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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 13, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 13, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00ournal of MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Judgments in Mason County District Court Judge Victoria Meadows' jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influ- ence: Craig Andrew Johnston, 461 West Winwood Drive, Shel- ton, $1,000, 365 days, 364 sus- pended, $3,168 costs. Reckless driving: Christo- pher Neil Harmon, 411 NE Tiger Way East, Belfair, $1,668, 365 days, 250 suspended. Negligent driving: Jesse Barnard Lingle, 401 West Golden Pheasant Road, Shelton, second degree, $560, and obstructing law enforcement, $543, 365 days sus- pended; Luis Teodoro-Alvarado, 1788 SE Holman Street, Shelton, first degree, $825, 90 days sus- pended; Justin R. Whitney, 1500 Beeville Road, Matlock, second degree, $538. Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Brandon A. Patrick, 20 Judy Lane, Belfair, third degree, two counts, $250, 90 days suspended on each count; Kristin James Ahlborn, 6501 Grapeview Loop Road, Allyn, third degree, $450, 90 days sus- pended; Roxanne Brooke Bernier, 6793 NE Northshore Road, Bel- fair, third degree, $350, 90 days suspended. No valid operator's license: Rena Jeanne Ames, 20 East Cozy Crest Lane, Belfair, $550; Edgar Hernandez Santiago, 22950 NE State Route 3, Belfair, and no seatbelt, $640. No liability insurance: Vic- toria D. Camus, 1700 Deegan Road West, Shelton, $550; John Wayne Wilson, 51 North Nancy Avenue, Hoodsport, and failure to yield right-of-way, $725; Jeremi- ah Scott McKague, 1017 Cascade Avenue, Shelton, and expired vehicle license, $674; Shawn Michael Lawrence, 1401 West Deegan Road East, and failure to use turn signal, $647; Calvin D. McKinley, 1210 Mason-Benson Road, Grapeview, and speeding, $797; Douglas Lee Anderson, 580 West Highland Road, Shelton, and speeding and unsafe vehicle equipment, $792. Speeding, Larry Darwin King, 4612 225th Street Court East, Spanaway, in a school zone, $661; Michael Lee Davis, 41 AI- derney Street, Union, in a school zone, $271. Unlawful fishing: Wilbert Kimbrough, 7611 12th Avenue NE, Olympia, fishing after legal limit was retained, $162; Corey Delano Anderson, 17417 100th SW, Vashon, snagging salmon, $250; Donald A. Peters, 15722 39th Avenue Court East, Tacoma, snagging salmon, $209. Solid-waste violations: Pa- tricia Marie Fiorini, 91 East Wil- char Boulevard, Shelton, illegal burning and failure to comply with order on solid waste, $500; Joel Alton Hillman, 2320 Madi- son Street, Shelten, illegal dump- ing on Eells Hill Road. Fourth-degree assault: Clif- ford C. Owens, 8853 14th Avenue SE, Seattle, domestic violence, $250, 365 days, 344 suspended; Mark A. Crutchfield, 200 NE Lar- son Lane, Belfair, two counts, do- mestic violence, 30 days on each count. Other offenses: Sandford Clyde Silvernail, 80 East Laven- der Lane, Shelton, violation of a no-contact order, $250, 365 days, 338 suspended; Conrado R. Pagi- nag, 9211 Drago Court NE, Sil- verdale, unlawful possession of a firearm in a motor vehicle, $271; Jeremy James Alumbaugh, 7511 West Shelton-Matlock Road, Shel- ton, criminal trespass, second de- gree, $250, 90 days suspended. SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Munici- pal Court Judge Amber Finlay's jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Alan R. Steehler, 2025 Washington Street, Shelton, third degree, $250; Scott E. Boyles, Shelton, third degree, $200, 90 days suspended. Reckless driving: Isaiah James Halverson, 2101 Cloqual- lure Road, Shelton, $500, 365 days, 360 suspended, five days community service. Fourth-degree assault: Ko- rey K. Knight, 507 North Fifth Street, Shelton, domestic violence, $343, 90 days, 80 suspended, 10 days electronic home monitoring. Possession of marijuana: Maxine S. Snyder, 261 SE Craig Road, Shelton, $293, 90 days, 89 suspended, 40 hours community service. Minor in possession or con- sumption of alcohol: Joshua James Kilts, 52 East Moonrise Lane, Union, $293, 365 days, 360 suspended, five days community service. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Divorces Granted Stacy Hillery Wiltman and Da- vid Dewayne Wiltman. Charles N. Brown and Susan D. Brett. Alan Hammerschmidt and Jeanne Hammerschmidt. New Cases Donn Krogness and Doris Krogness against Jason C. Ma- brey and Danella J. Mabrey, un- lawful detainer. Arrow Financial Services, Lim- ited Liability Company against Lee Vaughan and Jane Doe Vaughan. Apartment Management Ser- vices against Cindy Jackson, un- lawful detainer. Douglas Brackenbrough against Shawn Kiesel, Nicole Fortner and Robert Kiesel, un- lawful detainer. Chase Bank against Steven Sanchez and Jane Doe Sanchez, commercial. Mason County Fire District 12 against Fire House 66, Incorpo- rated, commercial. Leroy Pope against Jennifer Randleas, unlawful detainer. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiving permits during the past week include: David Squires, 249 East Scott Drive, Shelton, greenhouse, $10,540; Phil Harlan, 151 West Satsop Maple Glen, Elma, resi- dence, $169,831.20; Allan Davis, 531 East Dana Drive, Shelton, addition, $62,783.50; /ton Wine- inger, 70 East Capital Peak Drive, Shelton, residence, $156,984.80. Police investigating break-ins Thieves broke nto three Shel- ton businesses sometime between 6 p.m. November 29 and open- ing on November 30, according to Shelten Police Department Lieu- tenant Dave Eldund. A theft from Fifth Street Espresso at 506 West Railroad Avenue was reported at 5:49 a.m. November 30, Eklund said. An employee found an opened win- dow and a small amount of change and some milk missing, he said. Around 9:15 a.m. a caller from TJ's Hair Salon at 106 South Seventh Street reported that a window had been broken out and someone reached inside and opened the door, Eklund said. Change and watches valued at $150 were taken. Someone broke into a fenced area at PM Auto at 516 Park Street. A caller reported the theft of about $1,800 in parts from ve- hicles. Eklund said the thieves "looked like they knew what they were going after. It was not just random parts that were taken. It was more like replacement parts," he said. Anyone with information about any of the three burglaries can call the police department at 432-5145 during regular business hours. Call today for a FREE ESTIMATE on a new Trane system! I III T O__lYapic Heating. & Cooling, LLC • Sales • Service • Installations lt Hard To Stop A Trane: • Repairs • Heating • Air Conditioning • Refrigeration . 426-9945 . 754.1235 . 1.800-400.9945 Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 13, 2007 cord CITY BUILDING PERMITS New construction and other projects receiving permits during the past week include: Turning Pointe Domestic Vio- lence Shelter, 1514 West Rail- road Avenue, new building for of- rices and shelter, $1,070,697.50; McDonald's Corporation, 2507 Olympic Highway North, mod- ify drive-thru and sales coun- ter, $30,000; Community Action Council of Lewis, Mason and Thurston Counties, 807 West Railroad, convert three offices into dental clinic, $23,852. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT December 6:6:21 p.m., smoke investigation, 900 Thomas Av- enue; 10:17 p.m., vehicle fire, 301 East Wallace Kneeland Boule- vard. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, December 4 A caller from the 400 block of South Seventh Street reported a break-in to a shed and the theft of several items from it. Vandalism to a window of a residence in the 600 block of Pine Street was reported. Wednesday, December 5 A break-in at an apartment in the 100 block of West Pine Street was reported. A caller reported the theft of a 1995 black Honda Accord from a parking lot at Olympic Middle School. At 4:14 p.m. a caller com- plained about "loud, disgusting rap music" coming from a resi- dence in the 600 block of West Euclid Avenue. At 11:46 p.m. officers respond- ed to a report of a disturbance in the area of Loop Field in the 1000 block of West Franklin Street. Thursday, December 6 Officers responding at 5:19 a.m. to a report of a disturbance at Mason General Hospital re- quested the assistance of depu- ties. A caller from the 200 block of Turner Avenue reported an ongo- ing problem with harassment. A caller reported finding a pis- tol in a shopping bag at Callanan Park. Vandalism to the window of a vehicle in the 100 block of West Railroad Avenue was reported. Friday, December 7 A caller from the 1600 block of Monroe Street reported a residen- tial burglary and said two guns