December 13, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 13, 1973 |
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Break-ins of area homes reported
Several break-ins were
reported in the North Mason area
last week. Nothing appeared to be
missing from the Grapeview Road
residence of Mrs. John Scholl of
Tacoma; liquor was missing from
the North Shore cabin of George
Davies of Bellevue; nothing
appeared to be missing from Mrs.
Harold McBride's North Shore
home; drawers were open but
nothing seemed to be taken from
the North Shore residence of
Vincent Kratz of Mercer Island.
-- 1
_ -- --_ - - IlI I II Bill
Lee Lopriore --
We have building lots & financing.
-- I II I 10__
Complete Heating Service --
Sales, Installation --
Repairing all makes and models.
Phone 479-2772
1318 Park
Bremerton, Washington
North Shore
By Leo & Margaret Livingston
CR 5-6421
Much curiosity was aroused
by the activities of the fish boat,
"Columbia," and her smaller
tender this past week. The boats
were seen setting crab or fish
traps in Hood Canal's upper arm
between Union and Belfair.
A raftful of seals were seen
basking in the early morning fog
in Pleasant Cove this past week.
We believe these are the fairly rare
Harbor Seals.
Alma Sundstrom is
recuperating at the home of her
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Layton, 9158 Orchard
Drive, Olympia. She shattered her
shoulder in a bad fall at her home
several weeks ago.
Another invalid on the mend
is Mrs. Charles (Norma) Hoem.
She is staying with her sister,
Because of the Christmas
holidays and the Christmas
Concert, the monthly meeting for
Pack 513 has been moved to
Wednesday, December 19, at 7:30
p.m. The other big change is that
the meeting will be held in the
school cafeteria. Christmas
customs around the world will be
the theme this month.
There are several things for
the boys to remember to bring
with them to the meeting. Each
boy has been asked to bring an
ornament that he has made for
the Christmas tree. Please bring
some outgrown toy(s) that would
be good for some child less
fortunate. These toys will be
given to an organization that is set
up to distribute them.
The final item to remember to
Dorothy Oliver, in Bremerton bring is a gift to be exchanged
after nine days in Harrison among the Cubs themselves. The
Memorial Hospital. She is value of the gift is to be limited to BULLDOG PLAYER Paul Wing takes the ball down the
expected to be home shortly. 50 cents. If younger brothers or court in Saturday night's game against Ocosta which ended
Mabel Harper is spending the sisters attend the meeting, a small 51 to 41 in Ocosta's favor.
winter at her granddaughter's gift should be brought for that
home in Seattle. She suffered a child with his or her name clearly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
slight stroke in October. Although marked on it. The gift for Cubs
it is reported she feels that she has does not need a name attached.
recovered completely, she has
decided not to return to her
North Shore home. PeeWee basketball
Tahuya, has been driving the
minibus from Shelton to Belfair Well, bad as I hate to see our ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
on Mondays. This is the bus that boys lose to SK East, we did so The first two wrestling Horn and Mark Huxford were
has been sponsored by the Mason during three games Thursday matches were very fruitful for NM very good Huxford drew 3-3 with
County Senior Crusaders. Thisevening. One was pretty close;as they tromped over Bainbridgc a junior, Bonney pinned his man
bus is available for transportation that was the B team losing only 42-16 and pinned Decatur 45-21. and Van [torn literally ate his
of people over 60. 31 to32. The Bulldogs, initiating manup.
Last week the bus met the A team didn't have a chance, Bainbridge's new mats, had a League standings for the
seniors at the Community Church with a boy on the opposing team seesawbattle until the 129-1b. wrestling team of North Mason are
in Belfair to take the local group about 8 feet tall and 160 pounds match.In this class sophomoretied in first place with Orting. The
to Bremerton for shopping and getting all the rebounds and Mark Stryker got a pin and two teams to look out for,
doctor's appointments. Anyone swiping the ball every chance he started a series of wins for NMEatonville and Yelm, are right
...., , wishing to take advantage of this got. Well, maybe I'm lying a little that put the team out in front behind with 0 wins, 0 losses and
good service can call CR5-2065 or about the height! 8 to 71 was that In anticipating four toughone draw. It's close, even now.
CR5-6492 for further biggy, weights (101, 108, 122, 135) NM North Mason's next wrestling
information. C team men came on strong shone here. Gene Lutcavich (101) matches are Lindberg, December
until the third quarter when they and Mike Rocke (122) had very 11, here; December 14, Vashon,
SIDES OF BEEF ................... 89' Lb. BOAT FOUND sofia fell apart at the seams, good, close decisions, as Doug here; December 15, Takedown
A 7-foot brown pram was losing 16 to 27than unbelievable Dillcnburg and Joel Werdall tourney, Blaine; December 18,
Cut & wrapped, Eastern Washington, good grade, reported found by a South Shore game. Backer, Landram, Stevenspicked up the added wins for the Peninsula, here.
resident December 4, according to and Vrooman made the counting Bulldogs that evened the score. After holding off Ocosta for
Give a slab of Bacon the sheriff's local office files baskets. Werdall battled a state AA three quarters, the Bulldogs lost
I " I D team captured their firsttourney veteran doing an their first basketball game of the
for Christmas ......... $1.15Lb i I win 22 to 14, with Guidi, '
"_ ] It is two weeks I Griffiths and Ferguson scoring varsity°Utstandingat this job.first awayThe matchJuni°r season. The final score was Ocosta51, North Mason 41.
i l~eTore" " Christmas- " and I points. (?orliss, Stice, Newman, also picked up a win of 22-9. The Bulldogs, firm on a good
CR B-2800 B miles from Belfair on S. Shore Road I I Nichols, Bcynon, J ohnson, Ending the week with a bang strong defense, held Ocosta s
I All through the house- I llarmon and Thomas make up the was the match with Decatur, center to three points and their
I I If ever thin is a Mess i remaining team members this which showed a little more top shooters for the night to a
i .... Y. ^ g i year. Way to go, guys! strength than expected. After the bad night until the fourth quarter.
