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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 13, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 13, 1973
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The Shelton High wrestling squad lost to Elma last Thursday as the Highclimbers trekked over there for its first away match of the season. The Climbers lost to Elma by two points as it ended up, Elma 27 and Shelton 25. "That was a tough match to lose," Colmnented wrestling coach Dick Wentz about the losing ordeal. Wentz said that he hoped the team would improve with each match and that they will put everything together by the end of the year. Elma started off winning the first four matches, which seemed MIKE HoVIND, Shelton jayvee 135-pound wrestler, has the situation and an Elma grappler welt in hand as he works toward a 7-2 decision. to be setting the tone for the matches yet to come, but then Shelton's middleweights started to pull the score back from what seemed to be a disaster in the making. The heavyweights then made a futile attempt to gain the lead, but ran out of wrestlers with Elma still holding onto the lead by two points. The varsity scores were as follows: 101 - Greg Baley (E) dec. Steve Ford, 12-1 ; 108 - Don Lisk (E) won by forfeit; 115 - Mike Smith (E) dec. Dave Cox, 14-0; 122 - Steve Everson (E) dec. Rob Coker, 13-3; 129 - Keith Anderson (S) dec. Gordon Boley, 7-2; 135 - Vernon Gonzalez (S) dec. Gordon Jay, 6-0; 141 - Don Zepp (E) dec. Leland Snellgrove, 5-0; 148 - Rick Rakevich (E) dec. Roy Pearsall, 8-4; 158 - Leonard Stolen (S) dec. Steve Valentine, 7-1; 168 - John Hasbrouck (E) dec. Reggie Snellgrove, 9-5 ; 178 - Wayne Devaney (S) dec. Leith Swenson, 20-0; 190 - Greg Radzykewycz (S) won by forfeit; Uni - Gino Ream (S) pinned Jeff Pickering, 4: 22. New golf pro Alderbrook Golf and Yacht Club has announced a new Pro - Gary Robinson - to replace David (Bud) Brown, who resigned. Robinson was formerly pro at Lake Wilderness Golf Club and before that worked as a pro at Olomano Golf Links and Mid-Pacific Country Club in Hawaii. Club to meet Shelton Booster Club will meet Wednesday, December 19, in the multi-purpose room at the Angle Building at 7:30 p.m. Game im ers By ERIK ANDERSON "The first half was a nightmare,~" eorn'me n t e d basketball coach Te~,iv Gregg as • ..... lose up unsucce en raJ J; ap he recalled the game against Central Kitsap Friday night which Shelton lost 63-58. The Climbers. who got off lo a slow start the first half, almost pulled the game out of the fire as they attempted to make a fourth quarter colneback. Mike Baze led the comeback in the third quarter as he came in and made bucket after bucket, scoring eight quick points before the end of the third quarter. In the fourth quarter Baze and Brad Wilson led the attack on the other team, each scoring six points. The top rebounders of the night were Steve Sparks and Mike Baze, each of whom pulled the ball off the boards six times. Leading in assists were Brad Wilson and Marty Kortekaas, with three apiece. On field goals, Shelton shot sixty-three times with twenty-four good shots for 38% average. Central Kitsap shot at the basket sixty times with 24 completions for a 40% shooting average. Head basketball coach Terry Gregg said the main thing that the Shelton team has to learn is that they have to take better care of the ball, that Shelton turned it over to their opponents too many times Friday night. Gregg also said he knew that he would have to be patient with the team at the first of the season because of all the inexperience the team had at the start of the season, but now he feels he has given the team time enough to get a little-experience and is ready to see them start coming along. SCOREBOARD Shelton 8 12 16 22 58 Central Kitsap 20 18 10 15 63 SUMMARY fg ft f tp Steve Sparks 5 6 4 16 Mike Baze 7 0 1 14 Brad Wilson 4 0 2 8 Marty Kortekaas 4 0 4 8 Mel Ninnis 2 4 5 8 Mark Tuson 1 2 1 4 HIGHCLIMBER STEVE SPARKS takes aim at the basket during Friday's non-league tilt at Central Kitsap. Every Saturday night, 2 shifts 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Please call for reservations. 