were among the items taken. At 12:40 p.m. a caller com- plained about a go-cart in the 300 block of Wallace Kneeland Boule- vard. A burglary at a residence in the 1600 block of Jackson Street was reported. Saturday, December 8 Officers responding at 1:37 a.m. to a report of a fight in a parking lot in the 300 block of Railroad Avenue requested the assistance of deputies. At 2:07 a.m. officers requested assistance with a dis- turbance in the area of North 13th and West Birch streets and at 2:52 a.m. with a situation in the 900 block of Fairmount Av- enue. A caller from the 500 block of Grant Avenue reported harass- ment. A caller complained about a dog walker who reportedly re- fused to clean up after the dog and became belligerent when the caller told him to do it. A caller from the 1000 block of West Euclid Avenue reported be- ing threatened. Sunday, December 9 Just after 2 a.m. a caller re- ported vandalism in the 100 block of North Front Street. Officers responding at 3:18 a.m. to a report of a prowler in the 1700 block of SE Stewart Street requested the assistance of deputies. Callers from the 500 block of West C Street and from the 1200 block of Laurel Street reported vandalism involving paintballs shot at the callers' residences. A caller from the 1000 block of To- bin Avenue said houses in the neighborhood were "paintballed" sometime after 4:30 a.m. Monday, December 10 A caller reported the theft of tools from a vehicle in the 2400 block of Laurel Street and two vehicle prowls were reported in a parking lot in the 300 block of Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. A caller from the 1100 block of North 13th Street reported the theft of prescription drugs. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPULATION The Mason County Jail record- ed populations as follows during the past week: Wednesday 120, Thursday 119, Friday 118, Saturday 116, Sunday 118, Monday 118, Tues- day 119. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Tuesday, December 4 A caller from a residence on East Pickering Drive near Shel- ton reported a theft and a caller from a residence on West Delight Park Road near Shelton reported the theft of a checkbook. A burglary at a residence on West Carman Road southwest of Shelton was reported. A caller from East Sodeberg Road, Allyn, reported identity theft. A caller working at the tempo- rary emergency operations center in Belfair reported being assault- ed. At 5:05 p.m. a caller complained about an all-terrain vehicle rac- ing up and down East Trails End Drive, Belfair. Skokomish officers responded at 6:38 p.m. to a report of a dis- turbance at a residence on North Tribal Center Road. Deputies responding at 8:52 p.m. to a report of a burglary in progress at a business on SE Craig Road near Shelton requested the assistance of police officers. A burglary at a residence on East Ashwood Lane near Shelton was reported. Wednesday, December 5 A caller from SE Harrier Road near Shelton reported fraud. A caller from the jail said an inmate was threatening and as- saulting other inmates. A caller reported the theft of a chainsaw from a pickup truck on East Capital Court near Shelton. Squaxin Island officers re- sponded at 3:16 p.m. to a report of a disturbance on SE Klah Che Min Road. A caller from SE Walker Park Road near Shelton reported the theft of an 18-foot canoe. A caller from NE Snowcap Drive, Tahuya, reported an ongo- ing problem with harassment. At 9:37 p.m. Skokomish offi- cers received a complaint about fireworks on North Salish Court. Thursday, December 6 Fire District 2 responded at 5:04 a.m. to a report of a power pole on fire near NE Mountain View Drive and Tahuya-Black- smith Road. Two callers reported vehicle prowls on NE Santa Maria Lane, Belfair. Vandalism at Shelton Springs Chapel just outside Shelton city When You Have Your Whole House Caqwt Cleaned By Us I I I limits was reported. A caller reported dogs and locked inside a motorhome East Anderson Lane near ton; a caller said five standing in three feet of without food or shelter on Rauschert Road, Grapeview, a caller said dogs were at a place on West Deyette Deputies responding to a of a fight on a school bus Dayton-Airport Road the assistance of police A caller requested with loose livestock on Skokomish Valley Road. A burglary to a shed on