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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 13, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 13, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE CHAMBER SINGERS wll perform next Friday as the final act in this year&apos;s staging of the Soup and Sound concert series. i00hamber group highlights nnale of Soup and Sound helton High School s Chamber mas Tree; caroling in the Governor's igers will polish offthis season of P and Sound. Served as the final se of the 25th annual Soup and ld concert series, this musical ram will accompany a compli- tary lunch of homemade soup 1 warm bread and hot beverag- Karting at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, mber 21. The musical perfor- Ice will follow at 12:15 p.m. he Backwoods Windjammers perform a the same time and this Friday, December 14. ticians in the group have day as professionals, business own- and military personnel and in- Le retirees, middle-school stu- ts and homemakers. Members he band play drums and other Ussion instruments, clarinet, phone, flute, piccolo, oboe, lbone, trumpet, French horn, itone and tuba. Oup and Sound is a gift to the llnunity from the United Meth- t Church, located at 1900 King set in Shelton. No admission is rged for the performance. e Chamber Singers were es- [ished at Shelton High School in s2006-7 school year. This choir created to give students an op- unity to perform advanced cho- :rausic. The Chamber Singers are Suditioned choir with a required Nong commitment from the rs. [IESE STUDENTS are loy- nd hard working, striving to ve a high level of excellence in musical craft," said choral in- ctor Paul Nakhla in a prepared ment. During the last school C e singers were invited to sing ee state-level events in Olym- ese included singing in the apitol under the rotunda for send-off of the National Christ- Mansion for her private Christmas celebration; and performing for an arts fair in the Office of the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction. Each of these performances was by spe- cial invitation. The Chamber Singers also inau- gurated a special event, Ah, Prima- vera!, in April of this year. Ah, Pri- mavera! is a four-evening intimate dessert at the Colonial House in downtown Shelton. "The event was a great success," Nakhla said. Ah, Primavera/ will be staged again in April 2008. The Chamber Singers also perform throughout the year at various community events and have competed in regional mu- sic competitions. Nakhla earned a bachelor of arts degree in music from Covenant Col- lege in Georgia. He received his master's of music in vocal perfor- mance from the University of Wash- ington in 1999. He has performed as a vocal soloist and choral singer with the Chattanooga Choral Arts Society, the Chattanooga Opera Company, Seattle Pro Musica, the University of Washington Opera and the Olympia Symphony. HE SERVED for six years as the music director at Liberty Bay Pres- byterian Church in Poulsbo and for two years on the faculty of South Puget Sound Community College in Olympia, teach/ng voice classes and lessons, music history and choir. He also directed the Clipper Com- munity Choir through South Puget Sound's Community Education pro- gram. In September 2005, Nakhla be- came the choir director at both Shel- ton High and Oakland Bay Junior High School in Shelton. He directs five choirs and added the Shelton High School Chamber Singers in 00rrest warrants Yarrants were issued for following people who failed appear December 7 in Ma- ! County Superior C2cUr  for rings on legal fi a "a ob- tions: David Bradley Till- , $1,449.61; Jack Avery son, $3,699.28; Brian ck Stover, $2,114.38; Mi- Trent Mdese, $6,386.32; d L. Guy, $63,541.32; d W. Cox, $7,493.15; Na- [in L. McClintic, $1,808.54; Christopher A. Case, 927.46. Warrants were is- for the following people failed to appear for pro- lings on Monday: Grant ttthew Butler, two cases, }0,000; Steven Guy Dra- ', $2,500; Lanya N. Gale, ,000; James Gerald Byrd, no-bail; Steven Michael Dor- land, no-bail; Aimee Patricia Stallman, no-bail. Irrested but not char@ed Two men arrested on poten- tial drug charges in separate Ma- son County Superior Court cases were told no charges had been filed against them when they ap- peared in court on December 7 for arraignment. Joseph James Tindall, 23, of 147 West Frisken Y Road, Elma, and Nicholas Wil- liam Pouch, 34, of 3210 West Deckerville Road, Elma, were re- leased from all conditions imposed on them by the court. II II I I IIII .. ,AZ./</ FLOOD bAMAGE? - SOUND DRYWALL CAN