re~ular$559.95 I~ ~I
problems and to better follow ~ 'l o____,__, ,-,.._'L'_..0..
treatment andrecovery. I+1 IUlllm l r IIIIL! I!III !111 II
Changes in Indian HealthI IIIIIl Illllnl Inl l I:llllllllI lllllr -
programs and po.cyhaveresul{ed I;i i llll lll IIIl|i Ill IIIIII! illlll
from CHPs detailed report on IIIl a llil IIII1|1 o.,,.,..._.o.,.o ,. = .,, I !11 IIIIIII flgll2
Indian Health. The I:' i IIIIlI lllll JtlllII ............... ,,. I:lllllllll I, Ilfl
Thurston-Mason drug abuse ~ Ill UIIIIIIIII ~~I ~~'.~:."~'~'"*~- I !1111111111111111 Jgll~
program was developed by the ~'~ [ , Illlll llIIl • ........ "~1,,+,,~oo I :lllllilll _.J II
joint efforts of Comprehensive .~ ~~J~~~~I ~+,,r~,,,-- ~'~"=~ I !11 II1~~"
Health Planning and the Mental l ........ 1,31
Health and Mental Retardation ~ i Kitchen Helpers lor
Advisory board. A full-time drug I~ ~ ."~~/"~ - I l [ll
abuse coordinator offers direct ~ luu, y =, I
counseling to those with problems ~ I 1 II---1m---~--~ 1 //I I 15.2-eli. ft. Ali-frostle~l I
and training for agencies who I III I LUJ.. I I I Coldapot Refrigerator I
routinely deal with such ~ I II I II Loaded wit-h featur~..vou'll find 1
problems. I I I I
Future plans include more I I I tlll 3dd-ll I! ............ " ..... +i''.." I
and more contact between li, I I I I I • ...... ,.. • Ili.~-" J_ IL-------.JI'L~I I II I .~'~
council and consumer, and ~/ IIl l [ll .~,:~~ 'r~llll
improved coordination of theI~ I i ll~ I1:~1 I I Bigator~gecap-~city, idealforyour I
various agencies providing health ~ I I I -"1 I • ~,y.'..~... ¢~o,,_aa. •
services. Expansion of efforts will ~ I I ~[--~I .IttelularPr,ice V ...... • I~~I IIII
aim toward the improvement of I i ll l'ql I I IIII
health care available to rural I IIl lrll FII II • II- II IIII ;1#.
residents and to marginal and +dt I I lliLLLI II I I I I1 1 IIII
low-income citizens. I l lh'i?fu l II III
it " .% tJ~~N~~i P~.,"bleDi'hw"::+''uU !~
Ask Your Pharmacist , I .
Giving advice to thel ,::o+ :_+:+:. I
public on what to -doI rr 'nur el enn I
about the sniffle and] ~ I ~Sli~I ~\ ~ / e_lothe~m'ed-riefl.,"ut°m"fie~lmt°ff"
sneeze season, the Office l ~ .~
Oono, m x eOc+on, I d !
if you regularly take any] ..... --_"--J
'ru t.. .our, t
doctor or p har m acist I " \\\~\Xl'~'~tl~ H' I "-~TZ. ;;;-- I
b e f or e t a kin g a n y I I
additional medication for I i .. .
a cold or for any other I 1
ailment." I .'r, ,e"• .......... $+ia6. S
0 C ,A also recom-I ~ ii/ ~i~ i I
mends: Ask your doctor I • I Ke3 lore Powelr te VAC 1 ;I
or pharmacist whether the I -- "+- I +. ,,it _ I
medication may cause any I • .It movel _rug. g g-ta't aueUon • ;1
side effects.' l~Jces aze catalog prices I m°ne --'t zero°re" Regular~l~:;; I Sale ends Dec. 15th ~.
. _. I Sears Easy Payment Plan Delivery and lmd; ation Extra
llA:Ill OI~P---.,,.. I ........ * Includes delivery and
H~II ~P /llMIIIllili, yi ~ ~ome items i ot a KInQ. , normal installation mL
Emergency Ph. 4:~6-2165 I shop AT SEARS AND I o .... I Square - Shelton
Fifth & Frcnklin St.--426.33271 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back I ot=at I 24-Hour Shopping 426-8201 ![1
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 I i, I
Saturdays- 9:30 to 6:00 I l~t~i~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thursday, December 13, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13
iI i~