Woodland Drive near was reported. Friday, December 7 Burglaries at businesses 3.7 miles out NE North Road, Belfair, near of East State Route 3 near ton, at a residence on East Lake Road near Shelton and1 storage shed near milepoint of East State Route 106, were reported. A caller participating neighborhood cleanup on Shetland Road near Shelton ported finding a "meth kit." Skokomish tribal officers ceived a report of vandalis North Tribal Center Road. A caller from NE Loop, Belfair, reported the of $900. A caller said cows and were standing "knee at a place on East Johns Drive near Shelton. A caller from East Road reported identity theft. Saturday, December 8 A caller from East Leeds near Shelton reported obscene phone calls. Vandalism to the an excavator parked near Way and East State Route was reported. A caller reported two hulk vehicles from near Milepost 17 of East Route 106, Belfair. A burglary to a residence West Frosty Lane was Squaxin Island officers ceived a report of a bag ed marijuana found at the Grill at Little Creek Casino. Sunday, December 9 Vandalism to a residence East Island Lake Road near ton was reported. Detectives received a alleged child abuse. Squaxin Island officers spending at 7 p.m. to a report, disturbance at a residence on T'Peeksin Lane requested the l sistance of deputies. A break-in at Pace an alternative school at Mason School District, was ported. Monday, December 10 At 5:35 a.m. a 2004 silver san pickup truck was stolen from East Blevins South near Shelton. The reportedly started the vehiclt warm it up and someone took Detectives received a an alleged sex offense. Burglaries at residences East Woodland Drive near ton and East Dalby Road, and at a shed about six miles East Agate Road were At 5:50 p.m. a caller burglary in progress at a dence about 2.7 miles out Highland Road near Shelton. A caller reported damage property on East C caused by someone riding an road vehicle. Skokomish officers report of the theft of a boat the mouth of Purdy Creek. WHOLE HOUSE Carpet Cleaning Up To 6 Areas p tO 1200 Sq. Ft. Stairs extra. Additional cost for Berber Carpet. Specials are for moderately soiled caiet; additional costs may apply. Travel charge applies. Not valid with other disCOUnts or specials. Expires 12/31107 00ournal of MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Judgments in Mason County District Court Judge Victoria Meadows' jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influ- ence: Craig Andrew Johnston, 461 West Winwood Drive, Shel- ton, $1,000, 365 days, 364 sus- pended, $3,168 costs. Reckless driving: Christo- pher Neil Harmon, 411 NE Tiger Way East, Belfair, $1,668, 365 days, 250 suspended. Negligent driving: Jesse Barnard Lingle, 401 West Golden Pheasant Road, Shelton, second degree, $560, and obstructing law enforcement, $543, 365 days sus- pended; Luis Teodoro-Alvarado, 1788 SE Holman Street, Shelton, first degree, $825, 90 days sus- pended; Justin R. Whitney, 1500 Beeville Road, Matlock, second degree, $538. Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Brandon A. Patrick, 20 Judy Lane, Belfair, third degree, two counts, $250, 90 days suspended on each count; Kristin James Ahlborn, 6501 Grapeview Loop Road, Allyn, third degree, $450, 90 days sus- pended; Roxanne Brooke Bernier, 6793 NE Northshore Road, Bel- fair, third degree, $350, 90 days suspended. No valid operator's license: Rena Jeanne Ames, 20 East Cozy Crest Lane, Belfair, $550; Edgar Hernandez Santiago, 22950 NE State Route 3, Belfair, and no seatbelt, $640. No liability insurance: Vic- toria D. Camus, 1700 Deegan Road West, Shelton, $550; John Wayne Wilson, 51 North Nancy Avenue, Hoodsport, and failure to yield right-of-way, $725; Jeremi- ah Scott McKague, 1017 Cascade Avenue, Shelton, and expired vehicle license, $674; Shawn Michael Lawrence, 1401 West Deegan Road East, and failure to use turn signal, $647; Calvin D. McKinley, 1210 Mason-Benson Road, Grapeview, and speeding, $797; Douglas Lee Anderson, 580 West Highland Road, Shelton, and speeding and unsafe vehicle equipment, $792. Speeding, Larry Darwin King, 4612 225th Street Court East, Spanaway, in a school zone, $661; Michael Lee Davis, 41 AI- derney Street, Union, in a school zone, $271. Unlawful fishing: Wilbert Kimbrough, 7611 12th Avenue NE, Olympia, fishing after legal