HELP FREE ESTIMATES! • Insurance • Restoration September 2006. His wife, Anne- Marie, is a pianist. They reside in Shelton with their six children. • Commercial, Residential (360) 426-7301 S,lapport fund to help fi00mily of Mrs. Dickey A fund has been established lo- cally to assist the family of Lisa Dickey, a 32-year-old Shelton woman who died unexpectedly on October 28. The Lisa Dickey Memorial Fund has been established at Peninsula Credit Union, 521 West Railroad Avenue in downtown Shelton. Mrs. Dickey is survived by her husband, Jamie Dickey, and 16- month-old twins, Tatum and Tay- lor, as well as other relatives. Mr. Dickey is a Marine Corps veteran who served two tours of duty in Iraq.  Mason County Fire District #18 /,, Mailing Address - 240 N. Standstill Dr. S. () H;odsport, WA 918548  Station: (360) 8T7-9882 Fma (360) 87%6220 E-maih mcfdl8@hctc.€om This is to acknowledge and commend the volunteers of Fire District #18 at Lake Cushman during the December 2007 storm. They showed their talents and training skills temendously. They expended over 570 hours of duty and service to our community. Chief Mike Mott, Assistant Chief Mike Fain, Mike Sexton, Kerry Baker, Loretta Baker, Jim Good, Ken Weaver (also one of our commissioners), Chuck Smith, Joe Cochran, Robert Mishell, Richey Morgan, Shane Watts and Alan Benedict. District 18 Commissioners Ask about FLOOD DAMAGE REPAIR and our preferred contractor list  Little Creek Rock Quarry .-,.,-,. , wantsyourbusiness,  OPEN TO THE PUBLIC .., ........... ..... __. ......... We specialize in all your rock and construction needs Taking care of all your rock needs Delivered crushed rock I 0 or 20 yards Your choicel IUINie Creek Oumrry 951 Kamilche Lane, ARRIS KOLLMAN TRUCKING, INC. Shelton Right across from Washington State approved Taylor Towne Half mile up the2900 road S 60-432-8330 Visit our Web site: I PARAMEDIC MARK FRAZIER RECOGNIZED AS MASON COUNTY MEDIC ONE !  EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR FOR 2007 Mark Frazier, 26, joined Mason County Medic One as a part-time EMT in October, 2003. He became a full-time EMT-iV Technician in July, 2004. Mark's dedication, persistence and drive to excel in emergency medicine brought him to the next level in his career path. In january, 2005, Mark began paramedic training in Woodland, Washington. He completed his paramedic program and became a full-time paramedic with Mason County Medic One August, 2006. Mark fulfills a number of roles for Mason County Medic One. His primary responsibility is to the citizens of Mason County as a paramedic, but he also holds a position as shift supervisor and is in charge of the organization's ambulance maintenance program. When he is not serving the needs of Mason County Medic One, Mark volunteers with Mason County Fire District #4 where he holds the positio n of Lieutenant. "Because of his hard work and dedication to not only Mason County Medic One, but to the citizens of Mason County, 1 am proud to recognize him as Mason County Medic One's Employee of the Year for 2007," says Operations Director Kymberly Yates. Congratulations Mark! i i i i i i i i lUl ii Evergreen Elementary PTSO Brick Project , Your opportunity to be apart of the history of Evergreen Elementary The Evergreen Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) is selling brick pavers to build a paved area in fi'ont of the concrete bench which has the "Evergreen Grade School" sign ti'om the old Evergreen building, attached. This area is a popular gathering place for students. The purchase of a paver includes the opportunity to have up to two lines of 15 characters each engraved on the brick. With the paver you can memorialize your thmily, a friend, fawrite teacher or beloved person or pet. This is also an opportunity to share an inspirational message with the world. Purchasing a paver enables you to thank, honor and celebrate those who have made a diftrence in your life. These make excellent Christmas, anniversary and birthday gifts. All profits from this project will be used toward the purchase of a bilingual reader board for Evergreen. Gift certificates are available. Pavers are $35 each. Please pay with check or money order only. Name: Phone: Address: City State El Donation $ U..] Purchase Paver $35 TOTAL $ Zip Line 1 [ .... L ...... l Line 2 l I I _____ 1 ............. 1 .............. } ............ 1 .......... [ ............... l .............. 1 ...... 1 ......... [ ....... 1 .... l___1 L ............. L .......... 