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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 13, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 13, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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escapes duringNovember aring October, 183 furloughs were granted to 136 residents of ngton State's adult corrections facilities. There were no escapes ted from the program during October. Since new guidelines were ted in March 1972, there have been 4,843 furloughs granted. There been 31 escapes. At the end of October, 10 residents were on status. )men vets number 542,000 10men comprise 1.9 per cent of the nation's 29 million veterans, . Phillips, director of the Seattle Veterans Administration regional i, reports. The figure includes 8,500 separated from military e in fiscal year 1973. There are 542,000 women veterans, 305,000 i~0m are credited with World War II service. Nurses who served the Spanish-American War and World War I women veterans !15,000. Vietnam-era women veterans numbered 91,000 through punchcards available the salmon punchcard used by sport fishermen to record their ~n catch in 1974 is available now. The same information that has logged on the cards in the past - month, day, marine code or tn _ will still be required on the punchcards for 1974. All salmon are reminded that they are required by law to have a salmon heard in their possession when sport fishing for salmon, and to h them and record the appropriate information immediately when ~s are made. SECRETARY OF STATE A. Ludlow Kramer was in Shelton Tuesday visiting with several classes of Shelton High School students• Kramer answered questions from the students in the informal sessions. Students from several English and social studies classes took part. Liquor tax I mployment jumps 6,022 IS given red unemployment under regular entitlement in Washington The City of Shehon received ended June 30, lq73. [,!Umped 6,022 to 65,036 for the week ending November 24. $63,616.56 from the State Liquor Mason County received ~ing the 8,622 who filed for extended benefits, the total number Control Board last year as the $45,578.17. *rnants was 73,658, up 6,755 from the week-ago total, city s share of liquor profits and The figures were announced taxes generated by the statethis week by the State Liquor products called a'angerous liquor system during die year ConlrOlyear. Board for the past tiscal ~o health fbod products, Aprikern and Bee-Seventeen, should be Installation The cities and coun,cs sh,red ~Yed and not consumed, warn~ the U.S. Food and Drug with tile State General Fund histration. LeRoy Gomez, Deput9 Regional Director of FDA's iS postponed about $79.4 million in liquor profits and taxes during the field office, announced that the two products, made from Installation ceremonies for 12-month period. bt pits, may contain potentially dangerous levels of hydrogen }e. The two products are distributed nationally as special dietary Union City Lodge F and AM The total included $56.9 scheduled for December 15 have million to the State General le~ents found at the retail level primarily in health food stores, been posponed, it was announced Fund, to help pay for the cost of this week. developers get forms The installation will be held January 4 in the Mr. Moriah !Pplication forms for compliance with the state's new Land Lodge in Shelton. hpment Act were mailed recently to more than 300 developers in ~tside of Washington, it was announced by Jack Nelson, Director Labor and Progress With the idea that labor is the basis of progress goes the thought that labor must be free. Rober! G Ingc~s~,ll education, welfare, public heahh, public safety and other functions of state government. The cities of the slate shared a total of $16.9 million. The 39 counties split a $4.2 million melon. In addition, $1.3 million went to the Department of Social and Health Services to help finance its alcoholism program. ! Department of Motor Vehicles which administers the state's real !'division. The new act takes effect in January next year and ~s land developers offering 10 or more lots which are less than 5 In size to disclose to state purchasers or lessees major risks relating t Property being offered. Many developments in and out of state affected. Christmas Message: I By REV. GILBERT O. SKAAR "Perhaps he didn't know! Maybe he didn't realize who it was that knocked at his door that night! There were so many on the roads, and he had already turned away others. After all, his inn could only hold so many - there ;ust wasn't any room left! 