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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 13, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 13, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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City commission roundup: Northcliff Road job on hold roadway. As a result, the City of Shelton has decided to wait until next spring tbr the second coat of asphalt, Commissioner Dawn Pan- nell reported at Monday's Shelton City Commission meeting. The Northcliff Road Improve- ment Project will not be finished this year after all. Due to rain and cold weather, crews have not been able to apply a second layer of asphalt along the Meeting an 'Extremist' Pennington, a host and personality of "Extreme mIakeover: Home Edition," pauses for a picture with Year-old Sam Doyle, in the arms of his mother Katie. imon Doyle, Sam's father, is the owner and president fDoyle Custom Homes, Incorporated, which recently versaw construction of a local building site with this aationally syndicated television show. Their episode ]s scheduled to air at 8 p.m. on Sunday, December 16, TV4.  )Yew r00rrivals  Crisstopher William Ashton Mead was born on December 2 at Mason General Hospital to Laura Bell and Brian Mead of Shelton. He weighed 9 pounds, 5 ounces and was 201/2 inches long. He joins Alexus Mead, age 3. Grandparents are Greg and Barbara Mead of Rainier, Wil- liam and Laura Bell of Shelton and Cathy Beaman of Harker Heights, Texas. Great-grandpar- ents are Tom and Carol Mead of Lacey and Nellie Short of Shel- ton. Ricardo Rodriguez Jr. was born on November 17 in Vancouver to Alysha Boxberger and Ricardo Rodriguez, formerly Jacob Jesse Fisk was born on December 6 at Saint Peter Hospital in Olympia to Heidi and Dan Fisk of Olympia. He weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces and was 20 inches long. Grandparents are Jesse and Debbie Sharpes of Shelton and Kim Rodgers of Olympia. Great- grandparents are Donna and Lyle Coleman of Shelton, Charlotte Sharpes ofHoodpsort, Duanne and Linda Rodgers and Andy and Den- nis Goetz of Olympia. Great-great- grandmother is Georgia Coleman. Skyla Shay Peterson was born on November 30 at Capital Medical Center in Olym- pia to Stormy Gouley and James Peterson of the Skokomish Nation. She weighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces. dropp d Beasley claims of SheltonnowofVancouver. He weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces and e was 201/2 inches long. ase , Grandparents are Randy and million in state damages Marie Stevenson of Tumwater and Patrick Boxberger of Van- couver. Great-grandparents are D AN HANL tion and the defense exchange in- set for June 4 and a trial date was Patricia Stonehouse and Robert Thompson and Myrtle Jacobson man accused of burglary had formation before a trial so as to, in set for June 26 but, Sheldon found, of Hoquiam. criminal charge against him Sheldon's words, "minimize sur- it wasn't until July 3 that the state .pped and is now seeking $10 prise." Court rules for discovery provided his attorney with a pho- Ilion from Mason County in state that a prosecutor shall not tograph police had taken of a door pensa liberty mBIered ation for humiliation, loss "impede opposing counsel's inves- to Demmon's home that he was and other damages he tigation of the case." accused of kicking in. She found as a result of governmen- Schuetz contests Sheldon's or- that the state has an obligation iSmanagement of the case. der of dismissal in a petition filed "to timely produce discovery" and anwhile, prosecutors have October 9 with Division II of the that Schuetz failed to do this. paled the court order dismiss- Washington Court of Appeals and As part of her efforts to make ! the case and consider allega- said he won't comment on the a judgment as to the credibility of s that a burglary was commit- case unt!t,ihe process has run its various parties to the dispute over g by Bobby Dale Beasley, 40, of course, on appeal," he said. whether Schuetz was improperly ton, to be unresolved until the "That's where I'm going to litigate, obstructing discovery, the judge er court has had a chance to I've