1 ............. [ ..... ] '1 L .... l I t Rcv'd by Payable to: Evergreen ll'S() Date: Chk# Address: 900 W. FYanklin, Shelton, WA 98584 Thursday, December 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25 THE CHAMBER SINGERS wll perform next Friday as the final act in this year's staging of the Soup and Sound concert series. i00hamber group highlights nnale of Soup and Sound helton High School s Chamber mas Tree; caroling in the Governor's igers will polish offthis season of P and Sound. Served as the final se of the 25th annual Soup and ld concert series, this musical ram will accompany a compli- tary lunch of homemade soup 1 warm bread and hot beverag- Karting at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, mber 21. The musical perfor- Ice will follow at 12:15 p.m. he Backwoods Windjammers perform a the same time and this Friday, December 14. ticians in the group have day as professionals, business own- and military personnel and in- Le retirees, middle-school stu- ts and homemakers. Members he band play drums and other Ussion instruments, clarinet, phone, flute, piccolo, oboe, lbone, trumpet, French horn, itone and tuba. Oup and Sound is a gift to the llnunity from the United Meth- t Church, located at 1900 King set in Shelton. No admission is rged for the performance. e Chamber Singers were es- [ished at Shelton High School in s2006-7 school year. This choir created to give students an op- unity to perform advanced cho- :rausic. The Chamber Singers are Suditioned choir with a required Nong commitment from the rs. [IESE STUDENTS are loy- nd hard working, striving to ve a high level of excellence in musical craft," said choral in- ctor Paul Nakhla in a prepared ment. During the last school C e singers were invited to sing ee state-level events in Olym- ese included singing in the apitol under the rotunda for send-off of the National Christ- Mansion for her private Christmas celebration; and performing for an arts fair in the Office of the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction. Each of these performances was by spe- cial invitation. The Chamber Singers also inau- gurated a special event, Ah, Prima- vera!, in April of this year. Ah, Pri- mavera! is a four-evening intimate dessert at the Colonial House in downtown Shelton. "The event was a great success," Nakhla said. Ah, Primavera/ will be staged again in April 2008. The Chamber Singers also perform throughout the year at various community events and have competed in regional mu- sic competitions. Nakhla earned a bachelor of arts degree in music from Covenant Col- lege in Georgia. He received his master's of music in vocal perfor- mance from the University of Wash- ington in 1999. He has performed as a vocal soloist and choral singer with the Chattanooga Choral Arts Society, the Chattanooga Opera Company, Seattle Pro Musica, the University of Washington Opera and the Olympia Symphony. HE SERVED for six years as the music director at Liberty Bay Pres- byterian Church in Poulsbo and for two years on the faculty of South Puget Sound Community College in Olympia, teach/ng voice classes and lessons, music history and choir. He also directed the Clipper Com- munity Choir through South Puget Sound's Community Education pro- gram. In September 2005, Nakhla be- came the choir director at both Shel- ton High and Oakland Bay Junior High School in Shelton. He directs five choirs and added the Shelton High School Chamber Singers in 00rrest warrants Yarrants were issued for following people who failed appear December 7 in Ma- ! County Superior C2cUr  for rings on legal fi a "a ob- tions: David Bradley Till- , $1,449.61; Jack Avery son, $3,699.28; Brian ck Stover, $2,114.38; Mi- Trent Mdese, $6,386.32; d L. Guy, $63,541.32; d W. Cox, $7,493.15; Na- [in L. McClintic, $1,808.54; Christopher A. Case, 927.46. Warrants were is- for the following people failed to appear for pro- lings on Monday: Grant ttthew Butler, two cases, }0,000; Steven Guy Dra- ', $2,500; Lanya N. Gale, ,000; James Gerald Byrd, no-bail; Steven Michael Dor- land, no-bail; Aimee Patricia Stallman, no-bail. Irrested but not char@ed Two men arrested on poten- tial drug charges in separate Ma- son County Superior Court cases were told no charges had been filed against them when they ap- peared in court on December 7 for arraignment. Joseph James Tindall, 23, of 147 West Frisken Y Road, Elma, and Nicholas Wil- liam Pouch, 34, of 3210 West Deckerville Road, Elma, were re- leased from all conditions imposed on them by the court. II II I I IIII .. ,AZ./</ FLOOD bAMAGE? - SOUND DRYWALL CAN HELP FREE ESTIMATES! • Insurance • Restoration September 2006. His wife, Anne- Marie, is a pianist. They reside in Shelton with their six children. • Commercial, Residential (360) 426-7301 S,lapport fund to help fi00mily of Mrs. Dickey A fund has been established lo- cally to assist the family of Lisa Dickey, a 32-year-old Shelton woman who died unexpectedly on October 28. The Lisa Dickey Memorial Fund has been established at Peninsula Credit Union, 521 West Railroad Avenue in downtown Shelton. Mrs. Dickey is survived by her husband, Jamie Dickey, and 16- month-old twins, Tatum and Tay- lor, as well as other relatives. Mr. Dickey is a Marine Corps veteran who served two tours of duty in Iraq.  