426°8452 Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 13, 1973 TACK OVER DOORS, WINDOWS. I~:ORCHES & BREIZEWAYS ® Only • Run. Ft. Homes 3 FI, Wmde protected with Also in 4 Ft Flex-O-Glass can Widths Save up to 40% in fuel costs. HOLDS GENUINE FLEX-O-GLASS is far IN stronger than polyethylene, it's HEAT the only plastic window mate- rial GUARANTEED 2 YEARS! KEEPS OUT Warp Bro$ Ch,c~go ~O~jr)l P,o,,~',,~ ,,, Pla,~t,c~, S,,,ce 1924 COLD At Your Hardware, Lumber and Building Supply Store ON HIS WAY to a 9-6 decision over his Elma opponent is Shelton 148-pounder Matt Wilson. The Shelton Junior High School wrestling team recently had its first two matches of the season The first match was last Thursday against Hoquiam at Hoquiam. The Blazers lost 27-38 Their second match was last Monday as the Blazers traveled to Montesano for a victory by 33-29. Coach Eugene Crater said the team isn't as strong as it has been in the past, but it has a 10t, of potential. Crater also said that in the next match, which will be after Christmas, the wrestlers should be a lot harder to beat. Crater had a few words to say about a couple of his best wrestlers, or "powerhouses." These were Karl Stolen, Rusty Wickett and Kevin Ridout. e vanqu The Shelton tt]gh School jayvee basketball team, under the direction of Coach Paul Johansson, captured its first victory of the season against Central Kitsap Friday night as the team got revenge for its loss to CK the preceding Tuesday. Tuesday's game found the jayvees downed by the Cougars by the score of 50-53. In Friday's game, Shelton got revenge as it clobbered the Cougars 70-54. Neil Frodsham led the Climbers with field goals, making 9 out of 16 attempts. He was followed closely by Paul James, ugars who made 8 out of 14 field goal attempts. At the free throw line Brad Wilson led with 4 out of 4 attempts, followed by Paul James with 3 out of 3 and Delbert Miller with 3 out of 7 tries. Other scorers of the night were Mike Bariekman with 7, Gary Nelson with 4, Todd Brewer with 3, George Jarvis with 2,.Paul Mortensen with 2. Rebounder Nell Frodsham led his team with 6. Frodsham was followed closely by Paul James and Todd Brewer, who got five rebounds apiece. Sports twenty-five years ago. Basketball Wins Completely outclassing their second Kitsap County rival of the season, the Shelton Blazers beat North Kitsap Junior High at Poulsbo 39-30. Don Young and Bob Hunter scored ten points apiece to head the Blazer individual scoring. won an easy 43 to 30 The h gh school Climbers v ctory over Central Kitsap at Silverdale..SOuthpaw Bob Tobey was hot for the Hig.hc mberS, nozcning, 21 _ooints. Wayne Clary added 10 points to Tobey s tally. CAR CARE 1st & Cota Shelton. Crater also mentioned two pinned Fraham; 169 seventh graders who were new to teams forfeited; 178 -- the program this year. They were Mark Taylor and Dale Smith. Coach Crater said that they were the best seventh grade wrestlers he had seen in a long time. The varsity scores for last Thursday's match against Hoquiam are as follows: 75 - Izatt (H) dec. Kamin, 7-6; 84 - Cummings (H) dec. Chapman, 12-0:93 - Fairchild (H) pinned Hopper; 102 -Hegg (H) dec. Goodburn, 4-2; 107 - Johnston (S) pinned Dennuzin; !12 - Coleman (S) dec. Powell, 5-2; 117 - Wittenberg (S) pinned Elder; 122 - Dewald (H)pinned Perrine; ! 27 - Covall (H) pinned Wright; 132 - Stolen (S) pinned Deufel; 137 - Wickett (S) pinned Lewin; 142 - Ridout (S) dec. Weed, 6-5; 151 - Hauge (H) dec. Jones, 4-2; 160 - Kollman (H) (H) pinned Taylor; Urd (H) pinned Townsend The scores for the against Montesano last were as follows: 75 - pinned M. Johnson; Johnson (M) dec. 93 ~ C. Johnson (M), Hopper; 102 - Merrima~l Chandler, 7-0; 107 - (S) dec. Baulig, 5-1; Coleman (S) pinned 1 17 - Ouellette Wittenberg, 12-2; 122 (M) pinned Perrine; (M) pinned Wright; 132 (S) dec. Peterson, 5-1; Wickett (S) pinned - Ridout (S) pinned - Paste (M) dec. - Fraham (S)pinned - Eaton (M) pinned Uni - Both teams th Annual Registration information: 426-8640 426-8634 • - .... Starting > I11- - .e(. 13th 6 Lessons / at 5:30, return at 12:30. Call today