never had a practice of trying reviewed notes taken by Finlay, mjgh in on the case. cases in the paper." papers filed by the state and the E support of his petition for His employer, Mason County witness statements on which the lincial redress of his grievanc- Prosecutor Gary Burleson, makes Beasley cites an order signed the same point about the appeal comparePapers were, whatbasedthe SOdeclarationsShe could I Judge Toni Sheldon in Ma- and the complaint. "I think what County Superior Court and we have to do is let these mat- actually said and what was left orn statements by one victim, ters work themselves through the out." Sheldon found the state's declarations "were essentially car- 'o private investigators, three proper channels," he said. bon copies of each other; the same !orneys and one legal aide who BURLESON SAID that the language was used in them, which .re had dealings with Deputy feedback he gets from witnesses is not generally how people speak 0secutor Reinhold Schuetz. At and various officers of the court when giving their information." iUe are complaints that Schuetz indicates that Schuetz "is a very obstructed their efforts to get good prosecuting attorney," and FIN'IY CONTINUES to rep- 0traction vital to the defense of one who has served the state well resent Beasley as his attorney in )ple who hve been accused of for quite some time. the claim against the county. The ony crimes. "Reinhold handles controversial claim against the county was filed Defense attorney Bruce Finlay cases and adversarial cases, like by Finlay on November 19. "If the }resented Beasley after he was most of the criminal attorneys in claim is denied we're going to fol- arged with burglary in the first my office, and oftentimes defense low through with a full-fledged tee in connection with alleged attorneys can be displeased with lawsuit" Beasley said. "I'm not go- )ents early this year involving the results," Burleson said. ing to let it go." oman described as his former Beasley was charged on April 9. A former wrestling coach at lfriend and another man. Bea- A hearing to review discovery was (Please turn to page 7.) by was accused of assaulting 30- r-old Carl D. Hill after break- it into the Shelton home of Rene 'mon. SEASON'S GREETINGS iN AN ORDER she signed on Ptember 5, the judge found that uetz interfered with Beasley s ht to a speedy trial when he sat on Finlay's interview with Hill d "interrupted the defense in- ew and the flow of that inter- bw and interjected instructions advice to the witness" who was cribed as "very hostile and an- ." The interview was part of what known in legal circles as the e discovery rules," accepted %cedures by which the prosecu- IFULL SERVICE MUTO REPAIR Specializing in brakes, exhaust and custom work We have enjoyed helping Mason County residents achieve their fina.cial goals over the past year. It is a pleasure to be a member of this community! Please join us for a holiday open house to meet and greet friends and neighbors. Date: December 14, 2007 Time: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Place: 1717 Olympic Hwy N Janis L Byrd Financial Advisor 1717 Olympic Hwy N Suite IO0 Shelton, WA 98584 360432-8965 Member SIPC =REE ESTIMATES FLUID CHECKS "Oualitv and Trust -- | That's Hometowne Service" Meanwhile, city staff members are preparing an ordinance plac- ing weight restrictions on North- cliff Road to prevent heavy trucks from driving, owr the roadway. Those restrictions won't apply to buses, garbage trucks, light trucks and emergency vehicles, Pannell noted. Shelton Public Works Director Jay Ebbeson told The Journal that heavy truck traffic will have to use Olympic Highway North, State Route 3 or Highway 101 to access downtown Shelton. Enforcement is being worked out, he said. Bar- ricades at both ends of the road will be removed and large load restriction signs will be erected. Temporary striping will be applied to the road, he added. Ebbeson cited normal construc- tion delays and a tbw issues relat- ed to underground utilities as rea- sons for the delayin paving North- cliff Road. "I don't know if there's anybody more disappointed than me," he said about the decision to close down work on the project for the winter. (Please turn to page 8.) •Apple*Dell • Sony • IBM • Gate way Ompaq * HP Toshiba & MORE BatterlesPlus. Christmas Eve .. Candlelight Celebration -- Monday, December 24 .. Shellml Services at 3, 8 and I I p.rnf Ma|ted . . +:'° .... ....... '?' helholllsl ' InsBnti°n Memge and H0hda! Hus,€ Chllrch ,3&8 FamilyW0rship w/special Ch,ldren', Messag , II p,m, Experiential & Emerging W0rship "Do not be afraid; for see -- I am bringing you For m re i rmafon,  I !  