Mason County Fire District #18 /,, Mailing Address - 240 N. Standstill Dr. S. () H;odsport, WA 918548  Station: (360) 8T7-9882 Fma (360) 87%6220 E-maih mcfdl8@hctc.€om This is to acknowledge and commend the volunteers of Fire District #18 at Lake Cushman during the December 2007 storm. They showed their talents and training skills temendously. They expended over 570 hours of duty and service to our community. Chief Mike Mott, Assistant Chief Mike Fain, Mike Sexton, Kerry Baker, Loretta Baker, Jim Good, Ken Weaver (also one of our commissioners), Chuck Smith, Joe Cochran, Robert Mishell, Richey Morgan, Shane Watts and Alan Benedict. District 18 Commissioners Ask about FLOOD DAMAGE REPAIR and our preferred contractor list  Little Creek Rock Quarry .-,.,-,. , wantsyourbusiness,  OPEN TO THE PUBLIC .., ........... ..... __. ......... We specialize in all your rock and construction needs Taking care of all your rock needs Delivered crushed rock I 0 or 20 yards Your choicel IUINie Creek Oumrry 951 Kamilche Lane, ARRIS KOLLMAN TRUCKING, INC. Shelton Right across from Washington State approved Taylor Towne Half mile up the2900 road S 60-432-8330 Visit our Web site: I PARAMEDIC MARK FRAZIER RECOGNIZED AS MASON COUNTY MEDIC ONE !  EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR FOR 2007 Mark Frazier, 26, joined Mason County Medic One as a part-time EMT in October, 2003. He became a full-time EMT-iV Technician in July, 2004. Mark's dedication, persistence and drive to excel in emergency medicine brought him to the next level in his career path. In january, 2005, Mark began paramedic training in Woodland, Washington. He completed his paramedic program and became a full-time paramedic with Mason County Medic One August, 2006. Mark fulfills a number of roles for Mason County Medic One. His primary responsibility is to the citizens of Mason County as a paramedic, but he also holds a position as shift supervisor and is in charge of the organization's ambulance maintenance program. When he is not serving the needs of Mason County Medic One, Mark volunteers with Mason County Fire District #4 where he holds the positio n of Lieutenant. "Because of his hard work and dedication to not only Mason County Medic One, but to the citizens of Mason County, 1 am proud to recognize him as Mason County Medic One's Employee of the Year for 2007," says Operations Director Kymberly Yates. Congratulations Mark! i i i i i i i i lUl ii Evergreen Elementary PTSO Brick Project , Your opportunity to be apart of the history of Evergreen Elementary The Evergreen Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) is selling brick pavers to build a paved area in fi'ont of the concrete bench which has the "Evergreen Grade School" sign ti'om the old Evergreen building, attached. This area is a popular gathering place for students. The purchase of a paver includes the opportunity to have up to two lines of 15 characters each engraved on the brick. With the paver you can memorialize your thmily, a friend, fawrite teacher or beloved person or pet. This is also an opportunity to share an inspirational message with the world. Purchasing a paver enables you to thank, honor and celebrate those who have made a diftrence in your life. These make excellent Christmas, anniversary and birthday gifts. All profits from this project will be used toward the purchase of a bilingual reader board for Evergreen. Gift certificates are available. Pavers are $35 each. Please pay with check or money order only. Name: Phone: Address: City State El Donation $ U..] Purchase Paver $35 TOTAL $ Zip Line 1 [ .... L ...... l Line 2 l I I _____ 1 ............. 1 .............. } ............ 1 .......... [ ............... l .............. 1 ...... 1 ......... [ ....... 1 .... l___1 L ............. L .......... 1 ............. [ ..... ] '1 L .... l I t Rcv'd by Payable to: Evergreen ll'S() Date: Chk# Address: 900 W. FYanklin, Shelton, WA 98584 Thursday, December 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25