Every woman needs a I I U/ALL U~-- I Today at 6 p.m. SK West first three matches Decatur was With eight turnovers in the last
~ I I. / travels to the multipurpose room ahead I 1-2, then Decatur ate up quarter, the opposing team got a
iU" AI_ JANITOR / for a bout against the A and B NM dusI. It started with a pin break and used it to overtake NM
.,,r . [ lgun| 5 SERVICE / teams at the.lower elementaryfrom Mike Rocke in 25 seconds for the game.
C,HRISTMAS! ] I ' , i building- C and D play away- °f his ma'ch- Then came Stryker Coach Lance Thurston was
] I CR5-3438 CR5-2180 ]Goodluck to youall. with a bid decision of 13-0, proud of the whole team and
Werdall's excellent job against an
Dscount prices on all 1973 I
pleased with the defense. He used
boats & motors in stock. /i;"*' I experienced wrestler' 2 pins with all 13 guys and each of them
~'~" a figure-four head scissors by really hustled all the time.
...... Casey Caughie and Mark Lincoln, Without the turnovers in the last
.... --. 7ai )many-gl s. land the wrap-up by freshman quarter that helped give Ocosta
~-~ ":~: .- Dennis Shirk for a pin in 3720 points to the Bulldogs 5
e"° '"° I , ct
Winterizing her Mercury J ~~~ Cal;dles * ( andle Rings I againstSec°ndSa the unlimited class points,differentitstory.might have been a
Outboard or Mercruiser! | m" Decorations * Wreaths I North Mason, in its first High point man was Glenn
I ~ ~ C~~ments I league match, was powerful plus. Landram with l l, followed by
Even the jv team came out on Steve Turner with 8 points, Phil
• Come seeus at... i "~""~ ' I top. 33-28 Baldy with 7 points and Ken
SANDERS I th Shore Nursery & Gift Shoppe 1[Here a team put out by North Aries with 6.
t N°r Mason of all freshmen and one Upcoming basketball games
sophomore defeated Decatur's are Vashon (league game)
I 8 miles up the North Shore Road CR 5-2558 I
team of sophomores and juniors. December 14; Pilchuck (AA)
s I I i Ran LaBerge, Lane, BradDecember ! 5, here; December 18,
Boats Motor Have Tubes Veach, Dave Bonney, James Van Decatur, there.
8.NKTE.Ms BE.FA,.C.5Z2.7 ,1 1 t'dl_J w,ll TravelI KITSAP ]etterto.L
] ' I TIRE SERVICE / the ed, tor...
I ..... c,.,,,.--- TELEVISION Editor, .uekleberry Herald:
'] BELFAIR TV I | --~nw~.T.E,BERt_,N~ I--I The following poem was
i HOURS: 10-6:30 DA,LV -- SAT. ONLY: X0-1:30 I
Roach, and I think it is very
~~~~l appropriate at this time.
Mr. President:
Wearing flannel pajamas under
my dress,
AUl'O~TRUC ~~ .~ Temperature 60,
I~'i~ I'm cold and distressed.
!~ When you are in Florida
out on your yacht,
Wholesale, Retail President,
Kim Kimmel, Mason Lake
• Road Service
• Recapping Service AND POWER
Belfair Hardware Ad
Open Daily 9-6 - Sat. 9-1 UG//t'
; ** n,, eMt
/ Bring the family, "X" [ ]
; ** ES7-9651 Advent
~" ~'~RulI "| i¢h|llln,er ~" (Next to Parker Lumber) 1973
• * 1126 Navy yard Hy. Christmas Program
• ******--******************** Children's Sunday School
Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone CR5-6680
LOU DONNELL ..................................... Editor
CAROL WENTLANDT ............ Advertising Manager, CR5-6259
Published by Shelton Publishing, Inc., Post Office Box 430, Shelton,
Washington 98584; telephone 426-4412.
A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal.
Coming to
Church at Belfair
Servlcc of WofSIIIp 10 a.l}l.
Age 3 - 6111 grade " lO a. ll"l.
L owm Elementary ~cl~ool ~ylll
Nllrsery Provided
CR 5-3354 CR 5-3552
Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 13, 1973
Custom Built Homes -- Rooting
Foundations -- Remodeling
Home 479-2163
Septic Tanks
Drain Fields
CR 5-6155
Poinsettias With Christmas wrap.
Poinsettias With Christmas wrap.
How located at Sunnyslope
Open Mon.-Sat. 9-5 p.m. Lou Darmiento, Prop. Phone
1 mile from Gorst on New Belfair Hiway
It, q 'P
Holiday Shawls $1601}
for Dress or CasuQI Picture notexa(
OePenfrb°rm194:?O;'De,Unmt' eSr 2 t '
7/,e Ctot./,es L, ne
i ~mli II~lUliJitlllltt~ Jlii:lll~lllt~lli~ll~ ~1~ l=tli:IRillRix~i~ltli
I ~ ..~ Every man
II ~ ~-- NEEDS a
suzu ,s
Illi .........
I Good selection of
I[ face shields, goggles
and helmets.
I Kawasakls MCIM ._.,
I Mini-cycle, big & small 90CC, 5-speed, :~1~1~!
i (street $349.00) .................... ~1~i ~
W Special Clearance on Left Over
I , "
! As low as ....................... ?~I
OPEN MON., DEC. 24th
3410 HIGHWAY 16--GORST ,IS 3-7444