good news of great joy for all the people: to call "llL i 1.' you is born this day in the city of David a 360-426-4174  | Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord .... www,.shelt,on,,  | -- Luke 2: , 0- , , i I ml ' I Christmas Eve: With great joy come and | I-,,---- ,ml I I p( celebrate the hope and light that came into the  li I il world with the birth of Jesus Christ. At 3:00 and [ I I , / I I I I! 00e:OOp.m..wewi,00therfora,oyous00m,00or,en,ed II I.; II I ig worship with special children's worship and childcare [ .ff.2 . [ _hB" J I II iv I • iF available. Atll:00p.mw0rshipwifibeexperiential I+ v 1 il'-.J I I , and emerging. All are welcome. II 11 I LI) Shelton United Methodist Church I 7 i4 .]iLLg "'' 1900 King Street. $hekon | I East 1921 Hmgnway 106, Union, / SHIP ONE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL, FRESH, HANDMADE Olf (C°nutisn)nta' * 22" finish size • Gift box w/bow * Tax & shipping included  Alaska or Hawaii extra m mm m m m m m  m  m m m m m m m mm  m m m m m m m  m m   !  GIFT ORDER FORM: I I k, I I From: I I I I Phone: I I Street Address: I I City: State: ........................ Zip: ..................... I I Method of Payment: + I Visa F_,.]I MasterCard  Discover Ij American Express  I I Card No. Exp. Date: ................. I PLEASE SEND TO: I Name: i I Street Address: I City: State: I would like it to arrive approx. Your gift card to read as follows: (UPS cannot deliver to P.O. boxes) Zip: I I l'"l l i I I I i l I n i i ! i l i a i i'i111ik Phone Make payable to Hunter Farms 360-.-2222 or 360.428-2222 Pax Z" U 11 ? I 1 A Family Farm Tradition P I11 11 q  ' 380-898-L;Vl I'JNKY East 1921 Highway 106, Union, WA 98592 OPEN 9 a.m.-6 p,m. 7 DAYS A WEEK Thursday, December 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 Meeting an 'Extremist' Pennington, a host and personality of "Extreme keover: Home Edition," pauses for a picture with year-old Sam Doyle, in the arms of his mother Katie. EL)aimon Doyle, Sam's father, is the owner and president fDoyle Custom Homes, Incorporated, which recently versaw construction of a local building site with this Rationally syndicated television show. Their episode scheduled to air at 8 p.m. on Sunday, December 16, TV4. City commission roundup: Northcliff Road job on hold The Northcliff Road Improve- ment Project will not be finished this year after all. Due to rain and cold weather, crews have not been able to apply a second layer of asphalt along the roadway. As a result, the City of Shelton has decided to wait until next spring tbr the second coat of asphalt, Commissioner Dawn Pan- nell reported at Monday's Shelton City Commission meeting.  )Vew flrrivals  Jacob Jesse Fisk was born on December 6 at Saint Peter Hospital in Olympia to Heidi and Dan Fisk of Olympia. He weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces and was 20 inches long. Grandparents are Jesse and Debbie Sharpes of Shelton and Kim Rodgers of Olympia. Great- grandparents are Donna and Lyle Coleman of Shelton, Charlotte Sharpes ofHoodpsort, Duanne and Linda Rodgers and Andy and Den- nis Goetz of Olympia. Great-great- grandmother is Georgia Coleman. Skyla Shay Peterson was born on November 30 at Capital Medical Center in Olym- pia to Stormy Gouley and James Peterson of the Skokomish Nation. She weighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces. 00ase dropped, Beasley claims million in state damages IEAN HANLON tion and the defense exchange in-  man accused of burglary had formation before a trial so as to, in Sheldon's words, "minimize sur- prise." Court rules for discovery state that a prosecutor shall not "impede opposing counsel's inves- tigation of the case." Schuetz contests