December 13, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 13, 2007 |
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Youth jailed after scuffle
on bus makes radio waves
Law-entbrcement officers were custody and transported to the incident. "Law enforcement came
required to break up a fistfight in- Mason County Juvenile Detention so quickly."
volvingtwo Olympic Middle School Center. '['he second boy suffered a There was a fight on the same
students on a Shelton school bus bloody nose, black eye and cut on bus one week earlier involving two
last Thursday afternoon along his lip. Thompson said he was able other male students, and Cook was
Dayton-Airport Road. to coritinue home on the bus. able to break that up. Thompson
The driver, Steve Cook, pulled "We were real pleased we got said the two boys from the previ-
the bus to the side of the road and instant response," said Thompson, ous tight were not on the bus last
tried to stop the fight between the who also drove to tile scene of the Thursday aiernoon.
two boys, reported Sandi Thomp-
son, director of transportation for
the Shelton School District. COUNty approves
CURTIS, left, and Marilyn First will be in While Cook was trying to keep
Saturday as Windward, a duo that plays the boys apart, a girl identified as
a student at Oakland Bay Junior
¢ous kinds of flute. ( High pi,ckedupthemicrophoneon z g i lfai
the bustwo-wayradioandbegan re onin n Be r
1 t breeze yellingdirected at Cook, Thompson said.Pr°fanities into it that were Belfair s Urban Growth Area kirk commented on the action.
ndward Employees at the Mason County Zoning Map has been adjusted. For this particular rezone,
gh fl g Transportation Cooperative lie-I'heMason GountyCommission mixed use makes much more
hrou ute SOIl S tened to the girl's tirade and called authorized rezoning one parcel sense than Residential 3, he
911 for help. totaling 1.20 acres in the Belfair said.
gindward will play holiday mu- have assembled trios and quartets Troopers from the Washington Urban Growth Area from Rest- VanBuskirk also urged the
0m around the globe at 3 p.m. of flutists as well as the Olympia State Patrol Academy arrived on dential 3 zone to mixed-use zone county to take a closer look at
Unday, December 16, at 3 p.m. Flute Choir. Recently they ibrmed the scene first, followed by Ma- on December 4. maps of the Belfair Urban Growth
e William G. Reed Library, the Northwest Flute Consort, son County sheriffs deputies and This decision tbllowed a public Area, noting there have already
West Alder Street in Shelton. which invites flutists from all over Shelton police officers, hearing that day regarding a re- been some discrepancies as to
he Olympia-based duo of the region to gather tbr perfor- One boy, who allegedly at- quest byClint and Kel]yShumak- boundary lines and landmarks in
j ts Nancy Curtis and Mart- mances and outreach projects, tacked the other, was taken into er. Belihir resident Ken VanBus- different drafts.
L lCirst play silver flutes, wood
he, glass flutes and even flutes
tie from clay. After their perfor-
Lee they will answer questions
give listeners a closer look at S U G U h 0L E ARWA T E R 0 h S I N 0 R E S 0 B T
instruments and a chance to
be even try some of them out.
eshments will be provided by
i lriends of the William G. Reed
e program will include more
25 pieces of music. Curtis
'First will play a great vari-
ftradit!onal Christmas carols
I hymns: 'Villancico Guzqueno
S .......
outh Amemca, Sdent Night
E " •
trope, Shepherds and the
' from Syria and "I Wonder As
ander from the Appalachmn
ltains of the U.S. The classics
epresented in selections from
lkovskys rhe Nutcracker,
h Vaughan Williams' "Fan-
on Greensleeves" and J.S.
's "Jest, Joy of Man's Desir-
e' Merry tunes that may inspire
audience to sing along will in
le standards such as "Deck the : .....
Is" and "Jingle Bells." ' ' ' ....
e term "flutes" covers a wide
te of instruments. Windward
several unusual flutes such $6"6}000t NOW THAT 'A .......
'lay vessel flutes called oca-
is, glass panpipes and even
s made of PVC pipe At the
ert they will play a variety of 7pm everyThurs until Dec27
era flutes: the piccolo, C-flute,
r flutes and alto and bass be drawn for a chance at $7,000. WinRt$ act
Is They will also play wood-
Utes that have zero to seven guarnt €1 lArmi nt nlmd ,r.t..w........,: v,,..r w...,v.,
• These are the predecessors { day they've played the week luding up
odern flutes but require dif- .....
