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00uperior court roundup:
Reports of 'shank' at county jail
Shelton man serving a 60-day
ence in the Mason County Jail
f allure to register as a sex of-
llder was arrested in connection
). assaulting another inmate
jhaving a handmade weapon.
esley Howard Duncan, 23,
elton, was identified on Mon-
,in Mason County Superior
*rt in an investigation of two
ts of assault in the second de-
, robbery in the second degree
|being a prisoner in possession
r,. weapon. He was sentenced
lovember 26 to 60 days in the
Son County Jail for failure to
tster as a sex offender and is
)ected of attacking Roland K.
las and threatening him with
Bhank," a knife-like weapon
made in the confines of a cor-
Lional facility.
le is suspected of assaulting
0w inmate Douglas on two oc-
ions and taking his food from
L Inmates Randy Deibert and
i emy Anderson, a
block with Douglas and Dun-
, reportedly witnessed the inci-
Lt at the jail around 1 p.m. on
.mber 5. Duncan reportedly
d it his food by force. Deibert re-
edly stepped in and Duncan
i.gedly said, "I'll knock your
er teeth out and stab you
a shank."
uglas said Duncan had
d him on six occasions and
hi'We occasions he lost conscious-
B. He said Duncan would wrap
arm around his neck tighten-
his grip until he passed out.
glas, Deibert and Anderson
they had seen Duncan display
shank, a yellow hard-plastic
n that had been carved at the
adle end into a sharp point, in
cell block. Douglas allegedly
Duncan poked him a couple
raes with it. Anderson report-
said he had seen Duncan
ike Douglas. Duncan claimed
Was trying to protect Anderson
other inmates and had done
lling wrong. He claimed the jail
e him the shank.
udge James Sawyer appointed
ette Boothe as defense attor-
!.,set bail at $15,000 and sch.edT
arraignment for Decembe
tte ordered Duncan to have a .,
tact with Douglas, Deibert or
:)n Tuesday, December 11:
Calvin C. Mrsny, 42, of 570
t Olde Lyme Road, Shelton,
investigating a report from Larry
L. Lawler Jr. of a stolen rifle, a
Remington 30-06. Lawler report-
edly said in October he let Mrsny
borrow a rifle for hunting and
Mrsny agreed to outfit it with a
scope and strap in return. Lawler
said on November 29 Mrsny, who
had not returned the rifle, said it
had been stolen from his pickup
truck in a vehicle prowl on the
night of November 18. Lawler said
a friend, Mark Christiansen, told
him Mrsny might have sold the
rifle for money to an employee at
Verle's Sporting Goods, where
Mrsny works.
Rhoades said he learned on De-
"cember 1 the rifle may have been
sold to Daniel Lee Wyse or John
Leslie Vinzant. Wyse said he paid
Mrsny $200 for the rifle and had
traded it to Vinzant for another ri-
fle, according to papers on file with
the court clerk.
Judge Sawyer appointed James
Foley as defense attorney and re-
leased Mrsny on his promise to ap-
pear for arraignment on December
24. He ordered him to have no con-
tact with Lawler or potential wit-
nesses, Christiansen, Wyse and
On Monday, December 10
Laurie L. Miller, 45, of 1740
NE Tahuya-Blacksmith Road, Ta-
huya, was identified in an inves-
tigation of two counts of unlawful
possession of a firearm in the sec-
ond degree.
She was arrested on Decem-
ber 9 by a deputy from the Mason
County Sheriffs Office who report-
edly stopped the vehicle she was
riding in for a possible driving un-
der the influence arrest. The dep-
uty reported seeing two firearms,
a pump-action shotgun and black-
powder rifle, on the bench seat
between the driver and passenger
seats and Miller had a warrant for
her arrest. She has a 2004 domes-
tic-violence conviction in Kitsap
County for fourth-degree assault
making it illegal for her to possess
a firearm, according to papers on
file with the court clerk.
Judge Sawyer said she does not
qualify financially for court-ap-
pointed counsel and would have
to hie an attorney. He set bail at
$5,000 and scheduled arraignment
for December 24.