Sheldon's or- der of dismissal in a petition filed October 9 with Division II of the Washington Court of Appeals and said he won't comment on the case until the process has run its course. "It's on appeal," he said. "That's where I'm going to litigate. I've never had a practice of trying cases in the paper." His employer, Mason County Prosecutor Gary Burleson, makes the same point about the appeal and the complaint. "I think what we have to do is let these mat- ters work themselves through the proper channels," he said. BURLESON SAID that the feedback he gets from witnesses and various officers of the court indicates that Schuetz "is a very good prosecuting attorney," and one who has served the state well for quite some time. "Reinhold handles controversial cases and adversarial cases, like most of the criminal attorneys in my office, and oftentimes defense attorneys can be displeased with the results," Burleson said. Beasley was charged on April 9. A hearing to review discovery was set for June 4 and a trial date was set for June 26 but, Sheldon found, it wasn't until July 3 that the state provided his attorney with a pho- tograph police had taken of a door to Demmon's home that he was accused of kicking in. She found that the state has an obligation "to timely produce discovery" and that Schuetz failed to do this. As part of her efforts to make a judgment as to the credibility of various parties to the dispute over whether Schuetz was improperly obstructing discovery, the judge reviewed notes taken by Finlay, papers filed by the state and the witness statements on which the papers were based so she could compare "what the declarations actually said and what was left out." Sheldon found the state's declarations "were essentially car- bon copies of each other; the same language was used in them, which is not generally how people speak when giving their information." FINLAY CONTINUES to rep- resent Beasley as his attorney in the claim against the county. The claim against the county was filed by Finlay on November 19. "If the claim is denied we're going to fol- low through with a full-fledged lawsuit" Beasley said. "I'm not go- ing to let it go." A former wrestling coach at (Please turn to page 7.) SEASON'S GREETINGS We have enjoyed helping Mason County residents achieve their financial goals over the past year. It is a pleasure to be a meml)er of this community! Please join us for a holiday open house to meet and greet friends and neighbors. criminal charge against him pped and is now seeking $10 lion from Mason County in lpensation for humiliation, loss iberty and other damages he Fered as a result of governmen- !mismanagement of the case. Meanwhile, prosecutors have ealed the court order dismiss- i the case and consider allega- as that a burglary was commit- by Bobby Dale Beasley, 40, of lton, to be unresolved until the her court has had a chance to gh in on the case. n support of his petition for cial redress of his grievanc- Beasley cites an order signed Judge Toni Sheldon in Ma- L County Superior Court and )rn statements by one victim, 0 private investigators, three rneys and one legal aide who Ve had dealings with Deputy secutor Reinhold Schuetz. At ;tie are complaints that Schuetz I obstructed their efforts to get )rmation vital to the defense of fie who hve been accused of ny crimes. Defense attorney Bruce Finlay l}resented Beasley after he was arged with burglary in the first tee in connection with alleged lCnts early this year involving ioman described as his former Hfriend and another man. Bea- ;Y was accused of assaulting 30- -old Carl D. Hill after break- into the Shelton home of Rene bmon. IN AN ORDER she signed on !Ptember 5, the judge found that uetz interfered wzth Beasley s ht to a speedy trial when he sat on Finlay's interview with Hill tl "interrupted the defense in- ew and the flow of that inter- bw and interjected instructions advice to the witness" who was cribed as "very hostile and an- .n The interview was part of what hknown in legal circles as the e discovery rules," accepted cedures by which the prosecu- Date: December 14, 2007 Time: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Place: 1717 