limit was retained, $162; Corey Delano Anderson, 17417 100th SW, Vashon, snagging salmon, $250; Donald A. Peters, 15722 39th Avenue Court East, Tacoma, snagging salmon, $209. Solid-waste violations: Pa- tricia Marie Fiorini, 91 East Wil- char Boulevard, Shelton, illegal burning and failure to comply with order on solid waste, $500; Joel Alton Hillman, 2320 Madi- son Street, Shelten, illegal dump- ing on Eells Hill Road. Fourth-degree assault: Clif- ford C. Owens, 8853 14th Avenue SE, Seattle, domestic violence, $250, 365 days, 344 suspended; Mark A. Crutchfield, 200 NE Lar- son Lane, Belfair, two counts, do- mestic violence, 30 days on each count. Other offenses: Sandford Clyde Silvernail, 80 East Laven- der Lane, Shelton, violation of a no-contact order, $250, 365 days, 338 suspended; Conrado R. Pagi- nag, 9211 Drago Court NE, Sil- verdale, unlawful possession of a firearm in a motor vehicle, $271; Jeremy James Alumbaugh, 7511 West Shelton-Matlock Road, Shel- ton, criminal trespass, second de- gree, $250, 90 days suspended. SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Munici- pal Court Judge Amber Finlay's jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Alan R. Steehler, 2025 Washington Street, Shelton, third degree, $250; Scott E. Boyles, Shelton, third degree, $200, 90 days suspended. Reckless driving: Isaiah James Halverson, 2101 Cloqual- lure Road, Shelton, $500, 365 days, 360 suspended, five days community service. Fourth-degree assault: Ko- rey K. Knight, 507 North Fifth Street, Shelton, domestic violence, $343, 90 days, 80 suspended, 10 days electronic home monitoring. Possession of marijuana: Maxine S. Snyder, 261 SE Craig Road, Shelton, $293, 90 days, 89 suspended, 40 hours community service. Minor in possession or con- sumption of alcohol: Joshua James Kilts, 52 East Moonrise Lane, Union, $293, 365 days, 360 suspended, five days community service. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Divorces Granted Stacy Hillery Wiltman and Da- vid Dewayne Wiltman. Charles N. Brown and Susan D. Brett. Alan Hammerschmidt and Jeanne Hammerschmidt. New Cases Donn Krogness and Doris Krogness against Jason C. Ma- brey and Danella J. Mabrey, un- lawful detainer. Arrow Financial Services, Lim- ited Liability Company against Lee Vaughan and Jane Doe Vaughan. Apartment Management Ser- vices against Cindy Jackson, un- lawful detainer. Douglas Brackenbrough against Shawn Kiesel, Nicole Fortner and Robert Kiesel, un- lawful detainer. Chase Bank against Steven Sanchez and Jane Doe Sanchez, commercial. Mason County Fire District 12 against Fire House 66, Incorpo- rated, commercial. Leroy Pope against Jennifer Randleas, unlawful detainer. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiving permits during the past week include: David Squires, 249 East Scott Drive, Shelton, greenhouse, $10,540; Phil Harlan, 151 West Satsop Maple Glen, Elma, resi- dence, $169,831.20; Allan Davis, 531 East Dana Drive, Shelton, addition, $62,783.50; /ton Wine- inger, 70 East Capital Peak Drive, Shelton, residence, $156,984.80. Police investigating break-ins Thieves broke nto three Shel- ton businesses sometime between 6 p.m. November 29 and open- ing on November 30, according to Shelten Police Department Lieu- tenant Dave Eldund. A theft from Fifth Street Espresso at 506 West Railroad Avenue was reported at 5:49 a.m. November 30, Eklund said. An employee found an opened win- dow and a small amount of change and some milk missing, he said. Around 9:15 a.m. a caller from TJ's Hair Salon at 106 South Seventh Street reported that a window had been broken out and someone reached inside and opened the door, Eklund said. Change and watches valued at $150 were taken. Someone broke into a fenced area at PM Auto at 516 Park Street. A caller reported the theft of about $1,800 in parts from ve- hicles. Eklund said the thieves "looked like they knew what they were going after. It was not just random parts that were taken. It was more like replacement parts," he said. Anyone with information about any of the three burglaries can call the police department at 432-5145 during regular business hours. Call today for a FREE ESTIMATE on a new Trane system! I III T O__lYapic Heating. & Cooling, LLC • Sales • Service • Installations lt Hard To Stop A Trane: • Repairs • Heating • Air Conditioning • Refrigeration . 