Tammara Kathryn Allison,
37, of 30 NE Tahuya Avenue, Ta-
huya, was identified in an inves-
tigation of assault in the third
identified in an investigation
[theft of a firearm and traffick- degree. She was arrested around
in stolen in the first 10:30 on December 7 by depu-
ee. ties responding to a report of a dis-
' e was arrested by Deputy Jeff turbance at JR's Hideaway Grill at
ades of the Mason County 22540 NE State Route 3, Belfair.
riff's Office, who said he was Allison reportedly hit the bounc-
tblunteers can learn about
lood recovery chores to do
i G(Continued from page 26.)
overnor Christine Gregoire
lared a state of emergency in
t aftermath of the storm, and
t means permits may be issued
leople wanting to burn natu-
vegetation left on the land by
rras or floods, Debris must be
raed by the property owner or
request of the property owner
the same land where it was de-
bited. "Burning anything other
natura!, vegetation for dispos-
is illegal,' said Sandra Hughes
the Washington Department of
IVIason General Hospital is col-
ring nonperishable food, new
thing and other items for flood
tiros through Friday from 8:30
h. to 8:30 p.m. at the front en-
ce at 901 Mountain View
Ve in Shelton; from 8:30 a.m. to
0 p m at the employee entrance
the'hospital; and from 8:30 a.m.
fi:30 p.m. at the business office,
0 Olympic Highway North,
v i i i
Suite 460 in Shelton.
UNITED WAY of Mason Coun-
ty will accept donations of new or
slightly used articles of clothing,
shoes, blankets, toys and house-
hold goods, as well as nonperish-
able or canned foods and bottled
water, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. today
and Friday in The Collier Build-
ing, 428 West Birch Street, Suite
1 in Shelton. Volunteers will be
distributing donated items at the
Mason County Fairgrounds and
the Theler Community Center.
The Volunteer Center is help-
ing connect volunteers to nonprofit
and public agencies for what Gov-
ernor Gregoire has called a "long
haul" recovery. Organizations en-
gaged in disaster relief also can
use the Web site at www.volun. to register their need for
volunteers including volunteers
with special skills such as in for
eign language or disaster assis-
tance. For more information, call
Terri Shaw at 426-3405.
We will be
for Christmas weekend,
December 22-25
tss Denney
erring She#on and
4Oson County for 82 years
We will reopen
December 26 at 6:30 a.m.
Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
215 South Second
ill i
er after she was "cut off' from ser-
vice of alcohol due to her level of
intoxication. Deputies indicated
that when they arrived she yelled
obscenities and threatened them.
They said she was sitting on the
curb and reportedly staggered to a
patrol vehicle. Deputy Larry Ellis
took hold of her hand to keep her
from falling while Deputy Trevor
Severance walked on her other
side. She asked Ellis to let go and
when he did, she allegedly took a
swing with a closed fist at Sever-
ance, who ducked to avoid being
Judge Sawyer told Allison
she does not qualify financially
for court-appointed counsel and
would have to hire an attorney.
He set bail at $2,500 and sched-
uled arraignment for December
24. He ordered her not go to JR's
Hideaway and to have no contact
with "Tiny," the bouncer there.
Henry M. Cervantes, 26, of
424 Walnut Street, Shelton, was
identified in an investigation of
possession of methamphetamine.
He was arrested December 8 by Of-
ricer Daniel Patton of the Shelton
Police Department, who said he
was responding to a report at 1:37
of a fight in progress in a parking
lot in the 300 block of Railroad Av-
Patton said he saw Cervantes
with a torn shirt, detained him in
the investigation of a possible as-
sault and confirmed he had war-
rants on financial obligations from
Mason County Juvenile Court.
Due to his level of intoxication,
Cervantes was taken to Mason
General Hospital. On the way to
the jail the officer said he saw Cer-
vantes make furtive movements in
the back seat of the patrol vehicle.
Patton allegedly found a small
plastic baggie which contained
a white crystal substance which
field-tested positive for meth in
the back seat of the patrol vehicle.
Judge Sawyer said the $2,500
bail which Cervantes posted would
remain in effect and scheduled ar-
raignment for December 24.