) to 7 days will be paid to each
bt fingering systems
[rtis and l irst have played as winner ever)
o for more than 20 years They
day-remember joining the. club is
00ayi ; aus days' play must be tracked. You are not llmlted ta just o l
ng games
][he William G. Reed brary will
int "Bilingual Games from 4 to
F l m on Thursday, December 20, WANT' A
[ ages.
rticipants can practice speaking !$14,0
sh and Spanish by playing sim-
|l ard games in the meeting room
[/10 West Alder Street in Shelton
Hood Canal
SCHOOL , .... .....
• ' * ..... including
qONDAy:DecemberBwakfast:lT"21Apple turn- ' roulette, craps:& slots to determine the, , , : ;:'
final winner in
Ver, juice, milk. Lunch: Lasagna,
easoned green beans soft bread- :..:.' : :
icks, brownie, ilk
UESDAY: Breakfast: Egg and ":
eese muffin, fruit, juice, milk. '
'nch: Teriyaki dippers, ak)ha roll,
:Orn, fresh" fruit and vegetables, '
mal cookie, milk.
EDNESDAY: Breakfast: Waf-
with syrup, fruit, juice, milk.
nch: Chicken burger, French
ties, fresh fruit and vegetables, .......
ddy grahams, milk.
I I'tURSDAY: Breakfast: Pancake
%sage on a stick, fruit, juice,
ilk. Lunch: Cheese pizza, but-
ed corn, pears, fresh fruit and
getables, fruit snacks, milk.
RIDAY Breakfast: Cheese bagel,
it, juice, milk. Lunch: Burrito,
lery with peanut butter, fresh fruit
d juice, corn chips, milk. Early
t at noon.
i SPo,lsored t'y: dk
:' Hoodsport
. 24341 Hwy. 101 A 877-5272
Thursday, December 13, 2007 - Sholton-Mason County 3ournal - Page 13
Youth jailed after scuffle
on bus makes radio waves
Law-entbrcement officers were custody and transported to the incident. "Law enforcement came
required to break up a fistfight in- Mason County Juvenile Detention so quickly."
volvingtwo Olympic Middle School Center. '['he second boy suffered a There was a fight on the same
students on a Shelton school bus bloody nose, black eye and cut on bus one week earlier involving two
last Thursday afternoon along his lip. Thompson said he was able other male students, and Cook was
Dayton-Airport Road. to coritinue home on the bus. able to break that up. Thompson
The driver, Steve Cook, pulled "We were real pleased we got said the two boys from the previ-
the bus to the side of the road and instant response," said Thompson, ous tight were not on the bus last
tried to stop the fight between the who also drove to tile scene of the Thursday aiernoon.
two boys, reported Sandi Thomp-
son, director of transportation for
the Shelton School District. COUNty approves
CURTIS, left, and Marilyn First will be in While Cook was trying to keep
Saturday as Windward, a duo that plays the boys apart, a girl identified as
a student at Oakland Bay Junior
¢ous kinds of flute. ( High pi,ckedupthemicrophoneon z g i lfai
the bustwo-wayradioandbegan re onin n Be r
1 t breeze yellingdirected at Cook, Thompson said.Pr°fanities into it that were Belfair s Urban Growth Area kirk commented on the action.
ndward Employees at the Mason County Zoning Map has been adjusted. For this particular rezone,
gh fl g Transportation Cooperative lie-I'heMason GountyCommission mixed use makes much more
hrou ute SOIl S tened to the girl's tirade and called authorized rezoning one parcel sense than Residential 3, he
911 for help. totaling 1.20 acres in the Belfair said.