426-9945 . 754.1235 . 1.800-400.9945 Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 13, 2007 cord CITY BUILDING PERMITS New construction and other projects receiving permits during the past week include: Turning Pointe Domestic Vio- lence Shelter, 1514 West Rail- road Avenue, new building for of- rices and shelter, $1,070,697.50; McDonald's Corporation, 2507 Olympic Highway North, mod- ify drive-thru and sales coun- ter, $30,000; Community Action Council of Lewis, Mason and Thurston Counties, 807 West Railroad, convert three offices into dental clinic, $23,852. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT December 6:6:21 p.m., smoke investigation, 900 Thomas Av- enue; 10:17 p.m., vehicle fire, 301 East Wallace Kneeland Boule- vard. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, December 4 A caller from the 400 block of South Seventh Street reported a break-in to a shed and the theft of several items from it. Vandalism to a window of a residence in the 600 block of Pine Street was reported. Wednesday, December 5 A break-in at an apartment in the 100 block of West Pine Street was reported. A caller reported the theft of a 1995 black Honda Accord from a parking lot at Olympic Middle School. At 4:14 p.m. a caller com- plained about "loud, disgusting rap music" coming from a resi- dence in the 600 block of West Euclid Avenue. At 11:46 p.m. officers respond- ed to a report of a disturbance in the area of Loop Field in the 1000 block of West Franklin Street. Thursday, December 6 Officers responding at 5:19 a.m. to a report of a disturbance at Mason General Hospital re- quested the assistance of depu- ties. A caller from the 200 block of Turner Avenue reported an ongo- ing problem with harassment. A caller reported finding a pis- tol in a shopping bag at Callanan Park. Vandalism to the window of a vehicle in the 100 block of West Railroad Avenue was reported. Friday, December 7 A caller from the 1600 block of Monroe Street reported a residen- tial burglary and said two guns were among the items taken. At 12:40 p.m. a caller com- plained about a go-cart in the 300 block of Wallace Kneeland Boule- vard. A burglary at a residence in the 1600 block of Jackson Street was reported. Saturday, December 8 Officers responding at 1:37 a.m. to a report of a fight in a parking lot in the 300 block of Railroad Avenue requested the assistance of deputies. At 2:07 a.m. officers requested assistance with a dis- turbance in the area of North 13th and West Birch streets and at 2:52 a.m. with a situation in the 900 block of Fairmount Av- enue. A caller from the 500 block of Grant Avenue reported harass- ment. A caller complained about a dog walker who reportedly re- fused to clean up after the dog and became belligerent when the caller told him to do it. A caller from the 1000 block of West Euclid Avenue reported be- ing threatened. Sunday, December 9 Just after 2 a.m. a caller re- ported vandalism in the 100 block of North Front Street. Officers responding at 3:18 a.m. to a report of a prowler in the 1700 block of SE Stewart Street requested the assistance of deputies. Callers from the 500 block of West C Street and from the 1200 block of Laurel Street reported vandalism involving paintballs shot at the callers' residences. A caller from the 1000 block of To- bin Avenue said houses in the neighborhood were "paintballed" sometime after 4:30 a.m. Monday, December 10 A caller reported the theft of tools from a vehicle in the 2400 block of Laurel Street and two vehicle prowls were reported in a parking lot in the 300 block of Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. A caller from the 1100 block of North 13th Street reported the theft of prescription drugs. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPULATION The Mason County Jail record- ed populations as follows during the past week: Wednesday 120, Thursday 119, Friday 118, Saturday 116, Sunday 118, Monday 118, Tues- day 119. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Tuesday, December 4 A caller from a residence on East Pickering Drive near Shel- ton reported a theft and a caller from a residence on West Delight Park Road near Shelton reported the theft of a checkbook. A burglary at a residence on West Carman Road southwest of Shelton was reported. A caller from East Sodeberg Road, Allyn, reported identity theft. A caller working at the tempo- rary emergency operations center in Belfair reported being assault- ed. At 5:05 p.m. a caller complained about an all-terrain vehicle rac- ing up and down East Trails End Drive, Belfair. Skokomish officers responded at 6:38 p.m. to a report of a dis- turbance at a residence on North Tribal Center Road. Deputies responding at 8:52 p.m. to a report of a burglary in progress at a business on SE Craig Road near Shelton requested the assistance of police officers. A burglary at a residence on East Ashwood Lane near Shelton was reported. Wednesday, December 5 A caller from SE Harrier Road near Shelton reported fraud. A caller from the jail said an inmate was threatening and as- saulting other inmates. A caller reported the theft of a chainsaw from a pickup truck on East Capital Court near Shelton. Squaxin Island officers re- sponded at 3:16 p.m. to a report of a disturbance on SE Klah Che Min Road. A caller from SE Walker Park Road near Shelton reported the theft of an 18-foot canoe. A caller from NE Snowcap Drive, Tahuya, reported an ongo- ing problem with harassment. At 9:37 p.m. Skokomish offi- cers received a complaint about fireworks on North Salish Court. Thursday, December 6 Fire District 2 responded at 5:04 a.m. to a report of a power pole on fire near NE Mountain View Drive and Tahuya-Black- smith Road. Two callers reported vehicle prowls on NE Santa Maria Lane, Belfair. Vandalism at Shelton Springs Chapel just outside Shelton city When You Have Your Whole House Caqwt Cleaned By Us I I I limits was reported. A caller reported dogs and locked inside a motorhome East Anderson Lane near ton; a caller said five standing in three feet of without food or shelter on Rauschert Road, Grapeview, a caller said dogs were at a place on West Deyette Deputies responding to a of a fight on a school bus Dayton-Airport Road the assistance of police A caller requested with loose livestock on Skokomish Valley Road. A burglary to a shed on Woodland Drive near was reported. Friday, December 7 Burglaries at businesses 3.7 miles out NE North Road, Belfair, near of East State Route 3 near ton, at a residence on East Lake Road near Shelton and1 storage shed near milepoint of East State Route 106, were reported. A caller participating neighborhood cleanup on Shetland Road near Shelton ported finding a "meth kit." Skokomish tribal officers ceived a report of vandalis North Tribal Center Road. A caller from NE Loop, Belfair, reported the of $900. A caller said cows and were standing "knee at a place on East Johns Drive near Shelton. A caller from East Road reported identity theft. Saturday, December 8 A caller from East Leeds near Shelton reported obscene phone calls. Vandalism to the an excavator parked near Way and East State Route was reported. A caller reported two hulk vehicles from near Milepost 17 of East Route 106, Belfair. A burglary to a residence West Frosty Lane was Squaxin Island officers ceived a report of a bag ed marijuana found at the Grill at Little Creek Casino. Sunday, December 9 Vandalism to a residence East Island Lake Road near ton was reported. Detectives received a alleged child abuse. Squaxin Island officers spending at 7 p.m. to a report, disturbance at a residence on T'Peeksin Lane requested the l sistance of deputies. A break-in at Pace an alternative school at Mason School District, was ported. Monday, December 10 At 5:35 a.m. a 2004 silver san pickup truck was stolen from East Blevins South near Shelton. The reportedly started the vehiclt warm it up and someone took Detectives received a an alleged sex offense. Burglaries at residences East Woodland Drive near ton and East Dalby Road, and at a shed about six miles East Agate Road were At 5:50 p.m. a caller burglary in progress at a dence about 2.7 miles out Highland Road near Shelton. A caller reported damage property on East C caused by someone riding an road vehicle. Skokomish officers report of the theft of a boat the mouth of Purdy Creek. WHOLE HOUSE Carpet Cleaning Up To 6 Areas p tO 1200 Sq. Ft. Stairs extra. Additional cost for Berber Carpet. Specials are for moderately soiled caiet; additional costs may apply. Travel charge applies. Not valid with other disCOUnts or specials. Expires 12/31107