On Friday, December 7:
Thomas James Callantine,
23, of 416 South Seventh Street,
Shelton, was identified in an in-
vestigation of rape in the second
He was arrested by Detective
Paul Campbell of the Shelton Po-
lice Department who investigated
an alleged sex offense reported" on
May 8, 2007 by a 20-year-old wom-
an identified in court documents
by the initials "E.K.J."
The woman said Callantine
raped her while she was sleeping
in the computer room at the resi-
dence on South Seventh Street.
She described herself as "hung
over" from drinking the night be-
fore. She claimed he began rub-
bing her back, legs and buttocks
and then they had intercourse.
She said he was not violent and
that during the rape he was trying
not to wake her up. She told the
detective she kept falling asleep
"in the middle of it."
Campbell told "E.K.J." to have
a rape kit taken at Mason General
Hospital. Callantine consented to
genetic testing. The results came
back on November 5 from the
Washington State Crime Labora-
tory and matched CaUantine's ge-
netic profile, the officer indicated
in a report on file with the court
Judge James Sawyer appointed
Ronald Sergi as defense attorney,
set bail at $5,000 and scheduled
arra!gnment for December 17. He
ordered Callantine to have no con-
tact with the alleged victim or a
potential witness.
Timothy Paul Miller, 25,
of 1570 West Cloquallum Road,
Shelton, was identified in an in-
vestigation of assault in the sec-
ond degree, interfering with the
report of a domestic-violence re-
port and resisting arrest. He is
suspected of domestic violence in
the assault, involving Kristin Lee
Ward, identified as his girlfriend,
at the residence they shared on
Birch Street.
Miller was arrested around 8
a.m. on December 6 after Ward
reported being choked by him dur-
ing an argument about rent on
a residence they shared at 1239
Birch Street. She told Officer War-
ren Ohlson of the SPD that Miller
punched her in the face and took a
cell phone from her when she tried
to call for help.
Judge Sawyer appointed Foley
as defense attorney, set bail at
$10,000 and scheduled arraign-
ment for December 17. Sawyer
ordered Miller to have no cortact
with Ward or her residence on
Ronald Aaron Mashburn,
31, of 121 Matthews Drive, Belfair,
was identified in an investigation
of delivery of marijuana, posses-
sion of marijuana with intent to
deliver and 11 counts of unlawful
possession of a firearm.
He was arrested on December 6
when officers with the West Sound
Narcotics Enforcement Team
served a search warrant at his
residence on Matthews Drive. Of-
ricers reportedly found 11 firearms
and 1.5 pounds of pot during the
On November 27 a police op-
erative working with WestNET al-
legedly purchased an ounce of pot
from Mashburn at his residence.
Officers indicated Mashburn is
prohibited from having firearms
as a result of a conviction for do-
mestic violence.
Judge Sawyer set bail at $2,500
and scheduled arraignment for
December 17. Mashburn said he
would hire an attorney.
On Thursday, December 6:
Akasha Leigh Garner, 19,
of 61 SE Fagergren Road, Shelton,
was identified in an investigation
of possession of stolen property in
the first degree and taking a mo-
tor vehicle without owner's per-
She was arrested December 5
by law enforcement officers re-
sponding to a report around 2 p.m.
of the theft of a black Honda Pre-
lude from the NAPA parking lot
on Olympic Highway North.
A witness reported seeing a
white male driving the vehicle.
The Honda was spotted on the
Skokomish Reservation with three
occupants and a pursuit began,
continuing on State Route 106
with the vehicle spinning out on
Webb Hill Road. Deputy Jason Sis-
son of the Mason County Sheriffs
Office reported seeing two men
and a woman flee into the woods.
He set up a perimeter and called
for a K-9 unit. At about 3:19 p.m.
Garner came out of the woods and
was arrested. The two men were
not located and the dog tracking
was terminated just before 5 p.m.
Garner did not identify the men
but reportedly did tell officers they
picked her up near Wal-Mart in
Judge Toni Sheldon appointed
Foley as defense attorney, set bail
at $2,500 and scheduled arraign-
ment for December 17. She or-
dered Garner to have no contact
with the potential codefendants,
the two men in the car.