gindward will play holiday mu- have assembled trios and quartets Troopers from the Washington Urban Growth Area from Rest- VanBuskirk also urged the
0m around the globe at 3 p.m. of flutists as well as the Olympia State Patrol Academy arrived on dential 3 zone to mixed-use zone county to take a closer look at
Unday, December 16, at 3 p.m. Flute Choir. Recently they ibrmed the scene first, followed by Ma- on December 4. maps of the Belfair Urban Growth
e William G. Reed Library, the Northwest Flute Consort, son County sheriffs deputies and This decision tbllowed a public Area, noting there have already
West Alder Street in Shelton. which invites flutists from all over Shelton police officers, hearing that day regarding a re- been some discrepancies as to
he Olympia-based duo of the region to gather tbr perfor- One boy, who allegedly at- quest byClint and Kel]yShumak- boundary lines and landmarks in
j ts Nancy Curtis and Mart- mances and outreach projects, tacked the other, was taken into er. Belihir resident Ken VanBus- different drafts.
L lCirst play silver flutes, wood
he, glass flutes and even flutes
tie from clay. After their perfor-
Lee they will answer questions
give listeners a closer look at S U G U h 0L E ARWA T E R 0 h S I N 0 R E S 0 B T
instruments and a chance to
be even try some of them out.
eshments will be provided by
i lriends of the William G. Reed
e program will include more
25 pieces of music. Curtis
'First will play a great vari-
ftradit!onal Christmas carols
I hymns: 'Villancico Guzqueno
S .......
outh Amemca, Sdent Night
E " •
trope, Shepherds and the
' from Syria and "I Wonder As
ander from the Appalachmn
ltains of the U.S. The classics
epresented in selections from
lkovskys rhe Nutcracker,
h Vaughan Williams' "Fan-
on Greensleeves" and J.S.
's "Jest, Joy of Man's Desir-
e' Merry tunes that may inspire
audience to sing along will in
le standards such as "Deck the : .....
Is" and "Jingle Bells." ' ' ' ....
e term "flutes" covers a wide
te of instruments. Windward
several unusual flutes such $6"6}000t NOW THAT 'A .......
'lay vessel flutes called oca-
is, glass panpipes and even
s made of PVC pipe At the
ert they will play a variety of 7pm everyThurs until Dec27
era flutes: the piccolo, C-flute,
r flutes and alto and bass be drawn for a chance at $7,000. WinRt$ act
Is They will also play wood-
Utes that have zero to seven guarnt €1 lArmi nt nlmd ,r.t..w........,: v,,..r w...,v.,
• These are the predecessors { day they've played the week luding up
odern flutes but require dif- .....
) to 7 days will be paid to each
bt fingering systems
[rtis and l irst have played as winner ever)
o for more than 20 years They
day-remember joining the. club is
00ayi ; aus days' play must be tracked. You are not llmlted ta just o l
ng games
][he William G. Reed brary will
int "Bilingual Games from 4 to
F l m on Thursday, December 20, WANT' A
[ ages.
rticipants can practice speaking !$14,0
sh and Spanish by playing sim-
|l ard games in the meeting room
[/10 West Alder Street in Shelton
Hood Canal
SCHOOL , .... .....
• ' * ..... including
qONDAy:DecemberBwakfast:lT"21Apple turn- ' roulette, craps:& slots to determine the, , , : ;:'
final winner in
Ver, juice, milk. Lunch: Lasagna,
easoned green beans soft bread- :..:.' : :
icks, brownie, ilk
UESDAY: Breakfast: Egg and ":
eese muffin, fruit, juice, milk. '
'nch: Teriyaki dippers, ak)ha roll,
:Orn, fresh" fruit and vegetables, '
mal cookie, milk.
EDNESDAY: Breakfast: Waf-
with syrup, fruit, juice, milk.
nch: Chicken burger, French
ties, fresh fruit and vegetables, .......
ddy grahams, milk.
I I'tURSDAY: Breakfast: Pancake
%sage on a stick, fruit, juice,
ilk. Lunch: Cheese pizza, but-
ed corn, pears, fresh fruit and
getables, fruit snacks, milk.
RIDAY Breakfast: Cheese bagel,
it, juice, milk. Lunch: Burrito,
lery with peanut butter, fresh fruit
d juice, corn chips, milk. Early
t at noon.
i SPo,lsored t'y: dk
:' Hoodsport
. 24341 Hwy. 101 A 877-5272
Thursday, December 13, 2007 - Sholton-Mason County 3ournal - Page 13