Olympic Hwy H Janis L Byrd Financial Advisor 1717 Olympic Hwy N Suite 100 Shelton, WA 98584 360432-8965 Member SIPC iFULL SERVICE 00UTO REPAIR Specializing in brakes, exhaust and custom work REE ESTIMATES FLUID CHECKS "Quality and Trust -- That's Hometowne Service" Crisstopher William Ashton Mead was born on December 2 at Mason General Hospital to Laura Bell and Brian Mead of Shelton. He weighed 9 pounds, 5 ounces and was 201/2 inches long. He joins Alexus Mead, age 3. Grandparents are Greg and Barbara Mead of Rainier, Wil- liam and Laura Bell of Shelton and Cathy Beaman of Harker Heights, Texas. Great-grandpar- ents are Tom and Carol Mead of Lacey and Nellie Short of Shel- ton. Ricardo Rodriguez Jr. was born on November 17 in Vancouver to Alysha Boxberger and Ricardo Rodriguez, formerly of Shelton now of Vancouvek He weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces and was 201/2 inches long. Grandparents are Randy and Marie Stevenson of Tumwater and Patrick Boxberger of Van- couver. Great-grandparents are Patricia Stonehouse and Robert Thompson and Myrtle Jacobsen of Hoquiam. Meanwhile, city staff members are preparing an ordinance plac- ing weight restrictions on North- cliff Road to prevent heavy trucks from driving, owr the roadway. Those restrictions won't apply to buses, garbage trucks, light trucks and emergency vehicles, Pannell noted. Shelton Public Works Director Jay Ebbeson told The Journal that heavy truck trat?ic will have to use Olympic Highway North, State Route 3 or Highway 101 to access downtown Shelton. Enforcement is being worked out, he said. Bar- ricades at both ends of the road will be removed and large load restriction signs will be erected. Temporary striping will be applied to the road, he added. Ebbeson cited normal construc- tion delays and a tbw issues relat- ed to underground utilities as rea- sons for the delayin paving North- cliff Road. "I don't know if there's anybody more disappointed than me," he said about the decision to close down work on the project for the winter. (Please turn to page 8.) Toshiba & MORE BatterlesPlus, Christmas Eve Candlelight Celebration Hess Monday, December 24 $111ellell Services at 3, 8 and I I p.m. .[tl/lodill ' Inspirational He.age and Holiday Husk fhKreh ,3&8 FamilyW0hip w/special Children's , II p,m, Experiential & Emerging W0rship --"""':""" "i"""''!''''"-- "Do not be afraid; for see -- I am bringing you For more information, I i ' Ill good news of great oy for all the people: to call [" r '"Y°U is born this day in the city of David a 360-426-4174 S e N s rd www sheltonumc corn h,/ Savior.who i th e siah.the Lo . .... . ...... • el i I ml" ,, E' Christmas Eve: With great ioy, come and I I w,,..xm /J • . i, xJ t ( celebrate the hope and hght that came rote the  /l i ,' world with the birth of Jesus Christ. At 3:00 and I I I , il [  8:00 p.m., we will gather for a. ioyous hmily oriented [ I / I Y worship with special children s worship and childcare I ,., 1 Mr l available. At I1:00 p.m. worship will be experiential [  1 1 ._' 0000ndemer,,ng00,a00.,com. I I tl - " $helton United Methodist Church '  !, '900 King Street $hekon I I II ...... \\;Tr ....... East 1921 Highway 106, Union, WA 98592 *l SHIP ONE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL, FRESH, HANDMADE rJ lt (C°nutisn2ta'  • 22" finish size • Gift box w/bow • Tax & shipping included •  Alaska or Hawaii extra _ _ _ _ _.. _, I  GIFT ORDER FORM: I I  I I From: I I I I Phone: I I I Street Address: I I City: I n Method of Payment:. I Visa  MasterCard I I Card No. I I I I Name: I I Street Address: I I I City: State: I I I would like it to arrive approx. I I Your gift card to read as follows: I I I I State: ........................ Zip: ..................... I I I Discover  American Express  I I Exp. Date: ................. I PLEASE SEND TO: I ! ! (UPS cannot deliver to P.O. boxes) Zip: I I I'"l 'm'l I z ! e um i ' III III I i"'i Im i'i1111ii Phone Make payable to Hunter Farms 360-8-22 or .-8- 360-428-2222 Pax , U 1 T   A Family Farm Tradition / h 11 / S"  East 1921 Highway 106, Union, WA 98592 OPEN 9 a.m.-6 p.m, 7 DAYS A WEEK Thursday, December 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3