On Wednesday, December 5:
Edward Robert Marsh IV,
31, of 201 West Blueberry Road,
Elma, was identified in an inves-
tigation of assault in the second
degree. He is suspected of do-
mestic violence against Kristy L.
Loppnow, his fianc6e.
Officers said Loppnow called
the Shelton Communications Cen-
ter at 12:48 a.m. on December 5
and said Marsh was intoxicated
and beating her up. Deputy Tra-
vis Clark reported she said he at-
tacked her for no reason and "vio-
lent spontaneous behavior was
normal" for Marsh when he was
Marsh allegedly grabbed her on
her neck with his arms and told
her she was not leaving. She said
he pulled her into the bedroom
with his arm still around her neck,
pinned her down on the bed with
his body weight and began punch-
ing her, at least 12 times. He alleg-
edly pulled out the phone lines in
the bedroom and living room when
she attempted to call for help and
pulled off her jeans and under-
pants so she could not leave.
She said she ran to a neighbor,
Linda Putnam, who gave her some
jeans and that she called 911 from
the neighbor's residence. John
Pals, a volunteer firefighter and
the pastor of Matlock Community
Church, was the first person to
provide aid to her. Marsh report-
edly claimed he had been assault-
ed by Loppnow.
Judge Sheldon appointed Sergi
as defense attorney, set bail at
$10,000 and said if Marsh posts
bail he must provide an address
to officers at the Mason County
Jail. She ordered Marsh to have
no contact With Loppnow, Putnam
or Pals. Marsh is scheduled for ar-
raignment on December 14.
Also on December 5, a man and
woman arrested after a traffic stop
appeared in court on potential
drug charges.
(Please turn to page 29.)
Shelton. By Owner
3BR, 2BTH New Construction
2 car garage, * Creekfront *
S 134,500 °° or best offer
Inspection Saturday- Sunday 10-5
Will be sold Sunday night to HIGHEST BIDDER
(425) 890-9798 or (425) 890-9799
Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
(25 + Years Experience)
General Dentistry
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Most Insurances Accepted
S. Peters, DPD C. Ng 0, DDS
i i iii Hi i i i i ii ,
Thursday, December 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27
00uperior court roundup:
Reports of 'shank' at county jail
Shelton man serving a 60-day
ence in the Mason County Jail
f allure to register as a sex of-
llder was arrested in connection
). assaulting another inmate
jhaving a handmade weapon.
esley Howard Duncan, 23,
elton, was identified on Mon-
,in Mason County Superior
*rt in an investigation of two
ts of assault in the second de-
, robbery in the second degree
|being a prisoner in possession
r,. weapon. He was sentenced
lovember 26 to 60 days in the
Son County Jail for failure to
tster as a sex offender and is
)ected of attacking Roland K.
las and threatening him with
Bhank," a knife-like weapon
made in the confines of a cor-
Lional facility.
le is suspected of assaulting
0w inmate Douglas on two oc-
ions and taking his food from
L Inmates Randy Deibert and
i emy Anderson, a
block with Douglas and Dun-
, reportedly witnessed the inci-
Lt at the jail around 1 p.m. on
.mber 5. Duncan reportedly
d it his food by force. Deibert re-
edly stepped in and Duncan
i.gedly said, "I'll knock your
er teeth out and stab you
a shank."
uglas said Duncan had
d him on six occasions and
hi'We occasions he lost conscious-
B. He said Duncan would wrap
arm around his neck tighten-
his grip until he passed out.
glas, Deibert and Anderson
they had seen Duncan display
shank, a yellow hard-plastic
n that had been carved at the
adle end into a sharp point, in
cell block. Douglas allegedly
Duncan poked him a couple
raes with it. Anderson report-
said he had seen Duncan
ike Douglas. Duncan claimed
Was trying to protect Anderson
other inmates and had done
lling wrong. He claimed the jail
e him the shank.