'And so she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.' "Thus from his door the innkeeper of Bethlehem turned away the Very One for whom the world had waited so long. "With the passing of centuries we have come to recognize that the little child born in Bethlehem was indeed the Son of God, the Saviour who had come to a cradle that He might go to a Cross. Unlike the innkeeper, many today know Who He is and Why He canre, yet have continued to crowd Christ out of Christmas and shut out the Saviour from our First ! 426-6163 2nd & Franklin Sheiton now oc celebrations. The age-old decree is still reechoed in countless empty hearts, 'no room, no room.' "The Saviour who 'came unto His own, and His own received Him not,' and who on the night of His birth found 'no room.., in the inn,' this same Saviour stands at your door. Shall He who knocks still find no welcome?" This message, authored by Don Johnson and printed on a Christmas greeting from the American Tract Society, certainly speaks to my own heart and life. There are always the demands for our time and attention that tetrd to crowd Christ from the prominent place He deserves in our Lives. These days there are a multiplicity of deep concerns that occupy our thouglrt life. But the Spirit of the Living Christ calls to an openness of mind and life, a call to thanksgiving and praise. May Jesus Christ be given His rightful place in your life and mine. Jesus says, "Behold 1 stand at the door and knock. If any person will hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in.. • " Specks and boards Don't criticize, and then you won't be criticized. For others will treat you as you treat them. And why worry about a speck in the eye of a brother when you have a board in your own? Should you say, "Friend, let me help you get that speck out of your eye," when you can't even see because of the board in your own? Hypocrite! First get rid of the board. Then you can see to help your brother. Matthew 7: 1-5 uestions to a: @ Is the plumbing waste system hooked up to the city sewer system? If the answer is "no," the waste system probably is hooked to a septic tank. The tank should be large enough to handle the capacity. Does the city expect to run a central sewer system into the area soon? If the answer is "no," you may have additional expense in keeping the septic system clean and operating properly. • Is the builder proud to be selling you this house? If you feel you're just another in a parade of families, perhaps the builder isn't as interested as he should be. When you feel that he is genuinely proud of his product, chances are you're doing business with a top house producer. Suite 4 PHONE Govey Building 's..,to. -r= om= Ph• 426-5547 426-$$47 7S2-9210 426-5548 UNION CARBIDE OIL TREATMENT b.._ NO LIMIT FRIDAY-SAT. ONLY SHALER ENGINE TREATMENT FREES STICKING VALVES OUR REG. PRICE 1.49 QT. NO LIMIT FRIDAY.SAT• ONLY EVERYDAY I 1750 WATT ................ 2250 WATT ................ 3000 WATT ................ I • I III CUT-RATE BUYS FRAM or PENNZOIL A GOOD X-MAS GIFT 2nd's lEACH lEACH ALL STD. SIZES--NO CASING NEEDED LARGE STOCK FOR CARS & PICKUPS ALL DISCOUNT RRICED NIC-L-SILVER LIST FORD-CRY PROD ........... 4.28 " .'.4 28 BUICK-CIIEV-PONT ........ DATSUN-TOYOTA .......... 5.28 Our Price $2.39 2.59 2.89 20 or 30 WT. HAVOLINE RPM PENNZOILaT. MOBIL or SHELL VALVOLINE UNION QUAKER STATE BUY YOUR OIL & FILTERS AT CUT-RATE AND CHANGE IT YOURSELF. YOU COULD SAVE THE PRICE OF A TANK OF GAS WITH EACH OIL CHANGE. BATTERIES CARBURATORS'-FUEL PUMPS 95 12 VOLT FUEL FILTERS--CARB KITS CASIE OF 24 spers .............. $7.95- $15.95 2 YR. ..............$16.95 ,,, WATER PUMPS-- 4c td. Pickup Mirrors. ......... $12.95 pr. YR ............... $19.95 ,.. CHOKE PULL 0FFS Id. Jacks 1-1/2 Ton $11.95 YR. .$26.95 ,x. ' ALL PRICED TO SAVE YOU $$$ ........ CHECK YOURS TODAY!!! I , ' ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT TYPE ing Lights ......... $3.95- SCHAUR BATTERY CHARGERS |kometers -- $29.95 1 AMP s7.95 • • • • • • • • • • • • • e• • d Sets )$6.95 up 4 AMP .............. . 13.95 • WINDSHIELD ................. WIPER BLADES EACH ' 6 AMP ............... .s16.95 WE HAVE ONE TO FIT MOST IItOlll Steering Wheels..$7.95 - $19.95 10 AMP ........ . ..... t20.95 CARS & PICKUPS BUY A COMPLETE BLADE FOR -- . COMPARE AT $15 to $25 WHAT YOU WOULD PAY FOR dng Wheel Covers ........ $3.49 z 4c " A REFILL IN ANCO OR TRICO C rush 0utsiders: ........... $79.95 pr, C ALL COPPER CORE ANTImFREEZE $2.19 due Covers $19.95 pro [ $15095 PRESTONE OR ZEREX GALLON .............. to ALL CARS IEA. $1.95 YOU ARE Thursday, December I3, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Page 17