udge James Sawyer appointed
ette Boothe as defense attor-
!.,set bail at $15,000 and sch.edT
arraignment for Decembe
tte ordered Duncan to have a .,
tact with Douglas, Deibert or
:)n Tuesday, December 11:
Calvin C. Mrsny, 42, of 570
t Olde Lyme Road, Shelton,
investigating a report from Larry
L. Lawler Jr. of a stolen rifle, a
Remington 30-06. Lawler report-
edly said in October he let Mrsny
borrow a rifle for hunting and
Mrsny agreed to outfit it with a
scope and strap in return. Lawler
said on November 29 Mrsny, who
had not returned the rifle, said it
had been stolen from his pickup
truck in a vehicle prowl on the
night of November 18. Lawler said
a friend, Mark Christiansen, told
him Mrsny might have sold the
rifle for money to an employee at
Verle's Sporting Goods, where
Mrsny works.
Rhoades said he learned on De-
"cember 1 the rifle may have been
sold to Daniel Lee Wyse or John
Leslie Vinzant. Wyse said he paid
Mrsny $200 for the rifle and had
traded it to Vinzant for another ri-
fle, according to papers on file with
the court clerk.
Judge Sawyer appointed James
Foley as defense attorney and re-
leased Mrsny on his promise to ap-
pear for arraignment on December
24. He ordered him to have no con-
tact with Lawler or potential wit-
nesses, Christiansen, Wyse and
On Monday, December 10
Laurie L. Miller, 45, of 1740
NE Tahuya-Blacksmith Road, Ta-
huya, was identified in an inves-
tigation of two counts of unlawful
possession of a firearm in the sec-
ond degree.
She was arrested on Decem-
ber 9 by a deputy from the Mason
County Sheriffs Office who report-
edly stopped the vehicle she was
riding in for a possible driving un-
der the influence arrest. The dep-
uty reported seeing two firearms,
a pump-action shotgun and black-
powder rifle, on the bench seat
between the driver and passenger
seats and Miller had a warrant for
her arrest. She has a 2004 domes-
tic-violence conviction in Kitsap
County for fourth-degree assault
making it illegal for her to possess
a firearm, according to papers on
file with the court clerk.
Judge Sawyer said she does not
qualify financially for court-ap-
pointed counsel and would have
to hie an attorney. He set bail at
$5,000 and scheduled arraignment
for December 24.
Tammara Kathryn Allison,
37, of 30 NE Tahuya Avenue, Ta-
huya, was identified in an inves-
tigation of assault in the third
identified in an investigation
[theft of a firearm and traffick- degree. She was arrested around
in stolen in the first 10:30 on December 7 by depu-
ee. ties responding to a report of a dis-
' e was arrested by Deputy Jeff turbance at JR's Hideaway Grill at
ades of the Mason County 22540 NE State Route 3, Belfair.
riff's Office, who said he was Allison reportedly hit the bounc-
tblunteers can learn about
lood recovery chores to do
i G(Continued from page 26.)
overnor Christine Gregoire
lared a state of emergency in
t aftermath of the storm, and
t means permits may be issued
leople wanting to burn natu-
vegetation left on the land by
rras or floods, Debris must be
raed by the property owner or
request of the property owner
the same land where it was de-
bited. "Burning anything other
natura!, vegetation for dispos-
is illegal,' said Sandra Hughes
the Washington Department of
IVIason General Hospital is col-
ring nonperishable food, new
thing and other items for flood
tiros through Friday from 8:30
h. to 8:30 p.m. at the front en-
ce at 901 Mountain View
Ve in Shelton; from 8:30 a.m. to
0 p m at the employee entrance
the'hospital; and from 8:30 a.m.
fi:30 p.m. at the business office,
0 Olympic Highway North,
v i i i
Suite 460 in Shelton.
UNITED WAY of Mason Coun-
ty will accept donations of new or
slightly used articles of clothing,
shoes, blankets, toys and house-
hold goods, as well as nonperish-
able or canned foods and bottled
water, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. today
and Friday in The Collier Build-
ing, 428 West Birch Street, Suite
1 in Shelton. Volunteers will be
distributing donated items at the
Mason County Fairgrounds and
the Theler Community Center.
The Volunteer Center is help-
ing connect volunteers to nonprofit
and public agencies for what Gov-
ernor Gregoire has called a "long
haul" recovery. Organizations en-
gaged in disaster relief also can
use the Web site at www.volun. to register their need for
volunteers including volunteers
with special skills such as in for
eign language or disaster assis-
tance. For more information, call
Terri Shaw at 426-3405.
We will be
for Christmas weekend,
December 22-25
tss Denney
erring She#on and
4Oson County for 82 years
We will reopen
December 26 at 6:30 a.m.
Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
215 South Second
ill i
er after she was "cut off' from ser-
vice of alcohol due to her level of
intoxication. Deputies indicated
that when they arrived she yelled
obscenities and threatened them.
They said she was sitting on the
curb and reportedly staggered to a
patrol vehicle. Deputy Larry Ellis
took hold of her hand to keep her
from falling while Deputy Trevor
Severance walked on her other
side. She asked Ellis to let go and
when he did, she allegedly took a
swing with a closed fist at Sever-
ance, who ducked to avoid being
Judge Sawyer told Allison
she does not qualify financially
for court-appointed counsel and
would have to hire an attorney.
He set bail at $2,500 and sched-
uled arraignment for December
24. He ordered her not go to JR's
Hideaway and to have no contact
with "Tiny," the bouncer there.
Henry M. Cervantes, 26, of
424 Walnut Street, Shelton, was
identified in an investigation of
possession of methamphetamine.
He was arrested December 8 by Of-
ricer Daniel Patton of the Shelton
Police Department, who said he
was responding to a report at 1:37
of a fight in progress in a parking
lot in the 300 block of Railroad Av-
Patton said he saw Cervantes
with a torn shirt, detained him in
the investigation of a possible as-
sault and confirmed he had war-
rants on financial obligations from
Mason County Juvenile Court.
Due to his level of intoxication,
Cervantes was taken to Mason
General Hospital. On the way to
the jail the officer said he saw Cer-
vantes make furtive movements in
the back seat of the patrol vehicle.
Patton allegedly found a small
plastic baggie which contained
a white crystal substance which
field-tested positive for meth in
the back seat of the patrol vehicle.
Judge Sawyer said the $2,500
bail which Cervantes posted would
remain in effect and scheduled ar-
raignment for December 24.
On Friday, December 7:
Thomas James Callantine,
23, of 416 South Seventh Street,
Shelton, was identified in an in-
vestigation of rape in the second
He was arrested by Detective
Paul Campbell of the Shelton Po-
lice Department who investigated
an alleged sex offense reported" on
May 8, 2007 by a 20-year-old wom-
an identified in court documents
by the initials "E.K.J."
The woman said Callantine
raped her while she was sleeping
in the computer room at the resi-
dence on South Seventh Street.
She described herself as "hung
over" from drinking the night be-
fore. She claimed he began rub-
bing her back, legs and buttocks
and then they had intercourse.
She said he was not violent and
that during the rape he was trying
not to wake her up. She told the
detective she kept falling asleep
"in the middle of it."
Campbell told "E.K.J." to have
a rape kit taken at Mason General
Hospital. Callantine consented to
genetic testing. The results came
back on November 5 from the
Washington State Crime Labora-
tory and matched CaUantine's ge-
netic profile, the officer indicated
in a report on file with the court
Judge James Sawyer appointed
Ronald Sergi as defense attorney,
set bail at $5,000 and scheduled
arra!gnment for December 17. He
ordered Callantine to have no con-
tact with the alleged victim or a
potential witness.
Timothy Paul Miller, 25,
of 1570 West Cloquallum Road,
Shelton, was identified in an in-
vestigation of assault in the sec-
ond degree, interfering with the
report of a domestic-violence re-
port and resisting arrest. He is
suspected of domestic violence in
the assault, involving Kristin Lee
Ward, identified as his girlfriend,
at the residence they shared on
Birch Street.
Miller was arrested around 8
a.m. on December 6 after Ward
reported being choked by him dur-
ing an argument about rent on
a residence they shared at 1239
Birch Street. She told Officer War-
ren Ohlson of the SPD that Miller
punched her in the face and took a
cell phone from her when she tried
to call for help.
Judge Sawyer appointed Foley
as defense attorney, set bail at
$10,000 and scheduled arraign-
ment for December 17. Sawyer
ordered Miller to have no cortact
with Ward or her residence on
Ronald Aaron Mashburn,
31, of 121 Matthews Drive, Belfair,
was identified in an investigation
of delivery of marijuana, posses-
sion of marijuana with intent to
deliver and 11 counts of unlawful
possession of a firearm.
He was arrested on December 6
when officers with the West Sound
Narcotics Enforcement Team
served a search warrant at his
residence on Matthews Drive. Of-
ricers reportedly found 11 firearms
and 1.5 pounds of pot during the
On November 27 a police op-
erative working with WestNET al-
legedly purchased an ounce of pot
from Mashburn at his residence.
Officers indicated Mashburn is
prohibited from having firearms
as a result of a conviction for do-
mestic violence.
Judge Sawyer set bail at $2,500
and scheduled arraignment for
December 17. Mashburn said he
would hire an attorney.
On Thursday, December 6:
Akasha Leigh Garner, 19,
of 61 SE Fagergren Road, Shelton,
was identified in an investigation
of possession of stolen property in
the first degree and taking a mo-
tor vehicle without owner's per-
She was arrested December 5
by law enforcement officers re-
sponding to a report around 2 p.m.
of the theft of a black Honda Pre-
lude from the NAPA parking lot
on Olympic Highway North.
A witness reported seeing a
white male driving the vehicle.
The Honda was spotted on the
Skokomish Reservation with three
occupants and a pursuit began,
continuing on State Route 106
with the vehicle spinning out on
Webb Hill Road. Deputy Jason Sis-
son of the Mason County Sheriffs
Office reported seeing two men
and a woman flee into the woods.
He set up a perimeter and called
for a K-9 unit. At about 3:19 p.m.
Garner came out of the woods and
was arrested. The two men were
not located and the dog tracking
was terminated just before 5 p.m.
Garner did not identify the men
but reportedly did tell officers they
picked her up near Wal-Mart in
Judge Toni Sheldon appointed
Foley as defense attorney, set bail
at $2,500 and scheduled arraign-
ment for December 17. She or-
dered Garner to have no contact
with the potential codefendants,
the two men in the car.
On Wednesday, December 5:
Edward Robert Marsh IV,
31, of 201 West Blueberry Road,
Elma, was identified in an inves-
tigation of assault in the second
degree. He is suspected of do-
mestic violence against Kristy L.
Loppnow, his fianc6e.
Officers said Loppnow called
the Shelton Communications Cen-
ter at 12:48 a.m. on December 5
and said Marsh was intoxicated
and beating her up. Deputy Tra-
vis Clark reported she said he at-
tacked her for no reason and "vio-
lent spontaneous behavior was
normal" for Marsh when he was
Marsh allegedly grabbed her on
her neck with his arms and told
her she was not leaving. She said
he pulled her into the bedroom
with his arm still around her neck,
pinned her down on the bed with
his body weight and began punch-
ing her, at least 12 times. He alleg-
edly pulled out the phone lines in
the bedroom and living room when
she attempted to call for help and
pulled off her jeans and under-
pants so she could not leave.
She said she ran to a neighbor,
Linda Putnam, who gave her some
jeans and that she called 911 from
the neighbor's residence. John
Pals, a volunteer firefighter and
the pastor of Matlock Community
Church, was the first person to
provide aid to her. Marsh report-
edly claimed he had been assault-
ed by Loppnow.
Judge Sheldon appointed Sergi
as defense attorney, set bail at
$10,000 and said if Marsh posts
bail he must provide an address
to officers at the Mason County
Jail. She ordered Marsh to have
no contact With Loppnow, Putnam
or Pals. Marsh is scheduled for ar-
raignment on December 14.
Also on December 5, a man and
woman arrested after a traffic stop
appeared in court on potential
drug charges.
(Please turn to page 29.)
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i i iii Hi i i i i ii ,
Thursday, December 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27